[–]▶ No.170600>>170602 >>170622 >>170631 >>174733 >>184664 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
New title set for June 30:
Shihai no Kyoudan
Details (from anon, taken off scans): The main character is a problem student who was suspended after being framed of a crime by pink hair. He felt ostracized after the teachers and the teachers believed in his false guilt and continue to treat him that way after he come back to school with the pink-hair making sure the truth doesn't come out (Not to mention the other students as well). After finding one of them doing something perverted (the pink one) he gets a lightbulb, gets revenge on her, and plan on doing the bishop story.
The story parts mention a lot about the teachers doing humilating stuff and finding pleasure in it and making strong intelligent women turn into sluts
Sansha Mendan pristine excellent translation released: https://dekirutranslations.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/sansha-mendan-immoral-edition-full-translation-patch/
Kutsujoku (Humiliation) is out http://www.bishop.jp/products/ktjk/index.html
Links: https://acgche.com/64650/ + Sofmap drama cd https://mega.nz/#!2y4A2TxI!RzEauBC2cP-GcjVexE8PQNn4Qw96OBxAaDLsXCJ8Hnw
Though I'm excited to see Akagi and Oonari getting dual spotlight again (two games in a row, makes you think they really did sign him on for the foreseeable future), I'm not seeing a milk on those nipples.
It's literally just a sketch, though.
▶ No.170602>>170604
>>170600 (OP)
Again, as the translator of the summary, that I could be wrong. The only thing I'm utterly sure about is the student being framed of the crime, the pink-hair having something to do with it, and that she has a perverted body
▶ No.170603>>170686
lat thread's scans of the new game
▶ No.170604>>170608
No we will trust that you are 100% accurate and if you get anything wrong of if we get heavily disappointed again we will hate you forever.
▶ No.170608>>170612
Thanks…well the Japanese threads say something similar. They even compared the girls to previous heroines and I was able to get some new info
Pink: Kasumi, Kaho (chronic masturbator) and a new teacher
Blue: Hatsune, Yuuri (Clueless about sex)
Blonde: Kaede, Shino, Kazuha (Milk tits) and english teacher
Silver: Naomi, Kaede (Emotionless) and the nurse
Brunette: Kurumi, Asahi (Loli with tits) and the gym teacher apparently
Once the bugbug new edition comes out, more things can become clear, as well as better translator can make things out better then I can
▶ No.170612>>171135
You're Aces, mate. This is the juice right here
Good to see a return of the chronic masturbator. That's gonna be a mess of fun. Also that the blond is an Eng teach with cow tits is beyond amazing.
Hopefully we get some ahegao previews since we got burned last time over the lack of post-break scenes. Mahiro-anon in particular got hit bad.
▶ No.170622
>>170600 (OP)
>making strong intelligent women turn into sluts
My hope lies in this hasty translation. Please actually mind break them this time Bishop.
Sidenote, the blonde makes my dick Jojo part 4.
▶ No.170631>>170684
>>170600 (OP)
>Sofmap drama CD
Hmm, excuse me, but what is a drama CD ? Extended audio only story I presume ?
▶ No.170649>>170686
Even Kutsujoku has mindbreak for most the girls (just late into the game instead of halfway point), so I don't think there's much to worry.
I remember tweets and such talking about how Kutsujoku was made with the goal of really driving home the whole humiliation and sadistic aspects, treating the girls as meat dolls and all that. So as long as this game isn't as focused on humiliation and degradation, it probably won't be like that.
One thing I do hope is a bit similar to kutsujoku is the sexual content, though. The harsher play Kutsujoku has was really a return to form after a string of more uninspired, playing it excessively safe games. And to have hardcore sex you don't really need to go all grimdark in the narrative, as many other Bishop games have harsher sex but aren't nowhere as bleak as Kutsujoku.
▶ No.170684
Audio-only, yes.
Typically it's either post-game story or just fun additional scenario content. More commonly it can be an alternate route altogether, like how the entire story is rewritten from head-to-toe with Kara no Shoujo's drama cd.
BISHOP decided to use drama cds as "What If" or "Vanilla" routes, so instead of hearing more post-break Ayana and Anju since we get so little of that in KTJK (literally just the very endings) you get to hear what it'd be like if you didn't use super powers to break them but fell in with them some other way. It's lame compared to having more post-break stuff but it's nice enough I suppose and it does confirm what is always true of every BISHOP girl in any BISHOP game - they are sluts.
In Anju's she gets hot for you after your graduation and teases you into having sex with her. She wants to "monopolize the protagonist" is what the sofmap description said, if I remember right. Basically just goes to show that if it wasn't for the superpower subjugation of the protag Anju would be sexually dominant like some horny MILF eating a shota. Even includes a brief prostate massage to get him back up again.
▶ No.170686>>170704 >>170960
>The harsher play
It's confirmed by that glimpse in the second pic, upper right >>170603 of her bent over the desk with her arms taped together that at least Blond Cow definitely has that harsh play that's typical of classic BISHOP, so I doubt they'll change that. They're even keeping the proper coloring, too.
>Even Kutsujoku has mindbreak for most the girls (just late into the game instead of halfway point)
That's the problem. We wouldn't have minded KTJK as much if
1. The protag wasn't a literal idiot and careless ass (the latter being pretty inconsistent because BISHOP can't bring themselves to write a genuinely reprehensible MC, only an annoying one)
2. The girls don't break until their last two scenes, if that.
And let's not even get into Mahiro.
I'd almost have paid money just to get the second half of KTJK where you get to have scenes of them fully broken. Almost. Thankfully BISHOP isn't as shyster as Waffle and don't sell DLC for a friggin visual novel . who even does that?
Anyway, I want a game exploding with ahegao and broken pleasure slaves where we get to actually revel in and enjoy the breaking scene and pregnancy confession scene. Ruining those two were chief among KTJK's "muh dark" garbage crimes. Have to skip over them just to enjoy it.so stupid
▶ No.170704>>170728
Kutsujoku does have some pretty good ahegao, just look at the OP pic.
I agree there should have been more, but that's a complaint I extend to most of modern Bishop. Ever since Mesu Kyoushi 4 (and obviously, with a few exceptions) ahegao has been restricted to post-break/retraining scenes. I miss games like SM or UK where every penetrative sex scene would be capped off with an ahegao. I think what little ahegao it had was still better than most of the ahegao after MK4.
▶ No.170708>>170728 >>170762
Okay I was able to make things out a bit better of the translation with a better japanese reader.
The protag being framed of the crime? That part is true.
However, the story is that when he was able to return back, the pink-head actually apologized to him for misunderstanding what happened and asked what she can do to make it up to him.
Well he did what all BISHOP protags would do (Not helped by the leverage of knowing the secret of her perverted body) and decided to take revenge on the school that framed him as well as the teacher he lusted for.
So pink hair isn't evil. Her character description made me confused since it called her harsh. But apparently its more because she wants her students to succeed and decided stern was the best method…still has a massively slutty body though
It's a shame though that we didn't have n evil pink-head…though if one of the other teachers was responsible, then that would make up for it.
Given that Pink-head is a slut, Blue is clueless, Blonde has milk tits…Yeah I think this game will have mindbreak. I hope we're just overreacting over Kutsojoku, and this game will be fine.
▶ No.170718>>170729
Oh, and can someone post an archive to the previous thread?
▶ No.170728
>most of the ahegao after MK4.
Well that's not really arguable considering the fewer and weaker ahegao we get, even with Oonari pulling overdrive with his fun melty mouth. I really just want more of that pleasure overload like you pointed out with each scene even pre-break.
The fun of KTJK's scenes (most of them) is that the girls are desperately trying to deny that they are enjoying it so it doesn't show in their face as heavily as in the retraining scenes but even then it's not as joyously wild as in the endings - mostly.
Hopefully they keep that to KTJK since it fits better despite still being a disappointment
>The protag being framed of the crime? That part is true.
>when he was able to return back, the pink-head actually apologized to him for misunderstanding what happened and asked what she can do to make it up to him.
Doesn't matter. It's a shame she won't be the villainess we hoped for, since we really need a return of those, but at least the protag has a reason to do what he does. You don't just ruin a guy's life and go "Oopsy".
>It's a shame though that we didn't have n evil pink-head…though if one of the other teachers was responsible, then that would make up for it.
I won't get my hopes any higher than this info already's made them but agreed. Absolutely agreed.
>Given that Pink-head is a slut, Blue is clueless, Blonde has milk tits…Yeah I think this game will have mindbreak. I hope we're just overreacting over Kutsojoku, and this game will be fine.
Well from what you've discerned over what they've given us this seems like EXACTLY the kind of classic BISHOP we've been pining for. Now all we need is ahegao and break confirmation.
▶ No.170729
>Oh, and can someone post an archive to the previous thread?
Gotcha covered https://archive.is/IDwiX
▶ No.170762
That's a bit disappointing, I was looking forward to a mean pink. Well I'm sure she'll still be fun, like Kasumi and Shion are with their pent up lewdness.
▶ No.170830>>170904 >>170908
And another thing. Apparently the title translate something like: Podium of Domination
Basically teacher's podium and all that stuff.
Again, this has good implication for a mindbreak game
▶ No.170904
>Podium of Domination
It's entirely promising, I'll say that. But we do still need screens before we can let the hype build again. If we get burned twice I don't even know man
Just gotta keep an eye out and see, though yeah, from title to titty this is looking promising
▶ No.170908
>tfw the second to last scene is the pregnant girl getting before class, calling an assembly, etc and getting railed as a public declaration of her servitude/adoration for her master
>tfw the ending is the guy gets kicked out for a second time but he brings one of his teachers along with him
Sort of a kamikaze bukkake
▶ No.170943>>170976
Been replaying Kutsojoku for Tomoe…God damn do I hate it! In a usual BISHOP story, Tomoe gets more and more perverted, steadily grows more attracted to the MC, enjoys getting pregnant…
But that's not here! She hates what being done to her body, becomes downright terrified of the MC at the end, and responded to her pregnancy how realistically one would. The fact that she gets all heart like in her endings is just hollow.
It shows pathetic this MC is. All the others MC eventually had their girls fall in love/lust with them over a rather short period of time if you go by one girls only (Two weeks top), but this guy could barely cause a reaction until it was too late for this game to redeem itself
I've been wanting to rant a bit, and seeing Tomoe crying for most of her h-scenes was what did it, since in a proper BISHOP game she would stop crying after the first training scene, and just kept on blushing instead.
And I usually enjoy BIshop girls crying since I know they will eventually become a slut. But in this game it is just hollow
▶ No.170960
… is it wrong that complete orgasms so intense that they cause mind obliteration brain seizures are my fetish
▶ No.170976>>170979 >>172815 >>174604
Yeah, that's why KTJK sucks overall, and the real nail in the coffin was ruining the submission scene and pregnancy confession. Ruining those and making a game supposedly about humiliation more focused on fear because "muh dark" was a stupid decision, and we all hope the next game will be the proper return to form.
That being said, let me see if I can help you enjoy KTJK a little bit since it's not entirely trash to its core. Yeah some routes are better than others, clearly a mark of the different writers for the girls I'd say, but there is a common theme throughout of the girls actually enjoying the painful pleasure abuse but desperately trying to deny it. This is what I meant by "enjoying KTJK means having to go through a scooby mystery" in a previous post. Let me show you how to investigate--
1. The first thing you need to notice is the 'bouncing screen effect and the white flash effect. Now, in classic BISHOP works we'd have a picture of the girl's face flash in front of the screen to show how they're getting off to what's happening, even Shino in MK3 despite her blood-curdling cries has this effect, signifying how she came. Remember Yuuna from Sansha Mendan and how that first scene looked the most like a genuine rape…only for it to be later revealed she actually liked it the whole time?
We don't get that with KTJK because "muh dark" but BISHOP couldn't go all the way with that, settling for some weird spot between trash and good ol' BISHOP which leaves everyone hardly satisfied, hence the lack of proper mind-break until the very end. An anon gave a great post about this in the last thread if you want a look.
Anyway, you don't get the fun of classic BISHOP but fun is still able to be had despite the "muh dark" and carrot juice faggot protag, you just gotta look for it.
The screen flashing white indicates orgasm or intense sexual pleasure spike whereas the screen bouncing effect signifying impact, however in KTJK this effect doubles as the female orgasm sign.
>inb4 but the narration doesn't always say that
The narration is from a protag so stupid he thought the juice coming from Anju's crotch was just sweat even after licking it and only later does he realize she was lying. Dude's so stupid he can't even work with her measurements and tells her to say them in centimeters to make it easier for him.
He's not exactly the most reliable narrator.
Look at webm related and notice how in Anju's scene the screen effect doesn't occur the first time the protag cums inside her, yet it does when he cums inside the second time. Notice also how in the second ejaculation and into the third her face shows the pleasure she's trying to deny. Tomoe screen-bounces from the get-go despite her crying and whimpering, which means what?
Lots of anons thought that the hearts in dialogue mean something but it doesn't in KTJK since the narration keeps telling you it's all a put-on. However, as I said, the narration's insight is inconsistent, just like the protagonist who, despite being an irredeemable whiny Supreme Gentleman sometimes shows signs of being the classic BISHOP protagonist (I've mentioned this before) - though rarely and not in those two great BISHOP moments I mentioned earlier which they moronically ruined for their "muh dark".
Once you realize that the girls are indeed "IKU IKU IKUUUUU~" but orgasming against their will, not wanting to accept the pleasure they're deriving from the protag's cruelty, you start to recognize that the fear aspect is merely half the story. Yes, they're afraid and so they start to play-act as his slaves, however they also are "killing their heart" over the internal conflict of thrilling in the pleasure while hating it. There's a quiet fleshly schizophrenia that's really sexy in KTJK but you don't recognize it unless you pay attention and look under the "muh dark" hood of this shabby car.
▶ No.170979
Lastly is the dialogue and voice acting. This is pretty easy since you can hear the difference in their voices from when they're just being raped or frightened and when they start to get that sweet, sweet hot breath of passion. These seiyuu are big time vets and they pulled this off perfectly. You can really tell when they're putting up a forced smile and when they're actually starting to degrade because their bodies are getting so hooked on it.
Lots of us thought KTJK was going to be about the girls' bodies being enslaved before their minds since the protag's power was the inverse of the usual saimin/hypnotism schtick. In a sense it's obvious that's what BISHOP intended and it shows.
Maybe they changed their minds or there were too many cooks over the pot, but somehow this humiliation game took on a fear and muh darkness, muh misery theme - or perhaps that's what they always intended - and so the idea of the girls at all being broken before the ending (as is hinted at in the preview video of the game where their gem hearts shatter right at the very end and the repeated "she's killing her heart" line in the game). Whatever the reason, the idea that the girls begin to submit physically before submitting in their heart is still present and it's the main cause as to why there isn't way more super-power usage as the routes progress. Yes, fear has to do with that but also that they begin to submit themselves against their will.
Maybe another the reason they chose to implement this thing of being frightened and scared is because they couldn't think of another way the girls would physically submit themselves without also submitting in their heart. Who knows? Point is, at the end of the day the girls do enjoy it (well…most of them) and their struggle to deny this is very clear.
If the protag wasn't beastly but as verbally slick as the previous MCs maybe he could have broken them like usual but that'd be against the overall muh dark and slooooOOOOOOoow degradation theme of the game.
So to summarize:
- Girls orgasm like sluts over being used like dolls and being forced, but they don't want to accept the pleasure so they start a conflict with their bodies and their hearts that doesn't end until the last scenes of the game.
- Protag is a literal idiot; don't always take what he says even in monologue at face value
- Protag is not entirely consistent with the "entitled Ellio Roger faggot" characterization and sometimes shows consideration for the girl - though VERY, VERY rarely (although his fascination in making them orgasm is pretty neat and not entirely expected of a selfish douche who'd demand they use onahole lube to wet their slits because he's horny and doesn't want to waste time with foreplay)
- Girls are genuinely terrified and burdened and can even become depressed, but that doesn't remove the internal struggle or negate the fierce orgasms they have which often knock them into muttering messes on the floor
Once you realize at least this much you'll be able to salvage quite a bit of fun from KTJK - mostly.
