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File: a26cb606f976e37⋯.jpg (345.69 KB, 1400x947, 1400:947, do i look like i know what….jpg)

0bb1e7  No.12103[Last 50 Posts]

A country - no matter its system of government - is run by its elites, its aristocracy. This was the central thesis of the works of Italian philosopher Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto was a "classical liberal," a term I'm sure most of you are familiar with. What's interesting is that this man, this classical liberal was a major influence upon Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism. His message still echoes up to the modern day neo-reaction and third-position.

If you are familiar with William Pierce's belief that only a small portion of humans are capable of rational thought, and the rest are merely "lemmings" this is quite similar; though, it bases the modern, information age elite on one’s mental faculties rather than simply access to wealth and power. Regardless, both Pierce and Pareto can be reconciled by the fact that access to information distribution, such as the schools and mass media, are the main ways to influence a society; and these institutions are controlled by those with wealth and power while also granting them wealth and power. Similar conclusions about the importance of the mass media can also be drawn from Edward Bernays' book "Propaganda."

Note that my goal here isn't to expound elitist theory myself through argumentation. I presuppose that it is true, and use it as the basis for further discussion. "Name dropping" is done to refresh the memory of the educated to ensure that we're on the same page, and to show those unfamiliar with the discussion’s premises where to look.


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0bb1e7  No.12105


Elitist theory brings us to the main point of our discussion, a governing apparatus. These are political parties in a supra-democratic environment. The "one-party states," such as China, where the CCP has direct control over the military instead of the actual Chinese government. These organizations full of like-minded people are invaluable for a mass movement seeking to take control of a society when one observes societal power struggles from an elitist perspective. They are valuable because they allow an ascendant ideology to draw from a pool of members to instantaneously replace any deposed establishmentarians.

It is a simple fact that one man cannot run a country alone. If we were to suppose that a man amicable to the third-position were to become president, and even if that man were delegated emergency powers through the congress and senate that man would ultimately fail. He would not have access to men to carry out his will on all levels of society. He would not have any like-minded gentlemen to carry out the pacification of enemy factions such as the journalists and university faculty. Who would be his Treasury Secretary? Who would be in charge of purging the intelligence community? Who would be his ambassador to Italy? This hypothetical president would be undercut at every turn, and he would ultimately fail in the same way Hitler was sabotaged by the old aristocratic class.

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0bb1e7  No.12106


This is why it is vital that the third-position - should it seek to truly govern a state - form a proper organization within which it can build an intelligentsia to draw upon when installing ideological comrades into the state power structure. The closest to this that has been achieved was Doctor Pierce's National Alliance. This group focused on building an educated, high-quality group of sympathizers, rather than attempt to replicate previous strategies of a populistic mass-movement. Hitler, interestingly, implemented a populistic and elitist strategy simultaneously. Yet another benefit of a proper organization is that it eliminates the debate between democratic and revolutionary means of seizing power. It allows the movement to field and back candidates while also being prepared to take power should the opportunity arise. In light of this, the debate between electoral and revolutionary strategies is inherently flawed; historically speaking, one has rarely excluded the other.

This idea of a single organization seizing control of the state is also why you will occasionally stumble upon quotes from the NSDAP or Mosley talking about their similarity to Lenin. It is why you will find organizations such as "governments in exile" or a World Jewish Congress, etc. But in the modern era these organizations seem to have grown obsolete. There are only a handful of organizations with the structure to actually run the United States, or any territories therein should the Federal government not be able to fulfill that role. One of these is the military with its hierarchy, its reach into everything from the economy to science to medicine to policing, and its wide domestic reach. Another one of these is the Mormon Church which historically did function as a sort of one-party governing power; to this day it wields immense influence in states with Mormon communities, more so than any other religion by far. The final viable group I currently see is any one of the many state and municipal governments in the country. Remember that it was at this level that the United States' Civil War was waged.

