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File: ed37e68595b8943⋯.png (11.49 KB, 400x400, 1:1, icct.png)

a6ae67  No.17578[Last 50 Posts]

(((They))) want to take your guns away and lock you up




This is not a drill

>Pushing back against the rising far-right in the United States will require concerted efforts by a range of government agencies, a change in rhetoric by those in charge and, no less important, a sense of urgency that actions must be taken now. Four concrete suggestions are made here. In the short-term, the White House must condemn far-right violence and increase the resources and attention being paid to it by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. In the long-term, the government should strengthen its countering violent extremism programming and pursue two important legislative changes: domestic terrorism legislation and gradual gun control. Firstly, and most urgently, the White House must condemn, in no uncertain terms, the rising far-right violence America is experiencing under this administration. In other words, we have to be able to call domestic terrorists “domestic terrorists.” Publicly acknowledging the impact of the Presidency on America’s domestic terrorism landscape—“Trump may not be deliberately trying to enable far-right violence, but his rhetoric and actions are having that effect”—and denouncing it would clearly signal to the increasingly emboldened radical right that violence will not be tolerated, and that terrorists will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law, no different than their Islamist counterparts. 89 Additionally, the Republican establishment, including Members of Congress and right-wing media, needs to better push back against Trump’s most extreme rhetoric. As mentioned, ideas and policies that typically belonged on the radical fringe of American politics have been normalised by this President: “There’s been a mainstreaming of the extremist narratives. Things that were once on the outer fringes are now being brought to the forefront by Trump.”90 The violent extremist fringes are paying attention; as James Mason, Atomwaffen’s ideological figurehead, admitted, “with Trump winning that election by surprise—and it was a surprise—I now believe anything could be possible.”91 America’s political right, including the White House and Congress, must be braver in pushing back against extremism, delegitimising it, and returning it to the fringes of society. As terrorism expert Jason Blazakis warned, “if that rhetoric continues unchecked it will tear the nation asunder.”92 Also in the short term, the government needs to ramp up resources for law enforcement agencies combatting domestic terrorism. Right-wing terrorism has been ignored for a long time—as Peter Singer has argued, “in America, it is politically savvy to talk strongly and repeatedly about terrorism and extremism, except the version of it that has killed the largest number of our fellow citizens over the last decade”—and the problem has been allowed to grow as a result.93 More needs to be done at the federal, state, and local levels to combat the growing right-wing threat. The UK has already handed its domestic intelligence agency MI5 more resources to pursue right-wing extremists; the US should follow suit.94 That said, the FBI has begun to investigate Atomwaffen, speaking with former members around the country, and investigating Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers’ connection with two neo-Nazi brothers linked to the group. 95

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a6ae67  No.17585

>Furthermore, the Trump administration’s latest counter-terrorism strategy, published in 2018, included an explicit reference to domestic terrorism, warning of the threat posed by “racially motivated extremism, animal rights extremism, environmental extremism, sovereign citizen extremism, and militia extremism.”96 Those are positive steps, which must now be built upon. In the longer term, the US government should improve its countering violent extremism (CVE) programming, both through government agencies as well as through partnerships with civil society organisations. Conspiracy theories such as ZOG and the white genocide are central to neo-Nazi ideology and to Atomwaffen’s ability to recruit; breaking those narratives is critical to sustained counter-terrorism success, and can likely only be achieved through long-term CVE programming. The Trump administration has acted to eradicate CVE targeted at right-wing extremism several times; the Department of Homeland Security rescinded several Obama-era CVE grants to non-profits focused on rehabilitating right-wing extremists, and the administration has even proposed rebranding CVE to Countering Islamic Extremism.97 This must urgently be reversed. CVE programming is far from perfect, but it can play a critical role in steering vulnerable young men and women away from radicalisation and helping rehabilitate those who flirted with extremism.98 CVE efforts must include government and non-profits reaching out to the “nonviolent wings of the movement” to convince extremists to forego violence and militancy and instead choose peaceful and productive political participation.99 Members of groups like Atomwaffen may be strongly neo-Nazi but not strongly in favour of violence; mainstream society should work to connect with those individuals and protect them from the allure of terrorist organisations. A revamped CVE strategy would necessarily require a mobilisation of civil society, including through government grants to encourage community-level organisations to develop new programs; improved relationships between government and at-risk communities; and most importantly, as former Obama administration CVE official Eric Rosand articulates, “the adoption of a public health (as opposed to a law-enforcement-driven) approach to preventing extremist violence, which offers opportunities for multipurpose programming, avoiding stigma, and leveraging existing public health resources, including mental health professionals, social workers or teachers.”100 Effective CVE could play a crucial role in toppling the summit of McCauley and Moskalenko’s radicalisation pyramid, working to bring former radicals back into the mainstream and deter further extremism. Finally, also in the long term, US lawmakers must pursue legislative changes, both to legally designate domestic terrorists as “terrorists,” as well as to limit their access to firearms. Firstly, lawmakers should develop domestic terrorism legislation to be used to prosecute right-wing terrorists. In the US, Islamist extremists—regardless of mobilisation to violence—are often prosecuted with the “providing material support to terrorists” statute, which applies only to “designated foreign terrorists” and does not have an equivalent for right-wing extremists.101

