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Development Team
Release Schedule
At the time of posting, the game is in a state of being rewritten. The full game is available from our repo, but there is no release schedule yet
Download Stable Releases
At the time of posting, these downloads are from when LC was a fork of FC, known now as LCZ. See our repo for the latest build of LC.
Project Infrastructure
The Libre Cities project is organized into several public (but restricted) services:
* Blog - News and Announcements.
* Wiki - Project documentation and writers' resources. Daily Updates can be found in the Navbar.
* Gogs - Code repository (git).
* Kanboard - Task management and bug tracker.
* Mattermost - Team communications platform.
* /hgg/ Thread - The only official discussion thread.
An overview of all of our services can be found here:
Community Polls
The following polls will be used to gauge interest in various content. You may add your own answers to most polls.
We are always happy to welcome new volunteers.
Email: lcdev [at] librecities [dot] net
▶ No.24423
▶ No.24436>>24492
if some choices in event need specific traits will they be just gone if you dont have the trait or will they show up and you just cant chose them?
Same with choices you have the trait for will they be marked so you can tell they are aviable because you have trait x?
▶ No.24437>>24492
▶ No.24445>>24464 >>24492 >>24497
>>24398 (OP)
Couldn't there really be some read-only access for anons? I just want to read to-do or check on the changelog every week or so, not post or edit anything.
▶ No.24450
very nice I like it
▶ No.24459>>24469
Please explain what exactly is Libre Cities.
I understand it's or used to be a fork of Free Cities. But what are LC's goals? In what ways does it want to be a different experience than FC?
▶ No.24463>>24469
What's a repo and where can i download the game when it comes out?
▶ No.24464
just register with an email from sharklasers or something
▶ No.24469>>24478
Don't quote me on this, im a nobody.
Libre Cities is going to differ with FC in that content that FC wont have LC will, though it relies on someone saying they want it and then having everything made but still, ask and ye shall receive in time.
In FC you start off as the owner of the arcology but with LC you wont, you have to work your way up to owning it through social status or factions (military power i guess) then once you own it, you defend it and customise it. LC will also be more open, travel and interaction with NPCs will be possible and you can immerse(?) yourself in the little world more through interaction rather than just being a guy stuck in his home for all eternity like FC.
Probs missed something. Just took this from the wiki and the last thread.
You can download the pre-alpha from the got link on the project infrastructure page thou you will need to compile ii and there wont be much content. When theres an actual release a link will be posted in the thread by LCDev, maybe someone else.
repo=repository - something where large ammounts of something are stored
▶ No.24478>>24479 >>24492
I don't really get it, but it sounds cool.
If it's going to have beastiality at some point I will definitely check it out. If not, I might take a look at it someday.
Good luck!
▶ No.24479>>24480 >>24481
Someone mentioned in a thread or two ago that in the arena slaves would get fucked by animals and have xGirl children, but I have no idea if the dev team is actually doing that still.
▶ No.24480>>24482
That was someone describing a feature they thought would fit. >>24479
▶ No.24481>>24482 >>24486 >>24492
Huh, so I've made an account and read through some wiki pages. It sounds like you guys got really big plans, and it would be an amazing game idea to be able to shape a faction to agree exactly with the players own fetishes. You could create truly magical places!
Since the whole faction-idea intrigues me, I have a question! I've read through several of factions on the wiki and had a look at the faction traits you came up with.
Just how much ground should I be able to cover with my faction?
If we take me for example, I love the idea of a religious faction that values incest, beastiality, pregnancy, lactation and watersports. Now thats a lot of fetishes I would love to see. Do you think factions should/will be able to cover so many fetishes at once?
▶ No.24482>>24484
I'm not on the dev team, but that sounds like it has too many fetishes and few of them relate. I do however think a religious faction valuing lactation and watersports would be nice, but if I got to add a faction in it'd be matriarchal with most (if not all) herms.
It sounds cool and gives a reason for the Arena to exist so I hope the idea goes somewhere
▶ No.24484
>I'm not on the dev team, but that sounds like it has too many fetishes and few of them relate
But if there's content for those, then it should definitely not lock me out of those fetishes I think! Otherwise you're going down the same flawed route FC took with its future societies.
You can choose 4, and if you want another fetish that tickles your pickle: Too bad, trade one of the others you chose for it.
Maybe have the option to have flavour traits that do not actually affect the faction, and just pretend to by adding descriptions and unimportant events, while somehow unobtrusively informing you they don't?
▶ No.24486>>24492
I'm just afraid they want to go so big that they end up going under. Great things are done slowly but firmly, getting a working alpha with the basics should be the first priority.
▶ No.24488>>24492
Why does the LC services require to register an account even as read-only?
▶ No.24492>>24497 >>24521
Good morning, all.
>if some choices in event need specific traits will they be just gone if you dont have the trait or will they show up and you just cant chose them?
They more than likely just won't show up at all. As we expand, there's going to be many variations and available choices. It would probably lead to overcrowding if we tried to show the player every conceivable choice based on their character. Since the game is open source, the player can always just view the source code for the event if they want to know what choices are available. Not the most elegant solution, but we do try to keep everything well commented, and the wiki will host the game's documentation.
>Playable demo when?
That depends on your definition of 'playable.' The build in our repo is technically playable. You'll get about two minutes of gameplay, which mostly involves character and companion customization. But I don't consider that a bad thing for a two week old project run by volunteers.
>Couldn't there really be some read-only access for anons? I just want to read to-do or check on the changelog every week or so, not post or edit anything.
Sorry about that, I know registration can be frustrating, but I don't particularly want the game to be overly public. For what it's worth, Kanboard is the only service that requires a valid email. You can enter crap into the other services and you'll get through. I'm going to see if I can disable the confirmation email module on Kanboard, since our server is not designed as a mail server and some hosts don't deliver the confirmation mails. But I don't plan on enabling anon access. The best I can do is agree to start using the blog for announcements and updates, which is accessible via the snake password only.
If you need a disposable email address, cock.li works.
The About page on the blog is a bit outdated, but gives somewhat of an overview of the game. The difference between FC and LC since the rewrite started is that LC is only related to FC in genre. The content is entirely different. LC is inspired by FC, but not much beyond that. The name may change in the future to clear that ambiguity.
And yes, there will be bestiality. We're working with a fetish poll established a couple of months ago, and that is near the top.
>Do you think factions should/will be able to cover so many fetishes at once?
Support for multiple preferences within a faction was added yesterday morning, though I haven't looked at the code to see if there's a limit on how many it supports. However, as leader of the Zone, you'll have more control over preferences than you would as just a faction.
>Getting a working alpha with the basics should be the first priority.
Yes and no. With game development, the backend is the major priority. Sure, we could push out a minimal game with a simple backend to support it. But then you run into the FC problem where the game has trouble expanding using that backend, and performance plummets over time. Developing a proper backend takes more time, but we're doing a fine job, and our team has been pretty stable. I'm a 'measure twice, cut once' type of person. We're developing the backend that will carry us through the rest of the game. It takes longer, there's less player-visible content at the start, but it's worth it in the long run.
I don't want the publicity. Too many comments on FC's blog came from people who were searching for something entirely different, but stumbled upon the game instead. We're just developing a game we enjoy, and I like keeping it within /hgg/, where the audience is already interested in porn games. We're not accepting donations, we don't care how many people play the game. We're just doing our thing, and want to avoid any potential controversies from randoms finding a game with the type of content LC will contain.
▶ No.24497
If you go to where the code is stored and click "commits" you can see every change the dev team has made
▶ No.24498>>24499 >>24502
>placeholder harem event featuring xgirls
>The strong aroma of wet fur and sex
Wait, what? Since when do xgirls have fur?
▶ No.24499>>24500
>implying the furry taint doesn't infect everything if indulged even peripherally
▶ No.24500
I thought we had fucking agreed that we drew the line at ears, tails and fangs.
This is heresy.
▶ No.24502>>24503 >>24504
>Wait, what? Since when do xgirls have fur?
They don't. I haven't seen that event, and so it has not been proofread. There will be no fur on xgirls.
▶ No.24503
There better be, hairless ears and tails look bloody weird. Everywhere else though, furless is fine.
▶ No.24504>>24505 >>24512
Found it. It's in the lctest namespace, which contained everything for LCZ. I doubt much of that will be carried over to LC, and I don't even know who the original author of that event is.
▶ No.24505
>and I don't even know who the original author of that event is.
A witch hunt is in order.
▶ No.24512
M8 you have a furry inside your team
Time to preppare a witch hunt
▶ No.24514
I believe I've disabled email validation on Kanboard. If so, you don't need a valid email to register on any of our services now. Just enter crap into the registration fields (remember your username and password), and I'll apply the proper permissions as usual.
▶ No.24518>>24520
in regards to the interaction in the zone there could be a diverse number of services.
brothels-(the player can work at the brothel with a portion going to the owner of the brothel, whores owned by the brothel can be bought by the player.).),
supply depot-(a ware house with various venders selling cloths, tools, bdsm equipment for slave breaking and for your submissive slaves),
slavers complex-(three different floor for three levels of class, the floors have various businesses around an open square. the square has various individual's selling slave for cheep but with out certified papers on the slaves(patients who need medical support, former street hookers, ). there is also a bulletin board with requests for particular slaves, industry slave/worker applications, slave contracts, and where the player posts requests. the various floors are the open commoner's penny shops(former cow girls who are no longer able to lactate and are sterile, people form the orphanage who are at "adult" age, debtors selling slaves to pay off debts, shelter slaves, poor quality test subjects, and wasteland raiders selling the catch of the day.), restricted to members on the second floor(slave schools, former test subjects who have appealing results), and societial elites on the third floor.),
Colosseum-(another place of gambling on races, and gladiator battles. nearby the slavers complex to make bring in the combatants easier. for extreme bids there is sponsoring a gladiator(the player pays for armor, and weapons in a 'slave or nothing' endeavor. if successful wins back money on undamaged weapons, Armour, and wins the slave entered)),
the Advancement of zonename Research Institute(allows self experimentation for quick money but involves modification and risk if poor of health, the sale of former test subjects who are seen as not sell able to bring to the slaver complex, and will be euthanized or sent to the wastelands),
the Defense and safety council-(the back maintenance corridor is known for selling traitors, weapons for civilians, and for hiring work such as assassination, and defense. the building it's self there are criminals in stocks for the public to use, criminals are also being sold as first dibs before being sent to the Colosseum. there is a bulletin board on mercenary requests, raid requests, and body guard work.),
the education/orphanage district-(if player has high enough intellect enough can work at, features various schools and slave training firms),
a tailor-(where the player can buy more custom outfits, conservative outfits, and high wealth business attire),
the slums-(where the player can hire prostitutes, obtain cheap sometimes dangerous drugs, and hire/convince those living on the street to become slaves),
the hospital-(where those who are in the worst shape are. either unable to ask for payment of treatment, or incapable to go to the slaver complex), and
casinos-(start off as generic where you either win/lost/break even. latter have roulette wheel, poker, and slot machines)
▶ No.24520
All good ideas. I've added your work to the Wiki for writers to look at when they start working on locations within the player's Zone. Thank you for the contribution.
▶ No.24521>>24522 >>24525
>We're working with a fetish poll established a couple of months ago, and that is near the top.
Speaking of which, is there some place I can still look at the poll? It would be interesting to see what people answered. Either way is fine though, and I hope you'll keep on making polls where they're necessary. They're a great way to gather suggestions.
▶ No.24522>>24524
it is also on the blog site along side nationality poll.
▶ No.24524>>24525
I know, but all I am getting is a blank page except for a written "nip", so I thought the poll was closed.
Is it just me having this problem?
▶ No.24525
>Speaking of which, is there some place I can still look at the poll?
We keep all of the polls we're currently tracking on our blog.
The fetish poll will probably run for the duration of the project. We'll continue polling 8ch as well, as it's really our primary source of input.
>I know, but all I am getting is a blank page except for a written "nip", so I thought the poll was closed.
I think that is a problem with poal.me. We had an internal poll the other day, and some users reported the same issue. Might have to self-host polls if that continues to be a problem.
▶ No.24531
So here are some ideas: The original set of laws set before you are rich and/or famous and able to change them should call for a certain standard of living for slaves. This would lead to police house raids on "bad" slave owners or on PCs that made the wrong enemies that could be paid off or later when you own the Arcology ended completely or you could pick what area raided and when to control your rich peers. Also some slaves should be held higher than normal citizens depending on who owns them and to explain it easily I'll put the populace in a tier list: Tier 0 - Arcology Owner/Leader; Tier 1 - Top Class; Tier 2 - High Class; Tier 3 - Higher Middle Class; Tier 4 - Middle Class; Tier 5 - Lower Middle Class; Tier 6 - Low Class; Tier 7 - Slave; Tier 8 - Not Regarded as Human. Rebellious slaves or slaves that are obedient but still don't really care you could have the same social standing as those 4 or 5 below their master, devoted slaves and slaves that accept their standing would be 3 tiers below, slaves with important jobs would be 2 tiers below, head slave would be 1 tier below, and spouse (not concubine) of the owner being the same tier as said owner. Unwanted properties (like race, gender, implants, etc.) could lower a person's tier by 1 and being a family member of a rich person raises the tier by 1 or 2, but no slave could be on equal standing with their owner unless they were married with them. This would only be the default and the PC would be allowed to make their slaves tier lower (but or higher than the default). Of course this whole tier system for slaves could be entirely discarded when the player becomes Arcology head and could make every slave either on par with their owner or worth dog shit.
This could lead to events like slaves faking how they feel about the PC so they have more power, more money for brothels since poor(er) people would like fucking people higher than their tier, a basic caste system for some shenanigans, a racial event where a slave that is of a less desired race dominates a citizen of an esteemed race because they are poor, or people furious that a slave with an undesired trait has a high standing than most people with a desired trait.
▶ No.24561>>24565 >>24567 >>24594
About laws, I think you should be punished for breaking any laws if any (depends what kind of zone you're in, some could execute you on spot while others are just slap on the wrist and everything in between)?
▶ No.24563>>24566 >>24567 >>24569
I honestly have no idea why a theoretical game without any release whatsoever has gotten so much attention. I mean, I get that Free Cities is popular, and that people want to see more extreme content, but jesus guys OP hasn't actually done anything yet.
▶ No.24565>>24567
Cool, but you'd have to toggle different things.
Like if you need to pay fines or get tortured for breaking the law. Guy A might not want to get his PC fucked, while Guy B might even look forward to having folks take a piss on his PC.
▶ No.24566
>but jesus guys OP hasn't actually done anything yet.
205 commits of absolutely nothing. Makes sense.
▶ No.24567>>24568 >>24594
>$0.02 have been deposited into your account
And also to add later on or whatever if you fuck up badly enough (depends on zone) you could be sold into slavery, not just as an end game but as an actual other side of the game, day to day. Opportunities to escape should exist but shouldn't be easy as clicking a button and hoping for the rng to roll in your favor. Your "owner" should be able to do most things to you as you do to your slaves. You could be sold off to other people as well. You could either accept slavery/accept until an opportunity to escape arrives/or just outright be rebellious and a bother to your owner an fellow slaves(or cooperating). Maybe you could even earn your freedom if you are lucky, given the choice to stay a slave or be free. And of course should be a toggle for people who don't want that kind of game play. Sorry if this sounds too ambitious.
▶ No.24568
> Sorry if this sounds too ambitious.
It seems to me that nobody on this thread really cares about overly ambitious suggestions
▶ No.24569
I honestly have no idea why someone who thinks there isn't any work done gives two shits enough to making an asshole complaint. Are YOU not getting enough attention Anon? Does no one love you? Did you and your dog run out of peanut butter?
▶ No.24581>>24583 >>24594 >>24636
Havent been following much but how were you planning on making the protag?
As in is there a gender choice?
Can you only fuck others or can they fuck you too?
▶ No.24583
Since LC is atm not much more than a thread where people can tell you what they would have liked to be in FC, I am pretty sure "Libre Cities" will have a gender choice and include others fucking you.
▶ No.24590>>24591 >>24636
Will slaves be able to have multiple fetishes?
▶ No.24591
▶ No.24593>>24594
If I wanted to contribute to the project as a writer, how would I go about doing so?
▶ No.24594>>24681
Already been asked if it would happen but the PC enslavement would be a game of its own was the reply so its not gonna happen.
I think something was said about not overly punishing the player for things in ways that would result in loss of limbs or worse so really doubt thats gonna happen.
You can choose either and customise your body.
▶ No.24596>>24636
Will marriage be included in the game?
▶ No.24600>>24610 >>24617 >>24636
LCDevs, you do realize that you, in certain respects, attempt the most ambitious and glorious erogame ever?
You do realize how much hope we put in you and how much disappointment there'll be if you'll fuck it up?
Other than that:
Questions - the public poll of fetishes, if I am not mistaken, developed over time as votes were added. Do you plan vote reset at some point so people can vote fresh on all choices? If there weren't some of them before, the poll may not show exact prferences of community as people who voted before may have wanted to vote on things that weren't in.
If all the choices were there since poll's creation and it's just my memory that fucks with me, excuse me.
Also, will all the options be worked upon, with priority dependant on number of votes or just certain number of the top ones will be introduced? I understand that there's so much shit that you cannot spread yourself too thin, but if someone would write some scenes and content, would it be accepted if of sufficient quality no matter the fetishes it panders to?
Other than that, I wait patiently for public version. I especially adore lack of SJW bullshit and taste censoring - all kinds of fetishes and deviations are there, just not everyone has to indulge all of them, leaving the choice to the player - I won't like quite some of them myself but as long as there are others I can like and choose them over the rest, I am fine.
Also, I really hope that the customization of fetishes and players preferences changing the world would be concentrated on. It doesn't seem too important at first, but kind of sandbox tailored to what one prefers may be one of the biggest selling points.
I do hope one will be able to choose preference for many kinks and go against many others per one faction. It's somewhat risky but could be managed by deciding some "order of importance" or even ways in which certain fetishes affect faction and its design. If I like, for example, tomboys, nekogirls and androids, I'd like to have those kinks be expressed in different areas of life instad of getting a faction of robotic tomboy nekogirls (which aren't a bad thing on their own - but too much blending would be bad).
▶ No.24601>>24636
Many games never end up being finished because the developers have plans which are just too ambitious, and they keep adding things along the way.
I honestly suggest creating something that has less features than what you're currently planning, and after that's finished you can think about adding more and more.
You can be overly ambitious and all, but in the end all you're gonna end up with is me being able to be smug by saying "I told you so"
▶ No.24610
> I especially adore lack of SJW bullshit and taste censoring - all kinds of fetishes and deviations are there, just not everyone has to indulge all of them, leaving the choice to the player - I won't like quite some of them myself but as long as there are others I can like and choose them over the rest, I am fine.
I'm 2nd for that. The more depraved, the better, LCDev.
▶ No.24617
Not dev - going from whats been in other treads here
Poll reset - no reason, people can just untick what they voted for and vote for whatever else they wanted. Choices can also be added whenever but only 1 per person.
The options come down to two things - popularity and work. If somethings popular its likely to get into the game at some point unless they have a reason against it, memes for examples is something stupid that wouldn't fit. Though if someone does the work for that particular thing for example headpats, then they would only need to do a little to include headpats as its been done already.
Faction thing - multiple preference support was added on the morning of the 22nd apparently.
▶ No.24635
on combat: the system could have a vat esk combat with generic player attack available for those who don't want to actively attack. there would be two 'modes' offensive, and defensive. in defensive it turns gears of war. the player if unlocked nano tech can recover health but would do very little, throw grenades blindly with a chance of hitting, use med packs to heal, but could be blown up by grenades(so wait for the end of the fight if you want to blowup everyone wait for the enemy to run out of grenades). in offensive mode the player attacks, either going melee and at high risk, shotting(based on either accuracy or combat skill) with basically a gun with bullets, tranquillizer, or aphrodisiac (with power of the chemical rounds from tech tree). the player can use medical pack. the combat slaves, and mercenaries brought with fight and take commands from the player(get down, attack, fall back). although this can be the realistic version.
in a less realistic it could use a multi character rpg fight system either real-time for those who want more action, or turn based. the menu would have retreat, melee, shoot(same as realistic), items(use medical supplies, grenades, Molotov tails), and taking cover.
the game should go for the more simple version.
in terms of time progression if the fortresses(zones with power) became a thing with slaves working schedules there could be three more periods(twilight, night, and sunrise/pre-dawn). so if the player has x space in one of the building for people to work in there could be two or more shifts to give more work for less space. just have the nights events concentrated into a basic synopsis
▶ No.24636>>24639
Good morning, all.
>As in is there a gender choice?
Yes. You can currently choose to be male or female, and the sexual options of both are available to both genders. We currently don't have a dedicated futa choice, but you can still make a futa character. This is already in the game in our repo if you want to try it out.
>Can you only fuck others or can they fuck you too?
There's no lore limit on who can fuck who, as there was with FC. It's just a matter of having people write those scenes.
>Will slaves be able to have multiple fetishes?
Yes, and multiple aversions.
>Will marriage be included in the game?
>Do you plan vote reset at some point so people can vote fresh on all choices?
We originally planned to have that poll run throughout the life of this project, but with some people encountering the 'nip' issue on poal.me, we may start a new self-hosted poll. The results from the existing one would obviously be saved.
>Also, will all the options be worked upon, with priority dependant on number of votes or just certain number of the top ones will be introduced?
That's really up to the writers. I make sure everyone is aware of the poll, and encourage them to keep it in mind when writing (people are already working on incest and bestiality content), but I can't force them to write about anything in particular. We will introduce as many fetishes as people will write content for.
>Many games never end up being finished because the developers have plans which are just too ambitious, and they keep adding things along the way.
We move like a snail against a strong breeze, but I personally have all of the time in the world for this.
▶ No.24639>>25629
>We move like a snail against a strong breeze, but I personally have all of the time in the world for this.
I don't think most people that have voiced misgivings about the project are unaware of the fact this is a project of passion.
What people are concerned is with feature creep. We've gone from a simple mod meant to add unsupported fetishes to Free Cities, to a standalone "branch" with performance as the goal, to what is amounting to be the Dwarf Fortress of porn.
And there is a reason Dwarf Fortress is unique in the whole of gaming, and we've seen plenty of ambitious projects over the years fail because the team tried to do too much and somewhere along the line lost any interest to keep going without delivering anything substantial.
Now, I'm not saying this is the case here, I'm just shedding light on why people call the project into question.
Also, no need to reply to me, I have no wish to derail the thread further.
And for everyone that is complaining, have patience, wait and see what is presented to the public and voice your criticism then, but if you have criticism that is more substantial than "This is too complex for you to tackle" and "You will definitely fail" be sure to post about it, and to those that react violently to these kinds of posts, keep in mind that blind fanboyism is not healthy for any project.
▶ No.24652>>24654 >>24670
Well We have a personal assistant like in FC, and if so can it be a full AI,
▶ No.24654
I'd love to have an AI waifu you can turn to flesh.
▶ No.24670
Well We have a personal assistant like in FC, and if so can it be a full AI.
At the start of the game, no (at least not until the 'Start as Zone Leader' option is available). As you progress, you will have the chance to acquire/purchase an AI assistant.
You will be able to implant the AI into a cybernetic or organic (slave) body.
▶ No.24681
I said it last thread, I was just clarifying.
▶ No.24757>>24758 >>24760 >>24998 >>25089
Someone give me an idea for an event to write. The more obscure and specific, the better.
Headpats are welcomed
▶ No.24758>>24766
Ok, how's about an almost dead caravan comes to your zone/city/rape dungeon and is looking for sanctuary, the possible choices could be to take their children/ wives / husbands(if that's what you want) as payment, have them pay with coin, have them owe you a favor in return, or just be a good little thing and let them in free. of kick them out…. you bastard
▶ No.24760
a serial slave rapist running rampant in the arcology
▶ No.24779>>24803
Wait..it sez the one avilable for downlaod is OLD.
How the hell do I get the new version? Where the hell is this repository?
▶ No.24800>>24801 >>24804 >>50033
Futa should be
Futa: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, yes. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
instead of
Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, no. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
Balless but without a vagina would be more of a dickgirl than a futa. Perhaps there should be some sort of poll on this though? But yeah from my understanding the near universal consensus on futanari is that they have vaginas and a penis. whether they have balls or not is the thing that tend to vary.
This might be a better break down:
Female: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, yes, Penis, no, Balls, no.
Male: Considered male. Breasts, no. Vagina, no. Penis, yes, Balls, yes.
Shemale: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, no. Penis, yes. Balls, yes.
Cuntboy: Considered male (via facial masculinity). Breasts, no. Vagina, yes. Penis, no. Balls, no.
Dickgirl: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, no. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
Eunuch: Considered male. Breasts, no. Vagina, no. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
Futa: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, Yes. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
Here is where things admittedly get more fuzzy
FemHerm?: Considered (F?). Breasts, yes, Vagina, yes. Penis, yes. Balls, yes.
MaleHerm: Considered (M?). Breasts, no, Vagina, yes. Penis, yes. Balls, yes.
MFuta? (some sort of masculine equivalent to futa): Considered (M?). Breasts, no, Vagina, yes. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
▶ No.24801
Futas may or may not have balls but they are still capable of producing semen
▶ No.24803
>How the hell do I get the new version? Where the hell is this repository?
▶ No.24804>>24807
>Female: Considered female
>Male: Considered male
Wait, wait, hold down your horses partner, im getting lost here
▶ No.24807>>24826 >>24827
Can we just settle on XX and XY, as in, birth gender and not venture into uncharted waters of Marxism?
▶ No.24826
Wait, I thought Marxists were a Faction, along with Militant Feminists, Vore Furries, and PedoVan Space Explorers?
▶ No.24827
Wait, wait. The way he means it is like gender works in FC atm.
You can choose between tits/no tits and vagina/dick.
But you can additionally select to be called master or mistress.
"Considered female" is probably his equivalent to "Call me mistress".
▶ No.24861>>24866 >>24871 >>24873 >>24874 >>24893 >>24907 >>24965 >>24966 >>24971 >>24988 >>24994 >>24995 >>25018
Hello all,
We're looking to gather input on the currency system used by LC. Sure, we could go with literally any currency and no one would care much, but we want to put a bit more thought into it than that.
There's a couple aspects we're taking into consideration:
Fiat currency would be relatively worthless (and it brings questions like "Who has the resources to issue it in large quantities?" and "Why would it be honored across various Zones and wasteland settlements?). I think we're aiming more for a resource that has value beyond a currency. One example discussed was small sheets of various metals (copper, gold, platinum, etc). But that led to issues where people would have to remember and convert the value of each metal, and the player would somehow have to lug sheets of metal with them everywhere. Another idea was salt. Salt was an extremely valuable food preservative prior to refrigeration, and while the Zones do have an electrical grid, salt would remain valuable, particularly throughout the wasteland. But we're back to the issue of the player lugging around piles of salt. Not very practical.
