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File: 1fa7ce76cfd4758⋯.jpg (40.84 KB, 850x570, 85:57, Abbott_RPT_BD_TT.jpg)

ee6c71  No.20438[Last 50 Posts]

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that the state will no longer participate in the federal refugee resettlement program, becoming the first U.S. state to do so.

In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Abbott said he “cannot consent to initial refugee resettlement” in 2020.

The letter was in response to an executive order signed by President Donald Trump that allows states and local governments to consent before refugees can be resettled there.

“This decision does not deny any refugee access to the United States. Nor does it preclude a refugee from later coming to Texas after initially settling in another state,” Abbott wrote.

Abbott continued on to explain that Texas can’t accept additional refugees this year because Congress has left the state “to deal with disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system.”

“Texas continues to have to deal with the consequences of an immigration system that Congress has failed to fix,” Abbott added.

The Statesman reports that Governor Abbott faced serious pressure from city leaders and refugee advocacy groups to participate in the program, but they did not sway him.

More refugees have previously been settled in Texas than any other state. Over the last decade, Texas has received approximately 10% of all refugees resettled in the US.

“In 2016, roughly 7,800 refugees resettled in the state, or 9% of refugees arriving in the U.S., according to Church World Service. That number dropped by roughly 3,000 people the following year. In 2019, Texas resettled 2,458 refugees, according to the group,” the Statesman report continues.


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bb37b0  No.20444


Kill all invaders.

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d1356c  No.20452

This won't prevent illegals from coming in, but the good thing is this will at least stop federal aid to the illegals which will kill a lot of the incentives for invading. Overall a small step in the right direction.

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a2019b  No.20480


Here's the GOP leaders who told Trump we want more refugees.


Reynolds of IA

Ducey of AZ

Stitt of OK

Lee of Tenn

Burgum of ND

Noem of SD

Sununu of NH

Herbert of UT

Ricketts of NE

Justice of WV

Holcomb of IN

Scott of VT

Baker of Mass

DeWine of Ohio

Hutchinson of AR

Parsons of MO

Little of ID

Hogan of MD

Remember folks, in America corporate profit isn't everything. IT'S THE ONLY THING!

Geezuz Christ our Sec. of Defense was a lead lobbyist for Raytheon for over ten years. Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.

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a2019b  No.20487


Imagine falling for the Illegal misdirection, shit mother fucker, legal immigration is the problem.

If you're ever bored look up Jewish Vocational Services. The hook up with the Jews in Healthcare and related industries to provide refugees with the upper end of blue collar jobs.

So if you're in a hospital and see some black that looks like he fell from a tree in equatorial Africa you know why.

Then there's these fucking churches bringing em in.

Here's a good site to keep up on all this.


Scroll down to Tucker's piece ripping the GOP for their support for refugees.

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4bc2d4  No.20488


>oy vey goyim voting does anything at all

Fucking dipshit.

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499714  No.20494



>he still votes


This plan of yours to replace one bought politician with another is top IQ.

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8af90e  No.20504


I am so fucking glad 8pol is back. This is the kind of content I missed.

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8af90e  No.20506


>Voting does nothing goyim but its still extremely important that you DON'T VOTE

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a2019b  No.20514

File: d603b47901bce7b⋯.jpg (97.58 KB, 1200x546, 200:91, clownz.jpg)


Yea i got your copy of Seeej hanging between my legs. You guys aren't going to be happy til they take all the guns and classify whites as domestic terrorists.

Legal's the only way, the US govt will crush your ass.

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e54d28  No.20519


There is no legal solution. Even if you get a good man into a position of power, the cuckservative politicians, liberal politicians, Jew controlled courts, the media and the government bureaucracy will be dead set against him and will make he does nothing meaningful. You live in under and oligarchy masquerading as a democracy and your overlords will not allow you to vote your way out of racial extinction. Violence and subversion are the only options at this point.