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a6ae67  No.17586

>When domestic terrorists avoid the “terrorism” label, they, as well as their ideologies, also avoid “the terrorist stigma we’ve long reserved for foreign jihadist groups.”102 An equal application of the “terrorism” brand across all ideologies would be beneficial for several reasons: it could help stigmatise actions and ideologies, in turn deterring copycats; it would avoid alienating Muslim communities, which are crucial allies in the fight against jihadism; and it would allow the FBI to conduct broader investigations, including into organisations which may have inspired lone actor terrorists.103 Domestic terrorism legislation must fulfil two essential requirements: the statute “must preserve legitimate free speech while providing an opportunity for a federal agency to sanction US citizens.”104 Sanctions might include exclusion from the financial system, material support to terrorism charges for anybody aiding, abetting, or praising the suspect, or removal of any online propaganda disseminated by the individual or their organisation. 105 Such legislation would devastate Atomwaffen; the group’s online presence would be decimated, and a substantial number of members could be eligible for arrest on material support charges related to Blaze Bernstein’s killing. Additionally, government should work to pass bipartisan gun control legislation to limit terrorists’ access to weapons. In the United States, private ownership of firearms is enshrined through the Second Amendment and has become an ideological anchor for constitutional conservatives. Gun rights are also central to far-right ideology, and, as was the case with the Brady Bill, gun control measures are often perceived as the last salvo before a tyrannical government turns on its people. 106 Therefore perhaps the most difficult and unlikely of these recommendations, the effort to curb terrorists’ access to guns must be a bipartisan effort. Republican lawmakers must offer their blessing, and push their bases to accept the measures. Lawmakers should push for certain measures short of universal gun confiscations which could help reduce the threat, such as background checks, waiting periods, and ammunition caps. It has become too easy for dangerous people with malicious intentions to acquire military-grade weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition, with almost every American terrorist this century, regardless of ideology, facing basically no restrictions when buying their chosen tool for mass murder.107 If not for a timely police intercept, Atomwaffen’s Brandon Russell might have joined a long list of American mass shooters; it should be up to policymakers, not police on the beat, to stop the next domestic terrorist.

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a6ae67  No.17587

File: c15cf4855e19a59⋯.jpg (10.02 KB, 402x402, 1:1, explain.jpg)


This is where it all begins.. to end

> the government should strengthen its countering violent extremism programming and pursue two important legislative changes: domestic terrorism legislation and

gradual gun control

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8747d3  No.17590


What bullshit. They say that right-wingers have killed more than Islamic extremists in the last decade when if you do the research, it isn’t true. In 2016, there were 49 deaths from Islamic terrorism and only 10 deaths from right-wing terrorism, including two triple homicides that were apolitical in motivations but were still committed by the far-right. Also, there were an additional 8 deaths from black nationalist extremism as well. Similarly in 2017, Islamic terrorists were responsible for the deadliest terror attack (8 dead) as well as another attack that left one person dead. Also black nationalists were responsible for 5 deaths that year. All the murders committed by right-wing extremists that year were either individual or double homicides. In 2018, you also had Corey Johnson who murdered somebody at a sleepover after converting to Islam. I don’t think the data has come out for 2019 yet, but from 2016 - 2018, the far-right was allegedly responsible for 10 in 2016, 19 in 2017 and 39 in 2018. And Islamic terrorists were responsible for 49 deaths in 2016, 9 deaths in 2017 and 1 death in 2018. Do the math, Muslims make up 1.1% of the US population. Neo-Nazis make up 9 or 10%. And also take note that not all of those deaths from right-wing terror came from explicit Neo-Nazis, as sovereign citizen, anti-government extremism, incel, et cetera were also included. Such bullshit.

