How to destroy a nation Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:10:30 2863b9 No. 20149
As seen on Voat:
I am not much of a thread creator on the chan so forgive me of my formatting is off. It seemed important that this be posted.
Why is it, for example, that nations such as Japan, Sweden, and England— all nations with limited natural resources—could have progressive active cultures for more than one thousand years, whereas mighty civilizations such as classical Rome, Greece, or Persia, among others, collapse after only a few centuries?
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:15:03 2863b9 No. 20152
When reviewing the historical development of all nations, mention is often made of a “rise and fall” of a particular civilization. This poses a major question: Why have some civilizations lasted a thousand years or more, while others rise and collapse within a few hundred?
Why is it, for example, that nations such as Japan, Sweden, and England— all nations with limited natural resources—could have progressive active cultures for more than one thousand years, whereas mighty civilizations such as classical Rome, Greece, or Persia, among others, collapse after only a few centuries?
Politically correct historians blame the rise and fall of the great nations of the past on politics, economics, morals, lawlessness, debt, environment, and a host of other superficial reasons. However, Japan, England, and Sweden have gone through similar crises scores of times, without those countries falling into decay. It is obvious that there must be some other factor at work
Herein lies the key to understanding the rise and fall of all civilizations. In any given territory, the people making up the society in that territory create a culture which is unique to themselves. A society or civilization is only a reflection of the population of that particular territory. For example, the Chinese civilization is a product of the Chinese people, and is a reflection of the makeup of the population living in China. The Chinese civilization is unique to the Chinese people; they made it and it reflects their values and norms. As the Chinese people made the Chinese civilization, it logically follows that the Chinese culture would disappear if the Chinese people were to disappear. If, however, Australian Aborigines had to immigrate into China in their millions, and the Chinese population had to dramatically reduce in number, then in a few years the character of Chinese civilization would change—to reflect the new inhabitants of that territory. In other words, the society or civilization of that territory would then reflect the fact that the majority of inhabitants were now Aborigines rather than Chinese people. If China had to fill up with Aborigines, this would mean the end of Chinese civilization. Aborigines would create a new civilization which would reflect themselves, and not that of the Chinese people.
That this should happen is perfectly logical. It has nothing to do with which culture is more advanced, or any notions of superiority or inferiority. It is merely a reflection of the fact that a civilization is a product of the nature of the people making up the population in the territory.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:15:29 2863b9 No. 20153
When reviewing the historical development of all nations, mention is often made of a “rise and fall” of a particular civilization. This poses a major question: Why have some civilizations lasted a thousand years or more, while others rise and collapse within a few hundred?
Why is it, for example, that nations such as Japan, Sweden, and England— all nations with limited natural resources—could have progressive active cultures for more than one thousand years, whereas mighty civilizations such as classical Rome, Greece, or Persia, among others, collapse after only a few centuries?
Politically correct historians blame the rise and fall of the great nations of the past on politics, economics, morals, lawlessness, debt, environment, and a host of other superficial reasons. However, Japan, England, and Sweden have gone through similar crises scores of times, without those countries falling into decay. It is obvious that there must be some other factor at work
Herein lies the key to understanding the rise and fall of all civilizations. In any given territory, the people making up the society in that territory create a culture which is unique to themselves. A society or civilization is only a reflection of the population of that particular territory. For example, the Chinese civilization is a product of the Chinese people, and is a reflection of the makeup of the population living in China. The Chinese civilization is unique to the Chinese people; they made it and it reflects their values and norms. As the Chinese people made the Chinese civilization, it logically follows that the Chinese culture would disappear if the Chinese people were to disappear. If, however, Australian Aborigines had to immigrate into China in their millions, and the Chinese population had to dramatically reduce in number, then in a few years the character of Chinese civilization would change—to reflect the new inhabitants of that territory. In other words, the society or civilization of that territory would then reflect the fact that the majority of inhabitants were now Aborigines rather than Chinese people. If China had to fill up with Aborigines, this would mean the end of Chinese civilization. Aborigines would create a new civilization which would reflect themselves, and not that of the Chinese people.
That this should happen is perfectly logical. It has nothing to do with which culture is more advanced, or any notions of superiority or inferiority. It is merely a reflection of the fact that a civilization is a product of the nature of the people making up the population in the territory.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:17:58 2863b9 No. 20155
It is this startlingly obvious principle which determines the creation and dissolution of civilizations—once the people who create a certain society or civilization disappear, then that society or civilization will disappear with them. If the vanished population is replaced by different peoples, then a new society or culture is created which reflects the culture and civilization of the new inhabitants of that region.
