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 No.224913>>224925 >>224944 >>225592 >>227577 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Flexible Survival is a game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic city that has had almost all the citizens changed into various creatures. Features a lot of shit such as furry, scalie, mythical creatures, humans, and a lot of different fetishes. You can turn anything you don't want to see off in the options, but i'm not too sure how well that works.

You can either play the game or download it at: http://blog.flexiblesurvival.com/p/play-flexible-survival.html


Somehow managed to forget that it's a text-based "adventure" game.


>>224913 (OP)

state of the content?


>>224913 (OP)

I played it years ago

Its maximum furry, although unlike LT and COC, it surprisingly has elves and literally everything else

All i can remember is turning into a giant cock is easy and you will likely be vored/unbirthed in your first play through

Its also way too easy to die of starvation/dehydration


Are we talking the new one or the old one?

because it had plenty of content for an inform 7 game, it was just that 95+% of it was furry


He strokes your head and pushes his cock to your mouth, telling you to suck his yule log. His pre tastes of delicious egg nog, spiked rather heavily with brandy, making you give in more and more to his merriness. He gives a merry laugh which causes his jingle bells to ring and lines up his cock behind you. His thick seed sprays into you moments later, filling your womb with his holiday cheer.

the state of furries



>being rudolph's bitch

but yeah, I always cheat to make it so I don't have to bother with the survival mechanics and the one trait that makes it so I don't transform into anything unless my core body does so I get less bullshit like "you touched a thing and now you are some kind of wierd chimera". Or at least I did back in 2014 when I last played this thing.


Does the orc raid still happen every time you explore the docks? That shit's fucking annoying and needs to be toned down.



ah man, now I remember why I stopped playing, All the fucking time limits. especially being fucked by RNG when you want to do this one specific branch of events but they just won't fire.



The time limit is easy to defeat, doing so with a trainer fuck up timer variables but, you can simply use one or the save word feature to increase your charisma to 50 or so, guaranteeing success, and then speak to the jackal at the park and use the prank request, with so much charisma your character will always succeed and you'll gain at least 18 hours or even 2 days and 4 hours, savescum for best result, use the wait command 18 times and ask to prank again, repeat 10 times or so, done

For RNG, just improve all your stats but strength to 50 or so, at that point you can do whatever you want and pass all checks to see and fuck things

Even with all of this the game get boring after a while, plus you need a guide to get all the best items and find all interesting npc because some are hidden behind annoying quest

 No.225186>>225193 >>225569

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>more furries than CoC

this is some impressive shit right here

 No.225193>>225569 >>227589


You have no idea. According to an in-game terminal there's at least 311 different kinds of encounterable infected currently, and I would estimate they are AT LEAST 90% furry.


I never thought that this game would ever appear on this thread

 No.225338>>225590 >>227722


uhhh..you can disable the time limit trough the fairy in the starting area.


I enjoyed this game, but I hate that my character always ends up turning into a chimera mishmash of different animals.


Play as a researcher. Prevents mutations.


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Flexible Survival? I haven't heard that name in years . . .

 No.225569>>225588 >>227747



also a shit ton of them are gay, I remember around the time I stopped playing waaay back when they started adding a shit ton of gay content and judging by the list of NPCs on the wiki they never fucking stopped.



I like how the main quest hasn't budged an inch since I last played it 2 years ago, despite it getting regular updates pretty consistently. More than others, this game seems to have so much more of its content that's never finished or left in a half-written state. Ironic given this is also the only game I've ever heard of that they had to cut back some content before because there was so much of it that the compiler kept failing and the devs were on the verge of needing to port the whole thing to a different engine just because of that problem.



You can't win if you disable the timer, it's endless play without sense or reason, not that it have much, but at least with the timer you have and ending


>>224913 (OP)

>There exists a new version with tons of neat stuff

>It's fucking online




the MUD? thats always been there. Furries need to ERP you see.



You can disable endless play from the same fairy and let the timer run down if you're done with that character.


Did they finally update the client to use a language that is less awful? I remember they were working on it.


90% furry shit? No thanks. Trying to play CoC taught me that it's just not worth it.

 No.225734>>226358 >>226540

>tfw Anime Babe is the best enemy by sheer virtue of not being furry

 No.226358>>226425 >>226540


What about the wood elf

I mean i know its an elf, but at least its not furry?



… and in the trash this game goes.


Hey, it even has NTR where you can get cucked by your dog. How can Fenoxo even compete?

 No.226404>>226541 >>227752


its fucking amazing how much cuckshits been added, now your dog cucks you with four different girls, two dog guys cuck you, a pet demon cucks you… you might as well just name your character Cuck-kun because holy shit there is more NTR than actual sex at the base.

