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File: c5da58c06ce47b0⋯.png (239.37 KB, 934x1202, 467:601, nomorewarsforisrael.png)

91c342  No.15449[Last 50 Posts]

We're starting a new flyer campaign to expose ZOG and YOU are invited.

Three simple steps to make Israel/ZOG cry:

1. Print out.

2. Post the flyer.

3. Laugh while (((they))) cry.


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50e5b7  No.15466

post pics of your work and of course the resulting salt

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38235a  No.15469



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f76a32  No.15470

File: 28fd55def00db45⋯.jpg (50.95 KB, 680x454, 340:227, 0df.jpg)

Just a reminder to everyone, even if you don't print out the flyers you can still hasten Israel's destruction in more subtle ways. Make sure to spread as much anti-war sentiment as possible. Remind people about the pointlessness of vietnam, korea, afganistan, and iraq. Encourage everyone you meet to dodge the draft if there is one. Let them know that the next president will almost certainly pardon them. Also inform that that Israel receives over $3 billion in aid every year and ask people if we really need an ally who cant win a tiny war against Iran even with all the backing. Also remind them that we have proof that Israel stole the United States' uranium and refuses to admit it, and let them know about the Samson option. Ask if a true ally would blow up the world just because the got invaded. First and foremost undermine the war effort, secondly spread anti-israel sentiment. If you do it the other way around people may just dismiss you as antisemitic and support the war even harder.

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12aee8  No.15475


being in commiefornia, i won't get any heat whatsoever throwing these up around, but i printed out 10 and will distribute in key locations.

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46c352  No.15484


Why are there two words on the last line?

That's unnaceptable.

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6f9e13  No.15486

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d33ce6  No.15496

How about, 'Israel can fight their own wars'

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c18ede  No.15526

There are so many glowniggers on cuckchan shilling ww3 right now.

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c54da6  No.15532

File: 6d3f7ae9ebdae53⋯.jpg (41.98 KB, 491x600, 491:600, 14dd9817d18e702030b47326.jpg)


Godspeed, OP. Have a bump. Hail victory.

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000000  No.15535



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000000  No.15536




<Anti-Soviet Cold War

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a17002  No.15550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yep fuck israel,

These ied's are made by Rafael. look at the power.

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a17002  No.15552


Put it at .25 speed at around 4 sec there's like a beam the comes down. They discuss it in the comments.

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a17002  No.15559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c10c9  No.15560


You're a retard. 99.9% chance it's the lens.

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6cc531  No.15561



That could be a fat italian, a fat spic, or a ninja turtle

who made this IED?

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5b0992  No.15674

File: a724092e372132e⋯.jpg (214.31 KB, 1269x341, 1269:341, Colgate_Advanced_Whitening….jpg)


Wow, that's a genuinely good idea, anon. Thank you. I'll print 'em right now.

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0c16e4  No.15750


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3c7f66  No.15958

File: 0cf57dcb9bebade⋯.jpg (12.4 KB, 300x258, 50:43, jew.jpg)

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1de3fb  No.16012

File: 0cf2452227044e4⋯.jpg (21.46 KB, 751x418, 751:418, 0cf2452227044e401d17de4ff6….jpg)



Not only will kike owned media never even mention the very idea, normies will only think it's racist & ignorant if yo don't back that statement up with an entire library of facts.

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6bdde4  No.16292

File: 8fbbf9b878125b8⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 615x606, 205:202, 1574103485513.jpg)

Remember to practice correct OPSEC when participating in these campaigns.

Handle the paper and tape/glue/etc with gloves, DON'T LEAVE PRINTS ANYWHERE! That also means keeping yourself well-groomed and clean so you don't leave oils or hair where it might be found. Watch out for security cameras, wear a hat or hood depending on the weather to obscure your face (but also don't cover yourself so much that you look suspicious and attract more attention). Make sure you use a printer that doesn't identify itself.

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eb3a15  No.16299

File: 70eed8554a9b3cf⋯.png (3.33 KB, 200x200, 1:1, download.png)

needs a QR code

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ee5c6f  No.16301


The absolute state of freeze peach in jewmerica.

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836bac  No.16306



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836bac  No.16307


Seeing as lefties also support this, there will likely be no legal repercussions. stop being a bitch and put the vidya down for a few hours.

