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 No.266848>>266856 >>266894 >>282498 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

>What is this game?

Harem Collector is a RPG Maker game where you play as a novice adventurer with the dream of collecting 151 girls in his harem!

>Why should I play this game?

While the gameplay, as with most RPG maker games, is a bit rough around the edges it shines in it's writing, the characters are witty and clichées tend to stay at a minimum. The main character is an asshole that likes to lean on the fourth wall and is aware of the common tropes and convenient writing.

>Cool, so how can I play it?

Just download the game here:



File (hide): 892ec8923144bef⋯.png (456.14 KB, 1087x831, 1087:831, download (1).png) (h) (u)

Forgot to link the wiki http://harem-collector.wikia.com/wiki/Harem_Collector_Wiki1

Also, why is Doll best girl?

 No.266856>>266864 >>266909

>>266848 (OP)

Concept sounds amazing but

>RPG maker

>AA2 models

>Main character is an asshole

Sounds like a shitty Rance tryhard knockoff. I bet there's cuckshit on it too.



>RPG Maker

I know and I feel your pain, but I don't think this game would work with another engine (unless the dev made one from scratch

>AA2 Models

That's actually on it's way out. The sceneds are continually replaced with drawn scenes. I think you can even disable 3D scenes on starting a new game.

>shitty Rance tryhard knockoff

I get how you'd come to that concluson, but he's moreso funny/witty than actually malevolent. Most of the time he makes snarky comments and then comes around to do the decent thing, well apart from the whole enslavement thing.

>I bet there's cuckshit on it too.

On the contrary. There is only one scene where the MC isn't actively involved (apart from lesbian stuff) and it's pointed out beforehand and entirely avoidable.

The MC actually makes fun of cuckshit and stops those situations before they develop (he cuts a guys dick of at some point to avoid that stuff.)


I saw this game's thread on HongFire years ago. It's amusing to know it's still alive and kicking.

 No.266873>>266876 >>266890


>and it's pointed out beforehand and entirely avoidable

>It's (((optional)))



these games tend to die a lot harder than most anons think

 No.266876>>266880 >>266890 >>266931 >>267184


It's literally 1 scene! And the game literally gives you the choice to intervene! Where the fuck is your problem dude?


This game got a lot better over time. I'm actually interested in seeing how the plot is resolved and the characters wind up changing by the game's end. I am not, however, interested enough to play each update. Kind of surprised to see it on here.



I've been playing way too much of it recently so I decided to make a thread for it in case other anons are interested


File (hide): 4419c9e4ec2d37e⋯.png (947.8 KB, 657x995, 657:995, Untitled-1.png) (h) (u)


>It's just once so it's ok!




>there's one scene in the game I don't like, better not play the game at all, even though I could easily avoid that scene!



>Supporting shit that shouldn't exist



How am I possibly supporting it? I agree cuckshit is the worst fucking fetish out there, I'd rather look at scat than cuckshit. BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO SEE IT!

 No.266888>>266889 >>266892

File (hide): 52e5c9036802035⋯.png (478.96 KB, 837x895, 837:895, finger.PNG) (h) (u)


>I agree cuckshit is the worst fucking fetish out there

>But let me shill this game with cuckshit on it

>But it's (((optional)))!



Explain to me what your exact problem is, please because saying (((optional))) over and over doesn't really make it any clearer

 No.266890>>266892 >>266897

File (hide): 6311ab5e129e892⋯.jpg (154.66 KB, 400x465, 80:93, 631.jpg) (h) (u)


Are you talking about the Manor Invasion?


There's actually a handful of scenes involving someone other than the MC getting their dick wet. All but one of them are completely avoidable. For one you have to literally choose to sit back and do nothing, for another you need to lose a fight that's not that hard, and for the last you just need to have the wrong chick in your party and she gets you out of a crazy hard boss fight by sucking the boss's dick…but then you kill him and she complains about how what a loser the boss turned out to be. Hardly NTR.

The only scripted and unavoidable scene where someone else dicks one of your…uh, "girls," involves a demon getting its dick cut off halfway through an attempted rape+snuff ritual, and then you kill it after it flips out. And the "girl" wasn't actually someone you were interested in at the time.

