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File: a39c77238b7e3d3⋯.png (2.38 MB, 1468x7317, 1468:7317, lemmings.png)

7ce4ed  No.19130

Before we start I would read the infograph since it tells you what a lemming is.

Now we can introduce some more information

There are three basic laws every human/lemming follows: moral, governmental, and societal laws.

>societal law is the 'laws' or 'rules' society creates to regulate itself. These are not government laws but they can coincide or go against each other. Societal law includes culture, the media and everything that influences society.

>Governmental law is actually weaker than societal law and moral law. It has a shitload of power but humanity has evolved to give control to the population and to moral law. If societal law goes against governmental law then that governmental law is going to be broken by most of society. But governmental law has the ability to influence societal and moral law. Governmental law is very strong and very weak. It controls all but it can fall very easily and sometimes it must change itself to be more like societal law.

>Moral law is very individual. Moral law is the individual laws each human has aka morality. It is very hard to control but it can be influenced when the person is young or with big events. Moral law is somewhat controlled by societal law.

So moral law is the strongest, societal law has the most influence and governmental has the most to gain and lose.

For a government to become totalitarian they must get a major grasp of societal law. Once this happens a majority of the people will join them. Once the government has this control over society they can bend societal law to whatever they want and to accept whatever they want slowly. They can do this by controlling the media and topics talked about by the lemmings. Moral law is the hardest to break and control. If someone knows if something is bad they will go against it. The solution for a totalitarian government is to destroy moral law in a majority of people and replace it with ideals the government wants. The most common and easiest way is give self doubt to moral law and make governmental law seem absolute and perfection. This makes people look at their own beliefs in a negative way and the government in a better light. Then they will removed the negative moral laws that go against the government so they can "improve" themselves to be perfect like the government.

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cda718  No.19166


How to stop that from happening: violence.

Ignore the laws that go against your beliefs, and kill anyone benefiting from those laws. Impose your will as the law itself.

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7ce4ed  No.19503

How do we stop this:

we need to take control of society itself before the government gets full control.

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000000  No.19584


Well written, anon.

I started picking up on traces of this concept after thinking about US society in comparison to Orwell's conceptual world.

In 1984, it is primarily the power of the Government that forces it's citizens conform to a standard. Citizens are required to have screens (surveillance) in their homes, and not step outside of societal standards at all.

In comparison, American society does indeed seem to be driven almost entirely by cultural pressure to conform. Conform with your purchases, conform with your morals, conform with your social media habits.

It's my opinion that society did not end up this way on its own. Although humanity does tend towards this lemming example, our propensity towards this lifestyle has been and will continue to be exploited by those more powerful than us.

How do we wake up? I have no idea. I think someone needs to figure out how to turn the Left against our collective masters. If a message that turned the malice of the left against the Government as a whole could be made.. perhaps that would do it. The key here is for America to unite as one against our masters.

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ff537a  No.19590


There is also much societal pressure to conform.

We all know that we live in a sick society today.

To say one is, "Well Adjusted," means that the person is well adjusted to a sick society, therefore making that individual as sick as the society that he or she is, "Well Adjusted," to.

It is only what society, in general, thinks is, "Old-Fashioned," and, "Weird," which may be the actual healthy standards that we can measure off of to determine if an individual is mentally and spiritually healthy.

I tell people this information to their faces almost every day and I'm not afraid to talk about this. Whenever someone says that someone else is not normal in some form, I bring these points up.

Yes, I get the mouth-breather stare quite often. I'm not sure that they do that because they are realizing something or that they are just incapable of individual thoughts and ideas.

People, generally, are fed thoughts and ideas every day, whether it is from Faceb00k, twi++er, the news, television commercials, billboard ads, or anything else that's publicly available. The advertisers want people to buy into, "An Idea." Maybe the idea is to approve of a product so that you will buy it, and other times it is to approve of the idea of mixed-race couples having a mixed-race child so that the observer can be more comfortable with that idea. Government Spying - Wire-tapping - Censorship - Speech against jews being called hate crimes - Mandatory registration of weapons - sending your personal information over the internet - The list goes on.

The more you feed these ideas to people, the more that they become callous to the idea, and therefore they start to ignore the fact that they are being fed information constantly so they start becoming passive. Finally, they accept these programmed ideas.

This is what happened to the, "Conservative Movement."

They became, "Permissives."


I look through my life so far and I take stock of what I have permitted to happen, whether it was to me, or others. I am guilty of being a, "Permissive," in the past, and sometimes I still do it today, although to a much lesser extent.

It is up to every individual to take a stand inside of their value system, and to not compromise. We can't depend of the Government to fix it. They are among the greatest purveyors of this sick society in which we live. They are the biggest, "Permissives," there are today.

Well, I've said enough I guess. Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.

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000000  No.19608


Again, well met anon.

The absurd amount of conditioning that each adult in America is subjected to is certainly to blame here. I feel that people are becoming 'permissive', as you say, at younger and younger ages.

I'm unsure as to why I personally entered into a period in my life where I was actively finding my own conditioning and rooting it out. It was almost a natural response to the realization that I had been conditioned by the churches I grew up in, and my well-meaning parents.

Many people do not tend towards this mindset of challenging themselves, and as such, become stuck in their ways. Truly, I think that many people are so stuck in who they have let themselves become that they are incapable of change. Even radical events in their life would be more likely to cause mental breaks, not a change of view.


I think the 'lemming' example is perfectly reasonable, however the name could most likely use a change. The term 'lemming' aside, don't you agree with the basic premise of the graphic?

