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File: dae06562ba55c18⋯.jpeg (85.45 KB, 631x680, 631:680, EKb3ExiXUAIod-7.jpeg)

a5bf5a  No.156

Asians are descendants of Ham and therefore cursed to being people who can only copy, without being able to invent. The most notable actual thing they ever done is The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and that was just a collection of experiences written down in a book 2500 years ago. Their pagan religions don't base themselves fundamentally on morality just like the Indians, making them completely degenerate in many ways because they pride themselves on things like Shinto in which their ancestors are treated with very high respect and looked upon as a guide on what to do, and if your ancestor was a pedophile, it doesn't give him any less glory. Anime in it's fundamental form is a place of escapism where reality is based on a involuntary celibate who never speaks with women. It eroticises children and promotes the idea of gender bending. All that anime did is bring all the degeneracy from Japan onto us, making our struggle double-fold and killing any time you could spend improving yourself as a human into watching some dumb shit for hours on end for weeks. I'll return to the original point of the thread. Their purpose is to never have the upper hand and therefore always be under control of someone else. China throughout the ages only survived by being huge and even then it didn't stop the Mongols. Japan has survived by tornado-ing tf out of any invaders and keeping a very strict culture where it forces people to conform, as that is the only way for them to carry on due to lack of higher purpose than wanting to be like your ancestor. Race mixing with Asians is as bad as mixing with niggers.

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95c324  No.164

okay schizo

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feb974  No.501

White guys love their tiny demonic pussies, though.

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ab467e  No.549

> asians are descendents of ham

That is about the stupidest thing I've heard all week

OP is retarded

Why is this thread still up?

Oh, I'm sure that the BO wants more users.

Is that it?

give me a fucking break

fucking delete this thread if you want intelligent conversation in here


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d13929  No.676


Killing jews and leftists always comes first. You can't stop it, deformed kike. Japanese and White people will kill you all.

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e1c39c  No.697

Asian women are simply more loyal. If you can get a nip or northern chink then you're set tbh. Hapas are the future elite class once jews mongrelize themselves within 50 years.

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a01f11  No.729


Nah. Their cunts are brown. It's pretty nasty to look at.


>Asian women are simply more loyal.

Not by a long shot. They're pretty goddamn ruthless, last time I checked.

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7e5e5c  No.730


Chinese are 100% more loyal to their parents than they are to their husbands. It is their culture.

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0db1a2  No.731


>Asians are descendants of ham

At last I know why their meat is so delicious.

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e1c39c  No.733


And white women are neither loyal to their parents or their partners. It is their culture.

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760f55  No.896


if asians = orientals, then they dont only have flat noses like subsaharans do, they also have flat faces

reconsider your current position

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760f55  No.929


actually incel is a pretty commonly heard expression these days. on what grounds do you overturn the status quo anon?

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48b3b9  No.1591

The more pedophilia becomes normalized in the West, the more furiously the finger is pointed at Japan and anime to keep the masses distracted and confused long enough for the programming to settle in. Anime doesn't promote pedophilia and poses no threat to children, which is more than can be said about what the jewish social justice movement is doing in the West.


Real life gender bending and LGBT ideology is slowly seeping into Japan… from the West. Not from anime.

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7008b3  No.1601

ok schizo

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21092a  No.3464

File: aac710bcafbecf6⋯.png (326.54 KB, 450x450, 1:1, euzn_banner_2.png)


>Asian women are simply more loyal.

They have not been culturally conditioned to have a strong sense of entitlement, so they just behave the way normal non-narcissistic people have always behaved. Asians who grew up in the west are about as bad as white women though.

>Hapas are the future elite class once jews mongrelize themselves within 50 years.

This is more true than a lot of anons realize. People who move between the west and the far east disproportionately belong to the cognitive elite, and their children inherit their traits. We are not only the product of two high IQ races, but the outlier high IQ members of those races. I can't speak for my entire race of course, but I think we'll run the world more benevolently than the (((current masters))).

Members and allies of the master race are welcome here: https://endchan.net/euzn/

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