Strangers get banged. You can arrange for strangers who don't join your harem to get banged, bang them yourself, or ignore a few of them.

But at no point in time do any of your girls fuck someone behind your back, let alone get addicted to another dude's dick, and even if you do go out of your way to see them get fucked by other dudes…you kill those dudes afterwards.

 No.266892>>266895 >>266897


>Are you talking about the Manor Invasion?

I was

>for another you need to lose a fight

Which would that be? I tend to play with the lvl 50 cheat so I don't really lose fights (other than the Guardian in the girl's Dorm)

>need to have the wrong chick in your party and she gets you out of a crazy hard boss fight by sucking the boss's dick…

Right. I forgot about that one because at the time of me fighting that boss the girl was still in my dungeon, not that I use her a lot anyway.

>even if you do go out of your way to see them get fucked by other dudes…you kill those dudes afterwards.

Which is what I've been trying to tell >>266888 this whole time


>>266848 (OP)

Seems okay so far. I just wish the quest menu was a bit more specific. For example, I was told to go to a fort to the southeast in dialogue, which is fine, but if I just check the quest menu afterwards to remind myself, it'll only say "go to the fort" or something similar. I really wish it had a map of some sort. I'm not asking for handholding or quest markers or whatever, just an ability to look back at dialogue I've already seen in my quest journal.

 No.266895>>266901 >>266902


While there are some people who actually and legitimately believe that any other dude having sex with any woman you could one day potentially consider getting remotely intimate with counts as NTR…most of the time, it's just bait.

You're probably being baited.

Or it's an excuse to post reaction images.




>Defending NTR

>It's ok because you can avoid it!

>Just close your eyes and pretend it doesn't happen

Pathetic. Fuck off with your shit cuck game, totally not dev.


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yeah, I tend to use the wiki for that a lot, ithas a walkthrough for each Quest and points out a lot of missable stuff.




>People pointing out my shit fetish as shit is bait




it probably is bait, yeah



It's amazing how people can say "it bait" and be done with it, usually people who don't know what "objective" means. OCucks will never be accepted in this board.


File (hide): 463eb5e28d73357⋯.jpg (3.26 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1501894661029s.jpg) (h) (u)


>I'm mad that people didn't respond to my bait

 No.266909>>266911 >>266913


The AA2 models are leagues better than the new drawn shit. At least to my eyes.



You are responding to my post right now, retard. But if it makes you feel better, I know for a fact you are not from here using cuckchan reactions.



That's virtually impossible.



I feel like they had a bit more personality, yeah

 No.266916>>266918 >>268860

File (hide): 3e948d5556d2933⋯.png (54.72 KB, 160x163, 160:163, I hear youre talking shit.png) (h) (u)


The artwork looks like what I'd imagine would happen if the weird girl from your HS art class started to draw hentai on top of shitty anime characters in her notebook. I'm also biased on AA2's side, a lot of the old western RPGM hgames had them and they grow on you.


The MC's portraits are the worst, he used to show emotion instead of being a doodle.



>The MC's portraits are the worst

no, the idol girl (whatever her name was) is the worst.



>the nigger idol

You may be right, I interact with her so little I forgot she existed.


File (hide): 2cbd9ff2e53ff5f⋯.png (76.07 KB, 384x192, 2:1, DiadiraFaces.png) (h) (u)

 No.266931>>266953 >>266961


>It's literally 1 scene! And the game literally gives you the choice to intervene!

When you intervene do you get the sex?

Is that the alternative option to getting cucked, fucking?

>Where the fuck is your problem dude?

you talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded and you stand out like the foreigner you are

 No.266936>>266953 >>266961


>Explain to me what your exact problem is, please because saying (((optional))) over and over doesn't really make it any clearer

I can field an answer for this question.

Some months back in the towerfags towergirls thread there were many discussions on the mechanics of the game, specifically the part where you can have your towergirls fuck the enemies mid battle to harvest their cum. Now this was an (((optional))) thing, you did not have to do it, however it was a very lucrative mechanic where in you would trade the CUM for fat stacks of XP and money. However if you avoid the mechanic the game wasn't just normal paced, it was mind numbingly slow to gain wealth and levels without resorting to this tactic of having your girls fuck dogs and monsters to harvest their cum and sell. But hey, it was (((optional))) and you could totally avoid doing it and the game was exactly the same so why would anyone have a reason to complain.

