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File: 76e3b5f3c4390c5⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2160x1200, 9:5, rabbi-sacks-jta.jpg)

2fda6a  No.16820




> LONDON (JTA) — The last two festivals to be added to the Jewish calendar prior to modern times — Purim and Hanukkah — are both about anti-Semitism. There is one obvious difference between them: Haman, of the Purim story, wanted to kill Jews. Antiochus, of the Hanukkah story, wanted to kill Judaism. It was the difference between Nazi Germany and Soviet Communism.

> But there is another difference that has renewed salience after the horrifying knife attack in Monsey, N.Y. What saved Jews on Purim was behind-the-scenes influence: Esther’s influence in the royal court. But the danger of anti-Semitism remained. What if hatred returned and this time there was no Esther around to save the Jews? That is one reason, according to the Talmud, why we do not say Hallel on Purim.

> On Hanukkah, by contrast, Jews fought back and won. The Maccabees became a symbol of Jewish activism, of refusing to live in fear. As a symbol of this, the original custom was to light Hanukkah lights outside the front door of the house, or at least in a window facing the street, to publicize the miracle. Today, we see the lighting of giant menorahs in the most prominent public face of cities throughout the world.

> Hanukkah tells us not to curse the darkness, but instead to bring light to the world. It tells us to fight back and not to be afraid.

> The shocking events in Monsey, together with those in Jersey City, Poway, Pittsburgh and elsewhere, are proof that the darkness has returned. It has returned likewise to virtually every country in Europe. That this should have happened within living memory of the Holocaust, after the most systematic attempt ever made by a civilization to find a cure for the virus of the world’s longest hate — more than half a century of Holocaust education and anti-racist legislation — is almost unbelievable. It is particularly traumatic that this has happened in the United States, the country where Jews felt more at home than anywhere else in the Diaspora. Why is it happening now?

> First, because of everything associated with the internet, smartphones, viral videos and above all, social media. These have what is called a “disinhibition effect.” People are far more hateful when communicating electronically than when speaking face-to-face.

> Cyberspace has proved to be the most effective incubator of resentment, rancor and conspiracy theories ever invented. Anti-Semitism thrives on conspiracy theories, versions of the Blood Libel and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, updated for the twenty-first century.

> Second, because of the way people encounter these phenomena: often alone, in the privacy of their own home. This allows them to be radicalized without anyone realizing it is happening. Time and again, we read of people carrying out horrific attacks, while those who knew them recall not having seen any warning signs that they were intent on committing evil attacks.

> The most dangerous phenomenon of our time is the “lone wolf” attack, because it is so hard to predict. The internet is particularly dangerous for loners, people in whom the normal process of socialization — learning to live with others who are not like us — has broken down.

> Historically though, the most important factor in the rise of anti-Semitism is the sense among a group that the world as it is now is not the way it used to be, or ought to be.

> The far left has not recovered from the global collapse of communism and socialism as ideologies. Hence the assault on Jews as capitalists and libertarians.


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2fda6a  No.16822


> The far right feels threatened by the changing composition of Western societies, because of immigration on an unprecedented scale and low birth rates among the native population. Hence white supremacists.

> Many radical Islamists are troubled by dysfunctions in the Muslim world. Hence the emergence of anti-Zionism as the new anti-Semitism.

> These concerns do not, in and of themselves, lead to anti-Semitism. One other factor must be added.

> When bad things happen, good people ask, “What did I do wrong?” They put their house in order. But bad people ask, “Who did this to me?” They cast themselves as victims and search for scapegoats to blame.

> The scapegoat of choice has long been the Jews. They were the archetypal outsiders. For a thousand years, they were the most prominent non-Christian minority in Europe. Today, the state of Israel is the most significant non-Muslim presence in the Middle East. It is easy to blame Jews because they are conspicuous, because they are a minority and because they are there.

> Anti-Semitism has little to do with Jews — they are its object, not its cause — and everything to do with dysfunction in the communities that harbor it.

> Anti-Semitism, or any hate, becomes dangerous in any society when three things happen: when it moves from the fringes of politics to a mainstream party and its leadership; when the party sees that its popularity with the general public is not harmed thereby; and when those who stand up and protest are vilified and abused for doing so.

