So wandering about the game and exploring a bit, trying to find any redeeming qualities, I ran across the "Captive Breeding" random encounter (from Wahn/Underground Events.i7x if you want to look it up on Github).
> Walking through the dark passages of the expansive underground warren that is the basement of the Trevor Labs, you hear something from up ahead - moaning. Who might that be, down here in the lair of the tentacle beasts? Warily, you move closer to the source of the noise. Looking into the doorway of a storage room filled with rows of shelves, you find a woman, lying on the ground. Spread-eagled, her forearms and lower legs are stuck to the ground by some kind of substance, looking like solidified slimy goo. She's naked, and her belly bulges massively upwards in obvious pregnancy.
> Moving closer, you try talking to her, but the only answers you're getting are more gasps and moans. Judging from some clear goop smeared around her mouth, you'd guess something's been… feeding her, to keep her alive in captivity. Most likely whatever that is is laden with drugs and aphrodisiacs too, with as unfocused her eyes are right now. Your examination is interrupted by a sudden splashing noise and a gasp from the human woman. Looking down, you see a puddle of slime spread between her legs and the skin of her belly ripple with movement under it.
> Uh oh - seems like what's in her wants out - now! What do you do? Stay with the woman (1), observe what's happening - but from a distance (2) or get the hell out of there (3)?
My first actual human! So I picked number 1.
> Suddenly thrust into this unusual situation, you decide to do your best in helping the woman give birth to… whatever it is. Taking hold of her hand, which thankfully isn't covered by her goo bindings, you try to calm her a bit with soft-spoken words and wipe the sweat of labor off her brow. From your ringside seat, you watch a tentacle with a whole row of suckers worm its way out of the woman's vagina, followed by another and another, all of them taking hold on the floor and the woman's legs as the creature struggles to pull itself out of her womb. Helped along by the woman's contractions, soon the little tentacle monster slips out of her with a wet, sloshing noise. Then it scuttles off, vanishing under a shelf faster than you could catch it.
> You're left alone with the human woman, down in the sub-levels of the Trevor Labs. What to do now… your thoughts wander to getting her out of here, but not knowing when (or even if) her current lust-addled state would end, you abandon that quickly. In this infested place, being burdened by a semiconscious person would surely end up getting you in deep, deep trouble. Well, at least her captor seems to keep her alive - there's still hope she can be rescued and taken care of eventually, maybe if the military moves in. Though how many monsters will be bred in her in the meantime you can only wonder about.
> You stroke the captive woman's hair, telling her to hold out, then leave and make your way through the creepy dark tunnels, back towards the surface. As you move along, unidentified noises around and behind you make you speed up, then run, until you reach the entrance of the cellar and throw the door closed behind you, breathing heavily.
No choice, no real decisions with real consequences to make, my character just leaves her to her fate. Yeah … no. Fuck this game.
If you read the whole thing, some decisions also allow you to rape her. Ctrl+F "rape" or "raping" … no hits. It's not even honest about your actions.