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Will the owner of a 2010 Dodge Challenger please clean up the blood stain in the parking lot?

File: 60f2e6e5902da48⋯.jpeg (27.32 KB, 600x600, 1:1, pepe.jpeg)

026a1c  No.129

Daily reminder that niggers are not human

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c44ef0  No.146


very much based

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0c9e43  No.154

Nah, niggers may be subhumans, but that's still human at the end of the day.

Now, jews are non-humans. They're some kind of demonic goblins.

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d83113  No.282


>sub human

>below human

>still human

Fuck off Qboomer

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2eefe2  No.338


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4dd4d9  No.2177



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f9e252  No.2188


Africans never invented the wheel. Even the chariot was an invention introduced to Egypt.

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13656e  No.2189


Bump because Africans and Europeans aren’t the same species.

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7a551a  No.2196


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cbc0bf  No.2228


>niggers are not human

I was just thinking the same thing

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04ca84  No.2296

You Do Realize That Word Has Nothing To Do With The Color Of Someones Skin. It Only Means Ignorant. Carry On.

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960b04  No.2301


Okay. I Will Carry On.

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1aafc7  No.2339


Ancient Egypt was white though.


Nigger comes from the Spanish word Negro which means black, so even though technically you are right in equating ignorance with the word nigger you are grammatically wrong in stating it only means ignorant

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886720  No.2346

File: 94880d7f839835d⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Every Nigger is a Star.mp4)

tru fax

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17d1ed  No.13998

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