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f4e8da  No.16350

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7bbb97  No.16751

Nice. But it should be in the conical 3508x4961 resolution as the original It's OK to be White posters were.

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7bbb97  No.16756


* canonical

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1028cd  No.16760

Another idea: "No More Wars for The Bankers"

What do you guys think?

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1eac9c  No.16932


they need to be told israel so it will imply the ethnicity of who we are are slaves to, bankers just sounds like vague normie leftism. also, a version with israel below for would be appreciated

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acb307  No.16940


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a4939b  No.16951


What about: "No More Wars for The Rothschild Dynasty"? We could add a message in small text at the bottom of the poster telling them to google something.

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66f58d  No.16952

Quite a good idea. Its not "antisemitic" or racist. (((They))) will try but I think your average citizen will see past their bullshit.

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f21bdd  No.16954


Yeah that's included under "Jews"

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000000  No.16974



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1e2d20  No.17008

There's a lot of low nigs around this thread.

Don't print, write by hand in block letters.

Dodge all cameras

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58e6b7  No.17016


Unlike you, lefties also have free lawyers. So if it turns out that it's actually illegal, at least they have safety nets.

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3ddcf9  No.17090


> no more wars for israel

People have been saying this for my whole life.

mostly the liberals though

nothing new

people need to see why it is NOT in their interest to help israel

how we sent over 8.1 Billion to israel in 2019 alone for their defense budget

how that 8.1 Billion could have been used fixing our roads

It's way more than 8.1 billion btw, but those were solid numbers last time I researched congress's passed bills some months ago.

How we are paying for israel's wall, not ours

How israel is buddy/buddy with saudi arabia

how we fight for saudi arabia

how saudi arabia wants u.s. troops to fight in the middle east for them

how israel never joined us in combat operations in iraq and afghanistan

come on

tell me why israel is the bad guy

then we can be openly anti-kike and tell people that Hitler was right

I do it a lot

I build up a case against israel

and neocons that support israel

because they disgust me

like those q-niggers who love zion don

I voted for him

but I'm entitled to change my opinion about him

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58e6b7  No.17118

File: 9ae75a442643f74⋯.png (95.62 KB, 500x522, 250:261, the-top-20-of-blacks-are-s….png)


People have been saying it but spoken words last only a moment. Written text lasts a lot longer and reaches a whole lot more people. That's the point of putting up flyers instead of just saying it.

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45ba35  No.17126

File: 09644e3ddeacabb⋯.jpg (67.3 KB, 538x640, 269:320, skladjlasdjakldj.jpg)


4cuck pussy nigger detected

8ch is pro war all wars

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2e6eb5  No.17133

File: 613539623895f54⋯.jpeg (72.18 KB, 750x610, 75:61, A96200FD-6B82-49C8-B5DF-B….jpeg)

Zieg hail

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0c25eb  No.17138


Have you seen that video clip of the old veteran telling Trump point-blank, openly and publicly that he does not support wars for Israel and Trump instantly falls into the ZOG-programmed response while his fellow ZOG-bots clap and smile? The sentiment in your flyer is abundant left and right, but ultimately the U.S. government doesn't serve the citizens so no matter how many say they don't want warts for Israel those wars will continue no matter what. You could have millions in front of the White House holding this banner and it wouldn't change a thing. Only when the Israeli occupation of the U.S. government and media is removed (mostly likely by force) would anything change.

Preemptively, I will also say that you can call this a black pill, but it is still the TRUTH.

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58e6b7  No.17139

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dd6fa6  No.17144

File: b97fb35321188d1⋯.jpg (228.73 KB, 962x882, 481:441, black power west point mil….jpg)


>jews want war

>neo cons want war

>americans dont

>discipline, morale, and cohesion at all time lows

>election year

we can expect the mossad to false flag us, with the cianiggers help. the bright side is they'll be shipping all the mulatto female "soldiers" off to the desert.

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644a8a  No.17156


>they'll be shipping all the mulatto female "soldiers" off to the desert.

to take selfies, they're not going to do any fighting

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58e6b7  No.17184


Also it will only further encourage the mulatto females to have kids because the military will refuse to send pregnant women on the battlefield. And abortion is murder if the female wants to keep it, meaning that it is pretty much their get-out-of-draft-free card.

