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File: c2b7570f2c00fd5⋯.jpg (42.17 KB, 669x529, 669:529, PhoneSurvey.JPG)

File: 85db3707ca2c9bb⋯.png (79.48 KB, 766x972, 383:486, e-Democracy model.png)

91cbb6  No.13087

In an age where everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket, representative democracy (which is inevitably plagued with corruption) is obsolete. Using the internet, we can now implement a direct democracy, where every bill is created and decided by referendum. Imagine that you wake up every morning and look at an app to vote on the daily referenda. Decisions are propagated directly to the agencies that carry out the orders. No politicians necessary. No more capital hill. No more lobbyists buying your democracy. No more globohomo satanists determining the future of human civilization.

How would an e-Democracy be implemented in practice? There are some problems that I can offer solutions for immediately:

>If anyone could create a bill, then there would be too many bills in the queue. The system would become clogged.

When someone proposes a bill, that bill does not immediately go to vote. Rather, it goes to a mere 10-100 people (chosen by random sample) to determine if it is even legitimate (as opposed to a troll, for example), thus providing an initial filtering step. This could be done in multiple incremental stages too.

>There are hundreds of bills that would need to be voted on every day. That's way to much to be put to referendum.

True, but it is not necessary for every bill to be voted on by every person. A random sample can be taken of only a few thousand people per bill.

>How do you keep people from voting for an unfeasible bill? For example "Build the wall" is something that might get passed without any understanding of how it will be paid for.

For this reason, bills will need to be quite explicit in how they will be carried out and how much money will be allotted to them. Perhaps this means that a bill should be voted on once to determine its popularity, and then again after a task force has broken down cost. In the 2nd round of voting, the total cost would be divided by the number of e-voters, so that you would ultimately be voting on something like "I am willing to pay X to accomplish Y".

>Who will enforce the new laws?

At least some of the work could be distributed to e-voters via random rotating lottery (much like jury duty). These could be temporary paid positions (the app will take some tax, but it will ultimately be much less than capitol spends on the same job) accounting for the task forces mentioned above, the people doing the manual labor (though specialized jobs might be better done by an established agency). Even police could be elected in this way, and this will probably be necessary to phase out the old system.

>How do you implement an e-Democracy that makes congress obsolete? Clearly congress won't approve it.

Look at how apps like Uber expand. They start in a small town that is has enough people willing to get on board. Let the app replace a local government. When word of its success spreads, it will quickly be implemented elsewhere. True, congress won't approve it, but when enough people nationwide are on board, a bill will appear to the effect of "Dissolve congress", and through congress' subsequent actions we will finally see that they are against the people. At the very least, such an app would allow rebel militias to organize.

>How do you keep someone from voting twice? Someone will try to hack accounts to gain multiple votes. There will appear a black market of smartphones that can be used to cast multiple votes.

This is a difficult problem. Smartphones would either have to become very heavily controlled and registered, or we need a really good way of confirming a person's identity at the phone location (2-3 fact authentication or better yet 3D facial recognition).

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497b18  No.13118

>representative democracy . . . is obsolete

That's why the United States was never a representative democracy, it is now and has always been a republic.

>we can now implement a direct democracy

What, so we can make everything worse? Making the United States a direct democracy would mean that California and New York City now single-handedly decide all laws and election outcomes.






The United States is not a democracy. It is, by law, a republic.

>When someone proposes a bill, that bill does not immediately go to vote.

10-100 average people cannot reliably determine the constitutionality of legislation.

>A random sample can be taken of only a few thousand people per bill.

Then it's not a direct democracy if you randomly throw out votes.

>you would ultimately be voting on something like "I am willing to pay X to accomplish Y".

Did a fucking downy come up with this plan?

>At least some of the work could be distributed to e-voters via random rotating lottery

Confirmed, this plan was written by a downy. Why would law enforcement need to be changed from its current system at all? Lawmakers are already almost entirely hands-off.

>Smartphones would either have to become very heavily controlled and registered

Retarded solution to a retarded problem in a retarded plan. Government overreach is not an option.

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951c9e  No.13125

>Smartphones would either have to become very heavily controlled and registered

That's already the case. Look into what the Free Software Foundation or Electronic Frontier Foundation has to say about cellphones. The baseband modem in it runs on proprietary code that's heavily regulated, you need permits and authorization to work on it or view the code. Then there are locked down security platforms that are baked into all modern CPUs intended for consumer devices that can't be disabled.

It's a given that intelligence agencies throughout the world have access to and installed backdoors into locked down compartments the public don't have access to. The way that computing is set up in human society is currently fundamentally flawed when it comes to privacy and security. Unless the control of technology is put into the hands of the public evoting doesn't work.