That's why, that's why.



>alternative option to getting cucked, fucking?

If you intervene you fight the guys who're about to rape her. This gives you extra relationship with the girl.

>When you intervene do you get the sex?

She's your slave you can literally fuck her whenever you want.

>you talk like a fag and you're shit's all retarded and you stand out like the foreigner you are

Sorry that English is not my native language, I guess?


Okay I get that. I don't follow towerfags bullshit so I didn't know.

But in this game there is no advantage to getting the cuck scenes. They let you avoid fights (none of which are difficult) but you also loose out on the loot, so it's not even really worth it.

 No.266961>>266963 >>267000 >>267184


Wait. THAT'S why people were so pissed about that? I just cheated, or barring that I abused the Pyramid for XP and money.

The quest system only offering that one quest for the…third level? Whatever level that was, it could also be bypassed by just repeating quests from the previous level.

I always assumed people were just trolling the dev by insisting that the game was built around NTR. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

In this case, though, "optional" means "yes if you're into it, no if you're not."

Only the hard boss fight thing is different, and that's only a problem if you're not prepared.


>when you intervene do you get the sex?

All of your girls have a selection of repeatable scenes and a handful of one-time special scenes. The one we're talking about is a one-time event. If you intervene, your reward is that you don't see her get fucked by other dudes. You can fuck her yourself whenever you want.



…and when I say "don't see," it's because you kill them before they can touch her.



>yes if you're into it, no if you're not.

If it gives you the option is cuckshit already. Fuck off, cuck.

 No.267004>>267032 >>267043 >>267044 >>267186

File (hide): 34f96c494c65bdd⋯.jpg (22.96 KB, 348x596, 87:149, 1472601197058.jpg) (h) (u)

I've known about this game for years and I check in on it every now and then so here are my thoughts on it

The games been going for ages, and has more content and IMO is better then most western shit out there, but it updates very slowly. The pushes out small release a few times a year, is constantly reworking finished parts of the game instead of making new content, blog posts about how all this shit is going to happen that has yet to, stuff like that, its very unorganised. He does a contest every year on the most popular girl so he can give them more content, and this year when he ran the contest he still hadn't added anything from last years. He's still working on the game in general so that's automatically better then most patreon shit but shits glacial.

The game itself is pretty generic RPGmaker combat, it has a few gimmicks but there's no major rework or anything so if you aren't into that you aren't going to like it. The art is a mixture of 3DCG which looks dated, since it is, and original art which is honestly not that much better. Different art styles in the game too since he can't decide on one artist. Some h-scenes are text only since updates aren't organised properly. Writing for h-scenes is nothing special, certainly nowhere near Sierra.

The girls are fine enough, a bunch are hilariously underdeveloped since they have little content. Since the games releases aren't like chronological you will get updates like a few months ago that add a girl you get at the very start with almost no content.

The main character is an asshole who has his funny moments but most of the time feels like a bootleg version of Rance, which he is and the game makes a couple of explicit references to the Rance series.

It seems like the thread is arguing about cuckshit, like usual, so for the record as far as I can remember there are only two scenes where a heroine gets fucked by someone other then you. One is an early game scene where you see some mooks about to rape one of your girls and you have to choose between just killing them or letting them rape her then killing them, and another is another early game where if you lose one of the fights they fuck your girl. Both are obvious and easy to avoid, and are remnants from early on in development when the dev had the idea of adding a bunch of those but then decided against it yet never removed them since he's lazy like that. So cuckshit exists but you have to go out of your way to get it and the dev stopped adding it. If that triggers you then whatever but I wouldn't describe this as a cuck game.

There's another scene I suppose but I'm hesitant to call it cuckshit since what happens is a male character gets turned into a girl and is then fucked, and then joins the MCs harem because apparently the MC thinks fucking men isn't gay.

tl;dr its above average by western standards and there's a decent amount of content but it has flaws and I'd be fucking shocked if it finished any time soon. If you are into western h-rpgs you should at least give it a shot.