There are numerous examples of this process at work. One which will be familiar to all is the shift which occurred in North America. On that continent, the Amerind (American Indian) people lived for thousands of years, creating a civilization which dominated that continent. In other words, the civilization and culture which dominated North America reflected the fact that the Amerind people lived and formed the majority population there. After 1500 AD that continent filled up with white immigrants from Europe. These white immigrants displaced the Amerinds by squeezing them out of possession of North America. The great shift in North American civilization then occurred. Whereas the Amerind culture had dominated for thousands of years, within a couple hundred years the dominant civilization on that continent had become white European. This shift reflected the fact that the majority of inhabitants of North America were white Europeans—and the Amerind civilization, for all practical purposes, disappeared. The Amerind civilization in North America “fell” because the population of North America changed.
This effect—the displacement of peoples and the subsequent disappearance of their civilization—has direct implications in racial terms. The rise and fall of any particular civilization can be traced, not by the economics, politics, morals, etc., of a particular civilization, but rather by the actual racial presence of the people themselves. If the society which has produced a particular civilization stays intact as a racially homogeneous unit, then that civilization remains active. If, however, the society within any particular given area changes its racial makeup—through invasion, immigration, or any decline in numbers—then the civilization which that society has produced will disappear with them, to be replaced by a new civilization reflecting the new inhabitants of that territory.
Compare the white pharaoh, Queen Nefertiti, circa 1350 BC with the mixed race Egyptian, Anwar Sadat, president of Egypt in the twentieth century. Nefertiti ruled over an advanced civilization; Sadat ruled over a Third World country. The reason for the difference in cultures between Nefertiti’s Egypt and Sadat’s Egypt was that the Egyptian people had changed. Same land…different people.
Originally created by Proto-Nordics, Alpines, and Mediterraneans, the white civilizations in the Middle East all flourished, producing the wonders of the ancient world. These regions were either invaded or otherwise occupied (through the use of laborers, immigration, or in rare cases, by conquest) by nonwhite nations of varying races. When the original white peoples who created those civilizations vanished or became an insignificant minority (through death and absorption into other races), their civilizations “fell”.
A civilization “rises and falls” by its racial homogeneity and nothing else. As long as it maintains its racial homogeneity, it will last—if it loses its racial homogeneity, and changes its racial makeup, it will “fall” or be replaced by a new culture.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:20:07 f9d130 No. 20156
You are playing rather loose and fast with wording. First, 'civilization' only occurred in European White nations. The rest of the nations are parasitic on European CIVILIZATION. Do other societies have CULTURE AND SOCIETY, sure they do…but they do not have CIVILIZATION. There is a difference. Haiti had CIVILIZATION before their feral nigger population murdered the Europeans in cold blood. When they did this they were left with nigger CULTURE and nigger SOCIETY. But what they didn't fucking have anymore was CIVILIZATION.
If European culture is replaced say by a horde of turd face mongrel subhuman trash, well then you don't have 'CIVILIZATION' anymore now do you?
This has played out time and time and time again in every nation on the planet.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 05:57:27 2863b9 No. 20176
The original post was copy-pasta to me as I am just passing it along. I agree with your point of view though. What about Japan though? They had a pretty well established civilization when they made contact with whites as they spread around Eurasian land mass correct? My understanding was that they were pretty well advanced and had a solid culture. I'm not much of a historian though so I could be wrong.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 06:08:24 f9d130 No. 20181
Japan has always been a bone of contention for my mind. I think they are a CIVILIZATION because of the Ainu people and not because of the regular bug people who invaded from China (this is who inhabits the Ainu land now) and the Ainu are basically bred into extinction.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 06:24:28 2863b9 No. 20185
I always like to look for high-technology. Boat building is always a tricky business. I have built 2 boats so far from wood by hand (not these) and let me tell you, I am German/Irish and better with my hands than most-everyone I meet and boat building is HARD.
Not physically hard but mentally and emotionally challenging. Some of the joinery in Japanese boats rivals anything from Europe of the time. That said, there is nothing more beautiful than a hand made bright finished lapstrake faering. I encourage anyone who loves white european culture to get into boat building. Its relatively cheap and simple to start. but yeah what a fucking slide all of this was.
