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File: 6b071f3c725d51e⋯.jpg (141.48 KB, 920x1078, 460:539, hitler-as-a-hero-di06txpwo….jpg)

e3e687  No.15834

He should have at least taken a few kikes with him to spare the world of their kikery.

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a6fc8d  No.15856

File: 0e70f481a380e2e⋯.jpeg (37.82 KB, 500x412, 125:103, 1574048347248.jpeg)

Despite the myth of the Cartoon Supervilliany of Adolf HItler™, the truth is he was far too kind to his enemies.

You sound kind of new. You should hop over to the book thread. There's a trove of books on the life of the Fuhrer that will explain his life and true motivations.

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e1311c  No.15860

Hindsight is 2020 nobody knows for certain they will lose until they do, like Russia with Napeleon. Focusing on making sure your nation has every last chance of winning is a bigger priority. And love his folk to much to abandon them to kill a few Jews.

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dfb25a  No.15868


They didn't have the logistics to do any of this.

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e3e687  No.15869


In late 1944 it was impossible to win. And the concentration camp staff chose to retreat westwards with the jew inmates instead of shooting them on the spot.

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aa806a  No.15871


He was just a kindhearted soul that wanted to save his folk. I can't believe people still don't understand this, SMH

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7767fc  No.16742

What I don't understand is why Hitler didn't take Moscow when it was wide open for him in 1941? He decided instead to divert attention to his northern and especially southern flanks in the Eastern Front. It would make sense to take Moscow, essentially take control of the USSR, dissolve it, and free the people there from oppressive Bolshevism, execute Stalin and all the top leaders for their crimes against humanity, and then make sure to take out any lasting Soviet "resistance." This, I'll never understand.

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12542a  No.16755


As I recall Stalin and the rest of the high soviet command moved east way before the germans approached Moscow. They even took Lenin's body with them.

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e1311c  No.16775


Taking Moscow would of not won the war, the industry of the USSR was even moved to the Urals for prolonged war.

The goal of that war other than smashing Marxism was capturing the oil rich Caucases, oil the Germans were quickly running out of.

A lack of oil is really the main reason the Germans lost everything else is secondary, the Italian fleet couldn't even leave port due to a lack of it. And the Romanian oil fields simply weren't enough to meet demand.

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e1311c  No.16776

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e1311c  No.16777


Telling your army to shoot aload of Jews wastes ammunition and is a bit of a morale downer. Germans and Hitler were highly empathetic, that's why he had to instruct the German army marching back into Poland to retake STOLEN LAND "Close your hearts to pity!"

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7767fc  No.16779


Then after quickly establishing themselves in Moscow, would continue east and hunt for Stalin and the high Soviet command.


But if they took Moscow, they could have had all the oil they needed, and then continued pursuit as far as the Urals, or even beyond. The Soviets were not all that prepared for the war. Diverting attention away from Moscow was a fatal blow, as it allowed for them to regroup, reorganize, and redouble their efforts in a counter attack which eventually gave the Soviets the upper hand in the war. Hitler's focus should have always been on the Soviets, and after defeating them, can then worry about the non-communist Allied forces in the west.

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ef2bd6  No.16815

The original plan was to do exactly this. They ran into severe logical issues due to the weather.

http://archive.is/zuGjR does a pretty good job of covering it.

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ef2bd6  No.16816

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e1311c  No.16875


There is no oil in Moscow, most of the oil in the U.S.S.R and even present day Russia is heavily concentrated in the caucas region which is closer to Crimea than Moscow.

The fact of the matter is that Germany was running low on oil and by the time of the African and Greek campagin was already rationing. At the opening of Operation Barborossa it was estimated there were four months before the oil supplies were to be depleted enough to meet the demand of the army. Wasting anymore time trying to go for Moscow would of been a mistake, first you would need to spend precious months breaking through the Stalingrad line and than hope Moscow isn't heavily guarded since sieges can take months of time. All for an objective that would of meant nothing but wasted time you can't afford to waste.

A better idea as Hitler proposed would be to first seize Ukraine and the oil rich regions of the caucases and only then go to Moscow set up the A-A line and then bomb the Soviets to shit. Instead Hitler trusted his generals who lead him astray since they were still stuck in the "Paris mindset" forgetting that the U.S.S.R was a much bigger and different country. Nothing showed that they would surrender if Moscow was captured, infact all the signs pointed the other way betwix the bad oil supply and Stalin moving the industry to the Urals. In the end if they should have listened to Hitler, we all should have.