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93e0b8  No.17189


please tell me you have caps of niggers sharing this image?

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58e6b7  No.17192

File: 961870a9f4ef675⋯.jpg (68.36 KB, 597x707, 597:707, Doktorant Gaussian distrib….jpg)


Don't have any screencaps but I wouldn't doubt it considering pic related is a university student that unironically used this as an argument against the point about IQ. And pic related is in fact real.

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58e6b7  No.17193

File: 8e627b5ab83b65d⋯.png (165.3 KB, 640x856, 80:107, Doktorant IQ.png)


And what baffles me the most is that he knew how to make the graph, since he made that himself, and that he also managed to think this disproved anything. And as a result of this brainlet move, people made pic related.

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630a71  No.17200


pic too fuzzy to make out

but the second one with chess chimp is funny

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348aa0  No.17225





This is not a statist conflict. It is racial.

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c33e92  No.17266


Post more of these. They are hilarious

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a38b4d  No.17274


Rafael is an israeli arms company.

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faca2c  No.17287

Iran joins the server.

USA joins the server.

Russia joins the server.

China joins the server.

NorthKorea joins the server.

Vietnam region joins the server.

India joins the server.

Brazil joins the server.

Entire Middle East joins server

Nigeria joins the server.

Pakistan joins as observer.

Greece joins as observer.

Cuba joins as observer.

RestOfAfrica joins as observer.

Japan joins as observer.

Spain joins as observer.

Nato leaves the server.

UK + Commonwealth joins the server.

France joins the server.

Italy joins the server.

Canada joins the server.

SouthKorea joins the server

Israel joins the server.

Taiwan joins the server.

Bangladesh joins the server.

Germany+Austria joins as observer

Scandinavian countries joins as observer.

Indonesia joins the server.

Afghanistan joins the server.

Colombia joins the server.

Balkan countries join as observer.

Serbia leaves the server.

Serbia joins the server.

Kosovo connection failed,retry connection in (5,,4,).

Serbia disconnected from the server.

Serbia joined as observer.

Hongkong tried to connect but failed.

South America Joined the server.

Taiwan connection failed, retry connection in (5,,4,,3..)

USA,France and Israel activates premium features.

Russia activates premium features.

Pakistan activates premium features.

China activates premium features.

Japan leaves the server.

Game starts in 5…4…

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293d99  No.17305

File: e0f4b8f35c16098⋯.jpg (19.86 KB, 552x521, 552:521, 1433962843413-1.jpg)


>8ch is pro war all wars

If it means Isn'trael gets nuked, then I'm all for it.

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a2a957  No.17310



Israel has left the server.

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faca2c  No.17312



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49df9a  No.17325

File: 86006fbdb1fc14f⋯.jpg (11.32 KB, 260x194, 130:97, index.jpg)


Its a good idea

Did anyone saved? the:

How to open the bus stop publicity

Redpill in publicity places is something good to go

…Just don't be stupid and go full chimp printing Hitler did nothing wrong, public is not ready for that power level

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1bc111  No.17660


great vid, glad to see tucker redpilling on national news

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879c68  No.17679

another great campaign should be "NO MORE STRAIGHT WHITES MALES IN THE MILITARY" might as well get ZOG to do the work for us

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3047be  No.17718


I think Trump has really done an exceptional job in the USA and will continue to do so for another term. I don't really care what comes after Trump as he has been and will do everything that will ultimately smash Iran, Russia and China. Can you imagine what the USA will be like in 30 years without these awful countries causing problems with our democracy? So, I think Israel, Saudi Arabia and Washington need to stick together and keep fighting the good war.

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f24b20  No.17722

File: 552688b2040c4a5⋯.png (97.13 KB, 934x1202, 467:601, NMWFI_FORMATTED.png)

File: 93da20976561337⋯.png (102.18 KB, 934x1202, 467:601, NMWFIsis.png)

Step it up you faggets, double whammy red pilling action, and format your shit properly ffs.

t.notadrawfag but OP sucks dick.

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91c342  No.17764

File: 4bf54642d862e64⋯.png (31.38 KB, 612x792, 17:22, nomorewarsforisrael.png)


How do you think yours compares to this one?