 No.226425>>226540 >>227747


Forgot about her. Other non-furries that I can remember are the City Sprites, Fire Sprites, and that one Viking Woman you can dominate.



thats true for the named npcs because furfags pay to add that shit,

the random encounters have plenty of non furshit though.

monsters, tentacles, animals, various fantasy species, etc

 No.226540>>226550 >>227747




If I remember right there's also unlockable camp with bunch of gay soldiers (and minotaur). Also I believe author removed whole questline with witch because "immersion breaking"



After a certain point the game just got awful between all the cuck shit and other stupid piss and weird garbage they didn't bother to hide behind their own filters. Finally adding in centaur seemed cool - right up until you realized that losing a fight with one wound up castrating your character.

 No.226550>>227231 >>227251


yeah for some reason the centaur mare gives you centaur mare infection, whereas the centaur stallion gives you… centaur mare infection. Like you'd think they'd infect you to be their opposite.


well one of them is a lady iirc. A big problem with the game is that its made by fur faggots for fur faggots and fur faggots tend to actually be faggots so I hope you enjoy dick.

 No.227231>>227251 >>227272


If i remember correctly, there is a rescue able npc in the plain that has been turned into an herm, if you tell him the truth we he ask, that he also has a cunt now, it's possible to convince him to have sex using his pussy instead of his dick, having sex with him/hir whatever that way can slowly turn you into a male centaur, you can also disable female transformation or use the microwawe perk to deny any transformation you don't want

>well one of them is a lady iirc. A big problem with the game is that its made by fur faggots for fur faggots and fur faggots tend to actually be faggots so I hope you enjoy dick

Just like in coc or tits, the winner decide the outcome, winning all battles is the only surefire way to avoid all gay content, that or disable all same gender npc as yours



Specifically I was talking about the corrupted centaur thing in the same area as the regular centaur i think. Unless it's been removed? If you lose it like, bleeds your cock until it stops existing. Or at least it did last time I played this game.


>Just like in coc or tits, the winner decide the outcome, winning all battles is the only surefire way to avoid all gay content, that or disable all same gender npc as yours

That doesn't even work because there's a lot of encounters that start off with your character just like. Looting a store, or talking to a rando lady or something. Then two text boxes later you're getting fucked in the ass by a character that just shows up and now you're a dog or a fucking latex balloon or some retarded shit and even the microwave perk doesn't stop it.



>Just like in coc or tits, the winner decide the outcome

I just tried that. Didn't see the option to kill some random monster I defeated, just various forms for "fuck" and "let go". So much for "the winner decides the outcome".


it takes a precise amount of shit taste and autism to make something worse than CoC



Hey now lets not go saying things we can't take back. Yeah this is bad but it's still not CoC bad.


Random fact about the game: the game dev had to get the ENGINE devs to increase the limits twice because they hit the cap. So… its got a small amount of content, just like the pacific is a little moist.


>>224913 (OP)





Sounds about right. You turn off furry shit (as myself and anyone not a faggot is want to do) and about that much of the game goes out the fucking window and the whole world is a barren wasteland of zero fucking encounters.



Hey now, I don't mind the furry shit as long as I can treat them as the animals they are. The game is shit because it doesn't allow me to do so, not because there are cows or pigs or whatever running around on two legs and thinking they are humans.



Yes the corrupted centaur is still in the game. It grabs your cock and basically strangles it until it explodes and then it bleeds out until you don't have a cock anymore.



since when

edit:removed name

Post last edited at



Best part of elves is that you could literally punch one of them after you beat him in combat.


At one point, there was a poll that showed the sexuality of players or some shit like that. Gay was in the #1 spot.


Viking woman was an interesting character since she was the only human woman you could have as a waifu. Some point the writer for her wanted paths for her that included being nothing but your own baby factory.


"immersion breaking" yet has shit like walking dick canons, orc men that birth babies, and a giant furry man with a vagina. Yeh witch lady and her quest is totally immersion breaking.



>now your dog cucks you with four different girls

nani? your dog cheats on you?



In the forest, or plain, i don't remember, there are feral wolfs that at random may attack you, if you defeat and fuck them in the ass repeatedly at certain point you can keep one(no there are no she-wolfs), if you do so AND recruit a certain bunny girl and/or a dobermann girl into your harem AND you don't fuck them for a while, they will seek satisfaction with your wolf

If you let them do it your wolf can become an alpha and fuck your harem in your place, including you. To prevent this just do not allow your wolf to fuck your girls when the event trigger, keeping your wolf submissive, or just don't recruit/fuck the wolf you defeat



In addition, there is an event in the warehouse district where you can recruit two huskies (1 male 1 female) the wolf will fuck your girl, and the doberman will suck off the dude if you let her.

also there's a cuntboy/ girl character at the university that'll get raped by an alpha dog.


