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and shitslinging
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File: f350287905df4d1⋯.png (79.52 KB, 1225x486, 1225:486, 1577823704719.png)

File: d014f30e07e68a8⋯.jpg (954.89 KB, 1185x2624, 1185:2624, 1577827424831.jpg)

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4c3193  No.13175

Fucked up shit, I hope it's LARP but even if it was, could the police get involved and investigate it?

Thread: http://archive.is/8zIin

Follow-up thread: http://archive.is/TOcRW



Apparently an old account with many posts, not just a disposable.

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b168bb  No.13177


Reddit is the one place on the internet that LARPs more than /pol/. It's best to just ignore it 99% of the time.

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4c3193  No.13178


Regardless, that faggot belongs in a prison cell with his cellmate Tyrone muhdicking the shit out of him.

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b28d8c  No.13180

Not even remotely believable, but if you can cause this faggot some trouble, why not?

>that many reddit points

I hate Trumpniggers so much.

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50cb81  No.13472

File: 5ae7aabd9515d0b⋯.png (230.29 KB, 500x366, 250:183, trump barron i am growing ….png)


>murdered for having a different political opinion.

Forget the cops. Turn off Barron's psychic inhibitor and let him hunt the creature down.

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3ebe4b  No.13477


whats up with you faggots not checking the catalog?


also, nobody is coming to save us. We don't need the police for anything. We don't need the MQSSQD to help purge le jewels. We don't want help.We don't need help. Stop fucking asking for help!

We know where this nog is. We know what he drives. We know where he works. We know where he works out. We literally have more on him than the cops can simply because we don't need judens permission to act.

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bde2a2  No.13538



>Still shilling for Zognald

I have to give you guys props for still keeping it up at least.

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bd4643  No.13564


It's funny that they do. As long as the economy doesn't fuck up between now and November, Trump's pretty much guaranteed a second term. Still will be under ZOG tyranny, regardless.

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