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0bb1e7  No.12107


This leads us to an interesting question: What is the organizational structure that the current elite uses to govern the country? The answer is that the establishment uses a decentralized party structure to govern the country. It has a different "party" for each sector of society. What I mean by that is that it has a clique in academia to control them. It has a clique in tech-CEOs to control them. It has the freemasons to control the upper middle-class. It has the CFR to control international relations. It has Bar Associations to control the legal profession. The Fraternal Order of Police to control the police, and so on. They rule by all these cliques that just so happen to march in lockstep to the beat of a unified agenda. This structure is useful for two reasons. The first is that it obfuscates the totalitarian scope of the modern elite, and only a few will be able to "see the forest for the trees." Another is that it allows one clique to intervene in the support of another, seemingly acting independently. For example, an anti-modern movement in the arts could expect negative press coverage, refusal to do business by banks, deplatforming on the internet, and other such forms of institutional harassment. A centralized party could also do this, but it would look like oppression against an underdog rather than a “respected consensus” against a dangerous, fringe movement.

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0bb1e7  No.12108


Utilizing the discussion we have had up to this point, we can create a five-point plan of action for a successful revolution.

1) An organization must be created where the third-position can organize. It needs to have broad appeal, and an intellectual arm. Ideally it should be able to function as a social organization too with schools, activities, book clubs, gun clubs, credit unions, and the like.

2) This organization must grow to the point that it is able to leverage influence on a societal level.

3) The organizations used by the current elite must be identified, their members liquidated on an ex post facto basis, and their organizations dissolved or repurposed.

4) Witch hunts and inquisitions against the masses should be avoided as they are an expensive waste of time. Instead, the masses will be guided by our new control of the education system and mass media. Henceforth, unhealthy people will be subjected to punishment and rehabilitation ex-ante, after committing infractions, rather than the ex post facto judgment levied against the leaders.

5) The ranks of the state must be consubstantial with the ranks of the party.

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0bb1e7  No.12110


However, the third-position suffers from a major issue of organization. There is a constant, and for-the-most-part well-founded fear of reprisal. The FBI works against us. There is the aforementioned institutional harassment which is unfathomably devastating to people on an individual level. (Even Doctor Pierce was fine with people who didn't speak the truth because they wanted to keep their job) Even I, your humble anonymous essayist would probably not join such a group out of fear for it being a trap. Though, there are actual millions within the country who would join a movement they knew to be safe; your essayist, and the majority of his readers included.

It is these issues which have caused the third-position to take a largely decentralized approach to organizing its movement, interestingly replicating the decentralized strategy of the current establishment. This has not been a fruitless endeavor. It has had a clear impact on the current electoral landscape, and the culture surrounding the current U.S. President is one explicitly derived from imageboards. (It is well known that the current President is a divisive topic. I do not mean to endorse or condemn him here, only to point out the significance of the decentralized approach's actions.)

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0bb1e7  No.12111


The decentralized approach has strengths and weaknesses. Its main strength is the lack of need for large-scale organization because most agents act individually or in cells. Perhaps the greatest example of the decentralized approach is the Islamic terror movement, particularly Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is a heavily decentralized movement with vast reach across the globe. It is hardly even a unified movement, and more so a moniker used to discuss many terror groups with a similar ideological origin. (It is interesting to note the similarity of this to the term "Alt-Right" which was invented by the media as a catch-all term for the purposes of defamation) Al Qaeda's fundamental weakness, however, was that it was only able to play the opposition. Occupied territory would be quickly lost; and you can see this clearly with the dramatic rise and fall of ISIS from terror group to state to terror group. This is yet another similarity with the so-called "alt-right" in that the decentralized approach allows for resistance, but the organization simply isn't there to replace any damage done, and the enemy ultimately recovers.

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0bb1e7  No.12112


Another danger of the decentralized approach is the attempt to morph it into a strong-arm for a larger group. This can be seen in electoral politics with the hijacking of Occupy Wall Street as the launching pad for the progressive movement within the Democratic Party. The same thing happened with the Tea Party, and this was turned into merely an excuse to fuel the economic aims of neoconservatives, while creating a pseudo-libertarian justification for their complete failure to participate in a culture war, or prevent the proliferation of further degeneracy. A more recent example is the co-opting of the "meme war" by republicans. Some people will say that that is absurd, that the politicians are too out of touch. Those people are wrong. These are intelligent people, the only ones allowed to have a proper education. And because of the transparency of platforms the decentralized approach uses, they know everything about it. That is why Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell posts jokes about "Cocaine Mitch" on twitter. It is also why there was such a massive push to censor the internet in the wake of the 2016 election.