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0a973e  No.17591

Fuck off, glow-in-the-dark. We don't fix a problem by making a bad situation first. All acceleration is retarded.

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e17634  No.17592


I suppose it depends on your end goal. They probably have a different end-goal than you do.

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eef50a  No.17593


Is there any statement there that isn't a lie? They are the ones causing problems with the constant pushing to remove rights.

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a6ae67  No.17595

File: 1434f7a5e87c79d⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 1280x1712, 80:107, neo nazi heil hitler.jpg)


> In the longer term, the US government should improve its countering violent extremism (CVE) programming, both through government agencies as well as through partnerships with civil society organisations. (((Conspiracy theories))) such as

==ZOG and the white genocide== are central to neo-Nazi ideology and to Atomwaffen’s ability to recruit; breaking those narratives is critical to sustained counter-terrorism success, and can likely only be achieved through (((long-term CVE programming.)))

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65034b  No.17597

"No different from their Islamic counter parts"

Pretending it isn't real or punishing people unrelated with stupid laws?

And Islamic terror has still killed more, The difference is that Right Wing terror kills our enemy and the source of all these Muslims in the first place.


It's already bad it's either accelerate or die pick your poison.

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871c73  No.17599

No surprise seeing what they are currently trying to do in Virginia. How can a rational white person look at what is happening in only White nations and NOT think something is up to try and replace them or get rid of them entirely, do only non-White nations get to have "uniqueness" and our nations have to be "melting pots"? Disgusting.

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a6ae67  No.17600



>> In the longer term, the US government should improve its countering violent extremism (CVE) programming, both through government agencies as well as through partnerships with civil society organisations. (((Conspiracy theories))) such as

ZOG and the white genocide

are central to neo-Nazi ideology and to Atomwaffen’s ability to recruit; breaking those narratives is critical to sustained counter-terrorism success, and can likely only be achieved through (((long-term CVE programming.)))

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e17634  No.17601


There is already too much 'soft terrorism' in the USA for anyone to be comfortable or live normally. I don't think we really have all that much to lose at this point.

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871c73  No.17603


Did codemonkey get rid of the echos??

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a6ae67  No.17605


No, I'm a moron and didn't proof read.

Red txt needs to be on its own line

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871c73  No.17606



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871c73  No.17609




Did he change it?


Are you saying that all this diversity and multiculturalism has been a negative thing for the USA over the last 60 years?

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a6ae67  No.17610



yes he did

Well, it was BO css on /pol/ only actually.

My dinner just got here, so I hastily replied, x2

Even frogot a >

here >>17600

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e17634  No.17611


There is no such thing as 'negative'. People struggle to live or they die.

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871c73  No.17612


Can't argue with those dubs anon.


Damn, I liked them even if my fellow anons did overuse them a bit.

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03a5b8  No.17614


>breaking those narratives is critical

Then maybe the kikes should stop controlling our government and genociding us? As happy as they may be about getting their war with Iran, it's going to result in ever more people become aware of their power.

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e17634  No.17616


Doesn't seem like they care if people see them struggling to live, does it?

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66661a  No.17642


If you don't kill them, they won't stop.

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000000  No.17676


I don't see why a war with Iran would be a bad thing, if some of the conscription age spics die off and it redpills people on jewish power.

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0fb4eb  No.17680



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000000  No.17681


He condensed all of that into 4 posts niggerfaggot, do you want an 8 post OP?

if you don't like it learn to fucking read

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e17634  No.17684


TBH I didn't read it because it is visually horrendous…attomwafen blah, blah. Gotcha.

