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File: f2708d4a80c03fe⋯.jpg (21.22 KB, 360x384, 15:16, FZRKDTGNGNATHL7UTDNU6ZFPT4.jpg)

5d4e59  No.16163

Stevie Lucas was with his family on December 17 at the security gate at O.R. Thambo Airport when staff asked him to take off the offending T-shirt and put on another.

The offending tee was black, with a green snake picture draped over the shoulder.

> The family was told nobody was allowed toys or rubber snakes on the flight. The security officer on duty had told Marga Lucas snake toys and prints were not allowed. Rules for prohibited items were set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation, Airport spokeswoman Betty Maloka said.

> Security officers had the right to decide if an object could harm fellow passengers or crew by causing anxiety, she said.

Source: New Zealand Herald



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a26a07  No.16165


Muslims cause me anxiety on a plane, I demand they be removed from all of flights, this instant.

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0ad4c2  No.16167

Snake T-Shirts: No

Muslims who's entire relgion pushes killing us if we don't convert to their alien way of life and relgion and are the ones responsible for 100% of these hijackings because of their culture/relgion?: Yes

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d08b7b  No.16174

File: 8149bea2860d530⋯.png (208.55 KB, 338x396, 169:198, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminds me of that movie with Will Smith

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0ad4c2  No.16176

I have HAD it with all these motherfucking {Sandniggers} on this goddamn plane!

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a495ea  No.16177


That is what happens when you don't mobilize to kill jews and leftists.

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969672  No.16179

jokes aside, folks.. why and who are snakes offensive to? never heard that before

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34ac1c  No.16183


Trannies who had their penis cut off. The snake is a metaphor.

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34ac1c  No.16186




The article says nothing about Muslims.

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59970c  No.16187


Muds like you don't understand this, but a sign of higher intelligence is to be able to abstract patterns from one scenario and find a correspondence with another scenario.

White men for instance can see there is something innately similar between three pebbles, three sticks, and three trees. To a nigger, these are wholly unrelated.

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bf889d  No.16188


It's not even a venomous one. That's either an emerald boa or a green tree python.

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34ac1c  No.16189


>Muds like you

Nice assumption (or projection, maybe?) I'm pretty sure it's Kikes and Xtians who see the snake as the Devil giving the apple to Eve in the garden. The article says nothing about Muslims. Now, had it been a pig on his shirt, perhaps.

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59970c  No.16193


Again, you demonstrate the limitations of your mind. You lack the ability to follow the logic of this ban to other absurd conclusions. You require everything to be spelled out for you instead of deriving new concepts from existing rules.

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34ac1c  No.16196

File: a326097899d8c4c⋯.pdf (3.29 MB, WP.50.AppA1.pdf)


That's because it is the law. There are no implications in the law. I wouldn't expect someone without education to understand the difference between implication and statement, but I'll throw you this bone - it's the kikes who get so offended you have to change laws

Here is the ICAO rules. I assume you can read, since you're pretending to be White.

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6ec5db  No.16224

File: 446a73bc7ce1dd3⋯.jpg (17.86 KB, 500x358, 250:179, 42221bddf73a0fb88d2f0f42d1….jpg)


>i may be dumb, but atleast im (((educated))).


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6afffc  No.16231




Mate, it seems like you have 30 IQ points fewer than everyone you're arguing with. I wonder if you're the same mudshit in the other thread trying to get people to convert to Islam in the other Iran thread.

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89cd29  No.16234


ironically it does not, but it should. your people are just as disgusting as kikes

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6afffc  No.16236


Ah shit, reading his posts has lowered my own IQ. Delete this part "in the other thread"

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255f8c  No.16237


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000000  No.16248

What a cuck

In the land of the free and brave i.e. the US of A he would have been fondled all over by a government agent like a REAL man

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c64a98  No.16302

File: 183277790e6b7ca⋯.jpeg (62.61 KB, 380x475, 4:5, Will Smith.jpeg)


That's Morgan Freeman, Idiot. Will Smith was the one in Benson.

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08543d  No.16335

Snek status: Treaded.

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1eb464  No.16337


>being an expert on nigger movie stars


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c64a98  No.16349


I think you missed the point entirely. Are you a retard?

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de48b1  No.16351

I'd never travel in that airport again then. Choose a competitor airliner.

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d83e3a  No.16367




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d83e3a  No.16368

File: 3fb51cb4175cc4d⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 270x188, 135:94, drinking snek.gif)


Lilith is often represented as a snake.

Makes you think.

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