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File: f907e8cbc47af1c⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 800x419, 800:419, ed-buck-1-800x419.jpg.opti….jpg)

File: a3f2e928dc82afb⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 678x381, 226:127, schiffs-friend-arrested-pe….jpg)

0522f9  No.10127[Last 50 Posts]


Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges

November 14, 2019 Baxter Dmitry News, US 19

Dr. Bruce Hensel, an associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested for soliciting lewd photos from a 9-year-old girl in Los Angeles.

>Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in Los Angeles on pedophilia related charges after he asked a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, according to prosecutors and law enforcement.

>Rep. Adam Schiff and Dr. Hensel have been closely linked for years, with the LA Times describing the doctor as a “special guest” at Schiff’s 50th birthday party in 2010. Schiff also handpicked Dr. Hensel to work with him on health care townhalls in California and has been the recipient of big dollar donations from the 71-year-old throughout his political career.

>The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed Dr. Hensel was arrested Wednesday morning in Beverly Hills and charged with contact with a minor for sexual purposes.

>The arrest came after a child sexual exploitation investigation involving the 9-year-old after inappropriate messages and photographs were shared between the child and Dr. Hensel. The 71-year-old was booked for contact with a minor with the purpose of committing sexual acts.

>In the aftermath of Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest on charges of child sex trafficking and his subsequent death, an increasing number of Democrat donors have been accused of similar crimes.

>Ed Buck, a high-profile millionaire who donated and bundled large sums to the Clintons and Rep. Adam Schiff, has also charged with an array of federal offenses and is currently behind bars awaiting trial.

>The charges came after the bodies of, not one, but two dead black men were mysteriously found in Buck’s home on two occasions.

>Buck is currently in jail following a September 17 arrest and his federal trial has been moved from November 26, 2019, to August 4, 2020. The Democrat mega-donor was initially charged with three felonies, including maintaining a drug house, administering methamphetamine, and battery causing serious injury. Police brought additional federal drugs charges after a victim, named as Joe Doe, managed to escape Buck who injected him with two large doses of the drug, according to prosecutors.

These fucking democrats can get away with anything. This story is a month old and hardly anyone has heard of it.

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54f5dc  No.10130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>These fucking democrats can get away with anything.

It isn't just Demokikes, it's the entire ZOG system.

As far as pedophilia in high places go, Franklin wass the most document incident of it, and that was mostly Republikikes.

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f6ac10  No.10132


>326 Trump associates arrested and convicted


>1 Schiff associate arrested


This is your brain on Trumpenis.

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71b307  No.10144



Post proof.

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0c253a  No.10198

Who the fuck is sliding my posts?

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6666da  No.10212


Make better posts and maybe people will reply.

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d82445  No.10217


If people don't kill them, they will keep doing that all the time. There is no political solution.

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8dfdde  No.10223

Anyone else ever find themselves wondering why they're actually arresting some pedo politician when they do? What law they're refusing to endorse or what position they've decided to stand up for? I mean everyone already knows that they cover up for pedo politicians all the time, even normalfags know this after Epstein, so it seems clear that the act itself isn't why. Not defending this guy, he deserves execution, just always make me wonder what other factors are involved in the case.

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ee3592  No.10258


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5cd466  No.10273


>326 Trump associates arrested and convicted

Why do you assume that being happy that a kike's pedokike buddy getting arrested necessarily has anything to do with Trump?

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4cfdda  No.10428

He will squeal like the piggy he is. Four hundred Democrats, hanged from trees in every state of America, a warning forever to those who might follow.

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4cfdda  No.10429


It could be lefty infighting. Money is fleeing CA but the gibs must keep flowing. Being a Democrat sponsor is no longer enough to avoid the shakedown.

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770efb  No.10430

File: 1243044392ff21e⋯.png (161.02 KB, 604x406, 302:203, spirals.png)


>According to IMDb, Dr. Hensel has produced a handful of TV documentaries including “Beyond The Opposite Sex,” which focuses on transgender relationships

Can't make this shit up.