▶ No.170990
Before anyone says anything, I already know why the pregnancy confession scene and the submission scene (where they accept their Master and being slaves) are ruined. They happen too early and the girls aren't broken yet
doesn't change how crap it is
▶ No.171112>>171115 >>171135
Honestly at this point I'm just tired of this thread incessant bitching about this game.
I get it, you don't like it and you've already made all your reasons pretty clear over the months.
Do you guys still need to be in autistic seething rage mode months after still repeating the same thing about how the game is NOT MUH?
I have gripes with KTJK myself, but goddamn it's just tiresome at this point.
▶ No.171115
Sorry, sorry. Let's just hype up for the next game instead
▶ No.171122>>171170
I think it just boils down to a very simple fact - enjoying Kutsujoku rides a lot on how much one enjoys sadism and more extreme dominance.
A lot of complaints I see thrown around are for people who enjoy more reciprocity. More corruption than mindbreak I'd say, the girl seeking pleasure on her own after being forcefully fed a taste of it instead of her being literally broken and remodeled into someone who seeks pleasure. Bishop tends to have elements of both (Ootsu even talked on twitter about how between him and another writer there's one who likes the girls "becoming chairs for the protagonist to sit on" and other who likes more lovey scenarios. This was way before KTJK was even announced), but leans more towards corruption. There's still a mindbreak element but it's not as strong, by the moment we reach what we call the "break scene" the girl has already accepted pleasure and just needs a final push into accepting her subservience.
Kutsujoku is firmly on rape and mindbreak territory, the girls are abused to the point of breaking, they aren't given the option to seek pleasure in their own because the protagonist is in complete control of them (literally, in this case, due to the body manipulation), so instead of a gradual change of heart, they are just pushed to a literal breaking point where the pleasure takes over.
I enjoy both approaches so I don't really have a problem with Kutsujoku's tone or pacing. Even more so since we also have games like Shura no Chikando in the past where the breaking element is completely absent, and others like MK3 where it's really light. So I don't mind a swing in the other direction either. As long as these titles leaning more towards one side or the other are intertwined by ones that strike a better balance.
My problems with Kutsujoku basically amount to not liking the protagonist very much, I prefer the ones that are more mustache twirling, over the top schemmers like Reiji, the MK protagonists save for 3, and Ryou. Actually I think if the protagonist of this game wasn't as bitchy and entitled a lot of people would have an easier time with it. You can have a sadistic protagonist without devolving into /r9k/.
And I'd prefer it the game had more post-break content to have better grounds to see the heroine's change. The one or two scenes in the end are too little
But that's the extent of problems I have with it. The art is gorgeous, the voice acting and music are also pretty good and as I said I enjoy both corruption with the girl seeking pleasure on her own and seeing them completley dominated.
▶ No.171135>>171170 >>171200 >>171206
Nah i will voice my anger at that game as much as i want.
Just look at this shit >>170612, this is Mahiro's
non pregnant ending. This is not arousing, this is not sexy, this not a fucking BISHOP ending at all. Pregnant is as bad where Mahiro gets tortured every day as protag has a chest full of things to torture her with. And why? Just because she,reasonably, told Ayana he is a lost cause and made Ayana reveal her true motives. Why not threat Ayana, the one that literally caused his mental breakdown, as harsh? Becuase of BS, thats it.
I know many people complain about BISHOP being pretty formulaic but thats their freaking appeal! Familiarity! They literally are the only ones that makes quality corruption games that arent about turning girls into a bunch of dudes cumdump. Like can anyone even mention a corruption game in the same style as BISHOP? Those are barely made.
So fuck this "lets move on", i wont fucking move on until their next game is an actual classic corruption game!
▶ No.171170>>171172 >>171207
Well feel free to be angry as much as you want then. It would be hypocritical to say otherwise because I used to be this way towards MK3.
Also while I agree Bishop has an identity for their corruption games, I don't mind some experimentation, as I said here >>171122
>we also have games like Shura no Chikando in the past where the breaking element is completely absent, and others like MK3 where it's really light. So I don't mind a swing in the other direction either. As long as these titles leaning more towards one side or the other are intertwined by ones that strike a better balance.
Also about games similar to Bishop, while there aren't any exactly like it I I think there are companies (and individual games from otherwise diverse companies) that do hit similar notes to Bishop. Lune, for one. While not all their games have this corruption element to them, they're frequent enough. It's true that I don't remember any other companies tht do this frequently, but I sure do remember individual games.
https://vndb.org/v20603 from Witchflame is an example, the protagonist has an ability that makes the girls turned on and obedient to him the longer they stay around him. So he invites a lot of women to an insland and proceeds to make them slaves. I think https://vndb.org/v18942 has a similar feel to it but I never played it.
POISON is not a company you'll enjoy in general, because they have some gangbang situations, but their debut game https://vndb.org/v6762 is MC only. Also https://vndb.org/v19600 is also protagonist only and has somewhat slowburn corruption. However those games being hypnosis focused don't have as much in the way of the girls resisting. Even if they hate the protagonist initially (in W Saimin they do, in Oyako not), they are entranced when they fuck the first few times, before changes to their sexual desires and opinion on him start sticking.
On the topic of hypnosis, Fudegaki also has games with protagonist only focus like https://vndb.org/v15873 and https://vndb.org/v20681 and it's sequels.
Before you point out the obvious, they aren't the same as Bishop but they feel similar (especially the ones that don't involve mind control, for obvious reasons. The MC ones still do a similar thing with how the girl progress but mind control is different than mindbreak). I still prefer Bishop to any of these, but it's not like Bishop is a complete unicorn when it comes to corruption.
▶ No.171172>>171206
Oh, there's also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQdCtnqDmBs which is coming out this month. While it's also a hypnosis game, it seems the main point is using hypnosis to make the girls seek pleasure and seek the protagonist on their own, discovering their own inner lust. They even use similar terms like saying the girls will become "slaves to the pleasure", the protagonist has an assistant who is also his slave, that sort of thing. And at least from what was said in their campaign, there doesn't seem to be any sharing going on either.
This is one of the games I have the highest expectations of being similar to Bishop (despite the art, obviously, not being as good), but I will only be able to tell for sure when it comes out. Could be that their campaign sounds better than what they actually do on the game. A lot of it sure does sound like something from Bishop or Lune to me.
▶ No.171200
>this is Mahiro's non pregnant ending.
Actually I'm pretty sure that's the pregnancy ending but she's given birth already. She actually likes it there but they didn't give her ahegao until she orgasms later.
But yeah the non-pregnant ending isn't so good
▶ No.171206>>171237
>ヒトヅマサイミンカウンセリング Hitozuma Saimin Counseling
It seems interesting but Interheart games are usually pretty short since most of the scenes involve move animations. It'd be nice to get another game like Kyonyuu Saimin 2 where you get the choice of being an evil villain or a nice guy (despite the whole "hypnotism sex" thing).
One of those ones you mentioned was hilarious with the amount of inbreeding it has due to parallel universe shenanigans.
>母娘催眠~オヤコサイミン~ Oyako Saimin
Seems neat. It's old but the artwork doesn't look bad despite the age.
Those Fudegaki games are pretty weak tho Looked at them a while back in galleries and eh
I'd prefer carrot juice to second pic related anyday honestly
I think others in these BISHOP generals are used to such a higher quality in art, effect and writing that it'd be kinda hard to go into these games. It'd be for me, though I'm curious about the Interheart one.
Good try for reccommends thou
>So fuck this "lets move on", i wont fucking move on until their next game is an actual classic corruption game!
relax Shihai no Kyoudan is probably gonna be a lot better just from what we know already the protagonist actually has a reason to do what he does so he's probably not gonna be a faggo
what anons want is sexual pleasure overload, utter devistation, then for them to become love slaves not just sex slaves and for it to happen partway into the story not at the very end and since even Nips mentioned that aspect as disappointing I think BISHOPs listened
▶ No.171207>>171225
You must be trolling anon
There's no way something with a scene like this is similar to a BISHOP game
▶ No.171225>>171236
True enough. I had forgotten how hardcore the principal and daughter route was. It was my least favorite I basically never revisited.
Ignore this recommendation then, or at least stay away from that route.
▶ No.171236
That's alright it happens. Kinda funny how we just ignore routes we hate and when we look back we're like "Oh wait yeah that was in the game too wasn't it?"
Kinda like that one really boring stretch of a vidya your mind blocks out until you replay it and groan as it all comes back to you lol
▶ No.171237>>171244
>It'd be nice to get another game like Kyonyuu Saimin 2 where you get the choice of being an evil villain or a nice guy (despite the whole "hypnotism sex" thing).
Some of the writers/directors at Lune like that kind of stuff, though they don't do it all the time. The Princess Saimin game they released recently have alternate endings for all heroines, one where it becomes more loving and one where it's full on slave, with the girls locked away in basements and such.
I haven't played Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin but according to >>142808 it's like that as well.
I also which it was more common, it's nice tosee the relationships develop differently, though I almost always end up going evil route (unless the evil route devolves into guro or ryona, not fond of that kind of thing). Don't think it will be the case with this Interheart game though.
>It seems interesting but Interheart games are usually pretty short since most of the scenes involve move animations.
I never played anything from them, that's a shame, That's the downside of having animations, the games always end up shorter. Still curious though, the writer for that game never was the main writer of anything so I'm more curious to see what he does with the concept.
>Those Fudegaki games are pretty weak tho Looked at them a while back in galleries and eh
I quite like Saiminbo, but most Fudegaki fans don't like this game for whatever reason. Maybe it's because it isn't as focused on hypnosis as the other works from them.
And yeah at the end of the day Bishop wins for production values alone - unless we're talking about something like Shura no Chikando which doesn't have art as good.
Even the games I'm not that fond of like Mesu Kyoushi 3 have such great art and voice acting it's still worth going back to play at least a few scenes to me.
▶ No.171244>>171305
Yeah I hope Lune does more of that from now on. The "vanilla" elf forest was fun but more player input is better. It's something I missed from KTJK. Yeah collecting items to unlock certain scenes could be tedious to some but that coupled with the option to finish inside or bukakke, the more pre-MK4 mechanics, made it feel less like a straight job and more like a proper game.
You DO get the option of a non-preg or preg ending depending on whether or not you go through with the breeding training to the end, though, so there was that. I'd still like more of the old mechanics (without the time-wasting "semen build up" thing from UK which I'll admit made getting the harem ending more of a pain than pleasure because of time management) in the new title coming July.
Hopefully we get more options in the next game without sacrificing the re-implementation of preg or non-preg ends.
>Princess Saimin game they released recently have alternate endings for all heroines, one where it becomes more loving and one where it's full on slave, with the girls locked away in basements and such.
I didn't know that. Makes me almost want to try it again. I thought the stuff with the mother was weaker than it could have been which miffed me. Tried getting into it but I didn't like the near lack of choices and how the girls' routes were locked out until you visited another girl before you could continue them. Then again, I'm an anon who likes sameness with certain mechanics so changing it up like that bugs me.
Also who's bright idea was the strap-on stuff? dude
But yeah that duality is always the most fun and I wish more devs did it. Imagine a game as long as any BISHOP title with that kind of option? That'd be crazy, though I doubt they'd ever do that. In Kyonyuu Daikazoku Saimin Lune worked with only one artist. I can't imagine the logistical nightmare of doing the same thing with multiple artists.
▶ No.171305>>171311 >>172768 >>172842
I miss the unique mechanics older Bishop games used to have too. I even like UK's build up system because it encourages the player to do the teasing events which give a really nice look on the process of corruption of the girls. It does involve a bit of saving and loading to always do the event that will rise the level by 2 instead of 1, but nothing major.
Preg and non-preg endings are a nice thing to have too, I really liked it in Chijoku no Seifuku and Kuro no Kyoushitsu. It's a nice incentive to replay and to use the "cum outside" option at all. I never use it otherwise.
And yeah Lune can keep better thematic cohesion in their games because it's usually one artist and a smaller writing team, while Bishop often has completely different people working on each route.
Here's a comparison of the endings of Kyonyuu Princess Saimin in the same vein of your Anju picture. Slave ending on top and lover ending on bottom. The slave endings aren't excessively dark, it is Lune after all, but the girls are broken and only think about pleasure and the protagonist treats them as his possessions and slaves to satiate lust, while in the lover ends, though they were still brainwashed, the protagonist grew to love them and kept them as a functioning person, just madly in love with him.
▶ No.171311
Man, maybe I should replay it. That's crazy different between them and I like that.
Is there a walkthrough or something, though? Because stumbling from one girl to another still bugs me.
>It's a nice incentive to replay and to use the "cum outside" option at all. I never use it otherwise.
EXACTLY! And is it just me or is it even more satisfying to finish inside when you have the option to finish outside, too? Even in a game like Sansha Mendan where inside/outside doesn't really effect anything there's just something neat about getting the option and you purposely choosing the inside option.
Though yeah actually having it affect the girl's route is best.
>Kuro no Kyoushitsu
Is that the game where they first implemented the setting lighting on the character sprites, where they're dark if the setting is dark and lighter in the daylight? Man what a great addition I'm glad they kept.
In contrast I don't really get the hot-breath option, even though I only realized I could turn it off afterwards since I saw the CGs on ehentai with them. I mean I get what they're supposed to be, further evidence of the girls getting so sexually heated you can see their breath in that anime style way, but when the artwork is so good it just dampens the little details.
▶ No.171507>>171536 >>171558
You know, despite my disdain for Kutsojoku, there is a lot of things I wish they keep in it for future BISHOP games.
I wish they'd keep the coloring, Akagi Rio, the cum inside x-ray…we already know they're keeping the coloring and Akagi Rio, and I hope they keep the x-ray, those were hot.
The next game just can have everything the Kutsojoku have…except for the MC and the lack of mind break. Other then that, it would be perfect
Side note, what special power do you think the MC has? He's not a teacher, so he can't do the sexual training gimmick the gym teachers from KS, KNK, and KJ had. Most of the student MCs have something up with their dicks, with MK1/MK2 semen milk, MK3 dick growth, SM womb pierce, Gakuen 3 cum inflations, The only exception is MK4, but he was practically trained all his life for being a BISHOP protag so he doesn't count.
Personally I'm hoping for it to be like CNS, where they reveal some detail, only to reveal in one of the cgs, that the MC has cum inflation. It's been a while for it
▶ No.171536>>171538 >>171560
Mk4's protag really didn't have any special ability, huh. He was very sexually experienced though. It made him know all the right buttons to push to make a girl feel good from sex, so much they were always gauranteed to orgasm from it. In that way his 'power' is probably the most 'realistic' and conventional one. It is all skill and experience in being a lady pleaser. I wouls outright say he is the most 'female friendly' if he didn't rape the girls, cause he almost always seeks to get the girls off first over himself. He is not sexually selfish and relishes in their own pleasure from the acts.
▶ No.171538
Yeah that's true, but to quote my comment 'Only exception is MK4'
▶ No.171558
Cum inflation would be killer IF we also get more than one pregnant scene (or one scene with multiple CGs, like in KTJK and earlier BISHOP titles). I don't want this UK-teir "well they look pregnant anyway so just do one scene at the end".
But yeah, good ol' semen-inflation would be great. If we already have Cow Tits returning then maybe we'll have that too, although in KTJK there were a few brief glimpses of the protag jamming their wombs, replete with the screen shake and the same sound effect, so they might do womb piercing again since it's less costly on the CGs and doesn't require more of them.
I'd prefer the inflation, though, since if it's womb piercing again I'd just end up comparing the new guy to SM's protag and that wouldn't be fair to him.
▶ No.171560>>171627
MK4's protag was clearly a gray area common ground between MK3's lighter side (where the protag even accidentally confesses to Yoshii how he doesn't want to just sit around and let her do all the work because he's anxious about potentially not getting to rape her again, which makes her blush) and more classic BISHOP protags. He didn't have a unique power but that whole bit of him being a villain only because he was literally raised to be one and yet secretly wanting a family of his own - which he gets in the end no matter which girl he chooses, especially Maki where he gets married to her, moves somewhere in the boonies and knocks her up a second time, though still keeping her as his slave wife.
