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File: 5557ba8e59adf50⋯.webm (14.02 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, based-nigga.webm)

15b0b3  No.12538[Last 50 Posts]

Christian niggers have the guts that whites don't (vid related).

Especially their women, they are natural leaders at home and in their communities.

White women, on the other hand, are approval whores who will always lean on mainstream currents and won't ever dare questioning the (((narrative))). They have ruined western civilization by being so easily manipulated by the Enemy.

High melanin male individuals (aka "dindus") are in general high testosterone too. White men would probably hesitate performing this piece of art: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/rabbi-assaulted-london-clapton-common-a4302321.html

A black/jewish conflict would also very probably melt npc circuits to heights never seen before.

Think about it.

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feb595  No.12543

I really fucking hate jews.

>incessantly using the "fellow white" people strategy to push the narrative that whites should have no say

>yet they get a say because they're jewish

>bury all stories of whites getting attacked by blacks

>instant a jew does they start screeching about hate crimes or even going so far as start calling for the national guard

Honestly if I was in charge I'd let them live, not harm them, allow them all to go to Israel, and then send a billion niggers there. Would be fitting for them to suffer the same fate they planned for us.

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15b0b3  No.12545


except palestinians are probably not interested in your idea

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59f475  No.12554


She is right about that and those mongrels weren't even THE KIKES inhabiting Palästina in their own fairy tale.

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dc42df  No.12577


Niggers are born dumb, and dumb for life. Testosterone has nothing to do with their behavior. They simply cannot avoid being violent all the time, as they are low IQ subhumans that can't live by thinking. Only by acting without any thought about consequences.

That is precisely why, yes, they are great to manipulate against jews and leftists.

Incite niggers to kill jews and leftists all the time. On the sidelines, incite surviving jews and leftists to commit suicide, exploiting their inborn schizophrenia.


Jews are a race. A deformed and inferior race.

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06728a  No.12582


blacks have hard a really fucking hard go of things. Does this excuse genetic predisposition toward violence, crime, rape, etc? Fuck no! But it's worth mentioning that JUDEN has pumped their communities with drugs, their heads with "Fuck the police!" music and their lives with degeneracy for nearly 2 generations. 1950's blacks were not nearly as dispicable as the ghetto culture juden has created.

It's about time everyone realize who the real enemy is. My enemy is not the negro, I understand his plight. I don't want my children breeding with them, but we share a common goal and interest in removing the jew from our lands.

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73191e  No.12583

This is our chance to mass redpill the blacks on the role of jews in the slave trade.


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3ca8a8  No.12584


Ashkenazi Jew is a race distinct from all other races; it's already been mapped. You need to be Jewish in order to become a citizen of Israel and one way of proving it is a DNA test.

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06728a  No.12588



English: German


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15b0b3  No.12590


That's actually a jewish meme.

Jew is a lineage, not a race. Learn the difference.

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3ca8a8  No.12597



Fine. Jew is a race and Ashkenzi Jew is a distinct a lineage of that race.

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15b0b3  No.12600


Those who you call "jews" are less hebrew than Obama is white.

Lineage != race.

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4cd989  No.12601

File: d064d114a64642a⋯.png (1.2 MB, 631x2798, 631:2798, jewish genetic diseases.png)

File: 87db5df340e91c8⋯.webm (7.13 MB, 320x246, 160:123, Vampires in the Temple.webm)


You can debate whether or not they're a race, but they are a unique (inbred) biological group.

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f8b35a  No.12606


Very charismatic very good speaker. Maybe a bit sociopathic dark triades. Their goal is to bring their world into yours.

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f8b35a  No.12608


Now if i would be a dictator you certainly would be a speaker for my cause.

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15b0b3  No.12609

File: dd1e091a6ce8ec7⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 286x357, 286:357, chinese-jews.jpg)


Yes, that's what lineage and inbreeding gets you. Still they mixed with other races so much that you could classify many of them as more german or more russian than "jewish".

What the jews did after Christ is an interesting genetic experiment, to say the least. They sacrificed their race (by allowing and even promoting interracial marriage) for their goal of global domination.

It's not a race, because they posses genes from a lot of other races; for example chinese jews (pic related) have nothing in common in appaerance with russian jews, and still they all share a common lineage.

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f8b35a  No.12610


I like this guy, he has perfect speech.

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f8b35a  No.12612


The main reason for this particular guy is more of certain hatred for common well established norms in coprperations. The way he talks is perfect, so where does this particular hatred stem from, it is basically because he feels that the greater picture of said culture doesnt match his nature.

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f8b35a  No.12614


Give me a little bit more of the matrix guy, youtube channel name etc.