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a2019b  No.20522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




We vote and if that doesn't work then this is our only reasonable option. Seriously


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000000  No.20551


but you can't be a Jew by converting that's a trick and he knows it. You will never be a Jew, just part of the "fan club" like all those "jews" with a goyim mother. TYPICAL TRICKS

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a2019b  No.20560

File: b3a5989b7f53666⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 750x393, 250:131, vdare.jpg)






I always try to look at both sides of an issue.

Is this true?

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a2019b  No.20561

Since we're on the subject of white genocide.


> Rudy Giuliani won deal for OxyContin maker to continue sales of drug behind opioid deaths.

>While Giuliani was not able to prevent the criminal conviction over Purdue’s fraudulent claims for OxyContin’s safety and effectiveness, he was able to reach a deal to avoid a bar on Purdue doing business with the federal government which would have killed a large part of the multibillion-dollar market for the drug.

>The former New York mayor also secured an agreement that greatly restricted further prosecution of the pharmaceutical company and kept its senior executives out of prison."

This on top of the fact that Trump tried to appoint a big pharma shill as drug czar.

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be19af  No.20563

Good thing Texas closed its boarders with the rest of the US to keep them all out… … Fake, gay and completely pointless.

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7bfc97  No.20570

File: 8e12fa9ead956cc⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1146x1444, 573:722, jewish projection.png)

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000000  No.20602


>Imagine falling for the Illegal misdirection

God bless this websight and God bless Mr A.


>Rudy Giuliani won deal for OxyContin maker to continue sales of drug behind opioid deaths

God bless this websight and God bless Mr A.

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000000  No.20607


>muh ricky

imagine not understanding how Embrace-Extend-Extinguish works

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008cb4  No.20610



> to provide refugees with the upper end of blue collar jobs.

So if you're in a hospital and see some black that looks like he fell from a tree in equatorial Africa you know why.

This shit really disgusts me and is very unfair. It are really typical Jewish tricks to force integration and force these people to be economically viable…. at the expense of the actual population. It really is Schlomo's lobby group clique behind it and people beyond the chans need to be aware of what these kikes are doing and how they're not just ruining countries but destroying them with their kike tricks.


In USA, voting does nothing. In other countries also it doesn't do anything since most people just vote based on either their wallet or the empty suits (politicians) on media telling lies.

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4bc2d4  No.20612


>oy vey goyim voting works

Reported for being a jew.


>strawman because he can’t reply



Also reported for being a jew.


>and if

We’ve been voting to stop this for 100 years. It hasn’t worked. Because it doesn’t work when jews exist. You still do nothing. Shut up and go away.

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000000  No.20620


>You live in under and oligarchy masquerading as a democracy and your overlords will not allow you to vote your way out of racial extinction

He's Morgan Freeman you know.

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8dc86b  No.20628


Voting takes at most 15 minutes of your time and is at least more effective than shitposting on some imageboard.

If the opinion of the masses didn't matter at all, the Jews wouldn't need to control the media as tightly as they do.

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5a64ed  No.20642


>more effective than shitposting on some imageboard.

>Jews wouldn't need to control the media

Which is it, nigger? Anons have had far more influence on the rapid change of the entire planet over the past 4 years than the media has.

Are you retarded, or a lying shill?

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47b372  No.20662



oh look more "don't vote, goy" shills

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4bc2d4  No.20666



<oy vey it take no time ha ha

<oy vey it actually do thing ha ha


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4bc2d4  No.20667


Oh look, more “vote, goy” shills. Who do we vote for, shlomo? Go ahead. Tell us to vote for a jew puppet. I fucking dare you.

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4bc2d4  No.20668


Democracy IS oligarchy. The United States is not a democracy by law and never has been.

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78fc16  No.20673


>Hutchinson of AR

Didn't expect this

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259ff6  No.20702


We missed you too.

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fe5790  No.20736


What a useless nonsense reply.

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eeec15  No.20747


No it is and it has that's the problem.

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df8b41  No.20752

File: c2bebfc62af0720⋯.png (409.38 KB, 1110x655, 222:131, texaschan.png)

Yeehaw motherfuckers.