And the only thing people can think of doing is add more layers making it more complex and difficult to fix. Unless there's an event that completely wipes out the infrastructure that modern technology is based on this problem will never be fixed.

Maybe in 20 years Switzerland will build their own CPUs based on RISC-V or OpenPOWER and create their own dedicated infrastructure to defend against cyber attacks and retain their independence. That's the only country where evoting stands a chance of working properly and it's just as likely that the public will reject it, they only gave all their women the right to vote in 1991.

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299d89  No.13127


>In an age where everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket

along with a backdoor enabling Chaim to override your vote, not that he needs to since his cousin Saul owns the server and can manipulate results as he wishes

>representative democracy is obsolete

Try "democracy is obsolete", plain as that. Governing is a science that requires many years of study and experience, masses are stupid, getting their info from the lying jew media.


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7332af  No.13130

File: a6715c157ed3176⋯.mp4 (12.94 MB, 1200x1786, 600:893, wlp democracy.mp4)

All forms of democracy are poison.

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f20be2  No.13144

>everyone carries a smartphone in their pocket

lol dumbass

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a6d8d3  No.13147





Democracy itself must be purged, along with it's defenders and a large portion of the masses, so only the best of the best among humanity live and reproduce.

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91cbb6  No.13154



Good point. That's a technical issue that could lead to corruption. What's your proposed solution to that corruption? and don't say "keeping corrupt politicians in power for another 300 years" because that's not happening. We will have the first AI president before that happens.


>That's why the United States was never a representative democracy, it is now and has always been a republic.

How better to responded your post than to let your first retarded statement hang in the air like the bad fart that it is?



>Unless the control of technology is put into the hands of the public evoting doesn't work.

Perhaps we could move to a P2P smartphone system, or at least the capability for certain apps that require it.


>Try "democracy is obsolete", plain as that. Governing is a science that requires many years of study and experience, masses are stupid, getting their info from the lying jew media.

While this is absolutely true, representative democracy is even worse than direct democracy. Most people will agree that cutting off your dick is gross and disturbed, but the way it is now, we can only watch PC puppets debate these things on TV. Connecting everyone directly by referenda subverts jew media by allowing the silent majority to see that they are in fact the majority, which by itself would have big consequences for the current system.

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96ecc9  No.13155

This could only work in an at least 90% white, 110 average IQ nation with 0% Judaism and even then it would be a chore. Whites, left alone, can make any form of government work, but national socialism by far had the greatest success out of them all

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951c9e  No.13163


>Perhaps we could move to a P2P smartphone system, or at least the capability for certain apps that require it.

There's that extra layer of complexity that makes the whole situation more difficult to fix I mentioned earlier. Maybe throw in 'blockchain' 'quantum proof encryption' and 'the cloud' next.

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50cd33  No.13172

File: c3360ed3a3b3dcf⋯.jpg (541.24 KB, 2204x1378, 1102:689, 1296003-beautiful-black-te….jpg)


Democracy is trash and an e-Democracy will be no different.

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9bbbf6  No.13173

>No politicians necessary. No more capital hill. No more lobbyists buying your democracy. No more globohomo satanists determining the future of human civilization.

don't you know that the masses are easy to manipulate?

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322aab  No.13183

File: 5655dc27bf51ea1⋯.jpg (181.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Democracy.jpg)

Democracy is a failed system, the worst form of tyranny.

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91cbb6  No.13197


P2P communication is not complicated. It's actually much simpler than having a middleman. Ham is an example of P2P.


>fallacy of lost contrast



While this is absolutely true, representative democracy is even worse than direct democracy. Most people will agree that cutting off your dick is gross and disturbed, but the way it is now, we can only watch PC puppets debate these things on TV. Connecting everyone directly by referenda subverts jew media by allowing the silent majority to see that they are in fact the majority, which by itself would have big consequences for the current system.

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50cd33  No.13218

File: 0fdb0255420ab9a⋯.png (151.28 KB, 360x450, 4:5, Vulkan_Fullbody.png)


<making a failed system digital will fix our problems guis

Ok zoomer

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d401b2  No.13229


P2P does not scale. To the extent it does (e.g., file sharing), it requires central coordination (e.g., trackers) which defeats the point of going P2P in the first place.

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975a76  No.13282

I have a better idea. We implement the Roman civil code and leave it at that. We don't need any new laws so nobody has to vote on anything

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0def88  No.13964

File: ca4ebae7d065a4e⋯.webm (3.67 MB, 400x226, 200:113, Berg.webm)


A pretty massive issue you bring in by having electronics connected directly to the internet is the possibility of either the manufacturer or someone that somehow managed to gain access to your device (whether physical or remote access) tampering with the results. It doesn't have to affect a massive number of devices to swing a vote and, given that you are using a phone, it would be hard to tell if there was any tampering on your device. Since fuck-all people bother to verify the integrity of their device or understand how to interpret the source material. It wouldn't be hard to tamper with people's phones without detection. There could easily be a few values stealthily changed within the source or just apps in the background running that would alter the output prior to sending the result and people wouldn't know.