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e1311c  No.16877

*depleted enough to NOT meet the demands of the army

I hate phone-posting

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7767fc  No.17465


>There is no oil in Moscow

No kidding, but that's where the USSR was headquartered. Taking Moscow and hoisting the swastika flag over the Kremlin would have severely lowered Soviet morale, the government of the USSR would have been dissolved, the people there liberated from Bolshevism, many defections to the Germans would have ensued, and the Germans would have access to so many natural resources that Russia has, it would have made them completely unstoppable.

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c71073  No.17808

Resources were stretched far too thin. You think they could reliably dispatch Jews and round up the ones that weren't caught during a war? Secondly, the ones that really matter were high up the food chain and safe and sound away from German hands. Hitler could have killed every single Jew in mainland Europe yet the US and UK had plenty of rich and powerful ones pulling the strings.

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744697  No.17815


I know what a weak ass bitch. Should have advocated death of niggers and Jews than be such a passive peace loving advocate to France and Poland. What a cuck.

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744697  No.17818



Meanwhile Stalin was absolutely fucking amazing. He lied and deceived his enemies while putting the ones who helped him subvert society a free field trip to the gulag.

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5f884d  No.17863

File: 11b8f042a7efa05⋯.jpg (30.4 KB, 300x469, 300:469, hitlerbritagent6x6.jpg)


Hitler was a British Agent

This book.by Greg Hallett, now assassinated, explains why and how the British trained agent Adolf Hitler was set up on a path to power, ultimately to destroy Germany. Mission accomplished.

Here's a few of his achievements:

_prevent_ German victory at the very beginning of the war, by _cockblocking_ the capture of all the Allied troops at Dunkerque, where he ordered troops to do nothing for 3 days, allowing the British to evacuate the troops, and escape defeat.

_Thwarted_ the German people by splitting the army into 2 and insisting they concentrate on Stalingrad/Volgagrad instead of conquering Moscow. We can only imagine how the Russians might have surrendered had the Germans taken Moscow.

Hitler was mockingly called greatest tank commander strategist in history

sarcastically, because he always interfered with the tank commanders giving them stupid things to do or not do. The only reason they conquered France is a few weeks is by turning off their radios and ignoring Hitler's commands, later telling the Generals a white lie that the radios just stopped working.

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9b880b  No.17879


Imagine believing this. Imaging thinking we'll believe you.

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587546  No.18593

File: 3c2b9f31494323a⋯.png (795.02 KB, 480x564, 40:47, assad laugh R.png)


>thinking anons will actually believe this

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c40a75  No.19626

The Germans were inventing the internet and they figured there would be a world wide backlash against the Jews once the truth got out. However all the internet building sites were destroyed by the allies after the war.

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e37107  No.19632

Don't we already have a thread for the holocaust?

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931c49  No.19656


>When nobody believes Hitler was a CIA agent so you change your story to British agent and even use a shitty wannabe historians fan-fiction as reference.

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3827d1  No.19674

Hitler was too kind to his enemies but the one (next man against time) after him (Kalki) will not be so kind.

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f4ac28  No.19682


>Hindsight is 2020

Hindsight is NOW

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f4ac28  No.19684


Shit cover

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a98ffe  No.19787

File: 3474b64f0e89401⋯.png (96.2 KB, 254x254, 1:1, 3474b64f0e894015174f4e1585….png)


>Shit cover

>>instant ad hom

Found the kike

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a98ffe  No.19788

File: d6910b33ba2b7d1⋯.png (363.27 KB, 652x487, 652:487, KIKERY - HERZL, THE FATHER….png)

File: 772598c55a19174⋯.png (145.5 KB, 954x524, 477:262, KIKERY - HERZL, THE FATHER….png)

File: 239975a4a49a034⋯.png (231.75 KB, 913x1485, 83:135, ZIONISTS FUNDED HITLER 03.png)

File: 01d5f0b2194a56f⋯.png (576.39 KB, 1040x3300, 52:165, ZIONISTS FUNDED HITLER Bir….png)

File: 05454ef21d1191c⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2241x4051, 2241:4051, ZIONISTS FUNDED HITLER Zio….png)

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a98ffe  No.19791

File: f85a09ad824fe33⋯.jpeg (505.78 KB, 786x1725, 262:575, NAZIS AND ZIONISTS.jpeg)

File: 6de01ab929c70b8⋯.jpeg (817.39 KB, 1268x3963, 1268:3963, NAZIS AND ZIONISTS 02.jpeg)

File: 42c47b7133505e8⋯.jpg (30.54 KB, 318x499, 318:499, BLACK NAHHHZIS.jpg)

File: 500bad354ac0e45⋯.jpg (27.58 KB, 561x349, 561:349, BLACK NATZZEES.jpg)

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000000  No.19802

>Why didn't Hitler waste precious resource on the Jews instead of doing his darnest to claw back a victory and save the Western civilization?

