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 No.232278>>232930 >>233614 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Who else feels like this?

I have a hard time enjoying games that don't have pregnancy endings for every route and especially if they don't have hymens for their Ara. Lune, Bishop, etc. have got me accustomed to these.

Recently I got Sispaco. It's from the same guys who gave us Namepu!, one of the funniest nukige I ever played. However this one is less about comedy (though it's there, just not as good as Namepu) and more about shagging your oniichans and imoutos. It's great! Mostly. Pic 1 is my favorite because preg end, the only one.

However, there's no hymen. Not at all. Not in her and not in the other older girl who's a lazy drunk security qt (who loves you) who gives us more laughs than the walking breeding machine (who loves you). Neither of the Aras are virgins.

I don't remember it being explicitly stated that they slept with other men before but all the girls are comically huge sluts so they might have just broken their hymens with dildos. Either way, it sucks.


"Virgins always bleed" is one of the stupidest fantasies ever. Why does there need to be a magic visual indicator of losing virginity?



It's nature's mark of purity. Any bitch who does not bleed at least a little can safely be assumed to be a whore.

 No.232395>>232400 >>232437 >>232467 >>232747 >>233586


It's only like that in fantasy, not real life.



If 3DPD does not bleed it is not a virgin. It does not matter what excuse it gives you, it lies.

 No.232405>>232438 >>232470 >>232927

I feel you anon, any game that has impregnation and pregnant options are always on my backlog, some can be absolute shit while others not so much.

t. Zeus

 No.232428>>232429 >>232470 >>232472 >>232494


Nah man, horseriding is the usual excuse, but that's indicative of repeated pelvic impacts. More frequently in modern society, it's pre-pubescent girls doing the splits that tears it. Hormonal changes related to puberty make the hymen more stretchy, but before that it's fairly rigid and thus much easier to tear.

Something fun to remember the next time you see a middle school cheerleader or a gymnastics class full of little girls.

 No.232429>>232470 >>232494


>he believes those excuses

Don't tell me you believe taking miles of dick does not cause roast beef cunt too?



>not real life

More reason why IRL women are worthless.



>every heroine is a virgin

>harem ending with every heroine pregnant

This is the kind of perfection every VN should strive towards.

 No.232467>>232472 >>232587

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>not real life.

Are you crazy? For thousands of years the way one could tell a woman was a virgin was if she bled on their wedding night. If she didn't get red on the sheets then the husband could take it back to the parents and get a refund (kinda).

Now unless she shoved a tampon too deep, went horseback riding (who does that?) or shoved a dildo in herself then she has had sex before. …Or the guy isn't very, eh, you know, and instead just kinda bumped and stretched it.

But since most guys are longer than a couple inches the hymen will break, thus signifying virginity.

Course in hentai games there's quite a lot of blood usually, but then again this is also a genre where a guy can run three stomach-inflating loads in a row and still not shrink while the girl always has a screaming and/or squirting orgasm. This part's fantasy.

That there's a hymen to break even at 30+yrs is not.


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Also this >>232428

But really it's just best to regard any woman who doesn't have a hymen as having had sex before you because honestly. Honestly now.

Sispaco only gets the benefit of the doubt because there's even scenes where two sisters argue over who stole whose vibe and dildo. If they're using those then they likely bust their own while watching reams of porn.




So you think something else is happening to break those little girls' hymens?

 No.232472>>232478 >>232586


Those "excuses" are still based on superstition, not biology.


People believed a lot of wrong things for a long time.

In reality, the hymen can gradually wear away over time by actions as simple as running, it doesn't require acute trauma. You can have penetrative sex without necessarily breaking the hymen, because it can be flexible enough - in adults at least - and is usually just a ring around the edges rather than something that blocks entry, so having an intact hymen doesn't even mean a woman is a virgin. Then when the hymen is broken it's not always going to bleed. In adults, "hymen = bleeding = virgin" is very much just old-fashioned superstition, a 30 year old virgin who has never even masturbated is pretty unlikely to bleed the first time they have sex.

