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038758  No.16153

It's pretty rare for a video to change how you see the world but this is just that. You cannot possibly understand this shit w Iran w/o watching this. i'm not nearly concerned about war as i was but where do we fit in this puzzle.

They're playing us, we're billed for this war bs plus interest.




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6cc22d  No.16155


>you gotta watch this video

>it will blow your mind

>it will explain everything

>here's a direct link to youtube

>bitchute? never heard of it

>i didn't have time for a summary, had to hit "post" before my tendies got cold

>trust me

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0c9379  No.16158


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fdca01  No.16161



this revelation came before my eyes today that the only thing that matters to the kike is the approval of the majority.

OP you are a belligerent faggot for making such a garbage OP but the video is worth putting time and effort into. Since you're busy choking down a bottle of semen, I will put the correct time and effort into this video for the community.

Breaking news can be rushed, shit like this you can spend a day on. Don't worry about someone 'beating you to the punch' if you make a solid OP, the other shit one will be deleted. It's called high quality content and it's what (used to ) attracts people to this board.

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038758  No.16164


You haven't had time to watch, at least watch ten mins before you come with petty complaints.

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fdca01  No.16171


I feel like we're having 2 different conversations

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038758  No.16173

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I found his channel, what does he think about the current situation?

I Haven't watched it but all likes no dislikes and he def has a deep understanding of the situation.

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a8d7f0  No.16180


That is not how you do it, you destabalize a country be installing ideologists that hinder the progress of said country to keep in an akward country. And you install ideologists by cleaning up the progressive forces that strive for an equilibrium.

Progressive in that sense striving to a mean of optimal development.

The complete opposite of what progressives mean in the USA, they strive for destruction and they will be used to keep the self serving government in place. I dont think that is neccessarily done by outside forces but rather by the complexity that affluence and globalism etc. brings.

See the CIA brings destruction by the least effort.

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a8d7f0  No.16184


And it never appears by a magical force, some get a fucked up in the head, there is no deeper complexity to it once installed, it naturally goes its way. The complexity devolves in itself. The CIA always was a human intelligence agency, you know redpilled of the wants and needs.

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a8d7f0  No.16185


Imagine the greek gods, they are very much like you just much more powerful.

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52d100  No.16192

sage this shit, why would i listen to someone talk for 38 minutes when i can read she same amount of text in 15?

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739cf4  No.16197


>the nation is flourishing

>everything Trump said is happening


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414828  No.16206


they're virtually identical.

in ever way.

aside the great power.

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c358db  No.16209

File: 507d3d1969b8e8c⋯.png (49.21 KB, 434x641, 434:641, CP.png)


Irans cool with CP?

All out in the open n sheetz?

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517617  No.16220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hah you are like little baby, try this one

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304f8b  No.16221

OP is a spamming faggot



>It's pretty rare for a video to change how you see the world but this is just that.

>Iran is a CIA state, explained by Christian Prince


>I Haven't watched it but all likes no dislikes and he def has a deep understanding of the situation.

>What President Trump preparing for Iran next? - Christian Prince

Both have 600 something views, both are about his faggot Christian Prince, whoever the fuck he is. Might he be OP shilling his ass around here?

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038758  No.16226

File: 7a435dd5dfe58ae⋯.png (560.86 KB, 1053x981, 117:109, fucktulsi.PNG)

Ok i will save this thread by answering the one unanswered question, Tulsi or Bernie?

Pic related

If she's anti war why did she support sanction when in fact Iran was in full compliance.


Both largest Parliamentary coalitions in the Parliament Al-Fateh (Hadi al-Ameri) and Sairoun (Moqtada al-Sdar) agreed to vote for the withdrawal of all #US forces from #Iraq today. Almost there. It is most likely for the resolution to go through.

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038758  No.16229


Wow, i thought he was awol. There's some major league scandals and i'm just minutes into it.

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77f990  No.16232

File: 0161ad0d966c0f7⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, news.JPG)

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b74d3d  No.16255


Nether, fuck both of those bastards.