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8dc86b  No.20759


I'm not saying this board and it's predecessor are worthless. They aren't, otherwise I wouldn't be here. But not all threads are equally good, not all arguments are equally important and not all posts end up mattering. I'm sure we've all wasted time in useless arguments. I'm saying compared to that, voting is more likely to have a positive outcome.

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3af91b  No.20760

File: cd045e7188bac99⋯.png (12.55 KB, 536x454, 268:227, anfrank.png)



Yeah they explicitly made it a democracy for the election of senators. Used to be, states could technically choose senators any way they chose.

No, it's explicitly a democracy, at least for the election of senators. Not that it matters of course.

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000000  No.20764

so why did orange man pass that order when it explicitly goes against what the zog wants for the world? someone help me figure this out please, how does this benefit Zion?

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df8b41  No.20766

File: 9042d9f6a32e8f8⋯.png (401.84 KB, 405x500, 81:100, a35d98e4bad485d32e5c52fd28….png)


>so why did orange man pass that order when it explicitly goes against what the zog wants for the world?

<“This decision does not deny any refugee access to the United States. Nor does it preclude a refugee from later coming to Texas after initially settling in another state,” Abbott wrote.

Probably because it's an empty gesture of placation.

>NO REFUGEES IN TEXAS unless you sneak into a liberal state and say "olly olly oxen free" first :^)

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4bc2d4  No.20776


>torpedo thinks anyone gives a fuck about him

Trump has not done a single thing against jews since taking office (or before).

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590fef  No.20778

File: 7cd88cbdf781e15⋯.jpg (834.01 KB, 1440x2182, 720:1091, holocaust fiction.jpg)


You avoided the question.

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4bc2d4  No.20779


In practice, but not by law.


Not just senators. I’m talking about franchise. Expanding beyond landowners was the first step. Then to nonwhites. Then to women. That all has to be undone.

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4bc2d4  No.20780


I directly answered the question. That you didn’t understand the answer is your problem. Trump has done nothing against jews. Therefore he could not possibly have done something against jews. The torpedo, being a torpedo, is fundamentally mischaracterizing the scenario. It’s a ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ schtick.

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000000  No.20784


that's still somewhat better than nothing, is this just supposed to make the migapedes and qtards who don't read the fine print something to praise king dup for?

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22e94e  No.20800

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, article - jews not related….jpg)


>so why did orange man pass that order when it explicitly goes against what the zog wants for the world? someone help me figure this out please, how does this benefit Zion?

This is a valid question. Avoiding it with the reductionism "against jews" is childish at best.

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4bc2d4  No.20832


>why did [something that didn’t happen] happen

No, it’s not a valid question. Trump hasn’t done anything against the jews.

>avoiding the question by directly discussing the question

Why not just leave? You have no argument and nothing to support your claims, so what good can you be?

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8b2f51  No.20838

File: d8d76f3ae2cf644⋯.png (201.39 KB, 622x726, 311:363, jewish groups decry cut in….png)


You're an annoying fag

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4bc2d4  No.20839


>no argument

>can’t even stay on topic


Psst. Trump hasn’t done anything against the jews. At all. You don’t have anything to say here.

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8b2f51  No.20843

File: 367f40afaddd884⋯.png (217.21 KB, 812x612, 203:153, Breitbart foreskin.png)


> against what the zog wants

You're still ignoring his point fag

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4bc2d4  No.20854


The point is that trump did nothing against the jews. You’ve provided nothing to the contrary. There is no other point here. Defend Trump on a different website.

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000000  No.20877







my question still hasn't been answered and >>20854 is either a retard, fednigger, or faggot

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a2019b  No.20883


Speaking of Strom, I like their site. It's professional and unique.


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4bc2d4  No.20890


>you don’t worship Trump

>you’re a fed i say so

Your question has been answered. You are too weak and pathetic to accept the answer. Trump has never done anything against jews. You cannot list a single thing he has ever done against jews. Trump is not against jews. Nothing he did is against jews. This fact will be repeated until you commit suicide or until you leave.

