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File: e4b05a9a062ad40⋯.png (485.64 KB, 540x735, 36:49, nazi trump.png)

dcf717  No.20478

Let's talk about elections.

Basically Trump already got it secured unless the economy goes very bad. And he would still win it by a very narrow margin. And that is without factoring some specific democrat candidate.

See the citation below.

>Moody’s modeling, which has only missed on one presidential election since 1980, found that Trump, who won by a 304-227 margin in the Electoral College in 2016, could easily surpass those results in 2020.

>The three different models showed Trump winning either 289, 332 or 351 votes in the Electoral College over his eventual opponent. The projections are based on how consumers feel about their financial situations, stock market gains achieved under Trump and the prospects for unemployment.

Source (16 pages): https://www.moodysanalytics.com/-/media/article/2019/president-election-model.pdf

Now let's talk about which democrat candidate you feel it's more likely to be closer to win (mission impossible) even though the whole bunch is far left.

My opinion is between Bernie and Warren but I think their chances will sink a lot after the new book Profiles in Corruption come out in Jan 21th if the book really fuck them.

You know what is the most funny part in this whole thing? Once Trump manage to get reelected and keep economy going on like always, we might get a new republican candidate following almost same lines as Trump and get elected and break record of party change presidency. That is assuming if democrats continue like they are in 4 years and republican not being a retard and act like a RINO or trying to fuck up the chances.

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000000  No.20491

first of all, everyone (including orange man) are genuine israeil cocksuckers no matter what they say so let's get that out of the way

the economy seems to be doing better under dup (i'm not entirely sure about this so some evidence for/against this would be nice) so that's one reason he'll get reelected. the impeachment isn't going to do shit, nobody has ever been removed from office on an impeachment vote

as for the left, it's still too early to tell, we'll know more after Iowa in February since that's when a big chunk will drop out. Yang is a meme that won't get anywhere so he's out for sure. Barney "no refunds" Sandals will probably die or suffer some other catastrophic injury/illness that knocks him out. beyond that I don't know who else is in it except Pocahontas and I really don't care, they're all the same anyways. orange man taught me that my vote truly doesn't matter, you're just trading some garbage jewish-backed candidate for another one.

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d0561b  No.20493



>retarded jewish hoax image of Trump as a natsoc

Get back to reddit, faggot.

>let’s talk about elections

Jewish hoax.

>trump already got it secured

1. Doesn’t matter. All of them are owned by jews.

2. Prove it. He has deported no one and done nothing about voter ID laws.


So why wouldn’t it. They can’t prop it up much longer.

>oy vey more jewish “models”

They don’t fucking matter.

>which democrat

Doesn’t matter. All of them are owned by jews. Unless there’s a clear frontrunner after Super Tuesday, the DNC will just give the nomination to Hillary.

>the new book

Are you brain damaged. Are you seriously fucking claiming that a book’s release is going to do anything to anyone owned by jews? Holy fuck.

>Trump manage to get reelected and keep economy going on

You’re actually this delusional, aren’t you.

>a new republican following almost same lines as Trump

You mean no deportations, gun grabbing, nothing but anti-white policies, and continuing to do everything jews say? Yeah, gee, I think we just might get another one.

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6884ca  No.20497

>a bunch of good threads

>one bad one


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9063ff  No.20583

File: dae83790e5819f8⋯.png (101.7 KB, 989x605, 989:605, map.png)

(2016 Margins of Victory)

Safe = >10%

Likely = >5%

Leans = >2.5%

Tilt = >1.25%

Map: https://www.270towin.com/maps/QNLGk

It's basically all about Florida/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania and a very close electoral vote count that could cause a continency election with faithless electors is very possible.

That being said- fuck Blumpf, the pro-immigration, anti-free speech, anti-gun, pro-war, judeophilliac, boomer cuck. He hasn't done jack shit so it's no loss to us if he loses the election. (D) would have total control 2024 onwards anyway.

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abadbe  No.20601

Trump was a tactical move to win millions of waking whites to civic nationalism and alt-right cuckery. Instead of moving further towards the truth, they have been caught in the safety net of only seeing the SJWs and endlessly shilling for a President who has done jack and shit for them. The real wall was not a border between USA and Mexico, it was one meant to keep many potential threats and allies to us out.

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e7d1c7  No.20761


>The real wall was

a physical barrier stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. that is what everybody had in mind and you're coping if you say otherwise

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a7ea52  No.20846

I'm voting for Snowden.

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