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e9318c  No.10688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

<He sure does go to Thailand a lot.

Grab it before jewtube memory holes it.

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9eb7e4  No.10871


>My friend Dr. Bruce Hensel

The media has portrayed the relationship as less personal with soft words. Schiff the jackass that ran the impeachment hearings is a friend not an associate of Dr. Hensel. I bet they went on trips together to Thailand.

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55ef64  No.10888

File: 56df514f99e85c3⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, schff.jpg)


>Embattled Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff is now the target of a federal investigation focused on the Congressman’s more-than-frequent trips to Ed Buck’s ‘drug house,’ according to a Clinton Whistleblower and insider.

>Buck is a high-profile, millionaire Democratic benefactor who has contributed and bundled large amounts of cash to Democrats including Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris and the list goes on and on. Buck was arrested last month after a nearly-dead man escaped from Buck’s home after Buck allegedly plied him with meth.

>“(Attorney General William) Barr is looking into why Adam Schiff was at Buck’s place 16 times,” said insider Larry Nichols. “The reason Barr is obligated to look into Adam Schiff, and the fact that he was there 16 times, is because as a member of Congress if he saw at his time at Buck’s any illegal activity, he is obligated by law to report it.

>“And if he didn’t report it, then he is guilty of a crime.”

>Two men previously died at Buck’s mansion from drug overdoses but Buck was never charged by Los Angeles Police. Finally, Buck was charged in Sept. with running a drug house and doping up victims and then allegedly acting out his twisted sexual fantasies on the incapacitated victims, according to prosecutors.

>Buck targeted homeless men, according to prosecutors.

How can this much dirt exist around this man and the MSM completely ignore it?

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6e03dd  No.10895

schiff is the kind of person whose name should but put in triple parentheses

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5d57d6  No.10949

File: e801d7bdcde5b25⋯.jpg (17.16 KB, 199x249, 199:249, he's shit.jpg)

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f6ac10  No.10965


You didn't read the post. Literally nobody gives a shit about Trump's buddies, but suddenly when it's Schiff? Did you miss the "*crickets*" part?

If /pnd/ is going to become /trump/, let me know now.

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6a06f2  No.26451

File: e717ea25f4bc5d2⋯.png (384.67 KB, 814x690, 407:345, did hitler disney.png)


Schiff looks like a cross between the UK house of cards guy & the US house of cards guy. He's definitely some kind of cloney-thing IYAM.

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b1d7dc  No.26456


"O'Vey Goldstein got arrested"

"Goldstein how?"

"Asked a nine year old goyim to send him nudes"

"What a retard, we have connections to BUY a nine year old for him."

"Oy guess he liked the thrill of the chase, lets let him rot as punishment."

I mean seriously these people have guys like Epstein (someone has deffiantly replaced him by now) sourcing them live children and they still get caught.

Fucking kikes how much degeneracy is enough?

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3f8df3  No.26557

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770efb  No.26558

File: e1df01c22352cb1⋯.jpg (81.94 KB, 640x733, 640:733, aee66a048ba8e7bc183b002412….jpg)


Excuse me, what the fuck.

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c8b1c0  No.26625

File: 2b27ea6b67d10ba⋯.jpg (109.42 KB, 800x1062, 400:531, 1553810983051.jpg)


Those are sealed documents, not all indictments, you brainless Qcumber.

The mass arrests are never, ever coming.

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770efb  No.26662

File: f0a3215578f8655⋯.gif (842.33 KB, 326x240, 163:120, f0a3215578f8655a5e666856f5….gif)



>You seem to have mistyped the verification, or your CAPTCHA expired. Please fill it out again.

Just about had it with this shithole.

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44efd3  No.26668



what was it?

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770efb  No.26673

File: 0aff85f845d86c8⋯.png (513.04 KB, 600x536, 75:67, 1571298315249.png)


It appeared to be a low rez screencap from a camera in a hotel room, with a dumpy balding middle age man in bed with two small children. Everyone was still clothed, but it was wrong.

