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5d9f69  No.11846

Police presence will increase in three Brooklyn neighborhoods in response to a surge of reported hate crimes.

“Anti-Semitism is an attack on the values of our city — and we will confront it head-on,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Twitter.

> The announcement of the increased foot and car patrols comes as the Police Department’s Hates Crimes Task Force investigates eight “alarming” anti-Semitic incidents since Dec. 13, the police said. The latest two incidents reported to the authorities happened on Friday — both in Crown Heights, the police said. Shortly before 7 a.m., an unidentified man walked into the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters, approached a member of the Hasidic community and threatened to shoot someone, the police said.

> Earlier in Crown Heights, a little after midnight, a woman identified as Tiffany Harris, 30, slapped three women in the face, the police said. Despite the reports, Crown Heights was humming with pedestrian traffic on Friday afternoon.

> Anti-Semitic hate crime complaints have increased by 18 percent this year, according to data provided by the Police Department. The department received 214 anti-Semitic hate crime complaints as of Sunday — 32 more than in the same period last year. Moishe Mindick, a music and Judaism teacher who lives in Crown Heights, said he and his neighbors were taking action. Mr. Mindick, 31, belongs to a WhatsApp group of more than 90 people called Make Crown Heights Safe Again, which he said was organizing patrols in response to the incidents.

> Evan Bernstein, the Anti-Defamation League’s regional director for New York and New Jersey, said that Mr. De Blasio’s action was a good step, but that more needed to be done to combat anti-Semitism in New York City. “Policing is important, but it can’t be the only solution,” Mr. Bernstein said. “There needs to be a real plan at the micro and macro level with elected officials, to get to as many young people as possible. No one is born hating. Hating someone is a learned behavior.”




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8834b7  No.11849


sure would be a shame if we convinced them all to go over to israel then executed the samson option, ridding the world of the infestation once and for all.

feeling a wee bit neurotic these days heebies?

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16fa21  No.11851

So the popo is like the kike version of the 'sharia police'? I told you guys it was a great idea to encourage the nigger by telling them the jew has gold in its head and you just have to crack it open to get it.

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16fa21  No.11854


Do they get a day off from neurosis?

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4315aa  No.11858


>Do they get a day off from neurosis?

No but imagine being king-jew trying to corral your herd back to the mothership after some(anons)one planted in their head that there is a conspiracy to get them back there so we could nuke them all at once?

might make things a tad bit more difficult. no?

they have a text book on this shit. It's literal rollout, rinse off, repeat for centuries.

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16fa21  No.11861


Do glom on my conspiracy anon. I have been telling them for years that we are going to glass their fucking asses the second we get them 'all in one location'…it is better than hunting them through the streets and slaughtering them til rivers of blood flow under our feet. B'sides as a bonus they all get to go home to Inferno together at the same time. I still think race specific bioweapons are the way to go…much better than nukes.

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8c2e8c  No.11864

File: 8410503f51a7e5f⋯.jpg (127.77 KB, 660x504, 55:42, 1509561823176.jpg)

File: 2e3b94ec7006545⋯.jpg (151.33 KB, 1080x1010, 108:101, 7JN8nlj.jpg)

Red pilling blacks about jewish slave ships and slave owners and current day usury is a winning strategy. Make the blacks our golems.

I know you are rightfully repulsed by blacks and believe me, I am too. But they are our ally in this war. Nigger hate is justified, but a total waste of energy as long as there are jews around. The nigs will be easy to dispatch, but not until the jews are gone.

Marry a jewess, get your kids to boil off. Love is what we do best. Do not reduce yourself to their level.

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c3cc4e  No.11872

We should concentrate all jewish people on camps for their own protection.

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16fa21  No.11873


Stick your dick in a kikenigger? Wow…that is absolutely disgusting, but you probably fuck niggers as well. I bet you smell like hell and troll cunt cheese.

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954a10  No.11874

I'm all for niggers attacking kikes personally. Probably the only thing niggers are good for.

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8c2e8c  No.11890



The jews think intermarriage is genocide and they are correct. Your gentile sex magick is a weapon, anon. Get in shape and they jew girls won't be able to resist your manliness.

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135fd5  No.11896

File: 4d2e37fdad01eb4⋯.jpg (432.8 KB, 1624x1597, 1624:1597, instauration the real chos….jpg)


Breeding jewish women is how you make more jews. You are entirely retarded.

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16fa21  No.11897


The only thing this does is destroy your lineage forever with inferior niggerkike DNA. Kikes are part niggers and not fucking material of any sort unless you are partial to being POZZED. They are further down the genetic tree towards monkeys and they are not as complex as pure human's/Europeans. They are more 'diverse' and she is only trying to ride your cock so that she can take a step up the evolutionary ladder just like a nigger wants to ride you in order to be less of an ape. You will fuck over all the rest of the White race by producing a disgusting mongrel that will betray our people from the inside.

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16fa21  No.11900


They are gene theives. Their average IQ is 84 and they are always looking for ways to fuck over Whites and stab us in the back from inside our nations…but at the same time they want the high IQ and DNA of Whites and the purity of the White race for their own. Jealous fucking nigger 'gibs me dat' bitches are culturally, morally and religiously exactly like niggers. They even look like niggers. Do not fuck the kikenniggers, ever.

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499790  No.11905

File: 0492ca39bd858ca⋯.jpg (47.51 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, thas rite.jpg)

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I, for one, welcome our new hebrew overlords.

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417b3f  No.11963


The overall ridiculousness of modern society is unbearable, but little shit like black israelites slaughtering kikes without giving a fuck is pretty funny.

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3cad82  No.11980


I am completely ok with changing history books to reflect black niggers as the "chosen ones" if it should mean the dethroning of the jew niggers from their mantle at the mouthpiece of society.

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6ddd53  No.12030



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255cc2  No.12150

File: 01340847f525b80⋯.jpg (46.95 KB, 615x410, 3:2, ban assualt sling shots.jpg)

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meanwhile in palestine

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7f6dd7  No.12153


let that boomerang strike its sender

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86521e  No.12292

Happy Hanukkaust pol!

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86521e  No.12293


The genes for psychopathy are found on the X chromasome. By emphasizing matrilinial descendance they guarantee every jew is born psychopathic.

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ee7f15  No.12389

File: f90968ca1cdd7ed⋯.png (1.74 MB, 910x898, 455:449, 1445036552929.png)


>will increase Police presence

>implying more police will stop nogs being nogs when there's already 4 police cars per block in Jewish areas

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ee7f15  No.12402

File: 717f252407d9345⋯.jpg (33.2 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1439936413236.jpg)


>So the popo is like the kike version of the 'sharia police'?

They already send majority of the police force to to those areas despite being understaffed. If they pull more of the police in jewish areas the city will just end up being more lawless than what already is now. You can't just employ tons of patrol squads out of nowhere.

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255cc2  No.12404


what are these incidents trying to slide?

US airstrike against Iran? Something else? Or just the cyclical sympathy generation?

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