Back in the day of thinking men, symposiums would be held in which the brightest thinkers would come forth and posit their ideals upon others as well as hear out the ideas of others and provide feedback. Some of the greatest lectures were had and out of those great lectures, some of the shaping elements of civilization!
Today, if you aren't uber-wealthy, you are not heard. This, I feel, greatly restricts the flow of information as even Diogenes had Caesar convinced Diogenes was the superior in intellect of the two. "If I were not Caesar, I would be Diogenes!"
ITT: We discuss our answers to societies current problems as well as provide WHY your answer is the best answer. For instance: "KILL THEM ALL!" must be followed up with HOW that benefits man-kind as a whole, not just you individually, and why it's the best solution among other solutions you bring forth.
What we don't want is for you to take any position OTHER THAN the one you bring forth. None of "well, I could see this being a hole in my position…" no. Stand firm and convince the world that your position is the most correct of all possible.
With that, I will start.
I am an American. I know no other way of life. We are brash, arrogant and generous to a fault. I dislike the idea of Balkanization, but I feel it to be the best means to the end I desire. I desire a separation of the masses into IQ quadrants. This will allow about 10-15% of blacks into my land and about 50% of whites. I would require pre-natal testing to be administered to unborn youth to see if they would be fit for the society or other measures, such as genetic testing of potential parents to see if they would make fit hosts. I would socialize all resources to the point where a black would have certain amenities. There is no reason for every American to own a car when we spend so little time in them. I would average out the time each person spends in a vehicle, or taking the boat to the lake, or whatever else, and I would have the most current technology available to everyone. There would be no "keeping up with the Jones's" as everyone would be "the Jones's." My main push would be to bring humanity to the next point in existence.
To achieve this, from the point we are at today, I would walk back all forms of government. Leave and let them collapse into themselves. Among the chaos, I would wait to see who was intelligent enough to make their way. Who would group up (I want group-minded people, not rogue warriors) and who would self-immolate would not matter. I would simply let happen, what needs to happen.
I would have a safe-area, so to speak, where all worthy receptions would be brought to carry forth humanity. I wouldn't worry about WWIII or any of the like, but I would remove the jew from the playing field first and foremost. A lack of empathy makes not a citizen of /new/world.
Punch holes in mine, or bring your own. This is /pnd/ thought-project 2020.1