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File: fe8cb48b0929e50⋯.jpg (21.2 KB, 306x419, 306:419, 23231092-7872547-image-a-3….jpg)

8f0c76  No.20490


>A 21-year-old woman who posed as a teenage boy to sexually assault up to 50 girls as young as 13 after grooming them online has today been jailed for eight years.

Only eight years? If it was a straight white male they would have jailed him for 50!

>Gemma Watts, from Enfield, north London, travelled the country by train to meet the youngsters, who believed they were in a relationship with a boy close to their own age.

>Disguised with her long hair tied into a bun and wearing a baseball cap, baggy jogging bottoms and a hoodie, Watts convinced them she was 16-year-old 'Jake Waton'.

>She would then swap messages with victims, including intimate photographs, using WhatsApp, Snapchat, or text, and speak over the phone before meeting them in person.

>She pretended her mother was dead to 'evoke sympathy', blackmailed the girls and threatened them by sending images of knives during sexual relationships.

>In another incident Watts stuffed socks down her trousers, wore boxer shorts and a hat in the bath and when asked about 'man boobs' Watts passed it off as once being overweight.

>Watts, who once had a promising football career, was jailed today at Winchester Crown Court today after pleading guilty to seven charges including assault by penetration, sexual assault and grooming.

>Prosecutor Barnaby Shaw said Watts was 'adept at both manipulating people and the continuing subterfuge'.

>The charges she pleaded guilty to relate to four girls, a 14-year-old from Hampshire a 14-year-old from Surrey, a 13-year-old girl from Plymouth, Devon, and a 16-year-old from the West Midlands.

>One of her teenage victims, in an impact statement read to the court, said that her 'heart exploded' when police revealed Watts' true identity to her.

>In one instance, Watts sexually assaulted the girl in her mother's bedroom. The court heard how Watts lied to one girl about why her bedroom was pink, saying it was because of a female cousin.

Look at that dykes ugly mug. How fucking dumb are these thots today that they fell for this scam?

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b7f691  No.20492

"Eight years"

How about a nice drowning to death in a bog?

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9e465f  No.20498

File: c137184c7df17be⋯.png (443.4 KB, 1506x3976, 753:1988, Gay btfo.png)

Sex is for reproduction. All those who fail to grasp this truth are slaves to the anti-nature Jew.

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b7f691  No.20508

All homosex is degenerate but as long as you're both in a realtionship why not fuck once in a while?


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c7f9e8  No.20513

Crimes like these are a sign of the corruption of our society by an outside (((alien))) force and the LGBT groups.

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6fbf87  No.20526


She must be tortured to death. Pay other convicts from her prison to do it.

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c717b0  No.20531

Lets petition for the jew to get the death penalty. This is obviously jewish privilege. Jut look at this ugly creature. It should be put down immediately.

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568c27  No.20544


Within marriage, sex as much as you want is perfectly fine. Otherwise only kike-addled fools do it.

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b3cdd4  No.20545

lap lap lap, lap that labia

uhmmmmmmmm good!

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568c27  No.20549

File: 6320bd660519009⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 803x353, 803:353, oral.JPG)


Blow your fucking brains out.

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b3cdd4  No.20552


lurk for two years HOMO

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1da792  No.20564

This dyke will serve less time than people in Britain posting photos of their cat. Clown world. We can only hope a sheboon tortures this hideous creature.

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7a7fd1  No.20596


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7a7fd1  No.20598

File: 0a73228efe18480⋯.jpg (648.99 KB, 1157x1600, 1157:1600, Geto-Boys-T-shirt-Ghetto-B….jpg)


it appears you have lost the exchange. men are getting more oral cancer than females, which means you are a coochie-eating prankster

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0ee174  No.20681


Good question. Meanwhile, retarded threads like this are up


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f8afec  No.20745


What is that graphic supposed to say?

I can't read that hpv oro-whatever.

English is not my first lang.

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a219fa  No.20802


My guess is the mod a homo leftypol shitstain.

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101228  No.25995


where did the battle of the casbah thread go? I was going to mention a certain french general

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