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File: 32ccf0968450d9e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1908x5632, 477:1408, Screenshot_2019-12-31 Firs….png)

461a91  No.13304

So that MQSSQD bullshit about "getting things wrong will be necessary" only applies to things that benefit non shitbags, errr, israelies.

Looks like some people representing themselves as Iranians have attacked US embassy/embassys.

Remember to protest any American being sent to die for kikes.

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7a15f5  No.13482


John Bolton, Pompeo, and a bunch of other neocons are allies with the Mujahadeen. Hillary took em off the list of terrorists so Bolton n co could use them to destabilize Iran.

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7a15f5  No.13493

But i don't think it's Iranians, it's the Mossad killing US troops in Iraq until proven otherwise.

Right now the most important thing we can do is work to stop war with Iran. That means voting for Bernie.

Trump's not anti war, when he pulled out of the Iran agreement up behind 100% bullshit that says it all.

This is a perfect time to spot the traitors. Nobody who is America first supports going to war w Iran.

Saudi Arabia wants us to go to war, they had 29 million tweets from their bot army supporting regime change. Bin Talal or whatever owns a substantial chunk of twitter.

The one Trump called the Dopey Prince.

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461a91  No.13517

File: 2083280dea9f613⋯.png (376.38 KB, 824x837, 824:837, dafuq.png)


> That means voting for Bernie.

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3d7529  No.13534

The sheer arrogance of Mossad to shamelessly repeat Lavon Affair is something you need to respect.

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33d717  No.13570


and you one of Iranians Electronic Army

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33d717  No.13573


The Islamic Republic of Iran is like any Islamic terrorist group, they have same goals and hate everyone who opposes them and want to invasion the world

and the Americans and other Westerners are always fooled by Iraqi Shia politicians like what happen in 2003

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33d717  No.13575


Shut up Electronic flies

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461a91  No.13597


> hate everyone who opposes them

Then why don't we just not oppose them?

Seems we were pretty cool with them until israel appeared in their backyard.

Make more sense to remove israel than it does to remove Iran. Iran was there first.

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051dca  No.13602


I don't know why they even bother with these false flags anymore. I mean, everybody knows Israel did 9/11, everybody knows Israel killed Epstein. Why even bother with this circus? It's not like Americans will ever do anything.

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e61f13  No.13605


>Bernie is anti-war

Interesting how he voted for bombing Yugoslavia and increasing funds going to the invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq. You know, just so happens. You just vote on a law and oops, turns out you helped turn Spain to glass. If only we could have known. Just so happens now and then.

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5f8fc6  No.13607


b-but we have to vote for somebody! Surely, if God Emperor Trump didn't live up to the hype, then a Democrat will be our savior, and if that doesn't work, we can give the Republicans another spin.

We just have to vote harder.

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461a91  No.13617


Not directing this at you, you just happen to be available but WTF are people thinking even considering a NY jew for PRESIDENT????

How in the ever loving fuck do people not know about the New York Jew? Even jews don't trust the New York Jew. It's a level of jew that scares jews and these people think putting it in the president seat is a good idea?

I'm so ashamed to be associated with these people even if it's simply to offer opposition to their turbo-elite, exponential gravitas-level moronic dispshittedness!

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5e8724  No.13620

>That Israel Bible


They aren't even quoting KJV and the Bible they are quoting has a trademark on the end.

Sigh. Jews gonna jew.

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5e8724  No.13622

The Israel Bible™

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e61f13  No.13627


What's even funnier is that the tard expected a Jew to side with Iran against Israel. You know, because there's just so many of those running around in the streets.

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f5b1bc  No.13634

File: 8379ff6c02b9d84⋯.jpg (14.81 KB, 300x258, 50:43, 1574427605347.jpg)

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e660c5  No.13637


Meme magic is real and it always works. Creating memes exposing that "all wars are jewish wars" and "to fight in a foreign country is to die for Pissrael" will produce the best results among normalfags to push them into protesting against any war for the deformed kikes.


All leftists must be killed.

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100086  No.13682

File: 79f709f74d97335⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 980x552, 245:138, I just wanted to go shoppi….jpg)

>Iranian false flags

If anything I'm shocked they didn't start with this shit earlier. This has been on the kike agenda for a long time. I wonder what held them back for so long.