My point is that things like this are the type of things that are lost by a culture. Fathers fail to teach sons. Leaders fail to provide a society, economy and culuture that values such skills and abilities and the dedication and challenge that is bred in those who take up the mallet in chisel (in this example) is lost. Those things flow out of the workshop to all aspects of society and culture and education. They are important and they matter.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 06:31:01 2863b9 No. 20189
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 09:53:03 50b1a8 No. 20220
>Japan has always been a bone of contention for my mind. I think they are a CIVILIZATION because of the Ainu people and not because of the regular bug people who invaded from China (this is who inhabits the Ainu land now) and the Ainu are basically bred into extinction.
Japanese genetic studies are a total clusterfuck of shifting data; estimates have ranged from "almost none" to "up to 30%" for Jomon ancestry in the Japanese but nobody is really sure where exactly the paleolithic Japanese (who became the Jomon and then the Ainu) come from and the best guess is that they're the paleolithic western and central asians who were wiped out pretty much everywhere else by the people who we now consider "asian" once the latter arrived on the scene.
At any rate, yeah the Japanese have the secret sauce as far as their genetics are concerned but the fact that they didn't get buttraped into Confucianism (basically Chinese sharia) unlike most of the rest of asia matters waaaay more.
>Some of the joinery in Japanese boats rivals anything from Europe of the time.
Japanese joinery is singularly well-developed
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 15:26:29 f9d130 No. 20300
I considered becoming a boat designer for an entire summer; they had a program in the keys. But the type of boat building in your images would be better to learn as an apprentice. Absolute beauty. I saved. Thx.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 20:54:34 3f36a5 No. 20408
no shit. multi-kulti destroys nations. everyone who isn't a drooling fucking retard knows that. unfortunately, most humans are drooling fucking retards, so we're fucked.
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Anonymous 01/11/20 (Sat) 21:08:41 44b56e No. 20418
Ainu/Jomon are genetically 100% East Eurasian.
They just didn't evolve into mongoloids.
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Anonymous 01/12/20 (Sun) 04:59:24 614762 No. 20547
If you ever get the chance to build one then DO IT. Fuck, do it with your kids.
You will like the following.
This is my next one… Going to do it al out of local woods I saw myself … if I can make it happen. Probably wont be able to get the planking but I should be able to get all the timbers from my own land. Dont give up. Dont lose your history and your culture and your mind to the terrible machine. Leave it behind and build something.
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Anonymous 01/12/20 (Sun) 05:17:41 614762 No. 20550
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Anonymous 01/12/20 (Sun) 11:50:07 2a58eb No. 20600
Which then raises the question what happens when the original, higher developed civilization becomes a minority but does not mix. Population changes occur exponentially, or at least logistically, so the composition can change very quickly (historically speaking, that means several decades, maybe a century). As long as there is no mixing, fate is not sealed, and the respective nation can return to its old place.
So we need an approach that prevents the population from becoming interracial, or at least part of it. I think this is all we need:
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Anonymous SAGE! 01/12/20 (Sun) 13:12:14 cd111d No. 20615
Why would you post this here.
>on the chan
Oh, because you’re a faggot. Fuck off.
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Anonymous SAGE! 01/12/20 (Sun) 16:05:50 89abca No. 20675
>As seen on Voat:
How would you feel about going back, OP?
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Anonymous 01/30/20 (Thu) 18:59:49 ecc07a No. 32866
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Anonymous 01/30/20 (Thu) 20:27:22 8a0722 No. 32910
Stopped reading when op tried to make the case that Europeans displaced "natives". One, because there's plenty of evidence to suggest Vikings were in North America long before the "natives" immgrated from Asia. Two, the "natives" never had a culture of their own since they had no problem warring amongst themselves through their different tribes. They were bound to get conquered since they had no sense of nationalism. They were/are barbaric subhumans much like the australian aborigines.