A return to that sort of ideal with BISHOP protags is what we need. It doesn't need to be as light as MK3 (which really isn't light, it's just the girls get more agency once they're broken) but it does need that classic BISHOP-style MC who, once he's conquered a woman and broken her, he takes care of her as his pet love slave (or slave wife whatever; not all of them got married though).
More like that scene where SM's protag is bantering with Marika and then he pats her head and she gives this cute, utterly corrupted smile of satisfaction.
You know, that's rather what an anon said earlier, that it's not just mind break but corruption and how BISHOP girls are at their best when they become corrupted to the point of basically being yandere and would do anything for their master.
▶ No.171627>>171629
i wish more scenes like this, the subtle corruption to eventually turning them into private loving sluts, something KTJK lacked so much
Damn Marika made me so rock hard in SM
This better be in the next Bishop game (or at least something similar)
▶ No.171629>>171636
Anon why did you save that tiny pic?
▶ No.171633>>171634
Anyone know where you can find the latest bugbug?
▶ No.171634
No idea. I only found the ones a month late so no dice.
It'd help to get better scans of the previews for the new game but I think we've got all we're gonna get anyway
▶ No.171636>>171642
Error on the browser
The original was the old thread
▶ No.171712>>171738
In terms of picture yes, but not so in terms of words as its hard to read
▶ No.171714>>171729 >>171731 >>171738
Okay, this game will have four artists with Oonari working on 2 while Akagi, Tomoaki, and Umetori working on one each.
Oonari: Pink and Blue
Akagi: Blonde
Tomoaki: White/Silver/Purple (It's hard to tell)
Umetori: Brunette
▶ No.171729>>171731 >>171738
Blond : Akagi, of course
Pink : Uriri
Blue : Tomoaki
Silver : Oonari
Brunette : Uriri/Oonari? Oonari maybe
▶ No.171731>>171739
So many artists. I miss the days of Kagami doing most heroines with only a little backup from Kanami or Tomoaki.
▶ No.171738>>171759
Shame about the text being tiny, but YEAH BABY!
Look at that scene with the cow tits! Look at how the fingers sink into the skin as he presses the cheeks together, at how the shirt is stretched slightly from the waist because of the weight of the breasts on the table, at the angling of the hair and all that sweet, sweet color and shading!
Akagi's gonna make my new fave slavefu.
As for the other girls, I could have sword Oonari would be doing the red and blue hair, especially since the hairstyle and even the hair tie for the redhead is basically KTJK's Ayana.
But closer inspection of the faces makes me think Oonari is doing the redhead and the short stack.
You'll get your chance again, TrAnon. No worries. Get it? TrAnon - Translation Anon. I was gonna shorten that to "TransAnon" but considering the abuse of "trans" term these days…
Are you sure? Oonari is definitely Strawberry and Akagi is definitely Blond, but I think Short Stack's mouth in that handy scene is pretty Oonari to me.
I'd have guessed it was just Akagi (blond), the other artist for the kuudere nurse and Oonari for the other three.
Don't think I ever saw Uriri's work. Didn't know we'd have four artists instead of three.
Though if you've got almost one artist per-girl then I wonder what that'll turn out to in the end. Usually it'd have been Kagami with Oonari as back-up pro with a couple girls, but nearly one artist per girl? I don't know. It might require a bit too much micromanagement which would lead to potentially less scenes or variant scenes. We might not get preg/non-preg dual ending for each girl due to cost and time.
Or we might get even more dynamic scenes since the artist only has to focus on one girl. I have no idea.
▶ No.171739>>171741
Kanami did excellent touch-up work but I don't think Kanami did any girls wholesale. Wasn't it always just the dynamic duo of Kagami and Oonari?
▶ No.171740>>171762 >>171763
One of the neat things I like about Mesu Kyoushi 3 is that it felt like Kagami and Oonari swapped girls in the design phase, where Kagami made a girl with a more Oonari design aesthetic and Oonari made a typically more Kagami style girl.
▶ No.171741
Kanami did Hatsune and Narumi in Sansha Mendan.
▶ No.171759>>171769
Miho and Suzuno is Uriri's.
▶ No.171762>>171770 >>171814
Both of em are Oonari's.
▶ No.171763>>171770 >>171814
Both of those girls are oonari girls though.
▶ No.171769
I have hopes for the new game silver. Suzuno is one of my favorite heroines and i love how many shots of her showed her ass.
▶ No.171770>>171814
I think his point is that Oonari made one girl thats his usual style (Pink) and other that have a Kagami flair (Lina).
▶ No.171805
yep, that one.
One of my favourite scenes in SM
▶ No.171814>>171845
No anon I was just retarded lol
Still, it's what you said that Oonari gave one of his girls a more Kagami flair which was neat.
▶ No.171845>>171849
I guess Shino was the Oonari styled girl Kagami did right?
Her design doesnt exactly screams Kagami and when she isnt ahegaoing she looks like an Oonari girl.
▶ No.171849
Especially in a scene like this
Man, Shino was such a cutie cake
▶ No.171893>>171896 >>171901
What makes Shino look so different is that she has tareme style eyes. Typically Kagami girls have pretty sharp looking tsureme style eyes or hosome eyes. It is what gives them that 'resting bitch face' glare.
▶ No.171896
I think its also the way she dresses and her personality, when you look at her and compare her to Mifuyu there is a world of difference.
Also the fact that you never see her really really hate the MC like most BISHOP Kagami heroines do, even the calm ones tend to look despising the MC when he rapes but not Shino.
▶ No.171901>>171958
You got examples of this, dude? I'd like to have a graphic or something so maybe we can see where the personalities of the new girls will be going. or for reference
▶ No.171958>>172761
Well, using girls drawn by Oonari here, you've got tareme eyes on the left and tsurime eyes on the right. Tareme eyes slant outward, giving a softer look to the eyes, also making them look sort of droopy depending on the artist who draws them. Tsurime slant inward, giving them more of a glaring look. Both are generally unnatural looking eye shapes. Hosome is most 'natural' looking of the two, so basically middle ground.
▶ No.171975>>171977
Preview from BugBug twitter.
▶ No.171977>>171984 >>171996
Oh thank god, clearer words.
Well Pink and Blue are about the same. A nymphomaniac and a clueless chick
Blonde: A prideful english teacher who was born into money. Has everyone living in fear of her due to her high class and attitude. Has nothing but contempts for her tits which are as stated before, milk-filled
White: The cool stoic nurse of the school. A bit of an enigma amongst the students and staff, but is appreciated for her knowledge. Mentions something about her constitutions but I can't make out what.
Brown: The cheerful gym teacher of the school. Despite being childish in looks and personality, is a very talented athelete appreciated by the school. And despite her petite frame, she's more then admired for her ample chest.
So nothing new. I can't properly say what their names are, but at least we have the full shot now
▶ No.171984>>171989 >>171996 >>171997 >>172001 >>172761
I hate romanizing names but here you go.
▶ No.171989
Huh. The white-haired chick is named Anna…honestly I was expecting that to apply to Miria, but its still interesting. I just love how the brunette is named Moeka
▶ No.171996>>172000
>inb4, Miria voiced by Misonoo Mei.
▶ No.171997>>171999 >>172006
>Akagi Rio's new girl is "Matsubara"
>His last girl was "Matsuura"
I wonder if girls with "Matsu" in their surname will be his schtick.
Also, yeah "Miria"? Then again, it's BISHOP we're talking about.
>Miria Matsubara
>Anna Tsukioka
>Moeka Takizawa
lol the Short Stack's name is "Moeka" as in "Moe-ka" like "Moe?"
And Yeah Oonari is definitely on Strawberry duty, and pretty sure he's got Blueberry too.
>Kotomi Hanamori
>Risako Kashima
Kashima? That sounds familiar. And MAN is her buisness skirt absurdly short. Isn't she supposed to be the extra pure virgin this time around? And what's with her lazy untucked shirt? Surely she needs someone to teach her how to be more professional :^)
Anyway my biggest hype is for Miria and Kotomi. I really enjoyed Anju way too much despite the disappointment of KTJK so seeing another explosive body like that and with the promise of cow tits has got me saving my money. Plus it looks like Akagi's picked up that style of "resting bitch face" anon mentioned earlier so it should be fun. I mean just look at the way the kin puffs out over the tape binding her arms. This guy is a master of smaller details.
Kotomi is gonna be really interesting considering she's supposed to be a hard teacher but she's so cute, and ever since MK3 I've had a HUGE stocking kick so that's gonna be sweet.
Also the Nurse is tan, and all the way tan. I just realized that. Sign me up for that, too.
▶ No.171999>>172002
Moeka's not like a meme name or anything, real people share it down to a T ( https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/野崎萌香 ), but yeah it uses the same kanji characters as "moe" so they were probably going at least slightly for a "lolol this character is moe so her name is moeka".
▶ No.172000>>172009
I wouldn't mind it. She's a colossal vet seiyuu and she has the range, too. I still can't get over that these two had the same VA
Plus it'd feel like a superior Mahiro
▶ No.172001>>172007
You know, I thought the Anna had the standard pants, shirt, and jacket, but now that I take a closer look, It's a short white dress (And I do mean short) covered in some sort of black covering topped with white jacket.
Well she just keeps getting hotter
▶ No.172002
Oh okay, thanks TripsAnon.
heh At least I wasn't totally off.
▶ No.172006>>172012
You're probably thinking of Kashima from Nozaki-kun. They both have blue hair as well, so there's that
▶ No.172007>>172034
Actually anon it's even more stylish than that. Look at this! She's like something out of a (good) JRPG! Anna's looking even more interesting than we first thought.
▶ No.172009>>172012
I wouldn't mind too, but, she's voicing too many BISHOP heroines in small span.
I hope they get mix of new VAs and veteran VAs.
▶ No.172012
Oh yeah, maybe. Could've sworn we had a Kashima in another game, though
>I hope they get mix of new VAs and veteran VAs.
That would definitely be ideal
▶ No.172034>>172036 >>172122
Is she the first BISHOP heroine to have a western name?
Aniways im glad we are getting a dark skinned heroine again, Chisato is one of my favorite so im glad that i get to corrupt another tanned heroine.
▶ No.172036
>Is she the first BISHOP heroine to have a western name?
Nope, BISHOP already have many heroines with western name.
▶ No.172122
No we've had Western named heroines before, often English teachers or foreign exchange or something.
Though yeah, while I prefer light skin it's nice to have the variety and if she was designed to be tan from the start then it doesn't feel awkward. KTJK's odd inclusion of dark skinned sprites didn't make sense to me. Why would anyone want a dark skinned Anju, Ayana or especially Aika? It's weird.
But maybe that inclusion was just BISHOP testing out the dark skinned coloring again. Who knows? I just really like how uniquely she's dressed. Body types are most important but I do miss the more unique attire designs we would have on occasion (Anju dressing like a slut was alright but I mean the kinda stuff we see with Anna)
▶ No.172258>>172289 >>172433 >>172471 >>172635
If you were making your own Bishop schools with you as a protag, which girls would you pick? I'd limit to one girl per game and make teachers and students separate.
In case you don't understand, here's my take (I decided on 5 girls as my limit and with different colors to boot!)
▶ No.172289
Well I'd definitely have young Asagi Tsubaki (although I'd add in Saori, too, if not for the "one girl per" rule)
I'd probably have Tomoe or Anju from KTJK, honestly. Maki from MK4 -- oh, but Sayuri!
C-COME ON, ANON! Don't make me choose! I usually go with two faves per game and that's killin me lol
▶ No.172433
The limitations of one girl per game for some unusual choices.
Kazuha, Tsubaki, Shizuka, Sasthi, Kiyoka.
Aina, Saya, Naomi, Maki, Kurumi.
I'm a bit salty I can't pick Akemi because she doesn't fit in either group.
▶ No.172471
Mahiro (If the protag is not a faggot like her game's)
Makino (If the protag isnt a cuck like UK).
▶ No.172592>>172635 >>172738 >>172754
I just love Tsubaki's design because of how its a carbon copy of Asagi.
It's for all those fans who want to finally exclusively have sex with Asagi and knock her up!
Sure it's rape, but considering Bishop's girl gets a caring master, a content life with him, having children and just having a content life…
Yeah, its practically vanilla by Lilith standard
▶ No.172635>>172754
I don't understand the appeal of Asagi. Her artist drew much better heroines and her voice acting is nothing special. Why do I see her getting mentioned from time to time on cuckchan?
--checks the voice actress and her work history–
--all she ever does is boring cuckshit–
Ooooh, now I get it. Just a bunch of usual cucks who are popularizing their fetish. Nevermind.
>If you were making your own Bishop schools with a protag?
The protagonist would be lot more villanous, and never be a cuck. If any man (or even groups of men) dares to touch his woman, the least he would do is curbstomp the fuckers and then force them to eat glass.
What annoys me about "dark" hentai is that writers can't tell the difference between writing cuckporn and writing an actual dark story.
Post last edited at
▶ No.172738>>172748 >>172756
>Sure it's rape, but considering Bishop's girl gets a caring master, a content life with him, having children and just having a content life…
Yeah the guy that gets one of his slaves get gangbanged sure its caring. The guy will whore Tsubaki out the moment it benefits him in some hard circumstance.
▶ No.172748>>172749 >>172756
Dude, that was one A: In Takako ending only, and
B: I can't help but wonder if people even bother to read that ending. It was pretty explicit about him doing that to test Takako loyalties and no indication that he will plan on doing it again. Sure I don't approve, but its something way too overblown by the others.
▶ No.172749
> It was pretty explicit about him doing that to test Takako loyalties
Doesnt sounds like something someone that is "caring" would do. Reiji will look after him above all else so the moment things gets hard and he can get away with it by trowing Tsubaki under the bus he will do it.
▶ No.172754
Asagi's appeal was in in her hips, breasts and face (and unique hair). Personality-wise she's pretty much Taki from Soul Calibur but with a bit of Bayonetta/Dante.
And yeah, Kagami has absolutely drawn better heroines - most of them being BISHOP girls imo
However, Tsubaki is more than just an Asagi clone. Her appeal is in her taciturn exterior hiding a very vulnerable and, unbeknownst to even herself, intensely slutty girl. Her "fear" of men, her renown skill with a bow, etc. She is pretty much what all anons expected a pre-demon young Asagi would be (long before the actual young Asagi).
Tsubaki is enjoyed for being Tsubaki, but there's also a possessive pleasure in having her appear and share some few traits with Asagi (and being so excellently voiced by Sayuri's VA if I recall), and it's that, despite the horrendous cuckoldry of Taimanin3, anons actually can in fact have their very own personal Asagi - replete with devoted sluttiness and perpetual impregnation.
It's like the anti-cuck. It's BISHOP.
As an anon said,
>It's for all those fans who want to finally exclusively have sex with Asagi and knock her up!
Considering also Asagi is the face of Lilith and Kagami's career it's like playing a JRPG and finding Saber or Mickey Mouse as a main party member. It's so bizarre and you can't believe it's legit, like some copyright demons are somehow blind to its existence. I don't know about that one, though, maybe it's just me.
Tsubaki's great in her own right, though. Don't let the fun "MY OWN ASAGI" bantz fool you.
And don't be such a dismissive fag, man.
>writers can't tell the difference between writing cuckporn and writing an actual dark story.
No, in Lilith's case they know the difference. It's just the company's been copped by a single director who has veered its lineage into hardcore violent cuckoldry with an evident malice towards readers or in the very least towards immersive reading.
▶ No.172756>>172762 >>173572
>Yeah the guy that gets one of his slaves get gangbanged sure its caring. The guy will whore Tsubaki out
What this faggotry again? Did you ever even play UK with all your complaining?
Not to mention >>172748 but you do realize he doesn't treat every girl with the same method, right? The difference between Tsubaki and Saori alone is massive.
