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File: dd4a5ab7571b0be⋯.jpg (9.75 KB, 220x290, 22:29, Dr. Walter Gross .jpg)

b833a1  No.12035[Last 50 Posts]

Dr. Walter Gross, the head of Rassenpolitisches Amt of the NSDAP:

>Most open to misinterpretation are National Socialist views on the relations between the various races of the world. It has been questioned whether the fundamental racial principles of the new world theory must not breed condescension, even contempt of people of different race. Quite the contrary; these very principles offer the very best guarantee for mutual tolerance and for the peaceful co-operation of all.

>We appreciate the fact that those of another race are different from us. This scientific truth is the basis, the justification and, at the same time, the obligation of every racial policy without which a restoration of Europe in our day is no longer practicable. Whether that other race is "better" or "worse" is not possible for us to judge. For this would demand that we transcend our own racial limitations for the duration of the verdict and take on a superhuman, even divine, attitude from which alone an "impersonal" verdict could be formed on the value or lack of such of the many living forms of inexhaustible Nature. But we of all people are too conscious of the inseparable ties of the blood and our own race to attempt to aspire to such an ultra-racial standpoint, even in the abstract.

>History, science and life itself tell us in a thousand ways that the human beings inhabiting the earth are anything but alike; that, moreover, the greater races are not only physically but especially spiritually and intellectually different from each other. Yesterday one passed this fact by, and in attempting to unify political, economic, cultural and religious standards for all nations of the earth, one was sinning against Nature, violating the natural attributes of various racial and national groups for the sake of a false principle. Today we bow to the racial differences existing in the world. We want every type of being to find that form of self-expression most fitted to its own particular requirements.

>The racial principles of National Socialism are, therefore, the surest guarantee for respecting the integrity of other nations. It is incompatible with our ideas to think of incorporating other nationalities in a Germany built up as a result of conquests, as they would always remain, because of their alien blood and spirit, a foreign body within the German State. Such foolhardy thoughts may be indulged in by a world which has as its goal economic power or purely territorial expansion of its frontiers, but never by a statesman thinking along organic, racial lines whose main care is the preservation of the greatness and along with it the essential unity of his people held together by the ties of blood relationship.

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b833a1  No.12036


>For this reason, we have nothing in common with chauvinism and imperialism because we would extend to other races peopling the earth the same privileges we claim for ourselves: the right to fashion our lives and our own particular world according to the requirements of our own nature.

>And if National Socialism would wish to see the unrestricted mixing of blood avoided for the individual, there is nothing in this to suggest contempt. After all, we Germans ourselves, viewed ethnologically, are a mixture. The National Socialist demand is only that the claims of the blood and the laws of biology should be more closely observed in future.

>Here again our standpoint is not so very far removed from that of other people with a sound mental outlook. The American Immigration Laws, for instance, are based on definite racial discrimination. The Europeans and the inhabitants of India, the Pacific Islands, and so on, have instinctively held aloof from a mingling of the blood, and both sides genuinely regard any transgression as very bad form. Nevertheless, this natural attitude in no way detracts from the possibility of close co-operation and friendly interaction. And, speaking on behalf of the new Germany, let me once more emphasize:

>We do not wish our people to intermarry with those of alien race since through such mingling of the blood the best and characteristic qualities of both races are lost. But we will always have a ready welcome for any guests who wish to visit us whether of kindred or foreign civilization, and our racial views only lead us to a fuller appreciation of their essential peculiarities in the same way as we would want our own peculiarities respected.

Oh, you thought that NatSoc ideology was racial supremacy? Silly American, mistaking the KKK with NatSoc ideology. Americans always make the dumbest assertions, don't they? Is it really, then, a surprise that the NatSocs really did not like the KKK? Is it really then a surprise that the criticism of the simplistic American mind was brilliantly pinned down by Goebbels? Is it really a surprise, then, that anything Americanized is a laughing stock of the original essence? Even the American Nazis during the 20th century looked phony, when judging photos.

I, personally, do not wish to associate myself with these silly people who assert a claim of superiority like a radical Jew. Not only is it contrary to NatSoc ideology, but it is also stupid and counterproductive to anyone who wishes to spread the word of racial difference. Racial difference is to be celebrated, and it's greatest appreciation is to be expressed, on a national level, in the effort of racial preservation.