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15b0b3  No.12615


So in a sense, the jew in the metro is right: what the black woman said is "racist", even when "jew" is not a race. But the concept is closely related to races.

But niggers don't need to know that, they only need to know that it's the jews who are oppressing them, not whites.

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f8b35a  No.12616


Name of that guy i like his mannerisms.

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06728a  No.12617


You had a long introspective thought and only relayed the tail end of it to us. I do it all the time, too.

In /pnd/ speak… wtf you trying to say nigger?

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15b0b3  No.12618


that shit wouldn't last 4 seconds in jewtube

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f8b35a  No.12619


I simply like the way this guy speaks.

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06728a  No.12622


It does go a long way to articulate and use proper influction when speaking. So many of us focus on the message and forget about the delivery that the lesser (commie speak: working class) beings can't stick around long enough to absorb what's being said to them.

I agree.

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f8b35a  No.12623


Weapon, weapon, acuired, challange the believes for the sake of it. Bitcoin, independent, very high intelligence, viscarl hatred of common norms. I want his name.

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f8b35a  No.12624


I m the puppet master.

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06728a  No.12627

File: 8d5ee84174f3dfa⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2400x3600, 2:3, mette2018b.jpg)


Anon, I…

Mette Harrison - Vampires in the Temple

same, uhhh, person?

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3c1fab  No.12638


> Hugh Hefner was a jew

I've heard that claimed but never been able to find proof

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3c1fab  No.12639


> Learn the difference.

What's the difference?

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15b0b3  No.12641


Both chinese jews and russian jews have "jewish" genes. Do they belong to the same race? Not at all.

Lineage is a better description. They only share genes. It'd be fair to say it's "half a race", or even less than half of a race in many cases.

So they have a racial component to their identity, but can't be said "it's a race like ethiopians or koreans", they are not.

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2ebc49  No.12650

File: a96368f04b87842⋯.jpeg (59.1 KB, 700x559, 700:559, r9k post dotr.jpeg)

>weaponized melanin is probably our last hope.

it's not. 3rd-worldism brings with it failing infrastructure and a lawless atmosphere. THIS is our hope. when law fails the White man steps in and makes the necessary corrections.

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430b36  No.12653

if we cant have europe, then nobody can.

enjoy your niggers gentile scum , you did this to yourself.

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f8b35a  No.12656


Yes my man, we shall cry and lap up the shit. Convex to our personality.

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2ebc49  No.12664


ive seen him before. he had another short talk talked "the myth of the good jew" would also like to know his name, and to see more.

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2ebc49  No.12675

File: 3945b774dc0344b⋯.png (154.4 KB, 1209x1614, 403:538, Serum estrogen, but not te….png)


>High melanin male individuals (aka "dindus") are in general high testosterone too.

MYTH. White and black men have the same levels of testosterone, but what black males have more of is ESTROGEN. certainly explains the explosive emotional shifts which fuel chimp-outs


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430b36  No.12683


>mexicans have higher testosterone

>dindus have higher estrogen


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06728a  No.12692


I've always suspected this but never cared enough to delve further into the topic. Now that it's here, however…

This would make sense when observing behaviors of 3rd world nations inhabitants. Think about a stage in which the actors are all playing out a Roman court. Suddenly a woman wants to be heard. There may be objection, but the most masculine men would say something to the effect of, "Let the woman speak! It's possible, albeit slight, she may have something to add to the conversation."

Now picture that same stage with a herd of yelping Snackbars in place of the Roman court, and they're all assembled upon the dusty caravan-way holding what resembles something of discourse. Suddenly a woman-creature makes a noise alerting the Snackbars that she would like her say in the topic. The Snackbars would reply with "All of you Snackbars! A pedorest told us women cannot talk in our formal courts and she may say something to offend my dead pedorest idol! Kill her!"

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7145f6  No.12708

Ok I finally watched the video and that is sort of a based nigger.

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feb595  No.12709


Not sure about the dindu part but the mexicans having higher test could be explained if some of them were first generation immigrants by ess exposure to birth control runoff in the water supply.

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7145f6  No.12711

File: 6b0d218e5e9a2b0⋯.jpg (168.01 KB, 990x715, 18:13, DNA map mexican racial mix….jpg)


They are 6% nigger by volume. Mongrel trash.

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feb595  No.12715


Not sure why you're bringing that up, it doesn't explain the higher test since the Africans don't have higher test. My reason for guessing it might be environmental is the marked decline in testosterone between people of all races in the US compared to prior generations.

