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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance

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File: d0373c4cbc29597⋯.png (236.1 KB, 1100x662, 550:331, 194BDBE3-895E-4B8F-895E-68….png)

7a412c No.289418

ITT we ask questions about monstergirls that don't deserve their own thread

7639af No.289422

File: 7287859d019a753⋯.png (622.24 KB, 1132x1600, 283:400, koaslut.png)

File: 5ead5a2d70ee5d3⋯.png (849.79 KB, 1132x1600, 283:400, 1411317912849.png)

File: 577d55442cf0deb⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 680x933, 680:933, e70.jpg)

What's the difference between a succubutt and a succuslut?

f4fad7 No.289424


A succubutt is a monogamous qt who will make a good waifu. Often has a really great ass.

A succuslut is a slut who just wants you for your semen, and will leave as soon as she gets it. Poor waifu material.

Know the difference, it could save your dick

7d12d3 No.289425

Does anyone have that Anubis pic where she's going "We Wuz Gods"?

874553 No.289429

File: 66c2589ecdf9a15⋯.png (282.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, We wuz gods n shiet.png)


Right here

5fe18d No.289431

File: 4ff6495334f672d⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, magic conch shell.png)

Which monster should I try to slay today?

d6a98d No.289432

File: e179cdb1f47e837⋯.png (127.34 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 23rw.png)


None of them

76cd01 No.289461

File: 57397eb3fdd5ce6⋯.png (570.5 KB, 731x677, 731:677, Fucking Conch Shell.png)

570cc4 No.289464

File: 696ca2cdbc6c5db⋯.gif (87.94 KB, 336x240, 7:5, chen run.gif)

Is it a good idea to mix an oni with a recovering alcoholic?

f4fad7 No.289469


Yes, she can drink all the booze in the house to keep the alcoholic from drinking it.

570cc4 No.289470

File: 41d0255f5ea7914⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 397x520, 397:520, gentlepersuasion.jpg)


Now hear me out what if, her saliva has an alcohol content¿

65b870 No.289471

File: cd2242d2a82d06f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 669x900, 223:300, cd2242d2a82d06f1f5d5e345c4….png)



She'll also make you go exercise with her, which can help with depression.


Best girl just got even better.

e23bbe No.289488


kinda useful when accidentally cut yourself (cut to the finger for example) you could ask oni waifu lick it to sanitize your wound.

7a3018 No.289499

File: df986c577337449⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 132.43 KB, 397x520, 397:520, gentlepersuasion2.jpg)


I'm sorry.

13abfa No.289504


took me a second

315047 No.289505

Is changing a diaper hard?

d0db39 No.289508

File: 35e0cbca29205bf⋯.jpg (65.02 KB, 740x1020, 37:51, 35e0cbca29205bf7ac9a3401bc….jpg)

Are abyssals undead?

e31448 No.289511


IIRC they are spirits trapped in an endless loop of fighting, so yes i would say so.

d0db39 No.289527


Aren't the rest of the boatsluts in that position as well though?

e31448 No.289529


i don't think so. if memory serves, the abyssals are spirits that inhabit wrecked ships and turn into the forms we are familiar with, while regular boatsluts are just normal girls recruited and outfitted with special gear that makes them much stronger and able to traverse water with ease. theres not a whole lot of lore to that game though, so a lot of fan theories gets mixed up in the canon.

7639af No.289559

File: d2dcda98ee8f287⋯.jpg (325.76 KB, 771x1167, 257:389, __saigyouji_yuyuko_and_yak….jpg)

So, what if Yukari asks to play hide and seek with me? The risk would be if that I look at her eyes the second time, she'd drag me to another dimension. This is scary, what should I do if I see Yukari in a gap at my house and she asks to play hide and seek?

3ec4e9 No.289579

Cowgirl position is bad because you can't hold each other while you fuck. Discuss.

21a23f No.289584

Which monster girl is the comfiest? Which one could you rest your head on their lap after a bad day and drift off to a comfy sleep?

7639af No.289599

File: f41d9793e1d2f96⋯.jpg (356.58 KB, 728x1053, 56:81, Yuuutsu-kun to Succubus-sa….jpg)

How do you handle a girl with a pure love allergy?

More hugs?

73df4c No.289769

File: 02a19a929df8c48⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 214.26 KB, 520x479, 520:479, 3ef68ff53f10367a51f2e3dab4….png)


So are they repeating the cycles of guilt?

5ab882 No.289773

File: c3c422dcb971a6e⋯.png (69.58 KB, 1355x611, 1355:611, TheGreatDicktator.png)



249370 No.289775

File: fbd7ffea74e4353⋯.png (148.95 KB, 651x476, 93:68, 1b42d8f65cf5e4a3825a7de350….png)


I agree

f4fad7 No.289776


You can still hold hands, get to watch her titties bounce, and can pull her in close as you cum deep inside her.

Perfectly good position.

5ab882 No.289778




Eh, the only one I personally object to is anal, because daughterus don't get conceived there.

e31448 No.289786

7a412c No.289821

What happens to widowed women when they monsterize?

2a5652 No.289826


They miss their husbands even more.Oh great now i've made myself sad

6d6741 No.289838


Wrong! You can interlock fingers. And after you cum she can collapse down on top of you, with her breasts mushed against your chest/face.

09212c No.289842

File: b0469c1a441dd47⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1600x2262, 800:1131, BojfsPI.png)

Is this too monstrous?

8c6172 No.289843

File: fcc8e08fadf2799⋯.png (147.69 KB, 756x1048, 189:262, Reimu american parties (up….png)


>yukari would drag me to another dimension



(you)r waifu

How do you create a portal to Gensokyo?

124d97 No.289847


I don't see why it would be.

1b4ffd No.289852

File: b36496e911c15ed⋯.png (244.78 KB, 769x437, 769:437, heresy.png)


>"She who thirsts"

M80, that's some grade a heresy right there.

d3bf48 No.289858

File: 596746498881b40⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 600x488, 75:61, IMG_4428.JPG)

0f048c No.289863

File: e91f38a2941c4b3⋯.png (219.23 KB, 580x299, 580:299, Theemperorprotects.png)


>Slaaneshi trash

7c0b21 No.289876

File: 7c00315744ded26⋯.webm (7.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Filthy Parchments of Here….webm)

a91541 No.289888






5ab882 No.289891





>>289888 (nice trips)

>implying this isn't a Chaos board


a91541 No.289893


>worshipping a god(dess?) of hedonism, degeneracy, and 3DPD behavior caused by a massive space elf orgy

She who thirsts will cuck you for fun.

5ab882 No.289896

File: 7314d7e5b5d5efa⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 795a193623a40dffa9108f939a….jpg)


>he actually thinks that chaos is all 100% bad

d0db39 No.289898

File: bf253f38b07b1f5⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 81.37 KB, 495x778, 495:778, getthephone.jpg)

2bbdeb No.289902

File: e3aa694eb085b48⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 395x395, 1:1, e3aa694eb085b4811b5c818161….jpg)


Heresy free since '93, heretic!

5ab882 No.289904


>worshipping a CORPSE ON A THRONE


a91541 No.289908


>Worshipping a drug-addled futa with shit fetishes

>Worshipping a walking tub of space AIDS

>Worshipping an autistic bird who can't quite figure out what he's planning or doing while saying he does

>Worshipping a psychopath who at least won't stab you in the back because he's too busy stabbing you in the face


Top fucking kek.

efe5a2 No.289909

I want to like monsters, I really do, but I'm too much of a pro-humanity guy, and driving my own species into extinction because demons make my penis tingly seems like a bad decision. Please help. What can I do?

a91541 No.289910


Use magic of whatever and knock your waifu up with a human son. Also look at the world-building/genetics thread.

efe5a2 No.289911


I go off the MGE, since it's most widely used and is basically the more comprehensive and official.

c9a257 No.289913


This is a pretty unfortunate waste of JUSTICE dubs. I'm pretty sure Ammit wouldn't go so strictly off the MGE with her works.

d3bf48 No.289920


Dont the elves call slaanesh the prince of darkness?

efe5a2 No.289924


Since Ammit is basically the representation of the groups collective unconscious or whatever, wouldn't it make sense that its "creations" would follow the most popular or significant themes or ideas? The most popular or significant being MGE in this case?

c9a257 No.289925


Ammit's followers are primarily /monster/, and since /monster/ stresses headcanon and not strictly following KC canon, especially in terms of "human sons, monster daughterus", it would make more sense that Ammit does not stick to the MGE so strongly.

fe0a98 No.289926


I guess it all comes down to head canon

efe5a2 No.289927



Well in that case, there are no rules or limits to what Ammit would make, and it's possible they'll make you a triangle waifu, the strongest/sexiest of all 2D shapes.

c9a257 No.289928


I'm sure Ammit would make a lot of triangle waifus, considering she already is one.

fe0a98 No.289930


Circle is best waifu. She doesn't even have vertices because she doesn't need them.

a91541 No.289934




>Not hexagons for their efficiency and strength

c9a257 No.289936

File: 8017da076eff28b⋯.png (22.83 KB, 220x220, 1:1, hendecagon.png)


>not hendecagons

efe5a2 No.289939




No, fuck your shitty waifu taste. Anything more than four sides is fat.

a91541 No.289948


>squarefag calling hexagons fat

Top fucking kek. Hexagons take up less space. Going to copy paste this.

>Let's take a typical honey comb, the area of each hexagon is about 23.4 square millimeters. If we take an area of 10x10 cm, i.e. 100 square cm, and divide it into 23.4 square mm cells, we can fit 428 of them.

>There are three ways to divide a plane into equal shapes - triangles, rectangles or hexagons.

>Triangles: 428 equilateral triangles with a side of about 7.35mm, each side is shared between two triangles, thus their total length is 3 * 7.35mm * 428 / 2 = 47.2 cm.

>Rectangles: 428 squares with a side of about 4.84mm, each side is shared between two squares, thus their total length is 4 * 4.84mm * 428 / 2 = 41.4 cm

>Hexagons: 428 hexagons with a side of 3mm, each side is shared between two hexagons, thus their total length is 6 * 3mm * 428 / 2 = 38.5 cm

efe5a2 No.289949


W-well, it's not all about size! My waifu is stronger than yours! I bet that dumb hexagon can't even efficiently support advanced structures such as rollercoasters!

a91541 No.289953


Hexagons have better tensile strength through even distribution.

Let's make honeycomb structures for both hexagons and squares out of 110lb pressed cardstock and place them between cardboard. Someone else did this already. The square comb averaged 127kg of load before collapsing while the hexagon averaged 136kg.

Squares are cheaper, though. :^)

7a3018 No.289955


Out of curiosity, did they do one for triangles?

a91541 No.289958


That experiment yielded 89 kg for triangles and 164 kg for cylinders.

efe5a2 No.289970


Wtf, I'm a hexfag now.

c9a257 No.289980

File: ce81f5d71dca52c⋯.jpg (37.89 KB, 672x699, 224:233, hex maniac ohayou.jpg)



d43225 No.291948

How do I summon a cute ara demon girl to make a contract with her so she can be my loyal wife for all eternity

d2929c No.291952


Wait for the day of the rape, anon.

c9a257 No.291962


Pull a dollanon and form a pact with your new ghostdemonfu by cumming all over her dollface.