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e1311c  No.19803


Sloppy job Mossad, just because they are from the same time period doesn't mean Hitler even knew he existed. Hitler's program and National Socialism is built around safe guarding from Jewry and building a completly Aryan economic system and state. Sure you could say he "helped" Zionists but that was to expel the Jewry out of his land and giving them their own land somewhere far away like Madagascar helps. Not to mention that fell through during WW2, and I believe Zionists support having their shops burned down and being thrown into camps.

The Jew cries out as he strikes you, that's been a Jewish strat for a while. Of course they are going to use us expelling them for political power. Doesn't mean we shouldn't, are you stupid? Wait of course you are. You're a Jew.

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e1311c  No.19804

*Don't support

Sigh this Jew propaganda/boomer posting is getting worse. Guess (((they))) found 8kun

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e715d7  No.19808


(((they))) showed up as soon as /qresearch/ was active. That's where (((they))) come from.

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da1f5f  No.19892

File: 3134ac08f8c08d1⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 563x629, 563:629, Commie killed by tree bran….jpg)


Well not everyone got a free field trip to the gulag, others got a field trip either to the nearest wall or to an actual field. Many officers fighting on the side of the Soviets were lined up and shot to ensure that, if there is ever any anti-communist sentiment within the military among the subjugated populations, they would be left in disarray and without a command structure. Since the Soviets would be the ones providing that fresh supply of officers after the old ones were killed off, meaning the new officers would be implanted into each unit as a method of keeping the military in check.

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574d9b  No.19911

File: e9f8367ec8cc306⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 378x568, 189:284, 99284339586.jpg)


Adolf Hitler was too good for this world.

The Reich will rise again.

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0c0177  No.19931

File: 84468c15e16d39a⋯.jpg (7.28 KB, 241x255, 241:255, check em swastika.jpg)

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e0a4f9  No.19932


tbh, he was national socialist

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91212a  No.19949


Is this AI colourised? Looks weird af.

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91212a  No.19957

File: 941b455cd992a42⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 119793-2809329-001rf.jpg)


>kedem auction house

Not suspicious at all.

>telling people to buy a newspaper on a coin

I'd say fake, gay and welsch (foreign).

Look at this German Reichsmark and see remember how OUR LETTERS look.

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91212a  No.19959

Not to mention that NAZI is from american war propaganda.

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84c1ce  No.19964

File: 998c0619a62b672⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 1080x322, 540:161, EN4XZafU8AEjXEY.jpg)

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91212a  No.19968


It is shit, nigger. Could at least download a high res brit flag.jpg so the blue isn't yellow and magenta.

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e330f1  No.20621


>Why didn't Hitler kill the jews for real when it was obvious that he was losing?

Because he a real human bean who is too kind to his enemies to commit mass genocide unlike stalin and lenin. Even when the night of the long knives happened only 70 or so were executed completely pale towards the 6 to 7 figure sums of massacres and executions vladimir lenin has ordered on a single city alone during the Russian civil war, what the communists have done to Russia at that time would be the kind of bloodletting the Chaos Gods would approve of.


>Not to mention that NAZI is from american war propaganda.

The guy who invented the word nazi was a (((german))) (((social democrat))), he made sure the meme word he created has spread through the media long before the kikes officially declared war on Germany on a newspaper, you could say it's one of their most successful memetics in modern history in that the kikes invented a meme word they can use against the Germans, which can also be used in their propaganda platforms as a form of common tongue between two major ideologies, and later on, to be used against anyone else they deem as enemies after the war ended.

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ef7336  No.20733


he was always a loser and will always be one

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62208c  No.20816


lmfao that is golden!! fuck i will use that, that's superb level of counter-semitism.

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f898ea  No.20934


>He was just a kindhearted soul that wanted to save his folk. I can't believe people still don't understand this,

I recall he even dropped those flyers explaining his thoughts and motives to the brits but their media had already fucked their minds so hard they'd never have heard him out. Today we see how the jews have rewarded the british people with a multicultural orwellian hellscape.

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7b4531  No.22197

Because he was a jew. Zero jews fought world war 3 and the end result was enslavement of the goyim and israel. There is no other explanation for why he was so fucking retarded, politically and militarily.

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ba30ed  No.22531


He also depleted his people's population and gave up the country to fucking Jews. Stalin isn't amazing or #based and #redpilled he was a dumb kike who never saw what's was coming to him.

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