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Anonymous 01/30/20 (Thu) 20:38:13 c35455 No. 32922
Some of them did have pretty coherent nations. The central and mesoamericans like the maya and stuff. Yeah they cut dudes heads off and rolled them down pyramids sometimes, but then primitive europeans also had similar practices. The savage stage of american indian society is likely a result of how long it took people to migrate from asia through russia down all of north america before finally reaching south america. Basically, their civilization got a late start while everyone else was already settled and working on science and agriculture by then. But yeah besides the ones who actually built cities and were largely killed by disease, the ones in north america didnt have a very valid claim on their lands. Some even willingly sold their land for shiny beads which people like to conveniently forget
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Anonymous 01/30/20 (Thu) 21:09:25 425574 No. 32960
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>32922
Aztec society was an abhorrent atrocity of superstitiously inspired madness. It's the kind of thing you'd expect to find in one of these fantasy settings where one of the factions is just completely evil and worships chaos. They thought the Sun would cease to burn if they didn't sacrifice enough people. They never grew to conquer the entire continent because they endlessly sacrificed their own subjects. The Aztec cities outside of their "capital" only existed as human breeding pens for more sacrifices and were constantly raided for captives. They lived in a perpetual state of war in order to generate enough sacrifices. They were so hated by everybody that when the Spanish set foot in America, their neighbors sided with the Spanish to destroy them. Funnily enough, one could make a comparison to the modern state of the USA, and its superstitiously inspired madness putting the entire world against them. Must be something on the soil.
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Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 00:11:30 f3d4de No. 33109
Initially I agreed with this but then I thought
How do you explain India?
A vast civilization, racially mostly homogenous for the past thousands of years much like China.
They created great works of art, architecture, science, writing etc. Had geniuses and heritage all over the place. But consider the present condition of both places.
Failed civilizations, neither past great civilization nor the fruits of culture only available to a tiny elite part of the population can in any way bring their present condition to what you could call civilization.
If your counterargument is that they still have a civilization currently, then a bigger point then the one in the above paragraph is that the present "civilization" of these places is vastly different from anything that the *same people* had for centuries before in at least several different iterations. Despite the homogenous population, what that population created were vastly different civilizations meaning that one civilization is not tied to one race/population, but that one population can over time create *many* civilizations of a vastly different not just character but also level of development or sophistication if you will.
Since OP mentions the "white race" consider the civilization the white race developed in the middle ages or before that. The white race replaced the thriving Greco-Roman world with a much less sophisticated system you can barely call civilization.
Both cases see incredible evolution. Whereas the same Indian population sees incredible achievement at the dawn of civilization be it Mohenjo Daro or the Vedic literature to be superceeded by the decay of today, the "white race" population observes a long period of stagnation followed by rapid growth completely overshadowing the past failures of that same population.
All of this basically shows you that OP`s arguments "civilization is maintained by its population", "civilization changes only when its population is changed" seem plainly wrong. The conservative readers who will resonate with OP's arguments should also remember the writers of the past, typically referenced by conservative-minded people such as Gibbon. The vast majority of "white race" writers from the golden age of European civilization in the centuries immediately following the Renaissance expressly stated the huge importance of morals, ethics, the culture that underpins a civilization.
Few of them focused on race when giving explanations of civilization falls. In fact, the majority of them specifically noted how a falling civilization, like for example Ancient Rome, focuses on ever more shallow explanations of life. In a decaying civilization every subsequent generation loses the ability to delve deeper into reality and extract deeper truths and layers from it. Ironically it is during our current civilization`s decaying period following the 18th century that scholars began focusing on shallower explanations like race, class inequalities, financial issues,
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Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 00:11:45 f3d4de No. 33111
Another issue is the fact that population decrease, or replacement *always* occurs with the consent of the disappearing nation. Any outside influence, or an elitist plot will fail when faced with a strong, organized civilization like that of Republican Rome. Thus the death of civilizations and/or population change is predetermined internally by the population/civilization itself.
This internality to the causality extends to the above points as well. What they hint that the causality for the rise and fall of a civilization is to some extent related to ethics and morals. Even deeper, it is to a greater extent related to the collective consciousness of the body of people constituting that civilization, the soul of the people if you will. Like-minded people that is, not like-skinned people. Where the population can remain racially homogenous for millenia as in India, the collective agreement of people, a common Zeitgeist if you will, does flow and change vastly over the centuries, under the weight of inventions, collective exhaustion and a myriad of other factors that determine the collective life of a nation, or should i rather say - a group of people - because nation implies birth and real civilization is a state of mind that can often transcend and completely reject the limitations of the mindset an individual was born in,
The Renaissance is an incredible example of the *rebirth* of a civilization, where the people die, millenia of burnt books pass, but still an attempt is made to recreate the mindset of a long gone ancient civilization to a high degree of success, in some individuals to a full degree. This example not only disconnects civilization from race but also establishes civilization as an independent entity, a mindscape of sorts.
So perhaps a civilization is truly about civilis - ie the root of the word - "binding". Less ironically for the aforementioned conservative-minded readers the fascia will turn out to represent civilization very well, and not that much nation or race. In that civilization is more about the binding and not that much about the sticks it binds together. The sticks change and fall out of one end, but new ones take their place.