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000000  No.17685


I didn't read it either but that faggot was being unnecessarily negative about it

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55b382  No.17735

File: 615c8423e0022fa⋯.jpg (23.2 KB, 612x437, 612:437, ELs5d-yXsAU-Ucm.jpg)

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55b382  No.17739

File: ce2c642d3cb2447⋯.png (309.71 KB, 625x352, 625:352, ce2c642d3cb2447ce077cb2ef3….png)


>breaking those narratives is critical to sustained counter-terrorism success

Must be a real pain in the ass trying to "break a narrative" when the narrative is based in truth.

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7f7eda  No.17740


We're going to remove you and your kind from earth. once and for all.

America will dominate all.

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7f7eda  No.17741


Iran comes with more than a geographical outline, anon. it also entails russia, china, n. korea and about 100 other communist states or those closely tied to the communist block.

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7f7eda  No.17742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and before you go yapping your tornigger dicksucker about "she's a JOOOOO!" yeah, she is. I'm sure she cries herself to sleep about it every night, but disprove ANYTHING that is said in the video and I will hear your argument. Otherwise, fuck off.

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55b382  No.17747

File: a0308e84669ad73⋯.png (327.25 KB, 500x450, 10:9, list.png)


>We're going to remove you and your kind from earth.

Yes, we all know about the kalegri plan, genuflecting like a cartoon super-villain about it will impress nobody here.



Not really bringing you A-game here tonight, are you?

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bac8d1  No.17751


>disprove ANYTHING





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55b382  No.17752

File: 17b6e53b77f0bf2⋯.jpg (457.94 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, 17b6e53b77f0bf27d391184a07….jpg)


>Click my jewtube link goy

You intellectually bankrupt parasite, use one of the three wrinkles you have in that smooth brain of yours and put your argument into your own words. If you can.


>America will dominate all.

That's a real funny thing to post from a guy dicksucking up to the (((Hague Convention))) and beating off to the thought of wiping out white Americans. You glow bright, boy.

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d006e1  No.17806


snowflake hypocrite. die nigger

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e49508  No.17822

File: ffd8b51f52b4faa⋯.gif (752.2 KB, 410x258, 205:129, 43553354.gif)


Siege is a great book i would advise the commonfolk to read it.

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e49508  No.17831


Sure it has its issues at first, but this is why you must read everything, leave no text unread.

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6af116  No.17988

File: 6e17ffa573620f1⋯.gif (3.17 MB, 406x300, 203:150, what.gif)


> Character dynamic

you never read it. obviously.


also never have read it.

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3e375f  No.17990


I didn't like any of the characters in SIEGE either, fellow goy.

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7a1da2  No.17994


He's one-dimensional and boring. You know everything about the guy within the first chapter of the book. "Troubled youth, loser… blah blah blah"

It's a great book for what it is, right wing propaganda or are you so brainwashed you have a problem with the word propaganda? I'm sorry, I don't subject myself to the will of the jew so I can actually appreciate things for what they are and I can accept aspects of things that I like, within what I don't like as a whole.

I didn't like the book. It was boring and one-dimensional. I liked the purpose of the book, we as a community need more of it. I wish we had more of this book that I didn't like.

HOLY SHIT! it's almost like I'm intelligent enough to reserve an opinion on something for it's utility AND it's content! WOW!

Fuck off you halfling shits. You will never be German!

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6af116  No.17998





Have any of you actually read the book, (Siege, by James Mason) or listened to the audio for that matter? (the reading of the book)

I am convinced by your comments, regardless of whether or not you accept the tenets of the book, that you have also never been exposed to it and are just making shit up with your comments.

If you are a jew or a nigger, don't bother reading it. It won't apply to you. Seriously, don't bother.

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6b8b05  No.18000



i'm sleepy now

time to rest

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88a13e  No.18004


I am not sure if I could own a gun or not I never tried it but I am on disability due to autism. Could still own knives, airguns crossbows, bows and slingshot (black powder weapons are expensive and no gun range will allow it anyway). I work part time and I feel blackpillled (before I applied for advisability I tried looking for a job, parents threatened me to get kicked).