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0bb1e7  No.12113


Now we have reached an impasse between the traditional party structure and the decentralized approach. We must ask ourselves many questions: "Should we stick to the decentralized approach until a real opportunity for a mass-movement appears?" "Are the traditional and decentralized approaches even mutually exclusive, or could we do both at once?" "Will censorship reach a point that the decentralized approach is impossible?" "Will the state succeed in crushing any party established?" I do not know the answer to these questions. What I do know is that the time has come to take a moment and think seriously about the future of our movement. What I do know is that at some point we will need a proper organization if we intend to actually govern.

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69c8ca  No.12128


>They rule by all these cliques that just so happen to march in lockstep to the beat of a unified agenda.

They "just so happen" to do this because of the immense overlap between the groups. Don't pretend they're independent or even pretending to be independent. They openly admit it and no one does anything.


>An organization must be created

Our organizations are illegal.

>This organization must grow

Growth will instantly be met with federal infiltration.

>The organizations used by the current elite must be identified, their members liquidated on an ex post facto basis, and their organizations dissolved or repurposed.

And as we've seen, no one will do this.


>there are actual millions within the country

Prove that this is true. Prove that this can even be known, given the aforementioned fear of honeypots.

>only to point out the significance of the decentralized approach's actions

Would it not then be prudent to discuss how obviously controlled by jews this decentralized method is, and therefore how well acquainted they are with its operation?


>I do not know the answer to these questions.

No organization is possible or will be allowed by law. Thus we must simply violate law, not in creating organizations (which would intrinsically be honeypots), but in rising up, collectively and without coordination, and killing the people responsible for this problem. Nothing but physical violence on a grand scale will solve the problem, and nothing can exist before the physical violence.

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0bb1e7  No.12131


>They "just so happen" to do this because of the immense overlap between the groups. Don't pretend they're independent or even pretending to be independent. They openly admit it and no one does anything.

It's sarcasm. It's very obvious that my point is that these are all fronts for one central agenda. I didn't pretend they were independent, and my main point was that they aren't independent.

>Our organizations are illegal.

We're harassed a lot, but groups like the National Alliance managed to survive. If it weren't for leadership issues they probably would have continued growing. They can't actually ban us until things get heated up, and at that point it will be too late.

>Growth will instantly be met with federal infiltration.

Yes. That is an issue talked about. But it is not insurmountable.

>And as we've seen, no one will do this

Of course not now. It's a five point plan, this stage is dependent on the previous points being completed.

>Would it not then be prudent to discuss how obviously controlled by jews this decentralized method is, and therefore how well acquainted they are with its operation?

I mention the dangers of being co-opted with the decentralized approach.

>No organization is possible or will be allowed by law. Thus we must simply violate law, not in creating organizations (which would intrinsically be honeypots), but in rising up, collectively and without coordination, and killing the people responsible for this problem. Nothing but physical violence on a grand scale will solve the problem, and nothing can exist before the physical violence.

I like your attitude. The problem is that this isn't that different from the decentralized approach. If you only destroy others then you won't be able to actually seize power for yourself. It will only be some other faction of the elite that uses you as a tool, and then leads us back where we started once the violence dies down. Furthermore, the idea that under the status quo we could all randomly take to the streets and kill all the jews and politicians is rather optimistic. Using the IRA as an example, terrorism and violence are actually fairly effective tactics in a first-world, post-industrial society. However, even that it certainly going to require some organization, at least local cells.

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50c717  No.15828

There are literally hundreds of thousands armed of far-left niggers who are willing to and frequently do commit violence, and single out Whites for it. They are called gangs. If you look into these groups you will see that many of them are explicitly devoted to racial struggle. Whites have no such organization. Despite our immense superiority, our weaker organization means we could very well lose a civil war - especially if the military does not side entirely with us.


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376972  No.15874



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2709c9  No.15918

File: 04a667569ba10c3⋯.png (393.92 KB, 936x873, 104:97, gym goers more likely righ….png)

One of my absolute favorite things about 8chan is /SIG/, and I would absolutely love to create a group in real life for like-minded men to get together and seek to improve their lives in accordance with the immortal principles governing reality. Perhaps health, fitness and meditation can form the baseboard for a decentralized mass movement. It's a well established fact that the healthier the person, the more likely they are to be right wing.

A healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body, so to advance the purpose of true fitness is to advance a right wing agenda.

One of the most important things we need though is aesthetics, a good name for the group and good imagery. It doesn't matter if we're demonized or not, we just need to look cool. All of the existing political institutions look sterile and old. Perhaps we could utilize the synthwave style that's popular right now.