06607d No.291982

File: 1a4a83aeec5beb0⋯.png (180.3 KB, 338x479, 338:479, Holstaurus_and_baby.png)

File: 485bf48a628ca4e⋯.jpg (39.2 KB, 351x509, 351:509, holstaurus_by_gensokyo_man….jpg)

So I want to write a story about a ranch hand who is hired to care for and milk a small herd of Holstaurus (what is the plural?) and ends up holding all of their hands as he knocks them up in graphic detail.

What perspective should I write it from? I'm tempted to do 1st Person, but I am not sure if 3rd person might be better. Any suggestions?

c9a257 No.291983


>(what is the plural?)

Either holstauri or holstaurs.

b284b8 No.292041


First person is almost invariably garbage. Go with third and then you can spend more time on making it good as opposed to wrestling with grammar and the lack of an omnipotent narrator.

a1e66a No.292740

What's the more accepted stance here? Femsub or Femdom?

0b4ef5 No.292748

is loli for sexual?

037fc0 No.292751


The answer is fucking lurk moar

249370 No.292759

File: 867d16977844059⋯.png (446.12 KB, 1330x1216, 35:32, 26f0972c55903dabcddb32970e….png)


I don't understand what it is with yetis and lemon, can somebody please explain?

d0db39 No.292760


It's a meme you dip

a1e66a No.292762


I get mixed messages when Ushi-Onis and the like are a thing. Is it just that more dominant monster girls are fine but at the end of the day they're still cute and loving to their master?

d3bf48 No.292767

037fc0 No.292768


What the fuck part of 'lurk moar' don't you understand?

a1e66a No.292772


What the fuck part of 'this makes no sense and I want a clear answer already' don't you understand?!

d0db39 No.292777

File: cc2051ec0f4b20a⋯.png (51.67 KB, 994x1044, 497:522, serveimage.png)



a1e66a No.292780

File: 0f5c81bb5c96089⋯.gif (1.12 MB, 457x340, 457:340, 1457784212075.gif)

>>292777 (CHECKED)

0b4ef5 No.292827

How would monstergirls feel about religion?

73df4c No.292829

File: 09a1ea8d2e5ec78⋯.png (93.31 KB, 800x771, 800:771, 3c4f9d33f2578890c583274118….png)

f4fad7 No.292831

File: 0d9ba8220b3cb89⋯.png (159.02 KB, 895x893, 895:893, 0d9ba8220b3cb8901ddb37da21….png)


They'll be in favor I imagine

21a23f No.292844


Depends on what the religion is like. Ones that put importance on family would be looked on nicely. Ones that call for human sacrifice or other horrible acts would be despised.

I think there might be a bit of a favorable bias towards where the monster girl's original mythology is from. Harpies might be more inclined towards the Greek pantheon. Kitsune would likely take up Shinto. Kikimoras would give Svarog or Perun some praise. So on and so forth.

c9a257 No.292847


>Harpies might be more inclined towards the Greek pantheon.

I don't think any monster girls would be inclined towards that pantheon.

f9373b No.292854


Forced meme, trash

f635b5 No.292857


Yeah, most monster girls were the result of a curse, or the gods dicking about in that. I imagine they would have either a warped version of it, or a complete rejection of what we consider Greek mythology.

069eaa No.292866

Are there any goo/slime girl stories around that put any focus on the slime's biology? Or really any slime girl story that doesn't suck?

249370 No.292890



Seriously, what's it about, I just don't get it all?

21a23f No.292898


A reference went off the rails. Everyone dumped reaction images. Yetis got stuck with lemons since. Lurk moar.

069df4 No.293524


It is a Monsters, INC reference most likely.

48fbb7 No.294622

File: 5efb6abf4deb398⋯.png (162.66 KB, 587x693, 587:693, hinezumi.png)

f9373b No.298943


A shitty forced meme

7639af No.300824

If monster girls by some magic were to give birth to human sons, would the human son have some kind of quirk? Would Rachnera theoretically give birth to Spider-Man?

ffaed1 No.300862


Well in the Monster Musume universe, monster boys are a thing, and arachnes are not a female-only species, so if she were to have a son, it would be a arachne just like her. I don't know if her MG traits are dominant or recessive though, so it could just end up as a human male. We know for a fact though that the traits of harpies and lamias are dominant as they can only give birth to girls, and these are female only races. Judging by Cerea's background as well, it appears that centaur traits are dominant as well, as her father was a human man; there's no certainty this however.

If you go by the MGE setting, where it explicitly states that the Demon Lord has yet to find a way to make monster girls give birth to human sons, KC stated that once the DL does manage to accomplish that, they'll be born on human men that have been incubized. Now, I'm not sure if this is my headcanon taking over or if I remember reading this, but those sons of monster girls would be naturally inclined to be pursued by a monster girl of the same race of the boy's mother. Probably because being around his mother so much, some of the mana she emits into the environment around her would be passively taken in by him, thus attracting girls of that race whose mana is the similar.

Ultimately, it's up to which setting you like; there are many more out there I imagine; these are the only two I really pay much attention to. Of course, you can always inject your own headcanon into it like must of us do. Personally, I prefer the idea of them giving birth to human men but perhaps taking some minor traits, like hair and eye color. An example would be me and an apophis having a baby boy. She has black and yellow eyes, and I have white and blue eyes; the boy gets white and yellow eyes. I pray that he doesn't end up with purple hair (he would ridiculed for it in school). Hopefully, he gets my brown hair or the red that tappers off at the end of an apophis' long hair.

1c9529 No.300943

File: 6ae9221915132b4⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1488x2105, 1488:2105, Wendigo.jpg)

Will saying this girl's name curse me? Should I just call her Wendy instead?

5fe18d No.300950

File: 3076b131a0de13e⋯.png (450.37 KB, 800x436, 200:109, At least she ain't an alp.png)


I thought it was the consumption of human flesh that warranted the transformation into a wendigo, not the utterance of her name?

Though I think it would be more uncomfortable to date/marry a monster who depends on who was their monster lord before the whole eating men turned to "eating men" ate human flesh.

But then again who am I to stand in the name of love.

1c9529 No.300962


Pretty sure the real life legend states that mentioning Wendigos or just the word "Wendigo" often is a big no-no because eventually you'll summon one or allow yourself to be influenced by one. Their whole spiel is that in the end they want you to eat people, and keep doing it. The MGE states clearly in its introduction that all monster girls vilify eating humans, so how that behavior would reflect into a Wendigo, whose sole instinct is to eat people, I have no idea. I guess you better teach her how to cook or be a damn good one yourself.

7d9618 No.300963


Never heard of that bit in any of the legends about wendigo. As for the cannibalism, they switch from eating people to "eating" their husband. We've been over this before.

a87432 No.300965

Would Slav Kiki still enjoy being patted and hugged passionately like a regular monster girl, s'pecially when she's drunk out of her mind?

f4fad7 No.300966


Of course. Vodka may make her feel warm and fuzzy, but not as warm and fuzzy as a hug from her master will.

7d9618 No.300969


What about both at the same time?

a87432 No.300970


Bet she'd eventually fall asleep KO'd.

f4fad7 No.300971


Then she just goes into a fit of quiet Slavic giggles and hiccups

54d604 No.300979

what is shota for?

f4fad7 No.300984


For sexual, but only by loli.

a87432 No.301022

File: 0b9ad2b4f24929b⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 407x386, 407:386, uhyOXF.jpg)

File: 0c974193513bb9b⋯.png (362.4 KB, 689x599, 689:599, 0c974193513bb9b02ac902183d….png)


Maybe femdom or just because "it looks better". Hell if I have a clue.

40a842 No.301032

File: a984d9cc1b0bd93⋯.jpg (79.79 KB, 1500x1004, 375:251, a foggy forest.jpg)

Who would most likely rape in foggy places?

5fe18d No.301037

File: 44c0759139d6d18⋯.png (313.42 KB, 500x555, 100:111, Oh shit.png)


I'd think the undead type of monsters would go hunting in the fog, considering that they aren't too fond of the sunlight vampires or are to slow to catch a man if he sees them coming a mile away zombies

8f2102 No.301053


Hellhounds/vampires are the most likely.

8f2102 No.301054

Does the order see alps as the most degenerate of monsters?

Asking for a friend.

f776ea No.301097


Sorry for what?…

5fe18d No.301198

File: 23b137498a2131f⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 326x184, 163:92, Dio laugh.mp4)


It took me a second, but I got it.

1a473f No.302360

File: 3c916fd0f10892c⋯.png (272.49 KB, 512x504, 64:63, clown girl cannot believe ….png)

Are clown girls monster girls?

018b4d No.302361

5c1873 No.302380


Yes, but only because clowns are not people

01d024 No.302382


Is there any monster girl better fit for the clown theme than the Cheshire?

a7b624 No.302386


We had clown threads before, didn't we?

530ceb No.302393

Does anyone have a link to the story about the rich guy who wakes up to a world filled with monsters, ends up with a holstaur wife and an adopted raiju daughter?

814cda No.302436


Might be best to try asking about that in the writefag thread.

4513e8 No.302437


Yes we did.

1391db No.302535


ResonantDrunk's 'A Spark of Inspiration' maybe?


018b4d No.302811

5c1873 No.302814

File: 720c9d8647e2b8b⋯.jpg (28.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, prostate play.jpg)

018b4d No.302815

File: 51edc3e0c1a651f⋯.png (268.78 KB, 440x395, 88:79, UPYOURASS.png)


Forgot related image

6ee047 No.302832

File: 91f6a3a7e08c2c6⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1000x1300, 10:13, 1d1cab25d1f461fbe3e7978523….png)


>/monster/ is now too boring for prostate play

The Monster Musume anime really did ruin this board.

15d937 No.302865


Nice smug kraken, I'll be stealing it, but…

>anno ammitus 2017

>thinking that prostate play was ever more than grudgingly tolerated in manga

>thinking that f on m assplay hasn't always been roundly bullied in writefaggotry.

No, I'm sure you're not new, you've been here all summer, am I right?

334d43 No.302870


>wanting to get poopoo on your waifu's tentacles

6ee047 No.302873

File: bf204cb1418a2ef⋯.png (672.44 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, __kraken_monster_girl_ency….png)


>you like [thing I don't], so you must be a newfag

1c69fc No.302905

File: 030f2abb6ed7f7f⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 600x411, 200:137, 1450919096035.jpg)


You like things up your ass, so you must be a fag.

91d281 No.302911

there's nothing wrong with a little knuckle-dusting from your waifu, but tentacles are for girl-holes. that being said, what anon decides to do with his waifu behind closed doors is up to them alone. unless its NTR, in which case we'll be breaking out the bolters

018b4d No.302936


But it's not gay because it's a girl though,

so checkmate

c8a945 No.302944




your waifu would be completing two conditions she cannot avoid, Being a shit, and now smelling like your shit.

Congratulations because of your shit taste she is now a meme.

018b4d No.302945


If your asshole smells so bad, then why don't you just clean it up until it doesn't smell bad?

c8a945 No.302967


>being this much of a faggot.

I bet you use mint bodywash.

018b4d No.302968


What's that?

47d57c No.302986




>Wanting anything up your ass.

The only time you let someone stick their finger up your ass is by your doctor when you're getting a prostate exam. Anything else is faggotry.

018b4d No.302988



Bruh, what the fuck did I just say?

