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File: 6b91187d9eb8d02⋯.jpg (9.05 KB, 160x160, 1:1, Mandee Andree CHPD.jpg)

File: 9ef60c4eebab85c⋯.jpg (8.31 KB, 225x225, 1:1, mandee.jpg)

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58a787  No.12076

Mandee Andree is an undercover Narcotics Officer in Citrus Heights California and works for the Citrus Heights Police Department. (Her real name is Nicole Rizzi) Prior to 2013 Officer Rizzi previously worked for the Washington DC MPD as an undercover cop but she was fired from that department because while she was undercover on assignment she blew her own cover and as a result of her cover being blown she was publicly exposed, sued and fired.

How she blew her own cover in Washington DC, was because she was trying to live a trippel life, one of Nicole Rizzi the undercover cop who's assignment was to pose as a protester named Missy Thomson and the the third was as a Fanfiction writer buy the name of Snuffnyc/Snufftastic. Officer Rizzi claimed that she was the biggest lesbian, lesbian, who ever lesbianed and she wrote Fanfiction for a cop show called Rizzoli and Isles which was about some seemingly, maybe sort of gay cops that she seemed to base her life off of and made several references to how as her being a gay cop that her life was exactly like a fictional tv show.

Here are some links to news media articles from when she was, sued, fired and publicly exposed in Washington DC.




After Undercover officer Nicole Rizzi was fired from Washington DC MPD and publicly exposed she was somehow able to move to California and get a job with the Citrus Heights Police Department working as an undercover Narcotics officer, using the pseudonym (Mandee Andree) and posing as a heterosexual, female white supremist Meth Dealer in the Sacramento CA area. How this undercover cop was exposed for the second time in a row, this time being in Citrus Heights CA was because a guy she was living with had suspected she was a cop and started looking into it and stumbled across some news articles on the internet about a homosexual female undercover cop who was fired and exposed from the Washington DC MPD and when he was reading the article he seen photos of the undercover cop and he immediately recognized that woman cop in the photos was the woman he had been living with whom he knew as Mandee Andree and he exposed her for the second time. There are many articles flooded all over the internet about her all you have to do to read more on this story is google (Mandee Andree, Nicole Rizzi)

Here are some links to reference for her being exposed in Citrus Heights CA.






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2864da  No.12097

File: c65e4c71257a5df⋯.jpg (21.3 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 860e26d93a7512732bd347a18d….jpg)


>How this undercover cop was exposed for the second time in a row, this time being in Citrus Heights CA was because a guy she was living with had suspected she was a cop and started looking into it and stumbled across some news articles on the internet about a homosexual female undercover cop who was fired and exposed from the Washington DC MPD and when he was reading the article he seen photos of the undercover cop and he immediately recognized that woman cop in the photos was the woman he had been living with whom he knew as Mandee Andree and he exposed her for the second time.

She sounds like a true retard. Affirmative Action strikes again.

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a33567  No.12114


In general, cops are just blue niggers.

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7ddbbb  No.12121


So what is your interest in posting this? Are you a California white supremacist and are revelling in her exposure? Related to someone she snitched out?

You sound like you are on meth as you posted it is why I ask.

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7ddbbb  No.12123

Dice rollRolled 3 + 1 (1d4)

Shes not very attractive.

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99fc09  No.12195


Would certainly explain why they sent an undercover meth addict

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bd1739  No.12315

I'm giving this a bamp because everyone loves lipstick lesbians.

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