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File: 10007239e6f310f⋯.jpg (63.23 KB, 634x665, 634:665, 22759106-7834027-image-a-1….jpg)

9ab75d  No.16130[Last 50 Posts]


>The New York Times has a cut a 'racist' study from a widely-condemned column by Brett Stephens on 'The Secrets of Jewish Genius.'

>Stephens was accused of reinforcing anti-Semitic tropes in Friday's op-ed claiming 'Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average I.Q. of any ethnic group'.

>Friday's piece was quickly denounced for citing a study co-authored by 'eugenicist' and 'white nationalist' Henry Harpending.

>A note issued by the paper said: 'Mr. Stephens was not endorsing the study or its authors' views, but it was a mistake to cite it uncritically. The effect was to leave an impression with many readers that Mr. Stephens was arguing that Jews are genetically superior. That was not his intent.'

>It also added that Stephens 'went on instead to argue that culture and history are crucial factors in Jewish achievements.'

Jews at the Jew York Times were sure quick to hide their power level. Can't have the goyim figuring out who are the real (((white supremacists))) in America.

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25b75b  No.16132

i call em nigga jews

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9b7d83  No.16144

File: 0edf9644086e6ad⋯.png (375.64 KB, 968x391, 968:391, KANGZ.png)



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9b7d83  No.16146

File: 8652d05dacc58dc⋯.png (534.08 KB, 1091x508, 1091:508, ashkenazi.png)


I'm not seeing it just yet, but this pic holds some form of value.

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b9730e  No.16147


>Believing in the high IQ Ashkenazi meme

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798ab9  No.16148

I'm skeptical because orignal shepardic Jews are pretty dumb, I could see a bit of an increase from race mixing but this much? Seems off, and either way they need to go.

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9b7d83  No.16150


>Believing in the high IQ Ashkenazi meme


"ya see, Wertzl, what we did was we mixed these here nigger genes of ours with Scandanavian genes and we made the smartest people on Oyyyth!"

"But Schmeul, if we mix the low iq nigger with the high IQ Scandanavian, how would the result be higher IQ than the Scandanavian?"

"We better form the ADL to make sure we are right!"

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c3b7fa  No.16166


They claim to have an average like 116, based on a very small sample size of some jews in school in Brooklyn. If we applied the same skewed statistics, I could sample Europeans working at CERN, ESA, or students taking the Cambridge Mathematics Tripos and decide whites average 130+.

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0f5f52  No.16272

>You should be suspicious of anyone who thinks Jews are special - that's a big part of antisemitic thinking'.

Then every Jew is an antisemite.

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517baa  No.16275


But what he said is true.

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e6d8c9  No.16279

File: 65c71a92a69160c⋯.jpg (503.09 KB, 1334x1310, 667:655, IQ map.jpg)


Ashkenazis are the only ones with an alleged IQ higher than the host nation. Which is based on cherry picked samples in Israel, whereby they did IQ tests at universities and then proclaimed that this is a representative sample of the entire country.

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efcc62  No.16280


That's a distraction from the real issue. Jews are racial supremacists and most people are too brainwashed to realize it.

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000000  No.16282


Probably the same thing with Asians having high IQ

They either outright hand pick the people sitting the tests or target kids attending schools with high academic requirements

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a9b25b  No.16342


Actually it's not, most jews are provably insane, but the reason they don't like this attention should be obvious, they are racial supremacist who believe we exist only to serve them. It's just damage control.

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47a38d  No.16358

So, some Germans from the Rhineland decide to adopt the collective religious, cultural and legal tradition and civilization of a monotheist desert dwelling Bronze Age Arabic tribe. Germans LARPing as Jews would account for a high IQ. Now give me the IQ average for Palestine, which would be close to the real Jewish IQ.

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d92774  No.16366

File: a87385d89293e73⋯.jpg (178.73 KB, 404x521, 404:521, 1560289469764.jpg)


>accused of reinforcing anti-Semitic tropes in Friday's op-ed claiming 'Ashkenazi Jews have the highest average I.Q. of any ethnic group'

What the actual fuck.