This is both a lore and technical aspect. On the lore side, resources are valuable because they are now scarce. It wouldn't make much sense for the player to drop three tons of gold bars for a slave, as the supply of gold has suddenly risen dramatically. On the technical side, we're working with a relatively limited UI. Long numbers consume space, and when long enough, wrap to a second line. This is rather inconvenient and difficult to read. We'd prefer to keep quantities relatively small (eg; you would be extremely wealthy when in possession of tens of thousands of whatever currency).
Side Note:
I really liked the way Metro 2033 handled the currency system. Pre-war military cartridges were used as currency, but they also had a gameplay use as well. The player's decision to hoard or use these cartridges was an important and interesting dynamic. However, I can't think of any resources that the player in LC would be using in a similar manner, so I don't think we're going to be able to introduce a system with these qualities.
So, we're interested in your feedback on this aspect of the game. We don't want to over-complicate it, but something more sound than 'credits' would be nice.
▶ No.24864
Drugs might actually serve as light weight high value substances that could serve as currency.
Gold is around $40 USD per gram whereas heroin and meth are around $110- $120
Cocaine is $600 per gram
LSD $3000 per gram
In a lawless future where they aren't controlled substances the value will probably be significantly deflated but they would still likely hold a decent amount of value and be much lighter than lugging around metal or salt.
▶ No.24866
Why not use multiple and have a total value of what that's worth, then there is more flexibility. Something very valuable, though less viable to use as currency, is blood - the universal donor is much rarer than others and so would be worth more. It would need to be checked for type and it wouldn't last that long (i think) outside the body when travelling but still an option.
▶ No.24867
Oh and why would the name and age areas of origins show up with errors? They beeingt messed with?
▶ No.24871
I'd go with something vague. Call it Origin: Origin is the wonderdrug/base tech of the far future. It's like stem cells that can coaxed into writing circuit boards. It was ubiquitous and common, but it's not being made anymore and it has to be harvested from old tech. So it's got a barter value and a labor cost, but who gives a shit because the most important thing is that you don't have to talk about what it does. It does stuff. It's magic. It's necessary to fuel your giant boob-making machines and also to turn the lights on. This allows things that might not have a "cost" to have costs. You can't spend a dollar no one wants, but everyone wants and NEEDS Origin.
▶ No.24873
I think paper money or metal coins would be acceptable. The explanation could be that it's just a thing that carried over from society before its fall. It's hard to make a commodity based currency, since transportation of things like salt or metal sheets over long distances requires a lot of work. Look at ancient civilizations and you'll see that almost everyone used coins/ingots at some point.
Sure, you could use food/commodities as a form of payment, but traveling with a large amount of it would be ridiculous. Look at Ancient China, Greece, or Rome. Most of them had a coin/ingot system for money because it's easier.
If you really want a unique currency, do both. Salt for smaller amounts, but coins/ingots are worth a bunch of salt.
▶ No.24874>>24875 >>24877
for shits and giggles, make the currency lego bricks. They'll last longer than paper money, they're light, and there are millions of them.
▶ No.24875
Oh my god dude yes. All those sets would be worth millions each.
▶ No.24877
>lego bricks
Shit man just imagine how that would affect society and business transactions
>owe someone money
>fail to pay them back
>they drag your ass to court (or the LC equivalent)
>You are eventually forced to pay
>but wait
>the court also rules that you must now step on each lego you owed as a form of interest
Most painful currency in the world
▶ No.24893
This could lead to some kind of bartering system. In a wasteland, money pretty much loses all meaning. You can't expect something like bottlecaps to become popular all over.
I'd think you'd have to haggle over material goods instead. So if you wanted to buy arms for your guards for instance, you could divert a small amount of power to the arcology you're buying from to pay for them.
You would needed a type of unit measurement to how much a slave is worth though. Might just be better to go with Gold, because that never goes out of style.
▶ No.24902>>24907
If a zone is being run by someone in charge and can sustain its population it makes sense it would have its own currency. So I think the best idea would be for each zone to use its own currency. In the wasteland these currencies are usually interchangeable due to traders/travellers. So one Zone may use paper currency. Another may use little metallic sticks of various materials for various values (copper, gold ect, in the shape similar to pocky, lightweight, stacks heavy and low weight, real currency can be identified by specific indentions or serial numbers). Then another zone you could go the Metro way they use military grade ammo.
▶ No.24907
Using prewar ammo as currency sounds like a very cool idea
▶ No.24951>>24954 >>25023 >>25640 >>35413
Any chance enforced chastity for penises? I wanted to make a club full of chaste traps
▶ No.24954
Seconding chastity, but for choices for every orifice as well
▶ No.24965
>Fiat currency would be relatively worthless (and it brings questions like "Who has the resources to issue it in large quantities?" and "Why would it be honored across various Zones and wasteland settlements?). I think we're aiming more for a resource that has value beyond a currency. One example discussed was small sheets of various metals (copper, gold, platinum, etc)
Crudely minted golden silver coins could be an answer
It always was and will be valuable commodity
And can add addition layer of curstomization like types of coins minted, maybe coins with PC face on it? Maybe with a landmark? etc…
▶ No.24966>>24967
>Long numbers consume space, and when long enough, wrap to a second line.
No need for those, take a look at ancient economy eg. Babylon
A laborer got around 2 silver shekels per year
A guard got around 5-6 shekels per year
You could buy a slave for 12 shekels
i write this from memory but you get the idea, the numbers dont need to be huge
▶ No.24967
You don't even have to go that far back. Nips had a monetary system based on rice for the longest time where one koku was equivalent to one person's yearly consumption.
Of course there were coins of various values in the economy, but administrative economy used koku almost exclusively iirc.
▶ No.24971>>24981 >>24990
An interesting way to deal with this problem is to simply allow many different forms of currency. It might seem overly complex, but I think that it could be a very beneficial addition to the theme/gameplay.
Different factions might have their own currencies, or commonly aligned ones might use the same in order to improve the ease of commerce. This would be reflected in game by perhaps a buff to currency values if it's widely adopted.
Thematically, this aids in the feeling of isolation and collapse - some factions might trade in old money, others might have regressed to a "barter" system, some might use a futuristic 'credit chit'. It helps differentiate the various groups you will run into.
All the currencies will functionally be the same, except for different values that rise and fall. This is probably the biggest problem because of the backend complexity - you could have a global price for goods or services that changes, and then each currency has a 'ratio' that can also fluctuate, and then you will do some mathemagics to calculate conversions and such.
This system would necessitate a lot of automation so the player isn't forced to roleplay as an accountant. It could be explained in game by players having a device of some kind that automatically converts/displays currency values for you.
IDK, this might be overly complex or just a stupid concept, but I hope that you can pull some ideas out of the mess and that it can help you design something creative and fun.
▶ No.24972
Have to admit it looks tempting and I'm toying with throwing in an app, that said though I kind of want to see a proper build first…
▶ No.24981
I actually like it. I would keep currency in every case as some symbolic item (mainly I have a problem with barter unless you can store lots of different stuff and then trade them for other stuff with worth of each item being displayed with some values without actual currency for that one) or even data. Hi-tech faction of androids, augmented humans and autonoous fuck machines may provide player, some traders etc with just some small, heavily secure and encrypted device that "stores" their currency (kind of like bitcoin), some somewhat industrialized civilization may actually make their own coins or small, thin, flat "tickets" out of valuable metals and some other print its paper cash.
▶ No.24988
water merchant tokens, which are old bottle caps from before the world went to shit.
▶ No.24990
>An interesting way to deal with this problem is to simply allow many different forms of currency. It might seem overly complex, but I think that it could be a very beneficial addition to the theme/gameplay.
You could just make it a variable that the player could change to "shekels" or "bottle caps" or "old world ammo" or keep as credits?
I don't know why the economic system needs a lot of focus on the labels. The main thing is that it provides the gatekeeping control on access to parts of the game. It's not a real currency and you're unlikely to code in a real robust supply and demand chain anyways, so why stress?
▶ No.24994
> But that led to issues where people would have to remember and convert the value of each metal, and the player would somehow have to lug sheets of metal with them everywhere.
>and the player would somehow have to lug sheets of metal with them everywhere.
Minting crude money is not that hard
▶ No.24995
▶ No.24998>>24999 >>25010 >>25093
An unidentified object crashes and damage one of the facility of your city ( loss of money ) it appears to be some kind of asteroid inhabited by primitive lifeform ( parasite or virus ). The slaves occupying the affected facility suffers either random body modification, illness damage or parasitic pregnancy.
▶ No.24999>>25093 >>25127
parasitic pregnancy would be like a permanent pregnancy state where the slave would hatch/birth a parasite after X amount of time which could spread to other slaves.
To cure the parasitic pregnancy, send the slave to the medical ward for Y amount of time.
▶ No.25010>>25020 >>25093
I'd rather have ti made into proper bigger, semi-random event. Have virus/parasite effects randomized each time the event happens (once or twice per gameplay, though I wouldn't mind it if player could make their own) with the effects mentioned but also some warning and hint about what its effects may be (so those who dislike particular content can avoid it).
I also would like some mental alterations. For example, if meteor isn't sterilized to kill parasites/virus straight away or no quarantine is set allowing research/investigate, I'd like full blown Kansen scenario with people turning into-sex crazed maniacs with nothing but constant sex in mind.
▶ No.25018
Asset based currency (either directly or via notes with a given value) is generally either a staple (Japan used rice) or a "rare"/"valuable" material with little or no practical use (silver and gold, also the Nuka Cola bottlecaps of Fallout).
Useful items are generally the currency of choice for purely barter based economies, in which case every item is valued separately and differently by each individual/group.
Fiat currency (such as the current US Dollar) is backed purely by the reputation and perceived value of the issuing agency… And tends to have a shelf life before it collapses (average of 40-50 years - Side note, the fiat dollar is going on the old age side.)
Personally, I'd suggest using a staple food as the basis - It has direct survival connotations, and is an immediate measure of your nation's "wealth" and ability to support its population at the same time. (Ex: Japan used the koku - The amount of rice it took to feed a person for a year.)
▶ No.25020
If that doesn't sound too ambitious I guess this event could be developed further as you described.
I'd like to add that male shouldn't be able to develop male pregnancy without some kind of extreme content warning. Parasites could nest in male the male genitalia instead?
▶ No.25023>>25077 >>25108
Good morning all. The currency feedback has been extremely insightful, and I'm very grateful for all of your contributions. One of our writers has begun work on the system, and it will be available for review.
>Any chance enforced chastity for penises? I wanted to make a club full of chaste traps
Yes. You will be able to enforce chastity for every hole, on both genders.
▶ No.25076
Question: How much of what can happen to slaves/companions can (or will) also apply to the player?
Pregnancy? Aging? Raids from elsewhere that are finally fought off but not before they have their way with their people of choice and escape with part of your stock?
▶ No.25077
Since work on pregnancy has started, are there any new specifics about what determines the properties the child gets from the parents and whether the PC has any control over what the child's traits (physical and/or otherwise)
▶ No.25089
Nothing special right now but I think some generic slave recruit events would be good, like FC has. So something like once you start getting a reputation if your slaves love you then you'll have people seeking you out. They'll ask you to enslave them or their family members because they're unable to financial support themselves or are looking for a better life. Most likely young people, women who are pregnant or women with snakes.
Some generic events for finding mistreated/abandoned slaves would be another thing. Like you encounter a person kicking and stomping on their slave who tells them to get lost and never come back.
▶ No.25093>>25094 >>25102 >>25119 >>25128
Thanks for the contribution, fellas, you've inspired some game mechanics (see the Mutations page) and one (so far) event. Picture unrelated, as always.
▶ No.25094>>25105 >>25124 >>25125
Forgot to continue. On a side note, how do you guys feel about xeno-stuff? I'm partial to the fetish, and wrote all this stuff up on a whim, but judging by my work on mutations, it seems to be pretty attached to the mechanics. Is this okay?
Mutations seem like trying to cultivate bonuses, and the way I wrote Xeno Mutations allows those bonuses to be locked in and passed down seamlessly through generations. I realize Libre Cities is a game about indulging in weird fetishes, but I also realize that I should have taken a step back and looked at this objectively: I made a mistake when I put so much detail into mutations, and made Xenos stuff so mechanically useful/important.
Is this a problem? Are you guys okay with Xeno and mutations in the position it's currently in, or do you think one or both should be rewritten to cater to less specific fetishes?
I'm not going to pretend this is a huge issue, it's just a porn game, but part of my job as a writer is to note play favorites with the mechanics, and I think I've done just that.
Please share your thoughts on the Mutations system, and the Xenos influence. Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm slightly drunk.
▶ No.25105
>On a side note, how do you guys feel about xeno-stuff?
I absolutely love the parasite/infestation content
▶ No.25107
>The zone's economy is based on the most common building materiel they have around, scrap iron, which is commonly found in the ruins of the old world.
Fugg i wanted o mint golden coins with dick on the reverse side
▶ No.25108>>25109 >>25113 >>25114 >>25260
Just read the economy page on the wiki; apparently, the currency is scrap iron now? This seems like a bizarre choice given all the feedback. Iron isn't something like salt or rice that the average person has a use for (who has a forge in their home?), so it's more analogous to something like gold or silver where the primary reason for acquiring it is to use it for trade. The problem is, unlike gold or silver, iron is used all over the place in construction and other practical applications. In a society where iron's the primary currency, all your nuts and bolts, screws and nails are equivalent to cash. You wouldn't be able to leave anything unguarded or it'd get ripped apart for all the easily accessible bits of iron; people'd be tearing chunks out of buildings for its cash value.
On top of that, iron is most often found as a alloy---you don't normally build stuff out of pure iron, you use steel. How's that play into the currency system? Different pieces of scrap iron would have differing iron contents. How's the average citizen supposed to evaluate how much a chunk of metal's worth in day-to-day transactions? I guess you could have a central body test and certify the scrap then present the owner with an affidavit of the value of the metal; but at that point, you're basically using a commodity-backed paper currency.
Zones really should be using a commodity-based or even fiat currency anyway. As far as I can tell, Zones have organized power structures. Wealth is concentrated at the top so, basically, anything the Zone's Sovereign deems valuable is valuable within that Zone. This should be sufficient to establish whatever the hell the Sovereign wants as a Zone-wide currency. Zones should have a stable currency-based economy unless Sovereigns are overthrown constantly by idiots that refuse to acknowledge the previous Sovereign's currency.
Inter-Zone trade would be more complicated, of course. There's no reason the Sovereign of one Zone should recongnize another's currency. However, there's not enough information available on the wiki to really speculate on the matter. I couldn't find any indication as to how common trade is between Zones, how many Zones exist on the continent, how they're distributed, or even if roads exist or not.
Speaking of the inadequacies of the wiki, I really hope you guys have design documents not accessible on the public wiki because what is available for public viewing is vague, overly-wordy, and contradictory. For example, the "Origins" article can be summarize in the following points:
snip for length
▶ No.25109>>25110 >>25113 >>25114 >>25260 >>25372
* climate change -> natural disasters
*world-wide disenfranchisement + natural disasters == tyrannical governments -> global conflict -> global nuclear war ~100 years ago -> all of Earth uninhabitable outside of Zones
* all of the above is unreliable 'cause it's from stories the PC has heard, not fact
* other stuff that may or may not have existed: cities, bunkers with old world tech, stealthy cannabalitic beast-men, big ole death robots
* laser weaponry and flying vehicles are rare and getting rarer
I had to read 778 words for that pittance of information; this summary is 75 words, only 12 of which is confirmed fact. If your actual design docs are written like these wiki articles and not as some sort of easily referenced summary, I feel sorry for your writers who have to dig through word salad every time they want to make sure what they're writting fits canon. Of course, maybe it's not actually a problem because there's barely any canon to adhere to. Going through the "finalized" articles related to the setting (skipping Origins and Currency because I've been hard enough on them already), here're some questions I jotted down while reading:
*Since immigration is rare, what's the PC's reason for being allowed in? Why's there no article establishing the PC's background anyway (backgrounds? PC's customizable, right?). Surely that should be a priority.
*How does having security forces independent from government "avoid […] the follies of Pre-Fall justice systems"? What's it even mean for security forces to be independent in a dictatorship anyway? Is there a difference between hiring a guy to be head of security and appointing a guy to be head of security and paying him a salary?
*What are the living conditions like? The ruling classes seem to have access to all the future tech of the Pre-Fall society, but how's the under-class live? Is it like Star Wars where even the poor have access to advanced tech but it's all run-down, or are they practically living in the stone age?
*Zones are layered, but how exactly? Is each district on a different level? How's it organized? How're the levels connected? Are the levels closed off from each other or can you look down from a higher level to a lower one? How big and open are we talking roughly? Population density? Tall buildings or short and squat?
*Power, water, lights, food, climate-control. What are the sources of each?
*What challenges the Zone's existence? Raiders? Wildlife? Insurrection? Invasion from other Zones? Scarcity?
*How stable is the Zone politically?
*Just how extensive is the Sovereign's access to technology? Could he fly around the world he wanted to? Build a robot army? Internet?
*What are the Aldermen Industries exactly?
*Exports are mentioned in passing. Does that mean there are established trade routes between Zones, or with outside communities?
*Nationality is something that's being built into the game as part of a poll. Does that mean the Zone the PC ends up in is highly multicultural to start with or are other nationalities primarily going to be acquired through trade implying an international trade network exists? If international trade is a thing, the world sure seems better off than the Origins article makes it sound.
snip again, why the fuck is there no character count/limit in the reply popup?
▶ No.25110>>25113 >>25114 >>25231 >>25260 >>25372
*Mutated killer wildlife, y/n?
*No fresh water nearby? Whoever built this Zone was an idiot.
Starting House:
*Are you living in a bunker within the Zone which is already a bunker? wtf?
*What's dripping? I thought water was scarce.
*Wind indoors?
*This whole article is pretty unclear or I fail horribly at reading comprehension. Are you living in an open, tennis court-sized bunker that's subdivided by curtains where you have a small "bedroom" area but the rest of the shelter is shared with roommates? Kinda like a loft's floorplan (if a single open room can be called a floorplan)?
*Cooking? Waste, bodily and otherwise?
*This article could really use a crude map showing where places are in relation to each other and maybe a rough size comparison.
*Is the Expanse basically just the patch of land outside the main gate?
*The arena-based justice system seems pretty dumb. Make criminals fight then the winner goes free? Sure, let's just let the strongest criminals back into society to do more crime.
*"[…] oftentimes is doomed to the semidarkness that is ever present." I haven't pointed out bad writing/grammar until now; but, goddamn, this snippet was too much or maybe it was just the last straw. I'm sorry whoever wrote this; I'm sure this isn't a fair representation of your writing.
*Why are there "exiled criminals" inside the caves off of the Breakers? Shouldn't they have been exiled outside?
*I thought all Wastelanders granted entry ends up in the Breakers, but just below, it says all refugees end up in the Underbelly. How're refugees different from Wastelanders given entry? Why're refugees even being allowed in? I thought entry was highly exclusive (cf. the Zones article).
*Why are Wastelanders brought in as anything other than slaves anyway? Are they all intended to be laborers in the "industries" (whatever these industries are, it's never specified). Why wouldn't they just free slaves to fill laborer spots and have all new comers enter as slaves?
*Shogun district? Really? Was the first sovereign a weaboo?
Look, I don't have access to all your dev discussions so maybe all this is already hammered out. But, when you label a bunch of setting-establishing articles "finalized" while leaving more questions than answers, it makes me a touch concerned about how organized your writing efforts are. I know everyone's a volunteer so you can't be all that strict, but you really need to prioritize a firm outline or a lot of work's going to go to waste, need massive refactoring, or just clash horribly. I hope you do have a plan and simply haven't released it to the public. On the other hand, it's a porn game. Maybe no one gives a shit about a cohesive story. I guess that'd be a valid approach as well.
Anyway, enough of me being an autistic downer. Keep up the good work and best of luck.
▶ No.25114
writers got btfo in 3 post whech are more thought out than the entier wiki
▶ No.25115>>25121
Same downer as above, here to be a downer again. Sorry.
I'm not going to nit-pick the writing itself, you guys have an editor, I'm sure it'll be fine. My major issue here is that too many assumptions are made about the player character.
You start off in an orgy, but what if you're role-playing a celibate or monogamous PC or you're just not into group sex? Then there's the fantsizing about the daughters bit which doesn't work for players that aren't into girls. Next is the whole malice in your voice thing. What if you've been playing a goody-two-shoes all game long?
And keep in mind the old mantra of "show, don't tell". Use physical descriptions and let the reader fill in the emotions as much as possible. If you done your job correctly, the reader should understand your intentions. (What the heck does "eyes flicker with a hint of resignation" even look like?)
Anyway, again, this is just me being an autistic downer. Don't be disheartened; there's promise here.
▶ No.25119
How about option to infestate other slaves and/or spread infestation willingly?
▶ No.25121>>25124
Dunno how autistic I'd call mysef, but I kinda agree with this anon. It seems that one of the biggest priorities of LC was to be freedom and the game responsing to the players - their fetishes, goals, ways to go about some business etc. Most important then (even more than adding bazillion of kinks) should be making sure that player's character isn't railroaded into particular behavior if player themselves didn't hint at their approach toward the whole matter.
Also, I suggest balancing length with quantity. Sometimes a decent paragraph of simple descriptions reads and serves the player more than whole scene written down as if it'd be a book - a problem that, depending on the reader, sometimes fenoxo's titles suffered from (yes, yes, among other issues).
Writer part of LCDevteam - please consider, rather than writing great, big stories - making several smaller blurbs to cover different attitudes and options - not only it'll allow you to tackle ambitious plans of including so many fetishes more reliably and easily, it will also add certain importance to some seriously important for the plot or the player, game-changing scenes which will deserve longer descriptions.
I know people want to spread their wings and write with passion about what they like, but many players concentrate just on a few sentences in a say, sex scene when the scene is for some generic, repeatedly encountered event or enemy which content of you know sooner or later many will be just skipping, unless particularly favoring it.
- A couple of ones that describe how the whole scene started (attitude of both parties, kind of approach to the whole thing)
>"She gives you a wicked, predatory grin and tackles you to the ground, not wasting time in attempt to straddle you."
>"With a blush on her face, she smiles nervously, avoiding eye contact and slowly spreading her legs."
- A couple of ones that describe how the whole thing proceeds (how it is done, with what intesity)
>"Turned mad by the aphrodisiacs flowing through her veins, she moves fast - fucking you wildly in an attempt to reach orgasm as quickly as possible."
>"She takes you down to the very base of your cock, silently but steadily deepthroating you, sucking and massaging whole length of your shaft with her tongue, all the time maintaining an expression without a hint of emotion"
- And a few sentences describing the finale (achieving orgasm, actions following the act just before returning control to the player)
>"Soon you're unable to hold it and empty your balls in her needy cunt as she closes her eyes and rides the waves of her own orgasm. However, merely seconds later, she looks at you, moans 'More..' and starts moving once again. Unable to resist her, you're being raped for a long time till your exhaustion makes you drift away…"
>"With a few last, rough thrusts you cum in orifice of the tentacle. It tries to suck, squeeze and milk every last drop out of you, after which it obediently retracts back to its box."
I am not much of a writer, more a consumer (those examples were written on the fly, though if they're not crappy enough and you like them, feel free to use them) but I hope it's understandable: several sentences of each going by this scheme and you're done with a whole scene - good enough for mobs, sexdroids, pet tentacle monsters, random sex slaves and other such scenes of no great personal importance. Even more so, if you'd make enough of those and then tag them depending on the type of creature, intelligence and disposition, you could reuse/semi-randomize scenes for different mobs and less-specific kinks, having them finished and in game even before getting a writer do some scenes for that creature/event in particular.
▶ No.25124>>25125
I am absolutely uninterested in "typical" parasite content (something latching upon fusing with a person), but I like idea of certain mind alteration and partial or complete mutation into some creepy and/or sex-driven monster, humanoid or not - so parasite could work with that.
However, I'd far, far more prefer xeno content in form of "natural" unearhtly creatures. Sexualized xenomorphs (still as slim and dangerous predators, but with small feminine features and less of the whole "claws, teeth and acidic blood" thing) and other intelligent yet feral creatures that cannot be easily categorized neither as "dumb animal" nor "like a human" but just "alien" are quite an interesting thing. I also like tentacles equipped to pleasure both males and females in different ways depending on the creature and preference of the player, as in the example of "tentacle onahole" I've provided in >>25121
As for event as you wrote it. It's interesting though what I had in mind in regards to preventing unwanted content was be a set of options even before what you've suggested (which talk with slave could be an option in case no immediate purging of the meteor nor establishing a quarantine is done), along the lines of:
[an event for when PC actually has some role in a faction]
>One of your scouts reports an object which fell certain distance from location of your
[where do players and their factions live in anyway before turning into big world players? (Bigger) houses? Villages? Bunkers?].
>No matter if it's a meteor or remains of one of the old, manmade objects falling into and burning in the atmosphere after years of abandonment in space, you know that if you want to investigate, it's wise to do it soon, before any other potential interested parties will come for it.
The object could be also slightly randomised to be a meteor, downed satellite, a small, slightly charred part of what would seem to be a spaceship or other such structure - no effect, just, you know, variety, even if again, I wouldn't want such event to be common but something that happens maybe once or twice thorough the gameplay.
Upon approaching the object and getting event description, one would have options such as:
>It may be dangerous, better leave it alone.
Object is just left and ignored. From now on there is a chance that certain percentance of randomly generated and "infectionable" people/creatures will suffer from the effect of it, be it mutation, disease or other alteration (no need to write any special content around that, just adding randomly a line of description, like "Your enemy is visibly aroused" or "A sparse web of purple, weird veins covers their body" to some random mob and changing their stats would do if no one wants to write special events. Also, considerable chance that one player's faction member/slave will be infected - leading to the event as you've presented, perhaps?
>It may be dangerous, better burn and bury it.
Object is destroyed, event concluded. A tiny (few percent) chance that someone will be infected leading to the event you've presented.
>Take it and see if you can make anything useful out of it
Object is taken - possibly some resources or items retrieved (rare metals or other otherwordly natural resources if it is a meteor, rare resources like electronics etc if it's manmade that could allow upgrades and whatnot) and 100% chance for both effects of above choices (both epidemy in the wild and slave infection).
>Sterilize the object and retrieve what's left
If applicable - player has to have access to means, technology or resources allowing such action. As above, resources or items are scavenged, albeit at slightly lower chance/quantity, no chance of infection or spread of object's effects.
I am not saying my version is better, just that this is how I've imagined such event - and like I wrote, it could work as prelude to yours. Even if we won't want to go that far, it's fine, just throwing an idea that i think could add quite some with not overtly much of work.
▶ No.25125
The only issue with your event I see is that it seems to be just about particular single outcome of "infection" - pregnancy. Provided we'd go with a few different outcomes, I'd make the scene smaller but with variations, like:
[nymphomania virus]
>[Slave] claims they're tainted…
>…but you don't see why they would say so. If anything, their gasps, moans and desperation evident in their eyes suggests they're more horny than anything.
