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File: 2a4e6782314a546⋯.jpg (73.09 KB, 666x320, 333:160, hungary-budapest-hungarian….jpg)

e2dc05  No.16321[Last 50 Posts]

Soo.. i have rarely heard news about hungary or viktor orban again. What happen? Did his family policy increases the birthrate? Is it successful? Why we didn't hear any of it again? Is there anyone can give some lights on it? Can we discuss about it?

-((signed by half irish dude who plans to move to hungary that was on pol before it was shut down.))

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c605d7  No.16417

>Is it successful?

I would certainly have been interested in such a discussion but this is basic shit you could have looked up by simply typing in "birth rates hungary" into the search engine.

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dafab6  No.16513


Move and stop being a fag.

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dafab6  No.16515


Also if you are a real Celt you'll be at home (your real home).

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0639dc  No.16520



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1ba12c  No.16528


He is only HALF Irish…god knows what the other half is…this is why he will never 'go home' because he hasn't got one as a mongrel so he is only looking to save his own skin. Once you mongrelize there is no 'blood and soil' in you and you become part of the 'international clique of mongrels'

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dafab6  No.16649


Maybe he's half Germanic? This would mean it's his real home as with much of the American population that is European in origin.

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75a0a2  No.16709

I like how Hungary has groups like the Goyim Riders. Hungarians have been fucked over by Jews for a long time, especially during the communist era, with Jews like Mátyás Rákosi, and Ernő Gerő.

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4fec3f  No.16735

Goothic Architectuuree *fucking nuts* Oh baby those high ridges! That's slavic tho give it back Magyars you can take Greeco architecture since the Greeks don't exist anymore and that's all of our inhertiance as their only dependants

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c2806d  No.16794


The other half is German & English. My grandfather is from hanover moved to London after ww1 and met my grandma. Had 3 child one of them is my dad. My mom is irish

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c2806d  No.16798


I mean ww2. Sorry about that. I'm a bit dizzy so i misstype that ww2 as ww1

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4fec3f  No.16802


Don't try to hide vampire!

Honestly Celts have Germanic origins and when the Romans came they saw little difference between them. But modern English aren't Germanic or Celtish they have Frankish blood that's why they are the Normans. I suppose you could argue they still have some left over but it's clearly mongrelfied from the Norman invasion.

tl;dr Celts = Germanic, English = Norman

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38e102  No.17092


Welp i'm not trying to hide or anything. I'm just clearing stuff out.

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38e102  No.17095


I think it was kinda a question that shouldn't be as thread. But if we can keep update with the information and if it successful, we can use it as a reason why importing massive amount of stranger into europe isn't working and there's an option to increase our european population as a way to keep up with economic growth.

But welp, i guess these higher ranking corrupt people don't want that and want to keep the kalergi plan on schedule.

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12bc93  No.17114

File: 3a7df02a8667089⋯.jpg (45.9 KB, 264x400, 33:50, 61ZjP U3xFL._AC_SY400_.jpg)


You do know that the Normans are literally Norse vikings that integrated with the Franks (who are also germanic) in Normandy France, right? On top of the already established Anglo-Saxon (also germanic) blood the British Isles were known for.

By your own definition, Brits are Germanic because the Normans are Germanic.

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f61e7c  No.17131

File: 23c582fa3cabed4⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 736x554, 368:277, celts for sale.jpg)


uh, the germans and the romans clean the continient of celts. they only survived in microclimates like ireland.

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3d8a80  No.17143

File: 205725d7725a2ac⋯.png (418.91 KB, 571x705, 571:705, Christian Nationalist Hung….png)

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f0d833  No.17145


It's now 1.51 births per woman for 2019. Still far below constant population or increase which requires 2.3 births per woman.

However you could also praise the trend upwards.

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f0d833  No.17146

I also wanna note that fertility is increasing across Europe with the arab invasion.

So trends only work in foreigner free countries.

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5579e2  No.17165

File: 650d4d7314a49be⋯.png (97.36 KB, 594x483, 198:161, 1522054737421.png)


Anglo-saxons must go back to Germany

Return Britain to the Britons

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498b45  No.17186


Celts and Germanics are close genetic matches. You probably haven't ventured through much of Europe to see.