Something extremely niggery is going on. And I don't think this site being hamstrung with spam and hyper autistic captcha is a coincidence.

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f985c7  No.26699


Why was it deleted?

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e2b9b7  No.32234

I aknowledge the existence of the Israeli nuclear arsenal

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90f2fd  No.32309


the same reason 8kun went down after those israeli documents detailing how they're gonna massacre everyone in ukraine while pretending to be nazis and then replace them with kikes

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8f6942  No.32333

File: 9c081d99bf13178⋯.png (3.84 MB, 2222x1667, 2222:1667, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The noose is tightening around the pedo cabal in Washington. Stings and single arrests of high ranking pedos has increased ten fold over anything from any administration in modern history. If you think he isn't going to pull out all the stops in his second term you're the brainless one. Why do you think they're fighting tooth and nail to keep him from getting it? Just look into Schiff's eyes. Those are the eyes of a pedo. He knows he's next, it's why he's there on the frontlines trying to get Trump impeached. This isn't some Qspiracy, this is the truth.

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2127af  No.32338


>a picture where the whites of the eyes are showing on the top of the iris that would make anyone look psychotic is proof someone is a pedo

quit it with the retarded witch hunt shit, if he gets caught asking for lewds of children thats what makes him a pedo not some bad photo of him.

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8f6942  No.32350

File: 3b5dc10954abcd2⋯.png (682.75 KB, 624x669, 208:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89b43772616df12⋯.png (3.14 MB, 2057x1200, 2057:1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a9682daf5caaf6⋯.png (319.67 KB, 789x460, 789:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5727adafbda95c⋯.png (559.73 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a507970ac008ed⋯.png (851.14 KB, 840x560, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Which does he fit, anon? Why is he so stressed, anon? What heavy weight is he carrying?

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2127af  No.32354


with enough examples anyone would fit into all of those, its meaningless bullshit akin to astrology.

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8f6942  No.32361

File: 9a6d36ac5ba6878⋯.png (12.72 MB, 2866x3593, 2866:3593, ClipboardImage.png)


Anytime he is flustered he defaults to those eyes. If you look at his profile image you can see he is struggling to maintain that face. If you think reading people's emotions through facial expression is bullshit that's your fault.

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2127af  No.32368


your retarded image suggests that seeing white at the top of the iris makes you a psychopathic killer, thats not reading peoples emotions through facial expressions thats diagnosing someone with a personality disorder because they raised their eyebrows.

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8f6942  No.32369

File: 59294de383fc199⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 275x206, 275:206, 02cab322ed8b2710e0505a765f….gif)


Let that sink in.

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ca46a7  No.32379


Now yell at people saying they don't belong here. Dance for me instead this time, asshat.

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e0ebc7  No.32382


You’re replying to a month old post, dipshit. And you’re defending the ZOG emperor while doing it. Could you be more retarded?

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439a63  No.32462


This place has some shitty people running it now. Old infinity would explode into autistic digging, now kiked mods are nuking shit fast.

Can the mods/staff here publicly aknowledge the existence of the israeli nuclear arsenal? I think not.

What a shame the internet forgets so easily.


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770efb  No.32528

File: 440c3aa609a0cbe⋯.jpg (337.01 KB, 1920x1059, 640:353, 440c3aa609a0cbe1399561d3f2….jpg)


Yep, that's the fucking picture. Demonic shit.

Where was Adam Schiff at 2:30pm on 1/15/2020?

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8f6942  No.32542


The hair does look similar.

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000000  No.32698


Datestamp is DD/MM/YY. Is the footage from US? Why are mods taking this image down?

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f6ac10  No.32712


Because there's a kid in it. Not allowed to post pics of kids - sexualized or not. Honestly, though, the image only shows me that I need to make to to check any hotel room I stay in for cameras. It just looks like a family all sleeping together on a hotel bed. Obvious dad on the left, kid in the middle, and mom on the right. People keep trying to say it's a man in bed with 2 kids, but the person on the right (obviously female) has her head at the edge of the bed and her feet dangling way off the other edge. She's tall.