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7145f6  No.12718

File: 7445187ca118aa8⋯.png (568.14 KB, 1317x1060, 1317:1060, skin tone rape iq homocide….png)

File: aaaeb5ec050ede7⋯.jpg (287.4 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, African slave trade map ch….jpg)

File: 5348573fb47fa8c⋯.png (232.26 KB, 1023x653, 1023:653, nigger graphic homicide.png)


Maybe you are thinking of American niggers when you say they don't have high test. Course with the ongoing chemical castration of the USA no one here really has high test.

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feb595  No.12719


>thinking of American niggers

Well yeah, the study was only about people in the US.

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2cef9e  No.12720


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7145f6  No.12721

File: bac02ba368335dd⋯.jpg (235.51 KB, 960x684, 80:57, murder rates across the wo….jpg)

File: 7adebae8911778b⋯.gif (2.66 KB, 300x180, 5:3, international murder rates….gif)

File: 8707d0bc20fefd9⋯.jpg (142.93 KB, 1566x894, 261:149, Brazils sky high murder ra….jpg)

File: 5de59e102bf49a1⋯.png (209.07 KB, 2806x1932, 61:42, homicide rate latin americ….png)

File: 022ce888e77cc2a⋯.jpg (121.19 KB, 1097x790, 1097:790, homicide rate latin americ….jpg)


South America has the highest homicide rates on the planet (I think they are higher than africans or maybe higher than all but South Africa who has ZERO value for life at all)…but my personal theory on it is because they are mongrels…not because they have high test.

Nigger in the US are mongrel trash as well…but they are mongrelized with Whites which chills them the fuck out. We have almost no crime (relatively speaking) compared to South America. They make Baltimore look peaceful and serene.

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15b0b3  No.12746

File: a619707243bb30e⋯.jpg (111.93 KB, 500x380, 25:19, homicide-map-brazil.jpg)


Nope. Most of those homicides come from Bahia -a negro state-, plus some other states that are former dutch and french colonies, which have a time resistant post war culture.

Therefore, yet again, culture is all. Slave and post-war culture are cancer.

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5957a4  No.12753


dat fracture point

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5957a4  No.12756

File: abd83e6415a3d0a⋯.jpg (91.17 KB, 686x938, 49:67, Dr. Richard Wiesslerbaum.jpg)


>morte de jovens

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7145f6  No.12763



Culture is driven completely by DNA. So DNA is everything. It is the data that drives the behavior of the races. Refusing to acknowledge this will lead one to the fatal error that there can be 'based niggers' or 'good jews'. A absolutely deadly ideology for yourself and your offspring.

DNA is the only thing that matters.

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06728a  No.12765


>dat fracture point

Personally I never thought I'd live to see the day the niggers got based, but it's fucking glorious! I look forward to good music again, like Blues and Jazz. Niggers are creative and funny af when they aren't stuck on chimp mode, impoverished and feral.

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7145f6  No.12769


Niggers are a biological weapon. There has never been a civilization that recovered from incorporating niggers into it. I guess you are planning on going back to the mud age rather than the stars.

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06728a  No.12773


> There has never been a civilization that recovered from incorporating niggers into it.

America isn't Rome

America isn't Ancient Egypt

America isn't Byzantine Empire

America isn't Colonial Spain

I know one thing for sure, my ancestors stood on this dirt and fought like fucking hell to incorporate the LAW that ALL MEN are created equal, with an equal fucking chance for opportunity, success AND failure! In that sense, America is the most Natioal Socialistic society that ever existed.

Before juden got his dirty fucking fingers on this ships wheel, we were headed for the stars. We were well on-course without any foreign influence. What changed? Blacks were here, then, so what changed?

I firmly believe in segregation of peoples and the right to live with whom you choose. Americans made the CHOICE to live with Americans. Never was the choice made as to what race they would be. Any man that wants to earn the right to be called an American should be allowed to do so.

Or maybe you're afraid of competition from higher IQ Asians? Better athletic Negroes? More suave Hispanics?

I personally don't fear any competition.

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feb595  No.12775


>muh melting pot bullshit

Reminder that this country was intended to be exclusively for "free white men of good character" and this retardation of letting everyone came in was entirely a jewish operation to subvert the country.

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06728a  No.12776


Denmark = Danish

Switzerland = Swiss

Germany = Germans

Spain = Spanish

Russia = Russians


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feb595  No.12778


I've already explained that America=white men of good character

People were overwhelmingly against letting everyone in. Its why even the people that pushed the 65 immigration act had to lie their ass off and say it wouldn't change the demographic makeup.

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06728a  No.12779


> letting everyone in.

