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File: 04a043a09ad00bd⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, gay-jesus.jpg)

16a3d5  No.11831

Hours later, three men posted a video online taking credit for the attack

A masked man said, in a distorted voice, that the group set out to “seek justice” on behalf of “all Brazilians against the blasphemous, bourgeois and anti-patriotic attitude” of the filmmakers, who were denounced as “militant Marxists.”


> The group in the video called itself a Popular National Insurgence Command and used terms that harken back to a fascist movement that was active in Brazil during the 1930s. Police officials in Rio de Janeiro confirmed the video is legitimate and are studying it and the surveillance footage that captured the attack to identify suspects. At least four men were involved, police said.

>Since “The First Temptation of Christ” was released in early December, many conservatives in Brazil, which is home to more Catholics than any other country in the world and to a fast-growing conservative evangelical population, have responded with outrage. In the film, Jesus comes home for his 30th birthday with a flamboyant male partner.



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988b79  No.11832

They didn't even burn that shit to the ground. Tell them to FUCK OFF until they manage something real.

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02194a  No.11838


fuck off anon, give credit where due.

It starts with a bottle and ends with mass book-burnings and green pastures.

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5a2c75  No.11852

File: b4e0c89f7e59579⋯.jpg (80.98 KB, 695x538, 695:538, inverse windwill on fat te….jpg)

False flag.

Trust me, I'm brazilian and white.

The faggot on the left >>11831 will soon be arrested for hacking right-wingers, so he is trying to create a "political prisoner" narrative.

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16a3d5  No.11859


> your pic

What does it say, Portu-bro?

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0b4f07  No.11865


why is backward?

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7b3293  No.11868



Crazy lesbian leftist tried to pull a Jessie Smollett by saying three Bolsonaro voters grabbed her on the street, beat up and insulted her then used a knife to make that swastika.

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988b79  No.11869


Did she 'try'? It appears she did pull off a Smollett.

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7b3293  No.11870


It was an attempt because no big names in the (((media))) bothered running to virtue signal off her, a few days later it was noticed she was refusing to go to the police or the doctors for forensic evidence and it was quietly dropped by everyone.

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988b79  No.11876


>it was quietly dropped by everyone

There is your problem right there…that bitch should be swinging from a tree still today…just think how easily she could have ruined some innocent persons life forever with her false accusations. We need to start exterminating these people quietly if we can't get justice from our governments.

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653741  No.11879


And how long does that take, eh? Because people have been lobbing bottles and doing little shit for decades. When comes the green pastures?

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7b3293  No.11881


You don't have to tell me m8. At least people are starting to wake to the bullshit, a couple of weeks ago niggers died on an stampede in a favela after attacking cops and the cops pushing back, the media tried its hardest to push the "cops are evil they dindu nuffin!!!!" narrative but no one was having it so they had to stop.

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988b79  No.11884


When the subhumans are dead and we live in a genetic European ONLY world.

Anon, dream the only dream worth dreaming.

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653741  No.11889


That's nice, but it doesn't answer my question. For every subhuman killed, 20 more are born. Nobody's doing anything big. It's been decades! How much longer shall we wait?

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7189d9  No.11891


Brazillian anons should organize investigative groups in order to expose as many personal info from the Porta dos Fundos' members as possible. Both to incriminate them (them being leftists ensures that they have crimes hidden) as well as to make it easier to track and kill them all. Follow the example of anons inciting niggers to kill jews in America, and do the same in Brazil, by inciting niggers to kill leftist artists such as the members of that group. Simple information about how "leftist artists are the true racists", "leftist artists don't respect your beliefs" and how "leftist artists steal the money of black people" is enough to send some niggers into a rampage killing of many of those leftists.

This >>11876

Mass killings/true justice disregarding anything and anyone who opposes true justice is the only way to go. The government must either serve the will of white men, or burn along with the enemies of white men, including some white women who fell into degeneracy.


and act upon making it a reality, no matter the costs. OR to destroy everything, if that reality isn't achievable. It is either we win, or nobody wins.