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9d99c7  No.13686

Maybe they want another Iran vs Iraq war.


God bless Syria and the Russian who destroyed the Israel/EU gasoduct.

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059adf  No.13698


They made some attempts at it last year, the biggest was that drone attack on the Saudi oil refineries.

Right now though??? Oy vey gevalt! Bibi has an election and criminal trial coming up. A US-Iran conflict is the last THING HE NEEDS RIGHT NOW.

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de976c  No.13714


Do you get your information from the YoungTurks? Look at Bernie's congressional record on votes for war/military action before making such a fool of yourself.

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100086  No.13723

File: 3ed4d0702258a5b⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 386x355, 386:355, Assad-laughing.jpg)


The Lion of Damascus is and shall remain forever undefeated.

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8bf2d6  No.13770


From cuckchan

>Iraq is a majority Shia country

>Run by a majority Shia government

>Sunni Muslim extremist group ISIS blitzkriegs all the way to Baghdad in a month

>Country and government on verge of collapse

>Iran and Hezbollah (Shia)send troops and begin training and arming Shia militia groups

>Stop ISIS in their tracks, starting a multi year effort to liberate large portions of Iraq from ISIS

>Iraq and it's majority Shia population is saved from collapse and genocide

>Iranian and Hezbollah troops are considered heros by most Iraqis

Fast forward to today

>Be retarded kike loving cheetoh

>Listen to Israel wailing and crying about how the Iranian troops in Iraq are planning another Shoah, even though they have don't absolutely nothing to you in the multiple years they have been in Iraq

>Bomb them because you love Jews

>Riots break out and your embassy is stormed because you killed Shia Muslims who were considered heros by a majority of the population

>Blame Iran for your own incompetence and threaten war even though the Iraqi government is about to kick your forces out of the country due to incompetent retarded behavior.

Just so we are clear this is what is happening right now. This is the actual truth of the situation but because we have a Jewish run media all you'll hear is how Iran is a giant massive threat that must be dealt with. When they say this they mean a threat to (Israel) because Iran sure as fuck isn't a threat to the United States.

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926ca5  No.13780


Israel isn't just our ally though, they are our greatest ally. They are also the only democracy in the middle east, and as a Judeo-Christian nation, we have an obligation to defend Israel's right to exist as a self-determined homeland for the Jewish people. I stand with Israel, you got a problem with that?

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461a91  No.13782

File: 56b68b3ea06d524⋯.png (609.7 KB, 1117x382, 1117:382, dontaskquestions.png)


Asaads wife is so fucking hot!

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461a91  No.13787

File: aa4dcd297c32537⋯.png (259.51 KB, 694x475, 694:475, nomakeupasaadwife.png)

Thread is now about Asaads wife!

This is the worst pic I could find of her.

If I woke up next to this, I'd chain her up and breed her til my junk blistered up.

She doesn't even require the "for a politician" tag. She's fucking hot.

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fda9f8  No.13793


that mean not only that but also convert to Shia Islam and recognition of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist over the whole world

P.S. that mean USA become Islamic or at least like the Iraqi government, which is a puppet in Iran’s hand

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fda9f8  No.13799

File: b55cf1bc7062779⋯.jpg (61.11 KB, 640x426, 320:213, Iranians chant 'Death to A….jpg)

this is IRAN

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d10a43  No.13800



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fda9f8  No.13803


also back then Iraq was against Israel is Saddam time but guess what Iran said "death to saddam" Because he is not on their religion / doctrine

so either you retarded or E-Army for someone

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fda9f8  No.13813


I am from Iraq and I tell you that all you put it as "From cuckchan" is really happen

to us Iran is worst than Israel, they steal all of our goods to fund the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and they kill our youth and everyone who opposes them

also Iraqi government is Iran puppet

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461a91  No.13816


Tell me,

How many Iranian citizens hold seats in US Congress? Can you name 1?

Iran is no threat to me. I am an American, not a fucking disgusting kike. I don't give a fuck what happens to the squatters of judea. Glass them. Export all the oil to the EU. Be happy doing it. Become richest nation on earth. Just leave AMERICA THE FUCK OUT OF IT!