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dfbe68  No.17195

File: 1254310a9958fd7⋯.jpg (217.21 KB, 1280x844, 320:211, Antonio Oliveira Salazar.jpg)


That's actually something I find as a very interesting point. At my university, a sociological study was conducted to figure out why Arab immigrants had so much larger families, and the finding was that 1st generation migrants would make do with lower living standards because they weren't used to anything else, and the 2nd and 3rd generations would rapidly fall towards rates only slightly higher than the native population.

The findings suggested several things, but I can't find the article right now in the national archive. But the proffessor essentially just concluded that the migrant baby boom was just a myth and left it at that, and got his praise for protecting the left-wing story of right-wing paranoia. But personally I just found it to be a showcase for how cultural systems can't maintain a birthrate alone, but that the socio-economic structure is what enables family formation. So with higher living standards and living costs, birthrates will decline for those who cannot afford it, even if they have strong traditional values like Muslims do.

What I personally got from it was that the wellfare state we currently have isn't enabling family formation, rather it is strangling it. And I live in Scandinavia, where theoretically it should be super easy to start a family young, with free education and massive benefits. But even then, we have a mismatch of policies that raise the costs, which coupled with poor cultural education means young couples wait far too long to start families and limit their family size.

But yeah, that's my 2 cent rant on that topic. Have some Estado Novo ya filthy animals.

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7a27ba  No.17201


>What happen? Did his family policy increases the birthrate? Is it successful? Why we didn't hear any of it again?

No, because huns are faggots and they'd rather fuck eachother up their asses.

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f0d833  No.17216


>and the 2nd and 3rd generations would rapidly fall towards rates only slightly higher than the native population.

Can you pls stop repeating bullshit propaganda you learned in kike school?

The second in third gens are just more likely to be mixtures who don't breed. An arab doesn't care where he is born, he will still make 14 children and the nigger 20.

The american nigger generation over 9000 still has more children than a huwhite american.

And what americans count as white is a wide spectrum. How many of those are even solely of brit/frog/german decent?

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f0d833  No.17217

And those american niggers are often mixed.

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f0d833  No.17218


>falling abortions

>abortions are still legal

What have you done Orban? *facepalm*

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dfbe68  No.17233


Ahhh, yes. How could I forget that every single person in the world is involved in the Jewish conspiracy against you. Go be a paranoid piece of shit somewhere else you massive cuck.

The fertility rate of niggers in the US has been dropping since 1990, and even then they only have a higher fertility than whites because left-leaning white Americans have abysmal fertility rates compared with conservative whites who are above replacement.

You're a blackpill nigger and should just go in your closet and hang yourself.

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f0d833  No.17237


>they only have a higher fertility than whites because left-leaning white Americans have abysmal fertility rates compared with conservative whites who are above replacement.

>making up cheap excuses

>You're a blackpill nigger

Progressive niggers do exist.

>hang yourself.

You should kike. People who claim to have deep knowledge about sociology, psychology etc. often turn out to be kikes.

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984044  No.17240


>every single person in the world is involved in the Jewish conspiracy against you.

Don't forget it again, cunt!

That's the biggest goddamned remember of them all!

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876e65  No.17246

Reminder artificial wombs are a thing now and could instantly end all of these "fertility problems," but religious idiots and leftwingers who want to flood countries with low IQ shitskin slaves to destroy whites forever won't allow it.

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5d0787  No.17254


>artificial wombs are a thing now

Yes, in very rare and very controlled laboratory settings. You probably won't see them available at your local CVS in your lifetime, so don't start relying on them.

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f0d833  No.17256


and the costs attached…

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f0d833  No.17258

I mean with that money one could raise multiple families.

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0639dc  No.17259


>reductio ad absurdum fallacy because he can’t reply

Jew shill confirmed.

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4089d9  No.17272


The Celts are Semitic. Full stop. Their language is proof.


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f0d833  No.17283


It just shows their language is not Germanic just like arabic or hebrew. That doesn't make it semitic in any way.