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b833a1  No.12038

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637685  No.12039


whats your point chaim

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b833a1  No.12044


Like the title suggests, that racial supremacy is BS. Some will automatically jump to the conclusion that it means that we should racemix or some BS. That is not what I suggest, obviously. I agree with what Walter Gross said, as it makes sense, but many here think otherwise because they think that Nazi archetypes constructed by the Jewish press (and American ignorance) are legitimate representations of the ideology. KKK != NatSoc. The KKK is the "We wuz kangz" of racial theory and very semitic once one sees the parallels of jewish thought and nazi larpers. Modern day "nazis" are in irony the jews of another race who wish to impose their control on other races and declare themselves the "chosen ones". As we can see with Gross, that was not the ideology of the party, which then makes one think why there are so many people who will proclaim to be of the "master race" or something.

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b833a1  No.12046


It's then no wonder why the Jews say that race supremacists are envious of them, it is a way of saying:

>"We know you want to be the 'master race', but it will be us, not you, hence your resentment. You want to be in our position, hence your resentment."

Furthermore, you are only a hypocrite if you really are to say that your race is the 'best' or something. You can have a subjective view on it, sure, but to claim that this view is objective is no different than that view of the Rabbi.

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b833a1  No.12047

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b0eae3  No.12066

File: e1e59ad59b74389⋯.png (80.91 KB, 1237x1017, 1237:1017, scientific accomplishments….png)

This OP is Jewish horseshit. There is a Supreme Race on this planet and it isn't the fucking protohuman kikes who can't even process higher values or think in abstract reasoning like their nigger kin.

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b833a1  No.12069


You're just arguing like a Rabbi. Big mistake. The Jews are very clever people and are the reason we are in this state to begin with. A master race and yet it's struggling against an ethnic group that has vast control over everything. See how stupid it makes you sound? There aren't many Jews around so if you had as many Jews as there are Europeans then the chart would probably look quite different, and if not, then it would show the racial and cultural difference. I wouldn't get into this argument if I were you, as we are fighting against another group that sees itself as the master race and it is powerful. If it was really worse in these regards of power intelligence and control, then things would look different now, wouldn't they? In the end your logic justifies Jewish interests and are a rebuttal to your very own beliefs of superiority. A sane view would be that of which I already posted, and each race would be pleased with having their self governance and preservation in place.

Try to play the supremacy game. You're losing at what you deem makes you "supreme" anyway.

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b833a1  No.12070


There will also be a subconscious support of white genocide if you are someone who wants to commit genocide or rule over others anyway.

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b0eae3  No.12075

File: 5647e453c22b784⋯.pdf (5.05 MB, 100 facts about niggers.pdf)


Holy shit…you don't understand that there is already a global agenda to see us exterminated?

What are they going to do? Reup their hate and desire to murder us…make it 'twice as strong'?

Dream the only DREAM WORTH DREAMING a European ONLY planet.

Fuck all the rest of this subhuman trash that is part nigger and just takes up space and resources on this planet while destroying it.

I don't want to 'rule over them' I want them dead so that their betters can take their place.

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b833a1  No.12078


Lol. I know about the Jews very well, don't even get me started. But you are no better than a Jew in the end of the day, because you have the same interest as them, except the "chosen race" are Europeans. So you want a mass genocide of non Europeans, huh? Hahaha. Good luck with that one! Do you realize that other nations could then make claims to supremacy, with some other arguments that could, maybe, triumph your own and set the stage for being superior and establish a "Asian only" or something race dominated planet. It is stupid to do so, however, from an evolutionary standpoint, as you are denying the evolutionary advantages tied to the race that is linked with the blood and soil concept. Americans don't understand this, and they certainly don't understand culture, either, as they themselves are on foreign land, and racially speaking, their culture, when speaking of Europeans, is European, not native American. This will just show the decadent nature of being on foreign soil, from a cultural standpoint. And the assumption that only Europeans should be. What kind of Europeans are we talking about? The Germans? Nordics? The Italians? Good luck with that!

