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File: 73be87725d56d60⋯.jpg (49.13 KB, 426x272, 213:136, citcard.jpg)

3b1f0f  No.16525

Imagine all US citizens being required to register for a US Citizenship Card. This card would be required to vote in any US election, apply for a job, apply for a driver's license, apply for any government social programs, purchase property, apply for housing of any kind, open any financial account, apply for any financial services, or utilize any medical services even if emergency.

Imagine how quickly all the roaches would scatter back to their countries of origin. Forcing self-deportation is the only way.

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960041  No.16527


No, we won’t be doing what jews want.

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dd42b0  No.16529


fuck off back to israel you dumb mutt nigger

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371f14  No.16531

We already have Passport Cards, Social Security Cards and RealID. What do we need a fourth federal ID for?

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5e7ed2  No.16532


if you have ugly brown skin you've already got a us citizenship card

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371f14  No.16533


Aaand the bots are back I see.

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f96a21  No.16534

Does this seem like a thread to you?

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dd42b0  No.16539


kill yourself you literal faggot

hang yourself with your belt but remove the star of david buckle before doing so. wouldn't want anything to jeapordize the success rate.

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5395ca  No.16583

The card to which you refer is called a social security card and no as you can see employers just ignore it if they want cheap labor. plus illegals dont use banks in the first place. they are too dumb

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dd42b0  No.16587

give us a database on politicians addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, vehicle make & model, known associates, search histories, purchase history, phone records and anything else collected on us THEN come talk about taking more of our freedoms without any compensation.

You want my life?

Give me yours!

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d606e7  No.16596


Already happening very soon with the Real ID Act that is passed and about to be enforced this year. Except no, you will not need it to purchase anything or for anything financial besides air travel. Its like an updated passport in the form of a drivers license really. Some states are actually challenging it regardless, we'll see how far it goes.

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960041  No.16600


>you’re a bot because you said the same thing I did


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371f14  No.16601


I see there's been a software upgrade. This one does three sentences at once.

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15dd10  No.19242


>more gubbamint regulations will fix gubbamint stupidity

Maybe a rope could fix your neck commie

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