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File: 2cc527dc7d5d260⋯.jpg (22.11 KB, 500x414, 250:207, 1521344298792.jpg)

3ffc7c  No.13008

I'm not american, so I may not be aware of details happening in america.

But It seems to me the democratic party is losing their appeal to the white blue collar worker, or basically the middle class.

Trump appealed with their message to those blue collar workers from rural states who lost their job to outsourcing to china.

Traditionally the dem party was the party of middle class white workers, but It seems they have abandon this class for their inmigrant and progressive ultra left ideals.

So, what will happen in the future?

Will there be a new rearragement of the two parties?

Will the republican party (I think thanks to trump) will become the party of average blue collar workers?

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09432f  No.13019

File: ac7668a8045e6d3⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1768x5261, 1768:5261, Screenshot_2019-12-31 Majo….png)


>So, what will happen in the future?




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87a137  No.13025


They'll be the party of giving tax breaks to woke coporations owned by gay communist furries while enacting laws for the Israeli Government. All mainstream right-wing parties act as gatekeepers that prevent new ones from organizing.

It's a mistake to rely on others and you have to rely on your community.

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3ffc7c  No.13026


what's so important about that piece of shitty desert land?

>oh no, some jewish fairy tale god told me is the sacred land

It's a literal desert.

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c09e38  No.13027

File: 81aa814ebd384cf⋯.jpg (37.49 KB, 500x358, 250:179, platforms.jpg)

Both parties will continue to be the party of the jews.

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53525d  No.13031


It doesn't really matter when they are willing to destroy your nation and people in order to get all Jews to Israel.

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09432f  No.13032


>what's so important

for the past 2,500 years that we know of, the jews have been called to their homeland "by divine right!" just before the country they leave collapses.

basically, they suck the money out of a country, take all the wealth and get it out of the country, then stir up a bunch of shit and leave while the inhabitants battle it out, collapse their dollar and in turn cause foreign assets to skyrocket in comparison. Making the kikes all the more wealthier.

People who aren't taking this seriously are fucking deluded. The US has 12 months at best before full collapse.

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3ffc7c  No.13034



yeah, I know the conspiracy shit.

but this shit seems bigger than jure le joos, and seems to me the cabal is getting killed or just removed by the good guys.

There's a lot of shit we don't know, but seems there's a lot of just convenient suicides among elite CEO and bankers in the last two years.

You could argue that Trump is in their payroll of the cabal/jews, but why if he was along them they would try to even kill him lately (there has been five assasinations attempts).

Why there's this much oposition to him if he was just playing along the jew cabal plans?

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09432f  No.13038


>Why there's this much oposition to him if he was just playing along the jew cabal plans?

He's only one half of the plan.

The other half literally made a deal with the devil and now they're all freaking the fuck out because they're realizing the devil doesn't give a fuck about agreements or promises.

If you get a chance, rewatch the election night news from 2016 with the mind that "the left" wasn't just upset about the results, but confused. Confused because they were told the results would be something different. Told by the person who controls the outcome. It wasn't a mistake Trump won, it just wasn't what they were told was going to happen.

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53525d  No.13039


>Why there's this much oposition to him if he was just playing along the jew cabal plans?

To trick people like you into supporting him.

ANd getting all Jews to Israel isn't "conspiracy shit". Getting all Jews to Israel has been the plan all along and they speak about it openly.

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3ffc7c  No.13041



but there's the element of free will.

the devil doesn't have this ultra magical power to change history.

he's a trickster but he can't change the desire of humans.

this is why the ayy lmao reptilian annunaki God that the jews worship care so much about makign the NWO and they have been done the plans for it since centuries.

But they never realized there's universal law codes the devil can't cross, like physical laws.

They can simply try to trick people, but they can't enforce their plans.

Also, when they killed kenedy, I think it was when the military and good guys realized they need to put an end to them.

Seems like Trump is the only one president they haven't controlled since Nixon and kenedy.


then why they have tried to kill him?

something about trump being a jew tool doesn't seem to fit with the reality that there's a white hats part of the military who support him.

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53525d  No.13043


>then why they have tried to kill him?

Who? And for the same fucking reason as the other 16 presidents who had assassination attempts and plots against them.