Now for younger girls, like children or early teens, reality is closer to the superstition, and probably where the idea came from. It's still not particularly unusual for the hymen to be broken by something non-sexual or not need breaking in the first place, and it's still possible to be vaginally penetrated without actually breaking the hymen, but the majority of the time there will be bleeding when a very young girl first has sex because the hymen is much thicker and more rigid. Although the vagina is also so much smaller that there's a good chance of bleeding even without a hymen, and in young girls the hymen tends to heal pretty easily so an intact hymen still isn't a good indicator of virginity.



/hgg/ - Hentai Games & Gynaecology

 No.232484>>232496 >>232586

The more puzzling (though not really) question is why female virginity is not so highly valued in Western stories (aimed at men). I mean, 9 out of 10 times the female heroine is going to be a "confident" cunt that had miles of dick in her by the age of 15, and the audience is repeatedly told this neurotic, used goods whore is the pinnacle of female attraction.




roastie plz





>The more puzzling (though not really) question is why female virginity is not so highly valued in Western stories (aimed at men).

Jewish social engineering.

 No.232586>>232592 >>232601 >>232612 >>243933

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>In adults, "hymen = bleeding = virgin" is very much just old-fashioned superstition

This is asinine and you know it. Broken hymens occur chiefly and almost exclusively at any age from trauma. The intact hymen can become more elastic as years pass but even at 30 it's highly unlikely to be so elastic that it would not break upon penetration.

Bleeding is always nothing like in the H vidya and that's common sense. Nothing is. The bleeding is minimal (except for rare cases and even then it's possible to be other even dangerous factors involved, like a lack of natural lubrication and being very rough, bleeding disorder, etc.) and there will always be discomfort or pain when a woman first loses her virginity, like a far more sensitive version of a Magnesium shot - some feel not very much and others are very hurt for a little while. Depends on the person.

But just because a lot of factors are possible and depends on the person does not mean there is no uniform pattern to the peculiar loss of virginity in a woman. Facts are facts. The same sites that argue this are those that predicate so much of their "knowledge" of biological and behavioral normalcy on statistical outliers rather than, you know, the statistical norm.

- Almost everyone in the USA is a carrier for some form of oral Herpes / though not everyone, and not everyone manifests it

- Almost every adult woman in the USA has had sex with more than one partner / though not everyone

- Almost every man and woman has masturbated and/or watched pornography in the USA / though not everyone

- Almost every woman who is a virgin will have their hymen break and bleed slightly with discomfort on their wedding night / though not everyone

Outliers do not inform the rule. Normal informs the rule.

That being said, it's fine if in the game they at least address the outlier. A recent favorite is Miria from Bishop's SnK who has absurdly large tits that naturally lactate profusely. It's actually a huge part of her character and they have a couple scenes where they address what would normally cause such a thing in a woman (who was a virgin) and why she's different.

Also Ryouko with how wonderfully dense she is but that's another matter. Of course there's also Asagi with her hair antennae but that's not the same as anatomical anomalies; it's just cute design choice.


>why female virginity is not so highly valued in Western stories (aimed at men).

Because of the lie "You want a woman who knows what she's doing" and mass social degradation/engineering ala Yuri Bezmenov.

>this neurotic, used goods whore is the pinnacle of female attraction.

Sounds specific. You have a particular character in mind?

 No.232587>>232591 >>232601


>unless she shoved a tampon too deep

>most guys are longer than a couple inches

Have you ever actually seen a vagina? The hymen is right at the entrance, even an inch is usually more than enough. Tampons always go way past the hymen, did you think they just sit wedged between the labia?


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>Have you ever actually seen a vagina?

 No.232592>>232696 >>232742


>Normal informs the rule.

So, what you're saying is that IRL women were a mistake and we should go back to treating them like cattle.

>Sounds specific.

