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b80b39  No.12669

A bit older news (December 20th) but interesting nonetheless

Parts and parcel

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bea8fb  No.12680

dont the jews have these patrols in new york too?

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d388c5  No.12687

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179286  No.12703


The same with niggers: incite all groups to attack and kill jews. Spread basic info about jews and their lies and greed. With small doses of simplified redpills, compressed info and direct calls for violence, and anyone can incite mudslimes, spics, niggers and other subhumans to mobilize to kill jews.

Use their methods against them. Manipulate the masses to murder jews on sight. Soon, there won't be any group, aside from paid leftists, to protect jews on their daily lives. That is when the full force of our attacks must be done.

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4d3a42  No.12743

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4d3a42  No.12745

File: 282e29f797a7a3c⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1191x817, 1191:817, kikes.PNG)

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06f84d  No.12758


Just post the article next time, not some fag reading it.

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9d080d  No.12824


You know the (((media))) is just itching to write about what you wrote.

>huwite supreeemists want to divide the chosen from their black brothers in the fight against huwtite supreeemacy!

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89af97  No.12986

File: aa784de5126e714⋯.jpg (502.72 KB, 1472x1152, 23:18, WT0423Gc06.jpg)

File: c37a9b12ef4e13c⋯.jpg (65.71 KB, 968x681, 968:681, Muslim-Community-Patrol-US.jpg)

File: 07f56ac88e3cc93⋯.jpg (116.25 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 17SHOMRIM2-jumbo.jpg)



This what multiculturalism creates, in the future every minority group will have there own security guard.

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b9e109  No.13010

So how come we don’t form our own patrol group?

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5cb882  No.13014

Pitting Muslims and blacks against another. Who could possibly be behind it?

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000000  No.13737


What's up with Brooklyn?

Or did you only search for groups in Brooklyn?

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08f9b0  No.13752


Because the system would not permit it. Form a "White Patrol" or a "Christian Patrol," and every member of your "violent extremist supremacist vigilante" group would be behind bars in under a year.

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a9a94e  No.13773


That's just another reason to create it. To kill the tyrants.

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08f9b0  No.13843


You don't start a fistfight with a steamroller. You get the keys, and then drive the steamroller.

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0911f3  No.13905


probably time to remind the bloods that mohammed was an arab israelite and that islam is the sword of the jews.

should make things interesting given the current state of the climate in nyc

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8f32be  No.13908

File: bbb0c3931799c8e⋯.jpg (177.84 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 38772113084_0b50f7478f_b.jpg)

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6a14fd  No.13962

File: 75b1ccb8b2ff3e3⋯.png (1.55 MB, 960x774, 160:129, threeperunit_original.png)

File: 22fe255c1bfa0a9⋯.png (635.63 KB, 780x439, 780:439, virginia-protests.png)



the only "problem" here is that NY and NJ, etc have restrictive open carry laws. That's literally the reason why they have so much nigger crime, there's nobody to shoot chimp-mode nigs mauling people on sight. Arms rights are the way to liberty.

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89af97  No.13976

File: 750dc5801abe3b4⋯.jpeg (23.77 KB, 271x400, 271:400, 1438627727991.jpeg)


>What's up with Brooklyn?

race war soon

>blm activist got mad when an Asian cop shot a nog in the pink house projects

>nogs terrorize chinatown in sunrise ave & U ave

>Asians start paroling chinatowns in Brooklyn

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89af97  No.13981

File: 298624e76a83f90⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 914x486, 457:243, 1461427579472.gif)


>the only "problem" here is that NY and NJ, etc have restrictive open carry laws.

Which is why New Yorkers are moving to the south, everyone is talking Californians leave in mass but no one is talking about hundreds of thousands a year people are leaving New York if this keeps up the south will turn blue 42 out of 50 counties have seen a population decrease, the only counties that are increasing the counties in and around NYC

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000000  No.13986


What the fuck?

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000000  No.13988


>Following the passage of updated legislation by Congress after the events of September 11, 2001, which designated federal law enforcement authority to system officers, authority now extends to wherever a federal reserve law enforcement officer is performing official duties, whether in uniform, plainclothes, or in a specialized unit.