What needs to be done is have these groups separated into their native homelands for the sake of their own cultures and races.

What would eventually happen would be that this pipe dream of European brotherhood would shatter due to the differences that would ensue, since genetically speaking, these people would then change once again, as a result of an adaptation to the environment.

I just wonder how you plan to kill 6 billion people. Nukes? Jewish methods? The whole world would be united against you, and I am certain that it would be hard to garner much support from Europeans. You are quite the arrogant one to think that the whole world belongs to one race. It does not and is a quite arrogant way of viewing the world, very anti-nature, and quite Jewish as well.

Now tell me you are a christian, for the ultimate cherry on top.

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620010  No.12081


The White Master Race is objectively the superior race. All jews and leftists will be killed. All non-white races will suffer genocide.

There is no future for jews.

There is no future for leftists.

There is no future for non-whites.

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000000  No.12087


Well said.

It also amuses me how many Americans who claim to be "tr00 NatSocs" still perpetuate American memes such as 14/88 and that Hitler ever significantly used the term "white", when he actually said "Aryan".

Even on this board, where the majority claims to be a National Socialist, most people still deeply misunderstand the ideology. No, it's not "muh whypipo kill all nonwhites". It's not a chauvinist ideology: their nationalism, I don't remember who exactly said it, was a "pro-German" one, not an "anti-other" one, hence the famous remarks made by Hitler himself about his respect for other peoples, such as East Asians.

The only people they were openly aggressive against were Jews, but that was because they were mercilessly exploiting the German people, hence why this is consistent with the fundamentally "pro-German, not anti-other" nationalism concept in National Socialism.

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000000  No.12088


>The White Master Race is objectively the superior race.

According to which criteria? Being the best cattle?

I agree.

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b833a1  No.12089


And what makes whites (which whites?) the "superior race"? What makes them better than the Chinese, Japanese or Jews? You could make the case that the Jews are evil, but your solution is even more evil, funnily enough.

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000000  No.12091

ITT: Silly KKK-tier amerimutts getting BTFO.

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1a7859  No.12096

File: 26a2596bcfadf59⋯.pdf (2.72 MB, SS - Race theory and Mate ….pdf)

OP seems to be mistaking the lack of cartoon-villain schindler's list style evil in the NSDAP for a lack of racial awareness.

Stinks like a kike with an agenda.

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b833a1  No.12117


Well, it looks like you are just a retard than can't read what I have written here. Of course, there should be racial consciousness, but that doesn't make racial supremacy correct. Are you just stupid, or are you just too lazy to read?

Let me have a look:

>We are not so presumptuous, however, to believe that all cultures, even in earlier times,

can only be credited to the Nordic race. Folks with other racial composition have also

created cultures. In us, however, other feelings are roused if we try to relate to the cultures

of Old China, Babylon or the old Indian cultures of the Aztecs (in present-day Mexico)

and the Incas (in present-day Peru). It cannot be denied: those were also high cultures; but

towards them we feel undeniably foreign. They are not related to us, but rather, are of

foreign race. A different spirit speaks from them. Never did these foreign cultures reach a

commensurate peak with those based on Nordic spirit.

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3bf509  No.12119


>blah blah blah, everything must be done like in the 1930s.

While Germany never officially declared supremacy of one race or subrace, there were plenty of Nordicists in NSDAP.

I do not consider myself as National Socialist but simply anti-ZOG white supremacist. Also I am not American, but European.

I see Hitler just as a man who fought against the kikes. I despise all people who still preach peace, system, christcuck values, anything more soft and unstraight, say "nationalism for all" or any other alt-lite type of centrist thought.

I see whites as the most evolved race out of all populations on Earth, who should replace all other races before they become too strong.

>blah blah blah, you are just like kikes if you embrace racial supremacy.

All races have embraced their racial supremacy except whites, whites just have embraced the deadly poison of peace.

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d9cd51  No.12122


Most of those cultures do have some relation with Indo-Europeans tho.

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b833a1  No.12124



>there were plenty of Nordicists in NSDAP

And Jews.

>whites just have embraced the deadly poison of peace

You're assuming that means other than some crazy mass genocide aren't an alternative.