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4a9333  No.18005


be a good kid

respect your parents wishes

be happy you have 2 parents

focus on things that matter like computer coding

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88a13e  No.18014


I am a good kid it's just I needed to pay some of the bills at home likely I won my disability case.

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e26668  No.18024

>nigger gangs are explicitly devoted to race war

>they have hundreds of thousands of members

>they are one of the biggest sources of crime and violence in the country

>they're associated with communists and foreign countries

>the politicians protect them and the police refuse to stop them

>but let's take guns from middle-class Whites to reduce crime

>this will help us use the state to stop the "far-right" because apparently being far-right is illegal

How do they get away with this? I just don't get it.

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b6e3fd  No.18038

murder death kill

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4a9333  No.18071


well, you have one major thing in your favor (most likely) you not only don't crave the attention or approval of others, you reject it! You don't understand it now, but that single factor will save you a shit ton of grief throughout life. Just find something you're passionate about and focus on that like a laser. Maybe its solving or discovering a new conjecture in higher maths, or improving an already existing technology or creating a new one? I don't know you or your interest, but I know Autism and I know you can get immersed in something so overwhelmingly that the entire world disappears and that's when you're happiest. Try to stay there as long as possible.

I wouldn't own any deadly weapons if I were you. i've turned them on myself twice and after the second time, gave my weapons away. They're close by in case the race war breaks out, but not accessible. I would suggest the same if I were you, save you the grief. I regret trying to quit and am happy that i wasn't allowed to. Fight til your last breath, know yourself and your limitations, don't hurt others. that's the best advice I can offer you.

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4c7255  No.18695

File: 8400378f48876af⋯.png (125.77 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: fc2486061da9d76⋯.png (290.74 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: ccbb807204a4732⋯.png (267.58 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: da56b921dd9b78e⋯.png (289.76 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

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4c7255  No.18696

File: 6a763efc926c395⋯.png (265.96 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: dbb72a7d1d86144⋯.png (278.21 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: 76dec5893caec70⋯.png (293.12 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: e7e304ca9d505ec⋯.png (270.48 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

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4c7255  No.18697

File: 8cd5a0f1da493f1⋯.png (299.09 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-0….png)

File: 93adb4108528de4⋯.png (258.87 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: 83e2cfc7a7eaa6e⋯.png (272.16 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: dd0092e6bf126c6⋯.png (277.62 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

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4c7255  No.18698

File: 2df25dc349ad64c⋯.png (290.5 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: 76769100ce1f383⋯.png (270.65 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: fccad364ce5b1a8⋯.png (197.77 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: 2f8aa937f3781cb⋯.png (199.56 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

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4c7255  No.18699

File: f575b9461e27aca⋯.png (196.21 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: b1b5eaa6061e21e⋯.png (119.67 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: 0a4fb8f3d69a809⋯.png (58.36 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-1….png)

File: 37f1278f981b31a⋯.png (103.26 KB, 1653x2336, 1653:2336, ICCT-Ware-Siege-July2019-2….png)

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4c7255  No.18700

File: d59e145c9128b4b⋯.gif (7.32 KB, 367x159, 367:159, logo_icct.gif)


(((international center for counter terrorism in the hauge)))

Complete Fucking Morons.

Want a huge fucking dose of cancer, look at any one of the publications on their site. https://icct.nl/publications/

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4c7255  No.18701

File: d37625b0acbce28⋯.jpeg (799.92 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, orig-1502953338a9ee404271….jpeg)


>page 1

>Attackers in Oak Creek, Charleston, and Pittsburgh emerged from an increasingly emboldened radical right, which has grown in size and ambition in recent years.


James Fields wouldn't of tried pushing his way through the crowd if the crowd didn't start attacking his car in the first place.

Complete BS

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fbbe81  No.18703


>What do you think would happen first?

Ground war with Iran


Plebs reaction the far right?

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292a6a  No.18705


Checked & confirmed

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4c7255  No.18707


OP here.

Wrong thread m8

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fbbe81  No.18711


Then why did you switch ip addresses?

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4c7255  No.18713


I was posting from different VPN yesterday.

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292a6a  No.18718


such the excuse with this goy, oy vey

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4c7255  No.18724

File: 584e53148331869⋯.jpg (29.59 KB, 318x298, 159:149, wade-michael-page.jpg)


>Oak Creek

>Wade Michael Page

>Army Vet

>psy ops specialist

Imagine that..