 No.267030>>267044 >>267178





>I'd be fucking shocked if it finished any time soon.

that's very unlikely simply by virtue of the game's scope



The scopes ridiculous. This game is what, like 6 or 7 years old now? And he has yet to finish a single main quest line or add all the girls, he's at the point where he's remaking parts of the beginning that have been in for years, I remember him talking about making like 3 sequels and games in other genres when this game alone is going to end up taking like a decade.

He is way too ambitious considering how little actually gets made and it shows, cutting planned inclusions because they would be too difficult, doing contests to add new content when he hasn't added the content from the last contest and things like that. I started only checking in on what he was doing like once or twice a year a while back and it will be like oh, he added like an hour of content in the last 12 months. To be fair keeping the project alive that long is beyond most western projects in the first place but larger rpgmaker western h-games have been started and gotten more content in that timeframe.



The pig in the picture is clearly waiting for best girl to show up

t. not Nico



I don't know what you expected.


>its above average by western standards and there's a decent amount of content but it has flaws and I'd be fucking shocked if it finished any time soon. If you are into western h-rpgs you should at least give it a shot.


However, he made scope way too big. He probably will need Grimoire-tier dev autism to actually finish this game.


Anyone know where the cgs/harem girl sprites are stored? I wanted to try my hand at remaking them in Koikatsu


File (hide): c3892479e60e6a9⋯.jpg (127.64 KB, 1000x1148, 250:287, 1502440090092.jpg) (h) (u)


>Reddit-tier post


>All these cucks shilling their game ITT



Get rpg maker decrypter and extract everything.

Cgs are in the "pictures" folder.



ok, thank you!



>If you intervene you fight the guys who're about to rape her. This gives you extra relationship with the girl.

is there a finite amount of relationship yo ucan get with a girl or girls?

>She's your slave you can literally fuck her whenever you want.

does relationship even matter?

>Sorry that English is not my native language, I guess?

You came off as a whiny cunt earlier. Asking "Where the fuck is your problem dude?" is generally not something a native anon would do, usually we just call each other fag or retard and tell each other to kill ourselves in creative ways. Your entire post here >>266876 came off as incredulous and defensive as though you learned to speak English from soyboys.

>Okay I get that.

Good good.

>But in this game there is no advantage to getting the cuck scenes. They let you avoid fights (none of which are difficult) but you also loose out on the loot, so it's not even really worth it.

So you are incentivized to not be a bitch boy then? well that sounds adequate.


>The quest system only offering that one quest for the…third level? Whatever level that was, it could also be bypassed by just repeating quests from the previous level.

yes it was (((optional))) to use the only third level quest and was of course not incentivising slutting out your waifu. This being the game towergirls where in the entire point is to be a knight rescuing your waifu from the peril of the tower, in order to pimp her out.

>I always assumed people were just trolling the dev by insisting that the game was built around NTR. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

That was really only one of the stupid ass things he did. His sperging denial was only a byproduct of his actions. If you heavily incentivize a main growth path by having it be the only option at that tier that's certainly not optional.

>In this case, though, "optional" means "yes if you're into it, no if you're not."

yeah based on what the other guy says this seems ok. Should have a greater penalty tbh but that's my opinion.

>Only the hard boss fight thing is different, and that's only a problem if you're not prepared.

Losing should suck.



>Both are obvious and easy to avoid, and are remnants from early on in development when the dev had the idea of adding a bunch of those but then decided against it yet never removed them since he's lazy like that.

makes perfect sense



>is there a finite amount of relationship yo ucan get with a girl or girls?

Yes, but the event we're talking about is very early on and without cheating it's pretty much impossible to max the relationship with the girl before this point.

>does relationship even matter?

There are events when reaching a higher relationship level that give you gameplay bonuses. (Stat boosts for party members, items/bonuses for the MC from house slaves)

I believe the dialogue with them and cgs for sex scenes change as well with relationship.

>You came off as a whiny cunt earlier

Yeah I was pretty sleep deprived and was getting annoyed by the bait posts and people being stupid (which I should have expected). Sorry about that.

>usually we just call each other fag or retard and tell each other to kill ourselves in creative ways.