47d57c No.302992


As a man, you do not take things up your ass unless absolutely necessary.

Is your doctor checking you for prostate cancer? No? Medical emergency? Also no? Then nothing goes into your asshole. It's not rocket science.

Remember that only fags and degenerates like things up their ass for pleasure.

018b4d No.302993


The girl likes it, I like it, what's wrong with this?

47d57c No.302997


Aside from your shit taste?

018b4d No.302998


What shit taste?

47d57c No.303001


Enjoying anything up your ass is shit taste.

6ee047 No.303037


Just let your waifu rub your taint then.

018b4d No.304341

dda02c No.304380


Do people just forget that some MGs need semen to survive?

b1742b No.304392

I like most monster girls, but how will i know if one has chosen me ?

91d281 No.304405


When she rapes you.

018b4d No.304409


If she pumps out your cum and doesn't leave you in the dirt.

ea9c6e No.304411

File: 609512b83dcbcb6⋯.png (113.7 KB, 608x600, 76:75, smug foxgirl.png)



018b4d No.304415


It's always been very heavily implied in KC canon (the canonical god of the mg universe) that mg have sex with plenty of other men before settling on a single husbando, hell, it even says that manticores use their tailpussy on many man before using their human vagina on the man they like.

ea9c6e No.304423

File: 61a5aa0cd9b91cc⋯.png (304.45 KB, 392x478, 196:239, Manticore_0.png)



>taking KC to the letter

>what is a headcanon

>it even says that manticores use their tailpussy on many man before using their human vagina on the man they like.

>slandering best girl

It doesn't say that at all, nigga.

<When they attack a man they always use their tails. They just keep sipping spirit energy through their tail for a while after catching a man as though he’s nothing but prey to them, and they don’t use their vagina like other monsters.

<A man’s spirit energy taken in through their tail efficiently bonds with their body, and diffuses entirely throughout it.

<They become intimately familiar with the taste of the spirit energy, and the shape of the penis of the man who will become their husband. Ultimately, it causes their body to be remade perfectly for their husband’s exclusive use so that they can pleasure him even more rapidly than usual and taste his spirit energy.

Notice how the article refers to the manticores as 'they' but men as 'a man'? It doesn't say 'when a manticore attacks men', it says 'when they (manticores) attack a man'. If you want, you could interpret that as multiple manticores attacking one man but the language suggests that 'they' (i.e. she) will only attack one man, feasting on his spirit energy and remaking themselves for him. It looks to me like manticore is the poster girl for monogamy.

In fact, it even suggests that manticores become very attatched to their husbands.

<After specializing every part of themselves for their husband in this manner, they will ravish him using their vagina for the first time. The sex on that occasion results in such great pleasure that both of them will no longer be able to live without it, and this is ingrained in their bodies. This, for sure, is proof of marriage to them. That’s how much their husband and sex with him is special to them, but they almost never speak of their true feelings.

018b4d No.304425


In that entry, it never says that when they catch a man that they stick with that man forever, it says "a man", it doesn't refer to "the man". besides,

<Because of their cruel disposition

<cruel disposition

<not gentle/cheerful/honest dispositon

ea9c6e No.304428

File: f42365f80e54cde⋯.png (269.52 KB, 599x387, 599:387, CxEkzgjWEAAkSqf.png)


>it says "a man", it doesn't refer to "the man".

<they maliciously retract their spines as if to let the man pull off their tail, but once the man grabs it in his hands, his body will completely ignore his own thoughts

<The man will grab their tail

<they’ll use their tail as a pump to milk huge amounts of semen while defanging the man

<hey become intimately familiar with the taste of the spirit energy, and the shape of the penis of the man who will become their husband.

Even if it didn't say this, half the article is a description of a manticore attacking a man. Within that description, the article uses the term 'they' to refer to the attacking manticore, and 'a man' or 'the man' to refer to the man being attacked. The article then goes on to use the exact same terms to describe how manticores imprint on men from whom they take semen and spirit energy.

Note: At no point does the article use the word 'men', except right at the start in the very obvious context of manticores as a species/group/population attacking men as a species/group/population. In fact, the article goes to pains to say 'man' instead of 'men', even when it uses 'they' instead of 'she' to refer to the manticore.

So no, it doesn't explicity state that one manticore bonds to one man, but neither does it explicity state that one manticore may have many partners. And when you read the article, it's not hard to discern which one is the case.

>Because of their cruel disposition

>not gentle/cheerful/honest dispositon

So you're suggesting that only the gentle/cheerful/honest monsters are monogamous? Manticore being 'ferocious, aggressive, cruel' doesn't make her a slut, as the article makes considerable effort to point out.

If your waifu isn't ferocious, aggressive and cruel she's a shit anyway

018b4d No.304433

File: 4217c4cca4488fe⋯.jpg (129.35 KB, 600x369, 200:123, 472d2d91fa2905ef6f72025adc….jpg)


>wanting an cruel waifu

>wanting a waifu who is explicelty cruel

ea9c6e No.304434


That's what I like about her, my dude.

c8a945 No.304436

File: 906a9c63a151720⋯.png (110.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 906a9c63a1517200f6b39cc9ef….png)


> wanting to be someones bitch.

>wanting to breed with a nigger of your waifus species.

True love is fostered better when both parties involved are at their best.

018b4d No.304438

File: cb88295024d22b5⋯.png (345.4 KB, 495x600, 33:40, Yeti2.png)

File: 10fbdd3525dcfe9⋯.jpg (51.31 KB, 432x599, 432:599, Yeti12.jpg)

File: 310dfc356399d6a⋯.jpg (108.84 KB, 850x908, 425:454, sample_a43ba5dea12b1ebe6c8….jpg)

File: 4161e96bd40f3e2⋯.png (206.38 KB, 800x420, 40:21, Yeti22.png)

File: 65020732a5d86fc⋯.png (135.74 KB, 398x600, 199:300, Yeti40.png)


So you DO want to be trod on like dirt, made to feel like a piece of shit AND be abused everyday? It sounds like you need some loving and cuddling, anonipoo.

polite sage for shitposting

ea9c6e No.304440

File: 1a5c694df61ad24⋯.png (346.78 KB, 727x830, 727:830, mane nuzzles.png)


>implying these big meaty paws and fluffy mane aren't perfect for loving and cuddling

018b4d No.304443

File: f9cb8f847a34ae4⋯.jpg (46.19 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Yeti15.jpg)

File: 210fa38ddaf2347⋯.png (104.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Yeti71.png)

File: 0d0f72f711cd199⋯.png (339.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Yeti61.png)


>claws on his back ready to slice him open

>those paws aren't even big nor meaty

>that girl can't warm his man in the cold with magic heating powers

lelol, what a shit, you need yeti

ea9c6e No.304446

File: e81b6848af08104⋯.jpg (108.59 KB, 850x812, 425:406, Manticore_3.jpg)


>her only monstrous bits are paws and a scarf

>gives her hugs away to any Tom, Dick or Harry who happens to be outside when it's snowing

>has to use magic to warm her husband rather than just using a big fluffy mane

Go and get proactively dated by a manticore, it'll do you a world of good

018b4d No.304449

File: fbd7ffea74e4353⋯.png (148.95 KB, 651x476, 93:68, 1b42d8f65cf5e4a3825a7de350….png)

File: 4c827c573804784⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 640x512, 5:4, 4c827c573804784810283dc908….jpg)

File: 43c4f92730d61d5⋯.png (57.27 KB, 867x404, 867:404, 43c4f92730d61d54ab08dc877d….png)


>His monster waifu is explicitly cruel, most likely into abusing her husbando

>gives out her tailpussy to anybody with a dick

>asks not for your dick, money, soul and body, only for a hug

ea9c6e No.304454

File: 47e2ff28ee22444⋯.png (53.44 KB, 549x442, 549:442, manticore gf.png)


<smug and sadistic in bed but sweet and pleasant afterwards

<loves her husbando so much that her body transforms to better suit him


>boring and submissive

>addicted to hugging strangers


018b4d No.304459

File: d5ddec166713a86⋯.png (187.47 KB, 504x600, 21:25, 504px-Yeti73.png)

File: 508757d166d19ce⋯.jpg (23.41 KB, 352x599, 352:599, Yeti62d.jpg)

File: 96badc0fb182fbd⋯.jpg (88.87 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 800px-Yeti38.jpg)


>Liking girls that are sadistic a.k.a, want to chain you to the bedpost and whip your ass

>tailpussy is big, ugly and a shit fetish

>it's also uncovered, letting any joe schmo see it

>letting anything prick you

>letting anything prick you that brainwashes you

>wings on her back are so small she can't fly, thus is useless

>absolute femdom leads to an unbalanced mind

<cuddly fun times

<big cuddle pile of warm fluffiness with the family

<can make lemon snowcones, and hot cocoa with marshmellows

<realizing that equal love between man and mongirl is the best way to a balanced soul

<solitary living girl, can just cuddle in all day with no one to interrupt you two

<high /out/ skill due to outdoor living

<lemony scent

Just give up, you're outmatched.

97f22d No.304461

File: 044134be29ec438⋯.jpg (114.8 KB, 600x795, 40:53, image.jpg)

File: 5253db6fee4f332⋯.jpg (709.11 KB, 2048x1790, 1024:895, image.jpg)

File: 358d732147418dd⋯.jpg (587.66 KB, 1754x2710, 877:1355, image.jpg)

File: 988eca0a43b9126⋯.jpg (429.82 KB, 2000x1600, 5:4, image.jpg)

File: 63e08410c67d825⋯.jpg (800.34 KB, 2480x3507, 2480:3507, image.jpg)



>bickering like plebs

>instead of acknowledging superior waifu with better wife skills

018b4d No.304463

File: d86edda923e53c9⋯.png (246.27 KB, 525x600, 7:8, Yeti13.png)


For some goddamn reason, I predicted that a kiki fag would eventually come in as a third power.

>basically a living mop

>supposed to be some kind of bird, but doesn't even have wings

Other than that though, she is good.

ea9c6e No.304465

File: 6c32c506eb15463⋯.gif (4.13 MB, 384x384, 1:1, one_smug_manticore.gif)


>her unique special skill is making hot drinks

>"""lemony""" scent

>can't wing cuddle on account of not having wings

>can't wrap her tail around her husband on account of not having a tail

>can't run her claws through your hair on account of having no claws

>manticore can do all this, meaning she even gives better hugs

<not appreciating freedom through fetters

<not liking girls that make you feel ALIVE

<implying the tailpussy opens for anyone other than her hubby

<not partaking of the venom

<not trusting your waifu enough to let her alter your perception a bit

<implying wings aren't aesthetic

<implying she doesn't like to relax and submit once in a while

I suppose we can't all have good taste.


>dicking a featherduster

fd8475 No.304466

Look guys if you could all calm down I'm sure all of your monstergirls you like are good… But they aren't Kitsune good.