Nobody is saying let everyone in. In fact, I thnk there should be mandatory military service accompanied with a crucible of obstacles to gain entry into the US. To me, the US should be what israel is trying to become but without the underhanded trickery and deceit involved in doing so. This land should be the reserved home for the worlds best and if you were lucky enough to be born here, you should grow to appreciate the gift not resent those who made it for you.

The world needs a beacon of light. A harbor for the most apt and capable to set sail for. It also needs content cultures who don't want to take up root and set out for "something greater that may end in horrible failure."

The world is as diverse as the people that occupy it, all options should be available to all people.

Niggers get the rope, though. Doesn't matter their race or nationality. Subversion, degeneracy, lies, deceit, everything contrary to the creator should meet swift end.

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feb595  No.12780


My family has been here since before the Revolutionary War, I really don't care what some fool thinks about how everyone should be allowed here when that was provably foisted upon us by the very subversion that you're claiming to hate.

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06728a  No.12781


Would you argue against the fact that the jew agenda, in part or in whole, entails the pinning of non-jews against each other?

If yes; you are a shill, a braindead hillbilly who has nothing of value to offer anyone so far as intellect… and well, that's it.

if no; you have to agree with my position or you otherwise agree to be a tool to juden.

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feb595  No.12782


Firstly you don't even label the options correctly and should have those reversed. Secondly its a false dichotomy, they pit people against each other because its an effective tactic as disparate people will always tend towards conflic with one another if in close proximity which is why they shouldn't be in close proximity. The notion that, "You MUST tolerate what the jews have done to you and do nothing to undo it or you're a tool of jews" is laughable. Are you a mutt trying to justify why you should be allowed to remain here or something?

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06728a  No.12784


> they pit people against each other because its an effective tactic

Perhaps you can explain this in more detail?

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feb595  No.12788


Through flooding our country and making it diverse they have destroyed community by wiping out the homogeneous nature of most places. This leads to people being less safe and less connected due to the fact that even the non-violent minorities, like East Asians and Indians, do not share the cultural grounding. A disconnected and atomized people is much easier to control as they are very unlikely to ever organize.

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06728a  No.12790


>A disconnected and atomized people is much easier to control as they are very unlikely to ever organize.

So working with this, you find it easier to kill 100 million or more, lets assume less than willing to be murdered, people in place of having everyone agree to "well, we're already here! How bout those that want to go back to your racial homelands, you're free to do so but those who want to stay, we have to make some real fucking changes!"

I think the negotiation would be much easier.

We were duped. All of us. We created a high-trust, high-yield society and the jew got the better of us. We got lazy when it comes to remembering our history, world history and we let our guard down. We're kind of all in the same boat, wouldn't you agree?

Fuck, I'd take my ticket back to Bavaria and a few acres to nerd out upon. I'd leave the US for the hard-chargers who really want to work on cutting-edge tech and other such bullshit. I'm a simple person in that sense.

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7145f6  No.12792

File: 89fdf0f38212f02⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1008x760, 126:95, aristotle philia diversity….png)


I agree with you.

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feb595  No.12797


Sadly the only realistic course is balkanization, white people are too soft for mass killings to be acceptable to them. Though if balkanization begins to occur the vast majority of foreign immigrants will self-deport due to worsening material conditions, as they're only here for economic reasons.

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06728a  No.12800


>the only realistic course is balkanization

See, we're all in agreement, we're just disagreeing about the geographical parimeters of said Balkan-States.

Here's a big can-o-fuckery that plagues my mind. Google.

Google is the manefestation of what I dreamed about when I was a teenager and was just getting into coding/programming. I was mesmorized by RPG's and would fantasize about buying an entire apartment block and having 100 or more of us all building a ridiculous virtual world and branching out from there. Where we could all get together and contribute to the collective thought, a collective contribution, if you will.

Where Google fails miserably? Restriction of ideas. Hubris.

If those human-like creatures that control the purse-strings of such organizations could realize they aren't fucking special in any way and, in fact, they're limited by their circumstance, they might disassemble their self-imposed crisis and allow God/Universe to speak clearly. As it stands, they are wearing ear-muffs and pretending they're hearing Symphony #9 on repeat.

They do this because TRUTH is revealing their LIES. Glass houses and all that.

how this relates to topic: don't be afraid of that which you don't understand. Kill swiftly that which threatens your existence. Allow for all ideals to have a platform for growth. Remove yourself from the controls once the pieces are in place.

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6bc09d  No.12816

File: c719ef78db54898⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 468x895, 468:895, deeaaea4595fa30577f677fa38….jpg)


How many of these threads you gonna make before you just devolve into cuck porn spam?

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616c70  No.12827


/pnd/ is like a showcase/timeline of the evolution of the bbc thread.

