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File: df44c22c5940087⋯.png (1 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20191116-123328.png)

c79f00  No.12579

The only time they ever produce a picture comprised of mostly whites is when they're calling for fewer births.

I wonder why?

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6f606e  No.12605

Vegan here, plan to have >= 3 children. No that's ok NY Post kikes, there's no need to thank me. I'm just doing my bit.

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61e9ab  No.12693

daily reminder:

Veganism is invented by lactose intolerant kikes ashamed for being inbred with a broken metabolic system.

Next step: Shame people for using perfumes (because inbred kikes cant tolerate perfumes).

They will outlaw everything that makes life worth living, just to give you another drop of "abstract collective benefit".

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05c355  No.12695


why would jews be against selling their own products?

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05c355  No.12696

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a5b46e  No.12699


Keep having white children and keep teaching them to kill jews and to enjoy it.

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000000  No.12733


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f81db9  No.12767

File: c5e02e3482c171c⋯.jpg (14.71 KB, 400x286, 200:143, nope.jpg)

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000000  No.12771


It really isn't though, look at the OP.

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81d864  No.12918

What's more interesting is that they never call for an end to mass immigration and foreign development aid. Climate change is a hoax.

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