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File: 23231ff754b1489⋯.jpg (36.43 KB, 600x373, 600:373, tupolev_tu160_blackjack.jpg)

27d450  No.19274

So, with respect to the university of twente and the good amateur radio people at sdr.hu, the world of amateur websdr was not created to meet the demands of /pol. With that in mind most broadcasters don't have reception on SKYKANG frequencies, and many of those who do are now behind registration paywalls, and very few of them got good reception anyway.

I am located within 60 miles of a SKYKANG amplifier site.

Dear Customer

We enclose our invoice for 140.24 in respect of order of 08 Jan 2020

We are pleased to report that your order 42311 was packed on 08-Jan-2020 for shipment

I have an antenna that will (reasonably) pick up SKYKANGS and I now have a proper SDR on the way, much better than those ole RTL-SDR, something that will give really good AM/FM rejection so we can listen into the SKYKANG messages.

Given that the united states government shut down EAM.WATCH, the options for our SKYKANG intertainment are now limited. My proposal is that I will share my SDR stream with POL exclusively, and everyone can tune in at same time, same station to be part of this. I won't be recording, publishing analyses, or facilitating attempts to analyze SKYKANG traffic. I will set it to 4724 at night and 8992 during the day, uppersideband, 2.15Khz, automatic tuning, 24/7 availability.

MY Question is this: Given a choice between a Discord, a Website, or some other utility(like TeamSpeak, etc), what method would you like me to use to facilitate everyone being able to tune in? I could create an internet radio station, I have good outgoing broadband internet, there are a number of options here. What are you all most comfortable with?

This posted also on >>halfchan/pol/thread/238944266 but since they're sperglords with a 5 second attention spam it won't even get responses

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43a493  No.19278

redpill me on skyking

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27d450  No.19280


im an incel and i want to have sex

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687ba9  No.19318

Could run a shoutcast server perhaps? Then it's your own IP/own server and no cianigger middleman.

That said, when has it been of great use?

No one is going to use nukes..

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6977bc  No.19357


> Given a choice between a Discord, a Website, or some other utility(like TeamSpeak, etc), what method would you like me to use to facilitate everyone being able to tune in? I could create an internet radio station, I have good outgoing broadband internet, there are a number of options here. What are you all most comfortable with?

IMO, create an internet radio station.

nobody will use discord (well, unless we want our IPs harvested and then everyone in the Discord gets banned for being associated with /pol/) Teamspeak isn't desirable either - but Mumble…There is THAT option. you can broadcast on a Mumble server, muting all the other users' audio, only allowing text chat.

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6977bc  No.19361

> Shoutcast

> - When You create Your “Shoutcast Member Account” and register as a “Member” of Shoutcast on Shoutcast Website radiomanager.shoutcast.com, Shoutcast collects the following categories of Personal Data: image (optional), first and last names, email address, password, birthdate, phone number, address, country and language, information, VAT number, tax ID, IP address.

Source: https://www.shoutcast.com/Legal/PrivacyPolicy

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687ba9  No.19370


Hmmm it used to be easier than that. Sad.

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8b7ac7  No.19436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It's a coded reference to Skylar Spence's album Prom King.

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ce92f5  No.19444

File: 0314415ff6b8887⋯.png (194.44 KB, 953x535, 953:535, android-termux-apache2.png)


I would install termux on an old android phone and install apache2 for a remote-hosted website, assuming your fear is exposing your home IP.

If not worried, then just host an HTML site on apache2, open a port on your firewall and tie it with noip.com so it doesn't go offline all the time.

that would be the easiest way

why was this thread locked?

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801f0a  No.19565


m00t why was this thread locked?

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96a319  No.19651


You could use a cytube?

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