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7f7475  No.15932


that is a great idea anon and many had this before and some already did create something like that



for example, in europe we kinda have nordfront for the optics, but Idk, they kinda seem out of our spheres. Generation identity also has camps where they do this kind of stuff, but its kinda mild. Actual uncompromising ideals kind of thing you wont find in western europe, RAM is in the US tho. So a few groups to name.

But largely most are struggling with the usual crap, the drugs and whatever, thats like 60% of all of us even.

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674845  No.15951


I agree with this, but it must not be some racial identity movement as the optics can be used against us. It must also be intertwined with religion, specifically Catholicism. Evangelicals and Protestants are to too far gone with their Israel love, and traditional Catholicism is growing in popularity. Perhaps, find traditional :Latin Mass churches, join young adult groups, surround yourself with a group of like minded traditional Catholic males, create a 5 point party platform, focus on physical fitness, promoting the traditional family, and fighting degeneracy. Moderate Catholic males will be attracted, and the it will grow. Jews will be forced to attack the Catholic Church, which will be great for optics and recruitment. This is how be begin the movement.>>15918

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741d66  No.15952

File: 04e8e6d815a2c4f⋯.jpg (214.71 KB, 998x1600, 499:800, Portrait-oil-panel-Martin-….jpg)


>Protestants are to too far gone with their Israel love

Ironic isn't it?

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f173d9  No.15973

File: 5c999e9d02dfbee⋯.png (52.76 KB, 200x256, 25:32, 1523135742.png)


No jewish gods.

I am sick of you christcucks trying to infect everything

You are worse than women

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674845  No.15974


You're an idiot. If Hitler had made National Socialism a Christian/racial movement. He would have gotten most of Europe behind him. His mistake was making it a Pagan movement thus alienating Franco and Salazar. National Socialism cannot win without a belief in God.

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0458b9  No.15977


If the vatican had its way the majority of us would still be illiterate serfs toiling in the fields

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11d5e0  No.15978


I like this idea. Do you think it should be /sig/aholics anonymous and focus on getting peoples' entire lives together, or should it be more of a fitness/martial arts type thing? If it's the former, then we have literally millions of directionless young men to tap into. If it's the latter, then they would be a good supply of manpower once our movement starts taking off. Another advantage of a fitness orientation is that we could create commercial gyms which would serve as a source of revenue, source of new members (who are looking for discounts), and a good meeting hall.

Something else that might be a good idea is to mandate that all members use fake names during meetings and events, and even put their fake name on their membership card. It would allow us the benefits of centralized command while dispelling fears of it being a honeypot. We could even give members burner email accounts, and use those for official communications.


I am familiar with Catholic Churches. They have plenty of social groups. They already have sects for traditionalists. We will offer the Catholics nothing new. Our movement is National Socialist, not Catholic. If we exclude non-Catholics then we will lose out on some of the brightest minds and greatest people who would be interested in joining our organization. Your suggestion leads only to the road where we are utterly hijacked by mainstream superficial conservatism, and are paralyzed from true action by the need to check that anything we do is in accordance with Christian principles. We must open our ranks to men of all faiths.

Furthermore, your decision from the get-go not to be a "racial identity movement" is harmful. There are actually many conservative groups which started off with the intention of playing within the jews' accepted limits to gain power, and the suddenly throwing off the cover. They never actually pulled this off; they either died or cucked out. (Rockwell talks about this) While it may be a bad idea to center the organization around racial hatred, racial pride is essential, and we must be open to those members who are publicly known to be racists and anti-semites. I think our tone should be that "We are proud of our European heritage, but we'll still treat non-Whites nicely as long as they don't cause us any trouble."





Please drop this topic. There are other places to debate religion. Our National Socialist movement by its very nature is righteous and commendable by Heaven. There is no need to get into the particulars of religion and theology when we are all in agreement to the goal of establishing righteousness and Heavenly beauty on earth to the fullest extent that man has been endowed with the ability to do so.