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fda9f8  No.13821


it not has to be Iranian any Muslims Especially the Shiites do what Iran want, you have to understand that nationalities have nothing to do with it, but ideology

Iran can nuke USA, you know

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461a91  No.13822


>either you retarded or E-Army for someone


I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT HAPPENS TO ISRAEL! The cocksuckers who BLEW UP DOWNTOWN NEW YORK to get 10's of 1000's of AMERICANS into a war with people they had no fucking problem with!

Iran, Assad, Syria, Muslims, Goat herding, Concubines, Head scrafs… I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Have fun and do what you do.

Israel, lies, deceit, lies, LIES, LIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEESSSSS!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!

Do you get it now? Do you fucking get it? Can you understand this? Fucking die kike! DIE! Your days are numbered.

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fda9f8  No.13825



what about 1991 Iraq and Kuwait and USA get in war? again "either you retarded or E-Army for someone"

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461a91  No.13830


>what about 1991 Iraq and Kuwait and USA get in war?

You don't even English, cunt!

Tell me one fact that effects me, as an American on American soil, with more guns within a mile of me than most worlds armies have in their arsenals, tell me why I should give a fuck what happens in the middle east?

I have: Food, Oil, Energy, Shelter, Saftety.

Why should I give a fuck about what goes on over in the desert? WHY?

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fda9f8  No.13831


ask your gov cunt, why they hear the words of Islamic politicians, especially Shiites, in 1991 and 2003 and so

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fda9f8  No.13834


also see this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tp9TTEXOrME&list=PLQrSLLlRRDBaoLDW0P-8UfVh1osXy5CMC&index=2

if you remain stupid and live in conspiracy theory and do not count the Islamists, soon you will see your country like Iraq

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33954f  No.13852


>muh islamist boogeyman

What denomination of Islam are Al Qaida, ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Nusra, the Chechens, Myanmari pakis, the Uighurs and 3 out 4 terrorists in the West?

your taqiyya sucks, mehmet

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461a91  No.13855


>soon you will see your country like Iraq




That's the most CONSERVATIVE estimate that is put out by .gov so the actual numbers are probably FAR greater

China - 2.2 million standing army, including SUPPORT designations.

The 2nd largest army IN THE WORLD is 1/50th of MY FUCKING ARMY!!!!

Come and get it! Take this land fuckers! Good fucking luck!

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fda9f8  No.13858


you forget the great replacement, in Iraq for example, especially religious families, give birth at a rate of 5-6 child with a very early marriage (even 8 years like what muhammad did) and Polygamy and divorce

Many of them subsequently migrate with some fake stories and then they will be the seed of colonial occupation

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fda9f8  No.13859

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fda9f8  No.13861


same things happen in every Islamic Society

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fda9f8  No.13867


and here are one guy with 50 child!


and here guy from UAE with 90 child!


and there are more examples you can search them yourself

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8bf2d6  No.13919


so are you saying you iraqis dont like iran? Arent you both shia? Was the embassy attack a false flag or are you people sick of america or what is going on?

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fda9f8  No.13943


we as other Humans have a racist side and we hate Persians and they hate us, same for many other Nations like Israelis, we hate them also, also many of us hate Westerners, but that changed in recent times in terms of increasing our hatred of the Iranian government because it harms us and we start reduce hating for others

but again that does not include the retardeds and the very religious of the Shiites who beneficiaries from the government aka most of the Shiite militias

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fda9f8  No.13946


about the embassy, the Iran militias did it, if you want to see how the Iraqi youth thinks you have https://twitter.com/ahmedalbasheer1

if you don't know, Iraqi youth have demonstrated since October against Iraqi government who are the client government of Iran

so Iran by some Shiite militias start attack USA army that in Iraq (which came at the Iraqi government's request to fight ISIS and train the Iraqi army) In order to make USA respond to them so they make drama and attack embassy to keep people's attention away for demonstrations

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fda9f8  No.13948


to us, the Persians is more malicious than Jews, we have Proverb said "if you break a bone of Persian you will find Shit inside"

But Islamicly, the Jews is the most malicious, that why I doubt that everyone here accused Jews in everythings is a Muslim since I Ex-Muslim

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