You didn't like the gangbang? Neither did anyone else. Either ignore it like the hobo cum bukakke in SM or disregard the girl's route entirely. Or just don't play the game and choose a better one. You trying to transplant garbage onto the protagonist that doesn't exist even in that route, let alone any other route, is ridiculous.
Reiji's whole character motivation is finding the perfect slave to experience the ultimate pleasure. It's literally not remotely in his character to sell out or drop the "perfect" girl of his choice.
>but neither was the gangbang in character
And Ryou in SM didn't like younger girls and certainly didn't like letting his girl get smeared in a hobo's jizz, but each protagonist has some kind of one-off. That's all it is, a one-off.
Can we stop having this stupid cycle again? Every other thread it's "UK sucks and every girl in UK is gonna get gangfagged because Reiji did it that one time in that one route"
I don't even like UK half as much as MK3, 4 or SM and yet even I can't take it anymore
▶ No.172761
So, going by >>171984 we've got
Tsurime, even her preview H CG is straight up
tsurime, although her H CG is quite softer
quintessential tareme in face and "Awawawa~" reaction
And then there's Ayana Kotomi and Risako who, despite being tareme and tsurime respectively are said to have different personalities, with the latter being much more naive/innocent to sex and the former being Ayane Ayane dude it's Ayane just look look at her I can't unsee it
▶ No.172762>>172767
Getting a girl bathed in cum its not the same as letting random dudes fills a girl every hole as they pump semen inside her (Not to mention at least the hobos scene is thematic sue to her fetish unlike with Makino which just had no basis for it).
Also there is the harem route where every tidbit learned from the routes are joined in them. So yeah if he has no problems letting Makino get fucked by a bunch of guys (Which would be one of the traits he seeks in an slave as well) then he has no problem letting other girls get fucked by guys. If he does it to see if they are loyal then its a no brainer he will do it to see if the girls are willing to get fucked for his sake.
So yeah, at least in Asagi she is subject to all that because she is forced which is non canon and its not arranged by the guy she loves. So Reiji is pimping her ass.
▶ No.172767
>Getting a girl bathed in cum its not the same
No it's plenty the same, the only difference is the gravity of it. Sure it's more severe to get your ass blown out by a Berserk demon horse but that doesn't make fishlips here forcing his tongue in your colon any less fruity.
What I'm saying is, gangbangs are terrible and NTR in any form is worst, but though "hobo cum bukakke" is the least of these that doesn't make it any more tolerable. It might be more revolting to see the girl you like eating a man's rod but it's still sickening to see your girl wallowing in another dude's jizz.
>inb4 but Marika was a cumslut and SM protag did that to get off on her getting off
Doesn't make it better. Pretty much the same reasoning behind the gangbang in UK anyway.
ALL of this is secondary to the fact that Reiji handles each girl differently, however. He'd never unleash his full sadism on Tsubaki or the gym one like he does with Saori, for example.
>If he does it to see if they are loyal then its a no brainer he will do it to see if the girls
Alright, so since there's literally no evidence of this whatsoever (we're not playing by implied evidence rules like in Ochiru Hitozuma where no matter your choices it's implied the faggot MC tricks out his girls to his homeboys) we're just gonna agree to disagree with your head canon and move on, ay?
>So yeah, at least in Asagi
Anon no, just…come on.
▶ No.172768
not to derail but since the mc of that game reminded me of the mc of KTJK i just wanted tos ay that he had superpowers similar (well way stronger and superior) to KTJK's mc and you know what?
he used his control over the body to instigate a forced lactation in her physiology. he literally made a non-preg into a cow tits by his super power over her body's physiology
maybe if KTJK's protag wasn't an idiot we coulda had something cool like that
▶ No.172794>>172815 >>172929
I wonder why Bishop doesn't give their protagonists eyes by now. They have the ability to go into settings and change the CGs so they don't display pubic hair, hot breath, and even ahegao, but they don't have an option to have the protagonist's eyes show with an on/off option. I know its for self insert reasons, but I honestly prefer it when a character in the story is their own character with their own reasoning and motivations.
▶ No.172815>>172818
Oh wow, is this real? Oonari does amazing rough sketches and I gotta say these are pretty cool looking guys (though the left reminds me or Eren from AoT). I always prefer faceless protags for VNs but I wouldn't mind a one-off with a face like this.
Course that would mean having the other artists doing male faces and that's not a great idea since styles could change pretty hard.
Still really surprising. No-Face is best face, but if I had to see a face I'd prefer it to look like Oonari's faces.
Never knew the king of cute could make manly youths.
Their first school game has a guy with a face. After that they kept with No-Faces for the same reason that you can rename the character. Also it's just a funny trope I think.
>eyes show with an on/off option
It'd look terrible, mate, and I'll show you why - You see the webm here >>170976 ? Look at how stagnant the hot breath is despite all the movement of the bouncing CG. If they did that with eyes then the eyes would remain stiff while the head in the CG bounces about.
Most CG angles don't involved the MC's face since that would require a pulled-back shot instead of something more close and intimate. The times they do this is rare and fun, like with Reiji in UK grinning as he rails Saori in her dog suit in front of her father, but it's not very common.
Consider also that the masterful Akagi Rio, one of the few artists in BISHOP to ever show testicles, barely had even a grin on the protag's face. He literally had nothing but nose and a chin in most shots. This is the second problem: different artists.
If you had one artist, like Oonari, doing all the artwork then maybe it'd be alright but different artists would style different eyes. Sure it's the same type of eyes but it would always be in a different style, just like the difference between Kagami and Oonari's tsurime eyes. Same type, different style, and seeing the same face with a different style of eyes would be off-putting. They don't even do that with the girls (different artists, same girl).
And finally, even if they did that then there'd have to be an entire separate CG set without the eyes vs with the eyes, and unlike pubic hair the eyes would need more changes. Pubes, even fantastically drawn and detailed, are easy to add into/remove from existing CGs. Eyes? Eyes would require the MC's glasses to be lowered or his hair to be parted to show them, or else you get a pair of eyes constantly peeking through a veil of translucent hair, and that's just not done.
You can get one eye peeking through hair but the other side is often lifted or parted to reveal the other eye as well.
It'd be a pain the ass to make a whole other pair of CG sets with/without eyes on top of with/without pubes. That would be two sets per, which would be four whole CG sets per artist.
Now consider that Kagami apparently gets paid WAY too much for line art alone and imagine the cost of bringing him back for a game while asking for four whole CG sets per scene, and about 7-13 scenes per girl.
Honestly as much as I want Kagami back even just for one game I doubt he'll ever come back to his peak of SM again. You could feel it slip in MK4. Then he got sucked into the void of TABA and only recently might come up for air with TA:0 (which will no doubt be a cuck fest since it's got the same director as the worst of Lilith's stuff). But dude, can you imagine the absolute JUSTing BISHOP would get if they wanted him back for a project? Even just setting aside the eye thing, just with the variations we have now and everything. I think it's gonna be a long, long time before that ever happens.
>I honestly prefer it when a character in the story is their own character with their own reasoning and motivations.
Me, too, but you don't need eyes for that. These two protags
▶ No.172818>>172829 >>172830
Yeah, the left one is Eren.
>Course that would mean having the other artists doing male faces and that's not a great idea since styles could change pretty hard.
I already hating Akagi MC face in KTJK. He had no mouth, make me hate him more.
▶ No.172829
Eventually someone clued him in that the guy needs to have a mouth since he put a decent one in later on - at the end, which makes me think he was told to put in a mouth partway through development, like everyone just assumed he knew what "don't give him a face" actually meant until someone saw his linework and realized, "Oh no, he took it too literal"
, though yeah if there's one thing more distracting than a protag with eyes it's a protag with literally no face at all. lol
Oonari was on-point with the protag's face (a bit wonky with the thick brows peaking through but that's also a thing that's been done before I guess, it just looks needlessly tacked on here) but that's to be expected.
▶ No.172830
>He had no mouth, make me hate him more.
haha got a giggle
▶ No.172842>>172985
Oh hey, and check this out: the same VA who did Tomoe Grasshead in KTJK also did this one from >>171305
Man I'll never get over just how many of these vn seiyuu go between companies and games.
▶ No.172929>>172931
Because the protagonist's physical appearance is largely an aftertought. They often aren't even in the frame, at least not in a way that shows more than their hands and abs.
It's not just a matter of self-insertion but also of perspective and screen usage. The story is meant to be told from the protagonist's perspective. All non-sex scenes are first person from his perspective, he narrates everything, we get only his thought process. Even in sex scenes, where often the camera takes a third person perspective to show more interesting positions and show off the heroines more, the protagonist is still as out of the way as possible. And showing off the heroines is also why Bishop's, or most other hentai protagonists, don't have very clothing or hair, and don't have faces - they are not the focus of the scene, they aren't what the game is interested in exploring. From the visual standpoint, they are just there as a prop to enhance how hot the scene looks, which is why the places that get the most attention are the ones that will be involved in sexual activity. His character can be expressed plenty through text while the artist focuses solely on givin visual character to the girl.
▶ No.172931
>[…]most other hentai protagonists, don't have very clothing or hair,
don't have very elaborate or distinctive clothing or hair*
▶ No.172985>>173119
She is probably most well known from her role as Oboro from Lune's Evil Woman Executive.
▶ No.173119>>173151 >>173177
Any time I hear EWE I hear about Oboro, like she utterly stole the show in that game. I never played it myself but it does say something to her pedigree
On a similar note, Misonoo Mei did a role for Interheart glossy recently with another Lune artist (man this industry feels a bit incestuous lol) but I can't get that game working through VNR so I guess it's dead.
Guess that also means Hitozuma Saimin Counseling which was mentioned earlier is a bust-in-waiting.
Does anyone here play any game, let alone a BISHOP game, without reading the characters or story? It'd be like looking at CGs with some moaning audio and sfx. The context is important, right?
Glad bishop has not changed their engine and probably never will.
▶ No.173151>>173184
Probably because she DID steal the show. Check out this EWE popularity poll (click the yellow text, and keep in mind that this was before the Full Moon Knight expansion):
Oboro ranked first, with 591 votes.
▶ No.173177>>173178 >>173184 >>173186 >>173205 >>173254
I've had issues with Interheart titles in the past. Even currently with this one Interheart title I'm playing called 'Hara Katsu 2' I had text flooding until I had to use an old work around to avoid it.
If you're getting all text threads that just endless flood of text then you need to use AGTH with /x3. Then sift through the threads until you find one that is relatively usable.
▶ No.173178>>173184
Oh, also as the other mentioned, Oboro pretty much did steal the show. She's a really great character and her voice actress fit the bunny girl motif of Oboro perfectly.
▶ No.173184
I always use basic VNR or ITH with translation aggregator.
Haven't checked on AGTH though, and the kind of text flooding I get with ITH is just like a broken system speeding through schizophrenia
Seems like the ultimate tsuncutie. Maybe I'll check it out sometime considering everyone keeps shouting the accolades of this waifu
▶ No.173186>>173205 >>210257
▶ No.173205>>173418
Works like a charm! I forgot how useful this thing was. Shame it can't do Waffle but whatever.
Don't know what you meant by /x3 though. Just needed the /ks and /kf to get it to stop repeating like a nutter in a straight jacket.
▶ No.173254>>173266
I can confirm the text flood does happen with the trial for Hitozuma Saimin Counseling.
I tried VNR, ITH and Chiitrans. I'll try AGTH when the actual game comes out, though I don't even remember how it works.
What do you mean by using AGTH "with /x3"?
Speaking of VNR, what's the current state of it? I know the original servers are dead but months ago I heard it got a new one somewhere. Does it have a working server? I use VNR only for text hooking and text to speech so not having a working server largely doesn't affect me. But it is getting increasingly more obnoxious to get all text threads of newer games working, so if VNR is still being updated somewhere it would probably be helpful.
▶ No.173266
For the latest Skyhouse one you just needed to add /ks and /kr if I recall. It's in the guide https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/an-aero-gamers-guide-to-using-atlas/6/#AGTH
▶ No.173418>>210257
I didn't consider /ks or /kf to fix the issue. I'll give them a shot with Hara Katsu 2 and see how things turn out.
▶ No.173572>>173589 >>173717
Not that guy, but I never played UK because of it.
>but each protagonist has some kind of one-off. That's all it is, a one-off.
One-off? Do you really believe this shit?
From what I read on a different forum, another problem with UK is that the woman wanted it. She wanted the other men to fuck her, and her ending points out that she desires it again.
To me, the woman must make it clear that she doesn't want any other man. Otherwise, my dick goes limp and I lose interest.
>Either ignore it like the hobo cum bukakke in SM or disregard the girl's route entirely.
I never knew about the hobo part with Marika until the patch came out because I never played her route. I also hated when the protagonist threatens Hatsune: unless she obeys, he'll have other men fuck her. I know he's bullshitting to keep her under control, but it still gets on my nerves.
Since I discovered the hobo scene, I stopped playing SM entirely. Not sure if I'll ever play the visual novel again.
Is there any other BISHOP game where the protagonist threatens the women like with Hatsune? Does he do this in MK3 and MK4?
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▶ No.173589>>173861 >>173868
>Does he do this in MK3 and MK4?
Yeah but in both times it's exactly the same, where it is very clear he's bluffing. MK3 was kinda funny since she does it right in the middle of class, implying he's got numerous students lying in wait who'll gangrape Yoshi if she doesn't listen to him and follow him out the room - and she just does it. Hentai Logic. Fun stuff.
Each route of a VN is essentially its own pocket dimension, made all the more clear by how each one ends self-contained and often are written by different writers anyway.
Marika is the least worst and I like her so much I overlook that part (it's easier to do since the MC never lets them put it in, but it's still cuck trash to let them paint her in their semen just to watch her get off on semen showers since she's a literal cum slut).
The only thing that bothers me is when anons try to drag that one scene and repaint the whole VN because of it. Clearly they never actually played a cuck VN before.
If you're put off by it then just don't do it. I'm not giving up Mifuyu because her daughter's solo route has one utterly reprehensibly trash scene. Still, if you want to then go ahead I guess.
MK3 doesn't have any bad scenes whatsoever and probably would be more up your alley.
▶ No.173717>>173861
Well in MK4 the very reason Maki complies with the MC is that he will rape Yuuri and that he has allies that will help him do so (Which is obviously false since its a secret plan of his to get free from his uncle, Miyu is his only accomplice).
And yeah thats why i dont play UK, at least in SM there is no penetration. Fuck the cuck protagonist of that game.
Luckily after MK 3 success BISHOP dropped the shitty cuck scenes forever so its all good.
btw im glad that Quof got backlash for Sansha Mendan Hobo scene which basically shifted his plan to translate Ura Cuckyoushi to now translate MK 3 if he ever decides to translate another BISHOP game.
▶ No.173784>>173796
Well, personally I don't really care for Makino at all because I played UK for the teacher on students pairing, not the adult pairing. Besides, you have to rape all the schoolgirls atleast once to get Makino to show up and by then you might as well be doing her route while you're aiming for the harem route. She's an afterthought as far as I'm concerned. In regards to that, the actual schoolgirls are all great. Letting one heroine suddenly ruin the entire experience of the rest of the girls is incredibly thin-skinned.
▶ No.173796>>173802
There are shitton of games around so I refuse to play a game where a dude see that piece of work that is Makino and think "you know what? She needs other men dicks inside her!". I only cared for her and notAsagi so the game became worthless after knowing about the cuckshit.
Glad that MK3 success showed BISHOP that there is more money in not pandering to cucks.
▶ No.173802
That's a shame. Personally I enjoy age gap play that works on the male being older while the woman is younger, so UK had that appeal going for it over the other titles, leaving Makino as the black sheep out of the cast. The other titles that have done older male x younger girl age gap in their recent titles don't do belly inflation like UK did either. Well, except for Hina from CnS, which was part of what made her route so fun.
▶ No.173861>>174044
I don't remember that happening in MK3. For real?
I don't remember the MC threatening any other girl like this. Been a long time since I played.
As for MK4, the protagonist doesn't do this. He threatens Maki that he will attack Yuuri himself, and he bluffs about having other accomplices like Miyu (not necessarily other men). And he also points out something about his uncle (because his uncle owns the school) and using his power to destroy her if she refuses. There's nothing about allowing other men to have her.