018b4d No.304468

File: 98ca9007511baa0⋯.jpg (150.51 KB, 850x743, 850:743, sample_2f56b91a515448babd6….jpg)

File: eeac7b7d5340e36⋯.png (454.78 KB, 453x858, 151:286, eeac7b7d5340e36049252bab0e….png)

File: 058c00a999b5871⋯.jpg (30.74 KB, 480x600, 4:5, 480px-Yeti60.jpg)


>His waifu can't make hot, good drinks

>Wanting to scratch your head open with claws

>wanting to be enslaved

>not wanting to be liberated by the cold outdoors

>wanting to be plowed by a girl with a strapon because she is femdom

>wanting to be like a druggie

>implying her wings aren't 'SMALL' and 'USELESS'


>thinks that living is through whips and chains

>implying her submission isn't a ploy to trick you

>implying she wouldn't use her tail cuddling to just hit you with a spine

>uses her wing to trap you

>not combining magic and physical skill to get maximum cuddle

<Supreme footjobs

<juicy chocolate skintone

</out/doors life with her

<secret inner strength to defend you from the worst

<would never demand sex if you didn't want it

<family woman

<secret formula to special yeti cocoa that no one knows but the yetis

725d7a No.304474


>freedom through fetters

Yeah, I don't know about you anon, but that sounds like literal fucking globalist propaganda to me, the kind of statement CNN and the BBC would air after doing a report on how Islamic trucks of peace are good for the local economy and why all good citizens of the EU need to report in any acquaintances who express anti-immigrant sentiments for hate crimes. I'm actually less attracted to manticores as a result of that, good job.

ea9c6e No.304479

File: 403c1d323817600⋯.jpg (673.52 KB, 1061x1261, 1061:1261, Manticore_1.jpg)

File: ad135cb5bd9ee8c⋯.jpg (11.45 KB, 219x255, 73:85, Manticore_2.jpg)

File: ed45a91f07f87a1⋯.jpg (119.06 KB, 1000x999, 1000:999, 358dbccb753291f47e13c6da16….jpg)


muh ID

>he minds a few love scratches

>implying the danukikes haven't already stolen the yeti secret recipe

>implying all femdom is 3DPD-tier ballbusting strapon cuckoldry

>his waifu has a job, i.e. not a family woman

>conceals her inner strength instead of exuding raw power

<more appendages to hug with

<more holes to make love to

<doesn't need to resort to magical fuckery to be best girl

<qt smug - can be flustered

<equally at home with sadistic sex games or love + snuggles

Look, I don't think we're going to see eye to eye on this.


>literal fucking globalist propaganda

top kek

> I'm actually less attracted to manticores as a result of that, good job.

Suit yourself.

018b4d No.304483

File: c66b4b889e9ed12⋯.jpg (115.69 KB, 850x867, 50:51, sample_dff414b2209ec414b12….jpg)

File: e128481a5c2744d⋯.jpg (58.34 KB, 450x600, 3:4, Yeti41.jpg)

File: 621b4db9b6f8ae3⋯.jpg (423.08 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, sample_e81935979296e468b11….jpg)


>he has been abused by his waifu so much that he refers to claw marks as "love scratches"

>Implying they can even decode it, much less produce it themselves

>"H-Her strapon feels really good man, you should try it"

>>"his waifu has a job", Now where the fuck did you get that?

>Exudes raw power instead of concealing her inner strength

>Implying any of those appendages are worth cuddling with

>wanting to make love to a BIG UGLY TAILPUSSY

>He doesn't think magic makes a girl instantaneously better

>He doesn't know that all monstergirls exude a certain amount of magic

>actively scares her own husbando because it gets her wet

>Implying anyone with taste would want to fuck that thing called a tail pussy

ea9c6e No.304492

File: d2dcfe0f40416b4⋯.png (197.02 KB, 369x364, 369:364, 1463686873206.png)


>his waifu isn't dangerous enough to give him a few cuts and bruises during a roll in the hay

>implying the danukikes won't reverse-engineer the cocoa technology

>he doesn't know the first thing about femdom because his waifu is utterly incapable of it

>at the time the yeti entry made it sound like rescuing lost men from the snow was their 'job', but reading it again I think it might simply be something they just do

>projects an aura of weakness

>his waifu can't wing cocoon him or wrap her tail around his waist

>not wanting to make love to a delicious tailpussy

>his waifu uses magical bullshit to make men love her rather than raw sex appeal and power

>not wanting to make your waifu happy even if she gets a bit carried away

What's it like being in love with a fluffy pile of brown shit?

018b4d No.304498

File: b300f3f62ad05d0⋯.jpg (25.81 KB, 352x599, 352:599, Yeti62a.jpg)

File: 92f0a5ea58fd4a4⋯.png (353.74 KB, 800x566, 400:283, 800px-Yeti49b.png)

File: 94394d222d0435b⋯.jpg (69.66 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 800px-Yeti35.jpg)


>He wants to be cut up and bruised a.k.a, masochism

>Implying they can get their hands on the secret ingredient

>He wants his balls to be squished and torn off

>You must protect her smile, while she protects yours

>He wants to be stabbed with a barb from his lying waifu

>He wants to stick his dick where other guys willies have been

>She uses a mind altering chemical to get men hard

>Not wanting both parties to be happy of their own accord

I'm sorry, is that a waifu, or is that a 3DPD?

01d024 No.304499

File: 906d855d65905c1⋯.jpg (194.25 KB, 1200x1738, 600:869, 1498798569491.jpg)

Would any and every abyssal be a sucker for getting their hair brushed?

7d436d No.304501


This was handwaved in the first MGE world book:

Females of all species can absorb ambient mana from the environment, and there is an industry dedicated to producing a purified spirit energy supplement to tide over the young and chaste until they find their One.

ea9c6e No.304502

File: bfc7ce484b9928e⋯.jpg (55.53 KB, 581x764, 581:764, 1471578077724.jpg)


>implying masochism is bad when it comes to a girl like manticore

>lying waifu

>balls squished and torn off

>where other guys willies have been

This is abject slander of a quality waifu.

018b4d No.304506

File: c1291754c4ccf43⋯.jpeg (150.3 KB, 711x986, 711:986, 4eb2e5a58c2d4552c0a27eb1c….jpeg)

File: a9506e6397d1ae2⋯.png (218.34 KB, 550x599, 550:599, Yeti14.png)

File: 78459d6d07ddd95⋯.png (220.1 KB, 462x599, 462:599, Yeti27.png)


How can it be slander when it's all 100% true? Face it, you're wrong, I'm right, just choose the right waifu.

>lying waifu

<Because of their cruel disposition, they purposefully do not deny the fake stories being told in some anti-monster states about “monsters that feast on human flesh,” and they act as if they really do eat humans. Many of them enjoy the look of a man in terror, and how the reaction changes afterward when he is bewildered by pleasure.

Masochism is ALWAYS bad anon.

ea9c6e No.304508

File: 0cde5022290ae3d⋯.jpg (189.49 KB, 1228x828, 307:207, 1471115706572-1.jpg)


>Masochism is ALWAYS bad anon.

t. shit taste

018b4d No.304511

File: ae8512b430f0477⋯.jpg (37.03 KB, 666x599, 666:599, Yeti52b.jpg)


>Masochism is good

so saith the dungeon gimp

ea9c6e No.304513

File: f88eaf85f9f2f7a⋯.jpg (45.91 KB, 720x713, 720:713, 0cecd5ac5e9347098932e00362….jpg)

018b4d No.304514

File: 8b76e5704387d8b⋯.png (718.53 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1499616187181.png)


Yeah, this is starting to get old now.

556a4b No.304530

File: 44149e0dbba02d0⋯.png (436.33 KB, 1429x2000, 1429:2000, IMG_4220.PNG)

Is polt allowed here?

d1d909 No.304536

814cda No.304537


Polt's been allowed here since forever.

2d1804 No.304541

File: 2ba1bb621f63b33⋯.jpg (336.59 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 347b216c4cc0304fe843e0e859….jpg)


Button nose is allowed if it's from monster musume, least I think. /monster/ doesn't like it in general though as it's basically a snout but without the elongated mouth.

742a39 No.304548


It is not heavily implied, it is outright stated in the Monster Girl Encyclopedia Volume 1 right at the beginning on the first couple of pages.

Basically in the MGEU monsters stopped killing humans, because the new demon lord caused them all become female and part succubus.

But because they are all part succubus, they turned all into a bunch of kinky sluts with a hunger for semen and they instinctually attack men to get food.

If before, during or afterwards the monster(girl) starts to fancy the man, she will become monogamous and the best wife imaginable for him.

However if not the man is just treated as a temporary plaything and snack. This is true for all monsters in the MGEU, from the aggressive to the passive, from the kind to the cruel.


Nah we never had a problem with Polt, its a malicious rumor spread by furfags that we don't like her. That rumor is even older than the "no snout rule" and has its origin in the furfags inability to understand that we want monster girls and not female anthropomorphic animals.

814cda No.304551


>basically a snout but without the elongated mouth

A snout consists of an inhuman facial structure, it's not a snout, it's just a bad nose.

2d1804 No.304553

File: b0c76dc14964ed7⋯.jpg (4.65 MB, 3800x2533, 3800:2533, serveimage.jpg)

File: f63a92d33c56ac0⋯.jpg (202.12 KB, 2048x845, 2048:845, nose.jpg)


Nah friend there are a fair few people who legitimately don't like the idea of rubbing noses with pic related. Also your last point would be sound if it wasn't Polt we were speaking of.


Pics related. Still pretty bad and snout-like. All this autism about snouts and Polt still has other issues like the multi nipples or hair everywhere, including her face.

1c61b6 No.304573

File: f227585fd3fa641⋯.png (537.87 KB, 702x540, 13:10, (inquisitive grunt).png)

File: b597ccbb1cd74c9⋯.jpg (113.65 KB, 672x1100, 168:275, asdjkvabhvjkasdbhvav.jpg)





So yes polt allowed? I mean this probably belongs more in the meta thread by now. But by these rules pic related is a-ok because button nose and its in MGQ. mods pls no ban it's just an example

a7b624 No.304580

File: 6b810f4d65a4d7b⋯.jpg (151.4 KB, 850x1476, 425:738, Kuroeda_san_elf_san_wa_yas….jpg)


Polt is pretty much a kemono. Don't get started on the whole button nose thing since there are kemono that were drawn with button noses instead of long snouts in other manga and anime. It's that Japan just adds kemono on their mamono roster even though we abhor it. Examples being the werewolf Elf-san and

the siths in MGE, another MonMusu example was from that MON comic where the MON girls were talking to a full blown female cat furry. Our "no snouts" rule is unique to us and it has protected us from the hordes of furfags that would have come and destroyed all that is good here like the skaven they are. While we try to fight off the furfag fandom cancer, Japan's kemono community is less autistic and obnoxious where the stigma isn't as strong there. If the Japs knew the shit we know, they would hate furfags too.

I like Polt and we should pat ourselves on the back for not letting the furfags take her away from us.

dd19cd No.304584


You can see why Polt is the subject of some debate. The thing is that personality wise she's a good girl, she's just covered in fur and has a weird nose. The Cait Sith's kind of a cunt if you read its entry, and the Cu Sith is literally a dog that's been put on two legs and given the ability to speak.

a7b624 No.304588


I still remember when the Elf-san thread died because of the werewolf character so they stopped posting it here.

1c61b6 No.304589

File: 641d02c9463040f⋯.jpg (37.15 KB, 308x617, 308:617, bringles.jpg)


>The thing is that personality wise she's a good girl, she's just covered in fur and has a weird nose.