And those races could flip it on the head and say that the indo-Europeans were enriched because of them.

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4da44e  No.12127

The superiority of some races when compared to others is self evident.

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b833a1  No.12145



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d9cd51  No.12149


And it would most likely be a lie considering that the more archeologists study proto-europeans and indo-europeans the more advanced they realize these people were/are.


Are you going to pretend that blacks(with a few exceptions) aren't a naturally inferior race?Same thing goes for Dravidians and Abos?

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b833a1  No.12154


They are completely different and belong to a different land. I view it like with animals and nature, I don't proclaim there to be a "superior animal", but there will be animals with different traits, better or worse that are a result of the process of survival of the fittest. For the whites or any race to proclaim this moniker over others is to me contradictory to this principle as it denotes the racial connection to the soil/environment and somewhat takes away the value and tie of a nation to it's own soil. The absence of any legitimate culture in the US to me demonstrates this fact.

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d9cd51  No.12157


Creatures evolve on the basis of their environment but certain environments encourage evolution to be more active in certain groups,a polar bear will completely dominate other bears if they were put in the same area,same thing for dogs it would either end with smartest breed winning or the strongest.

The same thing can be said about the different races that make the human species,the environments they lived in and the way that they adapted to these regions affected the way they are and it did grant them different benefits,but if we were to put all these same races competing in the same region with all of them abandoning their sense of morality,Whites/Aryans would most likely come out on top by having a natural combination of a strong and stocky physique that encourages physical strength,high level of intelligence and creativity and by arguably being the most adaptable race.

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b0eae3  No.12174


You say all that bullshit like it was 'good'. But everything you say is why Hitler lost. I guess it is 'good' if you like losing. We are not going to lose.

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b833a1  No.12179


But these bears don't insist on other bears to cease to exist, rather they have their territory on which they evolved. Conflict between such emerges, but a result will be their separation. The survival of the fittest is in relation also to other species, not just other bears.

>a polar bear will completely dominate other bears if they were put in the same area

And if they were put in a different one (say a non-polar one) then I think that the polar bear would have a problem.

Dogs are artificially bred to be adorable enough for humans, or aggressive enough enough like with bulldogs. Maybe a bulldog would tear any of the other dogs apart, but is that really what makes a good dog?

>The same thing can be said about the different races that …

You are viewing this from a militaristic point of view that denotes concepts like the tie to the soil and the symbiotic relationship of race and culture that grows as a result. Your argument throws our ties to Europe under the bus and thus disregards the notion "Europe for Europeans". So why then can't Asians come here, claim themselves to be superior, nuke the whole of Europe to the ground and proclaim themselves the master race as they have outwitted the whites. In practice, the Jews are winning, and yet the whites, who you are claiming to be the best, are losing. It took the Jews, according the narrative spread here, with their propaganda used in allied countries to take down the Axis, they used the US and other allied countries like Golems to do their bidding. Does this means the Jews are superior? It only means that they are perfect manipulators and deceivers, and great at accumulating wealth, which the Chinese are observant of. They don't seem to be deceived with the Jewish lies. The Chinese along with the Japanese have a higher IQ than your average white. Does this make them superior over the whites? Jews are horrendous at art and anything of the sort and have no sense of beauty and it is no wonder why he didn't mesh well with the whites who are more idealistic by comparison. Blacks are great at athletic abilities. You will often see them dominating in fields like sprinting. Jesse Owens was a good example.

You also disregard the nature that provides food fit for the European, the amount of sunshine the land has (too much and you are sunburnt, skin cancer, …) and so on. The European will only lose his European identity with something foreign to him. If he is to be adapted to the environment, he will have to resort to artificial means, which indicate that he is unfit to live in the area in the first place. Down the line with time, if we account for the way this environment will make this European evolve, he will be quite different, and the European African will evolve into something different, but what? How then will this question be addressed? Start all over again? You are ignoring the tie to the homeland and adaption to it too much for my liking.

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b833a1  No.12181


So say then, what was supposed to be done?

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a1c434  No.12188

What la creatura burger still fail to understand, is that there is no such thing as a "white race". There are Slavs, there are Finns, there are Germans. The NatSocs knew this, and we've always been killing each other. The differences between the many peoples of Europe go beyond the lines of culture and language.