You'd think this was praise of Jews

>wah don't talk about our brains senpai it's embarrassing!

>Jews at the Jew York Times were sure quick to hide their power level. Can't have the goyim figuring out who are the real (((white supremacists))) in America.

You could think that, but honestly this sounds like some weird guilt thing mixed in it.

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b8a581  No.16372

File: 006fc382f9bea73⋯.png (67.51 KB, 863x494, 863:494, national iq scores.png)

File: 52dc49732c12520⋯.jpg (159.5 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Jewish_IQ_in_Israel.jpg)

File: dd7d6bf8c98c0a2⋯.png (424.87 KB, 1317x1652, 1317:1652, IQ map world skin tone cor….png)

File: c2c4b1694378006⋯.jpg (98.52 KB, 532x647, 532:647, Jewish_IQ.jpg)

File: 67774ffe74c5f8d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1152x1008, 8:7, gorillas higher iq blacks.png)


Average IQ is 84 for all of israel. But I am a personal witness to the kikes changing it over time to 95. There is no way at all that kikes are higher than their sandnigger cousins. Kikes have been breeding with niggers (65 IQ) for a very long time (several thousand years). They have adopted the nigger culture, nigger religion and nigger DNA as they fucked them. It is totally ridiculous to think that these kikeniggers are anything but mongrel trash.

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d92774  No.16379


I actually am beginning to think that you can actually train your IQ. Your brain is a muscle remember. Like all muscles, if you work it enough it will get stronger.

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61df43  No.16388



When /pol/ did that online IQ test (garbage,but not my point) last, there were nearly 70 participants posting results and I believe we were well over 120 average.

A part of me feels that an inferior IQ fairs better in the world we have created, which would make sense since the point of a species, from a biological standpoint, is to carry forth the species, not necessarily the best thereof.

In other words, we have to decimate our lowerIQ ape-like inhabitants in order to bring the best of our species forward and eventually grow beyond our world, otherwise we are only doomed to fall to the will of the masses.

In summary, the jew cannot be the HighestIQ of us, from a rational standpoint, because they are the major contributors to the shaping of the society we know. Coupling this with the imbalance of jews to whites (I believe there are supposedly 18million jews vs. a billion whites?) there are most certainly not only higherIQ whites, but many times more of them.

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47a38d  No.16392


>Your brain is a muscle remember.


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e6d8c9  No.16397

File: abd0d125299be21⋯.jpg (46.47 KB, 478x478, 1:1, Man of integrity.jpg)


>m-muh environment, they just haven't had enough thinking practice

There is a limit to how far you can actually push your brain. And the Arabs were bombed not too fairly long ago, which would certainly have an effect but nowhere near what is proclaimed. If it were far off from what it was prior to bombing, you would expect Qatar and Saudi Arabia to be miles ahead other Arabs, but you don't see that. Instead you see Saudi Arabia and Qatar at 85, while Israel needs tricks to bullshit their way into triple digits.

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d92774  No.16399



>There is a limit to how far you can actually push your brain.

I disagree. We barely utilise our brains. I think the common estimate of usage is 5% our brain or something.

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b8a581  No.16400


If we were allowed to eugenically breed a better race we would not have to 'decimate' anything. The problem with eugenics is that the kikes get raked in the ass when it is even mentioned…I mean look at their 'lords' agenda to keep Europeans/White from advancing…it is plain as day that they murder anyone with potential to exceed them…this is what is happening in Europe right now and if you fucks do not purge the filth from your nations you will end up just like the 84 IQ sandniggers…protohumans forever….niggers are a biological weapon.

>The Tower of Babel

…6 And the LORD said, “If they have begun to do this as one people speaking the same language, then nothing they devise will be beyond them. 7 Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the LORD scattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city.…

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d92774  No.16401


IQs are kinda irrelevant if you stagnate and stop using your brain. You become senile. The internet is very good at lowering the amount of usage of the brain. This is essentially making uses more and more senile.