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988b79  No.11892


>It is either we win, or nobody wins.

This is how we must view the battle. It is all or nothing. We are the only race on the planet who doesn't KNOW and ACT this way already because of our pathological altruism. No other race on the planet 'cares about the other races' or betrays their race in favor of subhumans.

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154b7a  No.12086


Precisely. and it must not be "a view". It is the reality itself. The world IS made for white people only. All other races must be eliminated.

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4a439b  No.12104


lmao typical tricks

>hey rabbi, whatcha burning?

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3ee355  No.12156


Pathological altruism is bullshit. We act this way because of mass brainwashing in media and the public school system, our ancestors certainly did not have this issue and our people have no issue grouping up into tribes to this day, they just do it within the tribes its considered socially acceptable to like political party affiliations.

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9607c2  No.12175


They made provocative films on purpose, then get squeeky when someone is provoked.

It's done so that governments crack down on normal far-right conservatives, because of the actions of a violent few.

Learn to meme Brazil.

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8a3cd8  No.12273

Where's the video?

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962b7e  No.12277

If you've ever lived in a third world country you'll realize that the narrative is always controlled by someone, and they always orchestrate the actions of all sides, sometimes without even the involved individuals realizing it. This shitstorm is another false flag, both the faggot and the masked men are controlled by the same bunch of people. This is why political solutions never ever work in those countries.

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771b86  No.12346

File: baeb98dfb69bc1f⋯.jpg (315.11 KB, 1332x888, 3:2, Popecuck.jpg)


To be fair, they're correct in depicting Jesus as a faggot because christians are faggots. They're the only religion you can insult like this without consequences. And throwing some shitty molotovov cocktails at a building doesn't count as "consequences", sorry. The jews who created this are probably happy because the insurance company will pay for damages and they get to throw some uppity christians in a third world jail. Eat shit, christsuckers.

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fcfd70  No.12351


Let us know when you catch up there, cupcake:


The only living group to have systematically removed the jew is Christianity. You go ahead and believe all the jew lies, it won't set us back. Just don't come crying to join our team when shtf.

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988b79  No.12412


Do political solutions work anywhere?

There are no political solutions unless you meant killing the parasites who cause and engineer these problems wherever you find them for the rest of time on this planet.

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988b79  No.12414

File: 58b5d24bd4bb348⋯.png (279.85 KB, 600x936, 25:39, fag rectal prolapse 4.png)

File: 670620fd7f2f34d⋯.jpg (9.68 KB, 237x213, 79:71, fag rectal prolapse.jpg)

File: 381d5786db410fc⋯.jpg (53.21 KB, 493x489, 493:489, disgusting_faggots.jpg)

File: fa50d5f82055216⋯.jpg (98.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, jewish faggots unicorn wed….jpg)

File: 0959d7d66de4aae⋯.jpeg (500.53 KB, 1200x1376, 75:86, fags secondary shiphillis.jpeg)


Nigger never been around faggots in its life.

The last thing on the planet faggots are is peaceful and productive…unless you count spreading disease…or raping minors…they are good at that.

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070328  No.13640


This. Not only for America, but for Brazil and other infested countries: violence is the solution. It always was the only solution. Killing jews does indeed produces good results for everyone else.

Kill your enemies, and you win.

If you don't kill your enemies, they win.

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a8cbec  No.14596


I too, would like to see the video.

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7b0fcf  No.14686


>A kike calls kikes not being real kikes.

A religion of faggots AND race traitors.>>12351

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3d8450  No.14963


>impotent leftist being an impotent leftist

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4bf8e7  No.47276

>Gay Jesus

That's pretty gay. Saint Paul would certainly not approve.


> violence is the solution. It always was the only solution. Killing jews does indeed produces good results for everyone else


It is nice to have you on board with your message of senseless violence, but please remember that around here we refer to them as "kikes." This is your captain speaking. Have a nice day.

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74c73c  No.81747

ok doomer

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0e23bc  No.81775

niggers did this

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