Only if you file every single female love interest that appeared in a Hollywood movie in the past 50 years under "specific". I honestly have trouble thinking up a female character created by a Western author, bet it in a movie, game, book, TV show et al that is a virgin, or at the very least remains a virgin for long. And even if they are virgins they'll usually ride the cock carousel for a few story arcs before settling for the protagonist, and him being a golem will welcome this used up whore with open arms and think himself lucky.

And the really pathetic thing is how ubiquitous it is. Not even the most pulpy, lowest common denominator garbage out there made in the West will actually feature a female character that is a virgin. Seems that the female ideal for most Western men is a blonde bimbo with big boobs and ass that has a vagina that is as equally loose as her morals.



>- Almost every woman who is a virgin will have their hymen break and bleed slightly with discomfort on their wedding night / though not everyone

The rest of the facts you listed are accurate, but "almost every woman" is a stretch here. I'd agree if you said "the majority", but we're not talking about a 1% outlier here, but >20% at the bare minimum, well within what can be considered normal.


To be fair, it's not obvious what the hymen is from just looking at a vagina, especially when people are expecting an actual barrier. It's easy to overlook.



>there will always be discomfort or pain when a woman first loses her virginity, like a far more sensitive version of a Magnesium shot

Never had a magnesium shot to compare, but I didn't even notice when I broke my hymen (mid-20s), I only realized it when cleaning up after. That was on my third time having sex, the first couple times didn't do it.



If all of those times were not with your husband you need to kill yourself.

 No.232618>>232622 >>232678 >>232716


Sorry, it was all pre-marital sex. Still a long-term monogamous relationship though, and I've only been with one man.



That's acceptable then.



when you gonna make him put a ring on it?



>we should go back to treating them like cattle.

>implying women were ever normally treated like cattle

Sounds like Uni Women's Lib history revision. kek

>a Hollywood movie

Found your problem, anon.

>how ubiquitous it is. Not even the most pulpy, lowest common denominator garbage out there made in the West will actually feature a female character that is a virgin.

They also do their best not to have families, character flaws, real development or any sort of writing - let alone dialogue - that isn't a painfully unfunny and surreal sitcom parody. It kinda goes like this:

>establish industry

>present going to college as a shining attribute and/or necessity for entering industry

>ruin college with sociopolitical ideology (here, Cultural Marxism) and make the ideology mandatory

>Companies of said industry look at who is qualified, see college grads, hire them

>consider firing them - get threatened by legal about potential backlash

~while simultaneously…

>Other employers share similar sociopolitical ideology, hire among same sociopolitical ideology

>Yet other employers see change in landscape and begin to hire the same, push for the same, to keep up with the change

>pretend nothing bad is happening when it does

>keep doing it


>said hired ideologues take up where the old guard leaves

>proselytize their ideology like it's their religion

>their ideology, which was taught to them through 5-10+yrs of college indoctrination (in classrooms and on campus) and/or was adopted from/imposed upon them by the overall change in the industry (osmosis from job environment, imposed by career necessity, etc.)

>thus ruin industry

>move onto new industry to proselytize their ideology…as they were taught to do

That's what happened in the West. It's also been growing in the East, particularly Japan (since China has its own problems) but the sociopolitical concepts are merely fetishes there (like the copious amounts of yuri, "BL", etc. in anime) so it's harder for it to really take root.


Mass sociopolitical indoctrination at the sources of the hiring pool and lots of nepotism/cronyism in service to said ideology has led the Western portrayal of most things to be the exact opposite of good.


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>Never had a magnesium shot to compare

You will. Maybe. Wait until you're hitting the 40's it can happen.


>I broke my hymen

>that was on my third time having sex

>realized it when cleaning up

That is precisely what has been said hear, dingus! You broke your hymen having sex in your mid-20's. That's the point.

>inb4 3rd time tho

Anecdotal information does not compare to universal norms. You were stretchier than normal. You're abnormal like me. Congrats. Point is it broke during sex. Good.

and that's what I want in my H vidya


>when I broke my hymen (mid-20s)

>all pre-marital sex.

>long-term monogamous relationship

>I've only been with one man.

