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File: 4e52790cc023652⋯.jpg (87.39 KB, 400x550, 8:11, 1552752799364.jpg)

66c2b4  No.16022

I'm trying to justify my opinions on Ethnic Nationalism and I can't think of any other reason, other than "I think it's important that the majority ethnic population stay the majority"

I'm not completely opposed to other ethnicities in my country, I just think it's important that the ethnicity my country was made by, stay the majority, for example an 85% ratio being the lowest it's allowed to drop to. This idea that I've created in my head is that all immigrants entering this country whether they're of a "white" ethnicity or a "black" ethnicity they have to completely leave behind their old way of life, their culture and their language behind, and they need to learn my countries way of life, our culture and our language. So far this would sound like the dreaded Civic Nationalism, but then I believe that these immigrants should be geographically located within the country so that they're always the minority and that they have no other choice, but to breed with the majority population and so that within a few generations their descendants will be integrated into the majority ethnic population, it's a sort of dilution process.

I'm not sure if this idea is feasible or not, so I'd like to learn about how Ethnic Nationalism has worked in the past. I'm not going to browse this place for an answer, because that's how you turn into a larping retard. I want to actually learn how Ethnic Nationalism is supposed to work. Do any of ye have suggested reading on the topic?

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82f38b  No.16025

Check the catalog next time you gargantuan nigger newfag.


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66c2b4  No.16036


What do you mean check the catalog, if you're talking about the QTDDTOT and the Meta thread then you must be a fucking moron, because they're both useless. There's nothing worthwhile in there, there's not a single book on Ethnic Nationalism.

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7f4274  No.16041

Well culture is inherently downstream of race due to shared genetic similaraties coming from shared region (we wuz close and shit). That's why it's mostly North-Europeans with the cheese eating gene. There are also other behavioral genomes like MOA-I that blacks and Asians have in abusance leading to their low empathy rates which is completly against White society which is mostly built around the common good.

Races are also different and better than worse than eacthother and it goes against evoultion and this nature to race mix as if races didn't compete for land and food this powering evoultion the existance of higher life would be inconceviable.

If you want the best civilization to embody these "ethno-nationalist" ideas just look at National Socialist Germany and read the works of Hitler and Rosenberg and the like.

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7f4274  No.16042

Thus not This.

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82f38b  No.16044

File: 00bac6f9db7af14⋯.mp4 (917.07 KB, 468x352, 117:88, lurk more faggot.mp4)


>What do you mean check the catalog,

Not sure where you came from or how you found this place, but you need to unfuck yourself and fast.

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66c2b4  No.16046


>against White society which is mostly built around the common good.

I'd have to disagree with this, it's false to say Asian and African societies aren't built around the common good. It's also untrue to say White ones are.

>Races are also different and better than worse than eacthother and it goes against evoultion and this nature to race mix as if races didn't compete for land and food this powering evoultion the existance of higher life would be inconceviable.


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66c2b4  No.16048


>lurk moar

So when I'm arguing with someone on ethnicity and shit and if they ask me to cite sources and shit, I can just tell them I got everything you need to know from a Taiwanese basket weaving website. Super


this board has only existed for a few months

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82f38b  No.16050

File: 967801887229a40⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Wrong neighborhood motherf….mp4)


>So when I'm arguing with someone on ethnicity and shit and if they ask me to cite sources and shit, I can just tell them I got everything you need to know from a Taiwanese basket weaving website. Super

I just spoonfed you a link to the book thread in my other post. Maybe you should stop squandering my magnanimity and get to fucking reading, you whore.

>this board has only existed for a few months

This is /n/ 3.0, and you are fresh off the fucking boat. Please take a few moments to figure out basic imageboard functionality before you continue shitting up the place, thanks.

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66c2b4  No.16051


>I just spoonfed you a link to the book thread in my other post

Huh? Where? I don't see a single link to anything in this thread you fucking retard

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7f4274  No.16088


Look at China and tell me that or Africa where all their leaders destroy the nations they lead for personal intrest. Japan is the only Asian country without a high amount of that and other anti-social genomes. But they have the problem of a very low skeltal muscle mass and testostorone though.

And yes our nations are. We just have been fucked by (((liberalism))). And it's actually one of our traits the Jew uses to push multicultarism and make us the ONLY race to allow other races to settle in our lands long term.

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bc740a  No.16094


Nigger … you are dumb. >>16025 has a link to the thread >>2142 … that's how interboard links work. Were you looking for an https link? My god you're a newfag … like a seriously new newfag. Possibly the newestfag to ever newfag since fags became new.

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6d530b  No.16108

Hitler's Revolution and literally Mein Kampf you fucking newfag.

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6d530b  No.16111

File: ca4444a835cca0b⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 480x640, 3:4, aaas internally.jpg)


>this posting style

Wait, do I fucking know you?

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82f38b  No.16122

File: 115080f55ddaded⋯.jpg (167.22 KB, 1511x1076, 1511:1076, 115080f55ddaded53e53192bea….jpg)


>this posting style

You mean using words with more than two syllables? It's a thing that native English speakers do sometimes.

>do I fucking know you?

Well, I've never namefagged in my life and I have no internet presence to speak of. So you're either my secret CIA handler or you've got a case of mistaken identity.

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6d530b  No.16133

File: fdbac00336c6467⋯.jpg (15.59 KB, 450x381, 150:127, GettyImages-545596762-5aee….jpg)


No anon, you insulted that newfag in a way that was very similar to a specific anon I know from another place.

But you didn't seem to recognize the cockatoo in the image, so carry on.

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82f38b  No.16136

File: fc7d49ad20703f0⋯.png (810.55 KB, 950x594, 475:297, 14bee3d0a209d7bd6bece52f6d….png)


Oh, you're a PCP nigger.

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82f38b  No.16139

File: d1f7892d03e8038⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, roulette.png)


>Forgot my sage

Well, shit.

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7f4274  No.16157


Cockatoos are great when on some adrenachrome and it stares into your eyes and makes you repeat the forbidden dialect.

Arrokoth,Thule, Ultimmaa

Inside of Venus's orbit the secret lies to know the truth you first must die. WAIT ARE THOSE TAA TAAS ON MY BACKSIE WACKSIE uwu

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726705  No.16162

File: ab0361664f11b3c⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 900x1131, 300:377, a278cda725d523dd13cc629dd1….jpg)



You hurt me anon, I always AAAAAAAAAAAAA'd at them on sight.

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855c21  No.16202

File: cc131a8dc1ea1ad⋯.mp4 (6.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, pebble the cockatoo.mp4)


Major Mitchell's Cockatoos are based and redpilled.

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2d5fed  No.16270

>I'm trying to justify my opinions on Ethnic Nationalism and I can't think of any other reason, other than "I think it's important that the majority ethnic population stay the majority"

This reads more like something /leftypol/ would write to pretend to be from around here. Especially considering the fact that you don't know how to use the catalog.

>this board has only existed for a few months

You're still very much a newfag. And that should tell you something when the board is only a few months old and people are already calling you a newfag for being so fucking retarded.

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