Oh my, how convenient

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23ee7f  No.13989


Is this the birth of the new crying tactic for when Trump loses in November? "He would have won, but those damn carpetbaggers moved here! Bawwww!"

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5e423b  No.14020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So niggas are officially our patsies now?

Blacks have surprised me with their awareness of the jewish problem, but they don't understand the subversion of the black civil rights movement.

Which is why someone who is down with Loius Farakon and Malcom X is still down MLK and other uppity negro puppets.

Would funding anti-jewish rappers actually do anything other than buy "Lil' Nasty Mohammad XXX" a month supply of swishers and freebase?

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f343ed  No.22309



Muslims have one plan, which is to systematically achieve majority population status in every country in the world. Then convert everyone to Islam ….. those who wont ? … well I'm sure you can fill in that blank.

Why have the western politicians openly given our homelands away to a progressively retarded and medieval ideology that hates us ? Why ? I don't understand how they cant see the Muslims just want what we have, our land, our women and our liberty ?

This is the west committing a slow gradual suicide ?

WHY ?????????

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23ee7f  No.22311


>to systematically achieve majority population status in every country in the world. Then eradicate everyone else

- White Nationalists

So, WNs and Muslims are the same thing? Neat!

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4cf68b  No.22318


Are you fucking retarded? White Nationalists don't want to "achieve majority and convert", you absolute braindead nigger.

They want to maintain their majority in countries that they were already a majority for ages

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bddb82  No.22356


This. We just want separation not domination. Although a world dominated by whites is to the benefit of all. Most shitskin nations have white engineers behind the scenes to keep anything working.

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23ee7f  No.22358


Bull … fucking … SHIT

If that were true, then you wouldn't be talking about the eradication of Israel – NOT a white nation - and you wouldn't be screaming "kill all niggers! gas all kikes!" at the end of every sentence. You wouldn't be claiming nations that were never historically yours except by you pretending that "we wuz" because some old statue has a narrow nose.

White Nationalists are the biggest faggots in the world and are bent on nothing short of the eradication of everyone else, even going so far as to say that anyone with pale skin and blue eyes who doesn't want to "kill all niggers" is a traitor who should be tortured and killed.

Go spin your narrative somewhere else, pal. We're not buying what you're selling.

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bddb82  No.22361


Ever heard of hyperbole?

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23ee7f  No.22363



You mean the "I was just pretending to be retarded" argument? The old "it's just bantz, bro!" bullshit?

Nobody's buying that anymore either.

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0024b4  No.22371

Based niggers will fuck the muslims up. >>13010

White people arent allowed to have nice things goy.

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0024b4  No.22372



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4cf68b  No.22373


>You wouldn't be claiming nations that were never historically yours except by you pretending that "we wuz" because some old statue has a narrow nose.

Cool strawman, nigger.

Mind giving me examples of me claiming I belong somewhere where I don't?

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edf5b3  No.22384


Good, two parasites killing each other off is fine with me. I'm not dumb enough to live around NY anyway so no threat of collateral damage for me or my family.

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f343ed  No.22403


You have either scantily read, or chosen to ignorantly misrepresent the entire sentiment of my point.

Muslims are instructed by their Imams to believe in phantasms and outbreed/convert all others to Islam. They are now peppered throughout western lands (they claim to despise … funny that?) and are indeed …. spitting out little'Mo's production line style.

Why are our western leaders allowing this obvious replacement ? …. you didn't even attempt to answer my question and instead erected a strawman with platitudes.

Answer my question please, ….or feel free to shut the fuck up.

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bddb82  No.22490


When people say stuff to piss off libtards like you it doesn't mean they actually want to go invade other countries. White nationalists are against the bombing of Mudslime shitholes but for the purging of them in their own lands.

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ad9ccb  No.22493

File: f8b89e72d5ce8ae⋯.jpg (200.1 KB, 560x560, 1:1, penguins.jpg)


>nogs vs sandnogs

I called this back in 2015 when they started flooding these muzzie faggots everywhere. If there's one thing niggers hate more than ebil whitey, it's other shitskins encroaching on "their" turf.

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