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759e88  No.17766


some anon had a blue one that i liked

i saw it on bit-chew

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f24b20  No.17771


It's a little less direct as text is finer.

One can be read from further away by people with shitty eyes. E.g. boomers.

ISISrael/War is bigger text so gives importance to those items. I can also fuck with slightly more greyscale for the no more/for parts to further push the 'wars israel' theme.

Happy to make a thinner text version.

End of the day it's the message not the font and other minutae but they do have subconscious differences.

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28365e  No.17772


Thick is easier to read from far away. Myopia shall not save you, boomers.

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749f4b  No.17777

Actually said on the radio today. Yes, by Trump the American President, not Bibi.

>THE PRESIDENT: Right. Well, it’s right, and one of the things that changed… I know you talk about it. If you go back 10 years or eight years or maybe even five years, Israel was the king of the Congress, right? Our Congress protected Israel and fought for Israel. Now you look at the way the Democrats in Congress are treating them, where you have AOC and you have Tlaib and you have Omar, and they are actually, you know, anti-Semitic. They are totally against Israel. The things that they’ve said…

>You go back to the past and you look at the things that they’ve said about Israel and Jewish people, it’s incredible. Ten years ago, that would have been unacceptable. It would have been… It would have been… Nobody could have even believed it. I still can’t believe it! You know, I’m a little bit old-fashioned, right, in that sense, ’cause I’ve grown up and there was always great protection and reverence for Israel, and now it’s the opposite. In the Democrats, it’s almost… It’s almost a negative. They’re going out and what they do for Tlaib and what they do for Omar — Representative Omar, Minnesota — and AOC, I think it’s incredible the way they talk about Israel. It just was unthinkable to do that 10 years ago and sooner.

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0a0115  No.23297


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000000  No.43923


I do all this already.

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79894e  No.44054

File: c5d824eca2ae0ff⋯.pdf (8.22 KB, fave flyer.pdf)


>No More War for Pissrael


>fuck Pissrael

Let's use something a little more direct, methinks.

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40696d  No.44090


Wtf I love socialism now

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08067f  No.44102

Doing it in major urban centers is easy because even (((Marxists))) hate Israel and they'll think you're one of them. Hard mode is doing it in Boomertown, U.S.A.


That's the most boomer thing Trump ever said. Checked.

"Israel was the king of the Congress, right? Our Congress protected Israel and fought for Israel."

Isolate that quote though and it becomes a redpill.

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978c8e  No.44381

Yes! Post posters so the media will whine! We'll stop white genocide and destroy all jewish control of the world by posting posters! Don't take any form of actually effective action, though. Just make posters and memes! Don't forget to vote!!!!

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fed424  No.44832

>another black text on white background campaign

The media has caught on to this by now. IOTBW was new and worked because of it. But after five attempts, a sixth one is going to be dismissed as "trolling".

It's not a bad idea but make an actual design to it. Hell, you can do it in the style of old American war posters or something.


You people always swing by but never suggest anything worth doing, regardless of how many times you've been asked. Stuff that takes minutes to do and has an effect isn't worth it? Then tell me what is. Another fucking mass shooting?

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000000  No.47108


checking heavenly quads

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8bc83a  No.47133


IOTBW and Islam Is Right About Women are great because they can't be argued against ("it's not ok" / "Islam isn't right"). At best, cowardly reporters can use cop-out phrases like "racially charged language" and hope people don't think even a tiny bit critically.

"No More Wars for Israel" can be argued against from the left ("they're not for Israel, they're for oil/colonialism"/other decades-old commiefag argument) and from the Conservative Inc. "right" ("anti-Israel messages found").

A better one for Israeli influence, turd-world gibs, and cheap replacement labor?


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298c9d  No.47136


IOTBW and Islam Is Right About Women are great because they can't be argued against ("it's not ok" / "Islam isn't right"). At best, cowardly reporters can use cop-out phrases like "racially charged language" and hope people don't think even a tiny bit critically.

"No More Wars for Israel" can be argued against from the left ("they're not for Israel, they're for oil/colonialism"/other decades-old commiefag argument) and from the Conservative Inc. "right" ("anti-Israel messages found").

A better one for Israeli influence, turd-world gibs, and cheap replacement labor?


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