[some disease, negative, positive, whatever effect - really, a lot of wiggle space, plenty of space for different descriptions and randomized between games effects so one won't be able to to learn how certain disease affects some stats and use that knowledge in another game]
>…as indicated by a sparse web of purple, weird veins covering their skin/sharp ridges protruding from their spine/metallic gleam to their skin
Could add a line to slave's description and perhaps progress and transform slave into some other type of 'race' (ie, turn them into a sexrobot or whatever) - but that's kinda ambitious and I am not sure how well-fitting with plans regarding creatures and stuff. Could also be 'try your luck' thing that over time advances and changes into other, more obvious infection effects (pregnancy, nyphomania etc)
>…as proven by their visibly rounded stomach, like if they'd be pregnant
[other type of parasite]
>…which some sort of slime/slug/fungi [more randomisation?] that seems to be attached to their [body part] is likely a proof of.
▶ No.25127>>25372
Writer here. Good criticisms, all.
I hadn't quite noticed, but my events so far definitely lean towards the 'railroading and characterizing the PC' route, rather than the intended 'let the player decide what the PC's into and how they react.' I blame this on being unused to the format, I've only ever written longer stuff about set characters, so writing short vignettes that could apply to anyone (more or less) still feels a bit unnatural to me. I'm sure I'll improve with time.
Once we get a more solid grasp on the mechanics, I'll go back over all the scenes I've written and try to make them more applicable to any kind of PC, rather than the few kinds I envision.
As for why the pregnancy is the only outcome of infection in that event - it's because >>24999 suggested it and i really liked the idea. There's other types of mutations, though we're trying to take it in a distincly 'alien' direction, not just 'ooooo, spooky xeno-sex organs', designing these is definitely a WIP and we'd appreciate some feedback on how unnatural xenobiology should affect characters.
In the meantime, the feedback is welcome, as always. Thanks, we'll get back to work.
▶ No.25128
Good start so farfor, looking forward to more development of that kind of stuff!
▶ No.25231>>25353 >>25372
>On the other hand, it's a porn game. Maybe no one gives a shit about a cohesive story.
It used to be a porn game, now it's a mess.
The post-apocalyptic setting really does not lend itself well to a porn game, or at least not the kind they are making.
Resources are scarce, travel is limited, focus is more on survival than living in luxury. I mean, just look at Fury Road, which I gather was the primary inspiration here.
It only really covers a very narrow set of fetishes, the rest basically requiring you to violate your own worldbuilding to make any number of other ones work.
Want a royal/aristocratic slave? You now have to come up with royal bunkers because there is no conceivable way that you can get your hands or any kind of modern royalty a century after the fall of civilization. Want a famous model/celebrity or athlete? The same, you now have to invent outlandish reasons why they are still around, or just bullshit by making a post-apocalyptic version that greatly diminishes their appeal.
Same for any other kind of fetish that relies on modern occupations and/or backgrounds.
Not to say that it can't be fun to enslave a princess from some post-apocalyptic barbarian kingdom, or to go on a degenerate treasure hunt to get your hands on an exclusive pre-collapse individual so you can enslave him/her.
And as others have already said, the shoddy "finalized" offerings, the lack of a general framework for the world at large and the fact writers are going all over the place without a clear understanding of what they are supposed to be doing, let alone a grasp of the mechanics they need to take into account (because they aren't even done yet) just further illustrates this project is not going well.
Either the setting needs to be fleshed out way more, or some of the more restrictive assumptions about it need to be ditched in favor of a set of circumstances that more easily justify slave variety.
▶ No.25233>>25259
I think this project could become the Flexible Survival everyone deserve.
By that I mean (none to a negligible amount of furry)
I think the only thing this game did well is the post-apocalyptic theme interpretation.
Beside this, the writing was bad, the mutation system could see some improvement and the sex/mutation scenes are just horrible, boring, lacking of details.
▶ No.25259>>25265
>Beside this, the writing was bad, the mutation system could see some improvement and the sex/mutation scenes are just horrible, boring, lacking of details.
The writing was very uneven but that's normal since shitload of different people did this. Mutation actually was the worst - shit that barely ever had any meaning or importance for the gameplay, outside of "some character fucks only some other characters looking like that". Sex/mutation again, depends on the writer though I actually prefered their stuff to CoC shit - I want less details and more of descriptions of what's happening, instead of pages upon pages of info about every little movement and body position - at times CoC felt like reading porn fanfic, not a game with imagination-stimulating descriptions.
So, my opinions are quite opposite to what you'd see (beside also being for a text game with severely limited furry content, but not necessarily made the way FS as it is somewhat clunky) - but to each their own.
And while I was one of the people contributing to the mutation idea above, I am strongly against making it base for the game. I am far more interested about carving your own niche in degenerated, somewhat post-apocalyptic world, creating my own nation and morality of it, pertraining to my fetishes. Mutation I care not for as much as typical kinks as well as ones not really well explored yet in similar games (sexbots etc). But again, different tastes - happens.
▶ No.25260>>25296
That's actually surprisingly reasonable. Should be probably looked over by whatever devteam member is in charge - it may seem like kind of a small thing and in cases of many other games it would be - but given that this game is mostly text game and very, VERY ambitious at that, it may be very important to make sure the fundamentals are as cohesive and coherent as possible, to avoid clear logic and plot holes down the road.
▶ No.25261
What seems to be kinda big issue for me is that the sex scenes are very very complex and huge, a series of short descriptions combined with each other would be much better in my opinion
▶ No.25292>>25293
i have some ideas for the setting
Year 2034: Global warming is melting the ice on both poles.
Year 2037: The competition for arctic resources has already reached a critical point. Attempts from UN to resolve the crisis in a peaceful hasn't shown any improvement.
Year 2041: As everyone expected the first shoots are fired before the first drill could penetrate the ground/arctic floor for resources.
Year 2042: Small skirmishes grew in large scale disasters as more and more countries joins. (I will refereed as The Great Disaster)
Year 2045: As Treaties forced The Great Disaster to grow exponentially, civilization was on the brink of collapse and with it most advanced technologies vanished.
Year 2046: Even though every country exhausted everything they had. None could come out to claiming the prize, because world became to polluted to live on. With no country having the ressource to continue on their own they had no choice but to come together and build a sanctuary for humans. (This ll be told to the player at the beginning. Truth: As the ice melted, it set a new kind of virus free, which killed 99% of the infected and mutated the remain 1% (catgirls,doggirls,monsters…). Without advanced technologies mankind couldnt fight the virus and left them no choice, but to come together and build a sanctuary for humans (to make the nationalities believable))
Year 2049: Sanctuary was build in 3 years with to combiened efford of all countries.
Year 2055: As the peace continues people started to forget about everything, about the hunger, about the cries of your friends, about the terror, all but the hate for others , who caused the death or your friends and family members.
Year 2057: Hatred lead to another war. A civil war. With the ongoing civil war the council (is composed of all heads of ever country) had no choice, but to separate the outer and inner sector with what resource the could bear to spare.
Year 2058: Without the help of the inner sector the outer sector couldn't sustain itself and scavenged what they could(food, water, weapons, materials) to venture into the wasteland and survive on their own. But the civil war did still leave a scar. The remain bit of civilisation collapsed under it. Driven by hatred the formed groups to enslave smaller groups.
Year 2279: Since the outer sector left with their slaves Sanctuary in many groups it has been over 200 years (i just want to clarify that there was many groups that survived). The player is born in the bunker as slave/overlord….
I still more ideas for events like:
A landslide when the player takes over the bunker.
searching for alien artifact on the molten poles (cause why not)
Or Sanctuary being a super perfect Utopia who doesn't allow slaves and u can corrupt/conquer them
▶ No.25293
>A landslide when the player takes over the bunker.
I meant it more like a collapse to artificially create a need for food, energy, water, rooms.
▶ No.25296>>25508
>That's actually surprisingly reasonable. Should be probably looked over by whatever devteam member is in charge
That post was shared with the team, and we agreed; it was very insightful. For those of us working on this project daily, I think we've all created various assumptions and mental images that help smooth over the inconsistencies, so it's great to have a fresh external perspective on our work, where these inconsistencies can be pointed out plainly and addressed.
Yesterday marked the end of this project's third week. For the past few days, we've been going over all of our procedures and general organization, looking for areas that need improvement, and taking feedback from this thread into consideration. This resulted in our first Monthly Assessment, which outlines numerous issues that need to be addressed. It's extremely important that we work through these issues while the project is still young, before they become systemic, and we'll be doing so throughout September.
▶ No.25305
I was giving this some thought, but why not have the primary "facility" be an old pre-fall prison? With some modifications such a structure becomes viable - It has pre-existing housing, gathering areas, workshop areas, and above all it's defensible with limited access points.
▶ No.25353>>25356 >>25530 >>27847
I have to agree with a lot of the criticism here.
It may be best to take a good look at the world you're trying to build and why. Because from what I've gathered in this thread the only real possibility is if you're going for a system of space aliens invading and establishing colonies - with or without humans - and mankind has societies - long established or otherwise - outside the big domes.
This would give you the xenomorph parasites as a possibility, the human societies outside the domes are third world in comparison which can have kingdoms themselves, the gene morphing becomes more believable, there can be aliens as slaves, etc.
Plus that favored phrase: "Any technology sufficiently advanced enough is indistinguishable from magic." This opens up most any fetishes for you to add at a later date.
Opens up to raiding caravans of societies more well off than you. The bigger they are the harder they'll hit back and such. Aliens would have a better wealth of materials because of how they manufacture them, so they're in no real rush to retaliate until you decide to become a particular thorn in their side.
Maybe even types of aliens as it could be some conglomeration of them. A cartel, maybe. This planet being a backwards colony perhaps.
Although, at this point I wonder where even I'M going with this. Still, you see the concern? Of how important it is to have a world guideline?
▶ No.25356>>25365 >>25530
>It may be best to take a good look at the world you're trying to build and why.
>Still, you see the concern? Of how important it is to have a world guideline?
Yes, the need for this was part of our Monthly Assessment (which is public), among several other issues that we need to resolve.
As for the alien/xeno aspects, you guys are of course free to discuss it, but it's not at all a priority right now, and I don't know that it ever will be. One of the writers wrote up a fun event in that genre based on a poster's request/suggestion but, as other anons above have made clear, we barely have a cohesive setting as it is, we certainly aren't going to be branching out into alien/xeno territory at this time. We have a lot of work to do on shoring up what already exists.
▶ No.25365
Glad to hear that.
I'm actually looking forward to this project and I've seen too many die out because no one knew the layout. Like horror movie victims in an asylum without a map. New killers kept popping up and taking bits of the team.
Get that map. Stay alive.
▶ No.25372>>25530
I also disagree with iron-currency idea thats on the wiki.
Yea wiki needs some organization to make it easier to find information.
Feedback received and accepted, good to see a (the) writer(s) can be flexible.
I agree with low tech post-apocalypse world railroading a lot of stuff. I'dd prefer a super-high tech dystopian world where nations have shrinked down to metropolises and the gap between rich and poor is large. Stuff like Texhnolyze or
Kurozuka. This would let bring in everything from slavery and resource scarcity to implants and "magic" body modifications.
▶ No.25449
▶ No.25508
An army needs to be organized to march 100,000 men to the battlefield. Likewise when under taking a project of this scope, organization is key.
God bless you brave anons.
▶ No.25530>>25742
I was one of the anons who mentioned the xeno content as being appreciated but to be honest, it doesn't need to be exactly of such origin. If I want slightly creepy monstergirls, for example, aliens can be one source, but for example, human warfare with use of experimental biological weapons that didn't kill absolutely everyone, but left a few heavily mutated or "carrier" people who then mingled and gave birth to all kinds of mutants - is fine too.
I wouldn't say that low-tech post-apocalypse is necessarily railroading in itself, it's in how it is handled. Just because current technological thought isn't much developed or the humanity isn't too organized and advanced doesn't mean that there cannot be visible effects of the advanced technology of the past, even in the way >>25353 mentions - now taken for supernatural occurances, places and artifacts of great occult power.
Personally, I'd prefer overall world setting to be post-apoc, with dystopia being what leftover pockets of hi-tech society are coming to and what player's faction can turn into, dependant on both technological advancements and social mores steered and pursued by player's actions.
▶ No.25570
Where technology is concerned in a post apocalyptic setting really depends on what kind of infrastructure a given group can get ahold of.
Technology is really a matter of having the right tools to build something, and a lot of that "something" is the next level of tool precision to continue the chain to our modern levels to make what we take for granted.
Depending on conditions and time after an "apocalypse" you would have groups with base tech levels:
* Primitive (started from scratch)
* Pre-modern (build and maintain some level of tech, just not up to our current level)
* Modern
Any of these could add in remnant technology (surviving in working order, or can be jury rigged into working) to their capabilities.
And add to that the simple fact that a given group could be at different tech levels in different areas:
* Industry - including weapons production
* Agriculture - modern farming techniques don't necessarily require the physical technology
* Sciences - The area likely to start high and erode over time as things aren't deemed useful enough to pass on.
* Military - The underlying principles haven't really changed much since Sun Tzu and Sun Bin wrote their respective Art of War, only the specific application. That said, training your forces to take proper advantage of whatever your industry supports would take time and effort.
▶ No.25608>>25651
Can we get an update since the wiki is being overhauled
▶ No.25629
>the Dwarf Fortress of porn
Fuck you, I choked on my drink.
Polite sage since my post adds nothing of value.
▶ No.25651
The project is currently undergoing several changes, the most notable of which is the lore simplification.
This will allow the team to focus on important tasks without having to worry about a novel's worth of lore.
A summary of features to expect for the next release(v0.1.0) can be found here: https://wiki.librecities.net/doku.php?id=game:management:roadmap
▶ No.25652>>25653
>tfw you shit on the lore so hard that the writers give up on writing lore
Joking aside, I just wanted to make it clear that this is the exact opposite of what should be done if you want to have a coherent setting. Even without explicit world-building, writing events will necessarily include implicit world-building by virtue of describing something taking place within the world. This is causes problems in collaborative writing because mulitple people are working on different things at the same time. With no concrete outline to work with, Writer A may be writing something that directly contradicts something Writer B is working on with no way of knowing it. For example, A describes a scene where the impoverished PC is cooking a meager evening meal in his hovel, but B is working on a scene that pivots on how dehumanizing it is that everyone in the Breakers district is fed from communal gruel pots. Whoops, looks like someone's work is going out the window. Or maybe, someone writes a scene predicated on Zone-wide black-outs being common, but some other guy just finished writing about the never-faltering lights of the upper districts being a constant reminder to the lower classes of the wealth and power just out of their reach. Hmm, something doesn't add up.
"Oh, but autist-anon, you just made those conflicts up to prop up your argument," you may say; and you'd totally have a point there. How about we look at a writing sample and see what we can deduce about the world? By the way, I'm sincerely not trying to pick on you, writer-guy. It's just that this is the only sample I have of a recently written event. I realize this was written before the change in direction with respect to lore; I'm just using this to point out how writing reveals facts about the world that were never mentioned in other world-building documents. This doesn't even criticize your writing.
>quick shower
Hot and cold running water, sewage system
>boring legal minutiae
Stable society with well-defined laws
snip because fuck your character limit
▶ No.25653>>25657 >>25670
>Entry into the Zone is very restrictive
Entry into the Zone is very restrictive
>We have money
Outsiders have Zone money implying steady trade
>cargo is transferred to your carts
Rough indicator of tech level. Not hover barges or servant robots or something
That's just about half-way down the page of a single event. Unless the new writing style is going to be more brusque than Hemingway with none of his imagery, it's going to be impossible to not have glaring contradictions all over the place.
Fuck me, I wrote way too much again. I have a habit of trying to shut down potential arguments before anyone even objects. I could have probably just said, "Yo, your lore's gonna be fucked if you don't make an outline. Like, majorly, un-fixabl-y fucked," and left it there. I mean, trying to get multiple people to write coherent vignettes in an ill-defined setting is pretty much like trying to get a bunch of people to write a program without telling them what language to write in. You can probably hack something together in the end, but it won't be efficient and it won't be pretty.
Look, all I'm saying is, if you're going to wing it without an outline, your story's going to be a mess. It's a porn game. Maybe you don't care if the story's a mess. Just don't fool yourself into thinking that you'll be able to fix it later. You can't fix a house built on quicksand.
Oh, and this:
>The Zone uses a textbox as its currency. Players will enter their desired currency into the box. Prices will remain the same regardless of whether the player chooses gold coins, dead rats, or memes.
Why? I mean, this basically conceeds that a fiat currency is the logical choice; all you need to do is assign one for the world. Leaving open this meaningless avenue of player "choice" is just confusing to the player and restictive to the writers (no writing about wallets "full of twinkling gold coins" for instance).
Again, to end on an optimistic note--I'm still confident in this project. Hell, why would I bother whinging if I didn't think you guys were doing something with potential? The amount of infrastructure in organizational services and regular evaluations shows that LCDev knows how to get shit done. As I'm just an anon, I don't have access to edit logs on the wiki, but it seems to me most of the writing I took issue with was banged out solo with little or no external input and marked finalized. Maybe my misgivings are due to a fundamental difference in how coders and writers work. Coders are trained to work with others while writing is a mostly solitary pursuit, so working together to write a game is unfamiliar territory. Maybe a solution would be to encourage greater cooperation at more points in the writing pipeline. Something like outline -> group (and 8ch?) input -> draft -> input -> final? I don't know; I could be completely off base. Just spit-balling, hoping to offer solutions instead of just pointing out problems. Not trying to point fingers. Anyway, keep it up, and don't let my nit-picking get you down.
▶ No.25657>>25955
First of all, thank you for the continued feedback autist-anon.
Collaborative writing is always going to be a tricky beast to handle. We could spend months developing a well defined setting only to still run into situations where one person's writing conflicts with another's on some minor level. As such it was decided that the best course of action would be to skip the several months of writing nothing but lore and instead have a concise outline for the writers to work by. Undoubtedly writing inconsistencies will still appear, but we have a (WIP) design document and editors working to make sure nothing goes horribly wrong.
Of course your suggestions will be shared with and discussed by the team as we strive ever onward to make as enjoyable(and consistent) a game possible.
▶ No.25670
>Fuck me, I wrote way too much again.
No, bullshit. I am often writing walls of text in these threads, for similar reasons you do and I stand by a claim that it's better to express your thoughts in a way leaving no space for mistake and misinterpretation, offering good examples and showing you care instead of dropping "yo, your shit gonna be fucked" and call it a day when such simple comment wouldn't help anyone.
▶ No.25672
I think we stopped caring because, with a big lore setting, everything would have had to been checked and rechecked for cohesion against the setting. And thats after hashing all the lore out and making sure everyone agrees. It's easier to keep it simple and leave space for introduction assimilation.
And all in all, there is a lot of writing to do, and from what I can tell no one was writing lore. And writing in general is the limiting factor right now, so making it easier for a writer to just start writing 3 lines of content we could use for the first release is already a boon.
Because once you have the basic outline down, it really doesn't cost anything to change the little details, like electricity going out vs unlimited. Like just fluffing it up "the upper district, seemingly immune to the constant power outages the lower districts have to suffer day long". I wrote the Surgical Shop passage. I could change a lot of things in there without having to re-write anything. Flickering lights, high tech instruments, etc.
And anyway, thats what our editor is for, right?
▶ No.25678>>25955
>tfw you shit on the lore so hard that the writers give up on writing lore
I wouldn't say that we've given up on the lore. I agree with everyone that's said we need a solid foundation for the lore, from which the rest of the game can be built on. One of our main problems though, is our team's activity levels. If you look at the Dev Team page, we're divided into a Core Team, and Contributors. The Core Team is on for several hours a day, and the vast majority of our work comes from those members. We also have several Contributors with similar levels of activity, and they will likely be eligible for Core Member status. But at the end of the day, we're still talking about less than ten people trying to work on this ambitious project.
What I'd like to see from our foundation is something that, for now, is extremely flexible, but can be restrained into something concrete with time. We simply don't have the manpower to churn out a novel's worth of cohesive lore that builds an entire world before we start developing this game. And when we have to choose between one or the other, everyone signed up to work on a porn game, not a wordbuilding exercise.
▶ No.25693
Just as a note, plenty of games have used more then one level of tech in a post-end of the world game. It part of the charm.
▶ No.25702>>25704 >>25706 >>25709
Important Announcement
We are currently testing a new wiki service and are in the process of porting all existing content over. All users, old and new, will need to (re)register to the new site in order to gain access. However, there is no confirmation email so you can enter in any mumbo-jumbo you'd like.
Hopefully the new wiki will solve many long-standing issues people having been facing with the old one and allow for a much smoother flow of work within the project.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
▶ No.25704
▶ No.25706
Note that if you were registered on our old wiki, it is recommended that you delete the cookies stored in your browser for wiki.librecities.net. Otherwise you might encounter a "bad request" error when logging in.
▶ No.25709>>25711 >>25718
When you've switched wiki software more frequently than you've released working builds, you know you're in project management hell.
▶ No.25711>>25714
No. of times wiki switched: 1
No. of builds released: 1
Something doesn't add up here..
▶ No.25714
I know, pizza + bacon should equal nom.
▶ No.25718>>25733
I am very sorry for this massive mistake on our part. We are working full time to resolving this issue and bringing the release count higher than the wiki migration count. I believe I may venture to say this has become our primary goal. We will keep you updated on our progress. You may consult our new wiki to validate our progress.
▶ No.25721>>25722 >>25723 >>25728
So to an outsider it looks like Librecities is a big ol' "look how big my dick is" contest.
What have you guys actually done to improve the game? What features have you added?
And no I'm not going to make a user account and jump through bunch of hoops just to see if your project is worth my time.
▶ No.25722
Not a dev, just an anon interested in the game. Right now, you can easily keep the project out of mind. It's fresh and people work on it kinda daily but there's not really much of an actual gameplay yet. Either consider contributing or come back in a few months - by then either the project will show that it's steadily getting to realizing all those ambitions they wrote about however long it'll take or it'll prove that the devs were lacking (if only in the will) and it'll be dead.
▶ No.25723
>What have you guys actually done to improve the game? What features have you added?
While we started as a fork of Free Cities, Libre Cities is currently its own game being written from scratch. If you want to see what we did during the first couple of weeks as an FC fork, you can check the Version Information page from the last release, here:
The new game is hosted in our git repo at:
You can download the latest version any time.
>it looks like Librecities is a big ol' "look how big my dick is" contest.
That's a curious observation. Considering all of our services require registration, and our postings here are limited to answering questions, I'd say it's much the opposite. If this were indeed a dick showing contest, we've certainly gone out of way to make it hard to see said dick. We're just here doing our thing. If everyone ignored the thread, we'd still continue on our way. We're hardly here for the publicity.
>I'm not going to make a user account and jump through bunch of hoops just to see if your project is worth my time.
I would just write it off as not being worth your time then.
▶ No.25728
>And no I'm not going to make a user account and jump through bunch of hoops just to see if your project is worth my time.
If registering for that wiki was "jumping through a bunch of hoops" then I'm not sure you're capable of sitting still long enough to play any game and you should look into getting some meds for your attention deficit disorder.
▶ No.25733>>25734 >>25796
What you should really be sorry about is posting on this thread instead of keeping to your chatroom circlejerk and only posting here when there is news (i.e. never).
▶ No.25734>>25781 >>25796
So we should ignore the community's questions, concerns, and general feedback, and instead just post 'news' announcements that we never follow up on.
Shit, anon, we've been looking for someone to work public relations for awhile now. Are you for hire?
▶ No.25742>>25796
Aliens were the best example of "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." excuse that I could think of. Basically an entire people from beyond the stars must be capable of far more advanced technology than we could ever imagine and at best outsiders of their colonies have reverse engineered their outdated tech. Like a poor kid digging out an old iPhone from a dumpster. Keeps a lot of the stuff more uncommon than excruciatingly rare. The problem with human leftovers is that I wonder how many could effectively continue using that tech… average person isn't that smart, I can't imagine the ones that would be would survive during an apocalyptic event. Especially considering the amount of violent idiots to those that develop that kind of tech. So like you added to my point: They'd largely see it as magic and the occult, they wouldn't really be pragmatic and continue its development. Unless secret cult of engineers… but then that's BoS territory.
But that's my autism speaking, I guess.
Then again, I suppose it's always possible to have a Technological Messiah out of nowhere - be they player or NPC - learning how to use that tech and teaching people how to develop it for themselves. It'd be neat if you ended up upsetting some tribes that declared you a heretic for supporting or becoming that messiah.
▶ No.25758>>25778
Heya folks. Still alive. Sorry for falling off of the face of the Earth. Things have been a little crazy down here near the bottom of the world.
▶ No.25778
Hey RhodieRon, welcome back.
Inactive accounts were disabled on Mattermost a week or so ago. I'll send you a reinstatement email. You should be able to login with your old account information.
▶ No.25781>>25782 >>25786
Feedback on what? You haven't even had a first release yet. The anomaly here is that this has somehow gotten to thread three and still hasn't had a single stable release. I get that the project is ambitious, but in general this board is used to keep the people who use it informed of new releases and updates. This thread has been nothing but suggestions in wish list format, along with undelivered promises. I'm sure you are working very hard, and it really isn't your fault more as it is the community's, but he isn't wrong that this thread is low content and is annoyingly always at the front. It would be more useful to have the thread focused on updates and releases, but the problem is that there isn't a first release yet.
▶ No.25782>>26221
Holy shit, another lazy asshole.
There IS an unsupported full release out there, and there's a work on a release that they're accepting feedback on even if you're personally too fucking lazy to look at it.
Just because you want everything fucking spoonfed to you while you loiter in your diaper doesn't mean everyone does. Don't like it? Go the fuck away forever.
▶ No.25786
We do actually have two stable releases from back when LC was a fork of FC; the latest of which is still available from the Downloads section on our blog.
The feeback we receive largely stems from the current build in our git repo, which is developed daily and available for anyone to compile and 'play,' as well as the writing that gets published to the wiki.
▶ No.25796>>25812 >>25916
Go choke on a dick. Other anons here actually were very glad devs interact and incorporate anon suggestions and discussions.
No matter where and how the game will develop, at least the community interaction you're doing pretty well.
>Aliens were the best example of "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." excuse that I could think of. Basically an entire people from beyond the stars must be capable of far more advanced technology than we could ever imagine and at best outsiders of their colonies have reverse engineered their outdated tech.
It really depends how you'll make your aliens. Even crazy conspiracy theories IRL provide pretty awesome alternatives to typical "technologically advanced aliens". For example, grays being actual somewhat demonic spiritual entities turned flesh that aren't really travelling humongeous distances as much as using their saucers to cross dimensions and their bodies being just temporary vessels for when they are in material plane - pretty cool and original idea, no matter how much bullshit it may be, right? And it makes it somewhat occult even by todays standards, taking "indistinguishable from magic" to a new level.
I have no problem seeing xeno stuff as not as much technological sapient beings as, for example, advanced but animalistic, biological creatures adjusting their form to allow cosmic travel, microbes travelling in asteroids, debris or other space-flight-capable creatures and infecting hosts wherever they land and so on.