As I stated here >>16379 the important thing is to work your brain.

I'm concerned that IQ tests in Africa, etc are showing that these areas lack this maintenance of brain functionality on a social/cultural level. People from there come to the west and are noticeably unable to keep up with our work culture. They simply never had that culture before.

That implies that IQ and brain functionality is implicitly tied to social mechanisms.

/pol/ has ignored this elephant for some time because we've had to spend most of our energy just increasing the talk on brain functionality full stop. Nowadays you see normalfags talk about their brain as a muscle, we've come that far since the little fire we ignited.

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47a38d  No.16403


The brain is an organ, not a muscle. That was my point.

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454f4b  No.16404



It can be improved through exercise(both physical and mental) and diet, but even that is limited by your genetics.


I'm pretty sure if you were using just 5% of your brain you would be dead.


It will only drop by a large margin if you suffer some form of brain damage, if not then it will just be a few points that can usually be recovered relatively easily through proper diet.

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e6d8c9  No.16407

File: 66bf7048be15952⋯.jpg (51.93 KB, 638x640, 319:320, Wash your balls, bucko.jpg)


Oh boy, here comes another "we don't utilise 100% of our brain" type of retard that unironically thinks that the remaining 95% doesn't get used at all and that absolutely every single bit of it can be used for whatever the fuck people want as long as they activate it.

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d92774  No.16413


>The brain is an organ, not a muscle.

I tend to not strictly distinguish between them, muscles make up these organs.

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ad2a42  No.16415

File: 1ef741f0f7cb41f⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1416x840, 59:35, iq_european_countries.jpg)

Aryans actually have the highest IQ along with Japaneses. Pure germans, dutch, swedes, are close to 110 average IQ.

Europeans are the smartest, not that it matters anyways, because semites are more cunning and this is why the West is in this situation. So many smart whites have a good nature and they cannot even imagine that other peoples are cheating and lying for a living.

I fucking hate semites more than anything.

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d92774  No.16416


>I'm pretty sure if you were using just 5% of your brain you would be dead.

I agree, that meme gets told a lot and it can't be right. I think I remember an anon talking about it in detail with studies and it wasn't that far from the truth though.We use a significantly small amount of our capacity.

>It will only drop by a large margin if you suffer some form of brain damage, if not then it will just be a few points that can usually be recovered relatively easily through proper diet.

I disagree, the rate at which old people deteriorate when they retire and stop using their brain is impressively fast.


No I stated that was the common meme. I also have doubts about the figure, but I also think we do underutilise the mind.

Plus it becomes full of bloat.

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e6d8c9  No.16422

File: 1d174c4462fe8bb⋯.jpg (468.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Greta Thunberg speech.jpg)


>but I also think we do underutilise the mind.

I would state the opposite. A lot of the neurological conditions people have are due to too much stress on the brain, which they solve by simply drugging themselves. Giving it a break isn't an option in their eyes, something simple as a nap in the middle of the day or just mindless physical activity seems childish to them. Overstimulating their brain as a means of relaxing from overstimulation at work on top of an inadequate diet slowly chips away at their health until they develop neurological conditions. It's why people see drastic improvements to their mood and well-being from meditation, since that is a relaxing moment during which they can break away from the daily stress.

>Plus it becomes full of bloat.

This I agree with wholeheartedly. People pay attention to useless trash and then wonder why they haven't developed. It's not that they haven't had stimulation, they have had more than their fair share relating to dumb shit like celebrity gossip. And so when you test how good they are at something like mathematics, you conclude that they are a retard simply because you failed to extract anything useful out of them.

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a14f0c  No.16535


> Your brain is a muscle

So is my penis

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af3e60  No.16565


>If we were allowed to eugenically breed a better race we would not have to 'decimate' anything.

Remove the worst.

It is not known who is best.

All you can do is remove the worst.

Each successive iteration must pay, to remove the worst, from itself.

If it doesn't enough, you end up with Asiatics and Kikes.

