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File: 45c3da1919edb9b⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, IMG_20191231_133248.jpg)

5f0e23  No.13074

I need help keep american truck drivers privacy secure from an evil Brazilian company, Incobrasa, stationed in Gilman Illinois. They just said that we now need to give them our licenses if we deliver beans to them. Us Americans shouldn't have to bow to a foreign government and give them our private information. Please help me awaken people to this matter or give me tips. Thanks pol

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c127ed  No.13080

File: e71695ac6ffc23f⋯.png (179.91 KB, 1164x562, 582:281, encoder.png)


amazon dot com for the device - 85 bucks delivered to your door

scan your license - change your information - scan licensee again to save information to card.

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941836  No.13140

>being a soybean deliverer

rofl cuck

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a264b0  No.13143

File: 5339494561e6a2e⋯.gif (29.79 KB, 293x200, 293:200, huehuehue.gif)


Obvious scam.

Report it to the FTC:


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71febe  No.13152


Brazilian here. Jews from America are flocking to our country, and trying to establish a new base of operations for their global agenda here, since nationalism is rising on America and the people over there are waking up to fight against the jewish plague.

I have been alerting anons for years by now, about how the jews are planning to use both Canada and the whole South America as operation centers to conduct a pincer attack on America, destabilizing the whole country in order for them to take back control.

Alert people over there to never, under any circumstance, trade or make deals with ANY brazilian individuals or brazilian companies. Many brazilian communists are moving to America in order to infiltrate your institutions and companies, preparing them to be taken back by the jews once they establish their base here. All brazilian companies that operate internationally are owned by marxists and jews, and they are trying to force Brazil into becoming post-hippie America 2.0, utilizing the same fallacies of "economic growth", "quality entertainment", "international recognition", etc. Millenials and some older folks over here are dumb enough to fall for the same trick, as many of them are from the masses that only consume jewish propaganda made in America, and "dream" of having a brazilian Hollywood, a brazilian General Motors, a brazilian Microsoft, etc. Those are the same subhumans working on brazilian companies, trying to push Brazil as a "safe" bet for investors all over the world, while manipulating data to deceive all of them into thinking that Brazil's "growth" is a result of well planned actions from many parties, when in truth, it is just jews forcefully injecting money in all areas of Brazil's industry, hiring only leftists to be put in charge of companies, and deceiving the gulible masses into making Brazil commit the same mistakes that America did during the 60s, 70s, 80s, until recently.

>In short:

Spread to all places that brazilian companies are never to be trusted. They are full of communists and marxists. Also, brazilian individuals who move over to America to "study" or to be a part of companies over there are communist spies sent by the very jews that fled America and are now infesting Brazil.

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25da06  No.13166

How could I make more money and not be a cuck? You are right

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402b79  No.13338


Dude, both our countries, Brazil and the USA have been kiked probably since almost their foundation. Brazil, especially, since the Jews established the very first synagogue in Recife. They've got all things pretty much covered here in the States.

>Spread to all places that brazilian companies are never to be trusted. They are full of communists and marxists.

The same here. All "American" companies should not be trusted, either. Full of the same shit, and Jew-controlled. Henry Ford talked about this nearly 100 years ago.

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1ac7b1  No.13648


I know, anon. But Brazil's history and current status is not well known to white people from other countries, and it is always good to expose the real situation that plagues the country, so others can better prepare themselves and counter act against brazilian jews.

Also, i pointed especially to american jews that are fleeing America and moving to Brazil after the rise in nationalism. Those are the very same kikes that ruined America, but aren't moving to Pissrael. They are moving to Brazil and Canada, and building bases of operation very close to America, but away from the reach of it's nationalists. And that calls for even more attention and preparation from white people in America, as the jews will attack them from both sides now, a thing that they have never done in this scale before, in the americas.

>All "American" companies should not be trusted, either. Full of the same shit, and Jew-controlled.

Everybody knows that. But my alert for Brazilian companies is because the number of leftists and jews in America is decreasing rapidly, but Brazilian leftists and jews are replacing them, trying to increase their numbers over there once more. Every single Brazilian in America must be treated as a jew spy/saboteur or a antifa militia/infiltrator, because 99% of them (maybe 100% now) are either one or another.

To all white men in America: NEVER trust or support a Brazilian that moved to America or wants to work with American companies. NEVER trust or support a Brazilian company, no matter what. They are all composed and owned by communists and other leftists that work for jews. They are trying to enter America's market in order to replace the companies that are failing over there for being exposed as being leftist companies.

If you have the means, always push for Brazilians in America to be deported, or jailed or straight up killed. They are all parasites moving to your country with the help of jews, to be used as saboteurs, antifa militias or other tasks that benefits the jews, since the majority of America's population is turning against them. Look especially for Brazilian invaders in Commiefornia and Jew York, or Brazilians working for multinational companies but outside of America. That is where most Brazilians move to, to become a part of the marxist tech industry, or the jewish stock market and/or companies operating from Jew York, or even to become a part of UN's political arm.

Treat every Brazilian living and working in America as an enemy of white people. Most (if not all) of them are.