But that applies to a lot of kemono stuff. Is /kemono/ our greatest ally now or something? I just want clear rules I'm not trying to push furshit on /monster/ not that I want to shit on /kemono/, because like >>304580 says the japs are the tamest furries on the planet, even though some still fursuit and shit

a7b624 No.304593


Americans and Germans are among the worst fucking furfags on the planet and are the bulk of all the cancer. Though most of the furfaggotry is cartoony Western shit, though there are many of Weeb furfags that latch onto Japanese anthro. These fucks are what has made anthropomorphic characters have a stigma. Have you seen Internet Historian's video on "Rain Furrest"? It was a furry convention that went so bad that every hotel in the state banned furfags entirely. I don't think I've ever heard of Japanese furfags in fursuits, though I guess it's probably for cosplay. They tend to not be as delusional as their Westen counterparts and function more normally which is odd considering how autistic Japanese otaku are. So far they are just a niche in Japan and they are already getting absorbed into the whole Japanese monster girl subculture, thus Polt, the Siths and the Werewolf. That's why I can't get angry at KC for making the Siths since he doesn't know the things we know and would probably never experience Western furfaggotry.

2d1804 No.304597

File: 11583ab3d10e950⋯.png (828.07 KB, 750x1500, 1:2, OiUC362.png)


Thing is though culture isn't the only thing bad about furries. Cu sith and Cait Sith both fall under animals given human features rather than humans features not just in look but in the entry. The monster girl encyclopedia is filled with issues revolving around the girls being one note due to monstrous nature and that jazz but the siths fall under that especially. Except instead of monstrous nature it's animal nature, lettering on the brink of bestiality that will always be a problem with These furry characters. At least the japanese don't make it a lifestyle I'll give you that. I hope

5677a7 No.304598

File: 435e8634d24c154⋯.jpg (28.1 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 435e8634d24c154def663b010e….jpg)

which monstergirl would you boop?

a7b624 No.304600


I still remember the incest dark elves. KC will fill various kinds of minty fetishes in MGE, though these girls would also come with a vanilla option. I''m just glad that NTR isn't in the entries and I hope it stays that way, MGQ almost made me hate mermaids because of that shit.

4513e8 No.304605


You don't need to worry about cuckshit in MGE, KC has gone on record multiple times about how disgusted he is at the NTR genre. His first world book had him devote an entire chapter to iterating how MGs in his setting are physically repulsed at the thought of cheating. He may be /d/-tier in a surprising number of respects, but Kenkou hates infidelity with fury.

1c61b6 No.304606


All of them.


> I don't think I've ever heard of Japanese furfags in fursuits, though I guess it's probably for cosplay.

I'm sorry to do this to you anon.

2d1804 No.304607

File: 43baabea8a4ccb2⋯.png (63.36 KB, 245x202, 245:202, 1447434624323.png)

File: 03cdb45e31e002f⋯.png (40.41 KB, 480x320, 3:2, 1458380795885.png)

File: 1786a28e7b22412⋯.png (237.38 KB, 411x504, 137:168, 1447803846932.png)

File: ac760d77bedc8a3⋯.png (10.2 KB, 205x204, 205:204, 1429463828410.png)

File: 919a36eba7b0cec⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 456x628, 114:157, 1453732546343.jpg)


I hoped wrong, gas all animal fuckers.

1c61b6 No.304611

File: c72539e8e4376d9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 111.35 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, c72539e8e4376d9fa9ff77474b….jpg)


Like I said before, it's not common, but I fear the western furfags are influencing them. Sindoll has contacted western furfags and does western commissions, an increasing amounts of jap furfags do MLP and undertale stuff, and some jap furfags are taking the western style to heart with sparkledogs and more western disney-esque looking art. I hope it stops, and the /monster/ artists can slap l some sense into them. That's enough talk of furshit for one thread though.

c8a945 No.304612


polt is allowed because there hasn't been any problem with her back on 4 chan's mgg thread.

2d1804 No.304614

File: c4fc1086f78834a⋯.png (5.24 KB, 187x267, 187:267, 1482103599306.png)

556a4b No.304616

File: fffe2fdd2e6cacf⋯.png (323.61 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_4221.PNG)


I'm a mobile fag, but I'm still here.

05c9dd No.304700


The bottom line is that the design of Polt is overall more human than the majority of furry and kemono stuff, she doesn't stand out compared to all the other monster girls from monster musume and fits right in.


Nah that cancer is uniquely anglo-american, despite the cringe material you may find on the net about german furries they practically don't exist here in germany because they keep to themselves and don't disturb the public.

The problem isn't just the furfags, but how the culture in the USA treats sexuality in general.

a7b624 No.304709


It's amusing how every hotel banned that furfag convention. Internet Historian is good at archiving events.

cba2f8 No.304713

File: dcbea2bf8e2a2d1⋯.jpg (143.57 KB, 850x585, 170:117, __admiral_northern_ocean_h….jpg)


Polt isn't more human than furry though. At the very least she's 50/50. She's a good girl character wise but it's clear just by this discussion that people find her out of place. This isn't a board for good characters this is a board for monster girls where non monster girls who get sexualized are banned. Polt and co are an exception cause of monster muscle but not for the reasons you mentioned.

Also while it may not be furfags in Germany many people of German descent I've met turned out to be degenerate furfags. Same with spics, middle class nigs and Pacific islanders.

cba2f8 No.304722


*anything more than monster girls.

We obviously don't ban humans here.

e3c1e1 No.304763

File: fb406d34e2d0a05⋯.jpg (210.36 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, 64050951_p0_master1200.jpg)

are you ready to commit atrocities for sake of protecting precious to you?

c8a945 No.304796

File: 38c8bd89ae317b4⋯.png (48.85 KB, 326x371, 326:371, faggotalp.png)





okay you people are fucking newfags.

The real reason why polt isn't banned is because she came from monster musume and isn't some dumb OC character from tumblr that some faggot made up. Shes officially a part of monster musume not because of chart faggotry.

You can go to the meta thread and get this verified by the Board Owner.

c8a945 No.304797


anyways OC characters similar to polt's apperance who aren't officially published by content creators like KC or Crabman are banned.

01abaa No.304799


sauce on your pic plz

cba2f8 No.304800

File: e58bd9d5e52ebab⋯.jpg (202.63 KB, 1124x1436, 281:359, 1495108223562.jpg)


I said what you just said friendo. Don't lump me in with the rest. I worry though, she really shouldn't be sexualized.

05c9dd No.304804


>Polt isn't more human than furry though. At the very least she's 50/50.

That is not the point, forget this percentile bullshit. Polt is a genuine true monster girl character period. Crabman took the classic japanese RPG version of a Kobold and mashed it perfectly with the human female form.

Something that many people don't seem to get is that depending on the original monster, the degree of "beast parts" on a monster girl changes because the artist has to keep her identifiable as the original monster.

Its easy to make a monster girl version from monsters that are already half human(centaurs, lamia, mermaid ect.) and monsters that have unique features(manticore, beholder ect.), but the moment you reach the more samey looking beastmen based on animals, it getting difficult to make them look different from each other. Considering with what Crabman and Kenkou Cross had to work with their kobolds came out excellent.

>… but it's clear just by this discussion that people find her out of place.

Well newfags just have to lurk more and if they are not newfags and don't get why Polt is great they need to be thrown into the Matango Pit.

>Polt and co are an exception cause of monster muscle but not for the reasons you mentioned.

Polt was grandfathered in when the rules were made, because she existed on this board before the rules were made. It used to be the way that all monster girl content that wasn't /chaos/ was tolerated and celebrated on this board. However some people couldn't stop their autistic screeching if a monster girl wasn't to their liking, so Aux made the rules not only to keep the furfags out but also to keep the drama from waifu purityfags down. However since Polt never caused problems and came from a respected franchise, she got exempted.

cba2f8 No.304809

File: 01e0719c8cf1847⋯.png (258.3 KB, 500x308, 125:77, youdeservegrape.png)


Your first two answers are mostly just opinionated. You think she's great just because crabman took a furry and made it a kemono rather than what KC did and make it a monster girl. Your argument that people don't like her just cause they're new should indicate how unmonstergirl-like she is. Oldfags too like me don't like but still tolerate her because, like you said in your final point she was here since the very start, since /mgg/ even. You should've said that was the reason we tolerate her before instead of making yourself look like a newfag.

We've also been getting more and more newfags this summer who enjoy too much monster in their girl and while polt isn't the reason for that she is still a welcome mat.

cba2f8 No.304810


You're right though you should measure this stuff in percent. You're either human, monster girl, kemonoJapanese furry or furry. Polt is kemono. Anyways we should be taking up this thread for such an argument, move to the meta or I'm done.

cba2f8 No.304811



4582af No.304816

File: 60f39f8130c9751⋯.png (3.3 MB, 2562x3198, 427:533, image.png)

Is Towa a viable candidate for the Demon ruler that will bring us Monstergirls? She has been portrayed as having a goal of breaking the seal on her native realm and is also demonic royalty. Even became a Demon Goddess at one point, so it could be done again.

Top-tier underboob as well.

814cda No.304827


Only Ammit can be that ruler, anon. Towa can probably help, though.

955f50 No.304835

File: c1309f9360c4f07⋯.png (82.2 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1498698443277.png)

If a monstergirl is in heat will headpats sooth her primal mating urges???

If not what's the proper way to satisfy her urges without doing anything sexual during mating season???

ea9c6e No.304836



Why don't you want to satisfy your waifu, hero?

955f50 No.304837


>Go out shopping at farmers market with monster waifu

>she suddenly goes into heat

>you're out in public

>promise that you'll both go to pound town when you get home

>she can't hold out and becomes overly flirty and sexual

>have to calm her down before she makes a huge scene

What do???

89d356 No.304838

File: f9f5df5fc66e64c⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 326x218, 163:109, 40lbs of rape.mp4)


>Not going into a bathroom, car, behind a tent or some other private place and just doing the nasty

>Implying the forbidden fruit is not the tastiest

Do you even exhibitionist anon?

besides is you don't take the lead, she will

92739a No.304839

File: f417921043c80c2⋯.jpg (297.16 KB, 900x520, 45:26, justincase.jpg)


>croikey, look at the fangs on that sheila

fd509c No.304840



You only need one question mark to get your point across. Anything more is typing like a faggot.

814cda No.304841

File: c531daaf8c603fb⋯.jpg (208.6 KB, 865x923, 865:923, dryad with single apple.jpg)



I'd be perfectly fine doing my dryad waifu in a forest, at least. Or sneaking onto TPC Sawgrass at precisely 1:11 AM together to have stealth scuba sex under hole 17's waters.

e3c1e1 No.304844

File: 16af2c347ccdd57⋯.jpg (103.79 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 64050951_p1_master1200.jpg)

File: fa6e1aa579436dc⋯.jpg (290.28 KB, 1200x765, 80:51, 64050951_p2_master1200.jpg)

05c9dd No.304848

File: ea9bcba8aa7c746⋯.jpg (352.89 KB, 1137x1329, 379:443, 1444775132003-0.jpg)

File: 8e70843cdd746ae⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 892x724, 223:181, 1444775132004-2.jpg)


>If a monstergirl is in heat will headpats sooth her primal mating urges?


>If not what's the proper way to satisfy her urges without doing anything sexual during mating season?