And this isn't even touching upon existing corruption, which could become exponentially worse in some cases. It would certainly ensure a sharp increase in dead people voting and other forms of identity theft being used in the voting process. And then you come to the other end of the voting fraud: you know what button one voter pressed but you don't know if the result given in the final result actually represents the actual vote. In the most optimistic scenario could get a couple thousand people to show what they themselves picked but in practice you won't be able to conclusively verify ALL votes sent to the server. So unless the vote was a very drastic 95-5 landslide vote, you won't actually have it verified. You can just look to the existing electronic voting in the US, where you have some areas counting votes as decimal points to make it look authentic while still ensuring one particular candidate wins.

>authentification through the phone itself

You have the issue that any input value could be compromised. Facial recognition data wouldn't be that incredibly hard to get considering it's always the same person using the phone. And the 2-3 factor authentification can be compromised by knowing that people always use the exact same password for everything. So by compromising someone's device, you are most likely not only getting access to their phone's PIN code but also access to their bank PIN as well. Same goes to email passwords, which people will most likely use on their democracy app as well.

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f1b1a0  No.14023


Which Rome? The kingdom, the Republic, or the Empire? And you better not say the Republic because it was shit. A handful of powerful (((families))) ran every aspect of the country and working men were the underclass of society.

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7b464d  No.14083


Why do you care? It literally doesn’t matter. They’re on video admitting they’ve stolen everything election for 50 years. Democracy is communism. It’s what they want. They can literally just type some numbers into a computer and win an election. What the fuck are you doing wasting your time caring about this jewish facade? There is no peaceful solution.

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0def88  No.14092

File: 0dc27a13eb0cb2b⋯.jpg (141.5 KB, 1415x890, 283:178, Corbyn - Checking if someo….jpg)

File: 91d9379d20f866e⋯.png (4.1 MB, 2860x2277, 260:207, Learn to vote.png)

File: 2ea8803f4b0d641⋯.png (758.56 KB, 678x2731, 678:2731, Lower voting age to six be….png)

File: 6de10eb5b6ce61d⋯.jpg (89.52 KB, 577x819, 577:819, Refugees being given right….jpg)

File: c9a73fd4be7d992⋯.png (329.11 KB, 606x664, 303:332, The Independent - America ….png)


He is trying to appeal to the romantic idea of the Roman empire. Which collapsed for the exact same reason that the West is about to collapse at this very moment in time. Much like the Roman empire, it is falling to a sand religion, except this time it's not the Germanic tribes that are going to be pillaging the remains.


Also one thing to note is that in the areas they struggle for control they try to expand the voterbase in ways such as lowering voting standards to absurdly low ages. That way they can get people to be more accepting of the outcomes of elections and reduce the number of points of failure.

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0def88  No.14093

File: dae1f8bbb8cd950⋯.png (227.99 KB, 1655x272, 1655:272, Austrians voting twice.png)

File: 98436be9c3ba81e⋯.jpg (180.36 KB, 1010x896, 505:448, Common Core kids vote.jpg)

File: f7d4f28a3ab8f37⋯.png (390.93 KB, 600x523, 600:523, Lost by approximately 30k ….png)

File: e24284c925dfd88⋯.png (65.06 KB, 611x645, 611:645, Oh gee, I wonder how Hilla….png)

File: 8fce273d7e58ba9⋯.jpg (91.04 KB, 1024x577, 1024:577, Voters, not the politician….jpg)

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b1672d  No.14138

Add a way to filter out the idiots and it could be workable.

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0def88  No.14164

File: c611cca2c9f023a⋯.png (845.53 KB, 1015x588, 145:84, b5933c75fb6d2313898478f861….png)

File: 3cad86407d8702a⋯.png (704.7 KB, 1029x585, 343:195, Clever indicators.png)

File: ae5a0d47a0301c2⋯.png (202.41 KB, 785x155, 157:31, G HANK.png)

File: 76f22d279ca5712⋯.png (832.06 KB, 1027x581, 1027:581, O phones.png)

File: 5d6b1e8519c3185⋯.png (433.47 KB, 499x618, 499:618, O side-channel.png)


You would start by filtering out retards that unironically want to give out their voting patterns and let the US government decide the outcome of elections through the newest shiny tracking device in their pocket. Phone systems are from the ground up made a lot less susceptible to attacks but they are also made from the ground up to allow foreign governments take over control at will. Being in one of the few countries that exert this control will however not protect you, since less susceptible doesn't mean immune and those governments will be more than willing to affect their OWN election given the chance.