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402b79  No.13678


Thanks for the tip, anon. But isn't Brazil also going into a more nationalist direction? I know we have the zioclown Trump over here, and you guys have the zioclown Bolsonaro (in fact, I saw a Bolsonaro bumper sticker one time while on lunch break at work, it kind of surprised me to see), but I imagine that you have some genuine nationalists alongside that just as we do here. Some of them might be leaving here for Brazil because they keep getting attacked by the Kangz, and for the better weather, but Brazil also has a large Black population, so they might end up also getting attacked by some Kangz out there too. But yeah, I don't doubt that they're coordinating something, and it's involving the entire Western Hemisphere this time. It wouldn't surprise me if Argentina was also another nation involved as well.

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56f252  No.13710


The situation in Bolsonaro's Brazil is similar with Trump's America, in the sense that the nationalist movement is being diverted by jews into the jewish agenda, little by little, with the conservacucks and gullible nationalists all expressing support for Pissrael because some jews are presenting themselves as (((nationalists))). It is that bad. Basically, Brazil is going the route of 80s America 2.0, with so called "nationalists" caring only about virtue signaling to show that they aren't "muh racists" or "muh homophobes" or "muh mysognists" as the leftists calls us all, only to be forced into accepting niggers, faggots and women into the political spectrum and the overall movement, and have it all be sabotaged from inside out for the sheer incompetence of those subhumans.

The key point for all anons, from all over the world, to understand about Brazilians is: almost all Brazilians (low and high IQ) act only in order to show off. It is the end goal for almost all the population here. Almost nobody acts to the benefit of their own race or group, but instead, they act in order to show off to anyone, anywhere, as long as they are idolized/praised for their actions. There is a common shitty saying in Brazil that goes:

>"speak badly about me, but do speak about me".

That encompasses the majority of Brazil's population. Nothing more than a group of effeminate-minded retards that want to show off to whomever will care to look, and if praised, will do anything for those praising them, even if it contradicts their own beliefs and even if it ruins their own lives in the long run. Everything is ignored as soon as someone praises Brazil for something.

That is also why anons from all over the world must avoid Brazilians at all costs. Chances are that even the nationalists among us are still bound by that cultural poison of "needing to show off no matter what", and even the well intentioned and with high IQ among those will still act against their owne preservation, if it grants them some praising from some foreign entity.

Never hire a Brazilian.

Neber make a deal with a Brazilian.

Never work with a Brazilian.

Never trade with a Brazilian.

Never support a Brazilian.

Not all of us are like that, but the majority is, unfortunately. And for the time being, it is better to avoid dealing with Brazilians, until at least a majority of the white nationalists are pushed to abandon this cancerous need for validation.

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000000  No.13731



(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizen per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

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402b79  No.13749


Sounds like an all-encompassing cultural problem that needs to be fixed.


>Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

Both Israel and the USA are nuclear armed states, the latter has used nuclear weapons in war time, the former has threatened to use them:

>We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under. - Martin van Creveld

You're dealing with madogs and psychopaths, they will destroy the whole world if they realize the end is near.

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000000  No.13750

>Ameirmutt pasta deleted

But why?

(((America))) was funded by Jews


(((America))) has the most Jews outside Israel


(((America))) has the biggest synagogues outside Israel


(((America))) is the least White "White" nation on earth


(((America))) has its politicians openly sucking jewish dick

(((America))) gives more aid to Israelis than what it gives to its citizen per capita

>Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

Amerimutts are the most pozzed goyim on the earth and need to be removed if we are to win the fight against the Jews

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f08cb9  No.13777


>Sounds like an all-encompassing cultural problem that needs to be fixed.

It is. And support the physical/violent solution, if needed. And indeed, i see no other option for the majority in Brazil, aside from a few white nationalists still able to be redpilled. The more Brazil's current (((economy))) advances, the more the people that are against leftists and their marxist agenda starts to fall for the trick of accepting the agenda to avoid being called names. Social acceptance is a disease that is wide spread here, as over 90% of the population will let themselves be killed to avoid being called names such as racist, mysoginist, etc.

Praise a Brazilian ,and he/she will be your literal pet for life.

Mock a Brazilian once (even when deserving the mockery), and he/she will hate you forever, and backstab you even if you save his/her life.

Adding to what was said before, be especially wary of Brazilian women that are hired by companies such as Kikebook, Twatter and other social media propaganda machines. The Brazilian women hired by them are put there for the sole purpose of subverting uninformed people to the jewish globalist agenda. As a precaution, always boycott companies that hire Brazilian young women. Aside from the probable sex trafficking that those companies certainly partake on, they take Brazilian women that pretend to be friendly, kind, funny and chatty to put them into positions of (((influencers))) so their false kindness is used to attract and subvert a large portion of the non-Brazilian audience/customer base that don't know what they are dealing with and what Brazilian women are really like (they all present themselves with a facade of kindness in order to parasite someone).

>they will destroy the whole world if they realize the end is near.

It is better to have everything destroyed and everyone killed than to live in a world where jews are allowed to exist.

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