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000000  No.16256


>5 minutes in

>Iran is why US is in the ME and why ME countries spend trillions on weapons

>7 minutes in

>Israel wants to be friends with ME nations and are totally allies!

Can't stand it any more, fuck off (((OP)))

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485c4e  No.16266



>"they can totally win any time they want, they just don't want to do it"

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485c4e  No.16286


Bernie isn't anti-war either considering the fact that he voted yes on war in Bosnia and on increasing military spending for both Iraq and Afghanistan. So what you have provided is two candidates that are only anti-war for the cameras.

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038758  No.16303

File: 8763c5c969cb120⋯.png (220.76 KB, 965x890, 193:178, rania.PNG)










You lil faggots want the truth? You can't handle the truth. I almost never post my real real good sources because they're from the left and in some cases Jewish. I'm just gonna drop the truth and watch you all kvetch. Enjoy

Also check out Jonathon Pollards Personal webpage. All the people urging a pardon are probably traitors.


Watch the video look at the tweet and you'll see why i have absolute disgust for the GOP.

Lies of this caliber when so many lives are at stake.

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038758  No.16305

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0e678d  No.16309


Who gives a shit you wouldnt even grant us the lowest of low so i hope you die.

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0e678d  No.16311


And i want to make that clear to you, you will die by your own sword rat.

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0e678d  No.16312


So i really hope a lot of you die.

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038758  No.16314


lol is this third grade, wait i'm feeling chest pains. NNNNpooooooooo i'm dyi

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0e678d  No.16317


Dont give a shit. One more beer to drink, also you are the scum of humanity. Objectively. Take that as compliment.

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5f95b6  No.16352


Look at the cuck who want foreign trash to rule over him…surely THIS FOREIGN TRASH will side with European Americans…YOU CUCK!!! KYS NOW!!!

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5f95b6  No.16357


On a side note: Why would we give a fuck what happens in Iran anyway…shitkicking murderous semites that stir up shit wherever they go, I hope you are preparing to kill them wherever you find them both the 'evil' and the 'good ones' (since the 'good ones will simply breed more 'evil' ones' if you don't exterminate them on sight)…in an ideal world they would be murdered with a biological weapon.

Dream the only dream worth dreaming, anon.

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485c4e  No.16405

File: 9972cb00f5255df⋯.png (532.8 KB, 500x652, 125:163, I don't get it.png)


Considering the fact that Trump proclaimed himself to be anti-war and even going so far as to call out influence by not only Saudi Arabia but also Israel (which is the part that led people to believe him to be genuine about being anti-war) despite also talking about spending more on military, what makes you think Bernie won't cuck out under pressure the same way? Because he's "the other guy"? When he still had a chance of winning, he kept saying that he will support neither Hillary nor Trump. And then when he lost, instead of sticking to his guns, he cucked to the very woman that stole him his chance and cried his eyes out as he watched. No longer was it about a strong neither nor and that, if it doesn't work out, there is always next time. It was about maintaining the status-quo of Democrat-Republican politics, because he knew damn well everything Hillary had done up to that point. Even Obama talked all about being anti-war and about being against the Patriot Act and NSA surveillance prior to his presidency: when he came into office, that all of a sudden changed. People like to proclaim Bernie wasn't supported by wealthy bankers and thus was the man of the people, but Trump didn't get that overwhelming financial support all other politicians get either.

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ab86ff  No.16598

40min video lol fuck that. It doesnt take that long to name the jew

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748c10  No.16663

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>40min video lol fuck that. It doesnt take that long to name the jew

Yes, it does.

Video related on Trump, the cum dumpster of the Jews and his whoremonggering in Iran.

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39f7df  No.16695

Another (((anchored))) thread.

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f271d6  No.16807


I go to JTA and Haaretz regularly to see what the kikes are up to, their intentions, and their subversion techniques.

Don't be afraid to post those sources – unless you are araid of being called "Anti-Semitic"


Hah hah


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c4006e  No.20057

File: 99f4e08dff3e323⋯.png (708.55 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Faurisson-Iran-1280x720.png)

Only the true know.

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