There are non, but your struggle will make the sex more sweeter to her has it stimulates her instincts.

a7b624 No.304850


>Girls in heat

I need this.

cd0c26 No.304890

File: 9c8a5b8bafddeef⋯.png (182.11 KB, 356x400, 89:100, futatsuiwa_mamizou_touhou_….png)

File: 5d9831b288893af⋯.png (398.88 KB, 500x1237, 500:1237, gyoubu_danuki_by_diobrando….png)

File: 1d35c3bdbe72e6b⋯.jpg (68.15 KB, 512x560, 32:35, JNQ4WFS3WJ8G9Q4ATIBE9EUQ7S….jpg)

File: eb13944d6f95e46⋯.jpg (105.69 KB, 717x1113, 239:371, tanuki_by_foreling-d7yvw2n….jpg)

File: 5c6e3e6bb9d7bb8⋯.png (191.06 KB, 500x598, 250:299, tumblr_omqe6la98r1sxhrwzo1….png)



close second but best girl coming through

98a8af No.305046

File: db60a1a57769285⋯.jpg (485.63 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, pba1.jpg)

018b4d No.305065

File: 66e5534597bc720⋯.jpg (144.91 KB, 870x652, 435:326, ughh.jpg)


>Those catboys at the end

Everything else was great though

018b4d No.305069




>All these

>Not purposefully going into a public area like a public square and suddenly having flash sex out of nowhere just for the rush

5d379c No.305100


you know she is a he it's futa

60664d No.305125

File: 1048c3cf1930da1⋯.png (345.58 KB, 819x916, 819:916, 1476208981262.png)


Why are the MGE ones called Gyoubu Danuki instead of just Tanuki? And why are they so great?

814cda No.305129


Anon, all the little lolis and shotas will see if you do that, while on a golf course, there will be no lolis or shotas other than perhaps permalolis.

018b4d No.305132


Well they gotta learn some way or another, and we're here to show them. Consider it early sex ed.

0195de No.305613

What is an alp? Is it a monster or a process humans go through?

018b4d No.305614

0195de No.305623


What's the process and the monster like exactly?

97f22d No.305668


An alp is a faggot who gets hit with enough mamono mana to transform into a succubus chick. The more you dick the alp, the more woman-like they become. However you do not dick the alps both the monster and the mountain range. You bully them instead.

96e0b9 No.305673


Alping is faggotry, I don't care what anyone says. Alp fetishists don't like alps in spite of them previously being men(and even so, why would anyone stick their dick in that?), but specifically because of it. The whole concept of alps is absolutely disgusting

ca238f No.305709


This is legit my first post after a few months of lurking. But i gotta ask why is /monster/'s posterbase so painfully vanilla.

60664d No.305710


It's the only thing everyone can agree on

018b4d No.305711


Because most fetishes that aren't vanilla are literally shit tier.

dd19cd No.305714


We don't want to associate with cucks, furfags, or anyone who gets off to the other shit that's banned because they're disgusting people who lower the quality of the board.

Non-vanilla stuff is welcome on >>>/chaos/ though I think even they ban NTR.

018b4d No.305719

File: 8fa6f3966e940d8⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 1467837345235.gif)


>though I think even they ban NTR

A true testament to how shit it is

6801c7 No.305726



The rules say nothing and they have a cuckshit thread up. And fuck you for making me check.

6801c7 No.305740

How would you tease your waifu? How would she tease you?

>blowing air in a wan or cat's ears

>oni waifu puts things on top of high shelves

>buying a baphomet a pushup bra

>Manticore edges you with her tailpussy

1a3260 No.305849

I have a thing for fat old faceless monsters is there a name for this?

And which mgs would make the best old hags?

50b565 No.305864


Because we are a place for romance not degeneracy

Though light bondage and loving subs/doms are welcome

Posts here are based on pure love and affection everything else it just garbage

35b02b No.305916

File: 045b0b2ab9db981⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 2200x1800, 11:9, --hijiri-byakuren-saigyouj….jpg)


>And which mgs would make the best old hags?

This group of 2hus are the best hags

3c301a No.305921

File: a41525a2c5fcd67⋯.png (679.48 KB, 787x760, 787:760, best hag.png)

35b02b No.305926

File: 0fc270e1d8d1823⋯.jpg (191.38 KB, 616x900, 154:225, __hakurei_reimu_yakumo_ran….jpg)


just remember that she is very sensitive about being called a hag

60664d No.305936


But she doesn't look any older than the other 2hus. Isn't that what a hag is supposed to be, something that looks old and ugly?

a7b624 No.305937


Yukari is so cute when she's bullied. Then again, the bullying brings out the cuteness in girls.

0195de No.306590



I genuinely hope that if you guys succeed in bringing the monster girls into this world, no one has to deal with such a fate. Even if only fags are affected I'll still feel bad for them, given that they're only people with a mental disorder and didn't choose what they're afflicted with.

dd19cd No.306602


I think it would solve a lot of problems if trannies with diseased minds were replaced with actual women with healthy ones.

f2cc5d No.306713

Are monster girls real?

64c541 No.306716


Not yet

8204de No.306718



Not in this universe.

8204de No.306719


I thought that alping required that your love for dick outweigh your desire to remain male. Otherwise the mamono mana acts as a form of conversion therapy and turns you straight.

27380e No.306935


Alping just requires that you want to be a chick, either consciously or subconsciously, bad enough for you to sabotage your own body's means of producing spirit energy. Once that happens, it's only a matter of time and no amount of mana is going to stop it.

d96111 No.308638

File: 48da3265880935a⋯.webm (4.53 MB, 320x233, 320:233, monsterz OP.webm)


There was a CYOA here a while back that was cut short, it was called "Monsterz" I'm pretty sure. The writer was a drawfag too and always did some top art, as well webm related.

I wouldn't mind the name of this song either.

d96111 No.308640

File: a67716cfc178a6a⋯.png (449.01 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1444017489522.png)


I fucked up, I was meant to be asking for the archives.

4d1732 No.308646


I can almost garentee that art is waifu's, I think shes doing a shark coya rivht now.

f804ad No.308669

Last day of Otakon tomorrow and last chance to pick up some mamono merch. What are some good /monster/ doujins besides Layers of White I can be on the lookout for? Preferrably with an /ss/ lean

d96111 No.308681


Ah, thanks anon. I just went and read it.

Unfortunately I think it'll meet the same fate.

eacc7b No.308683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

d96111 No.308702


meant for >>308646


Thank you.

f6e8ea No.310662


Yup, she's known for never completing her CYOAs (except for the kitsune one), which is a shame, since her art and writing are breddy gud

431b5d No.310670

File: 3bf7e9616c5b00b⋯.jpg (73.42 KB, 750x592, 375:296, 8dd41765a1a9604992bdc6d6bc….jpg)

Does manmono mana make your cock bigger and give you grapefruit-sized balls capable of cumming gallons every day?

6a448d No.310674



I never thought I'd see that webm again. As thanks, here's the archive.


That's the last thread, third post has the others.

c06251 No.310682


reading the entries, no. Your genitals stay the same size. But you do have a super libido, and I imagine your semen output increases since that's where your mana is located and you are being prepped to give more mana more frequently

42ebb5 No.312346


I want to gather statistics on the religiosity of the /monster/ userbase.

42ebb5 No.312349


I want to gather statistics on the amount of Ammit worship in /monster/.

6438b3 No.312352

File: d184b2f59498728⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 238.78 KB, 1178x1093, 1178:1093, tumblr_oay3jycC6L1u5d1m8o4….jpg)



Might be pushing it there bu/d/d/y.

ac5062 No.312355


You spelled Reitia wrong, kiddo.

42ebb5 No.312357

File: 43b18f1ef871823⋯.jpg (23.61 KB, 665x574, 95:82, 43b18f1ef87182364426a3e0f8….jpg)


Yeah, I see that now.

2fc59c No.312361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Also, has /monster/ seen Monster?

42ebb5 No.312517

File: fbda295f2e32bd6⋯.png (95.91 KB, 300x364, 75:91, 77e3a27a820160338991447bd5….png)

Sorry about that last quiz I posted, I was a bit shit, here's a more in-depth quiz that allows for user added answers with a more general question.


6f35e6 No.312519

File: bda239bcefb142d⋯.png (3.44 KB, 801x49, 801:49, poal.me_-_What_do_you_beli….png)

Go away mark

42ebb5 No.312656

File: 5dbfa8836f80f8f⋯.jpg (27.23 KB, 600x733, 600:733, evidenceisnecessary.jpg)



42ebb5 No.312659

File: ed7f8331083325a⋯.png (5.76 KB, 769x47, 769:47, really.png)

File: 4116a22e1e811ab⋯.png (352.19 KB, 597x599, 597:599, 4116a22e1e811abb47b5b1b3a1….png)

42ebb5 No.312665

Why are there so many fedora tippers on /monster/?

befe53 No.312745


Missing that god-shaped hole, honestly. I think it comes with the territory of being an autist.

81a524 No.312753


I hadstill do a little I guess that phase where I was either ironic or was an atheist/agnostic/apatheist. I feel that man should have something higher than himself to follow for his spiritual and physical and mental well being. It's kind of left me feeling like I'm missing something.

28a2d1 No.312754


those are vocal cancerous crossposters.

6438b3 No.312758




You niggers are retarded it's clearly rigged.

28a2d1 No.312760


go away glow in the dark cianigger.

99f03d No.312761


Spoiler for blog

I was born in an Atheist family, so it was kind of a given. I quickly got into love to support myself instead of god as in love a girl and never tell anyone because you're autistic , then, a bit later, knowledge. So now I'm a retard that only wants to be loved and learn a bunch of shit, which explains why I'm here.

Creation of the universe is a big clusterfuck when you think about it, which's why I'm also an agnostic. I don't think god exist, but nothing makes fucking sense if you go back enough, so I wouldn't doubt he does.

924410 No.312780

Has anyone had times where they thought it'd be better to not have a waifu?

For examples worrying that you'd end up disgusting her or scaring her off, being afraid you'll just fuck everything up, or just seeing yourself as someone who is just plain undeserving of one?

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST If you feel sad call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Call 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours everyday )

42ebb5 No.312789

File: 64ede9812a64844⋯.jpeg (18.11 KB, 540x376, 135:94, 64ede9812a64844b3bd129a22….jpeg)

f4f6e8 No.312811


How very Christian of you, faggot.

42ebb5 No.312814

File: 116cfd2f45186db⋯.gif (486.89 KB, 256x190, 128:95, kystbhfam.gif)


Not even a christian, just saying that you need to die. What made you think I was even a christfag?

f4f6e8 No.312816


>shitskin and/or LARPer

42ebb5 No.312819


What ever makes you think that?

81a524 No.312879


Wasn't expecting that reaction. I ain't a fedora tipper if ever I was one.

257afe No.313057


Well apparently this belongs here so if you got images post them in an album I guess

Less used to have an imgur album. It had a lot of really good stuff on it. Now it's gone. And boy is that annoying. I'd like to know if anyone has the whole album, or parts of it, uploaded, because less only put up around 1% on his own profiles, and Dan, gel sankaku, wiki ext only provide about 10% more.

Naturally I used wayback, but it did no good. https://web.archive.org/web/20150719090623/http://imgur.com/a/Vi2zr#64 thanks!

