I think everyone here has noticed the major shift that has happened in many European countries in terms of politics. Three of the most obvious countries that this is occurring in are the UK, Italy, and Sweden though there are likely more flying under my radar. In these three purportedly more nationalistic parties and leaders are surging with the UK conservative party dominating the recent election, Lega having a double digit lead over the next largest party in Italy in all recent polling, and the Swedish Democrats recently polling as the largest party in the nation. It is my belief that international jewish forces have decided that true rising nationalist forces need to have pressure relieved and have subverted it before its truly gotten off the ground. This thread will be an attempt to explain my reasoning and things that you must be observant of and alert your kinsmen of if they transpire.
It is my understanding from discussions with anons over the years that most European countries, with the obvious exception of Germany, have not had anywhere near the focus on Israel that the US has had over the past few decades. Yet this seems to be changing with these rising purportedly nationalistic leaders. Boris's first act for instance in the most recent election was to pass anti-BDS laws. Salvini and Akesson both frequently mention jews and a commitment to Israel in speeches. Salvini has been hailed by Netanyahu as a friend to Israel and Akesson has done a party purge of people with "nazi" pasts. I have included Israeli sources because I've found that jews tend to be more honest in their assessments of politicians in theirs than in European sources where they will screech about even the scent of nationalism because they are aware that this will make these politicians more appealing to nationalists.
My prediction is that much like Boris Johnson achieved victory so will Salvini and Akesson. I believe that they and their party will then go on to put Israeli interests first while promoting a patriotic, race-blind but tough on crime rhetoric that was seen in the United States throughout the 80s, 90s, and early 00s. I also believe that they'll limit immigration, though will still allow more than large enough numbers to eventually result in the native people in these countries being made into minorities.
These policies will definitely be welcomed by the people in these countries just as the tougher crime bills were welcomed here after the tumultuous race riots of the 1960s. However the issue is that it will only be a pacification tactic with the anti-white deluge resuming once the demographic bomb is already completely baked in as it is in the US where white students are now the minority in all public schools K-12.
This post is not intended to tell you not to vote in upcoming elections I have no solutions or tactics to offer you, you know your lands far better than I after all. I merely offer this as a warning of what to be wary of and to wish you good luck in retaking your countries.