> All three factors exist in Britain now. The same must not be allowed to happen in America.

> What, then, must we do? The first priority must be to strengthen security in Jewish venues, to intensify police patrols and to develop habits of vigilance. The British Jewish community has a fine example in its Community Security Trust which, with the support of government grants, monitors risks, enlists thousands of volunteers to stand security duty and works closely with the government and local police forces. “Lone wolves” tend to seek soft targets, and the Jewish community must ensure as far as possible that there are no soft targets.

> Next, we must recognize that while we have enemies, we also have friends — and they are many and strong. In Britain, as we faced a leader of the opposition who many of us felt has made his party a safe haven for anti-Zionists and anti-Semites, it was enormously important that non-Jews from all walks of life came out in our support. It made us feel we were not alone.

> Many surveys in the United States have shown that Jews are the most admired of all minorities. We cannot fight anti-Semitism alone. The victim cannot cure the crime. We need to make friends who will stand with us and help lead the fight. This is best done by explaining how antisemitism endangers everyone, because the hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews.

> Lastly, we must never forget the message of Hanukkah: Fight back. Never be afraid. Whatever the threats, be proud to be Jewish and share this pride with others.

> At times our history has been written in tears, yet we have outlived every empire and every civilization that sought to destroy us. Our spirit, symbolized by the Hanukkah candles, is indomitable. Where others spread darkness, let us bring light.

Source: https://www.jta.org/2020/01/02/opinion/rabbi-lord-jonathan-sacks-the-keys-to-understanding-american-anti-semitism-and-fighting-back

Archive: http://archive.ph/o34cV

> in b4 reddit spacing

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2fda6a  No.16824


> The most dangerous phenomenon of our time is the “lone wolf” attack, because it is so hard to predict.

gotta love those Siegefags


> The far right feels threatened by the changing composition of Western societies, because of immigration on an unprecedented scale and low birth rates among the native population. Hence white supremacists.

How about, "White Defenders???"

> Radical Islamists

Uh, Kikes took their land, duh.


this whole article can be applied to the U.S. btw.

Did you see how they were walking around outside open carry in NY where it is illegal to do so??

fuck jews

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b4dea1  No.16825

File: 63093cdeddc7c28⋯.jpg (196.07 KB, 1076x1306, 538:653, 1452102721577.jpg)


>The last two festivals to be added to the Jewish calendar prior to modern times — Purim and Hanukkah — are both about anti-Semitism.

Isn't Purim a celebration of the Persian Genocide? He's getting a little close to dropping the mask here, don't you think?

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105d87  No.16830


The ZOG is completely illegal in all ways.

It has violeted it's own "laws" numerous times uncountable times.

Many laws in USA imply contrary

This is for everyone who still cares about "lawful behaviour" inside a system where no law but their protection applies to kikes.

It is built on betrayal, lying, stealing, manipulating and conquering.

Most people living today are rotten scum, there is no loss when they die.

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9ced3c  No.16831

> "Good people ask "What did I do wrong?"

Well we did and found our mistake was letting in Jews and creating systems that facilitates the Jew's power and emigration.

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2fda6a  No.16833


> Purim (/ˈpʊərɪm/; Hebrew: About this soundפּוּרִים (help·info) Pûrîm "lots", from the word פור pur (גורל / fate),[2] related to Akkadian: pūru; also called the Festival of Lots) is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who was planning to kill all the Jews, as recounted in the Book of Esther (מגילת אסתר Megillat Ester in Hebrew; usually dated to the 4th century BC).

snauce https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purim

could be - I would have to research that further though

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9ced3c  No.16834

I love kike logic, if everyone agrees something is a problem that is proof it's not the problem.

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b4dea1  No.16836

File: 2628b645d9c2f7f⋯.jpg (48.37 KB, 600x278, 300:139, USS Liberty.jpg)


>could be

Oh, it was a rhetorical question. II assure you that is exactly what they are celebrating. Any anon who hasn't read the story of Purim ought to, as it shares a lot of parallels with the plans they have for us today.

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05f5af  No.16838


Adding onto what you said everyone not only needs to be aware of the story of Purim but they also need to be aware of the fact that jewish rabbis have called Ivanka Trump a modern day Esther and read it in that context.