62f0d1 No.314197

File: 8babbb32fed5912⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 471x1265, 471:1265, a3bc621063edb206af07fbf53b….jpg)


I mean… technically no?

I can't see clown girls as their own race of monster girls, maybe just a fetish in the mamono world

7857b2 No.314257

File: 25d02405e733ab2⋯.jpg (67.75 KB, 607x816, 607:816, 1505325660763.jpg)

Would white nationalists be accepted in a monstergirl society?

28a2d1 No.314259


Only if they don't pull a gun on a yeti. But overall they' would be incompatible if they had issues with mg's. Last thing we would need is some autist skinning a faggot because he called his hellhound waifu a nigger.

924410 No.314271


I'm sure they'd be fine if they stick to white, European myth based monster girls and mainly keep to themselves. Would likely get a little shaky towards the more rapey monstergirls, especially hellhounds.

ac5062 No.314277

File: 45bd97b3bd0c4b1⋯.jpg (484.13 KB, 2048x1620, 512:405, kobold and hellhound.jpg)



The important thing to remember with hellhounds is that race is not skin deep.

33b17c No.314280

File: 08c7cf6a995aac0⋯.webm (222.93 KB, 480x360, 4:3, laughing quark.webm)



29ba5d No.314375


If monstergirls had monstergirl daughters and human sons, a white supremacist such as myself would be pleased.

I'm working out an extremely autistic monstergirl setting in which whites conquered all other races early in history thanks to the influence of Ammit and Reitia, and were consequently rewarded by the monsterization of the human women. But I'm a drawfag, not a writefag so it's more daydreaming than anything else.

ac5062 No.314378

File: 6ae80b9e65719ae⋯.jpg (249.12 KB, 406x2204, 7:38, belly buttons.jpg)

Do raijus have two belly buttons?

ffd00e No.314410

File: b4e6739c63f3948⋯.png (783.28 KB, 912x599, 912:599, 1502772028001-lit.png)


I wouldn't mind reading it. Sounds interesting.

2d07d8 No.314492

What if your waifu is pregnant with twins and you're not sure if you can afford it?

ac5062 No.314493


Then the two of you go live in the woods together so you can live a life in which you can afford them.

fe386b No.314542


Wow. The mods are not only gods, but also considerate humans

Sadly wasted on these faggots, though. They just post "Waah I'm depressed notice me!!!!" because that's what they want. I think these attentionwhores deserve the oven more than the kikes even. No monster would ever go for a guy who not only doesn't want to improve himself, but keeps parading his shit around looking for attention.

sage for off-topic rant

ac5062 No.314712


Our goddesses understand our autism rather than be offended by it.

099be4 No.315500

File: 99caeda17466257⋯.png (273.04 KB, 1120x1572, 280:393, 1.png)

There's a set of doujins I want to post, but I fear that I would get banhammered if I post them. It's a trilogy of Tsuyu x Midoriya doujins that are happy sex, I figure that's up /monster/'s alley. The problem is that the author decided to include another part of frog anatomy for tsuyu (frog girl) where she does prolapse, since frogs can clean their insides out. I know that stuff isn't for everyone, which is too bad since I still like the doujin set. The name for each one is "Kaeru desu ga, Nani ka?"

4e4cc9 No.315504

Does anyone have that painting of a cat that triggers the janitor on 4/jp/? I'd prefer the original, but any of the edits are also fine.

ac5062 No.315505

File: d0e272fbbeaa550⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 370.21 KB, 866x867, 866:867, botero Miia.png)

File: dc3e4f8cb5c15c5⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 240.75 KB, 866x865, 866:865, botero memecat.png)


Here are a couple "edits" of Botero's cat.

4e4cc9 No.315507

File: a9cfa8c7da71023⋯.jpg (71.05 KB, 736x676, 184:169, janny cat.jpg)


Thanks for giving me a name to go by, I was able to find the original painting.

6ed89c No.315508

File: 39bca356d603130⋯.png (422.02 KB, 642x509, 642:509, Miia Face.png)


How on Earth does this trigger someone?

4e4cc9 No.315509


I don't know, but the faggot had a mental breakdown because someone kept cropping the face and hiding it in normal images.

6ed89c No.315510

File: 19c0a5cbf022840⋯.png (209.44 KB, 548x279, 548:279, 1442190732913-1.png)

4e8650 No.315513


Good question anon, the answer is yes.

6ed89c No.315514

File: 965748ea49c3a0c⋯.jpg (285.11 KB, 826x630, 59:45, balrog-chan.jpg)


I meant to react to the previous post.

Since this is question thread, would you be Balrog-chan's Precious?

99f03d No.315518

baf79e No.315520

File: b1041af2e4dfc45⋯.png (146 KB, 648x3972, 54:331, 1440038374697.png)

Are virus girls monster girls?

6ed89c No.315521

File: 84d0668b275b15b⋯.jpg (79.61 KB, 1600x1100, 16:11, 1472028751619.jpg)



ac5062 No.315522

File: aba723aef514d5a⋯.png (17.84 KB, 693x561, 21:17, justice love.png)

File: b4bfa376ef93401⋯.png (274.84 KB, 630x627, 210:209, Ammit and Ebola laughing.png)


They've always been.

f866c3 No.316416


Interested in this, but I'm not sure if the mods would allow it, would like to know if they do.

4e8650 No.316441


I'm not a mod but if there's good happy sex that just happens to involves prolapse, so long as it isn't scat, you could probably revive this thread >>264092 for it

Just spoiler the pages with prolapse. If mods don't like it, they'll delete it.

24b359 No.316456

File: 17ce8c6bfe3ef42⋯.jpg (104.22 KB, 680x680, 1:1, doll_bloodborne.jpg)

Why is there very little monster girls with lovely foreign accents? Only the doll from Bloodborne comes to mind.

4e8650 No.316462

File: a0ebb8972f13d54⋯.png (17.28 KB, 729x493, 729:493, Kiki Ideal.png)


I headcannon Kikimoras as having cute Slavic accents

9c0c1b No.316989


I think the Monsters from Zipangu and the Mist Continent would have an Asian accent

69c468 No.316998

File: 9de87505ef0d8c6⋯.jpeg (56.09 KB, 421x512, 421:512, 04B4DE64-D1C2-4F2D-AB3E-2….jpeg)


>an Asian accent

What does an Asian accent sound like?

0ac762 No.317006

File: 0421011b52dc286⋯.jpg (253.13 KB, 600x941, 600:941, mynameisnotimportant.jpg)

This is more like a ask for help:

Where can i find cute batgirls? Why are they so rare?

4e8650 No.317020


>Why are they so rare?

Because of the Doujin That Must Not Be Named

f002ff No.317037


Are you talking about that one Mizone batgirl doujin where the girls fuck a bunch of hobos?

0ac762 No.317046

File: 6a812b980fc658a⋯.gif (411.85 KB, 500x345, 100:69, curious bat.gif)


Can you tell me more about this dark secret? It would ease my soul to know that there is atleast a reason…

bf252e No.317050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What does an Asian accent sound like?

4e8650 No.317057


It's what he >>317037 said

0ac762 No.317060

File: 66be4ce438bc68f⋯.jpg (42.95 KB, 540x405, 4:3, thankful bat.jpg)


Thank you! And thanks for you too >>317037

4e4cc9 No.317062


Here's a bat girl doujin that's actually good. z-ton did another /monster/ approved one that doesn't have lewds, it's called schizanthus or something like that.

856127 No.317099


>Z-ton bat girl

Wait… that isn't the one where they are ninjas is it? Because you'd be in for a bad time if you read that.

b51486 No.317352

If you could ask Kenkou Cross one thing, what would it be?

402a01 No.317354


Why did he add token furshit?

e48eea No.317357


This is something pretty simple to answer actually. Nips do have furries, but they have no where near as large of a physical presence as here in the west, so the jap equivalent is mostly just art of kemono, which is mostly less degenerate than that of the west's, leading to the nips having little to no issue with kemono.

a9fa62 No.317358

File: b63616d6952b15b⋯.png (240.88 KB, 354x539, 354:539, b63616d6952b15b97d7eba79f2….png)


>Nips do have furries, but they have no where near as large of a physical presence as here in the west, so the jap equivalent is mostly just art of kemono, which is mostly less degenerate than that of the west's, leading to the nips having little to no issue with kemono.

Search up Kemonocon or any other japanese furry convention and you'll be surprised.

86093e No.317364


I bet they're still less degenerate that the pure faggotry of furry fags in the US.

86093e No.317365


Only one image comes to mind when I think of US furries. Two literal faggots in full body suits "yiffing" until they cum.

a9fa62 No.317366

File: 6fa095b783b1781⋯.png (283.15 KB, 323x559, 323:559, 6fa095b783b1781ccc3d02d12b….png)


It's a bit hard to beat the kings of degeneracy but the nips are certainly trying. Furfaggotry is a global phenomenon.

8eec93 No.317611

File: a6db05c4107fe34⋯.png (857.98 KB, 1458x884, 729:442, Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at ….png)

How many of you would actually turn down a girl for your waifu?

4e4cc9 No.317621


>there are guys on /monster/ RIGHT NOW that wouldn't stay dedicated to their waifus

b4a5ba No.317645

Hey, does anyone have that one pastebin link to Pretty Human? You know, that genderflipped take Pretty Woman with a Kitsune?

507c8c No.317650


furfags are mostly americans though, just like scat-fetishists are mostly jewish

02854a No.317669

File: 44c946a250f73fb⋯.jpg (34.74 KB, 368x288, 23:18, 44c946a250f73fb12493606dc8….jpg)


Are you asking whether or not people would turn down a 3D girl for a 2D one? Because I would and I don't even have a waifu

4e8650 No.317675


Years of fetishizing vanilla romance and watching Chinese cartoons have raised my standards to unreasonable heights for the modern 3DPD. At this point I'm focusing on being a good person here so I'll deserve my waifu in the next life.

8eec93 No.317687


Yes, I am.


Having high standards isn't a bad thing, it's just 3DPD girls abandoned every sense of morality and developed a literal God complex. Their egos grew to the point where not even the JUSTICE system wouldn't dare touch them.

2d07d8 No.317696


I have recently she's had 10+ boyfriends at the age of 24 it was a pretty easy choice

81a524 No.317697


Good on ya bud.

65d1c0 No.318047


I would if the girl in question is morbidly obese, a smoker, a gold digger, completely brain dead, doesn't want kids, a druggie, a whore, a tradcon, an SJW, overly sensitive, or just plain lazy. I will just keep my monster girls instead of settling for that.

351587 No.318183


Why is protestantism have a separate answer to the different types of protestant? It's like having "donut" and "chocolate finger" as separate answers

6db22e No.318210

Does anybody have a link to the shoggymora story?

fee618 No.318213


>abandoning 2DQT for 3DPD whores


54a1e9 No.318220

File: 6ebc785f21e5f6f⋯.png (366.24 KB, 598x395, 598:395, 01d29304be0a4e2d8b4e34614a….png)


The last girl I tried to date turned rotten as soon as the two of us went to college. She spread her legs wide and went from an engineering major to social sciences in less than a year. I miss when she was a sweet, timid girl that liked to be held close and play melancholic songs on the cello.