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▶ No.173868>>174041 >>174044
>I'm not giving up Mifuyu
Shame, because I do. I don't like that Mifuyu is married. Too bad, because she's one of the hottest hentai girls ever.
Why couldn't they just write her story about her being a widow? Or perhaps Marika being a bastard child and having a deadbeat dad? Mifuyu would then be perfect for my tastes.
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▶ No.174041>>174401
>I don't like that Mifuyu is married.
I didn't either until I realized her marriage was already dead and her husband probably had a side-girl or even another marriage overseas (I posted https://archive.is/IDwiX#selection-38425.0-38435.0 ). She comes with that only good kind of Netori, where the protag isn't just stealing a girl from her husband but essentially rescuing her from misery - only SM's protag doesn't really consider this since he's just hungry for that womb. lol
It's also rather funny how Mifuyu's bottomless lust for sex and affection keep the protag from chasing after other women and eventually convinces him to remain true to her since keeping up with her is already a full time job (I really like that the guy acts like a man, too, and goes for work instead of just feeding off the Kamijou estate). Guess Mifuyu finally got what she always wanted.
>Why couldn't they just write her story about her being a widow?
Because the appeal of her is that she's been thoroughly neglected by her absentee husband probably since Marika's conception, leaving her utterly starved for affection, which turned into severe sexual desperation and thus intensely sensitive.
This is why breaking her felt the least like a "break" of any BISHOP title, since she was already thrilled from the get-go. It's also what makes her so surprisingly cute, especially with the whole focus on interpreting her Master's actions as "love".
Making Mifuyu a widow wouldn't have that same appeal since she'd be sex-starved from a dead husband, not a neglectful one.
Or as a virgin she also would not be unique, since we already have Aina and Yuuna as the high-sexed buxom Christmas Cakes in the cast.
▶ No.174044>>174054
>I don't remember that happening in MK3. For real?
Yeah, because at one point Yoshi starts playing hard-to-get and actively teases the MC by talking to teachers, students, etc. in front of him to avoid having to listen to him (she also plays deaf when he's talking to her, pretending he's not even there, like some adorable overgrown kid). So he realizes that he needs to get her alone and convinces her that he's got goons in the class waiting for his signal (basically MK4's bluff with Maki and Yuuri) and once outside he jams it in her mouth.
Later on she does something like this again and he pretends to have a screaming pain, stomping his feet and holding his head as an act, and even the students suggest he's really ill, so Yoshi has to take him to the nurse's office.
Actually I forget if this happens before or after her playing hard-to-get. Either way yeah he does bluff her like that.
He's also the only MC to blurt out what amounts to a love confession, too, when they're about to see her secret informant about the incident and the MC forces her to bring him along because he's desperate over the possibility he won't be able to have sex with her anymore. Something like that, like "I want to do this because I don't want to give up taking you!" or something. Yoshi blushes and says she's happy to hear that. MC blushes, too.
Shino has something similar where the MC consoles her and tells her not to be afraid of her uncle, and she doesn't have to be afraid because she's his thing now, suggesting that she's safe so long as she belongs to him. She blushes, of course, and gets all hot.
If they do an immoral edition of MK3 it'd be great and Quof would easily have the best flawless reception with it because of moments like these - which exist because the MC isn't a typical BISHOP protag to begin with what with being the victim of a terrible crime where he's commanded to rape a girl at knife-point, losing his memory and thinking that's who he really is
What I can't get enough about Anju is her 100% cut virginity, utterly untouched in every regard. That scene with stealing her first kiss was straight Dio sexy. Shame KTJK sucks in so many regards, especially the protag. I hope one of the girls in the next game are as pure as Anju was, though considering that was a chief character trait they might not do that.
Mifuyu + Anju would = absolute primo best girl, so my hopes are on Miria being a totally virgin Mifuyu (no one can ever be Mifuyu again, like no one can ever be Aina or Marika, etc. but you know what I mean).
▶ No.174052>>174070
Well, given Aina and Yuuna seem like they're fresh out of teachers college, or atleast about a year, I would wager their ages to be 24~26. Here's the reasoning: They lack that mature air that Maki has from MK4, and Yuuri from that title is supposed to be about a year or two younger, she's very young, especially for a principal. Maki is confirmed 27. So I would wager the twins would be Yuuri's age range of around mid twenties rather than late twenties. I find it more hilarious to think that Yuuna probably graduated from TC, found a job at some school as an art teacher, and then pretty much got raped by one of the students all in the same year.
▶ No.174054>>174070
>He's also the only MC to blurt out what amounts to a love confession, too.
MK4 protag has a psuedo-confession to Miyu. It comes after Miyu asks him why he keeps on having sex with her when she was never one of the girls he intended to be part of his master plan, to which he replies like so:
Which causes her to blush and get all dere on him.
▶ No.174070>>174074 >>174128
Apparently KTJK ranked third highest in Bug Bug (I guess BugBug is the Famitsu of hentai VNs?)
I don't know what the numbers underneath are for but third highest for the year is pretty big.
This…This won't have an adverse effect on the upcoming game, right?
I forgot about that. Man, Miyu's route was so cash. Probably the greatest short stack of any game this side of her sister
That's some choice autism in detail, anon. As a fellow detail autist, I highly approve
▶ No.174071
>using the shot of Mahiro getting choked out
Literally any other CG would have been better
▶ No.174074>>174127 >>174128
アオイトリ being 1st comes as no surprise, honestly. Purple Soft usually has really nice colouring work in their CG ontop of Koku's nice artstyle.
▶ No.174127>>174430
Yeah their coloring is phenomenal and this artist is something else. I was never into the more moe style faces like he does and I didn't get into this game since I can't read Nip. I assumed it would be much more narrative and story heavy than a Lune or BISHOP game, something like Euphoria (but not gore) where the story actually matters, and VNR just isn't up to doing them justice.
Definitely earned the #1 spot, though it's great to see BISHOP got #3, firmly set in the top 5, the minute they went back to the proper coloring.
I think it bodes well for future releases like this. I doubt we'll be seeing a change in the coloring style for a long while yet.
▶ No.174128>>174146 >>174239
wait what's that one for #2? looks like a taimanin knock-off
▶ No.174146>>174239 >>174252
▶ No.174239>>174252
And for reference, the Beats Blade series predates the Taimanin series by several years.
▶ No.174252
No, of course I know about the Beat series. It's a classic, for what it's worth. I didn't really know that's what it was. Didn't know about this one, either, and wouldn't expect the artwork to land it a #2. Maybe I should check it out. Was that Haruka one any good? MangaGamer has it up in English. Then again, I never really thought much of the series to begin with since it's not my style, though yeah I know it.
▶ No.174338>>174395
Cover Image from Getchu page.
▶ No.174364>>174396
Also Houkago immoral editions is coming out (I wish they do HIme dorei but what you gonna do?)
▶ No.174395
I like it a lot, though I still think Miria's tits should be sagging a bit to give them more weight. Still, VERY nice!
▶ No.174396>>174468
>Houkago remaster
>not MK3
▶ No.174401>>174424
Conflict of perspectives. None of us will change our minds, but I'll leave my short point of view and move on..
>I didn't either until I realized her marriage was already dead and her husband probably had a side-girl or even another marriage overseas. She comes with that only good kind of Netori, where the protag isn't just stealing a girl from her husband but essentially rescuing her from misery
>Because the appeal of her is that she's been thoroughly neglected by her absentee husband probably since Marika's conception, leaving her utterly starved for affection, which turned into severe sexual desperation and thus intensely sensitive.
Shows that it was completely unnecessary for her story to be married. Even if there was no husband, she would still feel neglected, desperate and sex starved. Dead husband or deadbeat dad, she'd feel the same.
>Making Mifuyu a widow wouldn't have that same appeal since she'd be sex-starved from a dead husband, not a neglectful one.
I don't see the difference. She's neglected the same either way. It was completely unnecessary for her husband to be present in the story. He only gets mentioned very few times, the marriage is dead for both of them, he's almost completely ignored by both his wife and daughter.
I get your perspective, but to me it seems like the marriage was written to ruin her appeal.
▶ No.174424>>174435
>Dead husband or deadbeat dad
But one introduces a morose air since it follows in the shadow of a loss, mate. How do you not get this? The idea is to overrule her husband's place in her mind, not take up after him. We're breaking a girl (or in SM's case, bringing secret sluts to fully bloom). We're making ourselves her Master. That coming off the heels of a dead husband is not the same.
Think about that moment when she willingly submitted herself to the protag. She's the first to call herself all sorts of cow and desperate slut who wants younger, verile D. If I recall she's even the first to flaunt her adoration of the MC's dick over her husband's, just disparaging him as being pathetic and etc.
Can you imagine the difference in tone the scene would have coming off the loss of a husband (even if it was years ago)?
It's fun to have Mifuyu lift you up as her favorite darling Master who's dick is so much more superior than that pathetic husband - but it's not so fun if she'd be bad mouthing a corpse.
Either virgin or nothing. It's just really awkward otherwise no matter how they tried to spin it, since every time they brought up the husband it'd be with a deathly specter in the background rather than a faggot who's gonna have the best thing taken from him because he's a deadbeat (and probably cheating) faggot. The machismo is raw and uncut there for the MC, whereas with death it's kinda just uncomfortable.
So yeah, virgin or nothing, and since they wanted a Mother x Daughter route the virgin thing just wouldn't work.
But fair enough. Agree to disagree.
▶ No.174430>>174433 >>174481 >>174496 >>174617 >>175028
My impression was that Mifuyu was married to give netori appeal and heighten the perversion of her corruption. The husband has a low presence in the story, but he's referenced every now and again to create some netori context, like where Ryou teaches her to say "cock" instead of "penis" to establish himself as superior to her husband and so on.
Really, this core of this discussion is just that when it comes to fetishes, people care way too much about extremely minor details. Hot body? Check. Hot scenes? Check. Hot corruption? Check. Existence of an off-screen husband that gets referenced a few times? Ruined and unfappable. I understand why it can happen, the dick wants what the dick wants, but it's pretty funny nonetheless.
>flawless reception
MK3 is doomed to have mixed reception simply due to the Kagami art. There have been a truly stunning amount of people who have expressed their dislike for Kagami's art in SM. Not only that, but MK3 is pretty cowtit heavy, why I don't mind at all but it certainly pushes a fuckload of people away. That said, MK3 would definitely be the least controversial Bishop game. No Marika hobos, no UK gangbangs, etc. That said, it's still a 30,000+ line nukige and while SM is more controversial, I think SM is better overall, so I think they would both be equally popular, more or less.
I was reading MK3 recently. I'e been wavering a lot on whether I like UK more than MK3 or not. I like all six MK3 heroines a lot whereas I don't like Asami's route in UK at all and Takako's route kinda shits the bed near the end. UK is 10/10 for most of the game but semi-frequently dips down to 5/10-tier stuff whereas MK3 is a solid 8.5/10 throughout with there not being even a single scene I remember disliking. It's definitely a tough call. On a more meta level, MK3 handles bonus scenes better and has a lot of nifty bonuses like an achievement system, not to mention being widescreen which I really appreciate. On the other side, UK has the semen building mechanic which I think is pretty tedious.
Characters: 9/10
Ero: 8.5/10
"Gameplay": 10/10 (Thanks widescreen)
Characters: 10/10 without Asami, 8/10 with Asami
Ero: 9.5/10 (-0.5 for Asami and Takako ending)
"Gameplay": 8/10 (the semen is tedious but the groping adds a lot of welcome personality outside of sex scenes)
I made these two character ranking images because I wanted to go more into more detail for the "characters" sections, but figured a lot of people wouldn't recognize all the names without images to help. I threw in comments because why not. I think I might be autistic.
Anyway, I think UK wins out if we exclude Asami, but if we include her then MK3 wins out. Definitely no clear winner, they're both too good. Translation wise the existence of Takako's ending and Asami's group scenes really hurts things because even just Marika getting hobo'd was enough for me to receive close to a hundred distinct comments of "I was interested in this game but not anymore". I don't even want to know how much readership would be lost from a straight on gangbang.
Incidentally, for SM:
Characters:10/10 without Narumi, 9/10 with Narumi
Ero: 10/10 without Narumi, 9.5/10 with Narumi
"Gameplay": 9/10
SM is my favourite Bishop game and as far as I'm concerned its only flaw is Narumi. I have not fapped to a single Narumi scene in my life, and in fact, translating them was the first and last time I ever read them. Aina is a 11/10, Marika a 10/10, Mifuyu a 10/10, Yuuna a 10/10, Hatsune a 9/10, and Narumi a not-my-type out of 10 (objectively I would give her like a 9/10 for being entertaining and having nice scenes but my individual loathing for her would force an unfair like 4/10). Hatsune drags things down with her worse art and exhibitionism fetish, but she's sweet and corrupting her is nice.
Vol Edit: Don't namefag.
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▶ No.174433>>174617
Actually some slight changes to the MK3 scores. I was blinded by Yurika's pink hair to such an extent that I forgot I didn't like the maid stuff in her route and a few other things that prevent her from getting a perfect score. I also overrated Kurumi based on her personality despite generally preferring other body types/personalities. I would dock Lina down to 9.0 but that's mainly because of her art not her actual character (I wish she had been drawn by Kagami to give her a harder edge like Touko).
▶ No.174435>>174972
>The idea is to overrule her husband's place in her mind, not take up after him.
It can be argued that you do both in your route. She was neglected and MC was the one who filled up the void her husband was supposed to fill. You did take up after the husband by doing the work he was supposed to be doing in the first place.
In the widow story, it would be years since he died.
He's dead. Gone, and she moved on. The MC wouldn't be taking after him because he's no longer important. Time makes people get over their loss, and the loss would no longer be important. I also see the widow story as overruling her husband's place, not taking up after him.
>Think about that moment when she willingly submitted herself to the protag. She's the first to call herself all sorts of cow and desperate slut who wants younger, verile D. If I recall she's even the first to flaunt her adoration of the MC's dick over her husband's, just disparaging him as being pathetic and etc.
Is that what she's also going to say about the MC after they're married and things get difficult for both of them? She's married and she's cheating on her husband. I can't ignore this out of my head. Part of me seriously suspects that she might cheat on MC years later.
>Can you imagine the difference in tone the scene would have coming off the loss of a husband (even if it was years ago)? It's fun to have Mifuyu lift you up as her favorite darling Master who's dick is so much more superior than that pathetic husband - but it's not so fun if she'd be bad mouthing a corpse.
If Mifuyu's dead husband was a cheating scumbag who didn't care about her (which you seem to think that her current husband is), then I wouldn't mind. This would actually please me.
She doesn't have to be a widow, her former partner could be deadbeat or perhaps they were married but recently divorced. Either way works for me… except her still being married.
>It's just really awkward otherwise no matter how they tried to spin it
To me, it's very awkward and uncomfortable no matter what because she's still married. This is why I lose interest in her.
>But fair enough. Agree to disagree.
Yes. I get your point of view. I'm not saying you're wrong. You and I simply have different perspectives and tastes, and I'm fine with it. Agree to disagree.
▶ No.174449>>175140
Eh, it's a porn game. I think you have much great sensitivity to cheating than I do, so a small issue is blown out of proportion. Cheating is pretty bad in life, but this is just a game. I mean, if we're talking about nastiness, rape itself is absolutely horrific and has driven more than a few women to suicide. But despite that, you're honing in on the fact one of the heroines ends up cheating on her husband. Why is that? Well, it's just individual sensitivity. It's just a game. It's not real. Therefore, issues can easily be overlooked. However, if you're too sensitive about some issues, they become impossible to overlook. They get blown out of proportion, and suddenly a porn character having a husband that's referenced a few times for netori appeal is actually a symbol for cheating in general.
▶ No.174459>>174556 >>174604 >>194065
You all niggas are gay. Kutsujoku was the best shit ever. I love how the girls never actually liked you, they just sort of gave up resisting and became dead inside. Awesome.