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e4b2dd  No.16839


It's funny. It's like their own gun control bit them in the ass. Jews are being hoisted up by their very own petards.

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b4dea1  No.16840

File: d3c2e113e65653f⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 253x420, 253:420, d3c2e113e65653f280e33b0775….jpg)


>that jewish rabbis have called Ivanka Trump a modern day Esther

Jesus Christ.

I believe you, but I'd love some source on that.

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2fda6a  No.16844


holy shit - I read that link further - what the jews did, was that they committed political espionage with Esther as their spy in a position of power


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05f5af  No.16847

File: 06087e698e6d23d⋯.png (212.55 KB, 467x439, 467:439, Screenshot 2020-01-05 at 7….png)


>It's funny. It's like their own gun control bit them in the ass. Jews are being hoisted up by their very own petards.

What? They're allowed to openly ignore the gun control restrictions, those are laws for people they see as cattle, not them.




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b4dea1  No.16852

File: 7675f84bfb0d620⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 489x276, 163:92, 7675f84bfb0d6202016c54146e….jpg)


>That fucking headline

Well, now I'm angry again.

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e4b2dd  No.16855


If that was the case, then how come some Jew didn't shoot back at Stephan Balliet with his gun? How come Blacks are now attacking them after decades of inciting them against Whites?

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05f5af  No.16861


Presumably because most jews don't own guns, the thing is that after that knife attack there were jews openly patrolling the street with guns that aren't allowed in that city. Police did absolutely nothing to them. How'd you miss those videos in the thread about it?


Yes its certainly rage inducing for anyone aware of the symbolism as you obviously are. Know More News does a good job of covering the metaphysical symbolism of a lot of things going on right now and bringing attention to it, its how I first heard of them giving her that nickname.

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fa65f1  No.16862


> Anti-Semitism, or any hate, becomes dangerous in any society when three things happen: when it moves from the fringes of politics to a mainstream party and its leadership; when the party sees that its popularity with the general public is not harmed thereby; and when those who stand up and protest are vilified and abused for doing so.

Acts of violence and mass murdering of jews is indeed the way to go. It solves all problems created by jews, no matter how much wealth they have to use against human beings.

Violence is the answer. Even the deformed kikes know that. They are afraid. This time, they won't be able to "outlive an empire or a civilization". The genocide of jews is coming, and there is nothing that they or anyone else can do to stop it.


This. Force your will to become the new law, and forget about any current laws. Bypass them and kill jews and other enemies of the white race. When the law doesn't serve your will, make your will become the law above all laws.

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e4b2dd  No.16868


So this can be used to argue for gun rights. Jews like Rahm Emanuel say to never let a good crisis go to waste, and to play devil's advocate, he's right.

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05f5af  No.16871


>this can be used to argue

Modern democracy is fake, arguments no longer matter as the system is controlled by people who want to wipe us out. You aren't going to be able to convince people who want you eradicated to not to try to disarm you.

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bd01a5  No.16876

If anyone wants a tl;dr here what it is basically saying:

>oy vey shut down the internet!

>more security for us against the goyim

>muh far right and mudslimes but let’s not mention anything about niggers

>we did nothing wrong goyim

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7e455c  No.16908

File: 7bfde6f8da6f657⋯.png (220.88 KB, 814x898, 407:449, Adelson Trump Esther.png)

File: dcb54f55f51540b⋯.png (454.4 KB, 648x735, 216:245, Adelsons.png)


Miriam Adelson - wife of the modern day "Elder of Zion", and biggest spender in all of American politics, Sheldon Adelson - compared Trump himself to Esther, and said a "Book of Trump" should be added to the Torah.

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52178a  No.16953


Hannukah celebrates the slaughter of jews and gentiles for race mixing. Kike logic is severely twisted.

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e57d7e  No.16969

Friendly reminder, anytime any jew tries to hold any kind of moral superiority over you like this, or talks about how great and indispensable judaism is in general, just remind them that THEY THEMSELVES define the following sentences as their 'most holiest prayer' which they chant annually on their 'most holiest day' of the year:

>All vows we are likely to make, all oaths and pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our vows, pledges and oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths.


