I'm more of a fan of VNs and trying to find translated ones is getting harder.
There are the dedicated Miel and Bishop Threads that have got translated works in there but I'm sure there are other translated works that I don't know about so I decided to make a thread put them all in one place.
I'll put all of the links at the bottom, labeled to retain the readability of this OP.
First off, the official ones from mangagamer and JAST.
Mangagamer is pretty good with their releases and they've got a big library so i'll just post the search result from nyaa (1) and you can go from there, but some noteworthy ones they've got are Kyonyuu Fantasy (2), Eroge(3) , and Kuroinu(4).
I've heard pretty shitty things about JAST like them censoring games so if you wanna play their most well known release, Starless, you've got to patch it. (5) I'll post a nyaa search result link down there too if anybody wants it. (6)
The most consistent translation group/person I've seen mentioned here is Dekiru, he's got a fair amount of projects done and in progress, however a lot of them don't have links, but searching them on nyaa should do you the trick.(7)
I'll post the Miel and Bishop games that were posted in their respective threads, check out his other projects.(8) (9)
If you like Miel and or Bishop games and can bear machine translation you can find more information in their threads, check the catalog.
I'll post images and descriptions and images of the games I mentioned after the OP so the OP isn't as cluttered.
1) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=mangagamer (mangagamer search results on nyaa)
2) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2124026 (Kyonyuu Fantasy)
3) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/316461 (Eroge)
4) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2291945 (Kuroinu part 1, they're up to part 3 as of this post)
5) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/1821204 (Starless w/patch)
6) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=JAST (JAST search results on nyaa)
7) https://dekirutranslations.wordpress.com/projects/ (Dekiru's projects page, in progress and completed)
8) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2416204 (Long ass LN tier title inbound-Kimomen Teihen Shoku Demo Kyokon nara Harem Guild no Shu ni Nareru!? ~Densetsu no Kishi ya Seijo, Maou o Tanezuke Kouryaku! Bishoujo Darake Yume no Bouken Seikatsu!)
9) https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2396958 (Sansha Mendan)