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401b89  No.14194


its called direct democracy you mongoloid. 99% of the population is a dumb as you, so think about how fucking retarded their votes, if they bother to participate, will end up being. imagine how many bills they will read (hint - they probably cant read beyond a 5th grade level, just like you) before voting. i guess youll force people to participate and vote, too, and implement a social credit system to monitor them.

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bacdac  No.19833


While I agree that tyranny of the majority is an issue with any sort of Democratic system, at the same time the way our government is operated is rapidly becoming anachronistic because of the advancements in information technology.

We could easily for example logistically support somekind of jury-duty type system for Congress, with many thousands of representatives that vote online, with the rif-raff filtered out (i.e. you need to pass somekind of test)

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b9662b  No.19858

File: a5b92345228c360⋯.png (19.27 KB, 527x333, 527:333, IQrange.png)

I'm not off the charts but have tested between 142-147 IQ range. According to this chart I'm outnumbered about 700:1, give or take a few.

Convince me why the majority should make decisions for me so far as policy and allocation of tax funds.


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377ea1  No.19862

>democracy is cancer, let's have even more of it

>even less accountability than paper votes

>rather than letting npc normies vote for a figurehead, now they get to decide literally aspect of life

>even easier for government to tie your political stances to the rest of your personal data

terrible idea

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377ea1  No.19863


*every aspect

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f4242a  No.19865


You are a fucking slave now design my iPhone 15 faster so I can post on Instagram with 85mp photos and by the way fix everything wrong with everything and keep wotrking 200 hours a week so I don't need to think! Fuck you cunt.

Pyramid inversion, lads.

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9903da  No.19872

Democracy is the dumbest shit anyone ever came up with.

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0def88  No.19904

File: f18229efba1af9b⋯.jpg (608.27 KB, 1806x1262, 903:631, Look at all those impressi….jpg)


Internet IQ tests don't really count. Also you can still be indoctrinated and make retarded choices even being high IQ. IQ is an indicator for abstract thinking capability, not for factual correctness. Being high IQ certainly helps to break free out of the programming but it is not a guarantee that you will.

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a50dfa  No.19905

The vast majority of people are retarded. You don't want any kind of democracy as it becomes mob rule. There are more people, by far, who would follow the directions of Cardi B than all the founding fathers combined.

This is beyond disastrous.

We need a meritocracy and we need to stop defying nature. Socialism is a perversion of nature. Only your family and local church should help the less fortunate. The country, or world, as a whole gas absolutely everything to lose by lifting up morons.

And women being able to vote is cancer. So fix all these issues.

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c1a7ed  No.19929


Not quite.

IQ tests were initially made to measure pattern recognition skills in children. To chart their mental development relative to their age.

Anything over 100 was mental development above their age.

Modern IQ tests try to measure intellect because people are idiots and want an easy to understand numerical score.

But really those tests are still only measuring pattern recognition skills (unless the maker throws general knowledge questions in to be a twat)

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5006b1  No.20864


You've never read Plato's Republic, have you? If you had you'd know this is foolish.

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e27de6  No.21021


I vaguely recall an argument ensuing from this post. Where did it go? Janitors here are proper shady cunts

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d696f3  No.21037


Wow anon, completely blown away here. What a brilliant idea, I applaud your initiative. Just one small thing: you forgot to post the link to your open source project, the solution to the problem you so diligently presented. I am ready to jump in and help you with development.

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be23a9  No.21038


ok so you told me things that didn't pertain to me at all as a lead-in to your argument as to why I should be led by the masses. I am not yet convinced but appreciate the try.


I have no fucking idea what you're talking about or to whom you are speaking. I'm pretty sure a chat-bot randomizer could have made a more relatable argument to the subject matter 7 out of 10 times.

unless your argument was supportive of my position, in which case, I would say, "thank you." I think.

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6b96b6  No.21049



impossible to keep your votes secret, so if you want to keep your job, remember what to vote, also unnecessary, there are no daily issues you'd need to vote for

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d391b0  No.21055


jokes on them I am on SSI. I'll keep voting for fascist legislation and if the general public thinks those ideals are crazy, it will be easier for me to win my continuing review.

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000000  No.21180


>impossible to keep your votes secret


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74f271  No.21198

Heh, he thinks this will stop their propaganda machine. It will probally help as they can save money on lobbyists.

But you apparently agree that all democracy sucks, so why are you even pushing this?

All this would result in is more degeneacy, self-intrest and mismanagment leading to ooh..

I see you you sneaky accelarasionist.

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000000  No.21204

Nice, nothing could go wrong from this, at all.

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248e9a  No.21218

>asking sheep to make decisions for the herd


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