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File: 53ba29104086b37⋯.gif (10.64 KB, 645x851, 645:851, 1468197127859.gif)

364685  No.14185

>be Germany

>your best buddy's next leader gets assassinated by a filthy s*rb

>buddy wants to save face and fuck up S*rbia which is basically a shithole free to grab country anyway

>russia tries to bully your buddy because they want S*rbia for themselves

>tell them to fuck off or it's war

>they don't fuck off and it's war

>suddenly Britbongs and F*ogeaters fall at your back

>try to defend your country the best you can and almost win

>when everything is almost over and done opportunistic Am*ericans invade and turn the war

>you are suddenly the bad guy who is blamed with starting the war and is handed a giant bill for literally everything and everyone

>economy in shambles

>large territories lost

>j*ws are ravaging your culture and rape your children


>clean up and build one of the strongest and wealthiest nations to ever exist in like 10 years

>invade filthy p*llacks to reclaim your rightful clay and defend your people

>suddenly the whole fucking world is at war with you

>put up one hell of a fight but in the end lose the war

>forever branded as he ultimate villain

>jews ravage and rape your people out of existense

This is simply not fair bros. Germany is the biggest victim of the 20th century.

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487b06  No.14188

File: 2c2f95f23a3f684⋯.jpg (234.39 KB, 640x799, 640:799, 2c2f95f23a3f684aad0c68abe1….jpg)


Quality post

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003ba3  No.14189

File: 156ddee81112a3a⋯.webm (5.97 MB, 256x144, 16:9, Justice for Germany.webm)

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1270ba  No.14222

The Krauts knew the Frogs were gonna get in on it because of their raging butthurt over Alsace-Lorraine, and it was obvious to them and everyone that the Brits were gunning for them. The mistake the Germans made was vastly over-estimating their ability to end the war quickly.

The Brits are still to blame simply because they could have avoided the war altogether and would have been better off for it but they had to do the Rothschild's bidding. The real reason for British involvement was Germany was creating a market space increasingly not under the control of Jewish banker and the kikes didn't mind sending a few hundred thousand of Britain's youth to their deaths in order to achieve it.

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c0424c  No.14230

File: 9b490b8ae8eeedd⋯.png (2.41 MB, 1600x1418, 800:709, 1471454847919-0.png)

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c0424c  No.14231

File: d055d85f5f4a0e8⋯.jpg (75.73 KB, 453x640, 453:640, slavs.jpg)

why can't we post more than one image? what happened to the old file uploader? you can't remove images from a post now

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f71bc4  No.14234

File: e4e6c7609e8486d⋯.jpeg (630.61 KB, 1242x1230, 207:205, 6FC7543A-390C-4447-9C4B-5….jpeg)

“The victor will never be asked if he told the Truth.”

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364685  No.14242


>The Brits are still to blame simply because they could have avoided the war altogether and would have been better off for it but they had to do the Rothschild's bidding.

Basically this. Reclaiming the territory between mainland Germany and east Prussia was literally the most important point of Hitler's political agenda. There would have been no war if they were allowed to take it. Fascism wouldn't have been condemned and still be a viable political ideology today. And if Germany went to war with the soviets without having to fight on several fronts simultaniosly, they would have ridden the world of the communist plague too.

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f69c4b  No.14243

File: efefa4f4314ce25⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 300x400, 3:4, Hair.jpg)

File: 1014b21364d96e7⋯.jpg (104.87 KB, 1300x911, 1300:911, NOPE.jpg)

File: 489b4ecbb792727⋯.png (597.81 KB, 1129x1125, 1129:1125, Truth.png)


>why can't we post more than one image?

You can't, because you're a dumb nigger.

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5e3edf  No.14247


>This is simply not fair bros. Germany is the biggest victim of the 20th century.

No. Jews are.


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c0424c  No.14248

File: 4525aae1698ac7e⋯.png (9.89 KB, 324x430, 162:215, Untitled.png)


how did you do that? they change how you upload files to posts, there's no list that displays the files with an 'x' next to them anymore

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5e3edf  No.14249


From space, this means little. Still crying for bits.

Defend Israel.

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5e3edf  No.14250

Dice rollRolled 1, 1 + 3 = 5 (2d1)


Rebrowse and options.

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d8098e  No.14284

The biggest cucks of the 20th century you mean. Flew too close to the sun and got burned like a retard. G*rmany never learns.


>dude, just let me take back this land that I lost.

>what do you mean you're not going to roll over and die? woooooowww

>starts a war and gets obliterated beyond recovery

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31cb72  No.14288

As a Serbian I support this. But also as a Serbian that little cuck deserved it, It is odd tho. He was known as the "Serb Lover" and was instrumental in Serb lands receving more autonomy and getting out. The whole Austria-Hungary hodge podge was a terrible culture destroying deal for both our nations. Austria is German, and I don't want to be under Magyars and put in the same country as Bosnians and Croats.

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f69c4b  No.14291


>how did you do that?

Fucking magic. Did you just fall off the board from 4chan?

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b6085d  No.14394

Poor Germany was a gud boi dat din du nuffins.

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578929  No.14445

File: 0e477238e44b8b4⋯.jpg (12.53 KB, 236x306, 118:153, e8830b20fdc12072ef653ee075….jpg)

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578929  No.14450

File: a392249d383b907⋯.png (82.26 KB, 740x1050, 74:105, 3dc0099baee79e7f8d91ced021….png)

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c733b7  No.14564

>Wojak posting

Firstly, back to >>>/cuckchannel/.

Secondly WW1 was started by the Jews not Serbs.

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933a0e  No.15294

The biggest misconception people belief in, when it comes to WW1 that it's somehow justified to have a Total War, with all of your population mobilised for the war, even if Germany was fully responsible for the start of WW1.

Which of course isn't true, because logically that would mean every other actor is devoid of being capable of their own actions and only Germany has free will.

But even beyond that, Germany offered peace offers with no territorial changes in europe and the Imperialist Allies declined it.

Germany was fine with a local, short war, which would quickly solve the differences, where afterwards you still could go back to being allies with countries like Russia for example and not a Total continuous war.

Dishonest and stupid people will never talk about this. Maybe they will be so disgusting that they say "good riddance" to the Golden Days of our Civilization and the justification for that war, which ended Europe as the leading powerhouse, because "but DUUH Germany started it".

Absolute brainlets. These are the typical left-wing, probably non-white /his/retards, who just shit on Germany, because of jealousy.


It should be common knowledge that the Anglo sold the Jews Palestine to use their influence over the US to get them into war. Let that fucking sink in for a moment. Before WW1 the Jews had so much influence already that the Anglos not only thought about asking them to do it, but that they were actually able to deliver to.

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000000  No.15299



Vae Victis

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