So wandering about the game and exploring a bit, trying to find any redeeming qualities, I ran across the "Captive Breeding" random encounter (from Wahn/Underground Events.i7x if you want to look it up on Github).

> Walking through the dark passages of the expansive underground warren that is the basement of the Trevor Labs, you hear something from up ahead - moaning. Who might that be, down here in the lair of the tentacle beasts? Warily, you move closer to the source of the noise. Looking into the doorway of a storage room filled with rows of shelves, you find a woman, lying on the ground. Spread-eagled, her forearms and lower legs are stuck to the ground by some kind of substance, looking like solidified slimy goo. She's naked, and her belly bulges massively upwards in obvious pregnancy.


> Moving closer, you try talking to her, but the only answers you're getting are more gasps and moans. Judging from some clear goop smeared around her mouth, you'd guess something's been… feeding her, to keep her alive in captivity. Most likely whatever that is is laden with drugs and aphrodisiacs too, with as unfocused her eyes are right now. Your examination is interrupted by a sudden splashing noise and a gasp from the human woman. Looking down, you see a puddle of slime spread between her legs and the skin of her belly ripple with movement under it.


> Uh oh - seems like what's in her wants out - now! What do you do? Stay with the woman (1), observe what's happening - but from a distance (2) or get the hell out of there (3)?

My first actual human! So I picked number 1.

> Suddenly thrust into this unusual situation, you decide to do your best in helping the woman give birth to… whatever it is. Taking hold of her hand, which thankfully isn't covered by her goo bindings, you try to calm her a bit with soft-spoken words and wipe the sweat of labor off her brow. From your ringside seat, you watch a tentacle with a whole row of suckers worm its way out of the woman's vagina, followed by another and another, all of them taking hold on the floor and the woman's legs as the creature struggles to pull itself out of her womb. Helped along by the woman's contractions, soon the little tentacle monster slips out of her with a wet, sloshing noise. Then it scuttles off, vanishing under a shelf faster than you could catch it.


> You're left alone with the human woman, down in the sub-levels of the Trevor Labs. What to do now… your thoughts wander to getting her out of here, but not knowing when (or even if) her current lust-addled state would end, you abandon that quickly. In this infested place, being burdened by a semiconscious person would surely end up getting you in deep, deep trouble. Well, at least her captor seems to keep her alive - there's still hope she can be rescued and taken care of eventually, maybe if the military moves in. Though how many monsters will be bred in her in the meantime you can only wonder about.


> You stroke the captive woman's hair, telling her to hold out, then leave and make your way through the creepy dark tunnels, back towards the surface. As you move along, unidentified noises around and behind you make you speed up, then run, until you reach the entrance of the cellar and throw the door closed behind you, breathing heavily.

No choice, no real decisions with real consequences to make, my character just leaves her to her fate. Yeah … no. Fuck this game.

If you read the whole thing, some decisions also allow you to rape her. Ctrl+F "rape" or "raping" … no hits. It's not even honest about your actions.



>If you read the whole thing, some decisions also allow you to rape her. Ctrl+F "rape" or "raping" … no hits. It's not even honest about your actions.

You mean that this game which is about raping or getting raped by literally everything includes rape?

How shocking.


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The surprising and dishonest part is that in a game full of rape and rapists, my character's decision to rape somebody is neither clearly marked nor described as such.



The game was always clear that you should assume any interactions with anything living or inanimate will probably lead to rape.



For multiple years, the fairy also has a few other cheats you can turn on like making your hunting for specific encounters always succeed if you're in the right area for that encounter.


Any android Android port?

 No.229148>>229403 >>229545 >>247626

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>Play years ago

>Turn into a city sprite

>Get a little shorter, but nowhere near a full on minigirl

Has there even been any worthwhile content added in the past 5 years?



Last I tried the only really worthwhile stuff that wasn't M/M was the butterfly, wyvern-abduction bound state event (lose a lot to female wyverns, chance to wake up at a nest) and … Well that's all I can think of off-hand that isn't a one-time-only event or super plain.



Not really. There's been mostly small stuff here and there, but nothing that's major on its own.



You don't shrink all the way unless you let your sanity hit 0, and then it only happens for the postgame text. Same for most forms dealing with significant size changes, large or small.

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