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File: 3a0c9a28eaadd30⋯.jpg (140.54 KB, 600x500, 6:5, 22de7274-1a5a-4f8b-87eb-8a….jpg)

b67724  No.18134

Iran has infiltrated the US government and intelligence agencies as surely as Israel has.

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dccb29  No.18139

>Attempting to distract from the Judeo-Bolshevist New World Order


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085ff9  No.18143

Sure as shit isn't showing up in the day to day.

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b67724  No.18144


Fuck Israel, but also fuck Iran.

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4ea252  No.18149

"If their mental age is not of a nigger then they must obviously be infiltrators hehehe. As you can see, these iranians have high academic roles and work ethics, we must expunge them for this disobedience!"

- JidfTimes.com

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b67724  No.18161


Whare are Iranians in the West? They don't belong here at all.

Sand niggers always moan about the US being in the Middle East but they don't mind coming here. So maybe we make a deal, once all Middle Easterners leave the West, we can leave them alone.

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4ea252  No.18171


>Provide them h-1b visas to come get a phd


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b76b29  No.18187


Good. Anyone that wants to kill jews is automatically an ally.

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3dde03  No.18190

File: df190dcfd045461⋯.png (52.01 KB, 602x520, 301:260, Lisa Page.png)

She's celebrating Soleimani's death.

This is almost as bad as the Trumpniggers who claim the negro-jewess Valerie Jarrett is a secret Iranian agent, even though she left Iran at the age of 5, and only lived there under the kosher shah.

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b67724  No.18194


Yes, I support bombing Iran actually. I didn't before but you assholes are so irritating that, why not? It's fine.

We're not going to invade and US service persons won't have to be put into harm's way. We will just bomb them.


She works with Jews, just like Iran does.

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17018e  No.18212

Now, our faggot OP has made already two threads on how bad Iran is.



Fucking CIA nigger. Kill them all.

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77de69  No.18218

ITT glowniggers shilling for wars for israel

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17018e  No.18224



Remindes me of how FBI niggers pushed the "muh russia" narrative

I already reported OP who made a second thread in the fucking hour about Iran.

All ZOGpatriots you see on 8kun are fucking FBIkikes. The FBI kikes are out in full force as WW3 started.

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77de69  No.18225


>She works with Jews, just like Iran does.

>every country has people who work with/for jews

>let's kill them all

Are you even trying kike? You better up your cheap rhetoric tricks.

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b67724  No.18236


Why do you object to cheap rhetoric when it's the only thing you know?

You just don't like it when it isn't yours.

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77de69  No.18237

They are.

>everyone is antiwar

>usa wants to invade a new nation in the middle east like always

>they are mutts, so it's okay

>they work with the jews we love so much, so let's fight for a greater israel!

>they killed babys

>they have THE ATOM BOMB

It all repeats. It's all so tiresome.

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77de69  No.18239


meant for >>18224

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b67724  No.18241


Pfft, the US isn't going to invade. Just bomb Iran to the stone age.

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264121  No.18261


>hurrr durrrr there are Iranian immigrants in the West therefore Iran is controlling the West


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264121  No.18267

File: 28e98f2f1832782⋯.jpg (170.26 KB, 1229x1300, 1229:1300, 81490038-salvia-officinali….jpg)





You forgot something.

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2166f6  No.18347

File: afc38bf4db4ad1a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.78 KB, 250x188, 125:94, black whores.jpg)


WHO HASN'T infiltrated the US GOV?

She is so 'infiltrated' it is leaking onto her face.

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2166f6  No.18383

File: 91f732015049512⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 1370x3732, 685:1866, semites in disguise as glo….jpg)


Semites are all the same genetically…they are all jews in a 'human' suit. It is a good thing they have each other because no one else wants nigger rapists around them.

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d88fae  No.18411

>Usa has millions of homeless, permanently indebted or otherwise hopelessly impoverished.

Lets spend trillions on bombing a random country :D Benis

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de7646  No.18414


No they are not. Semites are a specific group, who live in Levant and Arabia.