If it doesn't at all, you end up with Africanoids.

All genetic algorithms: You must still serially remove the worst.

Sexual selection models are best at worst removal.

Evolution is the self de-selection of the least fit. 'Best' and fitt-'est' are never know. Fittest is a kike notion pushed by kike printing presses, devoid of all mathematics, time, and accountability.

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6000df  No.16633


>have the highest average I.Q. of any ethnic group

No they don't. They just know what is actually going on.


B-but mentally challenged people are the true smarts!

D-don't you know about the 300 IQ autists?

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498775  No.16705

So where is the link to the study on PubMed?

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438aab  No.16744

File: 8429f52e3e03a81⋯.jpg (72.82 KB, 692x442, 346:221, 137869507482.jpg)


If the goyim start to think jews are anything besides poor frail scapegoats for the evils of the world they can start questioning things they shouldn't like the shoah.

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da06a2  No.16759


Yahhh well maybe that anon only uses 5%

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766cd4  No.16795




Nope. Try 92. Sad considering the Irish don't even have hordes of shitskins like Britain does, but Britain's average IQ is still 8 points higher.


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1d7df1  No.19442

Its true if one defines intelligence as lying, manipulation and nepotism.

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832d63  No.19449

File: 8bbab181d0b8418⋯.jpg (35.14 KB, 331x500, 331:500, 51EuXuVUcoL.jpg)

Imagine how batshit crazy they will be when this little beauty comes out in March.

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4ad54c  No.19469

File: cd490f7389b0a8a⋯.jpg (229.34 KB, 800x450, 16:9, nigeria-scammers-capured.jpg)


What is with sierra Leone and Nigeria?Is that why Nigeria is scam central. Have a high enough IQ to trick senors but low IQ to actually create.

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4ad54c  No.19472

File: f3c5ca0e9ccfc7f⋯.jpg (87.03 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, nigger_jews_the_jews.jpg)


this, if Ashkenazis had an high IQ they would have not fallen for picture related

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c48898  No.20840

Kaplen would give parties for those who took the SAT. He said give me an SAT question and you can come to my party. He would then give classes on how to score high on the test. His Jewish students got the real questions. I expect all IQ tests have been compromised this way. In addition the IQ tests that exist are optimized for Jewish takers. Others have tried to come up with alternate IQ tests. These include Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis IQ 198 Christopher P Harding IQ 197 and Kevin Langdon IQ 196. These are not optimized for Jews but have the same problems as traditional tests they can be compromised.The best example of this is Rick Rosner. He spends most of his time trying to score the highest in the world. The other high scorers managed to do this while keeping their day job. These include federal judge Wilson Reid Ogg IQ 197 inventor Ferris Eugene Algier IQ 197 and Dr. Johannes Veldunis IQ 197. The only things Jews excell at is their Li Q.

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72fbb4  No.20842


Get the fuck out.

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caebbe  No.20891


>Lookit those dumb Jews; they spent £242 million on a scam! Dumb Jews!

It isn't stupid when it's other people's money.

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f9c6bb  No.20893

File: f06295e2183c586⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 1000x707, 1000:707, image0-298.jpg)


IQ tests are not intended to measure intellect.

They were never designed for this and using them for this is absurd.

IQ tests were initially designed to measure mental development in children by measuring pattern recognition skills.

The central idea is that as you age your pattern recognition ability increases until you reach adulthood.

So by testing large numbers of children at various age groups to determine averages the IQ scale was devised.

Anything over 100 means your pattern recognition ability is above the average for a child of the age being tested. Anything under 100 means it is below average for the age being tested.

A consistently high IQ score in childhood is an INDICATOR of intellect not a measure.

But these tests became widely regarded as a way to measure intellect. Because people are stupid and love having a simple number they can use to compare with others and go "oh I am so many points above you"

It also appeases parents because it makes something vague and difficult into something defined and simple.

Modern IQ tests are an utter travesty that still work mainly on measuring pattern recognition (though often with some general knowledge or maths thrown in)

But their reliability is at best piss.