Jew defined anti-semitism is on it's way to being a crime thanks to Trumpstiens executive order.

Stop reading Q bullshit, anon. It's making you fucking stupid.

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09432f  No.13044


> there's a white hats part of the military who support him.

You literally have no way of knowing this. Even if you were a full bird Colonel in the Army on the same base as the head intelligence office, if you didn't work for that particular department, you wouldn't have any idea what's going on in there.

sit on this FACT:

HR 4310 Section 1078


(Sec. 1078) Revises provisions of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 authorizing the Secretary of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to provide for the preparation and dissemination of information intended for foreign audiences abroad about the United States, including about its people and policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors. "

Trump could have put an end to "FAKE NEWS" his first day in office.

He resigned the bill to allow it.

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3ffc7c  No.13045



I asked a really redpilled guy who gets interviews about all this deep state shit on email and he told me the cabal has tried to kill trump five times by now.

I trust him.

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09432f  No.13046


Nobody is coming to save us, brother.

Strap up and get ready.

Honestly, we don't want easy. Fuck that shit. If we have to go, let's make sure we go out with such an enormous fucking fight the universe cracks and this world falls into it!

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3ffc7c  No.13047


There seem to be a coalition of shit like the dragon chinese family and putin to take down the cabal.

the white dragon is almost as powerful as the western illuminati, if not richer.

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09432f  No.13049


>chinese family and putin

China and Russia are best to keep their asses in China and Russia.

There are more rifles and ammunition on my block than most regiements in the military and I'm one block, in one town, in one county, in one state, in one region, in one time zone, in the United States.

We don't need help. We don't want help. We just need a green light.

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3ffc7c  No.13050


It's a global issue, not just in the US.

I'm sure you know about the rothschild and the vatican and pedowood stuff.

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7f0712  No.13052


> Will republicans become the party of blue collar workers


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e553d6  No.13057

File: 54085ff8ceae9a9⋯.webm (661.04 KB, 360x360, 1:1, theprophecy.webm)


Jews are obsessed with Israel for a couple of reasons but the main one is that for their entire history zionist jews have been an important part of their culture. Zionist factions within the wider Jewish community consistently produced well respected rabbis and were heavily involved in organising the jewish community and continued practice of their faith.

Imagine you had a bunch of families who consistently produced faithful and virtuous priests. Who went out of their way to engage their communities with the faith and did a metric fuckton of volunteer work and community organising.

Thats what the zionists traditionally have been in the Jewish community.

So they were an easy way for wealthy jews to buy the esteem and praise of poor jews.

Pay for a new synagogue and/or its continued operations and in so doing win the praise of a zionist rabbi that other jews will listen to.

"Oy my brothers my sisters let me tell you about this noice mistah rothschild whose generous donations have helped keep this temple open to all of gods chosen people"

Now why do rich jews care what poor jews think of them you ask?

It's actually very important to them that they are held in high regard by poor jews. Essential to their survival in fact.

It goes beyond the networking all jews benefit from. The poor jew is essentially a shield and scapegoat for the rich jew.

The rich jew engages in what we call jewing and thus earns the righteous indignation of the host society. But the poor jews seeing this well regarded (among them) jew being attacked speak out in his defence. The zionist jews encourage this because he's paid for the temples and shit.

And so in the eyes of the host society the poor jew is heavily associated with the rich jew.

This becomes important when the host society decides enough is enough and holocausts them. See the rich jews can see this coming and get out but the poor jews can not and thus bear the brunt of the retribution, they've done little if anything to deserve it but they get it in the neck anyways for having spoken in the rich jews defence.

The host society gets its retribution, things calm down and the rich jews are able to sneak back in later on as if nothing had happened and repeat the cycle anew.

Problem is zionist jews have always had this thing about Israel and the prophecies of their faith. They're fanatics and they believe it. The longterm association means even some old rich jew clans believe it too to some extent.

Even among the common jew the zionists have over generations stoked this faith in the holy land and prophecies.

The zionist faction pushed for Israel at every opportunity but it was when the bongs took over Palestine they really got their chance and zerg rushed it to the point where even the British went "oi no more jews in palestine"

But they got their way due to connections in the halls of finance and power.