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108023  No.20915

File: fa24399b47aca44⋯.png (38.07 KB, 452x348, 113:87, fuck.png)


>“This decision does not deny any refugee access to the United States. Nor does it preclude a refugee from later coming to Texas after initially settling in another state,” Abbott wrote.

So it's still cucked and you're not actually able to "opt out" of anything.

Here's a quote from another article:

>Even if a state opts out under Trump’s order, refugees could still move there

>but they wouldn’t get funding for medical assistance and screenings, employment, social adjustment services and English language training.

If you "opt out" you're still getting rapefugees. The difference is that you just don't get any fed funding to deal with them. So you put your state at greater risk and essentially gain nothing since you're still getting rapefuugees either way. Lack of funding for medical screenings is especially sinister as you can expect more stone age diseases coming through.

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76fc07  No.20950


>rapefugees could theoretically move to Texas

<but they won't get gibs for doing so

In other words, they pretty much won't do it. Shitskins aren't exactly well-known for turning down handouts you know.

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166abf  No.20955


>a steel tariff is not against the jews

>in fact jews WANTED a steel tariff

lol get out in the world sometime

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c4aaf7  No.20982

File: e8640f549e3118a⋯.png (3.24 KB, 225x225, 1:1, unitedmethodistchurchlogo.png)


In the mid western States, the United Methodists are the primary payees of tax/grant/federal benefits. Their choice is of cucks, in contrast to the Lakewood model exploits kikefam 'vocational' trafficking for tax/grant/federal benefits. Of course, they both have interest in the same your-shekels-to-theirs-for-invalids-onto-your-land.

What are the exact programs? And who are the service providers getting paid to traffic all those future doctors-and-engineers-and-teachers from china? india? spicland? Oh, I'm sorry, Guatemalans that speak mandarin. And only mandarin. But they're from Guatemala, and definitely not China. Certainly not trafficked from Africa et al either.

I want to know the exact money making mechanics. Is there some Refugee-Insurance-Carrier-Group-Plan that these providers sign up on to? What's the plan name and group number? Is it by tax filing, vis-a-vis charitable deduction kickbacks and rollovers? An itemization of all business models and profit center distributions done by each.

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5ef4cf  No.20995

File: 47be6aa445e8d8d⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 600x668, 150:167, america.jpg)


God bless Texas.

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5fd98c  No.21005


>that's still somewhat better than nothing

No its still bad. Its the same as anyone arriving in the EU. They could show up in the eastern countries that are part of the EU and that means they are instantly applicable to gibs from the western ones like Germany, France and UK.

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5e3a46  No.21007

File: 23fce38d317870c⋯.png (324.41 KB, 500x673, 500:673, hogg crisis simulation ser….png)


Greg Abbot looks like a cross between GWB & turdblossom

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ef568e  No.21166


Its too late. Texas is turning blue by 2020 its all over. Whats the point guys. Its time to pack it in and just give up, speak Yiddish/Mandarin/Spanish as official multilingual languages of America. I mean the illegals are already there.

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4bc2d4  No.21175


>no argument

Okeedoke. Trump has not done anything against jewish wishes.

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26f5de  No.21182


How many rapefugees do you think are going to leave a state that gives them free shit to go to a state that doesn't? It's about as effective a rapefugee ban as Texas can legally get.

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4bc2d4  No.21191


>can legally

Except Texas can literally say “we will shoot every nonwhite that crosses our borders” and that’s 100% legal under the Constitution. Stop contextualizing the world through jewish lenses.

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148b04  No.21196


No it's not, retard. The constitution explicitly and exclusively delegates immigration powers to the federal government.

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3904de  No.21227

File: 200ade18270b2d6⋯.jpg (72.29 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Japanese_Expulsion.jpg)



Imagine giving a shit what the Constitution says about anything. At this late date!

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