>we should go back to treating them like cattle.
>implying women were ever normally treated like cattle
Sounds like Uni Women's Lib history revision. kek
>a Hollywood movie
Found your problem, anon.
>how ubiquitous it is. Not even the most pulpy, lowest common denominator garbage out there made in the West will actually feature a female character that is a virgin.
They also do their best not to have families, character flaws, real development or any sort of writing - let alone dialogue - that isn't a painfully unfunny and surreal sitcom parody. It kinda goes like this:
>establish industry
>present going to college as a shining attribute and/or necessity for entering industry
>ruin college with sociopolitical ideology (here, Cultural Marxism) and make the ideology mandatory
>Companies of said industry look at who is qualified, see college grads, hire them
>consider firing them - get threatened by legal about potential backlash
~while simultaneously…
>Other employers share similar sociopolitical ideology, hire among same sociopolitical ideology
>Yet other employers see change in landscape and begin to hire the same, push for the same, to keep up with the change
>pretend nothing bad is happening when it does
>keep doing it
>said hired ideologues take up where the old guard leaves
>proselytize their ideology like it's their religion
>their ideology, which was taught to them through 5-10+yrs of college indoctrination (in classrooms and on campus) and/or was adopted from/imposed upon them by the overall change in the industry (osmosis from job environment, imposed by career necessity, etc.)
>thus ruin industry
>move onto new industry to proselytize their ideology…as they were taught to do
That's what happened in the West. It's also been growing in the East, particularly Japan (since China has its own problems) but the sociopolitical concepts are merely fetishes there (like the copious amounts of yuri, "BL", etc. in anime) so it's harder for it to really take root.
Mass sociopolitical indoctrination at the sources of the hiring pool and lots of nepotism/cronyism in service to said ideology has led the Western portrayal of most things to be the exact opposite of good.