The language seems to have withstood time and all german influences. ilanders being themselves.

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62096d  No.17339


Semitic languages do have parts of speech that are similar to those of Indo-European languages, but their vocabulary shows little connection to the Indo-European family. It's like comparing Navaho to English, just because the grammar is similar doesn't mean it's closely related.

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75a0a2  No.17439


Based Salazar.

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351f8a  No.17727

Best way to boost birth rates: deny girls access to reading education.

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351f8a  No.17729

Another means of raising birth rates: segregate high status professionals and managers from the population to keep their rate at less than 3.5% of the population.

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351f8a  No.17731

Build a path to the middle class for teen mothers and shit on single girls past 21 with public policy. Single mother households would need to be subject to unfairly low amounts of public support - only a male partner would be able to apply for welfare and other social benefits. That would negate a shit ton of negative social outcomes correlated wif high birth rates.

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189fcf  No.17888

fewer bozgors.

excellent news!

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002c83  No.19392

> Soo.. i have rarely heard news about hungary or viktor orban again.

We probably don't have much Hungarian posters. Orban is kind of corrupt (as expected from eastern euros though), Fidesz holds absolute majority in parliament though.

>Did his family policy increases the birthrate? Is it successful?

Somewhat. Birth rates are up but not by a huge amount according to Hungary their statisticians. Still that is probably better than the decline that is happening in most other European countries (turning a decline into growth).

> Why we didn't hear any of it again?

Hungary is a small country with not many posters, imageboards are dominated by American posters.

> Can we discuss about it?

Sure. Along the lines of if it would make sense for other nations to adopt similar policy probably? The problem with Hungary is also their stat datasets really suck. If you just search for their statistics bureau you already quickly realize their datasets are really inferior to some other European countries like Germany or Netherlands who have very elaborate statistics dataset (which can be readily used to model policy behavior in a mathematical way).

> planning to move to Hungary from Ireland

House prices are a lot cheaper. Wages are also lower though. Make sure you have some job lined up (long term) and have it really figured out before moving there as migrant. You will also likely not be familiar with the language. However this wouldn't really be a problem in bigger cities anywhere in Europe. Most major European cities have English as a main language and a lot of international corps also use English as the main language. Still it does exclude you from a lot of functions that require you to speak native tongue of course.


> An arab doesn't care where he is born, he will still make 14 children and the nigger 20.

False, its why the US only has 13% niggers despite them being there for 300 years or so.

> muh mixing

Is rarer than you suggest/think thankfully.

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498b45  No.19415


Yesterday I saw an indian. ONE indian. I was like, WTF?! I haven't seen an indian in like… 10 months. WTF is he doing here? lol at Americans and the West :***

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e21264  No.19466


the campaign started in mid august. you can't just see instant results. 9 months. remember?

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0b5b10  No.19533


>Ahhh, yes. How could I forget that every single person in the world is involved in the Jewish conspiracy against you. Go be a paranoid piece of shit somewhere else you massive cuck.

You seem lost. This isn't reddit.

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e737df  No.19701

Thanks all for the reply, however i'm currently busy with my works so that i can't reply one by one.

I tried to make this thread in hope that you ex/pol/ members keep an eyes with this family policy and the policy has a very bright future ahead if it was maintained and being pushed even further. If this policy is really successful, we use this policy to attack those (i won't say publicly here, but you all know who's behind all migration agenda into europe) that try to replace european people in european soil.

What i do hope for you, please be optimist and keep the fight. Don't expect a snake who bite when it was being hit.

P.S.: And also i have an even better formula, this family policy should be a reward-punishment based policy like :

1. Only a family with white(hungarian) couples that have 3 children or more will get the tax cuts.

2. If you're a newly wed couple, only white(hungarian) couples will get the assistance program of which: free housing, free healthcare.

3. If a couple have successfuly giving birth more than 8 kids, all of the kids would get free education until doctorate degree in stem fields and free healthcare for the child until the children is married. For the couple they will be freed from any tax like personal income tax, bussiness tax, hosuing tax, etc. and also all of their debts will all be payed by the government.