These days the zionist faction runs Israel. Dominating its politics and socially acceptable culture.

There is some dissent and its growing as a more class diverse Jewish society emerges from it. They're becoming less race conscious and more nationalist. Taking on the civic nationalism Jews tend to push abroad since it benefits them to not be labelled an outsider.

In a funny twist of fate. One of the key lynchpins of the zionist faction is now a burden on the Israeli state, one it is slowly turning against. I forget their name, its a particular sect where the men don't work and only pursue their religious education.

So yeah. That's why Israel is a thing to them.

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3ffc7c  No.13060


yeah, I suppose is about their entire racial identity that shitty piece of land.

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09432f  No.13061


>I'm sure you know about

what I know is what I can physically verify. What I can verify is what I already posted. Trump could have ended FAKE NEWS his first day in office, but he chose to extend the provision lifting the ban on FAKE NEWS instead.

He is a fucking liar and he has lied to his supporters. I have shown you actual, undeniable evidence of this.

I KNOW the Christchurch "shooting" in New Zealand was fake. I have seen the video verifying it's fakeness.

I KNOW Sandy Hook was fake.

I KNOW Pulse Nightclub was fake.

I KNOW for a FACT that we are being bamboozled beyond most peoples ability to even understand or make sense of it. I KNOW that Trump has done NOTHING to put an end to the deceit.

I KNOW these things for a FACT. Everything "hopeful" kind of falls apart under these FACTS.

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3ffc7c  No.13063


because the change will be subtle.

There's nothing to gain from going full disclosure about the ayy lmao satanic pedowood shit.

Life will continue as normal until some day there will be a disclosure event.

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09432f  No.13066


>There's nothing to gain

Some of us checked the fuck out of society when we realized our government blew up half of downtown Manhattan and blamed it on 2 planes, then went on to put ridiculously obviously fake "shooting" events on tv and pass them off as real. This isn't a fucking joke, anon. I checked the fuck out of society. I'm seeing reality and everyone around me simply can't see what is right in front of their fucking faces.

Now, along comes ZionDon with the promise to end FAKE NEWS! and a full election cycle later NOTHING!


Nobody is coming to save us. NOBODY!

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3ffc7c  No.13069


Again, why they have tried to kill trump if he was working with them?

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09432f  No.13070


>why they have tried to kill trump

Answer this one question.


I want a name.

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3ffc7c  No.13072



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09432f  No.13075


Exactly my point.

Puff the Magic Dragon lived by the sea

and frolicked in the Autumn Mist in a land called Hon 'o lee!

I don't like magic, anon. I don't want a nice illusion. I just want the fucking truth for one god damned minute of my life.

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87536d  No.13076

File: 3ceb408c153e7fe⋯.jpg (487.53 KB, 1022x771, 1022:771, 07a0d0335344cb1a4a8a6556bf….jpg)


0.002 shekels have been deposited into your account

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3ffc7c  No.13078



American politics and politics in general is just a soap opera for the general population.

You can only gain proxy information of what's happening from really guys who have insider info.

look up jim willie interviews.

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5cead5  No.13081


>I’m not American

There are no political parties. There is no opposition. They all vote the same way, they all do what jews do. Your thread is meaningless and belongs in QTDDTOT. Rather, not here at all.


Lurk more.


>oy vey it’s just a conspiracy

>oy vey conspiracies aren’t real

>ignore thousands of years of human history that proves me wrong

Back to reddit, faggot.

>a lot of shit we don’t know

You don’t know. We know. Get out.

>oy vey support Trump

Get out.


This is a paid shill. Report its posts.


>defending ZOG emperor

Get out.







>repeated assertions without evidence

>continuing to push the jewish party line

>tells us to not bother telling anyone the truth

Get out.


No one cares who you trust. You’re completely fucking retarded and know nothing about the world.


>entire thread is predicated on not knowing this

>openly states it now

You’re bad at this.

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3ffc7c  No.13086



I know some stuff, but I'm aware I'm not an expert on all this.

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3ffc7c  No.13092


yeah, we can only get through youtube insiders what's really happening.

