>What is Propertarianism?
Propertarianism, or P for short, is a system of thought created by Curt Doolittle, a formerly successful entrepreneur turned online political philosopher.
P can be broken down into 3 distinct parts:
1. An explanation of the ‘Group Evolutionary Strategies’ of various peoples and ethnic groups, as well as a Historiography of the West.
2. An analysis, criticism and expansion upon Germanic Law, such that aggressions against our genetic capital, cultural capital, or any other non-tangible capital can be prosecuted.
3. A set of policies, nested within a Constitution, and a means of implementing those policies such that our people won’t have to endure another Semetic Dark Age.
>What are some of Curt's Key Policies?
1. End Democracy and Formalize the USA and its territories as an Empire. In the process Devolving all governmental institutions that aren't the Legislature, Monarchy, Military, Courts, or Treasury to local governments.
2. Nationalize the Fed, Banks, and Credit Card Processing companies under the Treasury. And use the Treasury to provide a tax/credit/wealth distribution that incentivizes Moral and Eugenic behavior.
3. Implement Eugenics through means of a 1 Child Policy on the underclasses, tax exemptions on middle/upper class reproduction, etc.
5. Restore Natural Law to prosecute immoral/parasitic/dysgenic behavior.
6. Revoke the citizenship of all post 1965 immigrants, and their descendants. As well as decrease the African Population to 15%, the Hispanic population to 5%, and eliminate the Muslim and Jewish Population.
>When I try to read what Curt writes, it all seems like unintelligible bullshit
This is a very common problem people have with Curt’s work, and is due to the semi-autistic way that Curt writes/speaks. Curt also has a fuckton of stuff to watch and read online, so you could spend days reading his content and still not be halfway through it all.
Several Content Creators have tried to repackage/curate Curt’s ideas, but this can often have the opposite effect, leaving out key details important to understanding P
Here are several resources that can help you understand exactly what Curt is trying to do:
Criticism of Libertarianism, and suppression of immoral behavior (bad audio)
Interview of Curt by John Mark (use the timestamps in the comments)
8 Podcasts done with Curt that encapsulate the entirety of P youtube.com/channel/UCYSAsBDaQFpoIQH_fgMTTSA
Curt on Jews, Women, and Western Success