4. Forced all citizen over 18 and had already finishing his high-school to get married. Or else the government will put a heavy tax on personal income and mortgage tax.

5. If any family failed to get 3 children in more than 5 years, the government will gives a fine every $10k for every children that they didn't make and also health care access will be revoked except when they get pregnant or giving birth untill they reach 3 children they can get those health care access back.

But hey, it's only my opinion. The family policy can be made further to increase the birth rate. In 10 years we can even see the progress on a much greater scale. In 2 generation it'll grow even more exponentially.

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bdb1dd  No.19768

>oh man our race is going fucking extinct how do we fix the birthrate problem?

>i know! lets enslave men and bribe women with the money the enslaved men produce!

its not gonna work. if you want to raise the white birthrates, you need to dis-empower women. see attached graphic #2

every baby-bust in the last 100 years is directly related to female empowerment. when women get access to education and aren't afraid of the threat of war, they start pushing for feminism and welfare, because their biological impulse is to get taken care of by someone stronger and better than them. and there is no one better and stronger to take care of females than Mr. Government.

Look at chart #1, i couldn't find a chart that goes further back because kikes own google but it will do for the purpose of my example.

>WW II ends

>no more war

>females feel safe and un-threatened

>2nd wave feminism

>1950's: the decade females got the right to vote

now look at 1990, you know what happened before 1990? the fucking cold war, and you know when that ended? 1991.

>cold war ends

>no more threat of impending nuclear holocaust

>females feel safe and un-threatened

>3rd wave feminism

>family court, divorce rates skyrocket, generation of children raised by single mothers


your solution is

>force men to marry

>tax men to empower women

its not gonna work retard. women will demand larger and larger sums of money until the taxes just aren't enough and then they will stop having kids again.

here's another problem: when you create a system where women can easily divorce men and take everything he owns, but then you also combine it with a system where you bribe women with tax cuts to have children, what they're going to do is have 2 kids with the worst of men, just to get the tax cut and then divorce the father to get even more money, this leads to 3 kids with bad genes being raised by a single mother who's consuming massive amounts of welfare to raise these kids into potential criminals, schoolshooters, trannies, or suicide statistics. great plan hungary, you stupid cucks.

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bdb1dd  No.19769

File: 7d91ace826468e7⋯.jpg (86.47 KB, 1480x818, 740:409, chart 1.jpg)

File: 41e0ad1a9d87699⋯.jpg (66.79 KB, 631x420, 631:420, chart 2.jpg)

because this website is a piece of shit, im uploading the charts on a separate post

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ceb8ba  No.19859


No. We don't want to tax men.

What we do we just encourage men to marry and if possible make the women not employed and only to raise children.

So we encourage men to marry using tax cuts, and giving free money, access to healtcare, education and house, reducing the tax, etc. When they failed then give them punishment ie paying taxes 2 times or fines depending how much less kid you have.

So, like it or not they will try to make baby. If many babies had delivered let the natural process do the rest. Women will tend to stay at home if the husband can feed them well and have enough money to live everyday's lives. Or maybe if it ended up some of the couples hires baby sitter instead then the government need to make a policy to encourage women to stay at home to take care their own children.

Then we reform the school system after that.

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ceb8ba  No.19860


Also if we try to force women immediately to force women out of jobs while giving no solution for their family income drop or to banned women from education there'll be a massive clashback.

Remember jews plan to subvert a nation slowly through a slow gradual change of power, not a sudden change.

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0b5b10  No.19871


How would you explain the lack of feminism in Japan?

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d76641  No.19877


Pajeets infest every place around the globe, even nigger countries.

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131880  No.20518

Hungary Takes On the Feminist Goliath—and Wins


> In an effort to restore curricular and administrative sanity to university education, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party have passed legislation to abolish Gender Studies as an area of official study. Hungary’s Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjen has stated that such programs “ha[ve] no business in universities” as they represent “an ideology, not a science.”

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2def50  No.20566


Celts unironically wuz Israelites. That's probably why those Irish southerners are so racist even though they're Christian. You need that Celtic brain to process Christianity the way it's intended. Otherwise it decays into subversive cucktianity.

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