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bcb993  No.17807

Back in the day of thinking men, symposiums would be held in which the brightest thinkers would come forth and posit their ideals upon others as well as hear out the ideas of others and provide feedback. Some of the greatest lectures were had and out of those great lectures, some of the shaping elements of civilization!

Today, if you aren't uber-wealthy, you are not heard. This, I feel, greatly restricts the flow of information as even Diogenes had Caesar convinced Diogenes was the superior in intellect of the two. "If I were not Caesar, I would be Diogenes!"

ITT: We discuss our answers to societies current problems as well as provide WHY your answer is the best answer. For instance: "KILL THEM ALL!" must be followed up with HOW that benefits man-kind as a whole, not just you individually, and why it's the best solution among other solutions you bring forth.

What we don't want is for you to take any position OTHER THAN the one you bring forth. None of "well, I could see this being a hole in my position…" no. Stand firm and convince the world that your position is the most correct of all possible.

With that, I will start.

I am an American. I know no other way of life. We are brash, arrogant and generous to a fault. I dislike the idea of Balkanization, but I feel it to be the best means to the end I desire. I desire a separation of the masses into IQ quadrants. This will allow about 10-15% of blacks into my land and about 50% of whites. I would require pre-natal testing to be administered to unborn youth to see if they would be fit for the society or other measures, such as genetic testing of potential parents to see if they would make fit hosts. I would socialize all resources to the point where a black would have certain amenities. There is no reason for every American to own a car when we spend so little time in them. I would average out the time each person spends in a vehicle, or taking the boat to the lake, or whatever else, and I would have the most current technology available to everyone. There would be no "keeping up with the Jones's" as everyone would be "the Jones's." My main push would be to bring humanity to the next point in existence.

To achieve this, from the point we are at today, I would walk back all forms of government. Leave and let them collapse into themselves. Among the chaos, I would wait to see who was intelligent enough to make their way. Who would group up (I want group-minded people, not rogue warriors) and who would self-immolate would not matter. I would simply let happen, what needs to happen.

I would have a safe-area, so to speak, where all worthy receptions would be brought to carry forth humanity. I wouldn't worry about WWIII or any of the like, but I would remove the jew from the playing field first and foremost. A lack of empathy makes not a citizen of /new/world.

Punch holes in mine, or bring your own. This is /pnd/ thought-project 2020.1

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c5685e  No.17812


>he point where a black would have


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961f43  No.17821


One of the things I had imagined in future-earth is communal-living situations much like our apartment complexes but with, of course, only community-minded people living in them. I imagine them to be round because from a utility standpoint, this design would offer the least energy output to deliver to each resident the necessary resources that work in accordance with life and sustainability. These buildings would be at least 30 stories high and as big in diameter as 5-10km. There would be transit/rail systems to get around such as electro-magentic railways, motorized walkways as well as hover-shoes that would simply counter a positively charged floor. There would be inter-district competitions and the women would be solely responsible for the raising of youth up until a certain age, when the men would take the dominant role in upbringing. Athletic competition would be revered highly and our greatest physical specimens would definitely be admired, but they wouldn't hold anything like the accolades we offer them today.

No single person or group would have say over another. One common-law would be applied to all and all forms of surveillance would be open-source. Everything that takes place outside of your home would be recorded and stored in a meta-file to be reviewed by whomever desired. The only secrets would be those contained within your homes. Lying would be punishable by ostracization. You would simply be made to leave the colony and venture into outworld on your own.

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02bade  No.17852


The top 3-4 stories of each of these communal-living blocks (CLB) would be reserved for farming/gardening. The citizens would rotate tasks to tend to the crops and renew the soil. The purpose would be to maintain total and complete harmony with the earth and have as little impact on said earth as possible. The nitrates from our collective waste would be harvested to refeed back into the agriculture. So far as complete proteins (plants are not complete proteins) I am not sure of where our current technology leaves us, but I would wish to refrain from eating animals that went through traumatic events leading up to their slaughter or during their slaughter. Long ago, maybe 2 decades or so, I wrote a small hypothesis up on Transcendental Memory and how it may relate to the current mental health crisis the world is experiencing. Time was an ally for my hypothesis and I don't feel like walking back a single statement I made in that piece. Further, I don't feel I would have a place in my creation as I am too contrarian a character, but perhaps there would be a position for me as a propositionist of ideals? I wouldn't be opposed to either solution for myself.