The fascia is such an apt symbol not for the meaning we see in it after the conformist 20th century, but rather for the meaning it possibly represented to ancient people - that of a group of people that "bind"(civis) themselves to limit themselves under a culture(cultus - cultivate/limit so as to improve(agriculture)) under mutual agreement for the cause of reaching a higher state of being. Or like a village that has a wall. The wall is more important than the villagers because while they come and go the wall remains as a testament and protection for future generations, a monument to and of that culture for those that have the eyes to continue it onwards and not just a means of survival as in medieval times.
But of course the needed ingredients for the sustenance of civilization are not just the wall, but also the eyes that can understand it.
So what is the magical key to unlocking the mystery of destroying a nation and creating a civilization? Isn't it shallow to look for a simple solution to such a grand question? A ready made magical solution? Perhaps the sad(for the impatient reader) answer is that there is none. Perhaps the real answer is that it is you, dear reader, that destroys or creates a civilization. With your every choice.
In short it is not about what kind of people create and sustain a civilization, it's about their mental state and worldview.
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Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 01:43:20 22ed5e No. 33174
reminder that Aztecs are into Adrenochrome. this is where the crazy art comes from and the reason the leaders sacrificed so many
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Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 08:44:12 066f32 No. 33331
Richest billionaires in the world saw their wealth rise by an average of $2.5bn (£1.9bn) per day in 2018
while the poorest half of the world saw their wealth decline by 11% over the year.
Greta Thunberg traveling to UN with riding luxury yachts for saying "Evil Economy" but doesn't mention how low growth rate cause elimination social mobility
How this is happening? Well, Answer might simple
Since 1945, all of West countries are American satellite state, a protectorate
Ruling ideology of West is actually American ideology
Call it Egalitarian consumerism, it's more advanced version of laissez-faire capitalism
it can explain as two principles;
First, you can't discriminate against people with ethnicity, but you can discriminate against people with wealth, education, cultural consumption
Second, you can't vote politician who promoting his own ethnic group interests, but minority who happens to own corporation and bank can seize the government
In Brave new world of Uber and Facebook, democracy is nothing but bread and circus
democracy is majority rule, but unlimited immigration made everyone minority, so no one can be majority therefore no more majority rule
it can be corporate rules or financial rules, but can't be democratic
political power in divided multi-racial society naturally handed to people who own institution such as bank, corporation, foundation
people who run the laissez-faire capitalism developed new way to enslave other human beings
It's Anti-Racism, meaning Anti-ethnic-identity, meaning you can't have organized group that promoting your ethnic interest
Anti-Racism made west society as theocratic state
Equality and discrimination is vague ritual formalities which don't know who has right to decide it
it's one world religion that people to accommodate unlimited immigration, de-industrialization, race integration that also immediate causes of devastated social trust and social capital
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Anonymous SAGE! 01/31/20 (Fri) 09:17:37 d3fd9d No. 33336
The poorest in the world have been gaining under globalism (think China, eastern Europe) as they have flourishing economies due to the extra production. This also caused continuous increases in wages and living conditions. Since these former soviet countries were already down the bottom it's expected. However they are still very much below western standards.
Most of the symptoms you're describing (migration, 0.1% of capital gaining most of economic growth) come from the financial system that was changed in the 70's. The 70's marked the moment of death to nationalism and rise of globalism which the elites profited from. This was of course the American way. Make every market dependent on each other for profits to the most wealthy, and especially on the American market. No more wars and the people in power would only increase their power this way. Nations are reduced to nothing as the economic power resides with the internationalists / globalists corps. Lower, middle and upper middle classes in the west saw little to no improvements in their overall salaries (adjusted for inflation) since the 70's.
(sage since I really do not like voat)
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Anonymous 01/31/20 (Fri) 09:17:37 066f32 No. 33337
>"racially mostly homogenous for the past thousands of years much like China."
What? I checked that after British left behind India, India empire split into three countries; India, Pakistan, Bangladesh
Two Prim minister assassinated; Indira get shot and Rajiv Gandhi get bombed, it was ethnic conflict
Hindu people were only 72% of India population while Han-Chinese are 90% of China population
And you call it homogeneous?
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Anonymous SAGE! 01/31/20 (Fri) 10:45:17 c05694 No. 33352
You have absolutely no idea what ethnic homogeneity is.
Neither do you, since you’re talking about “countries” and religions as though they’re ethnicities.
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