I would agree though that I wouldn't want hyper advanced technology to be easily obtainable in the game. Wouldn't mind it if different factions would be at different technological levels, including even sci-fi stuff like some sexbots being somewhat current modern technologically but with most of the infrastructure being refurbished and barely held together, scavenged stuff just with some mcguffin thrown into the mix to explain how that all could work.
I wouldn't want technological messiah out of nowhere but I certainly would enjoy it if they game could stand on its own as post-apoc civilization rebuilding sim even without porn elements - in this case allowing the player to gather tech, hire people to retro-engineer stuff and invent new things and then rebuilding the civilization (while, hopefully, having a choice to steer it into direction of certain kinks and lewd behavior). It wouldn't even have to be anything ambitious to add to feature creep - just a few different events and choices in them that add a few lines of description here and there reflecting player's choices and lead to a few different game-end blurbs.
▶ No.25812>>25840
>I certainly would enjoy it if they game could stand on its own as post-apoc civilization rebuilding sim even without porn elements
That would be great, but I think that's really just too much to expect or even aim for.
Really there's two important parts of the game, as abstractly presented as possible:
A. There's a grindy economic simulator. This is the real game element and probably the hard part to begin with.
B. Fetish porn. This is the part that makes it different from every other shitty grindy econ simulator, and therefore pretty much "why everyone's here."
The lore? That's really just the rationalization for the fetish porn and the disguise for the econ simulator. If the base game's written properly the lore becomes shit you can just revise lists of variables for, because you don't necessarily want the game to start being vastly different if you're Mad Maxing shit versus XCom apocalypsing - and neither notion gives two shits over the central conceit of "muh slaves!"
▶ No.25840
>That would be great, but I think that's really just too much to expect or even aim for.
Like I've said, it really depends how it'll be done and what brings such for the player. I suspect most of what would make the game good even without porn can very well stem from porn. One can be tied with another.
A few additional/changed flavor lines in some location descriptions, as in (example totally fake)
>rows of shacks made out of scrap are lit by afew communal fires, upon which members of your faction cook whatever edibles they've managed to obtain today in impromptu patched pots.
changing (depending on player's choices and advancements) to
>a few big, sturdy concrete buildings lit by crude, yet still quite luxurious by standards of today electric lamp posts provide defensible shelter for your citizens.
…provides certain satisfaction and feeling in progression on its own, without requiring any additional mechanics and much of a coding (just a few flags for different upgrades/advancements).
I won't lie, I am interested in the porn side myself but if the non-porn side can be slightly yet easily improved by just dozen or two of one-liners for different advancements/stemming from different events and similar ways to improve things can be found in other areas that will be added anyway due to porn, I don't see why not.
I don't expect fully fleshed out post-apoc management RPG, but I believe fully fleshed out porn game with RPG and management can be brought pretty close.
▶ No.25873>>25891
If turns into straight "press X to fug" then there is no hope, there has to be a game other than that.
▶ No.25891>>25950
What IF instead of press x to fug you press Y to fug? :^)
▶ No.25916
So long as we get monster girls or animal girls -- without entering yiffing territory – I'm good.
I wonder if an order of druids being a thing would work in that life. Where they live near a factory that "communes" them with their spirit animal. If wolf spirit they'd get wolf ears, wolf paws/claws, etc. I do enjoy the idea of a religious aspect to idiots who can't understand how a machine works. Lord knows I've felt that awe with my own ignorance.
As for the Technological Messiah… I was delving more into the Mad Max religious idea of the gifted engineer. The one who can make anything sing, that kind of thing, basically the Fonz. A savant or simply a genius that understands the high tech on a level not many do and has amassed a cult of students or disciples to spread his teaching and elevate mankind to its former glory. He doesn't have to be a messiah, I just needed a name to better identify what he was. I'd settle for a group of people trying to attain what was lost or you building a group like that.
▶ No.25950
▶ No.25955>>25958 >>25981 >>25991
>several months of writing nothing but lore
>We simply don't have the manpower to churn out a novel's worth of cohesive lore that builds an entire world before we start developing this game.
I wanted to call bullshit on this; you'd already written a bunch of text describing a world--you just needed to reduce it down to something readable, pen in some details, and resolve some illogical aspects. It doesn't take a novel to outline the basic aspects of a universe. Shouldn't have taken more than a day, two at most. Instead, you guys threw up your hands and decided everything's up in the air again; no one knows what's outside the Zone; PC doesn't even have a background. But complaining would have been unproductive so I decided to put my money where my mouth is instead.
First off, I'm not a writer, I don't even like creative writing so don't bother critiquing style; it's written in point form anyway. Second, I had to do this off memory cause the wiki went kaput, so sorry if it doesn't fit what your vision perfectly. Even if the wiki was still there, the content was a bit thin so I doubt I could have hit your vision perfectly either way. Finally, this is fairly consistent as far as I can tell but it's always difficult to find the flaws in your own logic. Rip it up and put it back together again as much you like; it's intended as a starting point, a proof-of-concept that establishing a rudimentary world isn't as hard as you seem to think it is. Or don't touch it and all and continue ignoring lore. It's your project; do what you judge to be best.
Oh, one more thing, actually: you should probably use a trip, PR-guy. Writing like a human being instead of a customer service drone would be cool too.
▶ No.25958>>25981
I'm one of those people that thought the FC setting was perfect.
You have a dangerous, near future world outside, but since it's in the process of collapsing it's still fairly familiar to the user and intuitive enough not to require the lore to explain all the minutiae, yet far removed from our reality to allow for interesting things to happen.
It also justifies all the wide variety of slaves, their backgrounds, progressions, personalities, etc., without having to spin a whole novel about why they still exist.
But nope, they had to make it post-apoc for whatever reason, and make things harder on themselves without any really tangible benefit.
As for your proposal, it's a more detailed list of what others have already proposed, only for the dev team to toss it aside because because nobody seems to want to tell the writers what they can and can't do.
It works for a post-apoc game, it fails as a lewd game specifically because there isn't much interesting for the player to see. The list of plausible kinks is limited, any outside slave you can get into the Zone is either a nomadic barbarian or people from another Zone (meaning more of the same) and xgirls, and that's about it.
▶ No.25981>>25991
>But complaining would have been unproductive so I decided to put my money where my mouth is instead.
I want to thank you for this, anon. It's extremely thorough, well thought out, and it looks like you spent quite a bit of time on it. The rest of the team is looking it over, but it has my blessing, personally. Thanks for putting that together.
>I'm one of those people that thought the FC setting was perfect.
>But nope, they had to make it post-apoc for whatever reason, and make things harder on themselves without any really tangible benefit.
I mean, you can always just play FC if that's what you prefer; I certainly haven't taken that away from you. I've kind of given up on it with FC Author's latest moves, but that's an issue for another thread. As for the setting, you're not wrong; our choice has added new challenges for no apparent benefit. But we do have to keep the game fun for us. If the people developing a game no longer enjoy it, the development stops. We happen to enjoy the post apocalyptic setting much moreso than FC's setting. Right or wrong from a design standpoint, that's just the way the rock tumbles.
>The list of plausible kinks is limited, any outside slave you can get into the Zone is either a nomadic barbarian or people from another Zone (meaning more of the same) and xgirls, and that's about it.
Eh, I consider myself to be about as creative as a paper bag in the rain, but even I can do a bit more than that. The game doesn't have to be entirely serious, and minor plot holes are allowable when it involves porn. I mean, if we did this entirely realistically, the slaves would be absolutely disgusting and the entire game would be rather unarousing. FC has growth hormones that can drastically reshape your hips/shoulders in just a week, and that doesn't ruin anything. I think we can give ourselves a bit of freedom without killing everything.
▶ No.25991
I'd oppose favoring the cloning trope as far as immortality goes. Even with exchange of most cloned organs, sooner or later the brain will likely deteriorate and that one cannot be exchanged with one of a clone - consciousness cannot be transferred as data as data isn't really moved digitally, just copied. So clones would be exactly that - copies, leaving original still trapped in their body and dying.
The idea is good and I know that making it _virtual_ immortality gives one lots of wiggle space but I'd rather have it stated from the get go that it's a way to greatly extend one's life, but not ultimately make one immortal.
▶ No.26116>>26144
FCdev betrayed us.
You guys better not fuck us over or I'll hunt each and everyone of you.
I will contact my secret network of spies across the world. They will find you and I will kill you.
I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my 6 million times folded steel katana.
▶ No.26144>>26146 >>26147
What did FCdev do?
▶ No.26146
He is now on the wrong side of history.
▶ No.26147>>26151 >>26156 >>26162 >>27692 >>29007
Quite a few things. First, despite being a regular on /d/, he chose Reddit of all places to host his community. He's not moving away from blogspot (that I know of), but that was a really odd choice considering his audience, and the anonymous nature they prefer.
Then he made a comment specifically about 8chan after a few people suggested it: "Thank you all for providing an object lesson in why I don't like the idea of moving to 8chan." The comment can be taken one of two ways in the context of that thread. Either he dislikes the community on 8ch and the type of people that frequent it. Or he saw that any mention of 8ch leads to a comment war, and thought it would be best to avoid it altogether, seeing Reddit as a more 'neutral' ground. I haven't seen any follow up to that.
What really did it for me though, was his response to an anon's request for a Nazi revivalism FS. Nothing was mentioned about the jews, or the specific mechanics of the FS. The anon mainly wanted SS uniforms (and who doesn't?). I can certainly see how the mechanics of a Nazi FS might not work out well, but you could go with the aesthetics. His response to that was:
"The average person to whom Nazi Revivalism would appeal is not someone I want to deal with online. No offense to any individual person who suggests this; there are perfectly normal people out there with Nazi fetishes, as fetishwear catalogs will attest. But doing this would appeal to a crowd that I want nothing to do with."
I don't know. Maybe I just haven't been paying enough attention. But in the last few days, FC Author has really changed from my perspective. It's hard to hold a moral high ground while making a sexual slavery simulator.
▶ No.26151
>What really did it for me though, was his response to an anon's request for a Nazi revivalism FS.
That was me.
I just wanted the outfits and figured the most likely way to get them was revivalism.
The most I talked about for details was industry boost - basically the schools, clinics, farms and etc. would get a boost in effectiveness - and increase in menial labor recruitment. That was about it. Not sure why people brought up ethnicity since it was mentioned you could choose that shit already.
▶ No.26156
I am not surprised or even really annoyed by his nazi fetish stance. Not only he already made it perfectly clear that the game is first and foremost built upon his own preference ad attitude toward different kinks (a thing that is kind of understandable even if taken to the shitty extent of hypocrisy - but hey, I don't give a crap as long as there are mods) but if it'd be Nazi Revivalism, I am pretty sure that it'd have to involve more than just uniforms.
Revivalism implies certain culture, values, traditions, approach so I can perfectly understand why FCdev wouldn't want to go there - to be done well, it'd have to involve unsavory shit and it would cater to suspicious political/ideological groups I also wouldn't want the game associate itself with.
▶ No.26162
I hate people who try to take the moral high ground when it comes to porn. If you don't like something and don't want to include it fine. But don't go blithering on how it disgusts you and how you hate people who like it. Especially if your some twisted fuck who has some of the most messed up porn fetishes ever in your game. I mean seriously with all the stuff in the game Nazi's is where he draws the line? He could have been more diplomatic and simply said sorry it's not something I'm comfortable with and I'd prefer not to have it in my game.
▶ No.26172
As to the poll (Interests)
Succubus/demon : Yes ! Still, dangerous it is, contract + previously know data, or magic, but then, which spells and more, how to make sure the summoned creature is not more powerful ?
There could lie several path :
- Magical > dangerous one, as said, multiple pitfall (aka, control freak>magots).
Quite the most direct, efficient & dangerous, checkbox + equipments/materials.
- Intellectual > previously asked specifics, read dedicated books
Some checks, each giving an increment as to success rate (then related to the summon rated value (oups, quite another entry there).
- Social > with a consumate/worldy first set of interactions/intake (clothes, body languages etc) the PC may be able to find a way to
either befriend or if so inclined direct toward "processing" (may be not the first one as it could well be a good RP options :
The first one being a DOM + quite wary as to experiences, she would be interested to see how the PC can handle her contacts
(be it "family" or others (quite some options on that path, from "enemy" processing to multiple plane social network building (..)
Given number of selection, not a priority, guess it would be quite better to see that one as a DLC, given how heavy it could become.
(A succubus of some experiences could easily sway quite some people into charm or better (/worse)).
Food : RL = quite the most raffinate options there is as to both creation + follow up on a relation (warm drinks + food : wilderness + early morning, sun dressing.
As a bonus, add in music, but it is quite second, more interesting = flooring (think humidity + warmth -weight).
Ingame, DLC there to, given it his either RL based of phantasy in which case some rules have to be validated.
- Rape of arcology citizen : Mafia ! Yep, be it from bribe, social pressure or others intake, taking in peoples, be it from the pauper or others, with intellect come quite some options.
(First take a young girl, once "educated" send her befriend others, from where it is quite easy to make her "open" the way for more and more intake.
Of course, that a specicif path as to the rape path, but it has quite more options as to results > links (if done correctly, it could allow for a quite better social progress rate for exemple).
- Keep Slave offsprings as new slaves
Requirements (location + equipments + peoples, heavy subject all considered).
Still, can be quite interesting if done right.
But if going that way, thinks religion/social first, as to allow multiple marriage/consort or others type of social stickers.
If build in, it could be used as to political weights, making bridges and changes over otherwise quite locked family (along with an adapted campaign of death processing (heritage, from the most distant to the closest, that is depenant as to where exactly you're asset is standing.
(Yes, CK2 + mods allow for quite some setup on that specific : as Germany over three generation : France complete, Germany, Entire eastern roman territory and then, it should be quite enough as the game engine is not that easy (good management of the NPC = individual, when you have 40 childs each year + over 300 blood relatives floating around (trough family/marriage : links to almost all the compatibles territory).
As it is, of course, the rules have to be considered, quite a flaw of the current engine (not possible to act upon another nation rules, at all).
In LC, it can be either basic at first, provided bedding + compatible support = options to keep locally the kids.
How it is then handled ?
▶ No.26173>>26178
- Sensory deprivation :
"Pillow" girl !
No, joke aside, quite a great entry : not fit for a majority of the slaves (as it add in several limit toward individual possibility).
- Pets, why not. Not a priority, but still, could be managed using "layer" (each interest entry as one other options, either using archetype or complete freestyle).
- More Arcology enginering : Yes ! Required as to quite a number of paths.
Coming from the required (security (do you know, double wall entrance, a quite destustible first door, with a then very deadly wall beside it.
As to Castle, quite uncommon (..), still, making empty area on each side of the towers, requiring wood planks as to be praticable, can make them quite independant.
"Hidden" facilities : Slaves, along with the rape and quite some others paths, they are reasons for one not to go full public with his actions).
Confort then, from water t° to food freshness/quality (if going for animal girls, demon etc, what to they eat ? (+ where do they like to sleep etc).
There is quite some options to be considered in case :p
Gene splicing :
Did not check it, still, opening for some fun :
Creating bread, giving specifics features to the girls (infiltrators = cat/tiger character for example).
- [x]Girls ?
Not sure what is about, multiple girl as to threesome etc ? Not a priority, still, linked to quite some others (bribe, social build up among others).
Nationality Priority :
Atlantis : :D
Italian : Sicilia ! If going mafia there could lie quite something (from conflict to support, if not both (> layers).
A good etnicity could provide some very interesting profile, deep religious education + territory ties ? ..
Possible for all options I guess, something to consider as to both archetype and specifics paths.
(Ah, philosophy).
Olympic village !
Hm, if one has political ties ? Jest, mostly, still, could be a way to "create" a local sport team > publicity + more territory reach.
(New contacts, from friendly if done right to entirely bad (with an army coming as to level your asset (do not touch Israely out of care).
▶ No.26174>>26179
SS and games. The style is almost something, as they mixed several existing one as to create something.
If the fetish = uniform, then why not ? A way to make clear one is (or it is only an act ?) part of a team.
Social appartenance being one of the cornerstone of human being. Be it know and validated or not, one do not exist that far by him/herself.
▶ No.26178
[x]Girls - X replaced by an animal, catgirl, dog or whatevers what that was I think.
▶ No.26179
on the x girls it is basicly catgirls, cowgirls, and wolfgirls
▶ No.26221>>26226 >>26227
The "releases" are basically zero content added alterations of the original free cities. Don't try to bullshit. So far this is nothing but empty promises and misplaced hype. I get you want to burn your slaves alive or revive naziism, but that doesn't mean that this project has actually achieved anything.
▶ No.26226
Jesus, you're a bad troll.
Learn some subtlety.
▶ No.26227>>26252
You know this project is pretty much still in the ideation phase of development and as being made by volunteers, right? If you expect a bunch of volunteers, with varying schedules, to finish a game of this scope within 1 month then you'd best give up now.
▶ No.26252>>26253
I think part of the problem people are having with this is FCDev gets more done in a week than all of you have in over a month.
▶ No.26253
Updating a game and creating one are two different thing you know.
▶ No.26258
I kinda want to fuck those snakes.
▶ No.26259>>26260 >>26261 >>26294 >>26303 >>26339
Some of these complaints just baffle me.
We receive two types of complaints in this thread. One is very helpful; the other not at all. Complaints in the former group are generally centered around something specific, like a piece of lore, and are followed by insightful suggestions and corrections. Complaints in the latter group can be summarized as "I don't like this project." I try to take all feedback as seriously as I can. It's shared with the group, we discuss it, and changes are usually made. With timezone differences, it may take a week or more for us to come to a solid agreement on what changes will be made to address that complaint, but it still happens. No one working on this project is perfect. We fuck up quite a bit, myself moreso than the others. But we all try to learn from our mistakes, correct them, and move on with the show. However, what I struggle with, is understanding what people in the latter group of complaints are trying to accomplish.
For a moment, let us assume that the two most common complaints are facts, without any excuses or explanations that attempt to justify them. Those would be:
"This project hasn't released anything."
"This project is overly ambitious."
When these complaints are raised without any advice that would put them in the first group of complaints, my question becomes "And..?"
Sure, we have no stable releases of the current LC. No one has ever disputed that. You can play LCZ, which we spent two weeks on, and you can download our current progress from the git repo, but neither are going to be very satisfying. You might as well be complaining that the sky is blue, because it's both an undisputed fact, and something that isn't likely to change for quite some time.
The project is absolutely ambitious. But I'm also not looking to throw six months at something just to walk away and say "It's complete now." I want a project that I can put years into; something that has a wishlist of features to work on that can keep me busy. Obviously, as development goes along, I hope to have early features in alpha builds that are both fun and arousing, even while the game itself is still very incomplete. But "overly ambitious" will be the understatement that continues to define this project throughout its lifetime.
Should a project just give up if they don't have a release after their first month? Should nothing ambitious ever be tried? If this were another Breeding Season that raked in donations while putting out nothing, I could understand these complaints. But we've yet to take anything from anyone; we're just doing our thing at our own pace.
If you're interested in this project, great. We're happy to have you here, to listen to your suggestions and constructive complaints, and to discuss our progress with you. If you're not interested in this project, or if the project is too slow and overly ambitious for you, that's unfortunate, but I have nothing for you. You might as well just ignore us and hide the thread because we're not throwing in the towel.
▶ No.26260>>26339
Just disregard people too lazy to formulate a coherent criticism/complain.
You could've spared us this rant, it's just giving them bullet to throw at you.
Their objectives isn't to help your team progress, all they want is waste your time.
I recommend you to move on and stay focused on real contributors.
▶ No.26261>>26284
How is cyber bullying real? Just like close your eyes.
I hope you find success with your game, but don't go Yanderedev or FC and marginalize us, fam.
▶ No.26284>>26287 >>26290 >>26292 >>26305 >>26320 >>26325
>How is cyber bullying real?
Seriously? Seriously? You really said that? You want statistics, or shall I post a photo of a friend of mine that COMMITTED SUICIDE because of cyber bullying?
LCDev, I apologize for allowing my personal anger over this topic to spill over into a thread that I follow daily. I support you and all the people on your team. You will always have at least one person who still believes in the work you do. I wish I could write, I wish I could code. The best/only thing I can do is say you've got a great start, and I look forward to your alpha and pre-alpha work.
To all those who post nothing but hate and discouragement: Don't we have enough of that in the real world? Do we have to have it in our virtual ones? I'm probably opening myself up to a whole can of worms but it needs to be said right here, right now. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Or, to use a language those that do nothing but live under a bridge might understand; GTFO!
▶ No.26287
>Seriously? Seriously? You really said that?
That anon was just quoting a well known meme.
▶ No.26290
Yeah go ahead and post it so I can laugh at the face of a retard who didn't just turn off the monitor and walk away.
▶ No.26294
LCDev, anons love to complain. Some are productive and their coplains are criticism, some are just entitled little fucks or harbor negative feelings because of their hopes being dashed before by ambitious titles.
To be honest, I do notice that there are quite some guys who come in just to say how it won't work out - feel free to ignore them. As a lurker among a group of lurkers I assure you that for every poster there's shitload of lurkers who won't cmplain but have little to add and just hope you'll make a game they can play. Stop woring about releases, just keep on building stuff and you'll get there.
▶ No.26303
As long as my fetish of raising up my children to be my own sex slaves in my version of Craster Keep can be done, I will be happy.
▶ No.26305>>26329
If you're so bent about it, maybe you should kill youtself desu~
▶ No.26308
for the barren wastelands a mixture of beings.
jailer sanctum- a pre-fall prison left standing. screams eerily seep from the inside lead by a faint crack. inside barbarians claim any unprepared soul in the area. the structure holds slaves with deep scars ranging from fresh with blood to skin covered gashes. those who enter are met by mutated fleshed beings wielding any and every weapon possible. any freed slaves are forever grateful, anything is better than this living hell.
Mad Men's Lab- a building that looks as if the fall had never happened. plain clean white walls, with a sharp colored sign baring the original name. the only visible sign of deterioration is the pavement that has trees growing through the cracks. looking closer at some of the trees they have faces going from pure ecstasy to anguish. Inside are 'scientists' pushing the limit on what a moral less world would be disgusted by. the passing raiders are horrified by even the gaze of the trees.
Traders stead- an outpost for travelers and traders. built from various materials of mostly metal joined by cut wood(some of the wood looks to have come from tables, or the rare tree. the metal of cars found broken beyond use). a large building with smoke pouring from the chimney. inside is a chorus of sing about tales of the world. rare and valuable goods traded hands to travel distant lands. any who dared attack would feel the sheer force of heavy weaponry, and the retaliation of depending leaders who would lose great treasure.
bandits bonfire- a gathering place for the blood thirsty of the land. limbs hacked and mangled drench the land with blood, barren of any cloths. on occasion the area smells of smoke that cleanses the stench of death. any slaves here have been used and disposed of. anything of value to be had will leave at dawn with the raiders. Never to return.
the rock and steel hills- a place alien to the rest of the land. the height of toxic materials. A spawning ground of the mutated. the waters of the area burn, are various colors but mostly black, and leave an odor that haunt people's minds. the only reminder of what once stood are factories producing chemicals that are too deadly to make in the enclosure of zone walls. vats of liquids that the very smell can cause instant paralysis, unquenchable lust, and the deterioration of organs.
bunker hatches- ranging from gaping wholes with broken door material to solid doors. what lurks within a mystery. desperate travelers? blood thirsty bandits? survivors or what remains of them? only way to find out is to enter. the interior could be a single room fit to drive one mad with bland concrete walls, or an under ground house holding a family holding out for the rise to the great fall. While enjoying the luxury of fine paintings, and leisure reading.
▶ No.26320>>26329
It isn't real.
Your friend was a weak shit and it is a good thing they removed themselves from the gene pool.
Go back to tumblr or whatever you frequent if you are going to believe in stupid things like CYBER BULLYING
Kill yourself
You homo nigger cock sucker :)
▶ No.26325>>26329
▶ No.26329>>26330
OP: And this, ladies and gentlemen of the internet, is how you get trolls to dance to your tune.
Dance, my troll puppets, dance for your Lord and Master. FLAME ME! TELL ME TO GO KILL MYSELF! I SHALL COME BACK FOR MORE! And I shall know that you have no power other than that which I choose to give to you.
Donec non mihi. Et non vincere.
Thank you for your support.
▶ No.26330>>26333 >>26334
So, what you're saying is you were only pretending to be retarded?
▶ No.26333
Nec pascant aviditate. Mortui vivos docent.
▶ No.26334
Hac de re dicam omnia.
▶ No.26339>>26477 >>26517
It's kinda how yanderedev wouldn't come back to /v/ to discuss the game anymore. There were some contributors offering support and that but there were also legitimate faggots who derailed the thread and eventually they outnumbered the people offering support.
Honestly? Take your time. FC took an entire year to get where it is now. I don't mind if you take it slow, just keep working, yeah?
▶ No.26457>>26460
▶ No.26458
About sssk suggestion published in the wiki quote:
<< SSSK Idea
Lust, the more the npc has sex, the more they want it. Could go in hand with perversion. High lust would give benefits for being whored out and similar activities. Could also give penalties for a high-lust NPC doing boring jobs.
Obedience. The more you punish a slave, the more they get used to it, so the drawback for punishing them is lower, while the gain is higher. Low obedience would lead to poor performance and low gains from punishing a slave. >>
I think npc should have special traits/perks to develop such spiraling behavior.
Masochist npc would become more docile/obedient as they receive bad treatment.
When a masochistic npc's obedience cannot be improved, it receives a lust bonus for example.
Nympophomaniac (lust sickness or whatever else trait you come up with) will receive job penalties if it isn't sexual. In exchange it will benefit a consistent lust bonus that can be boosted based on the other slave traits etc.
A masochist/nymphomaniac slave would get a double reward if it's activity resolve around sex and getting punished.
>the more the npc has sex, the more they want it.
I think this could be a fun illness/drug/trait mechanic but not a global npc mechanic.
▶ No.26460
Copied from the newest progress report at - https://wiki.librecities.net/books/project/chapter/daily-progress-reports
All of the pages on the Blog have been rewritten, and updated. One of the fun aspects of services that use SQLite databases is that I get to toss them out and download fresh copies, rather than actually update them properly.
The new 'About' page for the Blog has been proofread and uploaded. It is very concise and sexually tame. We're still all about girls being bred by dogs, and raising your own incestuous harem, but there's far too many fetishes to list in a concise overview.
Changes to skill randomization.
The Lore Team mentioned on 2016-09-02 has been created.
Updated Wiki.
Updated Gogs.
Updated Blog.
▶ No.26461
Another example:
>Let's say Y npc developped a mutation that makes it's semen addicting.
>Force X npc to feed on Y's semen. ( make them have sexual intercourse for Z amount of time, taking into account sexual compatibility etc )
>X npc becomes <<addict to mutant semen>>. ==> ]New trait[
>Send npc X to a "gloryhole", she doesn't need to be fed anymore because she is feeding off people's seeds. ((obediance))+((lust))+((???)) ==> [increase]
>Spending Z amount of time in the gloryhole makes npc X develop <<nymphomania>> because ((obediance))+((lust))+((???)) ==> [maximum value reached]
>Now npc X is a <<nympho>> <<semen addict>> you can send her to do other task, keep her at her spot etc
Traits could be unlocked by filling specific requirement like in this example:
==> "gloryhole" + <<semen addict>> + [maxed]((obediance+lust))= nymphomaniac trait
Or could result from random events, mutations etc.