I am aware, I just didn't want to do so when I was trying to get an actual point across, also,

being sleep deprived kind of limited my creativity in that regard.

>came off as incredulous and defensive as though you learned to speak English from soyboys.

Yeah, I realized that when I read it again later on. God I should get a heathy fucking sleep schedule already

>So you are incentivized to not be a bitch boy then? well that sounds adequate.

Which is what I was trying to tell you faggots the whole time


development on this is still active? i remember playing it years ago and looking through the latest release it doesn't look like a lot has been added since then. the 2d art seems to be the only major change.

 No.267288>>267307 >>267354

I played this shit and stopped the first time I was cucked, that is after 15 min of gameplay.

 No.267307>>267354 >>267405


^He means IRL.



Now, I'm someone who realizes the truth of RPGMaker - is it a good tool to use to make a game when you won't make your own engine? Sure! But the stigma around it isn't wrong, either - too many faggots use it with default assets or have no idea what artistic cohesion is, and…

>using fucking 3dCustomGirl screenshots as their lewd content

Nigga that's worse somehow. Here you have a nice old-school Sprite aesthetic…and then you have this ugly, aliased-as-hell 3d shit that is not cohesive at all. Don't use RPGMaker for 3d shit unless the whole thing is 3d. The only time Sprites and 3d have ever gotten along was in Ragnarok, and ain't nobody recreating that successfully, not even Gravity themselves.

Shit like this pisses me off as a lazy RPGMaker game dev. I've been working on it off and on for years because I refuse to use default assets, or take the easy way out of using 3DCG/HoneySelect/Second Life to do all the lewd scenes since I can't into art. If you can't do it right, don't do that shit at all.



>15 min of gameplay.

do you mean the manor invasion? because without cheats that's more like 45 minutes in, at least on a first time playthrough.

>stopped the first time I was cucked






>aliased-as-hell 3d shit that is not cohesive at all.

which is why they're transitioning to 2d art/drawings, we've discussed this further up in the thread



File (hide): 1ebe374983e2a77⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 600x600, 1:1, dfg1.jpg) (h) (u)


>gets cucked

>calls the people who point out his cuckoldry cucks

Nice try, cuck.




being the key word here. Although if >>266920 is any example of the art style, that tumblr-tier "person of color with colorful hair and fake nerd glasses that don't fit their face and is probably an mtf tranny" shit doesn't bode much better. I won't add to the (((optional))) cuck shit everyone else is going after.



that's actually not the artstyle they now use. I don't know the story behind it but that character has extremely different artstyle than all the others

 No.267446>>267448 >>267467

Can't decide on if proud boys refusing to masturbate or people who go mental over optional (legit optional, not towergirls "optional") fetishes are more pathetic.

one is virgins that believe they're gokus powering their chi through sexual frustration, the other is emotionally stunted weerds terrified of being 'converted' to X fetish

(And no, I'm not into cucking or NTR "feelbad" porn)



>Endorsing cuckolding

>Defending cuckolding

>Not a cuck


>People against cuckolding is pathetic

>But I totally don't like it, goys



So you're telling me this dev keeps making terrible decisions, changing his mind later and basically restarting entire portions? Yeah sounds about average for your standard lazy RPGMaker game


this game is like 5+ years old zzzz


File (hide): 0a9450bd2c32cc3⋯.jpg (16.33 KB, 600x600, 1:1, e9d.jpg) (h) (u)




Whether or not it's bait, it falls under Poe's Law.


inb4 lolitrollu



>being aware it might be bait

>still giving him (you)s

explain yourself

 No.267653>>267676 >>267900

Someone needs to develop a game just to piss off cucks. The game description can be labeled as cuckoldry(((optional))). The game will be focused around the hero going on an adventure in a horrible world where women are being raped, he always ends up in situations where he has to save the girl, so he swoops in, chops dicks off, murders, and bangs the girl as his reward. Of course the game will be scripted that even if the PC loses the fight the event still plays out as if he won, just to really infuriate the cucks and give them a taste of their own medicine. That's all the game would be, no major storyline plot, just a guy that goes around murdering dudes who are trying to cuck him and building up a huge collection of girls for his harem. The anti-cuck game.