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674845  No.15982


JIDF detected

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674845  No.15989


Let me re phrase, I am not saying that it be a Catholic movement only. For example, Francisco Franco's Spain was in essence a NATSOC state, but he understood that the IDENTITY of Spain was intertwined with Catholicism. Also, I never said we should shun racial identity, I whole heartily believe we should promote racial identity and homogeneous societies, but I also believe especially among Catholics, that they would be more motivated to take up NATSOC ideals, if it went hand in hand with Catholic identity, specifically WHITE EUROPEAN CATHOLIC IDENTITY. There can be different NATSOC groups, all devoted to their own homogeneous identities. There can be Catholic NATSOC, Protestant NATSOC, Muslim NATSOC, etc. We all have our individual groups but support each other in the pursuit of the same goal. This would scare the Jews the most, if you all had different NATSOC groups working with each other. We have to diversify the movement, create more than one target for the media to attack.

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6500c0  No.15992


That is literally what caused the formation of the protestants.

The vaticans refusal to allow any religious services to be in anything other than latin or aid the masses in learning to read so they could read the bible (which the church also forbade the translation of)

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674845  No.15995


And Christianity has been splintered, not unified, and thus weakened ever since. The reformation weakened Christianity, it didn't strengthen it.

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8065fc  No.15997

I think that given the absymal track record of any white racialist movement in the US, and with the recent surge in negroid antisemitism, the most effective approach may be a simple anti-jew movement. It won't solve the racial problem, but nothing will so long as the Jew enjoys total control over everything. They don't fear a gaggle of white nationalists walking with tiki torches and chanting slogans, but they do fear factual information about the Jews' misdeeds spreading like wildfire among the masses. The time is very ripe right now to expose how the Jews have been harming blacks (i.e. the slave trade, landlords jewing them and Orthodox jews buying up their houses, mutilating their muh diks, etc.) and also the AIPAC Jews behind the recent push for attacks on Iraq and Iran. Convincing non-whites to hate Jews is almost as beneficial as convincing whites to do so- ultimately, what the Jews want is for the goyim to fight amongst themselves while they continue to wallow in riches and destroy nations. International Jewry being exposed to populations, regardless of that population's race, is the last thing that the Jews want, and probably the most significant threat to their rule. Hence their whack-a-mole approach in the largely Jew-wise Middle East- knocking out any powerful leaders that oppose them, and destroying their nations.

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8065fc  No.15999

So, basically, create and spread material exposing the Jews, with a given target audience in mind. The more people that know about the Jewish problem, the better. Even non-whites can be useful in this regard.

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674845  No.16001


Bump. This. Create different ethno/religious groups, emphasizing a revolt against everything (((degenerate))). People will become redpilled automatically as they discover who is behind it all. NATSOC will be the natural progression as they discover who really runs the U.S.

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2a0ab5  No.16010


This >>12128

>No organization is possible or will be allowed by law. Thus we must simply violate law, not in creating organizations (which would intrinsically be honeypots), but in rising up, collectively and without coordination, and killing the people responsible for this problem. Nothing but physical violence on a grand scale will solve the problem, and nothing can exist before the physical violence.

This is literally all there is to it.


>If you only destroy others then you won't be able to actually seize power for yourself.

Concentrate on killing all enemies first. Seizing power must be an afterthought.

The enemy is organized in the elitist manner. Kill their leaders, bypassing any law or protection, or instill violence in those controlled by them. Either way is easy to achieve and produces the best results.

As an example, anyone can poison the food served to a jew that is part of the elite, while also bribing (or convincing) security to let the poisoned food reach the jew.

The same goes for rigging vehicles, destroying power lines, altering medical drugs and or/exams, etc.

The system functions in a large scale, and it is very easy to infiltrate one section that can be used to cause the deaths of those jews in (perceived, never real) power and have them be killed.

Remember that the jewish system relies exclusively on deception from their current elders. Killing them assures that the whole system will crumble, as the younger ones assuming the positions left from the dead elders will not be able to handle the current flux of information and anti-jewish sentiment around the world. The youngsters are guaranteed to fail. Thus, kill the elders and accelerate the fall of their whole system.


This. Form gangs. Ignore the law. Protect your equals. Kill the ideological dissidents, race traitors, and any other group trying to stop you from growing your influence through violence. Lear with the enemies, such as sandniggers. A "Whites only no-go zone" is a good start. Anyone who is not white is killed if he/she even tries to enter the designated zone. If law enforcers try to enforce their corrupt law, kill them too. Show no fear, and no will to recede. Show that you will force others to obey your will instead of the law written in a piece of paper.