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feb595  No.12931


>allow all ideals to have a platform for growth

I'm going to make sure to deprive anyone like you near me of any power if things do break down, libertarians must be ruthlessly repressed because you faggots never fucking learn.

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2cef9e  No.12934


Just let them have their own autonomous communities. They'll soon come back begging us to put them out of their self-inflicted misery.

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d178da  No.12939


I've been saying this for so fucking long, why don't we infiltrate black twitter by making black profiles and tweet how jews ran the slave trade or how jews own new york and are oppressing black people and other shit like that in order to wake up the melanin warriors lmao

also i suggested doing this with british lefties as Corbyn was accused of anti semitism and they all got pissed saying its biased but again how about we load up twitter accounts and point out how jews are over represented in british media and such?

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15b0b3  No.12953

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15b0b3  No.12954


What about Australia? People don't mix much over there, still good.

While segregation and balkanization are valid options, the real problem here is (((degeneracy))). Remove the parasite, everything will fall in its place. Focus on removing the head of the medusa.

You guys bitch and chimp out all day about the nigger symptoms, they are just a symptom!

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06728a  No.12955


> why don't we

"we" did and still do

you'll find the fun in doing things, capturing images and other references of that which you do, then creating well-though-out posts and creating OP's after you take the first dive into the realm. It's fun, it adds content and it completely fucks with the kikes who have to monitor this place. Remember, we were shut down because we started to organize and take action. The Tarrant meme is an instant indicator of fed-shill, anyone pushing that beligerant bullshit is gaslighting themselves from the annals of our collective "we."

Become one of us. Take that first leap from "Guys we should" to venture into "Look at what we're doing now!"

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d178da  No.13747





hahahhahah lmao, hey @blktechwarrior

go to here


if you're still lurking

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000000  No.13751


The hover handing really completes the image.

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521454  No.13890

File: 38b34561a5bf338⋯.png (84.57 KB, 866x1212, 433:606, 1577742218229.png)


The Negros are finally coming off the Jewish plantation.

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521454  No.13893


Everything in this post is confirmed.

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521454  No.13894

File: dda2f8d8590bd11⋯.png (8.88 KB, 219x338, 219:338, TRJAB.PNG)

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521454  No.13898

File: 76085cee98d2e01⋯.png (93.08 KB, 1789x698, 1789:698, 1577863646900.png)

File: e8ca8798e47da83⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1280x1265, 256:253, 1577863574330.png)

File: face3199f869d8a⋯.png (613.1 KB, 948x967, 948:967, 1577863171871.png)

File: 092eeb684b83b3b⋯.png (874.57 KB, 944x926, 472:463, 1577863073603.png)

File: b47a62a5032c7df⋯.png (104.46 KB, 662x818, 331:409, 1577861983088.png)


Jews are a mixed race. And according to Israel you must share a bloodline through your mother to be a citizen. Thus they use genetics as purity test. They are also now doing genetic screening of Russian Jews in order to disqualify them for citizenship. So more and more Jews are starting to define themselves as a race. Certainly they see themselves as Semitic and they only wear their white face to tear down white people. But Jews themselves don't call themselves white.

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521454  No.13902

File: 11afc934d50ff2e⋯.png (105.73 KB, 800x989, 800:989, 1577861921595.png)

File: 507c97fe25fc8dd⋯.png (117.27 KB, 652x595, 652:595, 1577861873441.png)

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521454  No.13903

File: 3ddda96ba20a31a⋯.jpg (610.97 KB, 1486x960, 743:480, 1577742253360.jpg)

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521454  No.13904


What race was President Obama? Was he the first black president or the first mixed race president? If mixed race then most if not all Blacks are technically mixed raced.

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9b5097  No.13906


>Matrix 4 trailer


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521454  No.13910


Who is this guy and we do we find more of his stuff?

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521454  No.13913

File: dc1f41d1b5cc4f8⋯.jpg (147.55 KB, 693x770, 9:10, 1478129740834.jpg)


They are certainly over-represented in the top schools.

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fd27f2  No.13979


This is a moment in time where the black community needs our full support.

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a3f77f  No.14119

based and not white

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000000  No.47138

I support Black resistance to the Jew, full stop.

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e78d5c  No.47158


>Testosterone has nothing to do with their behavior.

>low IQ subhumans

I promise you a low test. nigger would be less dangerous than high one and you are right, it's not right-wing racism but basic genetics that will tell you the average IQ in Africa is 70 and most medical institutions put the limit of being intellectually disabled at 70.


Promoting anything nigger is pretty dumb mate

Jews are a race, they are ethno-religious like the Coptic Egyptian

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