▶ No.26476>>26595
I spent all night trying to make a dom slave who would bully even her master.
I'm going to guess that this isn't possible, right?
What's the point of making her dom if the only one she's dom against is random strangers?
▶ No.26477>>26482
>defending yandev
Please, just put a gun in your mouth and do the gene pool a favor.
>I don't mind if you take it slow, just keep working, yeah?
▶ No.26482>>26485
Less pathetic than an anon who comes into a thread just to shitpost and whine, like how it is with you.
▶ No.26485>>26594
Still not as sad as white knighting for a bottom feeder like yandev.
▶ No.26517
>posting the elf edition
▶ No.26594>>26598
Gotta agree here.
Yandev opened that door and never bothered to shut it. He fucked up and abandoned the people that set him up and taught him how to walk, essentially.
As for Libre Cities, they basically just started three weeks ago on a new build, right? No forking? Shit's pretty new and the lazy criticism isn't valid, yet. Give it three more months, at least.
▶ No.26595
It should be possible.
I think that'd be fun. Having your bodyguard basically bully you into safety and stand her ground proud and strong. Maybe not exactly as you wanted, but that's how I'd have my Slave Bully.
▶ No.26598>>26600
what happen to yanedev?
▶ No.26600>>26641
I didn't pay much attention, but he basically threw away the 8Chan group that propped him up. His fault, he basically created the game to pander to them anyways.
It's one thing to take criticisms and ideas to implement, but he kinda built the entire thing around them to begin with. Then threw them away when he didn't really need them anymore and was tired of people criticizing his work or something. The game is still being made and he just threw a tantrum to my knowledge. Basically money ruins everything.
▶ No.26641>>26659 >>26670 >>26684 >>26705 >>26714 >>26743
He was a notorious shitposter, shilling his twitch channel on chans before he started "development" of Yandere Simulator.
Long story short, as you said, he struck gold with the concept and gained popularity, but then the problems began. It became quickly apparent that he had no fucking idea what he was doing, that beyond an idea he had no concrete understanding of how to turn it into reality. When he was called out on his shit over on 4chan he threw a shitfit and got promptly chased out. Then he comes to 8chan.
He's welcomed, Mark, the Jewish faggot even makes sure his threads are hugboxes were no shitposting or "nasty" criticism is allowed. And then the same thing happens again. He promises to listen to the community, opens up a poll and then completely ignores the results in favor of doing what he wants, he just keeps promising feature after feature and not delivering, while the game keeps changing on an almost daily basis. First it's a high school simulator, then it's a Hitman clone, then it degenerates into a meme game.
The final straw for 8chan is when he starts shilling his turd on reddit, and then, on the suggestions of that vile shithole of human trash, he censors his own game to pander to these liberal cuckolds. 8chan erupts into a rage, Mark stops being a faggot for a few minutes and lets the mob get the little shit and we promptly chase him out of the place, tarred and feathered, but not before the cunt leaves this parting message.
▶ No.26659
Here's hoping he gets found in a ditch somewhere. Honestly, those people are the worst.
Cuck-Dev, Cuck-Dev!!
You never fooled me!
▶ No.26670
>asks for destructive criticism
>gets mad when he couldn't take it
>can't even differentiate shitposts from opinions
What a faggot
▶ No.26684>>26705 >>26722
I'm not an expert on him, but I do have to say, that from watching his dev updates, he is consistently working on the game and adding content constructively. His personality may be worthy of critique, especially if he censors the game, but as far as I can tell he really does have an idea of what he's doing and delivers on features and so on. At the very least, he's been consistently adding content for a long time, which is pretty good for a random dev in light of all the patreon people who just stop working at some point.
▶ No.26705>>26718 >>26722
> he censors his own game
What did he censor?
>he is consistently working on the game and adding content constructively.
That damn fighting system he wants makes no sense.
▶ No.26714>>26720
Cuck-Dev, Cuck-Dev!!
You never fooled me!
>That fucking nose
▶ No.26718>>26756
>That damn fighting system he wants makes no sense.
Yeah, and when people told him that he realized it was stupid and gave up on it.
▶ No.26720
How about
>that whole fucking face
▶ No.26722
Once he started getting his Pateron welfare updates on the game became a trickle. It's basically the same shit that always happens with these "grand idea" projects once the money starts rolling in, they simply stop giving a shit and coast along stringing the fans every few months with some minimal shit.
Just look at EA stuff like Ark, or the most notorious example, Minecraft.
In the second image, the skirt was originally supposed to be panties, but then he put a second skirt or whatever the fuck that thing is supposed to be because reddit got triggered.
And this is the cunt that was telling us he was making a tailor made anti-SJW game just for us. It's not like I want a game that shits on the Marxist vermin, I just want games that don't rub my face in their fucking politics.
▶ No.26743
Were anons really that much of assholes or were they kinda just nay-sayers and bitter little pricks one can easily ignore even in LC threads?
If former, I kinda can understand - sure, he's bitter and noticeably butthurt but the logic is solid to the extent of stopping caring about part of the community that tries to fuck him over no matter what he does.
If latter, meh, if his skin is so thin it's better for everyone he's not here.
▶ No.26756
>gave up on it.
Nope. He's still making it but just for 1 boss fight now.
▶ No.26800>>26803
What's happening with the devs? There's been no update at all for the past few days even though the Core Team supposedly is on for several hours a day and Kanboard suggests that they have a PR manager.
▶ No.26803>>26813
Core Team here, been on for more than several hours, as always.
We're primarily focusing on tasks related to August's monthly assessment right now. Updates would mostly consist of administrative changes, not something I imagine the board to be interested in.
▶ No.26813>>26842 >>26877
You imagined wrong.
We want flowcharts, bars and graphs. We demand to know how much of a return our investments will make. ALSO SUITS AND TIES.
▶ No.26842
Now you go too far. You monster.
▶ No.26877>>26949 >>26950
>We want flowcharts, bars and graphs.
Ha, alright. Here's one of our height growth calculation charts.
▶ No.26950>>26951 >>26954
Question: Is it playable for anyone yet or am I the only one that can't make it through the intro without game-breaking errors with the newest git version?
▶ No.26951>>26953
It's nowhere near playable yet.
▶ No.26953
Ok thanks for the update! The features look great so far so I can't wait until its stable.
▶ No.26954
The errors have been fixed
▶ No.26988>>27009 >>27011 >>27064
I would just like to remind everyone that this could be worse. We could be dealing with a Jeph Jacque (QC) or Dumbing of Age (Willis). The fact that LCDev, despite namefagging, is still willing to deal with our collective retardation, is admirable. Though ignore me if I am speaking out of line ;D
▶ No.27009
His use of a name/tripcode is relevant to the thread.
▶ No.27011
▶ No.27064
>being this fucking retarded
▶ No.27093
Good afternoon, all.
Most of our administrative changes are complete, and will go into effect this coming Monday. I have detailed a summary of these changes here:
▶ No.27206>>27208
Will the game be moddable to players?
▶ No.27208
Yes. The source is always available in our git repository. Keeping your mod up to date with the current base game will also be easy, as modders can apply their code, and simply pull changes from the repository as they are added (resolving merge conflicts, if any).
▶ No.27365>>27390 >>27496
Haven't stopped in in a while but here goes….
World cohesion doesn't have to be taxing, the story/world elements can have relatively little to do with events. The key to ensuring streamlined cohesion is actually in defining race characteristics, behaviours, habits and so forth as racial documents to work from regarding it's function calls.
For instance:
Race: Lamia
Genders: Male, Female, Herm
Archetypes: Non-Human, Near-Human, Predator
Typical Type: Hunter, Mage, Feral, Tribal
Typical Characteristics: Aggressive, Cunning, Dominant, Egg Layer, Scaled, Legless
Rare Characteristics: Winged, Hooded, Limited Shapeshifting (Bipedal)
Locations: Jungle, Woodlands, Labs
Origins: Natural, Transformed, Summoned (sub-type Demonic)
Factions: Independent, Summoned, Wild
Now that's mostly character event building related but to tie that into the world you would look to the Origins and Locations sections.
Location: Woodlands
Races: Lamia, Elf, Dryad, Human
Types: Hunter, Settler, Survivalist, Scavenger, Refugee, Scout, Tribal
Special Roles: Summoner, Mage, Druid, Witch
Factions: Old Kingdom, Clan, Independent
Group: Independent
Race: Any
Types: Any Non-Group Specific
Good Description: Knowing the world is at a crossroads <he/she> has given up on their former life, taking the chance to be someone new as the world around them changes.
Bad Description: <He/She> has lost hope, the depravity of the changing world and the petty struggles of the <faction> has almost broken <him/her> and led them to abandon their home.
Now what does all the above mean? It means that once outlined a racial template can be made for a writer to grab that ties into the lore, now with the engine it wouldn't use it how I've written it. That's more an example of how it might be laid out in a reference document/wiki, basically what it means is that there would be a list calls and description calls already written for people into the game. It does need some work to set up but it would allow for an easier time building content into the setting without beating your head against a wall. It would require a loremaster though to work new content into the setting but it's less intensive than it sounds once the initial setup is done.
In-game it would likely manifest as a set descriptives people could use if they don't want to custom make something for the setting.
So for example something like this:
Saress, Tribal Lamia Female
<Physical description stuff>
Born to a clan in the Woodlands, Saress is more feral than most Lamia and doesn't care about the human world. In her eyes it just meant more prey to hunt, at least until her capture although the opportunity to capture more prey as a Huntress has kept her happy.
Which would be something like this in code (not going to example it as full FC code):
<slaveName>, <type> <race> <gender>
<if customStory = "1" display><elseif race = "lamia"><gender = "female"><type = "woodlandtribalhunter">
(Elsewhere in the code)
<type ="woodlandtribalhunter">Born <faction = "clan">to a clan in the Woodlands, <slaveName> is more feral than most Lamia and doesn't care about the human world. In <gender> eyes it just meant more prey to hunt, at least until her capture <job = "Slaver">although the opportunity to capture more prey as a <gender ="female">Huntress<else>Slaver has kept <gender> <mood = "50">happy<elseif mood = "30">busy<else>distracted.
Now I could probably simplify it further but anyway…. The point of this is that once the lore is in place you can basically implement a system that automatically aids writers in bringing new content into line with the world lore, which you can further aid by providing reference documents about where they can be found and what races are usually found in them. Once a writer has a set of guidelines like that to work from and the fluff is written into the code it makes life a lot easier for ensuring consistency in the setting. If they opt for a custom story though than any inconsistency is one them to fix unless it gets merged.
▶ No.27368
As an afterthought…
The whole reason I mention doing it that way is as that allows for writers to opt to include world tags in their events or not so long as it's defined in the characters you get from it/can inspect. I'd generally try to keep lore events and such in their own events and have "generic" encounters as it were or specialised ones with prerequisites that help define the setting. Bringing the in world context partially into the character display just lightens the load a bit on modders as they can focus on their events a bite more than shoehorning it to fit.
▶ No.27390>>27392
The wingspan needed to lift a human torso and snek capable of moving said torso would be massive.
You guys might want to add a physical characteristics tag group as well to help writers writing events for said species, IE [Cloaca] [Cold blooded?] ["Legless"] [Can't wear pants] If you really want to channel the 'tism you could work out whether Lamias are based off of constrictors or venomous snakes.
▶ No.27392
I'm not one of the dev team, Lamia was just the species my brain picked for exampling it. But yeah there's a whole host of code that could go along with races that would function with other ones.
▶ No.27471>>27498 >>27501
Furfags really are the strongest and fastest cancer known to online man.
I go away for a few days and am greeted with the absolutely abhorrent trite above this post.
Multiple times anons have warned you about the furfag menace, LCDev. You give them an inch; you say it will be optional content, that doesn't matter. Cancer is not optional content. Cancer consumes all.
Far too many times have I seen the consequences of these abominations upon whatever their Cheeto-stained hairy hands lay upon. The most notorious of which in recent memory being CoC.
Furfags and humans cannot cohabitate. Years of experience has demonstrated to me that the only solution is constant chemotherapeutic action against such creatures, and a quarantine for them vis a vis old /b/ and the creation of /vp/.
Previously, this kind of situation would make me feel anger. I would post perhaps a line or two consisting of the word furfag and an additional slur or two. After seeing the same sequence of events unfold before me time and time again, for a period sufficient enough for a drop of sperm to coagulate into a first grader, all that is left is exasperation.
Perhaps you shall be the hero that proves this form of multiculturalism can succeed, and sit upon the throne of corpses that was everyone else who shared your sentiments. Or perhaps history shall repeat it self again.
Nonetheless, you could have listened.
▶ No.27496>>27505
will you make driders?
Do you guys have a list of the different creatures that will be in the game?
▶ No.27501>>27506 >>27535 >>27556 >>27795 >>28278 >>28308
>Nonetheless, you could have listened.
Nah, I don't think you have much to worry about. The anon above put some time and effort into those posts, so I saved them in case we need them. But realistically, I highly doubt we'll be adding anything non-human any time soon.
The main issue would be the writing. You can loosen the shit out of someone's cunt without drastically altering most of the writing. But add fur, wings, paws, (real) snake bodies, etc and you're looking at a fuckton of conditional writing that has to be added to each event/interaction. We just don't have the time or interest in that right now. We have the next eight builds planned out and narrowed down, and those are all before the game is even playable; non-human NPCs would be a huge departure from our roadmap. I mean, I personally still want to add non-furry {cat,fox,dog,wolf}girls to the game, but I doubt I'll have the opportunity to before the year's end.
Since I'm on a midnight ramble, I have to say, furfags have been the least of my concerns. We had a couple of them, and both were pretty decent folks. They understood that furry content wasn't a priority at the time, and I never had a problem with them. But since we're dropping 20+ people from the team on Monday, I can say things I couldn't before.
The lurkers here aren't what they seem, or at least they're not what they're supposed to be. I have had to deal with an astronomical amount of SJW bullshit over the past couple of months. It's like that recruitment drive just opened tumblr's floodgates, and the shit came pouring in. It has tried my motivation moreso than any other problem I've discussed here. Recruiting devs on 8chan, I kind of figured it would be a mix of /tech/ and /pol/, and that we'd all sit around talking about the immigration crisis while posting Stallman crap in our off time. But I was dead wrong. It's been nothing but private complaints since the start. Member 1 doesn't appreciate Member 2's tone. Members 3, 4, and 5 think Member 6 is trying to shut down discussion because he replies too quickly. Member 7 feels slighted because they weren't part of a minor conversation earlier. Member 8 actually resembles someone from 8chan and this is seen as the coming of the second holocaust to half of the team. And while I'm trying to resolve all of this crap, Member 9 decides to stuff their ideology down Member 10's throat. Member 10 is doing their absolute best to politely end the conversation, but it's just not stopping. I mentioned back in like thread v2 that I had started a side project that I would wait until I had a mostly complete game of before announcing, and this whole experience has really put me off of the idea of ever recruiting people for that project. I know I get a bit salty over the shitposting in here, but I would take a day's worth of that over the days I've been having any time.
Luckily, that all comes to an end tomorrow. We're dumping the bucket out and keeping 7 or 8 people total; the ones that have contributed the most to the game. The ones that we're keeping have been nearly flawless compared to the ones we're not. I've been more of a burden to them as a shitty project manager than any of them have been to me. Unfortunately we're spread across nearly as many time zones as we have people now, so a discussion that should take an hour takes three days, but at least it's back to being enjoyable again.
▶ No.27505>>27507
>Do you guys have a list of the different creatures that will be in the game?
We have no plans for creatures at this time or in the near future; just people.
▶ No.27506
>The lurkers here aren't what they seem, or at least they're not what they're supposed to be. I have had to deal with an astronomical amount of SJW bullshit
/hgg/ feels like it has a ton of newfags pretending they aren't sometimes, also signing up probably deterred most "channers".
>Recruiting devs on 8chan, I kind of figured it would be a mix of /tech/ and /pol/
Shame I can't write or code worth a damn.
▶ No.27507>>27510
Maybe non-human modifications at the least if it's not done yet in the realm of tattoos, where it makes them into a catgirl or something? I haven't played since 1.01 so that might already be added/in development but just throwing that out with my second comment.
One of the things that bothers me about the game is how streamlined the events are. The world seems to fall apart in the exact same way. I'd like to see more random events and maybe a randomized or slightly differed order of events when rebuilidng society- though to be fair I only played caliphate because allahu akbar give me the 72 virgins.
▶ No.27510>>27511
>makes them into a catgirl or something? I haven't played since 1.01
Catgirls, along with the other common xgirls are planned, but only in the vague sense that they will be added eventually. Though I'm not sure we're talking about the same game. We haven't had release numbers since the brief period that we were a fork of Free Cities (and even then, we never had a 1.x release). We don't even have events yet, aside from an arguably brief intro that needs to be changed around.
▶ No.27511>>27514
Libre Cities v0.1.0A (early)
Date modified(downloaded): 06/30/16
My bad. I mean the things like, buying out the military- those sort of events. When I was running my caliphate I could get drones and security cameras and shit. Did I somehow download free cities and rename it Libre for no reason?
▶ No.27514>>27519
Oh wow, that was our first release, posted on day 1. That date really makes me wonder where my summer went, but that's another issue entirely.
Yeah, that was back when we were a Free Cities fork. The last version we published of that is still on our blog if you want to see how it turned out, but we're an entirely different game now (and finally changing the name on Monday). FC's codebase was too much of a mess, and we really wanted to add snakes despite FC Author's one request that we don't. Though considering he basically told the chan to fuck off, I wouldn't feel bad about it now. Either way, we're now an extremely ambitious and overly hyped project crawling along at a snai's pace.But what we lack in progress, we more than make up for in complete wiki overhauls.
▶ No.27519
I see, I see. So this isn't the same game? You guys started fresh with the concept? I would like to see an improved code- if that's the case I highly recommend making the game's events- if they're added, more randomized for replayability. Maybe also a clothing store you can visit that allows you to make clothing? I noticed the outfits seem to have an elegance score and a name. It'd be easy to make new clothing in a simple fill-in-the-blank interface.
▶ No.27535>>27556
>I have had to deal with an astronomical amount of SJW bullshit over the past couple of months
>It's like that recruitment drive just opened tumblr's floodgates
You poor bastards.
Although, I honestly should have expected that… those fuckers love to ruin everything. Thank Allah you told them to fuck off.
As for the Furfag Menace, I think the problem there is that Fenoxo was a weak piece of shit more than furries being a problem. Plus he was a paranoid fucker, like Stalin. Then again there's a difference between a Furry and a Furfag; there are those that love the artform and fetish and those that can't wait to rub it in your face. Same thing for Gay Men and Faggots; you get the normal type of people and then you get those that dress up their kids in gimp gear and take them out on parade. Anyways, keep a solid spine and you'll do fine. Just don't forget to draw a line. I love to rhyme.
▶ No.27556>>27577 >>27669
I warned you man. I told you this was going to happen, I specifically said that most of the people on your team were rotten Marxist filth and that they would attempt to subvert and take over the project. It's what they always do with any community that welcomes them, and especially those that do it in the spirit of fairness. There's a reason /v/ and /pol/ either tell them to fuck off back to /leftypol/ or ban them on sight. There is no end with those fucks.
At least you're doing the sensible thing in the end and shoahing them out, though I must admit I feel bad for you for having to deal with them for so long. Should have just told them to fuck off the moment they started whining about racist slurs or chan humor.
>I think the problem there is that Fenoxo was a weak piece of shit more than furries being a problem
No, the problem with furries is that they are deep into the autism spectrum, on top of a shitload of other mental issues, and coupled with an absolute lack of social life makes them a formidable tidal wave of shit crashing into any community they come into contact with.
They never quit, they can stay online for days with nothing better to do but push and keep on pushing until they wear you out, and since they are mentally ill they see no problem in throwing ridiculous amounts of cash on their disgusting fetish.
>Then again there's a difference between a Furry and a Furfag
>Same thing for Gay Men and Faggots
Both are mentally ill and both are physically unable to make their lives not revolve around their sexual preferences. In a sane society they'd get sequestered away in mental asylums for proper treatment instead of being allowed to roam free on the streets.
▶ No.27577>>27581 >>27587 >>27592 >>27601
angst much?
What ever they did to you man? Kill. ops, fucked you cat? Your dog?
Are you nazi perchance?
Now you''ll tell me of the good old times when you cold go around with your retarded kkk friends and lynch any nigger you saw just because you were bored, imma right?
Was was the last time you crucified someone anon?
▶ No.27581>>27587
▶ No.27587>>28037
The weak should fear the strong.
hide and report shitposters
▶ No.27592
I have to say playing on the fears about a wave of newfaggotry caused by the current events is pretty clever across the boards. People can't help but take the bait just in case.
▶ No.27601>>27602
>Was was the last time you crucified someone anon?
Last thursday.
I was grilling some niggers in my backyard..or might have been burgers.
Can't tell anymore, the media told me I was worse than KK and ISIS combines, so they must be right.
▶ No.27602
>I was grilling some niggers in my backyard
Eating monkey meat can give you the shivers same as cannibalism.
>or might have been burgers
This is plain cannibalism.
>the media told me I was worse than KK and ISIS combines
Don't forget the Nazis, oh, and you're responsible for all the evils of humanity ever you disgustingly normal, white, heterosexual person.
▶ No.27669>>27701 >>27705
Trust me, I know gay people that would love to crucify the faggots in the pride parades. Straight up nail them to a cross and watch them die of dehydration and heat.
There's a difference.
As for furries. I dunno, maybe I gave too much benefit of doubt, but I've seen some express disgust at what the "community" has become, largely towards the SJW shit, but I don't think they're quite there yet with the crucifixion. I do agree that there is a prevalence of autism - perhaps not even spectrum - and they have a formidable wave of bullshit that needs to be shut down immediately. Which is why I said Fenoxo is a weak piece of shit; he took the money, forsook his friends and community, and then proceeded to bitch and moan that a bunch of "channers" were mocking his infidelity and not that he was dumb enough to actually do it. He pulled a Buckley. He also has an ego the size of the Möbius Dick, which furries love to flock to and suck up -- which he loves and enjoys immensely. Even Savin can't stop sucking his dick, despite Savin hating furry stuff to his own autism levels. Point is: He surrounds himself with sycophants and shuts out anything else – which to my knowledge is something LCDev learned not to do.
CoC's mess could have been avoided if Fenoxo wasn't such a fucking degenerate without a soul and actually straight up told the furfags to STFU and/or GTFO. Like Slablands did.
▶ No.27692
And then not realizing there was a dust-up about it elsewhere, I suggested it on Reddit. Lolz
▶ No.27701>>27705 >>27782
You may be right about telling them to shut it, but despite how much a degenerate or a faggot fenoxo is, and he is quite a big one, both coc and tits a quite well known project, perhaps infamous may sound better all considered, but famous nonetheless
Plus he took quite the penny, and he still do, to develop both games, and even if savin ultra-retard thinking summed up to fen idiosyncrasy like behavior may lead up to people being tired of their bullshit, these two project still ended up being quite lucrative and still ended up being pretty well known in the community
All thanks to the furfag?
Slablands is quite the funny game, but in caparison to coc and tits it's barely known, and far too vanilla to hold interest for long
Maybe the problem are not the furfags, is the obsessive furfags that must and can't live without it to to point of obsession that end up twisting anything that way, or maybe are the ones that can't see a girl without a dick attached to it that are the problem, and the two concept ended up mixed up in the nightmarish futa feast that tits has become
I doubt that the furfag are responsible to what happened to coc, it's far more probable that fenoxo and friends couldn't keep up with the idea of making a game that could appeal to both furry and not, and ended up with that mess, with modified scenes to not look too furry or bestiality
And of course coc was financed by commission before, so if the people that payed wanted mostly fur tingy, the game could only have gone that way
I remember he didn't have a job anymore at that point, so it's not that he could actually choose to just ignore those fat, easy cash requests
In the end it was a combination of events that made coc as it is, fenoxo incapacity to clearly divide content based on fetish is probably responsible for half the results, the other half being his greed when he stopped caring what he wrote, saving cocksucking not helping in the least
▶ No.27705>>27776
I never said there aren't outliners. Hell, I hate niggers with a burning passion and I'll openly admit that there are some, like Sowell and that youtube negro that likes white people and makes nigger sows mad.
Same applies to faggots. For every Milo out there there is a million degenerate assfuckers that deserve the gas chamber. Hell, even Jews have their exceptions.
What I'm trying to say is not to confuse the exceptions for the rule. These people are mentally ill and for most the shaoh would be a blessing.
>All thanks to the furfag?
You've never seen furries throw thousands of dollars at shitty art of their fursona, or paying people to make their fursuit. Furries have no concept of money like normal people, likely because they are all subsidized through autismbux.
▶ No.27776
I'm not normally one to kink shame, but I have to agree on this one. I'll be honest, I don't mind furry porn myself, but I have seen how pathetic those people can get.
My frame of reference is while I was looking through the comments of Trap Quest. There was someone literally begging the dev to add a super-specific furry transformation into the game and kept offering money to see it happen. Props to the dev for telling him no.
▶ No.27780>>27784 >>28432 >>28713
Good evening, all; happy Plane Day.
Our struggle for today has been deciding on a name to replace "Libre Cities," seeing that it hasn't been relevant in over a month. If you guys want to toss around any name ideas, we'll happily use whatever sticks.
▶ No.27782
My argument was that the bad ones ruined CoC and TiTS; that's why I called them furfags. I separate them like I do gays with dykes for terrible gay women and faggots for terrible gay men. So not all furries are furfags, but all furfags are terrible, terrible people. I use people loosely and because I'm required to by UN Law. Probably. I dunno, Obongo is gonna hand the internet over to those fucks.
It's true that Slablands is little known.
However, I think they like it like that. The current guy running the show even said he can't stand the thought of taking money for the project and even was wary to let writers take commission; not that he didn't see the value in the argument - I mean he would get final say on what project gets in, etc - just that money is a poison in their eyes and for damned good reason. It works for them - even if it is vanilla - and mostly they enjoy themselves. I don't think this project will be about money quite like how CoC was or TiTS is; attracts the wrong people. I mean, holy shit LCDev wasn't even taking money and he already had Tumblr types try to infect his shit after that recruitment drive. If LC does go for money it should be no more than a tip jar; no fancy tiers or any of that shit… I don't think those would even work for a game like this. RPG shit, yeah, but I dunno so much about this. Different beast. Plus Breeding Season happened, which was a bummer because I was looking forward to that one… money is a bad thing. Bad money. Terrible money. Should go back to trading bones and shiny rocks.