All races of the world should unite against communism and the Jews. The chinese should also be exterminated, while the blacks need a culling. This is not in order to assert some kind of supremacy, but because the world will literally die if the chinese, indian and negroid swarms of insects are able to spread unnopposed, for they consume resources and pollute the world without a care, destroying all nature around them.

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b833a1  No.12191



Not a race, but a European group that shares similar Slavonic languages. Some slavs were viewed more favorably than others, some more neutral. The Croats more favorably, the Czechs and Slovaks more neutrally, the Poles and Russians (?) less so, all based on their racial mixture.

>chinese should also be exterminated, while the blacks need a culling

Well, I think there are better means of achieving such, like with propaganda or something similar. I agree with the criticism, but that is unnecessary. I think positive things could be achieved without resorting to this.

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000000  No.12207




You fucking delusional autists, what is even the point of discussing this? We live in the age of MAD, it will be at least a century until anything like exterminating the Chinese becomes remotely plausible. Now, what is plausible is you retarded LARPers getting exterminated by jews in your own countries in the coming decades. Winning a conflict like this one necessitates two things:

1) Focusing on your goal

2) NOT spreading thin in other directions.

You'd love nothing else than irrationally create as many fronts as possible because, being animals, you are easily distracted. Surprise, the kikes want the same of you! Go fight Christian niggers instead of media moguls. Go fight faggots and trannies instead of divorces and abysmal birth rates. Go fight Asian engineers instead of jewish megacorporations. Go fight Russians and East Europeans and whoever you deem non-white later. This cartoonish supremacist grandstanding is self-defeating, because it originates in a less mixed and more idealistic world (and even then, it was a caricature). For every new enemy you make, you alienate a few members of your group who find your violence unjustified. Your only hope of not being in a hopelessly tiny minority is convincing other people – other whites especially – that you only wish to fight those who are hostile and damaging to you. You don't understand the position you are in, nor how high the stakes are, and are playing right into enemy's hands.

> This is a naked appeal to the ethnic interests of his ethnic group — exactly the problem with the “scientists” reviewed in The Culture of Critique. Race realists associated with the Alt Right, on the other hand, have tended to go with the data. They accept the findings that the IQs of Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians are higher than White means. The main issue, after all is White identity and White interests in being able to construct their own societies as other groups around the world have done and continue to do — whatever their talents or deficiencies compared to other groups.


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a1c434  No.12213



Hitler considered them a race, to the point their presence he attributed to the downfall of the Hapsburg Dynasty.

>you can control chinks and nigs with propaganda

Heh keep dreaming fool. You cannot reason with an all-consuming swarm. It does not think. It does not feel. It only devours. The chinks are the second greatest threat to our existence after the Jews. Niggers will be wiped out by the chinks eventually, if you love them so much then you'll agree with my proposal of a culling, after we deal with the Han menace.

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b833a1  No.12217


You just don't understand propaganda. Slavs aren't a homogeneous group. I was unclear.

>to the point their presence he attributed to the downfall of the Hapsburg Dynasty

I didn't read that but I could presume it was out of a conviction that multiple races/ethnicities clash which was caused by the slavs.

As I already mentioned before, slavs can be more and less ethnic European or germanic, hence the various views of different slavic peoples.

>You cannot reason with an all-consuming swarm

It is funny you say that as you by these words admit that the chinks are conformist to corporate propaganda. You should watch the documentary called "The Century of the Self" that exposes the corporate propaganda.

The biggest threat the chinks are to is themselves and their environment. I don't see why I should be afraid of them.

Your proposals are not only crazy but lack any sophistication and calculation whatsoever, which is unimpressive, to say the least.

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d9cd51  No.12219


Animals if allowed would enter the other animals territories without hesitation the only thing that keeps them separated are natural barriers,if those were removed they would either fight for territory or breed with eachother.

>And if they were put in a different one (say a non-polar one) then I think that the polar bear would have a problem.

I didn't understood what you meant by this.

There are dogs that are objectively "good" dogs most sheperd dogs would be in this category because they are a combination of both strong enough to defend the herd and intelligent enough to help guide,and most pet dogs are useless and just created out of human arrogance.