That was a few years ago. Been quietly living the waifu dream ever since.

fe0c45 No.318824

Does someone have the headpat posts? The one explaining what a headpat was, and how people were attracted to headpats?

ac5062 No.318831

File: dcd6c1bc46e450a⋯.png (508.66 KB, 1793x963, 1793:963, headpats.PNG)


What, this?

f866c3 No.318971


Yes! That's one of them, I think there were some other posts about anons going like "What have you degenerates done to me? I've done nothing to deserve this…"

3d9c68 No.319342

File: 954cac63253ea07⋯.gif (744.74 KB, 500x281, 500:281, I'm normal I swear.gif)

So lets assume your waifu has recently given birth and has dry vagina (natural body mechanism to avoid immediately getting pregnant again) and the newborn is really cranky. She wants your spunk and you'd also rather shoot it out. Would it be inappropriate to sit on couch or something with gently rocking the baby in your hands while being receiving fellatio from waifu?

4e4cc9 No.319346

4e8650 No.319351


Man just do one thing a time, trials like "I need to get some but the baby won't go to sleep" are part of being a parent.

65d1c0 No.319378


You jizz in a ice cube tray, get some plastic wrap, stick some toothpicks through the wrap and freeze it. Now your waifu has jizz flavored popicles. Or you could forgo the toothpicks and make jizz cubes that she can put into her sweet tea.

Or just pop open a can of cinnamon rolls, bake them, and then add your special glaze on them. Just… don't give them to your mom or anything. That's over the line.

ac5062 No.319386

File: d03c630320d6d2c⋯.png (137.58 KB, 648x326, 324:163, headpat bord.PNG)

21418e No.319390


i imagine if your waifu was a manticore, she could just user her tail

as for the situation you and her are in, i have no idea

54a1e9 No.319687

Is it normal to walk into the marble statue section of a museum and have to fight the urge to headpat all the qt statues?

4e4cc9 No.319693


It is on /monster/.

65d1c0 No.319755


You're a bigger man than I am, clothing store mannequins creep me the fuck out. They are clearly fake but I fear they will come to life and touch me. And it's worse that they all lack a head. And the female mannequins are always so shapely so seeing them in their underwear is both scary but a little lewd but mostly scary.

ac5062 No.319756


>fear they will come to life and touch me

Why "fear" and not "hope"?

bb9b5f No.319781

Knowing that at some point we're all gonna make love to our waifu for the purpose of starting a family, what about all the other times an anon has sex with his waifu. What's stopping an unwanted pregnancy a happy accident from happening? Considering how sex hungry monstergirls are, it's basically out of the question that a man and his monstergirl waifu would only bang because they wanted another child. Casual sex for the purpose of strengthening the bond between you and your waifu, along with the physical and mental pleasure of fucking someone (specifically the person you love) exists, but there's always the possibility of the girl getting pregnant.

The only thing I can think of is MAMONO MANA dictates when a monstergirl gets pregnant, or rather she only gets pregnant if she (and her husbando) specifically wants another daughteru.

ac125e No.319783


Put it in her butt

6a95a9 No.319807


Or stick it in between the thighs. If she has them

f99121 No.319809


Don't forget. Depending on how much of the MGE canon you include, not regularly making love to your waifu would literally starve her.

Yeah, I handwave it with "mamono mana" also. Low mamono fertility sounds too implausible.

No sense chucking this question over the wall to /human/. A purple pussycat will latch on to it, and then we'll never get a straight answer.

ccd63a No.319889


Casual sex is promiscuous sex between people who are not romantically involved; we don't want that with our waifus.

A better term would be lovemaking as a distinct term from 'consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, while holding hands and staring deeply into her eyes'. It functions the same as all sex between couples, a means of reinforcing the bond that keeps them together and providing both with satisfaction.

And as for what to do, there's plenty. Your waifu is not human, and you are not a monster. Explore each other and find out what works for you.

d2900c No.319891


Wear a johnny or put her on the pill. I headcanon that it's difficult to get a mamono pregnant anyway due to the biological differences between them and us.

4ad480 No.319899


This is how KC "solves" the issue:

>By nature, it is extremely difficult for monster human couples to have children compared with human couples. Some monsters have lifespans that last centuries, or even millennia, and if they're unlucky, they won't be able to have children even after years, decades, or even centuries of having sex a two-digit number of times every day. Because of this, when monsters are not blessed with children, they decide to challenge a tentacle forest again and again, seeking a crystallization of the love they share with their husband.

So in theory you could have unprotected sex with your waifu daily until your dick falls off and die childless. Fun.

35419c No.319903

File: 9917decc6f2d764⋯.jpg (97.91 KB, 601x665, 601:665, 9917decc6f2d764f2e9937ce80….jpg)


>tentacle forest

nope, we are not doing this again

25d7ce No.320307

What's the deal with Japanese dwarves and goblins? How and why are they different from the western varieties and how did they come about?

538d72 No.320321

How do basilisks use computers if they keep their eyes covered?

ddaf50 No.320325

File: 26d723d9b091922⋯.png (920.19 KB, 670x871, 10:13, ClipboardImage.png)


>its a malicious rumor spread by furfags that we don't like her

It's spread by retards on this very board, who'll even screech at Mithras.

b413c3 No.320327

File: e7e513ac797f06a⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 219x241, 219:241, 1508132091597.jpg)


>who'll even screech at Mithras.

I'll fucking fight them.

bb9b5f No.320330


the eye covering is also secretly a special computer monitor that they connect to their pc wirelessly

kinda like an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, but without the USB cable connecting the headset to the computer

i have no idea how basilisks use a computer actually, or use/do anything that requires sight

edd24f No.320425

File: 247d9a55a075811⋯.jpg (310.98 KB, 560x420, 4:3, RJ180894_img_main.jpg)

What ever happened to the English translation of this game? I know OtherSideofSky was translating it, but the creator said that he was going to translate it a year ago. Did I miss it or something?

0bdbec No.320735

File: b4cab25d9bc657a⋯.png (843.07 KB, 955x1351, 955:1351, __ichinose_shiki_granblue_….png)

is this too much?

8738fd No.320740


It's sorta cute, in a way. How does she talk, though?

ab22df No.320745

Would a Titanoboa lamia make a good waifu? It's roughly 40 feet long, so probably an oni-like torso and a BIG MEATY TAIL would do nice.

35419c No.320747


Whatever girl you like would make a good waifu for you unless you have shit taste

63ae77 No.320764

File: 4f3dfbe5d155ffb⋯.jpg (96.79 KB, 457x431, 457:431, violent thrusting.jpg)


>40 feet of BIG MEATY TAIL

>Tall girl 4me

I know who what I'd be doing

d910e8 No.320771

File: 125ab119f616f7b⋯.png (36.23 KB, 810x600, 27:20, Purge.png)

91addd No.320775

Is there a way for a not very good person to still get a waifu?

**Am I shit out of luck if I fapped to doujins and some 3d cosplay porn not of my waifu? I kinda feel guilty now for that?*

01478a No.320778

File: caf3553d18fbff1⋯.jpg (834.08 KB, 3519x4944, 1173:1648, ruf0p6a.jpg)

File: 76e711d93d10fca⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 2000x1866, 1000:933, __original_drawn_by_lolice….jpg)

File: 612b784b427fab6⋯.jpg (623.9 KB, 812x1000, 203:250, __hisame_shakadou_kanpani_….jpg)

Which girl would be best at paizuri?

ab22df No.320779


Other than cowgirls?

2ace70 No.320780


The best girl for paizuri is the one you love.

ac125e No.320781


Porn is porn, its purpose is to get your rocks off and nothing more. As long as you are separated from your waifu by this cruel third dimension, you can't really be blamed for watching porn to make the day go by a little bit quicker.

710c3d No.320904

File: 2ac98b201e54593⋯.gif (436.76 KB, 347x195, 347:195, 3755a73bb9a0923bbf044ae2b1….gif)


no joke that doujin is what got me in to monster girls.


dam thats fucking hardcore.


this, a deep and genuine connection with a partner will make anything sexier no matter how big their tits or whatever are

35419c No.321545

If your waifu became real tomorrow, what would be the first thing you do together?

f99121 No.321569

Guys, how exactly does the whole "turning into an incubus" thing work? I mean, I know the basics, and that the incubus develops superhuman stamina, strength, mana reserves. I also know that they tend to gain abilities like heat resistance, cold resistance, breathing underwater, etc. to match their wives.

But how much does it affect one's personality, and to what degree does your wife's mamono type affect the change? In other words, do succubus husbands become statuesque porn stars with raging sex drives? Do manticore husbands develop a sadistic or aggressive streak they didn't have before? What should a husband of a gentler mamono type like a yeti, holstaur, or inari expect as they turn into an incubus?

Asking for a friend.

35419c No.321609


>But how much does it affect one's personality

You get hornier.

e60238 No.321925

File: e9415876b867ce8⋯.jpg (909.78 KB, 2500x2000, 5:4, Mitty.jpg)

File: 6e489debd7c0e67⋯.jpg (438.39 KB, 1280x1483, 1280:1483, Nanachi.jpg)

Alright… are Mitty and Nanachi from Made in Abyss /monster/ or would they be considered fur shit. I want to daughteru them both. Badly

60629c No.325013

Can yetis live with the heat/humidity of texas?

713c54 No.325024

File: 95d688b751ce276⋯.png (1.21 MB, 657x920, 657:920, D&D Lamia.png)

File: 59bfd9b4dc735a1⋯.png (676.09 KB, 1330x629, 1330:629, MGE Lamia.png)

Why does the D&D Lamia have the lower half of a lion but most/all Monster Girl Lamias have the lower half of a Snake?

3767a7 No.331126

File: b396f40982a9be0⋯.jpg (648.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Dracolich.jpg)

Hey guys not to blog post but I finally was tired of being alone and got tinder and met up with 12 girls over the last 2 weeks and fucked almost all of them now I feel even more empty and want to die should i just end it?

92178c No.336495

Why are matango so hated? I don't get the meme.

7bc01a No.340498


7ca3fe No.347153


In dnd, Lion-lamia are Lamia commoners and Snek-lamia are Lamia Nobles.

However, due to translation issues and how certain monsters were displayed/described in older editions many monsters in japan were taken in different directions than in the west.


In the West:

>Orcs in older editions used to have pig-like faces and were fairly porcine compared to the boar/wolf/man things they are in the west

>Kobolds were reptile goblin-like creatures with dog-like faces that soon became reptilian goblins with slight dog-like proportions in their snouts and facial structure.

>Lamiae were originally bestial creatures that fed upon children and were adapted into lion-like creatures with the nobles being sneks because persia.

In Japan:

>orcs are still porcine.

>Kobolds became more like the inugami and lost their goblin and reptilian parts.

>Lamiae dropped the lion and became pure snek due to connections with the Nure Onna.

7ca3fe No.347154

File: 2fa1ed844de3525⋯.jpg (20.8 KB, 250x250, 1:1, I sure hope you g-guys d-d….jpg)


Sexy cordyceps.


Also, to add on to my explanation:


>Not Best Edition (2e)


e4858c No.347155


because the original Lamia didn't have animal attributes to begin with


People don't expect a monstergirl based on a horror movie monster be be horrifying.


they're most likely furry (especially mitty), however cute they may be.

e4858c No.347156

File: 861afa02c914132⋯.jpg (222.49 KB, 594x847, 54:77, 1457364102808.jpg)


this is missing Junko

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