"Looking cool" will attract the worst parasites, even worse than jews: women. Then, you will fail, as many "healthy" minded men will commit treason for the chance to have sex with women in the group. NEVER waste time and effort on vapid topics such as imagery and perception by others. Those were always done in the past in order to attract women and as many braindead masses to a movement, and look how all of them (no matter their ideology) failed. Look at how many groups, companies and governments in the present are failing because they allow women on other low IQ subhumans that care about looks more than efficiency.

Always be pragmatic and practical. Never waste effort in trying to impress anyone. Those that are attracted to a group by being impressed have a materialistic mind akin to a woman's mind, and thus, are incapable of rational thought and self-improvement. They only "want to be the cool kids" and that is it. Their whole end goal is just that, and they are impossible to be conditioned to improve themselves, given their defective minds.

You will only be attracting low IQ subhumans that want to show off, and that will surrender and flee as soon as they have to put real effort into any action outside of "looking cool". The women will do this and also subvert the group from the inside, making men fight among men for their attention. And there are always idiots who will fall for that.


> National Socialism cannot win without a belief in God.


And that means: National Socialism cannot win by accepting women as being people. Family? Yes. As in, a man's family is his assets. His woman is his tool to produce more children. As soon as women are treated as people, the movement, anywhere, anytime in history, fails.

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2a0ab5  No.16011


>Something else that might be a good idea is to mandate that all members use fake names during meetings and events, and even put their fake name on their membership card. It would allow us the benefits of centralized command while dispelling fears of it being a honeypot. We could even give members burner email accounts, and use those for official communications.

That is much better than imagery or good looks. It is practical and it allows to filter the scum who will want to enter just to show off.

Remember: be extremely harsh on selecting who can join the group. Always look for people with their minds already set in our ideals. Don't ever try to take in people that don't think like us, hoping to shape their thoughts. It almost never works, it compromises the group, and even when it does work, it isn't permanent, so it is useless in the long run. Attract and allow only those already with potential.

Remember nature's law: only those already above average, already fit, shall have the right to "exist" (as in, being a member). Those who aren't already born fit for it are to be eliminated (i.e, not allowed).

As for "just fitness" vs "martial arts", always put martial arts, weapons and firearms training to use. Every single man in the movement must become capable of fighting armed or unarmed. and not just fighting to protect himself, but fighting to kill an enemy with his bare hands or with a weapon or gun. Indoctrination is needed in this regard. A man or a teenager must be taught to enjoy killing their enemies. and the jews and other subhumans that are against white people must be always presented as being the enemies. The members must grow a desire to kill those, over the time.

>"We are proud of our European heritage, but we'll still treat non-Whites nicely as long as they don't cause us any trouble."

Worst possible idea. It is naive, and it will cause you to fail. Every single failed movement started failing as soon as it became tolerant of non-whites. The same goes for:

>We must open our ranks to men of all faiths.

That will only produce competing cells inside the group, who will spend more time fighting each other than fighting for the group. There are no good minds that aren't Christian. By accepting non-catholics, you are opening the group to larpers that pretend to have brilliant minds, but turn out to be just larpers.

>Our National Socialist movement by its very nature is righteous and commendable by Heaven.

That is precisely why it must be Catholic only. Or else, you are already starting a failed movement that will crumble from the inside because of parasites (all non-catholics) that will infest it.


>We have to diversify the movement, create more than one target for the media to attack.

Diversity is a disease that weakens any group or movement. You want a contradictory and mutually-exclusive thing. It will fail if it is done like that. A group is either homogeneous or diverse. Success only comes from homogeneous groups. Diverse groups always fail.

A National Socialist movement obligatory excludes non-whites.


This. If there happens to appear dissidents inside the group, they must be eliminated. Not discussed with. Not allowed to simply walk away and form their own group. Be concistent and strict. You may even hide that from new members, if needed. Not all rules must be written or known by all members. Those on the upper hand inside the group are the only ones required to know that dissidents will be eliminated.



>Convincing non-whites to hate Jews is almost as beneficial as convincing whites to do so

>So, basically, create and spread material exposing the Jews, with a given target audience in mind. The more people that know about the Jewish problem, the better. Even non-whites can be useful in this regard.