I wasn't familiar with that one, but I did see a strange comment on this article about him.

>Shooter was recent convert to Islam just like Aurora shooter.


I couldn't find any source tho.

The server took too long to submit your post. Your post was probably still submitted. If it wasn't, 8kun might be experiencing issues right now – please try your post again later.

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4c7255  No.18726

File: 56fc4ce12bdd19a⋯.png (320.71 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 0pq22v3r5sx11.png)



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4c7255  No.18731


>The spiritual and ideological origins of right-wing fringe groups in the United States reside largely in the post-Civil War period, with the first iteration of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). In its early days, the Klan attacked emancipated slaves and their supporters,seeking to reverse gains they may have made upon the Confederacy’s defeat. The original Klan declined in part due to law enforcement pressure; in the early 20 th century, a second iteration rose and fell again, during a period that saw great social upheaval, Prohibition, and restrictions on immigration. After World War II, the KKK revived for a

third time, spurred on by opposition to the growing civil rights movement. 8 The third iteration declined due to internal conflicts and government infiltrations, but the group maintains a presence today, with up to 8,000 members spread around the United States. 9

>(((government infiltrations)))



>What the Klan members didn’t know was that the FBI office in Dallas was well aware of the entire scheme—thanks to a well-placed source within the True Knights. Its multi-agency terror task force was watching the group’s every step and had even bugged the cab of the couple’s truck as they callously dismissed the possible outcome of the attack while driving past the facility.

Sounds like the FBI put them upto it to me.

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4c7255  No.18737

File: cb00483d33eadaa⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 203x333, 203:333, 1449030359553.jpg)


>page 2

>The Klan has not been the sole voice of right-wing extremism in US history. The second half of the 20 th century saw the rise of others on the extreme far-right espousing violence. By the 1970s and 1980s, two groups—the Aryan Nations, led by Richard Butler, and the National Alliance, led by William Pierce, author of a popular right-wing extremist call-to-arms titled The Turner Diaries—claimed a central role. Both groups subscribed to neo-Nazi and white supremacist views, and held tense relationships with the government. These groups had limited real success, however, and by 1989, “right-wing extremism was in trouble.” 10

>William Pierce

Good man

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4c7255  No.18742

File: 368468bdd51fe75⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 589x403, 19:13, mcveigh015.jpg)


>page 2

>The modern far-right movement was reawakened by two incidents in the 1990s which epitomised perceived government overreach into civilian life: Ruby Ridge in 1992 and Waco in 1993. At the former, an FBI-led standoff resulted in the deaths of the wife and son of an alleged Aryan Nations member in rural Idaho. In the latter, 82 members of the Branch Davidians religious group were killed after the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms led a siege on the Davidian compound in Waco, Texas. Soon after these events, anti-government hysteria was compounded by the 1994 passage of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, which imposed background checks on firearms purchases. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Brady Bill provided a toxic mix of the things right- wing extremists love the most: “guns, a compound standing in the face of federal agents, and religion.” 11 Taken together, the three events catalysed a rebirth for the American far-right, sparking a national militia uprising, and ensuring the health of the extreme right for years to come.

>At the former, FBI-led standoff…

>In the latter… FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms led a siege

I'm seeing a pattern here

>Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

>Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Brady Bill

>catalysed a rebirth for the American far-right

Also let to the Oklahoma City bombing


>he stated he decapitated an Iraqi soldier with cannon fire on his first day in the war and celebrated. He said he was later shocked to be ordered to execute surrendering prisoners

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4c7255  No.18750

File: 8d80ff1a55ee6dd⋯.jpg (14.48 KB, 320x247, 320:247, 140294236717.jpg)

File: c7df5fc9cecd65c⋯.jpg (23.97 KB, 324x440, 81:110, 4542180.jpg)


Claiming JJ as muh Waifu

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4c7255  No.18753

File: f6680cf27855bae⋯.png (75.63 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, fbi-infiltration-comic.png)

File: e7c9bf3769a0be9⋯.png (264.88 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, gov.uscourts.casd.626722.1….png)

File: 802e0a6783bd364⋯.png (306.46 KB, 1700x2200, 17:22, gov.uscourts.casd.626722.1….png)

On a side note, the FBI is pretty incompetent.