▶ No.174468>>174470
Houkago's OVA was what got me into hentai, so I dont mind the idea of a remastered edition that works on modern machines.
▶ No.174470
Houkago got me into hentai too, so I'll take this.
▶ No.174481>>174485 >>174494
God that fucking sucks…people are bitching and moaning about seeing something they don't like to the point where the translator want to avoid backlash, seriously, fuck those people.
Here's a suggestion, why don't you put in a content warning? Like how one certain scene ending is like that.
I like to believe that the one who want the translation of UK are the silent majority.
But its still your choice, and if I have to deal with a bunch of morons bitching and moaning about something you did for so many months and efforts on your own free will, I wouldn't want to deal with it either
▶ No.174485>>174489
Bitching and moaning about other people who are bitching and moaning isn't the right way to deal with it.
Personally, I don't care what quof translates because I can't offer him any money. If I didn't have financial issues, I would request him to translate a non-BISHOP game.
It's his choice. If he wants to translate a game that would piss everyone off here except himself, he can do it. We have no decision over what he wants to do.
▶ No.174489>>174496
Yeah I know.
I don't mind what quof does. Like I said, if I had to deal with what he did, I'll be wary too. But dear god what did people expect?
▶ No.174494
Well when you translate shit for free with the intention that you want people to enjoy the TL then of course it stinks when people dont play it.
Fuck UK and its fans so im glad that Quof doesnt only take into account your run of the mill BISHOP fan reception alone.
▶ No.174496>>174557
If I were you, I wouldn't give a fuck about what others want.
>But dear god what did people expect?
To be honest, even I got annoyed when he cancelled his LC1 translation. Never ranted about it, because I understand the writing isn't great…but still annoyed because he raised my hope.
No matter what you choose to translate quof, you will anger plently of people no matter what. Choose whatever you will. If you want inputs from others, then read them and decide for yourself. Once you choose which project it will be, do not reveal the title until you have finished translating it.
▶ No.174552>>174554
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
OST-wise, I really love UK's default theme.
MK3 has some really good songs as well, but UK's main theme just really seems to strike that perfect note to match with the element of the game on a thematic level. Especially when you consider that one of the heroines is actually a pianist, then it starts to become almost symbolic.
Sage for repeat post.
▶ No.174554>>174555
Composer was Atelier Peach, by the way. Same guy responsible for Sansha Mendan's OST and (coincidentally enough) Lovely x Cation 2's OST.
▶ No.174555
Then again, they are basically a studio and not really a single person. But I would figure the main composers in the studio are the same people.
▶ No.174556>>174604
You're not wrong, by the way -- the actual porn in KTJK is fucking crazy good. I would give the title a legit 5/5 if it wasn't for the protagonist being a little faggot. So it ends up being a high quality 4/5.
▶ No.174557>>174559 >>174611
>No matter what you choose to translate quof, you will anger plently of people no matter what.
Everyone loves Lovely x Cation 2. Everyone! But really, it's only gangbangs/sharing/etc that is so universally reviled. I don't think anything else could possibly cause so much backlash in such high quantity. I'm not going to bend my back over to make everyone happy or anything, but if I'm wavering between two games and one is definitely going to get a lot of hate and backlash (for stuff I don't even like myself), I'll be leaning heavily towards picking the other.
That said, this is all mostly meaningless, because it'll be awhile before I have the time to even think about working on another Bishop title.
Also, LxC1 was probably the biggest mistake I've made and I offer no excuses. Definitely dropped the ball.
▶ No.174559>>174561 >>174566
Indeed you did considering you where very close to dropping Narumi and that was just one route the LxC 1 move was particularly bad.
I have seen some people actually liking Narumi and Hatsune so it would had been a disservice to ignore them (Specially since she is already corrupted she was unique in the cast).
▶ No.174561
Narumi's got her charms. I love her voice acting in particular but her artwork doesn't interest me much.
▶ No.174566>>174568
I didn't come close to dropping Narumi. I wanted to take a break after finishing Marika and Mifuyu's stuff, yeah, but I wouldn't have dropped the game. Full patches are important. No matter how much I dislike Narumi, not TLing her route would have effected the entire translation in a bad way, which I wouldn't have let happen. I like the other heroines too much.
▶ No.174568>>174570
Im pretty sure the whole controversy 2 threads ago was about delivering the translation witouth Narumi and you addressed it on your blog.
▶ No.174570>>174580
The controversy was about the break. I did mention potentially releasing a partial patch without Hatsune and Narumi, since I had intended to do partial patches for each set of heroines anyway, but it was the break that got people riled up. I can understand why, everyone was afraid I would drop it. I don't blame them. Maybe I would have, who knows. That's all in the past though.
▶ No.174580
Ah i see. Well im pretty sure all will be forgotten when you finish LxC 2, that one surely will get the best reception out of the games you have translated.
▶ No.174604>>174613 >>174623 >>174646
Sansha Mendan was the best choice to make. If he really wants to avoid multiple-men potential but also wants the Kagami flare then Mesu Kyoushi 4 would be excellent as the next choice.
>best ever
>high quality 4/5
>entitled carrot juice faggot MC who is literally an idiot
>barely explores the potential of the MC's power
>girls only break in the end
>ruin the pregnancy confession with misery and sobbing
>ruin the submission scene with misery and sobbing
>muh dark
KTJK is a solid 3 and no higher, mates. For all the great additions and other assets, the writing is what makes a VN and the writing in KTJK largely sucks, even taking into account the decent stuff hidden there >>170976
Trust me, once the new game comes out and reminds everyone what a BISHOP title actually feels like we won't be hearing so much whining or defending of KTJK.
▶ No.174607>>175054
A lot of people forget that Ura Kyoushi's Immoral Edition is bugged and never got fixed. The endings don't have pregnant sprites for the girls. If Qouf decided to take on UK he'd have to do EXTRA coding to fix this, and the guy already had it rough trying to fix the menus in SM.
It's not worth it
▶ No.174611>>174614 >>174623
>it'll be awhile before I have the time to even think about working on another Bishop title.
LOL I saw that update where you vented about being burned out from all the text in SM and all the work it took.
If you do choose eventually then I think we both know the one you'd be better off with…
pic related
▶ No.174613>>174616 >>175054
Well, yes. Pretty much all of those negatives hinge on the protagonist. Which is why I deducted it from being a 5/5 title. And it is no 3/5 from a design standpoint. Its art, music, voice acting are all good. If you really want to lowball it then it's a low 4/5, a 6~7/10 if you want to go with the inferior score system. A high 4/5 is 8~9/10.
▶ No.174614>>174617 >>174623
I love MK4, I really do. But I can see where its biggest difficult lays in translation, and that is all the little movie watching events that are basically satirical jabs at hollywood blockbuster films. You'd need to be clever at localizing the puns in a way that keeps the jokes while also getting the references.
▶ No.174616
So a 4/5- vs 4/5+? If we go with the out-of-ten then we can just rank them by school grades which is rather appropriate.
SM is an A or A+
UK maybe a B to A-
KTJK is a solid C+ or B-
Here's hoping the upcoming game ranks a SSS+ score
▶ No.174617>>174620
Oh man, I forgot about that. Considering it's a BISHOP game and one where the girls get to exercise more personality than "eek!" it's already fat with text lines. Add on top of that the requirement for getting punny - and the inevitable "U R LIKE SJW TRANSLATOR INSERTS THAT'S NOT WHAT IT SAID etc." claims from idiots - and I can see it being a huge pain in the ass.
I like your assessments, anon. I'm a huge Yoshi fan almost to the point of exclusivity in that game (Shion won me over despite screaming bloody murder her first rape forced orgasm) but Lina was really surprising in her character personality. I doubt the Miria from the new game will be like her, though I guess that's for the best. She was a pretty fun twist on her foreign teacher trope, though.
Also had one of the sexiest and cutest pregnancy sex scenes. She's my favorite Oonari
▶ No.174620
Eh, I wouldn't be so worried about the 'That's not what it said!' crowd because those entire segments have no voice lines. It might catch some people who can read the original jp lines, but I doubt there is a big crowd of such people who would bother playing the translation after reading the original, unless they really really liked the game and want to re-experience it in english.
Also I would like the Lina pregnancy CG more if her belly wasn't so covered by her maternity dress. Kagami did the better camera angle of that position with Aina in SM, I think.
▶ No.174623>>174625 >>174627 >>174632 >>174829
I will almost definitely never fan translate MK4. It's over 50,000 lines long (as far as I know), I could basically translate all of UK and be halfway if not more through MK3 in the same time it takes to do MK4. Or I could do almost 10 games the size of Harem Guild. That's just absurd. Not to mention I feel like Kagami had started to decline by MK4, whereas he's still at his peak in MK3 and especially UK. Also the heroines while okay aren't an all-star cast like MK3 or UK:
Maki: 10/10
Yuuri: 8.5/10
Kaho: 8.5/10
Miyu: 7/10
Asahi: 6/10
I'm confident you brought this up before and I'll repeat what I said last time, those sections are absolutely nothing in comparison to the hellish landscape of the H-scenes. There's probably like 1k lines max for all those movies, and yeah it would be tricky to translate, but Japanese is already tricky and by the time I'm 30,000 lines into MK4's H-scenes I would be ready to kill for the opportunity to translate some fun jokes and such. The hardest part of translation often ends up not being the actually hard lines, but the tedium of thousands upon thousands of easy, repetitious lines.
▶ No.174625
>It's over 50,000 lines long
>I could basically translate all of UK and be halfway if not more through MK3 in the same time it takes to do MK4.
>almost 10 games the size of Harem Guild.
N-Never mind
▶ No.174627>>174634
Makes me wonder where all the lines come from, then. Did spraying orgasm/incontinence orgrasm really add up THAT much lines compared to a cum inside/outside choice? That can't be.
▶ No.174632>>174636
If you didn't have Maki at 10/10 thus proving you do indeed have good taste I'd cut you with an internet knife
>Kagami had started to decline by MK4
Very true, and it's something we've discussed before in these threads. As titanic in size and overall fun as MK4 may be, it's definite the post-swan song of Kagami's BISHOP days and just one reason I'm glad they seem to be setting up Rio and their new Kagami. Guy comes from left field and makes the most giant Cakes and gets front cover billing alongside Oonari even with a multiple artist collab like the upcoming game.
I hope this continues until the heat death of the sun.
I'd thrill over you starting MK3 sooner than later, mate, but if they ever make an Immoral Edition of MK3 your work would basically be moot, right? You'd have to start all over again and that's just mad. That's part of why MK4 seemed like the better choice. I never realized just how colossal that game was since it always felt MK3 had more story.
>The hardest part of translation often ends up not being the actually hard lines, but the tedium of thousands upon thousands of easy, repetitious lines.
I do editing as part of my work so I can only just barely relate. You really have to have a passion to do this kind of job you're doing and put in the work.
▶ No.174634
I never thought of that, though it would explain it somewhat at least, and I could see how the line count would bloat if every squirt scene had alternate text for several lines a piece, each per girl.
▶ No.174636>>174639 >>174829
Miyu is really immature and dumb which makes me think of her more like a child than an adult I want to corrupt and such. MK3 will be much later if ever. I'm taking up a lot of official work and after I narrowly finish LxC2 I don't know if I'll want to do any more fan translation. It hurts that MK3 and UK are both pretty big, definitely year-long projects. I want to do them since I like them so much, but the workload is heavy. Who knows. If a company licenses them like Cherry Kiss licensed Harem Guild then things would get a lot easier
▶ No.174639>>174641 >>174643 >>174645
>Miyu is really immature and dumb which makes me think of her more like a child than an adult I want to corrupt and such.
Well, she is labelled a prodigy who graduated from high school and teacher's college at a younger age than the other teachers in the game. So she could very well be 21~23, which makes her very easily be immature. That plus her math autism makes her completely clueless to anything that involves social skills or sexual acts, and that also adds onto her sillyness.
▶ No.174641
Yeah, she's not bad or unreasonable or anything, she just comes off as way too childish for me. Same with Asahi.
▶ No.174643>>174645
Well, 'autism' is too harsh a title for her. 'High functioning autism' might be more fitting.
▶ No.174645>>174650 >>174972
Does any girl in MK3 even get as bullied as Miyu does? The closest girl I can compare her to is Marika, and that is likely because she is both an expy of Marika AND Saya.
▶ No.174646>>174649
Honestly the game is an 1\5. That game was supposed to be a CORRUPTION game. Sure art is nice and also the VA\Music but if they dont contribute to the CORRUPTION then might as well being drawn by a westerner. I have tried to fap to it but knowing all of that leads fucking nowhere then it just doesnt works. Lets see how this new game fares in the CORRUPTION aspects.
▶ No.174649
Well it does have corruption it's just a slow burn until the time-skip, but I can see your point.
▶ No.174650>>174651
But anon, Miyu was made for bully
▶ No.174651>>174731
Aww, those tears. Makes you just want to pet her after she finishes that blowjob she's gonna do.
▶ No.174731>>174733
She really is the cutiest of pies.
MK4 was my first bishop game and I remember being really put off by her first scene, but much like Shion's initial scene in MK3 it turns out all that screaming was hiding something else aside from outrage and despair.
I think Yuuna from SM probably did this the best, though, where she has the first H scene of the game and it's the closest to a rape the games ever got - only for her to later reveal that she actually liked it.
it'd be nice to have a qt like Miyu, Marika or Saya again but it'd suck without Kagami. Maybe just the character type, then. These little uppity, haughty tsun-tsun are amazing
▶ No.174733
>>170600 (OP)
Also I just realized why the hot breath bothers me in KTJK. It's not light and smokey like in MK4 but it's like a comic book now and utterly obstructive to the art half the time.
▶ No.174829>>175028
Anon just translate Ura Kyoushi it has Asagi Tsubaki, one of the absolute all time best bunny scenes ever, the best S&M route with Saori and the other ones are pretty cute.
That one gangbang scene is in a route that needs to be unlocked anyway and most anons will be too comfy with their slavefu to unlock it anyway. Even if it does, they'd only complain after already enjoying the rest of the game so who cares?
Seriously, man. Can you really say "No" to such a face?
▶ No.174962
All I want is to have that satisfied sigh again, that feeling you get when you complete a girl's route, get to the end, hit the credit roll and you just know things are great. It's like you just had a good meal, you know?
I miss that. I hope the upcoming game gives that again.
side note: I don't know who did it but I really like the deluge of Sansha Mendan snips at the top of the page now. Saw a few for the Kyonyuu Princess Saimin game, too. Nice updates
▶ No.174972
Be glad that you didnt play Mesu Kyoushi 2 man. In that game you fuck >>174645 sister and mom. The final scene before the ending has the protag arranging an orgy of sorts where he orders the mom to suck off some dude and then get fucked by another while the sister gives handjobs.
So the wife is married, she cheats on her husband and THEN gets fucked by other dudes. What a waste.
▶ No.175028>>175073 >>175403
>MK3 is doomed to have mixed reception simply due to the Kagami art.
To be fair i can see some people liking all the girls except Chisato and Touko because of Oonari and Kanami art. Also Shino looks diferent from Kagami usual designs so maybe she can get a niche too.
Also lol calling the harem sex scene a gangbang is quite misleading.
>Seriously, man. Can you really say "No" to such a face?
Thats easy when you have these faces.
▶ No.175054>>175405
I didn't know that.
If the game were to be translated, I wouldn't mind if this didn't get fixed because it's a problem in the original so whatever. As far as bugs are concerned this is a rather minor one, at least to me (I don't particularly care about the pregnant sprites, they don't look as good as the pregnant girls do in the actual scenes).
I agree with this. In fact I think even the reception here would be much better if the protagonist wasn't as annoying. The game could be as it is with the girls treated as roughly, but if the protagonist wasn't an annoying retard.
▶ No.175055>>175073 >>175405 >>175406
I don't understand why people in this thread like MK3 so much. It was such a massive disappointment coming fresh from KS, SM and UK. Not to mention it doesn't feel like Mesu Kyoushi at all with that protagonist, and the attempts at a plot with the amnesia stuff are just moronic.