>implying you gave him your maidenhead in your mid-20's and you are at least years older than that with the same man and are still unmarried and likely on contraceptives to not get pregnant




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Sex without impregnation is indeed pointless. Just as much as a relationship is without sex is pointless. As I've gotten older the reverse of what I was warned about occurred, I didn't get more degenerate in my tastes with porn, they got more refined. If the VN doesn't have as >>232438 implies I can't and wont really give a damn. If it's left open as a sort of happy ending where that result would not just be plausible, but likely, then that counts as well. Yet this state of enlightenment I have grown into makes half of everything unpalatable to me. And half of that can start boiling me into anger. It is a harsh existence, but you don't feel empty after cumming like any old guy who can wank it to anything.


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>we should go back to treating them like cattle.



It occurs in real life, but the hymen breaking isn't an indicator of virginity loss anymore since it can break for a large variety of reasons.



True, basically any sort of impact to the waist/crotch area can actually break a girls hymen even if the force of the impact isn't really that strong. Horse riding for example is a more known example. Girls keep losing their virginities to horses because they can't stop riding them. Whodda thunk?



I don't know why internal shots of the womb getting flooded and the egg getting overrun by sperm like Zerglings is so great. I don't understand why I like this so much.


>>232278 (OP)


It's by far the best fetish, I pretty much don't play games that don't involve it



For the same reason a military Commander enjoys seeing his troops overrun that last piece of land the barbarians call home to conquer and call their own. Knowing that you'll turn that piece of land into something greater than they ever could.

Or just because you like the idea of making women pregnant. Either works.

 No.233376>>233631 >>239219

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I wonder if part of it has to do with getting older. When I was younger I never cared much about virginity or impreg and most of the hentai I watched had neither. But then over time I got into H vidya and started to realize how crucial impreg and equally virginity was.

Probably the most human and generative (literally, because babies) taste to have, honestly, but as a younglinger I almost preferred the woman to be "experienced".

…What was wrong with me?


True, but I like the way you put it.



Except parading around the bloodied sheets the day after a wedding is literally a romani tradition, precisely because it IS like that in real life

it's "not always the case" insofar as women CAN break their hymen horse riding, but i dont see a whole lotta bitches riding horses, do you?

 No.233614>>233702 >>233748

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>>232278 (OP)

>Kyonyuu Saimin Princess

fuck, translation when?



Your body is simply making it more attractive for you so you're better prepared/wanting to pass on your genes. It's the biological clock thing that some women get. It's just genetics wanting to be passed on - there's nothing wrong with you experiencing human evolution.

That's all it is. Your body is telling you it wants to pass on for the future generation.

 No.233702>>233734 >>233748


It's not translated? I knew there was no thread for it but goddammit op don't fucking tease us with games we can't read.




Well… i guess someone here can read moonrunes too.

But no matter how idiotic can be the dialogs of a hentai game i still want to understand what the fuck is happen.

Considering that to this day images are still not enough to discern rape from vanilla most of the times.



>we might never get Saimin Princess and Lewd Elf Forest translated

If MangaGamer doesn't pick up the Lune license, man, I'm gonna…



>games we can't read.

VNR (or ITH & TA) works fine for nukige like in the OP.



And eushully games as well.

Seriously they got titles like seinarukana and evenicle, why not eushully games at this point.



You'd think, right?



Same here! I draw it as a primary kink now. I feel tempted to build a game around those concepts. Are there any games about it?



>because of the lie "You want a woman who knows what she's doing"

a lie perpetrated by cryptofags and their handlers, and just another reason why it's entirely justified to brutalize the fruitcakes given the slightest opportunity.

Nothing beats the awkwardishness you could see in the eyes of a lass when she finally met the D.

It still was like that not even a couple decades ago.

I miss that so much.

Nowadays, sluts in the same age bracket as the one mentionned before will ASK you to fuck them in the ass.

Nasty af.



<You incel douche! "Girls have to be pure hurr" You are pissing me off.

My "friend" could not give me a proper reason why not to prefer virgin women who are chaste. Not one.