>You are viewing this from a militaristic point of view that denotes concepts like the tie to the soil and the symbiotic relationship of race and culture that grows as a result.

Well we are in a time where the situation will either break into conflict or we die a slow and miserable death,so it makes sense to look at it from a combatitive point of view,and there is no truly peaceful way of removing foreigners from our lands without angering the nations from which this people herald from.

>Your argument throws our ties to Europe under the bus and thus disregards the notion "Europe for Europeans".

"Europeans" once inhabited far more territory than we do today both from our time as colonizers(colonial era) and from our time as conqueror and adventurers(Indo-europeans),and we saw these lands being taken away from us either by cowardly means aka the jewish way or by legitimate conquest,both of which have one thing in common,and that is that the people who live in the lands they took from us claim our culture and history as their own because they are the current inhabitants of those lands and they often do such vile things as destroying our monuments and history out of pettyness.So why should we look at these people as our equals when they often insult us and demean us out of undeserved hubris?

>So why then can't Asians come here…

Asians do claim themselves as superior all the time,and if they could they would turn us into slaves.

>In practice, the Jews are winning…

Nepotism,greed and pretending to being white is what often allowed them to get into such positions of power the only reason they exist was because whites never had the ruthlessness to wipe them out completely,so yes i would consider them inferior remove our empathy towards them in the past and they wouldn't exist today,remove their golems today and they would be wiped out in a week,jews are unable to survive on their own that is why they are considered parasites,and China is filled with jewish influence,honestly China isn't that far from suffering the same fate as Burgerland.

>The Chinese along with the Japanese have a higher IQ than your average white.

The Japanese i can believe,China not so much they probably just test their best students,not to mention whites have a larger/wider? Standard Deviation which means more geniuses and retards.

>Blacks are great at athletic abilities. You will often see them dominating in fields like sprinting. Jesse Owens was a good example.

They are just good at sprinting/running,at anything else they are actually pretty weak,with whites and asians dominating all other sports.

>You also disregard the nature that provides food fit for the European, the amount of sunshine the land has (too much and you are sunburnt, skin cancer, …) and so on.

Mate,Europeans have great adaptability to their environment just look at the Boers,or when the Spaniards colonized the Americas and Blacks can also get sunburnt,food can be grown almost everywhere these days.

>The European will only lose his European identity with something foreign to him. If he is to be adapted to the environment, he will have to resort to artificial means, which indicate that he is unfit to live in the area in the first place.

Once again we inhabited a lot of these territories you would say we are unfit for in the past,and our culture can still be linked from China to the Americas,our culture will never be lost no matter the land unless foreign races claim it as their own.Culture is tied more to the people than to the land.


The Natsocs definitely considered the other European Races as their brothers,though they did have brothers that they didn't like as much such as the Russian slavs and some Polish slavs.


Well he isn't wrong Slavs and Germans have always been remarkably similar genetically.

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1a7859  No.12220

File: bc3d253e08fbd83⋯.jpg (329.18 KB, 750x1062, 125:177, ChiNese Revolt.jpg)


>Don't worry about china goy

I was wondering what was at the heart of your pedantic, egalitarian screeds.

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0b057d  No.12222

File: 0878e457fba39a0⋯.jpg (49 KB, 599x162, 599:162, jew MK race mixing quote.jpg)

File: e94bdf536faf1ba⋯.jpg (910.4 KB, 1477x1906, 1477:1906, diversity SS_global race.jpg)

File: 178420bdd5b6f5a⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 500x449, 500:449, diversity all races wehrma….jpg)

Kek the kikes and the glowniggers hate when NSDAP truth about having no claims to racial supremacy is outed.

Most of you niggers actually ignored the sauce, just shitflinged to try and derail it.

The Wehrmacht was the most diverse of any modern fighting force, period. Boomers have no answer to that.

Most normalfags think da ebil nadzees did


>killed all non whites

>killed all without blonde hair (yes goyim, hitler was blonde!!11!)

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b833a1  No.12227


I'll only address the point that culture sprouts both from the environment and the people themselves.


Alright, explain the threat if it is so self-evident.