The art is gorgeous but everything else just drags the game down to me. Wouldn't consider it more than 7/10.
▶ No.175073>>175085 >>175126 >>175139
No, UK has an actual gangbang with a bunch of dudes not the protagonist.
Hot girls? Mega check.
Hot scenes? Check.
Hot corruption? Check.
▶ No.175085>>175406
>Hot girls? Mega check.
>Hot scenes? Check.
Eh. I find them a bit uninspired compared to the previous titles, there's a lot less variety and uniqueness to each girl, but check, it's still hot.
>Hot corruption? Check.
I disagree. I think the corruption element in MK3 is very half-assed. Most of the girls don't change significantly, and there isn't really a fetish or sexual trait that gets expanded on like in most Bishop games. There are some hints of that but it always seem the writers just stop halfway through their progression. MK3 biggest problem is that it has no payoff of that corruption.
It's a similar problem I have with Kutsujoku, just on the other extreme. There is, technically, corruption, but it's pushed too much out of focus for my liking.
Another flaw both games have in common is the shit protagonist, now that I think about it, though again, they're shit in different ways.
▶ No.175126>>175127 >>175147
>Having gangbangs\sharing your slaves as part of story
What the fuck is the problem with those faggots?
I was considering playing UK but after seeing that i'm fucking dropping it
▶ No.175127>>175133
Dude, its only one route and literally one scene, if you don't want to see it, just do another route.
▶ No.175133>>175142 >>175147
Like in SM, Marika's route, fucking hobos handjob scene, it killed the route despite liking Marika the most.
Why the hell even doing this? to please the faggots that like seeing their girl coated with jizz from other men?
They shouldn't have done that at all.
Fortunately Bishop seems to have dropped the cuckery.
▶ No.175139
I meant the Lina rate mentions she joins a gangbang but everyone´s knows about Makino´s.
▶ No.175140
I originally spent 15 minutes writing my reply, but erased it.
Of course sexual assault is awful (also even worse) and we all agree on that. But why can't you agree that cheating in marriage is awful? Why make it seem trivial?
…Then I realized you do agree they're both awful, you just don't care because it's a porn game.
…Now I feel like an idiot.
▶ No.175142>>175251
Its even worse when you have all these people justifying it with some ¨proof of loyalty¨shit. The only thing that scene proved that MC has no problem sharing (I guess kinda expected since his work has always been rape, mindbreak and discar for most of his life so sharing probably comes as second nature) and that Makino can be satisfied with any dick.
▶ No.175147>>175151 >>175157
Imagine getting over a hundred comments like these. You can see why one's enthusiasm would be diminished, right?
▶ No.175151>>175157
From what i've gathered, since Bishop has stopped doing cuck shit there has been a rise in positive reviews\reception.
Unlike the rest of jew devs on patreons, that have continued to appeal to cuckery even if the 99% of other people didn't like it
▶ No.175157>>175158 >>175257
You have no idea man. For one teacher heroines are one of the most sought after type of heroines since they are so rare and when they exist they have no H-scenes. So having the only teacher heroine being gangbanged isnt exactly going to bod well with everyone.
Then you have MK3 which has none of that content and its probably the most vanilla friendly given it ends on a positive note while UK ends in a much more rough note not to mention how much more worse as a human being he is compared to MK3's MC. Ryou was already stretching it for them.
EVERYWHERE i have been people have complained about the hobos scene and otherwise ditch the VN. People here think one route doesnt diminish the rest but really they are in the minority with that mentality which is why i guess they like MK1&2&UK.
I have seen Quof a lot on sites where most of the user-base consumes vanillaish games since they are for the most part the majority of the english speaking VN comunity so its pretty important for him. I mean he does it for free so the only kind of reward he gets is knowing people read and enjoyed his work and the game. UK will certainly accomplish less of what MK3 would if translated. Looking at EGS MK3 has roughly the same reception as UK so the way i see it the fanbase is not an indication of a game's mass appeal. So by far MK3 is the most logical choice.
Indeed. Lune also used to be like old BISHOP where the games have lots of cuck/sharing girls content. Once they dropped that and began doing more MC only type sex games they gained more popularity and now they have their own mobage (Which i hope doesnt has an impact on their game output).
▶ No.175158>>175173
>most of the user-base consumes vanillaish games
I bet a lot more of them would play non-vanilla dark VNs if the protagonist wasn't a cuckfag.
I used to think I could only play vanilla, but later realized I enjoy dark eroge as long as there's no NTR sharing shit in it.
▶ No.175173>>175181 >>175186
I fucking hate how closeted cuckfags call anyone who show dislike to NTR as vanillafags, as if a story could only be dark if it involves NTR. Fuck that stupid mentality.
I like dark stories and several fucked up fetishes. Rape, corruption, pedo, BDSM, fight, torture, guro, and so on, but you don't have netorare to enjoy these type of shit. Netori? Sure, but netorare? Who the fuck likes to be on the perspective of the defeating side?
▶ No.175181
Indeed, Mifuyu in SM was kinda Netori-ish but the husband in-game doesn't even appear and didn't bang her from ages.
Makes it all the better in Mifuyu-Marika end
▶ No.175186>>175223
>Who the fuck likes to be on the perspective of the defeating side?
That's what I don't like about Netorare either.
Well, that and how it's usually written. Netorare basically seeks to invoke feelings of sympathy and loss, that are what I assume the people who like it are after. In order to do so, a lot of focus is put on the suffering of the guy getting the girl taken away from him, and that's just boring and annoying. I don't care about this guy, I care about the girl getting corrupted (If there even is corruption involved, as many NTR are just cheating, and therefore just boring to me as well).
I just want to point out that usually, stories from the girl's perspective are also labeled as Netorare, as far as I know there's no specific term for something from the girls' perspective. And I have no problem with that kind of Netorare (if it involves corruption, I don't have any interest in a female protagonist just cheating) because the focus is much more on the girl's degeneration and descent into depravity. Getting a look from the girl's own perspective into how she goes from having a pure and innocent love for some guy into becoming a complete slut obsessed with her own pleasure and lust can be very satisfying as well. And in this context I usually don't mind gangbangs and similar stuff because the lower the girl sinks the better, as I'm getting her perspective and went in fully expecting her to go full slut,
▶ No.175192>>175223
Also there's also games with no set perspective, but instead alternate between characters. Most commonly, alternates between the guy getting cucked and the girl, but I've seen games where it jumps to the perspective of everyone involved at different times. Whether or not I like this kind of games depends on the writing, what it's trying to invoke. If it's going just for the netorare pity angle I don't like it, but if it is something like Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de for example, I like it. Yeah the game starts from the perspective of the pathetic guy, it jumps to his perspective a few times and one of the endings is from his perspective, but the meat of the game is seen through Koharu's perspective and as a whole it is much more chronicling her change than just trying to make you feel crushed as Netorare usually seeks to. And I'd argue the game either expects you to side more with the father and brother characters, or that it is cleverly written in a way the netorarefags will sympathize with the cuck while people more into netori and corruption will just side with Koharu and her shifting loyalties to either of the assailants depending on the route taken.
I also don't mind this kind of game. I'm into corruption enough I can enjoy a neutral or female protagonist perspective, I just don't have any patience with cuck-perspective games because they don't really give any corruption to work with. In the end of the day I prefer Netori or games that don't involve any NTR and are just about some dick corrupting women because it usually displays the full corruption process (though with less detail than a female protagonist game) and it has the domination angle which I also like. But these other kinds of games are also nice for a change of pace.
▶ No.175223>>175407 >>201170
The thing about netorare is that for you to enjoy that shit you've to be a masochist and a really pathetic one. I'm not a masochist, i lean more toward sadism and i'd never like to be on the side of the pathetic loser that only got shit for being a romantic fool. I only feel rage when a story tries to place me in that perspective. I rather enjoy seeing guys putting the absolute hurt on girls. Completely owning them.
▶ No.175251>>175256
>The only thing that scene proved that MC has no problem sharing.
You're talking about Reiji, right? The same guy who's broken in multiple bitches and sold them off to rich men to become their wives/whores? The same guy who is so well known among the rich old men he sells bitches to that he gets invited to their parties? Literally the first girl he rapes in the game ends up with that fate. There was nothing to prove with him as far as his personality goes.
▶ No.175256>>175258
Yeah. Unlike other BISHOP protags to them is a hobby while in here the guy made a living out of it which makes him look things like a business.
Its also funny that people defending Makino's gangbang says its some kind of loyalty test when the best proof of loyalty would be like what happened with Dumb Tits in KS where she has spend several years witouth getting a single cock since thats only for her Master.
I dunno what exactly the gangbang proved other than that Makino doesnt needs the MC to sate her lust.
▶ No.175257>>175322
>the only teacher heroine
Makino is not a true teacher, though.
As for 'teacher heroines are one of the most sought after type of heroines since they are so rare and when they exist they have no H-scenes,' personally the way I see the game is not for teacher heroines alone, it is about the pairing - Male Student on Female Teacher. For that factor Male Teacher on Female Student is just as rare, if not rarer. Infact you can even see it among Bishop titles that the common sexual pairing in their school setting stories is Male Student on Female Teacher. Which is what gives UK its charm to me. People seem to favour age gap play when it is Younger Male on Older Female but I enjoy Older Male on Younger Female just as much if not more so.
▶ No.175258>>175299
I wouldn't say it makes him look badass by any means, though it does give you a good enough explanation about how this man has been making his living and how he had the connections to infiltrate into the school he gets into in UK. Among the Bishop protagonists Reiji is a very professional man, and not only that but a very intelligent one, though his intellect comes with his own sadistic and deranged mindset.
It might have been interesting if Makino ALWAYS shows up after raping one of the girls to play as a UK version of L to Reiji's Light and become an obstacle and lose condition in the game unless she is dealt with.
▶ No.175299
>It might have been interesting if Makino ALWAYS shows up after raping one of the girls to play as a UK version of L to Reiji's Light and become an obstacle and lose condition in the game unless she is dealt with.
Oh man now I want a dynamic like this so bad I can taste it. Having a female antagonist character would be amazing and really would tease her out so that unlocking her route would be satisfying as all get out
▶ No.175322
Nice pic
There needs to be more kissu in the next game, some real deep forced tongue-rape that's revisited after the girls are broken and want to drink their Master's saliva like honey
▶ No.175403
>Thats easy when you have these faces.
Either one would be great, though
▶ No.175405>>175406 >>175480
People like that it has a plot (thin, but there) and that the girls get the most agency out of most BISHOP games, to the point where, after you've broken them and decide to tease them by denying their sexual pleas, they will literally find you and pounce you
That was incredibly hot and cute at the same time, which is MK3 in a nutshell. It straddles the line of classic BISHOP while also being
>If the game were to be translated, I wouldn't mind if this didn't get fixed because it's a problem in the original so whatever.
But STARAT was also in the original. Still, if that's the case then maybe UK would be best, especially since you do have a higher resolution and larger screen space because of the Immoral Edition.
>I don't particularly care about the pregnant sprites, they don't look as good as the pregnant girls do in the actual scenes
Well true, though it does bug me when the narration and dialogue mentions her looking super pregnant when she's clearly not until POP she's swollen with babies in the CG. Not a big issue, though, so yeah UK would be the next kicker
I can agree with anons wanting MK3 more but it's not the Immoral Edition (doesn't have one) and that limits a lot of things, especially since we have no idea if they will make an IE down the line and thus make Quof's efforts next to pointless as he'd be hounded with
>when will you do the immoral edition
>can't you just copy/paste teh translation script from the old one to the other?
UK has that bug but if you're cool with that then fair enough. I'd say go for it. If nothing else you can kick up a monumental funstorm when anons start complaining about the gangbang scene to you on Twitter and you simply reply
>Guys it's okay. She's a feminist.
▶ No.175406>>175480
>It straddles the line of classic BISHOP while also being a touch lighter than usual, basically it's the absolute antithesis of KTJK.
Is what I meant to write
>Another flaw both games have in common is the shit protagonist,
Okay I was with you for the most part until this point. You're out of your mind thinking MK3's MC is garbage, let alone nearly as bad as Supreme Carrot Juice Gentleman.
▶ No.175407>>175411
>The thing about netorare is that for you to enjoy that shit you've to be a masochist and a really pathetic one.
Netorare or Netori?
▶ No.175409>>175517
Let's settle this once and for all. What's better, MK3 or UK?
▶ No.175411
Netorare, of course. Netori is cool in my book.
▶ No.175480>>175504 >>175505
>People like that it has a plot
A terribly handled plot that hinders the game more than enhances it. MK4 has a thin plot that works in favor of enhancing the experience, MK3 really doesn't. The amnesia stuff is irrelevant in most routes and I found the whole personality change thing really lame. Other games handled the idea of the protagonist being a beta retard that awakened into the usual Bishop protagonist better in my opinion, though granted, they came after MK3.
Nowadays I see MK3 as a game where they tried a lot of things and almost none worked. Games that came later took one or two of those ideas each and realized them better.
It is the antithesis of KTJK but at the same time neither really strike the chords a Bishop game ideally would. Between the two I prefer Kutsujoku because I'm more inclined to darker themes and content than more vanilla-ish stuff, but in the end to me neither represents a direction I'd like Bishop to go to in general. While most MK3 fans do wish for more stuff like it.
About the protagonist, eh I'll admit I need to replay MK3. I don't really remember how he acts in a scene to scene basis, I already stated what bothers me about him above, but that has more to do with his backstory and with the plot.
I never said they were equally shit, KTJK protagonist is way more annoying.
▶ No.175504>>175610
Finding the balance between light and dark is what is needed, I agree, and although too many anons whinge about MK3 being "vanilla" it's only really lacking in total personality-alteration and explicit Master-Slave context. If we take Sansha Mendan as the quintessential BISHOP title it is, we can see the elements everyone enjoys of a BISHOP game, the balance between Hentai Logic fun and dark themes (which sometimes results in occasional dark comedy), the severe domination of a woman who has no choice but to submit - and in submitting she struggles to accept how fulfilled she is being a slave, and that peculiar black love of a Master tenderly caring for his broken(or blossomed) slutty slave.
They can be married (MK4) or simply be his one-and-only special slave but the idea of now having conquered the girl(s) and gotten her(them) pregnant, he will MAN UP and keep her, treasuring her for all their days with mutual bliss --
-- and by "treasuring" I mean "repeatedly impregnating and melting her brain with neuron-slaying orgasms"
Some elements of this are in MK3 but light, and KTJK foregoes almost all of that because of its faggot entitled idiot protagonist who cares about nothing and no one and needed a whole game to turn very obvious and evident sluts into the sluts they were meant to be. Screw him.
>While most MK3 fans do wish for more stuff like it.
That's fair, and although MK3 is tied with SM as my favorite, I also wouldn't want too many more lighter MK3-type. We need that balance of light and dark, that taste of twisted love. That's the best of BISHOP. MK3 is great but I can agree that it doesn't settle itself in that balance.
>I don't really remember how he acts in a scene to scene basis, I already stated what bothers me about him above, but that has more to do with his backstory and with the plot.
Okay, I was gonna say. The dude is just fine as a protagonist in terms of personality, dominance, etc. The only thing he does wrong is never have the girls call him "Master" and him call them his slaves.
But if you just didn't like the "I'm only a BISHOP-teir rapist because of a confused memory of a trauma" and the whole plot deal then fair enough. I really enjoyed the plot aspect because it wasn't obtrusive and gave the game something different other than "Looking for my perfect slavefu".
This new game has a plot as well, though it's not so much a mystery amnesia story as it is a straight revenge story, like Houkago 3, which I am thoroughly convinced would be a grand contender for one of BISHOP's top-teir titles if it wasn't for the trash coloring. Visuals matter heavily.
▶ No.175505
>Nowadays I see MK3 as a game where they tried a lot of things and almost none worked. Games that came later took one or two of those ideas each and realized them better.
Which is kind of funny since I view KTJK as doing the opposite, in using a single theme that's been done a dozen times before and failing to realize it. Though yeah the plot not having much to do with most of the routes outside of Shion does seem odd, like they forgot or didn't know how to integrate it into the story, instead lampshading it with the protagonist repeating "I don't care anyway". Then why even have it?