He had tons of complaints about the preference, though.



>indicating that cunts quality has been steadily going down the drain also mean you have to stop pump/dump

>indicating that cucks trying to find excuses (and failing) are merely trying (and failing) to mask their shame to be stuck with left-over

and then there is this faggot starting to white-knight.

on /hgg/


 No.244553>>244556 >>244566 >>244604 >>245398


it's simple, fucking a virgin is boring and uncomfortable

my current gf was a virgin before i got to her and she was fucking awful in bed, still doesn't know how to move herself properly and always gags when i shoot cum down her throat

it's barely worth the effort, i have a bigger than average cock and i still hurt her unless she's extremely wet and i've been fucking her since october

the virgin fetish is for virgins



either loads of horseshit here, or just homosexual tendencies and a desire to have any kind of sexual proximity with some other dude via proxy.

there is a reason why virgin allways fetched a higher price on slave markets: men prefer clean girls, only faggots think otherwise.



>muh dik

You've been watching too much porn.



This thread is the /r9k/ containment thread for /hgg/. Don't expect anything approaching intelligent discourse from the denizens herein; most importantly, don't expect any of them to have ever so much as looked at a girl without spewing continent-covering volumes of spaghetti.



>implying filthy gypsies are governed by anything other than mindless superstition and laziness

I guess by the same argument, niggers raping 11 year old girls is proof that virginity cures HIV.


>Le me browsing /hgg just wasting my life away, stumbles upon this thread and read this haha!!


This special fucktard.. you just made my day faggot

 No.245560>>249093 >>250066

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Anon, come on, of course he's lying. Any time a guy starts in about firing loads and how big his dick is you know he's pumping himself.

However, the bait does have a root of truth in that people actually think this way. They think "oh, you want someone who knows what they are doing".


The only reason a woman knows anything is because a man taught it to her. Otherwise she's unskilled, sloppy and wonderfully awkward. She is supposed to be your compliment, to mold you you and you alone. You'd think people would figure this out considering the elasticity and nature of the vagina but people are too degenerate to figure that out.

They want to have a pre-molded sexuality in their woman. They want to have a plot of land that's already been cultivated, stripped and mined out. Good job, idiot. Here's your patch of crusty dirt.

And yes, that includes women who "aren't sluts" but have been drill-n-filled enough to count it on their fingers.

>Oh hey, that untouched patch of snow looks beautiful. I could make great snow-angels

>But I'd rather just lay down in the imprints of other guys who did it already

H vidya is fun and there's no reason to get all uppity about non-virgins. I really just can't get into it as much as otherwise (although, again, impreg is basically a necessity in terms of my taste so at least have that). We are talking about vidya, after all. Not real life. But whereas it is a nice taste to have in vidya it is absolutely objectively next to necessary in real life.

Again, in vidya it's a matter of preference, but in real life it may as well be required.



>The only reason a woman knows anything is because a man taught it to her

You keep going after those sloppy seconds that have been "trained" and stretched out into infinity by other men. While the rest of us in reality land and every man in history yearns for fresh virgin pussy.

I don't want her to show me what Tyrone and his friends taught her in highschool. You can keep her gaping pussy. I want a virgin, and my D to enter a virgin pussy and that her sexual experiences forever marked by me forevermore.

It's laughable really, you're a sloppy second-cuck.



Try reading it again. >>245560 was agreeing with you, saying the only way a girl would know what they are doing is that they were trained by YOU. Because:

>The only reason a woman knows anything is because a man taught it to her

So you should train your own girl instead of getting sloppy seconds.

Seriously, it's in big bold red text. How the fuck do you miss that.



Illiteracy is a plague, anon. I'm surprised as many people are able to play VNs these days since most don't even seem like they cracked open a book in their life.


was hoping this thread would have some info about games i havent played yet but instead its just a bunch of idiot nerds arguing about 3dpd women



The games mentioned are pretty good, man.



Do any posts mention games outside of OP? I've never seen a thread derailed quicker



Good point.

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