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eafb6e  No.17854


The top 3-4 stories of each of these communal-living blocks (CLB) would be reserved for farming/gardening. The citizens would rotate tasks to tend to the crops and renew the soil. The purpose would be to maintain total and complete harmony with the earth and have as little impact on said earth as possible. The nitrates from our collective waste would be harvested to refeed back into the agriculture. So far as complete proteins (plants are not complete proteins) I am not sure of where our current technology leaves us, but I would wish to refrain from eating animals that went through traumatic events leading up to their slaughter or during their slaughter. Long ago, maybe 2 decades or so, I wrote a small hypothesis up on Transcendental Memory and how it may relate to the current mental health crisis the world is experiencing. Time was an ally for my hypothesis and I don't feel like walking back a single statement I made in that piece. Further, I don't feel I would have a place in my creation as I am too contrarian a character, but perhaps there would be a position for me as a propositionist of ideals? I wouldn't be opposed to either solution for myself.

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ac6052  No.18146


>This, I feel, greatly restricts the flow of information as even Diogenes had Caesar convinced Diogenes was the superior in intellect of the two. "If I were not Caesar, I would be Diogenes!"

It was Alexander the Great, not Ceaser. If we were at your symposium I would have convinced the crowd to beat you to death.

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61990a  No.18210


>some of the shaping elements of civilization

Civilization is unnatural, and thus, it will always fail and lose to barbarism, which is the natural state of all living beings.

>"KILL THEM ALL!" must be followed up with HOW that benefits man-kind as a whole

If you don't know how killing all of one group's enemies would benefit said group, you are a part of the problem, and one of those who must be killed along with the other enemies.

>I want group-minded people, not rogue warriors

Group-minded subhumans are all mentally ill by the very definition of group-mind. Only tyranny from a small number of individuals is capable of dominating the masses. Either that, or the masses must be eliminated, leaving the world with a bare minimum of human beings (that is, white people only) that can all fend for themselves, without any need for others to agree with each of their individual ways.

>A lack of empathy makes not a citizen of /new/world

Empathy for strangers and "people" with opposing views is a disease. It was precisely what allowed parasites to infiltrate good societies ruled by superior beings. If you have empathy for different "people" with different thoughts, you are a facilitator for your own enemies and for parasites who profit from any conflict brought by them.

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155256  No.18220

While I am a fan of segregation in society, I feel segregating based upon IQ is a horrendous idea. Consider the fact that IQ is spread for a reason. It makes no sense to have Albert Einstein as a janitor or Tesla as a shopkeeper. These jobs must be done either way, while I despise modern living, it at least allows those with a higher IQ to reach their potential and those of a lower IQ to do that which suits them. By segregating based upon IQ you would in fact lose some of your best minds to mediocrity rather than allow the creation of hyper intelligent societies.

If you simply had to segregate a society, it makes far more sense to segregate based upon national identity and culture. It creates a more trusting environment because as has been shown in research, increases in diversity in the work place often lower trust in relationships between employees. Also, instead of your communal transports and amenities, I would propose a different solution. While it may come across as strict, I would impose a maximum income, nothing insane but perhaps around £500,000 per year. This allows anyone to enjoy the amenities they wish if they are earning at the maximum while also either making products cheaper or wages higher for employees. A rather nice side effect of business owners being obligated to pump more money back into their company. This way we are less likely to see an incredibly polarised society where only the richest can afford entertainment as wealth would be redistributed in a more organic fashion while preventing revolt by the capitalist crowd due to the argument given by many economic studies that the best way for a capitalist society to survive is to spend money and not save, preventing economic breakdown by preventing the richest from saving drastically large sums of money. Unfortunately, my ideal society would not benefit the libertarian in any sense. While I would argue for the right to bear arms, I would outlaw most things I consider to be immoral based upon the fact that for millennia these acts have been considered immoral, unnatural, etc. So for example, homosexuality, drug usage and abortion.

In essence, my society would be based upon fascism and nationalist socialism with an emphasis on maintaining culture and ethics.

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