People here can't handle the fact that not only do sometimes parents stay together, but that they might actually love and show affection towards their kids; so it must be nefarious.

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7e4f16  No.32718


>finding hidden cameras

Good luck with that, anon.

I did some work on a hidden camera show and they seriously look like tiny cosmetic nail holes or just a bit larger than a pinprick.

Even when you are looking right at it, you can't tell.

Then imagine that being hidden anywhere…

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f6ac10  No.32731


True, they're tiny, but they give off heat. A thermal detector is all one needs to find suspicious hot-spots in the walls.

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7e4f16  No.32767


Don't count on it. They use very little power and the glass lens on the front (if not plastic) has very low emissivity and high reactivity.

You could possibly see an image of yourself in it, but you are unlikely to see a thermal signature surrounding it.

Best bet is to detect RF/EMF but the good shit is shielded for the cianiggers/etc to use.

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7e4f16  No.32769


*reflectivity not reactivity. Tired and a bit drunk sorry

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b8f50b  No.32863

File: 4c49a3c9ec807b4⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 600x549, 200:183, 1579902977688.jpg)


This? Ayrans are not welcome on infinty now?

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770efb  No.32914

File: 44be411a0c318b6⋯.jpg (79.52 KB, 928x523, 928:523, look_whos_back.jpg)


>It's just a family playing snugglebug, tee hee :3c

Get a load of this midwit pizzanigger.

But seriously, where was adam schiff on January 15th?

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1c7354  No.32983

File: 8fda5bd721c6da7⋯.jpg (355.7 KB, 1506x1024, 753:512, clinton epstein weinstein ….jpg)

birds of a feather ……

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1c7354  No.32985

File: 1fbdface0ae4885⋯.jpg (86.51 KB, 441x532, 63:76, Schiff pedo dem left.jpg)

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770efb  No.33330

File: 8c92daa519777f8⋯.jpg (30.41 KB, 799x450, 799:450, (((lieber))).jpg)

I still can't figure out if this Corona-chan happening is an intentional bioweapon beta-test or the usual everyday inability of the Chinese to grasp simple industrial safety concepts. But if this was a premeditated move, it was a move to distract people from this Pedo cabal shit. The veil is hanging on by threads after Epstein totally killed himself, goy. They'd need something on a biblical scope to distract.

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f6ac10  No.33360


He was at work, you mong. He was famously at work. That's the day they voted to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

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770efb  No.33397

File: cbfbb76a2b89979⋯.mp4 (4.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, don't care lol.mp4)


Am I supposed to feel bad for not having the stomach to follow the impeachment theater? What do I look like, some Qtard?

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f859a5  No.33449


>major event that even the niggest of nigs in the africanest of africas knows about

yeah you should feel bad

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770efb  No.33705

File: 989ce195206e374⋯.png (208.1 KB, 383x408, 383:408, 1f2d1db6ab4de13e4c3ca7e4da….png)


>The jew puppet on the left is attacking the jew puppet on the right, become emotionally invested, goy.


Where was Schiff staying during the impeachment proceedings? Which hotel? That's a non-burger timestamp on that screencap, so that pic was not necessarily at 2pm over here.

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f859a5  No.33748


Well, first of all, I don't know why people think it's Schiff in that image. "The hair looks the same" is just retarded since there are literally 100s of millions of men with hair just like that. Further, if it is a Washington DC timestamp, Schiff would not have been at his hotel at 2 in the afternoon on that day. He was in Congress.

As for where he stayed at night, probably in one of the Congressional communal townhouses.

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a7b67a  No.33953

It was covered on cuckchan thoroughly. Anon changed the wiki page. Yahoo torpedoed my email associated with that as well as a ban. Been cautious since

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770efb  No.34068

File: 843f244660300d0⋯.jpg (44.86 KB, 750x561, 250:187, 1573360059143.jpg)


I'm not saying it's Adam Schiff. I'm just asking questions.