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caebbe  No.20900

File: ea95bc71feb220e⋯.jpg (401.8 KB, 920x1000, 23:25, fucking retard.jpg)


>IQ tests are not intended to measure intellect.

They measure g-factor. This is the general competence the test taker has at various cognitive tasks.

If you think they aren't valid for adults, then you need to go back to whatever liberal shithole told you that and tell them to try harder. IQ is one of the best predictors of lifetime success, and the results are more heritable (that is, less environmental and more g-loaded) as you get older.


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a63de9  No.20902


All you are measuring is pattern recognition.

Pattern recognition is essential to a well rounded intellect but these tests are not measuring the ability to apply knowledge or think creatively.

This is why autismo gets over 9000 on IQ tests. The tism gives him mad pattern recognition skills. But ask him to actually apply anything he knows and he falls apart.

This is before we even get into memory.

And its the neo-libs who love IQ tests. Because again something complex made simple for their feeble minds.

This is why shit like mensa is full of puffed up neo-liberal pseudo intellectuals. Most of whom never accomplish anything in their lives despite a high IQ.

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a0791e  No.20903



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caebbe  No.20904

File: 2a7e13ac5d46668⋯.jpg (55.71 KB, 500x502, 250:251, Lying_Little_Shit.jpg)


>All you are measuring is pattern recognition.

And memory. And processing ability for reverse-memory. And visio-spatial acuity. And less g-loaded items such as word and symbolic reasoning or mathematics.

Honestly, you'd have better luck working from the position that race isn't real, shill-kun.

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0714be  No.20905


Immediate short term memory at best. Did you just google some fancy sounding things to make it sound like you know what you're talking about?

Or is that something you got at your latest mensa meet?

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caebbe  No.20907

File: 9681f60bf13f16a⋯.jpg (24.62 KB, 720x533, 720:533, Ceci_ne_pas_un_Argument.jpg)

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798ab9  No.20914


No that's just a complete myth.

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db9c2a  No.20923

File: ff9ad38962b4b07⋯.jpg (100.61 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 1526769236.jpg)


I'm not entirely sure you know what you are doing.

Anyone who looks into the history of IQ tests will quickly learn their origins.

But you are asserting they measure general intellect and doing so without any rationale or proof behind it.

You are essentially just going "nuh uh" and I strongly suspect its because you test well on these modern IQ tests and as such your ego is now invested in their validity.

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75ed3c  No.20931

File: e4b2070b744907e⋯.jpg (44.39 KB, 529x620, 529:620, j79766.jpg)


Kike and nip IQs have been proven to be fraudulent over and over again.

When you remove self-reporting and outlier studies it's the Euros from around that Baltics (Germans, Swedes, etc) who who consistently prove to be the most intelligent humans on the planet. This is precisely why kikes want to exterminate them.

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798ab9  No.20932

Cranial brain capacity is what seperates us from Chimps.

(Man) 1,352 vs 384 (Chimps)

It is also what seperates us from negros.

1,200 (Aborignals) vs 1,500 (Northern European)

If you observe the skeletal structures of different races you can see why this is.

Are we done now?

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caebbe  No.20938

File: d34c60d2ef5de17⋯.png (42.2 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Source.png)


>Anyone who looks into the history of IQ tests will quickly learn their origins.

By all means, explain. Be sure to also explain why IQ tests' solid correlation with lifetime income, education, criminal justice, family, and other outcomes is irrelevant.

Reminder that "IQ tests don't really work!!!1!" is literally a shitlib red herring from way back. I'm open to any special information you have about the topic, but I also suspect you won't have any.

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a0161c  No.20963


THAT is definitely not the only thing that separates us from chimps.

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c5133e  No.20967


Yes. There's also the Sahara.

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366110  No.20970


יבן זונה קטן אבשלך מזוייף ואל תבוא לי פה עם איזה גוגלטראנסלט מזדיין בתחת

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366110  No.20971


Amerimutt is white ah

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c5a529  No.21106



t. mad kike

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798ab9  No.21121


Well yeah there are other things, but If you gave a chimp a nigger sized brain he would be pretty "human" Dr.Mardou style.