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ff537a  No.19622

File: 466259b113a7f6a⋯.mp4 (13.6 MB, 492x360, 41:30, White Wilderness-xMZlr5Gf9….mp4)


where is the, "running off the cliff," analogy in the OP?

> The 1958 Disney documentary into lemmings that won the academy award. Footage of lemmings jumping off cliffs was later found out to be faked. Edited version just showing the fake footage.

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c66a33  No.19633

Well since Fascism is inherently based on the truth all we need to do is educate people and through society (where is where most lemmings get their morals) it will be enforced and spread if need be.

And since what is good for the society is good for the indivual in the long term (like zero unemployment through the application of the natural order) the lemming's belief will be reinforced.

That's where things like Hitler's Youth and govermental instead of (((private control))) of the schools comes in.

Censorship is always there and unavoidable it's just a question of whether it works for the truth and the national health or decadence and self-intrest. Hitler talked about this when he explained why he didn't care much about dissenters as their children "are already in my camp, who are you?"

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8c6a0d  No.19649


t. mossadi

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ff537a  No.19794


> all we need to do is educate people

not practical.

Its an uphill battle

it will not happen that way

Everything needs to be taken away first.

- take away their Sunday barbecues

- take away their cell phones

- take away their Cable News station

- take away their internet

- take away their electricity

- take away their gasoline

- take away their Supermarkets

- take away their money

- take away their sense of security

only then, people will be ripe for change.

until then, nothing will happen. People are too comfortable.


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f7c1ea  No.19823


You will never do this. You will call me a fed for saying you will never do this. Anyone who gives detailed instructions on how to accomplish this (in a manner that will cause you to never be caught) is also called a fed, and you will still not do anything.

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000000  No.20416


First, fuck off with fed bullshit

Second, let's say that you personally "level the playing field" or it is leveled by a natural disaster, like Hurricane Catrina over the entire country.

People will get uncomfortable. Why would they run TO YOU instead of running to THE JEWS ?

What will you offer those Whites for them to run to you ? How can you offer them a sense of security better than corrupt oligarchs would


In the case of a shit-so-bad-we-are-Yugoslavia 2.0 type scenario you will have White women running to be in the harem of some Jewish international banker and White men running to whatever remnant of government for protection and don't give this shit about how your militia will be better at doing that than the US military, who at that point might go rogue to install a military dictatorship sponsored by Jewish oligarchs.

Or do you think you will have more power in order to offer these people security and comfort to run to you instead of the military and moneyed international oligarchs ?

This is a dumb idea and if you are not glow-in-dark you are a dangerous LARPer. You suck

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7ce4ed  No.20420


I see the one who glows. You don't need to take anything away just subvert them to better ideals.

This takes big events to show the negatives of the left and then events to show the right as better.

Once this happens there will be a culture shift and societal law will ultimate shift as well. Right now in the USA there is a culture war for full control over themselves and societal law as a whole. We are not truly united with the same culture yet. (((they))) know this and want to use this divide to warp societal law to their control. We just need to stop this civilly. Also people understand and like civil actions more. Violence is only a last resort in most cases including this one.

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8f7bd2  No.20423

File: b8a6b047011d245⋯.jpg (177.06 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, 2cc521dc75b405f5efaedb38f4….jpg)


>Just take everything people own lol

Whatever you say, Commissar.

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aff494  No.20424




>no, u

kek. anon was just stating the truth. status quo until large swaths of the homelands are severely depressed. golden dawn won majorities after greece collapsed. people need privation before they see some sense in the world and their place as a distinct group among competing markets and outright racial enemies.

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585467  No.20448

Simple saying going around and I think it's very true: limit the government or the government will limit you. Government is like any other gang, when they get too big and have too much power, they will dominate the land as their own turf and everyone else is looked at as labor to exploit/control and make revenue from. So the lesson that younger generations should be learning is limit government, or the government will limit you!

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f7c1ea  No.20459


>torpedo tells whites to never do anything, never fight back, and never even talk about it

>and says that jews are better than whites in every way and that whites have nothing to offer their own people, but jews do

Reminder that no posts from tor have ever been good or should ever be listened to.


But this will never happen, and whites will continue to be exterminated.

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c66a33  No.20465


Once the goverment starts breaking down by any means it does. It stops being able to control power and the like, we simply swoop in with militias take control the local powergrid, the water purification centers set people to work farming and rebuilding the economy the national socialist agraianan way which is very easy to apply and create self-suffiecent resource centers.

Violence is the supreme authority from which all authority we simply will supply the threat of violence thus authority.

This will of course need people but less people than any mass movement, and this is nessasary since the procuring of the amount of numbers needed for a mass movement is impossible.

The only thing that would be against us locally is the local police.

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c66a33  No.20467


That's why the state and the nationshould be one, so anything that's good for the state is good for the nation. Like the NSDAP's Germany.


This is of course after the current goverment falls. I'm simply disagreeing with making people question the moral law as any morality that's axiom is "What's good for my nation" is inherently Fascist.

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aff494  No.20475


that's what the turks thought during their conquest of the balkans. once the european population numbers fall below levels to support the zoo animals then we'll clean out the pens. greatest problem would be mongoloids assuming our burden.

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f7c1ea  No.20476


>during their conquest of the balkans

Which remains majority Muslim and is polluted with disgusting Arabic genes to this day… And growing.

>fall below levels to support

Then we get Rhodesia and South Africa… where whites still won’t fight back.

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c66a33  No.20484


It's getting bad we already lost Kosovo, Repulic Srpska is next. To many non White Serbians passing themselves off as Serbs. And the U.S is doing what it always does. Bombing anyone who wants freedom and not to be replaced.

In the future there will be no Bosnia or Albania or there will be no us.

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