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87536d  No.13095


>the general population

>not the goyim

That's when I knew you were a kike. Let's suppose you're just retarded for arguments sake though:

So why do you think there's even a single politician on "our" side? Even less china, russia or any of the eastern or emergent powers that would benefit from america's weakness. Or do you think the east that has thrived on realpolitik would help america out from the goodness of their hearts?

I also doubt the existence of any anti-cabal that's working with the friendly aliens or any of your kosher conspiracy theories.

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09432f  No.13100


>Its complicated

Its really not.

Its as simple as it gets.

Same shits been happening for 1000's of years.

Lies are always complicated forms of altered truth. Under them is revealed a simple, linear connection. That line leads to israel.


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3ffc7c  No.13101


there's a certain aliance of some guys who are against the cabal plans.

remember that a lot of people in the military and intelligence agencies are good people.

there's good people who don't want to genocide most of the population for no real reason.


I like jim willie, he seems to know what's he's talking about and he talks for like 2 hours non stop and he always has some new info.

He's one of the few guys who seem to know what's happening.

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09432f  No.13104


>the underlying reasons


That's really it.

When you understand what money is, you understand why they have made it their god.

Money is displacement technology.

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3ffc7c  No.13105


yeah, but there's a lot of guys in the intelligence comunity worldwide (not just the US) that are aware of the cabal plans to destroy most of the human population.

If mere faggots on some shitty website know about their secret plans, you need to realize the people on the intelligence comunity in positions of power KNOW a shit ton more.

The white hats clearly KNOW MORE than what we can even imagine and discuss.

There has been some crazy shit like all those bankers and CEO suicides, not just dozens, but more than a hundred CEO suicides in the last two years.

that's not just a coincidence, something seems to be happening.

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87a137  No.13108


>There's nothing to gain from going full disclosure about the ayy lmao satanic pedowood shit.

It's happening right in the open, but not where you think it is.

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3ffc7c  No.13109



my opinion is that trump is just a public figure of the white hats.

he's just there to make a show and entertain.

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87a137  No.13112


I mean, the whole satanism sex cult stuff is happening in geek conventions. See pic related: >>12837

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53525d  No.13116


Post his name and the interviews so he can be vetted in order to determine his veracity. Otherwise he might as well be a CNN anonymous source.

>i trust him

And? Who the fuck are you?

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3ffc7c  No.13117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he has some interviews on youtube.

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53525d  No.13120


>we can only get through youtube insiders what's really happening.

It makes me angry that you said this and think this. It almost makes me hate you.

How do you know they're not lying to you?

There's plenty of books written on the subject, though you may need to dig a little to find a trustworthy source.

The problem is you keep depending on others to do the reasearch for you without holding yourself accountable for checking the validity of their claims.

Q is popular because it seduces people by promising to do all the heavy lifting for them. It promises them riches without the required work. It plays on peoples laziness, insecurities and ignorance. Q gives people excuses and justifications for their lack of action and education.

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3ffc7c  No.13121



I trust jim willie because he goes on like two hours talking non stop and he always has something new to say.

Also, he's not a youtuber, he just does interviews as to get more publicity for his reports, which is how he makes money.

So far, even if he's not trustworthy he gives lots of new information, more than anyone else.

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87536d  No.13122

File: 5d8243baba51882⋯.gif (291.05 KB, 500x493, 500:493, 4a7dabe19a812d15c75756090c….gif)


>I trust him because he talks for a long time

This seems disingenuous, in which part of pilpul school do they teach it?

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3ffc7c  No.13123


just listen him.

is not about talking non stop, is about the quality of the information as well.

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88e33e  No.13158


If republicans adopted universal healthcare and created Spanish Fox News they would literally kill the democrats.

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eb6744  No.14130


How to reconcile government-run healthcare with small government, low taxes, deregulation, etc.?

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51a819  No.14139


We're Socialists in it's truest form.

The way we view a political structure can be best correlated to someone that doesn't ascribe to, or has just never considered the merits of NatSoc, as a village of 100 people. In that village you'd never let "Ray" or "Diana" die in the street of starvation and you'd never tell them, "Hey, we really can't get the money together to have Hal operate on you. You're just going to have to die now." Much the same way, we view a political structure. It's just an extension of our village.

We also realize that throwing a feral ape into one of the village huts and making it's litters go to school with our children might not work out so well. We feel it best apes live with apes.

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