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daa7fb  No.17001

File: 96e827f3901a474⋯.png (447.79 KB, 691x389, 691:389, esther.png)

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9d131c  No.17327

Humans have 32768 genes. You get 1/2 from each parent and 1/4 from each grandparent so after 16 generations you have not gotten a single gene from 1/2 of your ancestors. It is very unlikely that any one who calls himself a Jew has inherited a single electron from any one mentioned in the bible.

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c368e5  No.17333


There are 12 700yr old jews or older.

they live in that rock.

Thats what the baby dick sucking and child ritual sacrifice is all about.

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e4b2dd  No.17501


I'm not talking about arguing against them, but the populace that is still on the fence about gun rights. That's where you win hearts and minds.

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e4b2dd  No.17508


Blood drinking and adrenochrome can only go so far, though.

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257409  No.17653


> The most dangerous phenomenon of our time is the “lone wolf” attack, because it is so hard to predict.

On the other hand a lone wolf can only inflict limited damage. Don't expect a lone wolf to bomb up several synagogues at the same time. Then again organisations of multiple people who want to commit such violence often have a fed agent infiltrating who monitors the group and intervenes once a date is set for action.


Lying has become norm among everything, especially sciences. Sometimes outright lies, sometimes lies by omitting facts to guide towards a narrative, sometimes just little things being presented as being very important.


More like just more monitoring on internet esp social media. It has fuck all effects on overall terrorism though and just leads to more domestication. Since most terrorist acts nowdays are just lone wolfs grabbing a gun and shooting some people.

>more security for us against the goyim

Aye, a domesticated goyim cattle will never raise a hand against the chosen kikes.

>muh far right and mudslimes but let’s not mention anything about niggers

Why would the kikes mention anything about their favorite animal of destruction, the nigger? (((They))) just pretend to champion their rights and (((they))) get them to do anything.

>we did nothing wrong goyim

Ever seen a jew who actually accounted for his / her own failures? You haven't, they tell halftruths, lie, and spin the truth around to the point that blame can not fall on them. They go to great lengths to do this, far more than any other race of people. Hypocrisy, half truths, lies, deceit, and promises which will backfire on the other party are the tools of choice for kikes to murder whatever is left of European heritage.

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b4dea1  No.17757

File: 64b0e11c1d4eb67⋯.png (139.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Smiling_Jack.png)


>Vampire: the Masquerade was real the whole time.

That's bullshit but I believe it.

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825623  No.17759

File: 76a735158814d4a⋯.png (340.78 KB, 962x403, 74:31, FACTS.png)


>That's bullshit but I believe it.

I'm actually of the same mind.

It explains so many gaps in the jew-tales that it's hard to immediately dismiss.

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b4dea1  No.17795

File: 7d8e0b93f1ac7f7⋯.png (171.44 KB, 391x546, 391:546, Nugdolf Dankler.png)


>WWIII climaxes in a battle between the antarctic nazi saucer fleets and thousand year old jewish vampire-litches

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0f1ec8  No.17810

File: 6669f424be38c56⋯.jpeg (11.71 KB, 180x280, 9:14, brotherboodblood.jpeg)


closest I could find

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0f1ec8  No.17811

File: e49af19bc2f8036⋯.jpeg (15.93 KB, 183x275, 183:275, dracvshitler.jpeg)


even better

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849da2  No.26484

File: 113ff3d53ad7ed4⋯.jpg (190.62 KB, 1024x749, 1024:749, article - jews not related….jpg)


> Purim and Hanukkah — are both about anti-Semitism

And Pharoah, no doubt, was anti-semitic too.

Let's get this straight. Your own holy book says

"we took over the government of all the major empires and then they hated us but it wasn't our fault, in":

* Ancient Egypt

* Ancient Babylon

* Ancient Persia

And now people say the same thing happened in Rome, the UK, and America.

That's kind of interesting don't you think? How does a thing like that happen?

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000000  No.26518


This kike:

>When bad things happen, good people ask, “What did I do wrong?” They put their house in order. But bad people ask, “Who did this to me?” They cast themselves as victims and search for scapegoats to blame.

Also this kike, one paragraph later:

>Anti-Semitism has little to do with Jews — they are its object, not its cause — and everything to do with dysfunction in the communities that harbor it.

Got that, goyim? Anti-semitism has little to do with US. It is something YOU do to US. We are the VICTIMS.