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b9d8eb  No.21141

The Jews aren't the smartest people just the most deceptive. Networking and nepotism is their genetic inclination. They push the ideas that they are chosen and most wise but its all a scam. Look at Einstein. Proven to be a plagiarist but to this day most people don't know he stole all his ideas from other scientists. Jewish media pushes the illusion that Einstein was the greatest mind in human history. Of course kikes will claim that their ability to manipulate makes them the smartest people on earth.

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e339af  No.21418


Look how angry that part nigger is!! Lmao

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c56303  No.21447


OP has pumped and dumped this thread and is no longer participating in this thread after making the OP

also, OP provides no sources as to this alleged (((racist))) study

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6a83fb  No.21939


Simple average to converse, these were measured numbers afterall. 70 + 95 = 165 ÷ 2 = 82.5 IQ for Koko.

Koko is smarter than India.

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19e04e  No.21944

There is a correlation of IQ with intelligence. Thanks to Mega Society member Grady Towers we now know what that correlation is it is around .66. A study was done of people who actually invented something or discovered something useful. These people should have scored at the top of the IQ scale around 190. The way to reform IQ tests is to include only those problems the highest achievers got right and discard those they got wrong. Anything they got wrong is trivia. https://www.megasociety.net/noesis/149/iq&pear.html

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dc28a0  No.21958

File: 28a7ceacadc1a67⋯.jpg (123.09 KB, 331x402, 331:402, lol_oathhurt.jpg)

I love how LARPers act like they're race realists when it makes them feel special and important only to turn 360 degrees, moonwalk away and do all sorts of amazing mental gymnastics once the evidence forces them to admit that the small, elitist group who has ruled the world in the shadows for centuries through their dominance and influence in finance, banking, business, politics, education, entertainment, foreign relations, and organized crime, who have made it all but impossible to blame or expose them without intense legal and/or cultural backlash throughout most of the developed world, are smarter than them. fucking lmao

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5bd20c  No.22010


Their time is coming to an end. Also ironic choice of images considering you typed out a massive wall of verbal diarrhea in sheer butthurt.

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6b42d1  No.22182


You're on a board surrounded by plenty of Anons that take pride in how little they actually know, that believe google searches and random posts in this board constitute actual factual research and will spam back ">he fell for the college meme" because they seriously think a degree in biochemistry is the same as a degree in gender studies.

There's plenty of dumb fucks that can't find a place in society and thus drift here, thinking they are in good company just because there's other outcasts posting too. And what's more, they get a nice scapegoat with the jews that perfectly explains all their failings without any need for personal responsibility.

If you actually wanted to see any of them taking IQ tests seriously, the OP should have started the thread with some study about how niggers have low IQ even when raised in white families (/pol/ loved to posted that experiment that was done in Sweden) and once they understand that it confirms their bias, they'll be all in favour of IQ tests.

But if you're just gonna point out that there's a damn good reason most of them are NEETs or burger flippers, well…


Your idea that they are "coming to an end" without any sort of proof or argument to point towards that combined with the idea that the previous post is an actual wall of text clearly paints your position in that study. Go back to Nepal, mountain chink.

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5bd20c  No.22206

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8ebb39  No.25958

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8ebb39  No.25960


All these words and it’s the same old shit as always.

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75ed3c  No.25965


The original basis is a 2007 paper (not a study) that said "IF jewish over representation in Ivy League schools were legitimate their avg would need to be 115"

So it was actually meant to prove that they were engaging in nepotism because no one would believe them to actually be that intelligent.

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8290be  No.25968

File: d199a39a5e21e8c⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Poway.mp4)


This. Blah, blah, it's never the jew's fault, it's always your fault, no attempt to debunk the millions tonnes of evidence that it's indeed the jew's fault because the goal of the shill is not to engage but to misdirect.


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