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provides MDE with music. Does MDE agree with him?


"Uploaded on Dec 20, 2011

these guys are cool and they use my music in their vids so please help them out with a few bucks and check out some of their vids.


Is MDE controlled opposition?


he probably just hasn't watched the videos

I think mde goes beyond what could be controlled opposition, I mean think about what they actually post.


he is an active and supportive participant of the mde collective, so






That's my post. He's goon incarnate. =^)


Which begs the question: how much of his beliefs are shared by the main MDE trio? Hyde himself has been a part of and promoted by the goon community. Evidenced at the link you provided.


what is 8chan's beef with these goons? I'm not familiar with all the internet societies.


Sam here..

This kid's name is Gammon Favreau. When he was probably 14 or 15 he was an MDE fan and sent us a bunch of music which we used in College Cunts. He was best friends with a mutual friend who I shall call QMan–we’ll get to that in a moment…

A few years ago he went full SJW and decided he hated our videos… he did a bunch of research chemicals and realized he no longer identifies as a male and spent a few nights in a Florida mental hospital. The “weird twitter” anti-gay stand-up act is a major bone of contention and I suspect new shemale Gammon hates who he used to be and therefore also hates who he used to associate with. I believe this is all directly linked to playing WoW.

Now he posts mean things about me online and once every six months or so I’ll get a message from a fake female Facebook account trying to set me up in some sort of sexual shaming sting operation which is just Gammon trying to get me to send pics or say something embarrassing. I can usually tell within the first couple messages that it’s a psychotic gay man on the other end of the line and not a hot QT :)

Anyway I try not to let feminists and SJWs invade my personal life and headspace–I wouldn’t have posted anything if it weren’t for QMan so let me tell you a little bit more about that. QMan was a cool kid who was in a similar boat but trying to actively turn things around. Like, a fucked-up modern male type kid who was trying to better himself and learn about the real world instead of whining about shit online and being a freak… we had him lifting weights and were always pushing him to work harder and be more consistent with music output, etc. Not to mention he was way more talented than Gammon musically.

QMan came to my house to stay for a week. He worked on music and did a little bit of editing for Beer School (yet to be released) and we lifted weights like men, not trannies. Then towards the end of his stay, he showed me his Steam chat log with Gammon. What I saw chilled me to the bone. There were three full college-ruled pages with no reply, all shit from Gammon saying that QMan had to ‘spy’ on me and that if he didn’t take part in some twisted espionage game that he would be considered ‘one of the enemy’. “You need to go on his computer… if you don’t do this then we can no longer be called allies.” Bizarre and frightening shit from his supposedly best friend. Really sane and normal stuff, healthy, gave me a feeling of ‘justice’ almost.

QMan is dead now. I’m not going to get into details out of respect and also because my understanding is clouded by soul-consuming rage, but he died of a drug overdose and it’s Gammon’s fault. So no, he’s not ‘an active and supportive participant of the MDE collective’, he’s an actual schizophrenic who should be kept medicated and not anywhere near a computer. I was bent out of shape over this for a while, thought maybe the answer was driving to his house and hitting him in the spine with a pipe, but then I realized he was a bug and not an actual human being. If you decide you want to interact just keep in mind that he has nothing to live for besides internet drama so you’ll probably be helping him PEACE


Sorry to hear that about your friend. It sounds like you were a positive force in his life in ways that he needed.

Re: Favreau; people do change and buy into the weird influences around them. Modern media inclusive of the internet is truly frightening and I don't know where the irony begins and where it ends anymore, or if it even matters at this point…

Not like this is the right place to say it but since you stopped by, it looks real weird to a lot of people that you associate with weev who is suspected by many of being some kind of agent provocateur fake extremist. Whether it's fake or not that kind of extremism looks counterproductive and questionable. Going back to that irony thing it's made some people feel wary of you and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt that you're straightforward with earnest intentions but ya know… It's only because your work matters so much that I feel it's worth asking you about this. Anyway thanks for popping in to clear things up about the original post.


umm, to add to this,
obviously your brand of humor is filled with ambiguous irony, which is part of its disconcerting appeal. This is dangerous and wonderful, some next level shit. -Refreshing in the midst of the emergence of widespread, bland and defanged ironiculture. Your output is nihilist and yet brings so much hope because it's like "someone exists who is doing this." SO to reiterate irony isn't the problem in and of itself but context is everything… hard not to feel kind of spooked in this post modern paradigm tho, when ur just looking for ways to kick it and keep it real.