Lol. I'd accuse him of hypocrisy, but that would be redundant given that he's a jew.

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901632  No.26527

File: 5a6a1ed769287c9⋯.jpg (128.44 KB, 1036x1582, 74:113, Zombie merchant.jpg)


Has any jew ever asked that?

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6d8bf6  No.26568


Externalizing blame is a psychpathic trait. These Jews never take responsibility for their own actions which results in people disliking them. In their minds they can never do any wrong.

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c16a7c  No.26640


>The shocking events in Monsey, together with those in Jersey City, Poway, Pittsburgh and elsewhere, are proof that the darkness has returned.

Just because the attacker was a mentally disturbed African American doesn't mean it's OK to refer to him as "the darkness." This is hate speech! CONSTABLE, CONSTABLE, THERE'S A THOUGHT CRIMINAL ON THE LOOSE!

>Historically though, the most important factor in the rise of anti-Semitism is the sense among a group that the world as it is now is not the way it used to be

You don't say, Rabbi?

>Hence the assault on Jews as capitalists and libertarians

Are you sure it's not just the numbers combined with their ideology? 40% of the 1% in America, after all.

>The far right feels threatened by the changing composition of Western societies, because of immigration on an unprecedented scale

But what connection do the Jewish people have with "unprecedented scale" immigration of radically different peoples into Western societies? It must just be those conspiracy theories you mentioned earlier.

>Many radical Islamists are troubled by dysfunctions in the Muslim world.

But why would such culturally rich peoples believe that the Jewish people were somehow responsible for dysfunctions in the Muslim world? It's not like Israel is trying to expand their territory or anything.

>When bad things happen, good people ask, “What did I do wrong?”

Of course! The other day I was walking down the sidewalk after I got my double soy fappalatte from Starbucks, and an oppressed child of former slaves came up and punched me in the face and stole my wallet with no warning. I immediately said to myself, "What did I do wrong?", before I blacked out from the pain and dizziness.

But bad people ask, “Who did this to me?” They cast themselves as victims and search for scapegoats to blame.

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20817b  No.32042

File: 101a9dc42f235a9⋯.png (396.38 KB, 676x650, 26:25, jews_do_control_the_media.png)

File: 4116cef6e2bb4d8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1730x1050, 173:105, AmericasGreatestAlly.png)

File: d8713bea7eb0b06⋯.png (569.82 KB, 1173x1162, 1173:1162, 1566553255979.png)

File: 497d5785f8828ba⋯.jpg (44.92 KB, 750x684, 125:114, 1568201937211.jpg)

File: 9bf2b33b0cc7f17⋯.jpg (160.85 KB, 1438x962, 719:481, border for me, not for the….jpg)


The most incredible thing about the Jews is their complete inability to engage in any self-reflection. Nowhere in this article does it even occur to the author that the behaviour of the Jews might have something to do with rising antisemitism in the west. Even infants under stand the concept of cause and effect but the Jews do not.

The Jews spend half their time bragging about how they control Hollywood and the media, how AIPAC has such incredible influence over the US congress and blah blah blah. They write article after article about this stuff in their newspapers, blogs and other publications. When they are amongst themselves they love talking about how this person and that person of influence is Jewish and how it was the Jews who led this or that "social cause", like the "civil rights movement" for instance, or the campaign to legalise poof marriage and they jerk each other off over this stuff.

The other half of the time the stand around bewildered, wondering "Why do people say that the Jews run Hollywood?", "Why do people say that the media is run by Jews?". "Why do people blame the Iraq war on us?". Why, they say to themselves, "Why do people hate us?"

The "high Jew IQ" thing is a meme. These people are seriously retarded. Even the Jews who read this post, in which I explicitly say what the cause of antisemitism is, namely the way that the Jews behave, are literally too stupid to work it out. The Jews who read this post will tell themselves that it's not the way they are behaving. The goyim are just "jealous" of them because of "how smart they are".

That is how retarded the Jews are. You can literally walk up to a Jew, look them in the eye, explicitly tell them why it is that people don't like them and they still will not understand you, and, once their bewilderment has passed, they will assure themselves that their complete and utter lack of understanding is somehow proof that they somehow are smarter than you are.

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