Yes, but never accept those non-whites in the movement. That is the key point. Manipulate them. Incite them. But never join them. Use them to kill the jews, and kill them after their usefulness ends.The end goal must never be diverted: to create a world for White people to rule again. And this time, White people ONLY. Use other races, but never let them join the group. Never join their groups either. again, learn with the enemy (the jews): manipulate all who are from other races, and never have any empathy or pity towards them. Never hesitate in using them as the tools that they are, in the sense of manipulating them to advance our goals, but eliminating them as soon as those goals are achieved.

To tolerate the existence of non-white races instead of genociding them was what caused great white empires to fall in the past.

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7c6b05  No.16013


The vatican would take a faithful black europe over an independent white europe any day of the week.

No more jewish gods

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2a0ab5  No.16019


The true God is not a jewish god. The jewish one was a subvertion inserted into the modern (and false) bible.

No more pagans. No more atheists.

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7c6b05  No.16024

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Christianity is literally a heretical sect of judaism you daft cunt

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674845  No.16026


Ok Jew

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9ddc5e  No.16029

I agree with that, it is our job to educate these lemmings so that they might function in a way that is best for society and thus themselves. But I think the creation of lemmings today mostly comes from people being to scared of independant thought since it harms their own social and economic standing. It may not be that they are stupid but that their nature is simply "submissive" (for l ack of a better term) a mode which is also needed for society after the revoultion as revoultionarys are needed before.

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11d5e0  No.16031


I just don't see the point in adding religion to the mix. Also we want everyone to be united under one party, not dozens of cooperating groups all trying to fill the same niche.


I'm fine with anti-jew stuff, but a simple anti-jew movement won't do any good. People might know about the jews, but they won't have anything to do about it. What are we supposed to do, attend meetings where we whine impotently about what the jews did this week? We need to build a new aristocracy. The blacks will be more than happy to work with the jews, as they have and still are doing, because the jews have more to offer, and no National Socialist will accept giving in to any demands on the part of blacks. (money, land, etc)


There are literally hundreds of millions of White conservatives who are angry at all the degeneracy going on. Many of them do awaken to the jew behind the scene. But this does nothing. They're too scared to go around openly naming the jew. They're too scared and unorganized to take action against the blacks and communists. If we take the coward's way out and only talk about jews indirectly then we will accomplish nothing. Why let the enemy decide what weapons we can use? We should tap into the large pool of masses who already intuitively understand that something is wrong, and lead them straight into National Socialism.



You are either an FBI agent purposefully giving the worst advice, or you are the biggest idiot alive. We are not domestic terrorists. We are not anti-woman. We are not a religious movement. We are creating a vehicle for a new elite to govern a new society. Our primary goal is to govern, not just to attack the ZOG. They can foot any bill, and have millions of people to fill offices with, as their jobs are prestigious and sought after.

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9ddc5e  No.16033


Hitler wasn't sabatoged he was destroyed by the allies. A violent revoultion would work to cleanse the nation of the (((old elites))). Since at the end of the day "No man rules alone" but not every man is fit to rule and thus to vote for who is fit to rule. That just leads to degeneration through self-intrest and the other infinite problems liberalism has. A voting apparatus of any kind is not needed, and infact is terrible for the national-health that's what killed Mussolini. He would be a better example of why the old who helped the fall need to go, you can't build a new house if the foundation is rotted.

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9ddc5e  No.16035

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11d5e0  No.16039



I did not mean to propose democracy whatsoever, and I hope that that is not the message gotten from that paragraph.

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9ddc5e  No.16072


ah, my bad

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9ddc5e  No.16081

>>16011 "We must have our movement adopt a religion based on the orders of a degenerate outside pope!!"

What, why? National Socialism is a religion in of it's self, why do you need anything else. Especially a middle-eastern semetic relgion built on weakness? What are we going to do? Create an anti-pope and again have the problem of the fracturing of political power into non-state hands? It's a waste when we could just revive paganism molded with our ideals or just use Postive Christanity.

Infact pushing our ideals through religion always has the unintended consquence of people rejecting the doctrine as a whole because the gods at the end of the day don't exist.

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dcd3ea  No.16103


Or we could just go with no fucking religion

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674845  No.16137


>National Socialism is a religion in of it's self

People like you think "racial pride" is enough to motivate people when times get tough. Do you think the average German soldier was kept motivated by "racial pride", they of course were motivated by their culture, but above all, they were Christian soldiers fighting against the Synagogue of Satan. Any serious NATSOC movement must be a Christian movement.