And I have to disagree on it not being primarily Fenoxo's fault. The guy sperged like no fucking tomorrow, alienating his best writers and does so even today. He STILL snipes ideas from people and then focuses on his stolen project before their finished project. The guy's an asshole. You can take commissions and not be an asshole about it. You can take money and not be an asshole about it. What he did was basically charge voters to pay to vote for their favorite candidate. He also shut down fundraisers before anyone other than his IRC knew because they reached the limit so fast and he did that knowing he'd get to work on HIS projects before anyone else… because they're all fucking sycophants. The guy was the primary problem. The furfags didn't help at all; they were just gasoline to a raging inferno. Strangely enough Patreon actually freed TiTS from that bullshit fundraiser crap he set up, I guess it's true about broken clocks…
I don't care that it's making bank, that's not my business. Idiots can throw money at it, I know I did before realising what a fucking asshole he was. I threw money at his Offbeatr and I have to live with that. These people are different kind of league, though. I gave money to the value he had given me; they're the rich fuckers at a strip club that make it rain and start a bidding war with the other rich guy to the detriment of everyone else in the club. If they want to throw money at him, whatever, it's their money. They fucked it up for a lot of people, but clearly that doesn't matter because for every guy that left they can throw $100 at the fucking thing. It is by no means a standard of quality, in case that was the argument you were making… I don't think it was, but I might as well cover that because it leads to this funny thing: I mean, Jesus Christ, there's a fucking diaperfag that's making $1500 a month on Patreon for shitty art. It's not even good on its own terms, the line work is terrible, there's no shading and it looks like a fucking 12 year old drew it.
Plus there has been an increasing amount of fursecution dialogue coming from TiTS, which leads me to believe that fucker hasn't learned a goddamned thing and even embraced his degeneracy to an entirely new level. I'd be okay with the idea that people that morphed themselves into an anthropomorphic entity get persecuted and I could sympathise with that in a Sci-Fi setting; I'm a live and let live kind of guy until you kick down my door, which of course it fucking does when it shoves it down my throat and I'm TOLD to feel bad for the character. That's when I draw the fucking line and set up the gallows. Especially when the character did it mostly because they thought it was hot and not because they had any kind of species dysphoria or anything of the sort. They go into debt because they think it's fucking hot to be a fox. Yeah.
Anyways, we agree Fenoxo is a terrible degenerate. I just feel he's more to blame than you do, which is fine, it's not a bad place to disagree at… I just wanted to explain why I feel he's mostly responsible.
▶ No.27784>>27789
Gonna need to know what the final lore is, I'd say.
Post-Apocalypse? What's capable? How common or uncommon advanced tech is? What kind of societies can we be expected to build or take part in?
Then again Societies might work. Dunno if that's already trademarked, though.
▶ No.27789>>27844 >>27894
When we move to the new domain, our usual design documents will be available again, but for the specifics:
The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, but the Zones themselves are more dystopian.
>What's capable?
Near-future levels of technological advancement. Outside the Zones, you mostly just have an irradiated wasteland and the skeletons of former cities. Within the Zone, technology has been preserved to an unrealistically adequate degree where we prioritize things that lead to porn over an accurate depiction of living in a bunker after shit hits the fan.
>How common or uncommon advanced tech is?
It's mostly based on status. As the player works their way up the societal ladder, they have access to more and better tech.
>What kind of societies can we be expected to build or take part in?
We have a system of dynamic factions in the making, but we're putting a lot of that on the back burner for now, so I don't have a concrete idea yet.
With the team dumping, we're going to keep the remaining members focused on a single task at a time instead of having everyone work on their own ideas. Most of the backend should be finished now, so we're starting on the actual gameplay tomorrow. The short summary of our first build in the roadmap is just "Generate slave, see slave details, add slave, and remove slave." So it will be awhile before we get back to factions and societies.
▶ No.27795>>27827 >>27828 >>27844
I put pretty much zero effort into that, the only reason I even went with a non-human race is because it gave a stronger example of the system setup. I've done some RP dev in the past so stuff like that is nothing for me, also while I am technically a furry (you'll never find me in the fursuitting community though with the way they are). I'm more of a prose based RPer with few limitations on the settings I'll RP or dev stuff for.
Anyway to clarify, I just used Lamia as a system example because it's the first thing that came to mind as I'd literally just finished killing some in a game before posting. It was more of an example framework than anything else, I have ZERO expectations of stuff like that being added to the game due to the setting being modern (I'm assuming).
I could have exampled it using catgirls or something but I wanted to have a little fun with the example. Changing it to a catgirl could give something like this though:
Race: Catgirl
Genders: Male, Female, Herm
Archetypes: Near-Human, Predator, Lazy, Playful
Typical Type: Hunter, Feral, Tribal, Runaway, Splicer
Typical Characteristics: Playful, Lazy, Boisterous, Cunning
Rare Characteristics: Addict (Catnip), Tailed, Clawed, Fanged
Locations: Ruined City, Woodlands, Labs
Origins: Natural, Transformed
Factions: Independent, Splicers, Mercenary
Changing for non sub-content is even easier, it just takes the Faction thing.
Group: Mercenary
Race: Any
Types: Hunter, Solider, Law Enforcement
Good Description: Knowing the world is at a crossroads <he/she> has given up on their former life, using their skills to provide for themselves.
Bad Description: <He/She> has lost hope in their former faction, the depravity of the changing world and the petty struggles of the <faction> led to them <solo>striking out with on their own<group>signing up with <sub-faction>.
▶ No.27797
So yeah…. I was more suggesting a way of defining lore specific guides and showing how it might be used than suggesting actual content.
▶ No.27798
Also if anyone had been playing attention I have a mini-mod for FC that's on haitus (hence why I actually have a name) at the moment, mostly because his code annoys me and I want dev to get further before I go back to it
▶ No.27827>>27833
Humanoid would sound and look better?
▶ No.27828>>27833
I'm not part of the dev team, but I could see you work on a wiki.
▶ No.27833
In a Sci-Fi setting I'd agree with you, in a modern setting and if I was a dev I'd either go with adding a sub-race feature to be called when via modifications or in FC style it could be in among the race/nationality code. I opted for Near-Human as it lends itself better to modification than humanoid in my eyes.
I've been toying with throwing in an app, hadn't considered a wiki though as I've never really bothered to learn the format (I've glanced at it though and it's not that complicated on most setups). Personally I'd more lean towards coding content (not functions, that's beyond me right now), lore (in-game codex thing maybe?) and stuff.
▶ No.27844>>27846
What can we expect in terms of slave variety? Will we be able to get that Olympic volleyball team?
>Rare Characteristics: Addict (Catnip), Tailed, Clawed, Fanged
What the fuck is this heresy?
Catgirls have tails and ears, it's how you tell each xgirl type from another.
▶ No.27846
I'd just woken up,should have been
Characteristics: Tailed
Rare Characteristics: Twin-Taled
▶ No.27847>>27849
No, keep the aaaays away.
You don't need them for fancy tech
▶ No.27849>>28051
I suspect Todd is trying to shit up the game same way he shat up Fallout.
▶ No.27894>>28439
>Wasteland Kingdoms
>Snek Cities
>Bunker Barron
>Scavenger Harems
>Dust Zones
Polite sage for shitty names.
▶ No.27943>>28439
I was thinking "Slave Society"
▶ No.28037>>28276
>The weak should fear the strong.
Is that why you're so afraid?
▶ No.28051>>28247
Wow, is this place always this paranoid?
I'm not Todd, see? Here's a picture to prove it. I'm T-- Rod Broward.
▶ No.28247
▶ No.28276
Your new faggotry is showing
▶ No.28278
Kick everyone out except member 8 and start again :^)
▶ No.28308>>28310
>I mentioned back in like thread v2 that I had started a side project that I would wait until I had a mostly complete game of before announcing, and this whole experience has really put me off of the idea of ever recruiting people for that project. I know I get a bit salty over the shitposting in here, but I would take a day's worth of that over the days I've been having any time.
Really as long as you go into it knowing that some tumblrfags will join up and being ready to kick them out immediately I'd think it'd be fine to have another recruitment drive if you need people later. I mean you say you've got 8 left so apparently some good people join up, just have to be firm and quick to stop bullshit.
▶ No.28310>>28451 >>28712
There easiest way to root them out is to keep making racist jokes and using racist slurs at any and every opportunity, and then wait for them to get triggered.
▶ No.28432
>Our struggle for today has been deciding on a name to replace "Libre Cities," seeing that it hasn't been relevant in over a month. If you guys want to toss around any name ideas, we'll happily use whatever sticks.
Phoenix Bond?
Just like the Phoenix rises from the ashes of its corpse the PC rises from the ashes of their past life & the Zone rises from the ashes of the Fall. And of course "bond" has many meanings, including "bondage" a.k.a. "slavery".
▶ No.28439
We still need a new name.
>>27894 and >>27943 are both great suggestions, but we might benefit from using a poll.
I humbly suggest "Underland Empire" and "After & Below" (referencing when and where people live after the nuclear fuck-o-caust).
▶ No.28449
Mirage Oasis
As in the zones are oasis in the wasteland, but they're little more than mirages of "civilisation".
▶ No.28451>>28712
This, do something edgy/rascist/non pc to get tumbrlites to react, when they react purge them
▶ No.28712>>28786
That's a certain approach but I think it could blow up spectacularly. I mean, if you'd try to jam in edgy/racist stuff all the time, it'd look retarded and shitty enough that people would start to get annoyed for the same reason they get annoyed by political correctedness - because it'd be the same boring shit being forced down their throats, no matter which side of socio-political spectrum it represents.
Just make a game, don't add any special SJW shit, don't add special edgy shit to 'test people', make a decent game where I have an option of doing whatever and indulge my kinks and if someone else is triggered - tough luck, they can play their game however they want, but they have no impact on what I'll do in mine and LCDev shouldn't care either.
▶ No.28713
My Magical (Post-Apocalyptic) Realm
Afterfall Decadence
Not Really Vaporware
Survive and Multiply
Kinky New World
▶ No.28755
▶ No.28759>>28787
>Libre Cities
So, it's a hentai game for gobbledy-gook Linux nuts?
▶ No.28786
I'm not talking about the game, just typical chan talk among the dev team.
Instead of saying black, say nigger, instead of Jew, kike, say holohoax a lot and see what leftist parasite bites.
▶ No.28787
>So, it's a hentai game for gobbledy-gook Linux nuts?
I'm more of an OpenBSD person.
▶ No.28792>>28800 >>28804 >>29118 >>29138
Hello 8ch,
Here we have 4 of our jobs that a slave can perform during a time period.
Street Whore
Brothel Whore
And the end of the day, the player would receive a report of their performance for that job during that time period. The report could describe a positive, negative or neutral result.
We're looking for vignettes describing these.
At this point, we're looking for something around 60-100 words per vignette. We'dd prefer many of these small vignettes over a few big vignettes. Because if you where to put all your slaves on the same job for all the time periods of the day, you wouldn't want to see the same vignette over and over again.
If someone feels inspired by any of these jobs, do drop your load in here and I'll do my best to make the most of your submission.
▶ No.28800>>28978
Hey, since 8ch is pretty slow, I think it would be judicious to share your writing requests at 4ch.
I'm precisely thinking of /d/'s writing general. It's a pretty slow thread but some writers produce quality material.
▶ No.28804>>28807
Any vignettes you guys want would be coloured by the setting, so without a baseline (no matter how crappy) asking for vignettes is kind of pointless. At best you'd get stuff that needs to be brutally butchered when anything is decided.
▶ No.28807>>28810
Vignettes are generic enough that you can produce something while just keeping in mind this is happening in a dystopian/post-apoc underground bunker.
That's all the setting we need to start, no point in over complicating everything.
▶ No.28808>>28831
And just so no-one says I'm blowing hot air, I'll offer up something generic anyway.
Street Whore:
<name> had a quiet day thanks to the weather, anyone with any sense had been hiding away inside due to the <weather>, that didn't stop her from trying though as per your orders. Unfortunately she had little luck and had to take shelter as well,
<negative outcome>one of your other whores found her drenched in cum after being gangraped by the others taking shelter with her.
<neutral outcome>however she managed to pass the time by providing handjobs to a few of the men taking shelter with her so the day wasn't an entire waste.
<positive outcome>although as the weather continued to worsen she managed to help others fill the time and her as they waited for a chance to continue about their business.
It's crappy and I'm tired from work but meh.
▶ No.28810>>28815
Keeping it entirely generic actually makes it more challenging once people start to write stuff.
▶ No.28812>>28815
That said though keeping it generic can be helped by knowing some of the values that will be called, for instance a generic street whore report could mention if Girl A had customers due to her looks, her slutty attire or her association to you.
There's also the chance for things like a girl trading herself to gain goods you're running low on to curry favour, which can be written generically but requires some basic overview. As it stands now you'll mostly get people basing things off Fallout or Metro for the most part.
▶ No.28815>>29075
>>happens in an underground bunker
Besides that, I don't understand the problem with needing a overarching setting for everything. We have someone in our team writing vignettes for a sex maid job; one of them is simply he/she goes off to the employer's estate, sex stuff happens, different results, money is earned.
The only presumed setting here is that a) there are people, b) people have estates, c) the slave is dressed as a skimpy maid, and d) people have money to pay for stuff.
Yours works too; it isn't the best day to street whore, she [tried but got raped] or [managed to make do] or [it worked out].
I wrote this upper part before >>28812
Values can be called is an interesting point; Yesterday I made a "Writer's Sandbox" in the game which describes every value a slave has and basic syntax.
But right now we don't have a clothing system, and the looks (preference) system is in the works. But I think if you or anyone else wants to write vignettes, they should consider anything that was in FC to be in this game too. Even if we don't have a clothing system, you can write your vignette with a branching on sexy/ugly/gimp clothes; we'll just comment that part and "turn it on" once we have the system up.
I think we're flexible enough to be able to work with anything that's thrown at us, especially since writing is still a problem for us.
▶ No.28831
Tweaked and added it to the game.
▶ No.28887>>28975 >>28979 >>28990
This seems like a pretty interesting project. I've only just stumbled on it, but I did try out what's on the git, and I have played FC previously.
It's still pretty early, but I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic setting. It lends to a lot of possible story events.
Am I right to assume that only the character-creation stuff is working? I had fun designing someone, but I think it'd work better to see the full description of the character as you still choosing the options. Like, when thinking about what kind of lips I'd like, there's a selection of descriptive options, but then those are translated into a proper sentence, and then I'm not sure I like how that looks. It would be handy to see the effect these options have in realtime, not just find out from the summary at the end. Maybe you intend for that to happen, but if not, I think that would be an improvement.
Another improvement might be to allow the player to alter the default description of the option if they don't like it.
"She has a beautiful rounded face with icblue eyes and round retinas, her lips are completely average."
This is just a sentence from the character I created. I don't like the wording. But, I see that it's a composite, so it's not easy to change that to make it more friendly on the eye. One option may be to allow the player to select which options are displayed in the summary. The info is still there, and can be used where relevant in events, but I seriously don't want to see that retina description every time I look at myself. Or other people, unless it's some kind of outstanding feature of the character.
Umm, so… I like the feel of it. And I liked the character stuff. I think I'll keep following this since it seems promising.
Oh, one final thought. I've been playing a lot of Dragon Age Origins lately. I really liked the extended intro that game has. Would it be possible to have more of an interactive story as a lead up to a character joining as a citizen.
I can explain more if you'd like. I just think that if I'm playing a girl, then life would be quite hard unless you're a certain type. Or you could be lucky, with another personality. That kind of thing could be shown in an intro-story. What think? Played DA:O at all?
▶ No.28975>>29082
▶ No.28978>>28982
Go die in a fucking fire. Halfchan is a leftist shithole full of redditors and goons nowadays.
▶ No.28979>>29082
>playing a lot of Dragon Age Origins lately
Back to the kitchen with you cunt.
▶ No.28982
poor bait, but I cannot deny some corners of 4chan's a reddit territories
▶ No.28990>>29006 >>29011 >>29082
The description isn't available for the player because he starts out "empty". The only solution would be to have the player start out like the companion; randomized.
We will consider this.
For the descriptions, I agree that some "normal" things should just not be shown, like retinas, maybe even "average" lips. Also a lot of the descriptions are up in the air right now, we went over them when adding them into the game and found a few that didn't fit into the description, like the lip ones.
▶ No.29006>>29011
>The only solution would be to have the player start out like the companion; randomized.
>randomized player characters
hell no. leave that to npcs.
A description exposition for PCs would need to be generated based on choices made during chargen. FC has a very limited and simple chargen process. There's really no point for a player description unless PC character generation is overhauled.
The description should be generated after character creation, allow the user to customize it with their own fluff (for the autist crowd), and of course show a list of options under the generated text so the user can tweak both his character/description on the fly.
▶ No.29007>>29009
>"The average person to whom Nazi Revivalism would appeal is not someone I want to deal with online. No offense to any individual person who suggests this; there are perfectly normal people out there with Nazi fetishes, as fetishwear catalogs will attest. But doing this would appeal to a crowd that I want nothing to do with."
But yet, you can enact policies in FC that promote semitic inferiority and the subjugation of their people.
▶ No.29009
Don't worry, a month or two on reddit and he'll put in special rules for the Chosen People.
▶ No.29011>>29056 >>29093
By "starting randomized" I meant the player creation would initialize with a randomized body, from there you can tweak it.
It's already done, it removed a lot of validation (since we start out with a valid body, and the UI doesn't let the user break the body) and essentially works the same, except you have the description and you have a randomly generated body to start tweaking.
▶ No.29056>>29062 >>29063 >>29093
Works pretty good now. I like that you can change something and see what the result is.
I uncovered a bug though. If you randomize enough times, you eventually encounter this. It seems to be random.
Is this where I should be reporting bugs? Or somewhere else?
▶ No.29062>>29063
>Is this where I should be reporting bugs? Or somewhere else?
Here works, ill look into it. The random generation probably tripped over a broken edge case.
▶ No.29063
Fixed it, we don't have a complete list of hairstyle for every length and gender, so some combinations don't work. This was creating a error since it was looking up a matching hairstyle.
▶ No.29075>>29111
>>Underground bunker
>>Assumption of above ground common facilities/settlement and leader/lieutenants and their slaves actually living in said bunker
I'd just assumed we'd assign our girls to work the locations that patrols and citizens would frequent. I mean a militiaman coming off of duty is going to be more than happy if there's a few whores assigned near his duty office.
Here's the rewrite I thought of whilst at work though:
_slave.name was assigned to sell herself by the <facility>, _slave.heShe managed to find a quiet spot for the day.
<negative outcome>Unfortunately that was the last anyone saw of _slave.himHer until another slave went looking for _slave.himHer, as _slave.heShe had been reduced to a cumdump for the day by a local gang.
<neutral outcome>_slave.heShe struggled to find many clients today as a coolant leak flooded _slave.hisHer space, _slave,heShe managed to make the best of it though and spent most of the day giving handjobs and blowjobs in the doorway.
<positive outcome>Unfortunately the lighting was poor there and _slave.hisHer day got off to a quiet start until word got around that _slave.heShe was there.
Also with player description wouldn't it be a simple as having an tickbox in the starting options for a detailed player description somewhere near the start button? They tick it and a link to customise appearance appears, which takes them to the custom slave screen, just with descriptor overrides for the player.
So things like;
He "was an office worker before becoming a slave".
would be overridden to:
You "were an office worker before finding and establishing the bunker".
Also decided to try applying my mod to the last Libre build for personal amusement and found your code harder to work with than FC's (mostly because I edit stuff in via Notepad++ because Twine refuses to add Sugarcube 2 to it).
▶ No.29082>>29084
>some "normal" things should just not be shown, like retinas
Also helps if you used the right body part. You're looking for "irises"; you're not seeing retinas unless you're looking at everyone with an ophthalmoscope.
And what's with this reaction to DA:O? DA:O was mostly before the cancer consumed Bioware and was a pretty damn decent cRPG.
It wasn't 'til DA2 that quality dived off a cliff, with their cloned environments, enemies spawning out of nowhere, and awful attempt at appeasing the mainstream with action-y combat. Also, Felica Day DLC was pretty bizarre.
Then it was ME3 and everyone knows what a fiasco that was. Chobot, DLC companion with story relevance, Starchild, RGB…
And finally, I refuse to acknowledge DA:I beyond mentioning its existence.
I've played dozens of hours of ME, ME2, and DA:O, but Bioware has wrecked their brand so hard that I'm not even excited for ME:Andromeda. Thanks EA/SJWs.
▶ No.29084
>You're looking for "irises"
"Pupils", actually.
▶ No.29093
Ahhh, okay.
I'm digging an actual UI with buttons and lists/textboxes here.
▶ No.29095>>29104 >>29109
Can anyone tell me how progress is going?
Because im a lazy fuck and stopped following the thread 2 weeks ago
▶ No.29104>>29106 >>29109 >>29115 >>29130
LCDev noticed the team was filled with tumbler and SJWs and proceeded to purge half the team. I think they're starting over.
▶ No.29106>>29109
>I think they're starting over
Third time the charm eh?
▶ No.29111>>29313
Just out of curiosity, what did you try adding that wasn't as easy to add as in FC?
▶ No.29115>>29132
>Start as a fork to implement new mechanics
>Have some ground to work off with popular content
>Can implement new mechanics week by week and have something for Anons to play
>Progress is easily seen and Anon's are grateful for the new content
>"Instead were going to square one and making our own game with blackjack and hookers"
>Months later and nothing to show except exorbitant background work which amounts to nothing
I've seen this kind of thing too often.
If LCDev can eventually pull it off I'll be very happy for them but they're making it hard to be hopeful when all we have after months is "lore".
▶ No.29118>>29138
>Hello 8ch,
>Here we have 4 of our jobs that a slave can perform during a time period.
>Street Whore
>Brothel Whore
>And the end of the day, the player would receive a report of their performance for that job during that time period. The report could describe a positive, negative or neutral result.
We're looking for vignettes describing these.
>At this point, we're looking for something around 60-100 words per vignette. We'dd prefer many of these small vignettes over a few big vignettes. Because if you where to put all your slaves on the same job for all the time periods of the day, you wouldn't want to see the same vignette over and over again.
>If someone feels inspired by any of these jobs, do drop your load in here and I'll do my best to make the most of your submission.
>The setting for these vignettes would be underground, inside the bunker.
Still looking for submissions to increase the number of vignettes we have.
▶ No.29130>>29161 >>29373
>I think they're starting over.
I don't know where you got that information, but it simply isn't the case.
We dropped 20+ people from the team, but we've proceeded with the same codebase and all of our work. The remaining members have contributed upwards of 90% of our work anyway, so aside from not having to deal with SJWs and petty arguments, not much has changed.>>29115
>they're making it hard to be hopeful
▶ No.29132
The bottom of the previous message got cut off, let's try that again.
>They're making it hard to be hopeful
It's probably for the best that you're not hopeful. If we succeed, great. If not, nothing lost. Either way, I'll be here until the game is done, no matter how many complete wiki overhauls it takes.
▶ No.29138>>29148
Can you be a little more detaile as to:
A: What exactly you want?
B: What format you want them to be?
An example would be helpful.
▶ No.29148
▶ No.29161>>29166
So the game is still a fork of FC or very similar to it?
▶ No.29166
No. We've had no relation to FC for over a month now.
▶ No.29313>>29314 >>29319 >>29461
I was trying to add my mod to the fork, decided to look at the source file and see how you went about coding LCZ. The compile script you use makes it one giant lump of text which lags horribly when I tried to manually insert code via Notepad++ (and broke when it shouldn't have). As for what I was trying to add…
I was trying to restore my hairless mod, my paternalism mercs, the identical twin event I plundered from loli mod and my former acrology owner recruitment event (never did get the origin options for it to work right in the slave intro though) plus a few other tweaks (like random income from the casino event and owed rent).
It's lurking on paste…. 140BM5D4
Or the latest compile from my FC folder is here:
▶ No.29314
At least I think I bothered to add it all to that version of FC…
▶ No.29319>>29323
Got an error when i started
'Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Unexpected string'
▶ No.29323
I'd fixed that, guess I saved it in the wrong folder though… Corrected version uploaded, though if there's any other errors in there I doubt I'll fix them as I should port it across to the latest version.
▶ No.29373>>29384 >>38781
>I don't know where you got that information, but it simply isn't the case.
The root problem here is that you have spread approximately 80% of your time on this project making it harder for people to find out what it going on.
In order to get into the blog people must be told that they need to drag the snake into the password box and press "pat head", and then they're confronted with a statement you know you're supposed to give daily progress updates there but you're not going to until you have a stable alpha release to publish.
If they decide they care enough about this project to join the wiki they're confronted with a poorly designed wiki layout (how hard is it to use Mediawiki a.k.a. the standard wiki software that everyone and their grandma is familiar with?) and if they click on "Daily Progress Reports" they'll find you haven't updated that since September 4th.
Just use the blog to give Daily Progress Reports and update it everyday regardless of what happened (You didn't get any work done on the game because of changing the Wiki? Say that. You didn't any work done period? Say that.) That would cut down on a massive amount of confusion.
Ideally you wouldn't even use that autistic snake headpat system because now that this is it's own project you have no need to care if FCDev finds out (which has definitely already happened).
TL;DR Spend 10 minutes everyday telling people what's going on and you'll save so many hours later.
▶ No.29384>>29395 >>29490 >>38781
>how hard is it to use Mediawiki
But it's current year, anon. Next you'll suggest we setup an Ubuntu server and run Apache.
Jokes aside though, it's fair criticism, and it's something that will be resolved in the next few days. There is a reason for the long delay in updates, but no one wants to hear excuses. It will be fixed.
We are also moving progress reports from the Wiki to the Blog (as they should have been from the start) so that people don't need to register on any of our services just to check our current status.
As for the autistic snake headpat system, that's likely here to stay. It was never about FC Author finding the project. At the time when that would have been relevant, we respected his one request, so I had no reason to care one way or another about him finding out. The purpose for the snake pass is to limit the project's exposure outside of 8ch. The comments on FC's blog posts have shown several people stumbling onto the project while searching for something entirely different (usually related to Game of Thrones). And while those comments were always positive, I'm not particularly fond of that kind of exposure. I'd rather limit it to people who are already on a board looking for erotic games. We average around 70 - 100 unique visitors per day, and so far all but one of them over the past two months have been from 8ch (the other came from what I assume is some 8ch archiving site), so I'm happy with the setup as it is.
▶ No.29395>>29413
Just curious, but what is wiki.librecities.net currently running?
Looks pretty interesting.
▶ No.29413
It runs BookStack https://www.bookstackapp.com/
We used to run DokuWiki, but people were having issues adjusting to proper namespace usage and DokuWiki's syntax. BookStack is still in alpha (v0.12.1), but it's surprisingly stable and well featured.
If you disable the WYSIWYG crap, editing consists of a clutter-free interface that accepts Markdown formatting, with a preview panel on the right that updates as you work.
On the administrative side, updates are applied with a chain of three commands from the terminal, and I haven't had any compatibility issues so far. My only real complaint about it is that it doesn't support PostgreSQL, so it's the one service I have to keep a MariaDB server running for.
With it's very narrow hierarchy of Books > Chapters > Pages, I don't think BookStack would scale well for larger Wikis that cover multiple topics. But for a small and low maintenance Wiki, it's working very well for us.