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d24d17  No.12336

File: ec6b3eff48f4979⋯.jpg (25.36 KB, 665x574, 95:82, am_I.jpg)

File: 2f1c67d5a8db46f⋯.png (1.14 MB, 2480x2480, 1:1, I_am.png)


You mean winning like the KKK? That laughingstock of rednecks endlessly circlejerking each other about being the master race and doing exactly squat all?

If you are such a smooth-brained troglodyte that cannot into thinking, you had better leave this place and fast. Go back to leddit or cuckchan, where you belong.

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4923ef  No.12342


I always considered it odd that so many young natsoc-enthusiasts would delve so deep into the Supremecy meme.

What we hate so much about the jew is the fact that under its rule, atrocities are normalized. Prostitution is par for the course in Israel. Child humiliation and torture are common-course events.

The NatSoc ideal is anti-jew, which, in turn, means pro-humanity.

We should lead by example. Show Gods creations what beauty is through action. All of Gods creations, which alienates the jew. Their creator can see one side of our movement until they're driven from this realm. God hates them, and thus, we must as well.

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79da85  No.12344

File: 86b994fe366d062⋯.jpg (638.14 KB, 4000x2700, 40:27, Aryan.jpg)


The KKK is just a lefty talking point, retard. You just outed yourself.

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aa8cc5  No.12370

File: 9e9ff97606b197a⋯.webm (932.77 KB, 250x250, 1:1, omg secret nazi.webm)

Most people have this idea that if you think your race is superior to other races then it necessarily must result in death camps for the lesser races, but there's no reason why that would be the case.

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da10a9  No.12372

File: d6e0e152ba2264f⋯.gif (1.26 MB, 400x225, 16:9, RACE WAR.gif)

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b833a1  No.12395


That is what many here are claiming should be done though. I think it is needed to distinguish pride and preference in one race and justification of only it's existence.

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c78c68  No.12923

File: e65c535bced048e⋯.png (25.34 KB, 1227x597, 409:199, Brain_Size_Map.png)


>m-muh non-hierarchical teleonomy

If your biology makes it impossible to advance post the iron age then semantics aside for all practical purposes you are inferior.

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c78c68  No.12929


>Most people have this idea that if you think your race is superior to other races then it necessarily must result in death camps for the lesser races

These are subhuman races' projections. You've probably noticed that wherever shitskins of any kind become socially dominant Whites (and other minorities) get wiped out soon after. We still have to entertain the thought though since almost every other race has proven to be an existential threat to us.

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000000  No.13064




The problem with "every race in their separate place" thinking is that it ignores the fact that no one wants to live in their shithole after they see what white societies are like. Jealousy breeds contempt and people who "feel inferior" even subconsciously will eventually lash out and invent reasons to justify violence. American blacks are like this, de white man be keepin us down mufugga.

This is why "death camps" or similar are inevitable. Tolerating inferiors is not something that happens in nature, and we know going against natural order is a recipe for disaster.

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bf796b  No.13083


Can you be any more of a jew? I'll save a special place in the gas chambers for you

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4da357  No.14312


>Even the American Nazis during the 20th century looked phony, when judging photos.

Yeah, but Rockwell was based, though.

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e9b6a9  No.14327


I think you mistake a desire to genocide all non-whites with superiority and at this point it is a fight for survival to do so, and shortly after survival is assured it will become a fight over who thrives, we will either have to kill all who are incompatible with this or die ourselves.

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f74375  No.14340

Yes, because every NatSoc leader agreed on foreign policy and this guy's views trumps Hitler's view in lebenstraum and that races must naturally struggle for living space to further evoultion. The arguments against National Socialism just keep. getting. dumber.

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f74375  No.14343

"The strong just DOMINATE and not mate with the weaker…" - Adolf Hitler

Read Adolf Hitler Zweites Buch please if goes over the struggle.

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f74375  No.14345


Must* not just

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a8c92c  No.14363


>Race supremacy is BS

Spam thread left up for five days.

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6964ab  No.14390


So National SOCIALISM was just like modern Democratic Socialism, all about dat diversity?