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4986b0  No.16141


Actually, at the time, the average German was kept motivated by running water and heat in the winter. Culture and religion are terrible motivators when compared to three hots and a cot.

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9ddc5e  No.16152


A sane man won't die for purely material reasons ALONE as the usage of that material and death are not compadable.


I agree? Notice what I said at the end. If we are forced to institue a religion Catholism is the worst.


Yes racial thus national pride and wanting to protect your children and nation, even the world, from the destructive force of Marxism is a powerfull motivator.

Why would I kill for a God that tells me not to kill? And instead to turn the other cheek and bend over.

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4ce2b4  No.16168

You can tell this is a good OP, because (((certain people) immediately brought up the Christian vs Pagan divide. If you want to have this debate, please move it to a more relevant thread

Anyway, ere's my idea on how we get a proper organization going:

1. Organize online. Make your own group, or join an existing one. Will the group be a honeypot? Maybe. But remember that ZOG only has so much reach. If there are a thousand National Socialist groups, can the alphabet soup really infiltrate all of them? And even if they do infiltrate all of them, will they have enough political to put everyone behind bars? They can easily get individuals, but an entire movement? You can only bribe so many judges, make up so many laws, and jail so many political opponents until people start to take notice.

If you want to slow down the USA's Secret Police, keep everything legal, don't give anyone you don't fully trust your dox, and don't be a moron. Remember that this is a numbers game; they can arrest you with no consequences, but they can't arrest all of us without the public being suspicious.

Anyway, get each other's trust, start recruiting in meatspace, and make sure everyone who's part of your organization is willing to fight should the organization go to war

2. Step number two activates if one of two things happen:

Either ZOG has cracked down growing Nationalist movements, and is fully willing to sacrifice it's public relations because you've turned into such a threat


Your organization has grown large, and can't find more people to recruit

This is the fun part, the Big Igloo, the collapse, civil war, whatever you want to call it. Remember how I said to keep everything legal is step one? Forget all that. There have been enough threads on what a hypothetical nationalist uprising would look like, so I'll keep this brief. Bleed ZOG dry, then once it's sufficiently weakened, move on to step three

3. With ZOG's influence waning, form the ruling elite that OP mentioned.

4. End ZOG, form your government, nuke Israel, ???, profit

Basically, the crux of my idea would be to form a legal movement, all the while forming the top of your elite class. Once you're forced to, start the race war and wait until ZOG becomes weak. Once the law is in your hands continue forming the rest of the aristocracy.

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2709c9  No.16233

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>never accept those non-whites in the movement. That is the key point. Manipulate them. Incite them. But never join them. Use them to kill the jews, and kill them after their usefulness ends

National Socialist Germany had black soldiers in the military in African legions. George Lincoln Rockwell gave a speech to a thousand black muslims about racial separatism and received a standing ovation. We gain nothing by excluding the few like-minded non-whites that would want to cooperate and further our ends of balkanization and racial separatism.

The values that produce healthy men and healthy societies are innate to the fabric of the universe and anyone who abides by them, regardless of race, should be allowed to fight for them.


>There are no good minds that aren't Christian. By accepting non-catholics, you are opening the group to larpers that pretend to have brilliant minds, but turn out to be just larpers.

Glownigger distraction. A man can worship Christ, Odin, Avalokiteshvara, Hitler as an avatar of Vishnu, or whatever he pleases. It has no relevance in our political, racial movement. You need to shut the fuck up with your religious in-fighting shilling.

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674845  No.16240


Thank you anon. Glowniggers want NATSOC to be a 'whites only' movement. Thus making it easier to demonize and shut down. When the masses become attracted to NATSOC, not just one race, this is what the kike fears most.

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9ddc5e  No.16246

It's not that hard to get FEDs out of your group just pratice good OPSEC and don't be a retard. Oh and actually vet and seperate people based on trust level? Passing commands anymously down the line. It's not that hard, also there is a funny thing called an IRC. Not fucking Discord! (Talking about legal groups here glowie alien go away please not even American :< )

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a1e6da  No.16268

Great post. Shit like this is what I want out of this board.

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2cdc82  No.16345

Really good thread, thanks for the thread. I agree with the idea of looking physically fit to attract people into being mentally (and physically) healthy, thus right wing.

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21bd5a  No.16767


Good points

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e1b484  No.17388



Thank you.

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7803f9  No.19619

>it's a "thread gets slid because zoomers can't read" episode

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