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1ca9e9  No.13017

pic related

peak clown world shit lmao

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073ba1  No.13033

He doesn't "own" it, he just works there. It's owned by jews.

>At 23andMe, Arnab is responsible for designing and establishing the analytical validity of our genotyping chip.

>[. . .]

>After grad school, I came across 23andMe and thought, “if there’s any company that can realize these ideas, this is the one.” I had been in academics for years and had grown used to the hymn of “this new finding could be medically useful, in ten years.” Researchers get grants based around the potential to improve our lives but publications rarely connect their findings to a medical use case.

>[. . .]

>Even though I work for 23andMe as a scientist and engineer and I analyze genetic data for a living, up until 2012, my work had always been abstract. I never expected life-altering information to come out of my personal genetics. Then I found out that I carry a mutation in the MYBPC3 gene that is associated with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). South Asians that carry this mutation are at greatly increased risk for HCM. Since then, I’ve talked to my family, visited doctors and specialists and changed my exercise routine.

https://blog.23andme.com/23andme-research/a-conversation-with-23andmes-arnab-chowdry/ (can't archive)

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356c65  No.13035

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356c65  No.13036

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000000  No.13037

Is this supposed to be a thread?

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4d5b6f  No.13040


did he just admit to having CP?

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c91eaa  No.13048


shitty use of redtext, kys

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000000  No.13056



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