They are genetically different from people of the Caucasus and Iran.

Skulls of Irano-Afghans are almost identical to the skulls of Corded Nordics.

Wearing hats other than caps and growing long beards does not make someone semite.

Genetics and archeology both aknowledge that Iranians are not semites.

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4dd7ca  No.18462

File: 37a1833d156586c⋯.gif (6.67 MB, 480x360, 4:3, slap.gif)


All right you stupid CIA nigger fuck, I'm going to phrase my position for you in terms you can understand:










and anyone who is is a fucking retard. Period. I don't fucking care about Iranians. They wanna fuck goats and beat their wives, that has fucking NOTHING to do with me. I'm not willing to risk getting blown up in their desert shithole just so the kikes in Tel Aviv can feel snuggly in their beds at night.






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794ef1  No.18472


You better! Or military martial court!

And you better shoot the ruskies/chinese/turks too if they are there! Or else you are a traitor! These sanctioned countries are the enemies of ALL americans kek

You will get a letter from the government soon goy, and you better come to bootcamp once you get called! It is your duty son! Think about freedom and liberty!

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6aba46  No.18583

Does she shave her pussy bald…if then…I'm on it

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000000  No.18739

Wow one Iranian

So how many politicians aren't outright jews or on the jew's payroll?

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6708be  No.18756


>Whare are Iranians in the West?

You wouldn't recognize them because the assimilate and adopt Western Culture. Almost like they respect the idea that people like tradition and don't want to be erased from the face of the planet.

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bf0c82  No.19148

File: 683efd025601574⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 931x524, 931:524, Iran Obama Administration ….jpg)


Remember. John Kerry's son-in-law is an Iranian national. His best man was the son of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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aa857a  No.19151

File: b2f7636cb8dee39⋯.png (500.88 KB, 635x431, 635:431, it's not the jews, it's ir….png)

File: e4301fab5adef4f⋯.png (53.39 KB, 571x618, 571:618, reddit.png)


Kerry is a jew, so is Valerie Jarrett, who only lived under Iran during the ZOG-backed Shah, so any allegiance should have is to jewry. And then of course Huma is married to the jew Anthony Weiner.

>muh 6 gorillion dollars to Iran

That was all unfrozen Iranian assets.

You aren't going to convince anyone that ZOG is really IOG. Even if we were to take everything in that picture at face value, it wouldn't even be 0.01% of the power the jews hold.


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ea4731  No.19169


so they are erasing themselves by "assimilating" and "adopting western culture"? that makes a lot of sense. it seems to me most of them stick to themselves and work against western interests even if it means working with jews who they supposedly are so aware of…

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40872e  No.19211

op that's why we ignore anyone who tells white people to go to war.

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da9f73  No.19216


Yeah sure and so does the nigger. I see what you're doing Jew. They and you are what are termed sand niggers, a lesser race from a backwards culture. There Is no difference between them and the average rapeugee.

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b67724  No.19223


On the other hand we can't let shitskin countries like Iran attack the US.

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aa857a  No.19244


They're totally justified in fighting back against invaders. It's not like they started it. We did, for Israel.

And speaking of the right to push invaders out, why haven't you gone back to reddit yet?

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bc28e5  No.21189


Remind me again what part of the US Iran attacked? They are attacking Israel, which is using the US as it's proxy in the region to attack Iran, they are totally justified in defending themselves.

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696d58  No.21195


If you aren't in their countries and they aren't in yours, they can't attack you. But capitalism requires the dissolution of nations, supply chain entanglement to choke off autarky, and at least one very powerful corrupted state it can parasite off of as a base of operations.

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b9804f  No.22277


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52f643  No.22288

File: 3a8cd54656f7ce7⋯.gif (860.98 KB, 240x228, 20:19, Disgust.gif)


>literal goblina

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b9b350  No.26008



They are Aryan you retarded fucking tool

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b9b350  No.26009



They are Aryan you retarded fucking tool>>22288

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