I don't know many civvie organizations that use military time + DD/MM/YY format. They're out there, but they're not common. It may not be 2 in the afternoon on location when that picture was snapped.

Regardless, if it's not Schiff, who is it?

>probably in one of the Congressional communal townhouses.

Probably, but not confirmed.

/pnd/ is comfy and all, but it severely lacks the autistic curiosity that made /pol/ so virulently dangerous. Has that drive been (((safely))) rerouted to Qlarp faggotry or have the savants all just fucked off altogether?

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8f6942  No.34083


It really depends on what the purpose of the cameras is. If it's for blackmail they aren't going to be connected to the internet for obvious security reasons. If footage of you doing compromising things leaks your handler isn't going to have any more leverage. Since the system likely isn't connected to the internet the time likely isn't correct. It could be off by hours or even days. It's odd that someone posted the image of someone who has Schiff's hairline, in a thread about Schiff's associate going up for pedo shit, and it almost instantly got 404'd.

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e52ae8  No.34861

File: 7939410cc65b324⋯.jpg (165.64 KB, 1079x557, 1079:557, 20191115_023610.jpg)

File: 56247f2bce0068f⋯.jpg (345.25 KB, 1073x1593, 1073:1593, Screenshot_20191115-021723….jpg)

Dan GET IN THE VAN Schneider's wife and Dr. Hensel

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e52ae8  No.34862

File: 149c507906e21b8⋯.jpg (220.67 KB, 1080x892, 270:223, 20191115_124343.jpg)

File: 066f3bd30cea38c⋯.jpg (604.41 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20191115-113447….jpg)

File: b6f27086eb5fe66⋯.jpg (462.44 KB, 1331x1080, 1331:1080, 20191116_123818.jpg)

I bet Bruce Hensel likes Lisa's signature lolly pizzas

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def03f  No.34871


>I don't know many civvie organizations that use military time + DD/MM/YY format.

Hospitals, police, EMS, fire departments, private security companies, many government agencies and a shitload of electronics, especially surveillance equipment.

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615ee8  No.34874


They are lazy, all high level comp sci and analyst/actuary type autists are lazy as fuck and will be back here when the next big shitwave hits 4chondotcom.

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770efb  No.35257

File: 002811f36832f92⋯.jpg (153.28 KB, 573x422, 573:422, 4c502d907326151a6cee7d6ff6….jpg)


>government agencies


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def03f  No.35360


Yes, you faggot. Despite how cops, alphabetniggers and firemen like to suck themselves off, anyone who isn't currently in the armed forces is a civilian and organizations that aren't part of the military are civilian organizations.

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670aa3  No.35837

Hint for the pedos in the audience: instead of reaching perpetually for more perpetrators, honest people praise investigations that collar crooks. Instead of getting angry at the perceived source of the corruption, try noticing that said “source” did not protect corruption.

I know I shouldn’t hint to you losers, but w/e, you’re all too emotionally set in your ways to learn from the likes of me. I’m treacherously honest, and that makes me an incomprehensible villain, eh hehe.

The government is more honest than the general public.

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770efb  No.36063

File: 3b55b2b546b20f2⋯.jpg (99.01 KB, 750x543, 250:181, 1571020218443.jpg)


We get it, you really ''really" want us to stop talking about this, what with pedophilia being a core tenant of your religion/political control apparatus.

Problem is, cat's out of the bag.

Enjoy that adrenochrome supply chain while it lasts, faggot.

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770efb  No.37822

File: 694a9103a0a71af⋯.jpg (86.97 KB, 880x757, 880:757, pizzanigger rabbit.jpg)

Daily Reminder.

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a7b67a  No.38241

File: 5a97b04ff4b66ab⋯.png (53.9 KB, 599x804, 599:804, 861770EB-CE0F-4A61-A18B-8B….PNG)


>The government is more honest than the general public

This has to be the most blue pilled post I have ever read. Thank you anon, I can die happy knowing you exist

>Pic unrelated

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