▶ No.29461>>29487
I didn't code anything on LCZ, that's an old version and we don't work on that anyone. The actual code is here: https://git.librecities.net/LibreCities/Libre-Cities
Also trying to modify the compiled HTML is not advised, that equivalent to modifying a binary. Modify the actual source code.
For now I think you should stick to modding FC if you want to copy & paste code. The current code base for this game is 100% different.
▶ No.29487
I can adjust to the code difference easily enough, as I said it was just for personal amusement. I'll be adding my stuff to the LCZ source and recompiling it later though.
▶ No.29490>>29528
>Jokes aside though, it's fair criticism, and it's something that will be resolved in the next few days. There is a reason for the long delay in updates, but no one wants to hear excuses. It will be fixed.
"Excuses" & "reasons" are very different, if you're saying "we had to focus on fixing the database before copying over the info and we also had to clean out the SJWs who only joined to shit everything up" then say that and everyone will be much more understanding (except for the ones who only follow this thread to complain).
>We are also moving progress reports from the Wiki to the Blog (as they should have been from the start) so that people don't need to register on any of our services just to check our current status.
P.S. The companion attributes section is broken again in the latest test build.
▶ No.29497>>29502 >>29588
Serious questions:
>What do you require a release to have before you'll consider downloading it?
>What are the most important non-porn aspects you want to see in this game, if any?
>How long has this project held your interest?
And most importantly:
>This biggest problem with this project / the thing the devs are worst at:
▶ No.29502
You expect answers to these?
>What do you require a release to have before you'll consider downloading it?
I'll download it every now and then, just to see. But until there's story events to play through, there's very little point in that. I'm not sure what this game will even be like. A fur-friendly version of JoNT. That's what it mostly resembles to me. I'd much rather it had more of a story focus, and more mad-max elements. But, we'll see.
>What are the most important non-porn aspects you want to see in this game, if any?
A way to buy establishments, so that you end up owning the base. But, I think that's a premise of the project, starting at the bottom and ending at the top. I'd like to see quest-type things, that end up unlocking stuff. Like new trade routes, new weapons. I'd like raids of other settlements to happen. Stuff that make gameplay interesting. Oh, and maybe some rivals that get in your way, that need to be killed or bought. It comes down to story, I guess. How interesting the world is.
>How long has this project held your interest?
About a week. I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet. But, it might be promising.
>This biggest problem with this project / the thing the devs are worst at:
From what I've seen of progress, I think they're doing pretty well. It all comes down to how they tie story elements into how the plot progresses. Or, I actually wonder if they'll even have a story to hang things off of, or just a sandbox we play in. It depends on what the goals are. Oh, and the dev said that the design doc would be finished soon, so maybe we'll all now just what kind of game this is intended to be from that. I hear there's going to be no changes once it's released, so let's hope they've done some good work on it…
▶ No.29528
>P.S. The companion attributes section is broken again in the latest test build.
Fixed that, thanks.
▶ No.29588
>What do you require a release to have before you'll consider downloading it?
Basic gameplay done and some content to show its mechanics in work.
>What are the most important non-porn aspects you want to see in this game, if any?
I'd like to see non-porn gameplay polished as much as the porn one. The most I'd wish for is to have the development of your small tribe (not yet whole 'acrology'-class thing, just a town of few buildings) polished, with descriptions and events in it based on player's approach toward different kinks (player being able to set what kinks they prefer and which they don't and have that activate combinations of flags leading to different blurbs etc), technological developments (being able to create/build/salvage a reliable source of energy could drop a lil blurb in some building's descriptions about lights and other electronic equipment being used, with differences depending on what the source is and how good/reliable it is), established directions of society (a'la FC paternalism, preferentialism etc) and with politics, personal decisions etc that ultimately would let the player leave some mark on the world (relations with other factions, being able to propagate one's values, way of life and kinks all around known world, making some global initiatives, growing into big nation and rebuilding civilization, restoring ecological balance or creating slightly new biosphere [full of tentacle plants, kinky otherwordly fauna etc for example]).
>How long has this project held your interest?
I think I first learned of it back when it was still just a FC mod, but it didn't hold my attention till it went quite ambitiously its own way. Where will it lead, I'll see.
>This biggest problem with this project / the thing the devs are worst at:
I don't know the devs well, outside of their few posts here. They did set up a decent backbone for the project and I like their stance on kinks - moderate, not being extremely against whatever no matter their own interests, just letting the players sort themselves out with whatever they like.
The potential problems I see are the same problems so much common when making games - risk that people will leave it; risk that criticism - mostly negative since people are more eager to comment on what bothers them and just silently enjoy what they like - will wear down devs, that they will prove their determination doesn't measure up to their ambitions and they'll simply get tired after months or years of development, leaving the project in development hell or abandoning it outright. Or that rather than adding features through fluff/descriptions, they'll actually add shitload of special mechanics with no content to really fully utilize such. That the feature creep will be too big for their speed of work and they won't be able to maintain steady, healthy and reasonable progress in development without burning themselves out or they'll turn lazy with their work slowing down to a crawl.
But that's worries, not current problems per se.
▶ No.30692>>38781
Hello all,
Just a quick update. I mentioned earlier that regular progress updates would resume on the blog in "the next few days" following our domain change. In the process of setting up the new server, I discovered that one of our service's dependencies had been updated, and is no longer compatible with the service we are trying to run (it is alpha software cloned from GitHub, not exactly stable).
I will be looking at the situation this weekend, and plan to have it resolved within a week. Despite this delay to the server change, development on the game continues at our usual pace on our current server, and you can check our Git repository commits to see exactly what we've been working on.
I apologize for the delay.
▶ No.31108>>31128
Soo, Devs, what do you think can we start playing the game without seeing code elements or errors every 2nd page?
I'm not complaining I'm just curious at how long you think it will take you.
▶ No.31128>>31137
The code errors are there because the Master branch of the git repo isn't considered stable. Once we have a stable release, we'll move to the unstable Development branch, and keep Master playable.
As for when that release will occur, we're on track to release it sometimes this century.
▶ No.31137
Then I guess, It'll be after I graduate from college. I suppose that's ok, more time to actually learn thermodynamics and not how to train a slave :/
▶ No.31427>>31429
Why should I play this game when there are no lolis?
▶ No.31429>>31729
You can't play this game.
But there will be lolis.
▶ No.31729>>31764
Will we also be able to have kids?
Loli incest?
▶ No.31764
>Will we also be able to have kids?
>Loli incest?
Both are planned features, but we haven't started on their mechanics yet. That won't be for quite awhile.
▶ No.31863>>31876 >>31913
So is the development still going or everybody abandoned this project?
▶ No.31876
Yes, it is, why won't you check relevant pages? Some additions/modifications are frequent. But really, check back in half a year or so if you want to play.
▶ No.31913>>32002 >>32004 >>32261
Development continues at its usual pace.
For the purpose of this post, I'll speak on behalf of myself rather than the team as a whole, and offer my thoughts. Take it as you will.
Barring any exceptional circumstances, the move to the new domain will be completed no later than Friday evening (PST). My main priority is Mattermost, so that we don't lose team communications. After that, the blog, wiki, etc will start migrating. As mentioned earlier, project updates will be posted to the blog so that people don't need to register on the wiki to keep track of the project. I don't anticipate daily updates, but you should see several per week.
Since we've dropped all but seven people, progress has slowed considerably. When we originally decided to start from scratch, we had nearly 30 people; more than enough for a project of this scope. With 7, this will take quite a while, and I have absolutely no time frame. However, the remaining members are fantastic to work with, and we've become more of a community than a dev group. For example, we spent most of yesterday discussing seedboxes, with minor work on LC. Despite the implications this has on our progress, I'm quite happy with our situation, and my motivation is unchanged.
The project has deviated a bit from the vision I had when starting this game. That's not necessarily a bad thing though. I'm not an imaginative person; my vision may not have been something people would be partially interested in. But at the same time, I want to give our group the freedom to introduce new ideas and gameplay mechanics that they want to see. As for the fetishes, those remain untouched, and are still drawn from the original poll. You'll have snakes, you'll raise an incestuous harem, etc. For what it's worth, I continue to work on a side project incorporating my original vision with what little free time I have.
My personal advice to those keeping up with our project is to put it on the back burner for awhile. I'm happy to continue answering questions here in the thread, and updates will be posted to the blog, but we're not looking at a stable alpha for quite some time. The project is nowhere near dying (as seen in our git commit logs), but we're not putting in the 12 hour days that we used to. Our mistake was starting a thread the moment the project began. We really should have waited 6 months or so and started a thread with a playable demo. But again, with nearly 30 people at one point, we were actually on track to produce something much sooner than we are now. Even if the entire team quits, I will continue the project myself; LC will not die.
▶ No.32002
Pretty nice
Thanks for reply
▶ No.32004
I want my Olympic volleyball harem.
▶ No.32062>>32067 >>32073
May I make a request that you guys promise never to do the abortion of a ruleset that FC just implemented for 0.8.6? If you ever actually set up any.
I have never felt this kind of frustration towards a porn game before. It kills the boner. They took something simple that worked and just mangled it… in all directions.
▶ No.32067>>32179
Interesting. I haven't played 0.8.6 yet, what happened?
As for the promise, our development process consists of three major components; our Roadmap, our Design Document, and Feedback. The design document is a broad overview of our game and setting, while the roadmap consists of a set of features that we feel need to be completed for each version. Feedback consists of polls that we use to shape the direction of our game, and the comments on various features in each version (when they are released).
If we make a change, and the feedback we receive is adamantly against it, we will more than likely revert the change. If for some reason we are very attached to that change, we will at least allow players to switch between the old and new version.
▶ No.32073>>32179
Do you mean the rules-assistant?
I thought that was an improvement in every regard since it let's you be a lot more specific and the rules carry over between games. It's enough that I go through it and set it up once and it takes a huge load of work off my back to oversee all the slaves.
▶ No.32179>>32206 >>32338
They made it more complicated, I mean if it was more polished before release I probably wouldn't be as frustrated as I am about it.
I get what they're trying to do, but every time I've used it it just adds a new heap of trouble for me.
That. Yeah, Rules Assistant.
I've used it, but it doesn't save between games for me. Plus all it's done is cause me problems from keeping bad clothes on and never switching once they hit a certain obedience to overdosing on various drugs despite what I set for it. Seems random about the whole mess, too, like it willfully ignores certain slaves despite my having them included.
I dunno, maybe I'm just incompetent or overlooking something…
▶ No.32206>>32262 >>33070
Weird, do you play it in private/inkognito mode? That might be why it doesn't save.
I particularly liked the setting for making rules dependent on their devotion, health etc. I set it up so they wear certain clothes etc. when below accepting and for every new devotion step they get more privileges.
Managing 15+ slaves just got 10x more manageable when you don't have to micromanage every single slave.
▶ No.32261
Well, thanks to starting a thread early on, you had a lot of input from the community which is better than showing us a half finished product that most of us do not want to play.
▶ No.32262
It's incognito, ivan.
▶ No.32338>>33070
>never switching once they hit a certain obedience to overdosing on various drugs despite what I set for it
It kinda looks like if you'd forget to set rules assistant to apply automatically, but instead applied it once manually.
▶ No.32459>>32465 >>32866 >>33362
Afternoon all,
Just a status update.
The move to the new domain proceeded as planned without an issue. Due to IRL schedule conflicts, I have only had time to setup our communications platform on the new server. By now, all of our previous links to librecities.net should have stopped working.
I should be available for all of tomorrow, and will start to restore the Wiki, Blog, Kanboard, and Git repo. When everything is back in place, I will provide the new links.
▶ No.32465
Do you hear that? It's the sound of progress! *applauds sincerely* woohoo!
▶ No.32866>>32868 >>33078
I'd prefer not to identify myself publicly, but I'm a member of the team and I suddenly realized I can't log in to mattermost after the domain change.
▶ No.32868
With the domain change, the old mattermost link no longer works. I posted a link to the new server a few hours before it expired, but a couple of the late-night members didn't have a chance to see it in time.
I sent out a link to the new server via email to those that I didn't see new accounts for when the old server went down. I would check there first.
If you don't have a link, contact me at:
lcdev [at] librecities [dot] net
▶ No.33070
Nope. Normal. Never saves between games.
Problem is I got the same shit done with the old one without it hanging up on things and not changing them from spare to normal rooms, etc. I found it easier to have it general and periodically exempting than setting up individual rules.
Nah, set it to automatic.
Thing just likes to hang up every once in awhile. Also likes taking money when I fiddle with curatives (rule 3) for whatever reason.
That said, all of this reminded me… I hope LCDev doesn't make it impossible to get natural beauties. I hate what that wanker - FCDev - did with that mess, I feel I should be able to groom them in the clinic but I've had that suggestion fall on deaf ears. Plus they kind of conflict with the initial description for the encounter at times. That and I'm trying to figure out how a natural bodybuilder - no use of external testosterone - suddenly loses attractiveness. Nothing irks me more than having a natural Amazon and suddenly she's ugly and I can't seem to find anything in the real world that suggests their face suddenly become homely after intense workouts.
▶ No.33078
▶ No.33346>>33362
Anyone else can't connect to the site, I'm getting a error "Connection Refused"?
>pic related
▶ No.33362>>33793 >>34080
Please see:
The restoration of our public-facing services has seen some delay for no particular reason, but that is the source of your error.
Work continues as normal however, as Mattermost and Gogs have been setup on the new domain.
I intend to have all of the services restored in time for the holidays, of which year I'm still uncertain. Links will be posted when everything is up.
▶ No.33793
God bless you, magnificent bastard for making this walls of arousing text game!
Yet i'm only asking for adding a delimiters or page-wide lines between each slave so it could be more easily recognizable.
▶ No.34080>>34084
Where can I download this right now? Perhaps dropping a link to a download of it in the thread would be a good idea to get people to stop saying the "hasn't done anything yet" and also because you don't have any other way (as far as I can tell) to download it.
Anyways, I appreciate someone taking the time to clone FC but with actually good content instead of the bland/generic shit that's been coming out there for a while.
▶ No.34084>>34086 >>34336 >>35209
We switched domains (and servers) last week, and are setting up our services. Right now, Mattermost, Gogs, and the Wiki are ready to go internally, but I still need to setup Kanboard and the Blog.
Assuming my work schedule doesn't become chaotic again, I plan to have this ready sometime next week, and will post all of the links at that time.
It's worth noting however, that there's not much to 'play.' Most of the dev work is going into mechanics and the backend right now. But nonetheless, you'll have access to everything as soon as those services are ready.
▶ No.34086
alright, thanks fam.
▶ No.34332>>34336
Is there a reason why FF stops me from connecting, giving a HTTP Strict Transport Security / Certificate error?
▶ No.34336>>35140
No services are publicly accessible yet. I intend to have them ready this week. All links to librecities.net will produce an error of some kind, as that server is out of commission.
▶ No.34762
▶ No.34775>>34878
I hope there's a resurrection mechanic someday.
and uses for dead slaves' body
▶ No.34878>>35820
>tfw when no Frankenstein/Extreme human modification mod
>tfw when no cannibalism mod
>tfw when no vore mod
>tfw very little extreme fetishes in general
▶ No.35140
Ah, I see. Thanks for the heads up.
▶ No.35209>>35219
Any reason why you changed servers now for the nth time?
▶ No.35219>>35706
It's only the second time.
The first change occurred because I had used an Atom based server originally, expecting minimal traffic, and wasn't prepared for the exposure that the first thread generated. That server was quickly replaced with a proper Xeon server.
The second change is occurring mostly for my convenience. Without detailing all of the specifics, there's no reason for us to continue using the name Libre Cities when we are no longer a fork of Free Cities. Part of the name change means moving off of librecities.net. Of course, a domain change doesn't require a new server. But I had previously relocated all of my servers to a different datacenter at the host, and the Libre Cities server was the last one at the old DC. So, to satisfy my preference of not having servers listed in two different DC columns, I decided just to move it over at the same time as the domain change.
▶ No.35413
can we have some orgasm denial scenes too
▶ No.35706
Dear LCDev,
while the website is down, would you be able to post a link to the latest LC build?
Thank you for your work,
▶ No.35820>>35927 >>35965
>tfw when no bestiality mod
▶ No.36623
Post some update you tremendous faggos
▶ No.36935>>37023
▶ No.37023>>37127
As predicted. Can't say people didn't warn him about courting and tolerating leftists and how it would lead to ruin.
>inb4 muh motivation
>inb4 muh dedicated team
>inb4 but we're just moving services
I guarantee you that most anons that wanted to contribute left due to tumblr faggotry and LCDev tolerating it, even before the purge, and those that remained lost motivation once it became apparent the project was going nowhere.
▶ No.37127>>37143 >>37152 >>37158 >>37267 >>37309 >>37322 >>38781 >>42840
>As predicted. Can't say people didn't warn him about courting and tolerating leftists and how it would lead to ruin.
Bingo. I kept the warnings in mind, but did not heed them. I tried to be fair. I figured that if people were volunteering X amount of hours per day to this, they should have a say in how it progresses. Unfortunately, that led to us recruiting the wrong people, the project going way off course, and it created a very intolerant culture behind the scenes.
To blame SJWs for the state of things would be a misunderstanding however; their existence in this project was but a symptom of my inability to manage, rather than the cause of anything.
I made numerous catastrophic mistakes throughout this project's lifetime, and I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a less capable project manager. One decision that weighs heavily on me, and I believe to be the turning point, was in siding with the majority of the team over the one person that actually resembled someone from 8ch. It wasn't a political decision at all, it was just a matter of "retain the people that have contributed the vast majority of the work" or "tell them all to toughen up or get out, and retain this one member." I chose the former, and it was not the right choice. That member's input was invaluable, and entirely on-point, but the team could evidently not handle /pol/ at all. Worse still was the warning he left in parting. It was one of many that I did not address properly, and things occurred exactly as he said they would. I doubt he still follows this mess, but he has my sincerest of apologies for how that situation was handled.
You guys would likely be much closer to playing the game you've been waiting for had I made the right decision at the time.
The purge came too late, but it should have been completely unnecessary had I exercised better judgment. When this all began at the end of June, I had expected it to be a solo project, and was quite surprised to see people volunteering at all. Anyone and everyone with any interest was welcome to join with very few questions asked, and this is why I should never be in charge of immigration policies.
>And those that remained lost motivation once it became apparent the project was going nowhere.
Yep. Out of the 7 members that we retained post-purge, we're down to maybe 3 or 4 actives. I can't say I blame them at all.
Any and all credit for what we've managed to produce thus far should go to sssk though. In addition to being our best coder by a long shot, he has overseen the management and coordination of the team for at least the last month, and has done a far better job of it than I ever did.
So, where does that leave us? I'll keep the servers running for the team until I'm the last one remaining. Work does actually continue, and the barest hints of gameplay have been implemented, but it is moving along at a glacial pace. I think we'll be ready to release an extremely early alpha build that has minimal gameplay instead of just dev tools sometime in the next few weeks.
As for me, this has all certainly been a learning experience; a rather unfortunate one that seems to have come at the expense of all of you. I continue to work on my original vision for LC, albeit one that will not aim to be remotely as ambitious right out of the gate. As it should, I expect that this inspires exactly no confidence in anyone regarding its eventual release.
The vast majority of you guys have been extremely patient with me throughout this project, and I am truly grateful for that. However, I am terribly sorry to say that without a miracle, I will have failed you all.
▶ No.37143
Nitpicking, but:
>X amount of hours
You're a programmer; you should understand variables better than this. Do you suck 5 amount of cocks a day? No, you suck 5 cocks a day, a large amount.
▶ No.37152
>As for me, this has all certainly been a learning experience; a rather unfortunate one that seems to have come at the expense of all of you.
Most of us have been expecting this to fail horribly imo smh tbh baka fam desu, quit exaggerating your impact. But if this thing miraculously comes together, you'll have beat the odds, and that'd be neat.
>siding with the majority
Let this be the last time you learn that the majority is pants-on-head retarded and uninterested in improving things. Direct authoritarian government is best government, now and forever.
>I think we'll be ready to release […] sometime in the next few weeks.
Releases are good for a project; they boost morale and attract playtesters.
▶ No.37158
As for me, I will still follow this project, and this thread.
LCDev, you will always have at least one fan/supporter.
▶ No.37267
First, don't blame yourself for being a good person, that's not the thing to do. It's not your fault you were fooled into thinking leftists/liberals are actually human worthy of respect or having rights and opinions. We all made that mistake in our lives at one point or another before we learned the ugly truth. Don't let them make you feel like shit for trying to do good.
Secondly, I'm sure Mr. Goldstein, wherever he might now be, forgives you, just as G-d ordered him to.
And thirdly, like some other faggot said, releases can reignite interest in a project. I don't know where the project is at currently, or how much content it has, but releasing a showcase, or even a description of the currently implemented features could make. I'm sure the project still has a lot of anons following it, most are likely just lurking, waiting to see if there are any new developments worthy of comment.
▶ No.37309>>37330
If you give up already then everything is over.
I'm not here to blame anyone but you should stay optimistic and focus on the positive aspects of the development.
I think you got caught in what I call the "hype phenomenon ".
Just focus on producing content and features.
Also you shouldn't be afraid to share the lead with trusted developers such as sssk.
Since you have difficulties managing the project I recommend you to share your decision making abilities with other trusted members.
▶ No.37322
Take your time man, just letting us know you're still alive and still working is good enough for me.
▶ No.37330
Of course your should be able to have a last word but yeah better try to manage things in group rather than alone
▶ No.38781
I'm putting the TL;DR first because you need to see that right now.
TL;DR: Seriously, just set the site up and let people see what's going on.
There will be a lot more activity in this thread when people have more to go on then promises that don't get fulfilled, and your co-workers will be a lot more productive when they know there's people interested in what they're doing.
Now for the main comment:
Set up the site and let everyone see what is going on, I have been waiting for about a month for that to be set up so I can see the fucking alpha and playtest it but you. just. don't. do. it.
People would be a lot more interested in this if they had anything to go on besides vague descriptions & promises that Sean Murray would call "threadbare".
I'm going to explain to how to do this.
1. Use standard tools rather than fancy bleeding edge tools that don't work.
>In the process of setting up the new server, I discovered that one of our service's dependencies had been updated, and is no longer compatible with the service we are trying to run (it is alpha software cloned from GitHub, not exactly stable).
Why did you need that? Why grab software that a large chunk of the project runs on from a GitHub testing account rather than using whatever is standard for that purpose? Use Mediawiki, Ubuntu, Apache, and other boring but practical shit instead of obscure hipster shit.
You said you were going to do something that before you ran into issues with your pre-alpha shitware. >>29384
2. Communication, Communication, Communication.
As explained:
>Just use the blog to give Daily Progress Reports and update it everyday regardless of what happened (You didn't get any work done on the game because of changing the Wiki? Say that. You didn't any work done period? Say that.) That would cut down on a massive amount of confusion.
Easy, quick, and hard to fail. The people who left might have been more enthusiastic if they had a thread full of people saying what they made looks cool and reporting all the bugs they could find. Instead you locked pretty much your entire fanbase outside the sekrit clubhouse. Nothing kills enthusiasm like knowing nothing of what's going on or the feeling that no one cares about what you're making.
3. When you toss out the people who stand out, you'll eventually be left with only people who are unnoticeable.
>One decision that weighs heavily on me, and I believe to be the turning point, was in siding with the majority of the team over the one person that actually resembled someone from 8ch.
That's the exact moment you told everyone working on this that if enough of their fellow workers are offended by them they would be kicked out and all their work wouldn't matter. So naturally no one works at anything because they're too worried about being shoved out and the only form of activity that is safe is judging & policing others.
That's the exact issue that killed Something Awful (see pic).
So bad news is you failed miserably, the good news is that you are a gamer so your response to failing should be picking yourself up afterwards and trying again with the benefit of experience.
▶ No.39034>>39959
What the fuck?!
So, things went from "migrating things over to new domain" to "project is old and busted".
I hardly check this thread anymore, ever since you made it known that dev discussion shouldn't really be in this thread. Your opinion that this was simply and only a release thread turned it into a wasteland. The non-releases turned it onto a wasteland. The no-access to the dev branches did that too.
Horrible, shit project lead? Yeah, I can see you as that. What the fuck? Upload the latest commit somewhere so we can see the exact state of things. You can at least do that.
▶ No.39841
▶ No.39907
I am not surprised that this is falling apart.
if LCDev was to get it going again.
>Use basic tools that are functional
>Be transparent
>Release something so bugs reported
>Use a simple blog to do regular updates, even if it is "added 40 lines of code today"
▶ No.39959
>Horrible, shit project lead?
You don't say
▶ No.41237
It is quite easy to made ball call, still, as far as I know, the main worry is still over communication/inter individual knowledge.
Guess nothing can be better than common ground/experience, as to go on a (survival) camp, or at least have some mesure of un prepared to check each others.
Still, as to an online project, with people who are distant at start, quite difficult, so, only option = talk, knowing that there to, most people do not read past the third lines (guess here is one of the special place, along with all the RP(g) ones, where there is still something to go with as to one words.
As to seeing support, no surprise I guess.
Use an easy to post on interface, then practice adjusted moderation (quite another subject there).
In any case, the project was one of a kind as far it stand, and so, quite hoping it will not die as it is.
Take care, and most of all, bene vivere : Organisation + preparation.
▶ No.41721>>41722
Aww, that is too bad, it seemed like such a good game (Never even got to play it :/)
▶ No.41722>>43032
And btw, could someone upload the game somewhere? I'd like to at least try it.
▶ No.41750>>42775 >>42824
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
I come back hoping for more information and with all the bullshit Free Cities has been for me lately, this happens? Fucking hate leftists. They're a cancer on fucking everything.
You're not scot-free, either. You fucked up even considering them. Had I known that was the whole story, holy shit, I wouldn't have even had my hopes up at all. I'd forget and return a year later.
Disappointing state of affairs. I can only hope this game comes out, but now I'm bummed beyond repair.
▶ No.42761
And so it is dead, like i thought.
▶ No.42775>>42781 >>42824
I fucking hate rightwingnuts, they talk about personal responsibility and fucking things like they've got balls, but at the end of the day each and every one of them is just a whiny bitch blaming other people for their problems.
You got problem with someone else's way of doing things snowflake? Do it your fucking self. Don't cry in public because other people aren't fucking accommodating you, you little tit.
▶ No.42781>>42815 >>42824
leftist pls leave. Hillary lost.
▶ No.42811
LCDev hasn't been active in a good while, and the devs lost steam because of the lack of direction and the nitpicking of everything.
▶ No.42815>>42826 >>42852
Don't you have some crosses to burn or something? A blue collar job to get fired from because of your meth addiction? Fucking whining tit.
▶ No.42824>>42827 >>42840
Smooth. Very smooth. This is probably the most well thought out, well articulated response to a post I have ever seen. It really goes to show the high level thought process one needs to be conservative. I agree with what this anon says >>42775 Actions speak louder than words, and when push comes to shove, it is far easier to blame everyone else than it is to take responsibility for your own fuck ups.