Or a Netori game where you are the one that cucks others


>No loli


>Nigger idol


Into the thrash it goes



was meant for >>267440 sorry



>Someone needs to develop a game just to piss off cucks.

Why, when it's so much easier to piss off people who lose their shit over cucks by putting cuckoldry into things that they like?



You think people don't like shitting up threads for games with cuckoldry content? If they didn't they wouldn't be doing it here. Its amazing how OP came here with is low-effort AA2 model original english language RPGMaker H-game, consciously included "NTR" scenes and then tried to minimize and damage control it away.

 No.268563>>268565 >>269005


>OP came here with is low-effort AA2 model original english language RPGMaker H-game, consciously included "NTR" scenes and then tried to minimize and damage control it away.

I don't know why you keep saying that it's my game. I'm not the dev, I'm just some guy who liked the game and wanted to share it



Game isn't bad for western porn games standards, but it's very unlikely to be ever done.



Isn't the pic you posted the mayor's daughter from Harem (not Harem Collector)? That game's 3D Custom Girl, not AA2.



This game is also 3D Custom Girl, I don't know why everyone is saying it's AA2



Well, think about what you've done and don't do it ever again because your game is cuckshit.


Anyone got the code for the wiki character or w/e?

 No.282498>>282512 >>282617 >>282629 >>289716

>>266848 (OP)

>151 girls

Anon, is this a re-skin of a monster collecting game ?



Vulvasore best starter.




It's just your normal H-RPG made in RPG Maker.



I think they make that reference in the game itself, it's not subtle. Not that it matters since there is absolutely no way they will get to 151 girls.


stop leaking from /htg/ you assholes



t. cuck



Please add "You're a dumb faggot and should stop autistically shitposting about fetishes you don't like in every fucking thread on /hgg/"



>Stop kinkshaming me

Added to the list. This must be because tumblr is down.


File (hide): 270128d4db4f59a⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 220x335, 44:67, 2close2home.jpg) (h) (u)


I wouldn't have known.



You should add "Hits too close to home?" to this as well. This is pretty funny, I've seen almost all of these at one time or another over at cuckchans 2dhgg where they constantly have fetish war shitposting. I don't like ntr but I like watching people argue about it. If I come across anymore apologist sayings I'll hit you up cause I want a completed version of this bingo card.

 No.288222>>288226 >>288230 >>288295 >>288303

>like 2 or 3 scenes in the entire game, every single one of them optional

>actually optional too, as in the game gives you a yes/no choice with no demerit to picking no

>the entire thread is just cuckshit arguing

Sasuga /hgg/ I guess



That only happened because one faggot can't contain his autism.



yeah it wasn't quite what I was hoping for when posting this thread, but the autism sure was delicious



"Cuck" really is the most cancerous meme since "you mad."

 No.288303>>288310 >>288556


Cuckolding nor cuck games are allowed to be discussed in this board outside cuckchanners and fag95 containment threads like the text games.



>Says that while doesn't make any thread about any other game

I hope you won't be surprised if only these threads will be somewhat alive someday in that case.



Between doing a thread about a cuck game and not doing it, the later is the best thing you can do. Kys.









>Cuckolding nor cuck games are allowed to be discussed in this board

>are always the most active discussions

You guys are counter productive you know



>It's ok as long as you shit on it.

No it's not. Quit making everything about that shit.



The threads would die faster if you ignored them. How many posts in this thread are actually discussing the game? A dozen?

It's not that cuck games are shitting up the board, it's that you people are always pushing them to the front page.



You still didn't explained why you don't use sage while shitting at them.



Because he thought he was still on /htg/, which is a much slower board



>It's like impaling your enemies and showing them in the front yard so the ones alive won't think about entering.

Is that what you think shitposting does. Pathetic.



>I don't see cucks outside their containment threads

Neither does anybody else, which means that we do not need the /pol/ autism brigade to shout them down in threads where they are not even posting.


File (hide): 884c3fca4c5af01⋯.jpg (202.51 KB, 637x442, 49:34, One Order of Crazy.jpg) (h) (u)


>Says turbosperg on some retarded crusade.



What's the point of collecting them if you can't knock them up?



Maybe the dev is saving that for the epilogue?



There's a reason why I call my character Red.

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