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0afce8  No.12828

Seasoned anti-feminist blogger Scott Alexander Siskind has the best debunkings of feminism around.

"The Fifth Meditation on Creepiness":


>Eventually I was socialized into the Correct Way To Feel Attraction, which is "Huh, I guess this girl is pretty cute. I'll invite her out, and if she says no, then no big deal because that girl there is pretty cute too." This is what happened with my first girlfriend. She was a wonderful woman and I have nothing whatsoever bad to say about her, but I asked her out kind of knowing that the relationship would be enjoyable and then fizzle out, and sure enough the relationship was enjoyable and then fizzled out. This was probably exactly why she was my first girlfriend: it gave me the non-desperate-looking-ness that helped me seem attractive to her1.

>So this seems to be another Rule of Intergender Communication like the two I mentioned in the last post: "Don't come on too strong".

>But if women make a policy of excluding guys who show strong feelings for them, then logically they will end up with either guys who have only a vague and temporary preference for them, or Machiavellian liars.

>I've tried the Machiavellian liar routine a few times myself. "Oh, hey, you're Jennifer or Jessica or Julia or whatever, right? I appear to have totally by coincidence ended up at this table with you. Anyway, you seem kind of okay. Want to go out to dinner sometime? Saturday's no good because I have things to do that night." Meanwhile in my head I'm going over what we're going to name our children.

>It's pretty hard to maintain and it's also really unpleasant and it also makes me feel like a horrible person and it also means that if I ever do get into a relationship with Jennifer or Jessica it will be based on deception and lies and probably continue that way ("It's our six month anniversary! Can I get her the beautiful personalized gift that will make her super-happy and so make me super-happy as a result, or would that be creepy and I should just get her some crappy half-dead flowers instead?"). Even if I pull it off, I will be doing an imperfect simulation of what a guy who really doesn't care much for her could do perfectly, and so I will be strictly inferior to him.

"Radicalizing the Romanceless":


>In high school each extra IQ point above average increases chances of male virginity by about 3%. 35% of MIT grad students have never had sex, compared to only 13% of the average high school population. Compared with virgins, men with more sexual experience are likely to drink more alcohol, attend church less, and have a criminal history. A Dr. Beaver (nominative determinism again!) was able to predict number of sexual partners pretty well using a scale with such delightful items as "have you been in a gang", "have you used a weapon in a fight", et cetera. An analysis of the psychometric Big Five consistently find that high levels of disagreeableness predict high sexual success in both men and women.

>If you're smart, don't drink much, stay out of fights, display a friendly personality, and have no criminal history - then you are the population most at risk of being miserable and alone. "At risk" doesn't mean "for sure", any more than every single smoker gets lung cancer and every single nonsmoker lives to a ripe old age - but your odds get worse. In other words, everything that "nice guys" complain of is pretty darned accurate. But that shouldn't be too hard to guess…



>Let's not mince words. There is a growing trend in Internet feminism that works exactly by conflating the ideas of nerd, misogynist, virgin, person who disagrees with feminist political goals, and unloveable freak.

>Ms. Penny may be right that her ideal feminism doesn't do that. Then again, my ideal masculinity doesn't involve rape or sexual harassment. Ideals are always pretty awesome. But women still have the right to complain when actual men rape them, and I'm pretty sure nerds deserve the right to complain that actual feminists are, a lot of the time, focused way more on nerd-baiting than actual feminism, and that much the same people who called us "gross" and "fat" and "loser" in high school are calling us "gross" and "misogynist" and "entitled" now, and for much the same reasons.

Read them all. And if you're ever near his practice in San Francisco, look him up!


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9f6a48  No.12853

To boil down these three greens: Your problems as an intelligent human being are caused by not being a "good enough animal". The solution to all your problems are animalistic.

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0afce8  No.12876

File: 7638ae2024adcb0⋯.jpg (50.82 KB, 550x845, 110:169, e888550c08fbf98a1b4b389c91….jpg)


The problem is that women reward animalistic thinking with sex. Hence, yes, the solution to an individual incel's problems is to become more animalistic. But it doesn't scale; first, because the top 20% of anamislitc males can hog the top 80% of females, and, second, because individually animalistic societies get conquered by societies that reserve their animalism for enemies.

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5e06e0  No.12913


Integrating key animalistic things into your character would solve the issue. The reason these things are attractive to women is logical: Disagreeableness, Aggression, Fitness, all are for confrontations.

If the OP didn't look like an albino worm, he could get laid and a girlfriend easy. In fact, he could remain looking like an albino worm and get laid and a gf. The first step is to exercise and develop muscle. His neck is scrawny and flabby. His body will be the same. It's also the last step. He should read Steve Justa and do what he says to do. His paradigm will shift by this grueling process and should become a philosopher-warrior-king.


If you have any questions, read Steve Justa instead.

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12e162  No.12930


Fuck, first paragraph is extremely relatable.

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6ceea9  No.12950


Female humans should be sitting in a stable where i can feed them soy and they also get grapefruit buzzers.

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cce6cd  No.12952

So basically the West needs to bring back arrange marriages again? If so I suggest we should focus more on genetic stock and accomplishments and have wealth as secondary so we don’t fall into the same predicaments as the Pajeets, Gooks, Mudslimes, and Jungle Niggers where the offsprings end up having dysgenic problems due to the families only care about accumulating wealth and connections

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