>doesn't know the whole story
>thinks he does now but still doesn't
>of course blaming leftism
>because blaming leftists is the 'in' thing to do
You're on /hgg/ where we fucking play h-games, talk about fucking traps, futas, enslaving bitches, rape, and all kinds of vanilla stuff, and occasionally bring in some less vanilla shit to the conversation. Take your /pol/ shit to /pol/ and leave your perverted side here in /hgg/.
>Which Twix is right for our country? Choose carefully, because they're two extremely different choices, and not at all bad for you.
>I choose both because I'm a fucking neckbeard
>If I don't eat them another country will.
▶ No.42826
At least he has a job you insufferable leftist crybaby. Take your whinging back to reddit where anyone gives a shit.
▶ No.42827>>42838
>take your /pol/ shit to /pol/
>that post three posts above mine crying a river about right wingers is fine though
I hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
▶ No.42838
I hope you're just pretending to not have reading comprehension. I do know that in this day and age, the ability to read and comprehend is becoming increasingly worse. I also understand that unless a post is three sentences or less people immediately look for three words that trigger them and attack unless there is a TL;DR personally there for them.
I'll give you a TL;DR for the above, then a TL;DR for the shit you didn't read. Happy?
TL;DR: This is /hgg/ let's talk about raping, fucking, and all that good shit and leave politics shit where it is supposed to be. Fuck talk about leftists, fuck talk about right wingers, fuck talk about which fucking twix piece is better.
TL;DR for this post: I'm sorry you have ADHD, autism, and dyslexia anon, and sorry I forgot to include every talk about leftism or rightism, or whogivesafuckism, but I made this special for you and now you know what I meant to say.
▶ No.42840>>43780
Except here >>37127 he states the /pol/ member was correct. The one forced to leave because of all the crybabies on the other side. The one that gave him a prophetic warning that turned out entirely correct. With that kind of information, I think it's fair to blame a side for fucking this up for everyone.
Even LCDev regrets working with leftists. You fucking retard. You go on talking about reading comprehension, but you can't even read >>37127.
▶ No.42852
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Don't you have some crosses to burn or something?
If i was an American i certainly would
▶ No.43032>>43492
>And btw, could someone upload the game somewhere? I'd like to at least try it.
Here's the last version of Libre Cities Zero, before LCDev decided to make a new engine with less issues:
Here's the 0.0.1 version pre-Alpha of Libre Cities:
Here's the most up-to-date version of Libre Cities I have before LCDev fucked up his server and decided not to let anyone else look at it:
▶ No.43492
You sir are a scholar and a gentleman
may a modest sum of cash find its way into your pocket in your time of need
▶ No.43545
▶ No.43763>>43777 >>43796 >>43870 >>49606 >>50034
Afternoon all,
My apologies for the delay; work, family, holiday crap, etc.
Anyway, there hasn't been much activity on Mattermost lately, and the last git commit was on October 14th. As many of you have long predicted, I would say that the project is dead.
I've uploaded the full source code as of the last commit. Please do as you'd like with it.
▶ No.43777>>43819
Shame. I thought you've said before that you'd work on it even if you'd be the only one. But with project of such scale, I guess that was too optimistic.
▶ No.43780>>43819
Yet if said fucker just never mentioned anything political there'd be no problem, him being abrasive with the other members caused the whole situation in the first place.
▶ No.43796>>43819
Well that's a pity, would you share the data you had (I remember a table of growth with age, maybe other things?) so people can use if they want to make a game?
▶ No.43819
>I thought you've said before that you'd work on it even if you'd be the only one
At the end of this week, I plan to go through everything and assess what can and can't be reasonably done. I'd essentially have to take the FC route and start with a tiny and straightforward scope that builds outward to avoid to many of the problems we had when working on LC.
I don't plan to make any threads about this though unless a playable demo ever emerges.
>him being abrasive with the other members caused the whole situation in the first place.
Actually, I first noticed it back before we started the rewrite, during the brief weeks of LCZ. Our last release included a gender module that properly identified slaves as either male of female. However, it also took a lot of liberty with pronouns for slaves that were neither male or female, and this caused a bit of a stir, both here in the thread and in Mattermost. The dev did a great job with that module, and I don't fault him in any way, but the resulting discussions told me what kind of ship I'd ended up on.
And while I can only guess, even if we never encountered that fine anon from /pol/, we'd have still encountered the same problem following the US election. The post-election meltdown occurred everywhere else at the time (and seems to be continuing), and I find it hard to believe that ~30 people would have been able to contain themselves in Mattermost. At that point I would have been dropping people left and right. I never had a problem with political discussions so long as they remained civil, but meltdowns are for Twitter and other safe spaces no one cares about.
>would you share the data you had (I remember a table of growth with age, maybe other things?) so people can use if they want to make a game?
I'll see what I can do about that. All of those spreadsheets came from developers' Google Drive accounts. I don't think I still have links to them, but I'll send out a few emails and see if I can get permission to dump a copy of them here.
▶ No.43870>>43905 >>49614
Please, someone pick the project up i will be your patreon whore
▶ No.43905
As already proved times and times again
As pretty much any other project on patereon they will never be finished, there is enough shit as it is on it, no reason to add more
Although this project could have been good, if it doesn't work for free with enough people interested in the project turning to patreonscam would only guarantee it will become utter shit
▶ No.49606
Your sites are still down LCD dev.
▶ No.49614>>49621
What was so special about this one?
▶ No.49621
Absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Damn furries and their literal and figurative jizzing at the mere hint of some extra furry content.
▶ No.49622
Stop bumping this thread it's making me depressed
▶ No.49648>>49778
Just more proof that furfags are literally cancer and ruin every single thing they touch.
▶ No.49778>>49802
Well I did pick up the tools to write my own addon for fc to add genetic editing of the girls so fur was gonna be in it. I just wanted a new way to be even more mean to the girls but I did plan for it.
Was this one written from the ground up for furs or just some weak fork?
▶ No.49802
Was entirely cosplay-tier girls last time I saw it.
▶ No.50033>>50034
>>24398 (OP)
I just found this game. I followed FC development until around the time chemical lobotomies came out. I grew tired of FCdev's autism when it came to everything being "near-future". Chemical lobotomies are okay, but genetic engineering to make functional futas is badwrongfun.
>Dickgirl: Considered female. Breasts, yes. Vagina, no. Penis, yes. Balls, no.
I have never seen this.
Breasts, a penis, no balls, no vagina? Is that just a eunuch with breast implants?
▶ No.50034
▶ No.53486
jesus christ I thought the Free Cities and COC threads were bad and filled with stupid redditors/namefagging attention whores but this one takes the cake. Rather than the usual crowd of faggots you have SJWs.
▶ No.89343>>89353 >>89397 >>89399 >>89640 >>89934
Huh, so there /is/ a thread for this. crazy
▶ No.89353
Can't believe you bumped the thread to post that
▶ No.89397
▶ No.89399
Behold: the final form of all "I can do a better job than that shitter FCDev" posts.
▶ No.89528>>89536 >>89608 >>89925
I'm gonna hit you guys with another necro to ask
How do I install mods?
Free Cities now has a Kemonomini mod here:
But the FC thread is too prudish to give anyone information about furry shit.
▶ No.89536>>89545
>asking about freecities mods in the Libre Cities thread
>and claiming to raise a thread after only 1 day
anon take it to the freecities thread
They might not like furry shit, but at the very least they should be able to tell you how to apply the mod
This thread is like an elephant graveyard, getting a reply here is unlikely
▶ No.89545>>89550 >>89925
The Free Cities thread is full of retards that love taking dick in their ass, but that think catgirls are the harbringer of the furry hordes.
▶ No.89550
>but that think catgirls are the harbringer of the furry hordes.
Come on anon
Its a fetish that specifically is trying to give a person animal aspects
Of course its going to be used as a precedent for Other kinds of "Animal Girls", which they believe will open a gateway for the furries to come in
If it was just an outfit it would be fine, but fur grafting, tail grafting and ear grafting is a lot of stuff to add, as well as multiple nipples ect…
This takes time, and its time that could potentially be spent on making bug fixes and adding less niche content yes i know its already filled with a lot of niche content already
Still i would rather get a cat girl outfit with butt plug tail before we get into the really heavy "furry implied" stuff
Still it really all comes down to the developers of the mod, even if your opinion is frowned upon by most of the people there, if the developer sees something worth adding, he'll likely add it when hes got spare time
Its just that i've heard that all that stuff will take a particularly long time to made, especially when there are still easier fetishes that could be added
▶ No.89571>>89685
Unlike pregmod, the mod isn't distributed in ready-to-play HTML format. It's a text file, from which you cut and paste into your existing Free Cities. Passage names are in quotes.
The first few lines are variable initializers. They go in the with the pile of initiallizers in "init". The rest go in the passage indicated in the comment above them, wherever makes sense. A little pattern recognition goes a long way here.
If you're listening, kemono modder, please release a compiled version already. Releasing gives you super powers, I promise.
▶ No.89608
I'm not the dev, but I made a guide over here >>86984
Since the line numbers won't match exactly, look at the surrounding code. You can remove a bug by replacing the 1 I mentioned with a 2.
▶ No.89624>>89640
Is there a reason why i cant access the blog ? It says The site can't be reached.
▶ No.89640>>89652 >>89685 >>89925
If you mean the blog in the OP, forget about it. This thread up to >>89343 is about a failed project. (Note the 4-month gap.)
After that point, this thread is about a Free Cities mod, not a rewrite. I'm not sure why the Libre Cities thread was cannibalized, but here we are.
▶ No.89652
>I'm not sure why the Libre Cities thread was cannibalized, but here we are.
Read meta. Accidentally had a leftover > from a post I changed my mind about and fucked up quote.
▶ No.89685
>The rest go in the passage indicated in the comment above them, wherever makes sense. A little pattern recognition goes a long way here.
I haven't actually tried to see if it works yet but when I took a quick look at the file, half the passages started with elseifs. Pattern recognition can find you the relevant if statement, but can it tell you where within that it has to go?
>I'm not sure why the Libre Cities thread was cannibalized, but here we are.
Because the mods are fags who wants everything they don't personally like stuffed out of sight regardless of whether it actually makes sense to put it there.
▶ No.89925>>90006
I've been trying to calm them down to no avail. They're too blinded by fur hate to see half the shitstorms that happen, which happen every other thread and have since pregmod 0.9.9, are started by fur haters. Only the first couple were caused by those asking for furry content.
Actually, the anal content was the doing of FCDev, the creator of the original. the pregmod people have been trying to tone it down. At first, literally every other event included surprise butt sex even if it didn't make sense.
"To keep the evil furry scum away."
▶ No.89934
▶ No.89974>>89984
So wait, is it the mods position that fucking catgirls are furry? Cause that's retarded.
▶ No.89984>>89987 >>90032
Depends on whether you think cat girls have 6 tits and are covered in fur
▶ No.89987>>90006
No, that's furry as fuck.
I've been away from Free Cities for a while, did some actual furries invade or something?
▶ No.90006>>90338
Not him, but my understanding is that it's one extremely autistic furry who does nothing but complain and another furry who is almost as autistic, but is actually willing to do something so he made a mod.
They've started a couple of shitstorms (which as you can see in >>89925, they refuse to acknowledge that they caused) and eventually mods kicked them out of the normal FC thread, so they're forced to post here.
tl;dr: They didn't invade per se, but they did ruin a few threads.
▶ No.90030>>90032 >>90082 >>90153 >>90198
To prevent further cross posting I gathered the TWO fucking links for you faggots. I know there's a picture guide and some posts on how to manually install the furry mod but you guys will have to dig that one up yourselves. Good luck.
▶ No.90032>>90035 >>90049
Is the Kenomini mod actually furry like >>89984 describes or is it cat girls like pic related?
▶ No.90035>>90038
It's like your picture.
▶ No.90038>>90049
Fantastic. Not sure why this had to be regulated to a containment thread, but it sounds like the mod creator and people replying to him are a bunch of autists.
Whatever, I got what I wanted.
▶ No.90049>>90490
Protip: This is a tumblr term, created by people too stupid to know that kemonomimi is the correct term. You should probably avoid using it.
>it sounds like the mod creator and people replying to him are a bunch of autists
This, basically; everyone is autistic, so mod-senpai stepped in and broke up the fight.
▶ No.90072>>90075
I keep getting a server not found error for your site.
Any suggestions?
▶ No.90075>>90076
▶ No.90076>>90077
Fair enough. Tried using ctrl+F, but got nothing. Suppose taking the long route wouldn't hurt.
▶ No.90077
No, look at the post dates. Read the recent ones.
▶ No.90082
>I know there's a picture guide and some posts on how to manually install the """""furry"""" mod but you guys will have to dig that one up yourselves
It was posted a few posts above yours.
See >>86984
▶ No.90085
That's about half correct. Someone made a kemonomimi mod (which they refuse to distribute in an even somewhat convenient way, for some reason) while shitposting to hell and back, and the main thread shitposted back just as hard.
So yeah, the main thread lost their minds over furry, but only after significant provocation over the span of weeks.
▶ No.90094>>90099
we don't have catgirls or whatever you guys want because no one made the content for it. If you guys are willing to make a mod and maintain go ahead.
▶ No.90099
Someone did make a mod though. It's a few posts up
▶ No.90104
>Likely because the modder got butthurt someone was doing something he doesn't like.
He was told to make a fork like what people normally would do about content refused by a main branch resulting in anons shitposting instead of actually doing it. This continued even after another anon got up and made a fork himself.
As for that second bit, read the recent posts. There was a fork made. The cyberfurry modder says he's gonna stop posting and continue working on the mod until he has something sizable enough for another release. It's cybernetically implanted shit like cat ears from what I remember. On another note, nice job ignoring the "after significant provocation" part, and all the other explanation posts.
▶ No.90109
Someone chimps out about something every other day
>black people
just an average day
▶ No.90121>>90124 >>90176
>That you cretins can't deal with one dude rustling your jimmies?
Not him, but it was shitposting over the span of weeks. Nothing would've come of this situation if it had been the first thread consumed by furry shitposting, rather than the sixth in a row.
>Then again, this is the shithole that ruined LC.
Pretty sure LCDev ruined LC.
▶ No.90124>>90127 >>90146
I keep seeing this pop up with regards to to the cat/foxgirl mod and I just want you to know that you're retarded.
▶ No.90127>>90146
I don't consider it to actually be furry, I was just using that word because that is the term that we have apparently agreed on to describe the situation.
Either way, stop being pedantic. Disagreement over classification is not a rebuttal.
▶ No.90130>>90135
I am looking at the guide
But the code seems to have changed, and I have never edited this before. Can anyone give anymore detailed advice?
If not, no problem, just figured I would ask.
▶ No.90135>>90140
Try the cyberfurry mod, it should be somewhat easier to get working since you just need to compile it I think. I'm not clear on how buggy or playable it is though. The furry part of the name is just a tongue-in-cheek thing, it's monster girls only.
▶ No.90140>>90141
Thanks, I;ll check it out. Any suggestion on where to look for it?
▶ No.90141>>90145
>Any suggestion on where to look for it?
Really? Fucking scroll up.
▶ No.90145>>90153
Honestly, My eyes are fucked, and my glasses are missing so I probably looked at it three times and missed it. Ah well I'll have another look through.
▶ No.90146>>90153
To add to this, I've been going through skimming the threads and it seems that any time to some asked a question about the mod they were met with
>LOL, you furfags are retarded
>Fuck off already furfags
Not really seeing any shitposting from the mod maker yet.
▶ No.90153>>90168 >>90175 >>90180
Alright, fine I'll spoonfeed you. Next time just Ctrl + F gitgud for things like this.
It's not the modmaker, just some autists that are needlessly speaking for him I think. It only got to the point you stated after the first or second thread in the chain when the anons kept ignoring "fork it you faggots" in response to anons wanting it to be in the main branch.
▶ No.90168>>90175
Thanks mate.
My only other question is the compiling itself. As I said, I have never done this before, so I just want to ask, do I put a copy of the current FC into the folder and just run "compile" or is there something else I am supposed to do?
▶ No.90175
Never mind, figured it out.
Thanks again.
▶ No.90176>>90179
>but it was shitposting over the span of weeks
Then get a mod on it.
▶ No.90179
It was attempted. There was an error that made the threads invisible to the moderation menu. Read the meta for more info.
▶ No.90180>>90183 >>90280
>when the anons kept ignoring "fork it you faggots" in response to anons wanting it to be in the main branch.
I'd imagine that would be because a fork named "furrymod" is a lot more likely to lead to furry shit than having it be a toggle in pregmod like everything else. But whatever, if the FC thread is so retarded that they think that adding animal ears will open the floodgates to actual furries, then they can have their circlejerk.
▶ No.90183>>90465
That's just what the thread calls it, the fork name is under the discretion of the dude that forked it.
▶ No.90198>>90339
It's a shame that there isn't a playable version of this mod and the creator just fucked off
▶ No.90280>>90465
butthurt autist detected
▶ No.90338>>90415
There have been a few furry begging incidents that started shitstorms, but the last few have all been anti fur initiated. The last one is a perfect example. An anon asked where the kemonomimi thread was, which hadn't been moved to here at that point as far as I am aware. Anti fur people immediately told him to fuck off instead of pointing him toward the FAQ, where that question has been answered at this point, or answering the question. That devolved into a shitstorm that got him a 15min ban and the anti fur anons a "Sage."
▶ No.90339>>90341
It is playable, you just have to follow the guide. Here, I'll even post it for those who can't be bothered to search.
▶ No.90415>>90421 >>90487
Don't know anon, after 6 o 7 threads ruined by a shitpile of complaining after you were giving options, changing the name of the thread to specifically pregmod, put on the op post: "This is a thread primarily for non-furry discussion of Pregmod, a mod for Free Cities. Furrymod/monster girl conversation is to be held in a separate thread.", puting a "READ THE FAQ BEFORE POSTING" on red where it says "want it? Do it yourself, furry stuff is not gonna be added and you can go to libre cities" and still getting questions about the same. Can you blame them?
▶ No.90421>>90488 >>90570
The first half of the FAQ is only how to play the game. There's no indication that it also covers meta stuff until a hundred lines in, so anyone who has already played even a small amount will glance at the FAQ, see that it is telling them things they already know, and move on.
The OP only says that the other mod is in a different thread. Except there IS no other active FC thread, since the mods forced this mod into a year-old thread for a completely separate game, and nobody would know the mod is here unless they were paying attention to the drama. So people see the "Furrymod/monster girl conversation is to be held in a separate thread" and ask, quite reasonably, where the thread for the mod is.
▶ No.90465
Bad joke
Hypocrite detected
▶ No.90487>>90491
>Furrymod/monster girl conversation is to be held in a separate thread.
If someone doesn't follow preg mod drama, they aren't to know that the thread community is autistic and considers cat girls furry. And no the FAQ doesn't say that either.
▶ No.90488
If I cared about this one way or another I would just say damn the mods and make a proper thread for it. As many times as necessary. They can always just lock this one instead if having two vaguely furry and/or FC related threads is somehow too much.
Alternatively, shitpost the hell out of this thread until it hits 750 so a new own can "legally" be created.
▶ No.90490>>90523
Yeah, wasn't that crazy!? Ha ha… ha… ha…
>Is genuinely autistic.
>Saw the whole thing as it happened, but didn't join in.
>Is so fucking confused.
I just wanted monster girls, then furrys and paranoid people started picking fights with each other.
▶ No.90491
>no the FAQ doesn't say that
It does though, in a way. Ctrl + F furry, 6 matches. And most of those have monstergirl next to it in a slash.
▶ No.90523>>90524 >>90561
You don't get it anon, for them everything that is not strictly human is furry, they are so ignorant they believe then when a family go to the zoo for the weekend, they think:
"What a degenerate! Bestiality, ugh!"
I kid you not, having a cat at home will tag you as furry for them, and all of this over tail and hears, figure mosntergirls
However, fucking an 8 year old pregnant and then placing your children in the incubator, only to breed the female ones and turn the male female to breed, so on for five generation, that's perfectly normal, right? Fucking sermon church material even
▶ No.90524>>90534 >>90544
Stop shitposting, anon. Your absurd hyperbole isn't going to convince anyone.
You've already been partitioned off to another thread, so stop being so salty and work on your goddamn mod.
▶ No.90534
It's the catgirl/Libre Cities thread, not the pregmod one. The people here can do whatever they want so long as it doesn't spill over to the main one or step on any rules.
▶ No.90544>>90548
First time i post here retard, been on freecity thread and that's it, but if another saw your stupidity, well color me surprised retard, the more the merrier. Take you meds and fuck off
▶ No.90548>>90549
>First time i post here retard
Oh, so you're just one of those impotent whiners who caused the repeated shitstorms.
Here I was giving you some credit by assuming that you're the mod maker and just salty because you were kicked out of the main thread.
Instead you're just a literal child crying because people have differing opinions.
▶ No.90549
>making fun of retards
Kek, that delusion. Not even the guy you're replying to.
▶ No.90550>>90552 >>90553
Is there going to be any progress on this mod or is this going to be a pile of shitposts?
▶ No.90552>>90556
What progress is there to make? It has ears and tails; what more does it need? The only "progress" left is to make sure it keeps working if the relevant passages get changed in vanilla or pregmod.
▶ No.90553>>90554 >>90557 >>90564
https://gitgud.io/randomanon1/pregmod-mod-cyberfurry is still being updated. Despite the name, there is no furry content. This will probably still be a pile of shitposts though, since faggots here think that liking animal ears on a girl means that you're a raging degenerate that likes to yiff on the weekends.
▶ No.90554>>90555
>since faggots here think that liking animal ears on a girl means that you're a raging degenerate that likes to yiff on the weekends.
Actually, I like monster girls, cat/fox ears and all that,and I still don't consider myself a furry. It's kinda sad that people still thinks that kind of shit
▶ No.90555
>Actually, I like monster girls, cat/fox ears and all that,and I still don't consider myself a furry.
Because none of that is furry.
▶ No.90556>>90570
Someone could fix this.
▶ No.90557>>90559 >>90570
>since faggots here think that liking animal ears on a girl means that you're a raging degenerate that likes to yiff on the weekends
I've only ever seen the "furries" post about how the "anti-furries" are saying that, though.
Wouldn't people be saying it more if it that was actually what they thought?
▶ No.90559>>90561
>I've only ever seen the "furries" post about how the "anti-furries" are saying that, though.
Then you must be blind, because I've seen plenty of people say "cat ears aren't furry" to only be told "fuck off furry"
Hell, the fact that the thread decided to call the animal ears/tails mod "furrymod" further proves my point.
▶ No.90561
>I've seen plenty of people say "cat ears aren't furry" to only be told "fuck off furry"
But that's clearly just "imageboard culture" of being an asshole to everyone.
Either way, I don't see any accusations of "yiff on the weekends" or shit like what >>90523 was saying. Just your usual overenthusiastic rudeness.
▶ No.90564>>90570
It's a pile of shitposts because for whatever reason there is no furry mod build, no one here is working on a furry mod, and there is a person insisting on "furries" vs "antifurries" to fill a thread.
▶ No.90570>>90571 >>90573
That's why I suggested that, instead of giving volatile comments like "fuck off," they could instead direct people to the correct thread any time someone asks.
I see a capital T that shouldn't be, is that the problem. If not, it looks fine.
It happened several times during the constant shitstorms, specifically during the time when PregDev was actually compromising to allow accessories, something along the lines of ear headbands and tail belts or something like that. Not sure exactly what he had in mind. I also saw it in some of the posts KemonomimiDev made regarding this mod.
Scroll up to the MediaFire links, that .txt is the mod and I posted the guide >>90341 here.
▶ No.90571
The responses to his posts, I meant.
▶ No.90573>>90632
It's using the internal name convention instead of the external name convention. Everywhere else, it's called "Fox tail" or "fox tail" but on that one screen, it's one word.
▶ No.90626
FWIW, here's how I read it:
"foxtail" plant
"fox tail" fluffy
"foxTail" camel-cased variable
▶ No.90632>>90634
I see, so its using the variable that should be in the background instead of the text it is supposed to display on the front end of the operation. I'll take a look at it and upload a fixed .txt. I hope that KemonomimiDev doesn't mind.
▶ No.90634>>90635
Strange, something isn't adding up. By what I see in the code, either it is displaying behavior it shouldn't despite the code being correct or the code for ALL implants is wrong. Could I possibly get someone to run this to confirm that? I still haven't added this to a build of FC, waiting on a build that is stable, meaning FCDev didn't cause a major bug swarm like he usually does with vanilla.
▶ No.90635
Specifically test to see if it comes up as foxTail, catTail, foxEars, and catEars as opposed to its plain text variants, which are spaced and both words capitalized.
▶ No.90638>>90738
Reading through the old posts in this thread makes me pretty disappointed that this project died. It seemed like it wouldn't have been bad.
▶ No.90738>>90771
It wasn't for what content had been put in before the plug got pulled. I mean, it was just Free Cities with animal ears and tails really.
▶ No.90771>>91159
This game was supposed to support mutations and sort of mostergirl, plus the path to become a full owner of the bunker the people is living in, include possible drama about family and children incest
This would have been quite different from freecities
▶ No.91159
That was the plan, but the ear and tail descriptors are all that really got implemented before the end.
▶ No.95916>>95927
Shouldn't you guys just start a new thread
▶ No.95917
I want to see an actual working game
▶ No.95918
Yes something that i can play would be nice.
▶ No.95927
Has FCDev said anything about catgirls? Neither the list of planned features nor that of those that will never be added says anything. If he is open to it, and someone got him to implement this, I'd be interested to see how the pregmod thread would respond.
Probably, but the mods said it had to go in this one. Despite being a completely different thing from what the first 500 posts talked about, making people confused as to what the current status of the different projects are, and making it unnecessarily hard to find (which has led at least twice to people asking in the main FC thread, which was exactly what they wanted to avoid).
It doesn't really need its own thread though; there's nothing to talk about.
It absolutely was not worth splitting into its own thread. It's not like it would have led to more derails, since there's no discussion about this mod anyway. Unless the ones derailing were almost entirely those who didn't want people to like what they didn't like, but it's not like any of those people came into this thread just to continue shitflinging. Oh wait, they did.
But it looks like this mod is going to become somewhat obsolete anyway. Someone in the other thread is apparently working on artificial ears and tails that can read the mind of the wearer and move accordingly. Which is of course totally different from this, so it can be included in pregmod and the distinction was worth all the nonsense. If that gets added it probably won't be worth keeping this one, since you'd have to extricate the artificial version to avoid weirdness like double sets of ears.
▶ No.98176>>122089 >>122166
I'm totaly lost
someone tell me in easy terms how to add the .txt mod to the .html game
▶ No.122063>>122074 >>122166
▶ No.122074>>122166
Has it ever been?
▶ No.122089>>122150 >>122166
Open it in notepad++
Do a replace for >> and << and replace them with &&%% or whatever the fuck is used in HTML (check)
Also, I think AND and OR in hte conditions will have to be replaced.
Then paste into proper places
▶ No.122150>>122166
I very much doubt that person is going to even see your info as their message is 3 months old. GG
▶ No.122370
I am, that's why I saged.
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