>Shitpost on 8cuck

>screenshot and print out thread

>make copies of copies

>scan copies and print these out in court case

>scan court case copy

They do shitpost with us at least.


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55b382  No.18850

File: aa1967c65271df7⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB, 576x432, 4:3, vintage cigarette ad.mp4)

Honestly, this dogshit report makes me want to REED SEEJ a thousand times more than those edgelord charlie manson memes ever did. Maybe I finally will.

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55b382  No.18851

File: 79f511494dc6bb3⋯.pdf (2.88 MB, James Mason - Siege.pdf)

Everything I post is political satire.

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4c7255  No.18860


There are many more BS reports

link here >>18700

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5784e0  No.21059


You've gotta be fucking kidding. Breivik alone killed 78,

Tarrant 51

Crusius 22

the math is correct. it's just nothing to be ashamed of.

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88a13e  No.21062


I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to go hunting and fishing. Fuck city life I wanna live in a small town. Fishing and hunting licences are reduced because I am on disability.

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d3d8aa  No.21066

They are scared that millions of Americans are finally waking up to their horrific crimes, mass-scale fiscal fraud, sedition and treason.

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000000  No.21069

>James Mason - Siege



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2dc678  No.21120


>I don't want to hurt anyone, I just want to go hunting and fishing.

Well, you can't. The system doesn't want you to do that, so it will come for you. There is no neutrality.

>Fuck city life I wanna live in a small town.

Your small town needs diversity. We're sending niggers.

Now. . . what's your plan for stopping this?

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88a13e  No.21133


I don't know anymore, if I do something I will likely go to jail or hospitalized and get a strong shot in the ass or quads by the (((physiologist))), I don't know what is that shit but it fucks you up . If I do something I would have to kill myself before they handcuff me. Jail is nowhere you want to go if have a mental record.

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2dc678  No.21149

File: 0978d7d9be88337⋯.jpg (14.57 KB, 219x255, 73:85, Special_Flight.jpg)


Checked. Martyrdom it is then. You'll get a plaque, retard-anon.

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3814c6  No.21225


That's right, fellow anonymous poster. We should all just vote for Donald J Trump! #MAGA #WWG1WGA #MIGA #ISRAELFIRST

Kill yourself niggerkike.

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c8ad7a  No.21233


This isn't honestly anything really. It's not US government policy, it's just (((recommendations))) from a UN think tank on how to deal with wignat gangs. It says

1) Drump must disavow

2) More money to the FBI

3) More propaganda focused on deradicalization and countering ZOG/Great Replacement narrative

4) Turn systems created after 9/11 to target Islamic terrorists abroad toward the domestic sphere

Only the fourth one actually matters. There are legal, political, and constitutional barriers against it, but if we've learned anything over the last 15 years it's that that was the plan from the beginning. Trump at least probably won't do it, but they won't wait forever.

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9c7b74  No.21234

File: a65ac300f781f67⋯.jpg (22.4 KB, 586x200, 293:100, crapsidermy 20.jpg)


You let them get away with it.

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9c7b74  No.21237

File: fcd2e32af523836⋯.jpeg (20.15 KB, 300x300, 1:1, michael rod facebook.jpeg)


Yeah, but that one is a spicnigger. So a foreigner not part of our ethnic nation.

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9c7b74  No.21240

File: 7afc198574c74d9⋯.jpg (221.16 KB, 1164x696, 97:58, gumball immigration video ….jpg)


No one should be ashamed but 50 is really the minimum high score that is necessary to save our people.

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6d7826  No.22300


>The Warning Signs are Flashing Red: The Interplay Between Climate Change and Violent Extremism in the Western Sahel

Knock out two birds with one stone. The leftists are becoming efficient.

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6d7826  No.22303

File: 735908ab7b5f450⋯.png (390.51 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 1546351794091.png)


>I wouldn't own any deadly weapons if I were you

Fuck off, glownigger. If he wants guns, he should own guns. Telling people not to buy guns won't prevent OKC 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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