Sam again–

I really can't say anything about weev, I thought Tro LLC is a cool concept and met him at somebody's house, that's really it. The computer hacking stuff seems cool but I do not follow it closely in any way so I really have no idea what's going on.

As for everything else, I try not to be ironic when it matters and if the stakes are real. I think there's a time and a place for it but it's overused. When people email me about their problems I tell them stop smoking weed and start lifting weights… not a hint of irony there, and when it comes to the general thrust of the videos I try to be equally sincere under the various layers of funny faces and goobas

The furthest I ever strayed was with the anti-gay stand-up. I thought it would be cool to clear the room out but in doing so I said a lot of things I don't put any stock in, without any clear indicators for the audience… I think that was a mistake.

Anyway don't worry… gotta keep it real. :)



well if you haven't seen it yet:


if you're not familiar with the names, look them up. it's pretty damning. that guy is fishy as fuck.


ah bro… I took a picture with him that's it… I can't make sense of this twitter convo sorry I just don't care enough :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(: (:(P)PO)P)P)P)P)P)P)be careful online!


Well here's the gist:
The Paypal 14 are on trial for DDOSing Paypal.
Pierre Omidyar is a billionaire and the creator of Ebay (and Paypal).
Pierre Omidyar is paying Glenn Greenwald and Lauren Poitras, the two remaining holders of Snowden's leaks, a handsome salary to work for him. Conflict of interest much?
The Paypal 14 got fed up seeing all of the hackers and leakers (like Greenwald) kissing Omidyar's ass, while Omidyar and his company were bringing them to court, so they decided to openly criticize him.
Then Weev started sending them those messages, trying to run damage control for his FRIEND Omidyar, the Ebay/Paypal billionaire (who by the way is also directly involved in regime change, in cooperation with the CIA). Telling them to shut up and he'll fix it.

That's fucking fishy.


weird shit



fuckin shit sam, you might actually convince me not to waste my life. please never stop making videos.


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>the necrobumping post disappeared

>it's a ghostbump


a ghost bump from when this board was relevant and mde were funny, 3spooky




>not funny

Spotted the "whaaaa it's not lolxdsorandumb and sam saying shit in a vertical mirror video rererererereeeeeeeeeeeee political elements" fag.


they follow me on twitter as of 20 minutes ago and they seem not overtly trannyish enough, this thread is sending me mixed signals boys



Could have been some guy lying about being Sam, who knows?



yeah man, i'd be curious to know just what the hell was going on in the baph thread in the OP because they just seemingly post a lot of insults at twitter jews and occasionally joke about abusing cough syrup




Hope it's you, because that explains some things.



I know this was posted three years ago and Sam probably doesn't read /mde/ anymore, but was QMan Orangy? I know he died of a OD as well.



Yes, qman is jeri.



Wait, what? Orangy's dead?



He died in 2014 from a codeine overdose


Former friend of Gammon. He has since dropped the tranny shit and is now some kind of antisemitic terf. I'm cool with that- but the things he's done are unforgivable. Tried patching things up for a time, but all he does is play WOW, and he cloaks himself in so much irony that I really don't think there was anything left. It sucks, because a long long time ago, I remember him to be a nice and funny kid.




Thanks for filling us in though. I've always greatly enjoyed Vaervaf's music and I think waisthome is brilliant






car accident in 2014. James Price's tumblr has an elegy of sorts on it




shoulda got on the suboxone like sam

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