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6964ab  No.14393

File: dc2762eb6ff8726⋯.png (111.69 KB, 856x539, 856:539, EQ.png)


Brain size is irrelevant. What's actually important is EQ. White EQ is notably, barely better than that of the negro.

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000000  No.15066


You have literally no argument. You can't process the fact that your beloved ideology isn't about race supremacy, as you previously believed, and therefore resort to mere name calling.

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f74375  No.15126

Yes, because this guy's shitpost trumps the words and actions of Hitler who supported the subjecation of lesser races as a process of evoultion.

The fact that you keep spamming this no matter the replys proves to me you have sinister intentions.

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4da357  No.15152


The planet by default is diverse, all National Socialism was about was preserving this diversity, not have forced mixing of everyone and calling that "diversity."

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f01bb4  No.15277


I have to agree with him but he was a loser much like whites are today. Hitler would be rolling in his grave if he noticed that most who believe in him are 400lb lardbeasts and CIA operatives that pretend to be about the cause. Jewish types appreciate what makes themselves different and makes the world conform to them, whites just whine about the Jewish man bringing them down instead of improving their lives and making something of themselves.

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e9b6a9  No.15283


And here we have the great flaw in National Socialism, it denies that the struggle to survive is the only real natural law and if we had ever adhered to that we would have no niggers no kikes and no other races with which to because we would have done the only thing we can do under this brutal rule, kill them all because they would kill us given the chance and that is exactly what happens every day we keep up this charade, we have two choices keep following useless ideologies that lead us to do things that will not help our race or kill those opposed to us, by their very nature wholesale and never look back. Which would you choose?

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f74375  No.15296


Ignoring the fact that that is a core part of National Socialism. And that idea or the "struggle

for bread and survival" as Hitler put it, it's how evoultion works. To say National Socialism goes against that is a lie and people who push such blatant lies to destabilize the movement deserve the rope.

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f74375  No.15305

Read Hitler's Zweites Buch the first part destroys what you said also actually read the Mein Kampf glowie. And even in your quotations he supports the idea of a higher race "The greater races are not only pyschically but spirtually and intellectually different from eachother"

He was clearly talking about Northern Europeans or "whites" as a whole not niggers.

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35de39  No.15335



>still using a jewish made fake meme

You have to go back tornigger

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e9b6a9  No.15343



I was specifically stating that it doesn't go far enough, so long as Africans, Kikes, Asians, and any other race exists in any great number if at all, the white race is in danger, if you think we can accomplish what we want to accomplish and "preserve" any other race but our own, you are the delusional glowie, I am not opposed to National Socialism but i am opposed to it's desire to save idiot liberals from themselves and to take the place of self-sufficiency from people in any way including healthcare all any form of welfare does is breed weakness and dependency on the state two things that will only lead to this entire situation re-occuring again in a few hundred years at most, we either kill all weakness and any opposing forces, and all other races that might compete with us and kill our people, once and for all and build our society to promote strength self-sufficiency and so on or the weak will again take our power from us and use it to destroy us.

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b833a1  No.15345


>"The greater races are not only pyschically but spirtually and intellectually different from eachother"

You fucking idiot I am here the entire timr saying that yes, there are differences, but that is not a mentality that justifies an anti-other race mentality. The waffen over time had more and more nationalities join in, there was even an SS division that was arabic and each received a copy of the Koran from Hitler himself.

Don't believe me?


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b833a1  No.15351


To be more specific, each man from the Arabic division, in case some Ku Klux Kuck doesn't understand.

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e9b6a9  No.15367


I am no Ku Klux Kuck, I want justice for my people and my people live on every continent and on every one of these continents they are abnused persecuted and killed by the others, all others must be killed or contained or this will keep happening. National Socialism will not allow this and is therefore incorrect, as a system of governance or philosophy it is fine but it will never be allowed to happen or to prosper so long as an Other exists.

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8a8cd9  No.16143

File: d23b1a6bc5e053e⋯.png (98.65 KB, 1295x927, 1295:927, kek.png)


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000000  No.16439

>no one wants to live in their shithole after they see what white societies are like.

May have been true centuries ago, but certainly not now.

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000000  No.16441


>jewish made fake meme

You haven't been outside much in the US nowadays, haven't you?

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