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File: 2b31f3ceb1568d0⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 634x221, 634:221, 22552870-7818775-image-a-3….jpg)

1c5e7d  No.10141


>A six-year-old schoolgirl has discovered a chilling plea from inmates of a Chinese prison scrawled inside a charity Christmas card from a £1.50 pack sold by Tesco.

>The message, which says it is from foreign prisoners in Shanghai's Qingpu prison, says they were forced to work 'against our will' and urgently calls for help from human rights organisations.

>The cry for help from cards sold by Zheijiang Yunguang Printing throws a spotlight on the plight of thousands in Chinese prisons, as well as the supply chain behind Tesco's card selection that raises £300,000 for the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and Diabetes UK.

<We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu prison China. Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organisations'.

Leftypol would approve of this slavery.

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d242d4  No.10143


This used to be a joke at Chinese restaurants when people would read their fortune cookies. There was always one person at the table who read theirs as saying, "Help, I'm being held captive in a Chinese cookie factory!"

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dde335  No.10159


I lost

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1a6b48  No.10188


Never act as a woman, being all emotional about someone else's suffering.

Who are those supposed slaves? Mudslimes? Niggers? Leftards that believed in their own lies and moved to live in China? Maybe even jews who got caught by the no-nonsense chinese government?

All of those deserve to suffer. And they deserve to be slaves and be tortured to death. Never help someone unknown. You may be helping an enemy. Always investigate who you are helping. And if you can't find undeniable proof that it is an ally, then abandon he/she, as it is most probable to be an enemy.

Let your enemies torture and enslave one another. Never help any of them.

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b45f66  No.10197

I remember leftypol threads where the commies would whine that prison labor in the west was theft of labor. I didn't see them complaining about chinese labor camps though. BTW, where is leftypol?

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eb0e92  No.10224


>Leftypol would approve of this slavery.

I don't know about that one way or the other, but I do know that everyone from plebbit to Soros to Saul Joseph Watstein backs the CIA anti-China narrative.

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afb386  No.10437

I completely believe that Tesco will stop using Chinese prison camp #10845 for their Christmas card production.

Next year, Tesco will shift all Christmas card production to Chinese prison camp #10846 instead.

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660f10  No.10463


Pretty much dead, has their shitty board should be. You'll never meet a bunch of more sensitive, uppity, hypocritical, pseudo-intellectual closet cases then them.

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be4bc0  No.10475


You literally just described /pol/. Furries, SJWs, and /pol/acks are the whiniest, bitchiest, most safe-space begging, most paranoid crybabies on the planet. You show me someone more easily triggered than a /pol/ack and I will livestream my suicide.

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464416  No.10504

File: 1dcc90fa90329e3⋯.png (51.19 KB, 625x605, 125:121, skeptic-justice-warrior-co….png)


what do you mean by triggered i guess you believe the entire nsdap was an emotional knee knerk reaction. someone calls out subersive propaganda when they see it omg polacks are crybabys

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ade8dd  No.10507


Livestream it, then, paid shill.

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b05310  No.10515

File: 108c527b0af7b12⋯.jpg (128.4 KB, 492x737, 492:737, Holocaust.jpg)


Nice talking point there, shill. But when it comes to bitching and whining, nobody beats the jew. The whole "chosen by God" fairy tale really gives them a spoiled brat attitude.

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1ea9e8  No.10521

OP is a faggot for caring about some subhumans in a Chinese prison.

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d242d4  No.10523


All I need to do is post a pic of drag queen story time and /pol/tards will reeeeeeee so loud that it can be heard from space.

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ab10e1  No.10534


You could do that, or you could post some pictures of some based mudslimes throwing them off a building. It is your choice faggot-kun. You should use that choice wisely.

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d242d4  No.10545


The point still stands. Triggering /pol/ is as easy as triggering the bluest haired tumblrina.

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cc96a4  No.10593


It's also keeping your wages down, nigger.

Imagine if people have to be paid.

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cc96a4  No.10594

If shipping + wages < your wages, they'll make it in china.

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be4bc0  No.10597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now when can we expect that live stream?

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