▶ No.175517>>175520 >>175524 >>175548 >>175576
Well personally I like both and am fine with either one being translated, besides it is not ultimately my decision anyway.
Instead I'd like to list some trivial things:
Coming from SM's translation to UK you'll hear two of the same CVs that were in the past title: Marika (as Asami) and Aina (as Saori), so it might be a bit tiring for people who don't enjoy hearing the same actress every title. Though the content of both of those characters are vastly different to either heroine from SM. Meanwhile MK3 has Hatsune (as Touko) and the rest were not in SM.
- UK has the plus of Tsubaki being voiced by the same CV who voiced one of Bishop's all time favourite - Saya. This ontop of essentially being an Asagi expy makes her super cute.
- MK3 has the negative of having Misonoo Mei, who is basically the Nolan North of hentai. Though that's not inherently a true negative, but god damn if it doesn't get tiresome to hear her voice over and over again.
- MK3 has Arigatou as Chisato, who, sans hazukashii, put in a pretty good performance to the character. I don't think she's been in many translated nukige titles either (she is in Captive Market but had no sex scenes. Coincidentally pretty much every CV in MK3 was in Captive Market except for one notNazi Dark Elf, who just so happened to voice Narumi from SM) so that's a bonus.
- The rest of MK3's CV cast - Tezuka Ryouko, Himari, Momoya Minami - are very common CVs, pretty much similar to Misonoo Mei in that factor.
So if you were to choose UK over MK3 you would have 2 of the same CVs from SM, though one is from a voice actress in basically her prime year (same year she voiced Yukikaze, Chika from Sisters, and Aina from SM) and one who voices one of the most favourite Taimanin of all (Sakura) compared to a list of highly common, but not bad by any merit of the word (that is why they got hired after all, they're good voice artists), cast that is MK3. Plus, Touko is voiced by Taimanin's all time favourite Hell Knight.
As for Shion (pink from UK)'s voice actress, she has got a pretty cute voice. Depends on tastes though since her pitch in UK is quite high to fit the youthfulness of the character, though she basically always ends up moaning the same way. If you want a sample of her voice then go watch the Baku Ane 2 OVA and watch the sex scene from minute 23 onward with the white haired onee-chan. Probably also helps that that OVA was recorded some six years after she recorded her session with UK.
There is also samples on this page: http://www.a-kaguya.com/products_bb/bakuane2/tam-tipsnote120112/bakuane2_chara_.html
Personally I'm waiting for a certain title to see juuuuust how popular it is. If it is well received then I'd be ready to sign up for that one.
▶ No.175520>>175524
>Well personally I like both and am fine with either one being translated, besides it is not ultimately my decision anyway.
I say that, but at the same time even though I enjoy age gap play of older male on younger female.It makes more sense to me for a older guy to lead a more younger and innocent girl down the path of perversion.
▶ No.175524>>175525 >>175556
Now that I think about it, though, Reiji really is a big ol' manwhore. Or atleast he was. Meanwhile, while Houkago 3's protag is equally as mature as Reiji, he is significantly more of a loser who doesn't see any action other than his own hand after the first sex scene in the game (which happens YEARS before the actual game starts). Reiji is played off as the cool, calm and collected type who is planning something sadistic. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, a genuine predator, where as I'm sure Houkago 3's protag does not manage that facade as well, or at all because he is considered a creep and or laughing stock of the school. Thus it is more entertaining to see a guy like the protag from Houkago 3 succeed because he is the bullied underdog (which was also why I originally enjoyed Houkago 1's OVA, though in retrospect H1's protag in that OVA was a greedy cunt who didn't appreciate Ayumi enough, and so got a Mifuyu-style ending.)
▶ No.175525
That's just me pretending I know how Ryuuzou is, by the way. I actually have not played Houkago 3, though I would like to at some point in the future after I clear out this god damn backlog.
▶ No.175548>>175555
Your seiyuu obsession never fails to make me laugh, R.
▶ No.175555>>175576
I do enjoy my voice actors and voice acting. I actually wanted to be a voice actor when I was younger. I think it was Waspinator from Beast Wars and Megabyte from Reboot, voiced by the late Tony Jay (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y97_Wz4fAtA (Fallout 1 is full of great voice acting)), that made me want to practice having a voice like theirs.
▶ No.175556
Reiji is legitimately a villain.
Houkago 3's protag is a decent guy burdened with an anatomical anomaly of infinite semen (that H3 didn't have belly inflation was a huge missed opportunity).
I like playing a villain MC (who isn't a faggot like in KTJK) like Reiji because he's got style and earns his victories while also not mistreating his special "perfect stimulus" or "perfect slave" or whatever it was. It's fun, but if I'm honest I'm more into protagonists who don't seem like they'd star in their own manga, guys like SM's protag or H3's guy.
▶ No.175576>>175592
That's some next level seiyuu autism, anon. Highly approved.
wait a minute
>Touko is voiced by Taimanin's all time favourite Hell Knight.
>kinda vaguely looks like a light-skinned Hell Knight (but bigger ass and hips)
>voiced by the same seiyuu
So in UK we get Not-Asagi voiced by a very skillfully serious-toned Saya, and in MK3 we get a virgin Not-Hell Knight cake voiced by Hell Knight.
>tfw BISHOP was letting you have your own taimanin before TABA existed
No but really, don't forget that UK's Saori looks like Alicia but she's voiced by Maya, both heroines from Kangoku Senkan 2. So it's like getting both heroines bred into a single villainess.
Do you guys think that, if Kagami ever comes back, we'll get more slaves who are quiet references to his other works? It's like an Easter Egg hunt.
Ah Tony Jay. We will never have a voice like that again. I'm pissed the last decent role Kain's voice actor had was Loghain from Dragon Age. Then there was Dante's Inferno and just pure schlock oh man I miss the golden age
▶ No.175592>>175600
some really sloppy comparison work
▶ No.175600>>176574
Kagami does love his expys.
▶ No.175610>>175714 >>176574
> the severe domination of a woman who has no choice but to submit - and in submitting she struggles to accept how fulfilled she is being a slave, and that peculiar black love of a Master tenderly caring for his broken(or blossomed) slutty slave.
>They can be married (MK4) or simply be his one-and-only special slave but the idea of now having conquered the girl(s) and gotten her(them) pregnant, he will MAN UP and keep her, treasuring her for all their days with mutual bliss -- and by "treasuring" I mean "repeatedly impregnating and melting her brain with neuron-slaying orgasms"
Bravo anon, I couldn't have said it better.
Also about the Houkago 3 coloring, I don't think it's bad at all. I never got why people seem to think it's too washed out, but honestly it's just that the skin tone is paler. And even then it's a beautiful looking pale, makes the eyes and hair pop out more and accentuates the blushing. It's with the other games using this softer coloring that problems started to arise, and things started looking muted and washed out, Houkago 3 looked really great to me, particularly Mayu, Shizuka and Hiromi.
It's sad the game often gets overlooked, to me it was the strongest offering since MK4.
▶ No.175714>>176574
I would love if they would get Kanami to recolour that game's CG. Though I'm almost curious if they keep raw, uncoloured CG like that around.
▶ No.176574>>176590
Have to admit, I do too a little bit. It's kind of fun.
>Also about the Houkago 3 coloring, I don't think it's bad at all.
It was the beginning of the end in terms of coloring and shading, especially on the body. It was rough man, and yeah it's rough that it's not recognized better for what it is. If they redid the coloring itd me amazing, especially that dynamic of reclaiming a teacher who you deflowered as a student. That whole "Do you remember my shape/this feeling?" thing was great
probably not though I wonder what's the process of bringing the original cgs into a Immoral Edition since I don't think its as simple as resizing in GIMP
▶ No.176590>>176615
>probably not though I wonder what's the process of bringing the original cgs into a Immoral Edition since I don't think its as simple as resizing in GIMP
Artists almost always draw in a higher resolution than what the game actually is, the assets just get sized down. It can lead to some funny things, like I noticed while playing Apeiria that if you full screen the game the assets are shown in natural 1080p (despite being advertised as a 720p game), the only problem is the text gets blurry because unlike the assets it does get stretched.
▶ No.176615>>176619
Oh wow that's pretty crazy! Makes me think of how much detail I was missing out on whenever I played in windowed mode.
I went full screen with SM recently (no idea why I didn't before) and noticed the level of care put into Mifuyu and Aina's pubes (all of them, really).
But that example you gave is really cool. I wonder what other games are like that.
▶ No.176619>>176628
Not every game does this, many of them will just stretch when you full screen instead of showing the higher resolution assets. Apeiria only worked like that since I believe they were scaling all the assets down during the game process, instead of scaling them down before putting them into the game in the first place.
I'm pretty sure pubes were added in the Immoral edition of SM, a very nice touch.
▶ No.176628
>instead of scaling them down before putting them into the game in the first place
Ah okay that makes sense. Too bad they don't all do it during the game process instead. That would be neat
>I'm pretty sure pubes were added in the Immoral edition of SM, a very nice touch.
Ah, well that would explain that. Definitely a nice touch.
▶ No.176818>>176821 >>176822
Well the official site for Shihai has finally updated.
This just compiles all the information to its own page. Plus, we got measurements now;
Pink: 95-60-89
Blue: 91-59-88
blonde: 101-61-93
brown: 90-57-86
white: 93-60-90
This is the first BISHOP game where all the girls are >= 90 cm in the bust department…interesting
▶ No.176821
Thats nice. Gotta wait for translation anons to deliver.
▶ No.176822>>176824 >>176827 >>176946
This is a Kyonyuu title if I ever saw one. Nice!
Though we know better than to take these too seriously since the numbers are just for sales adverts.
Alright, let's get started! Full body shots and character profiles!
I see now just how emphasized Milky Miria's tits are in her design. It's great, but I miss the blown out proportions of Anju and Tomoe from KTJK. I like the blond's design - choice Rio - but if her hips, ass and legs aren't big also she looks like she's got chicken legs. She's a pair of tits with stilts.
▶ No.176824>>176828
I like how comically slutty the pink haired girl is described as being.
>She battles daily with her slut genes and her constant urge to masturbate
>She's horny even during class, but she desperately attempts to hide that and feign calm. But despite her best efforts, her perverted nature slips out at times and most students refer to her as a "good person who's kinda weird sometimes".
▶ No.176826
I still can't get over how good Anna's outfit is, it's just so cool and those little hair licks on either side of her head look like lowered cat ears. In fact, that plus the loos strands rather reminds me of Saya no Uta.
>inb4 your teacher is an Eldritch abomination
On another note, I really hope that's not where they're gonna put the game title on the box cover. It's not a big deal since we don't care much but it'd just be so stupid to cover the characters when you have a huge empty space in the upper left.
▶ No.176827
>haughty expression
>humongous fucking tits
a prime candidate for me to bULLY the fuck out
▶ No.176828>>176829
>slut genes
>"a good person who's kinda weird sometimes"
This is it, isn't it? We're finally back to Hentai Logic slut fun. We've finally come back.
▶ No.176829>>176832
>implying there's no such thing as slut genes IRL
come on, are you even trying
▶ No.176832
>[insert pic of DNA strand giving an ahegao double-peace]
▶ No.176946
You cannot tell me Oonari didn't do this on purpose. That is exactly Ayana. Exactly.
Anyway as for Milky Miria, you really get a view of just how supermassive her chest is compared to Rio's other big girls and especially compared to Tomoe just how thin her legs taper off by her knees. I know she's at an angle so it's not a great 1-1 with Anju. She might have a big ass like hers, but the thighs…
Well her tits are her claim to fame so that's fine. Kinda funny seeing how HUGE her tits are compared to Anju, though, considering I saw how big she realistically is on that tapestry. If Tomoe was plump and Anju was a giant then Miria is capable of fighting ultraman.
Neo-Ayana slooks like she's gonna be a whole lot of fun, though, especially in light of her severe lustfulness. I just want to know what Blueberry's deal is with her excruciatingly short skirt. Is it gonna be another Anju thing where she's sexually frustrated but can't express it through any means but her outfit?
▶ No.176968>>177136
Yellow reminds me of Saori from UK. She hates people looking at her tits lustfully and if she catches any of her male students doing so, she blackmails them and bullies/tortures them. The MC is one such student, and she's in the middle of actively interacting with him in order to find material to blackmail him with so she can bully/torture him too.
▶ No.177136>>177139 >>177261
>She hates people looking at her tits lustfully and if she catches any of her male students doing so, she blackmails them and bullies/tortures them. The MC is one such student, and she's in the middle of actively interacting with him in order to find material to blackmail him with so she can bully/torture him too.
>we actually do get a villainous heroine
>it's cow tits
>cow tits Saori
▶ No.177139>>177342 >>177436
Saori always had cowtits, just not quite on Miria's level. Actually, pretty much no one is on Miria's level, but yeah.
▶ No.177261>>177438
I fucking feel you, man. Her haughty look on top of all this just fucking urges my dick to fuck the smug silly. All she needs is a proper BISHOP-style breaking into impregnation and my dick will be able to cut diamonds for the rest of the year.
▶ No.177342>>177356 >>184630
Game looks gay af
Have fun, homos
▶ No.177356>>184630
That game is pretty shit. The hottest girl in the game gets gangbanged too.
▶ No.177370
▶ No.177422>>177436 >>177503
I've been replaying Ura Kyoushi recently and I think it has my favourite corruption out of any Bishop game almost. The girls go absolutely nuts over cock, it's amazing. Look at the crazed look in the slut's eyes. Perfect.
▶ No.177436>>177440
"cow tits" refers to lactation though
and yeah lol miria might have the biggest utters of any bishop
>that crazed look
it's the semen overflow it literally destroys them every ejaculation and you can see how every little bit they crack that much more
doing this over and over
until finally they just want to get flooded forever
▶ No.177438
>a proper BISHOP-style breaking into impregnation
Dude yes. YES. Also it'd be fun if she gets the rare cow outfit. You usually see the dog and bunny but wasn't there a BISHOP title with a cow outfit? or was that just in the promo material?
▶ No.177440>>177517
>"cow tits" refers to lactation though
Uh… no. Cow tits just means big tits, or sometimes saggy tits.
▶ No.177503
Reiji really knows how to break 'em in.
▶ No.177517>>177525
>Uh… no. Cow tits just means big tits, or sometimes saggy tits.
since when? alright then nevermind yeah saori was a cow tit
▶ No.177525>>177697
Since pretty much always. The meme has always been DFC (delicious flat chest) vs DCT (delicious cow tits). I can see why you'd make the mistake that cow tits == milk, but in reality, cow tits is just a general term for big tits.
▶ No.177697
I never saw the full images of these two before. This is amazing.
▶ No.179469>>179472
Getchu finally updated, can someone well versed in english google translate and edit?
ESL here.
▶ No.179472>>179496 >>179675 >>182205
>Hobbies: Masturbation
>Sexual zones: Pretty much her entire body
Laugh'd, I love this character already.
▶ No.179496>>179675
Miria is a men hater apparently as well as living in a manor with her family. She will be nice to corrupt.
▶ No.179498>>179506 >>179675
Also, it is the first BISHOP game where the girls ages are explicitly mentioned.
Miria and Risako are 25. Anna is 24, Moeka is 23, and Kotomi is 22
▶ No.179506>>179513 >>179518
They're actually listing ages now? Now I'm curious if someone will pester them on twitter about the ages of their previous titles' heroines. The only one I know for sure is that Maki is 27 and Yuuri is probably 25.
Surprises me that Kotomi is the youngest when there is literally a girl that is the designated oppai loli, yet she is infact older than the girl with a voluptuous and mature body. I guess you could reason it that Kotomi could just be a month or even a week older than Moeka.
▶ No.179513>>179677
It does make me curious, because if Kotomi is a teacher at 22 years of age then Miyu must be around that age group, or even around 20~21 since she is supposed to be a 'prodigy' who graduated teachers college at a younger age then the rest.
▶ No.179518>>179557 >>179677
>I guess you could reason it that Kotomi could just be a month or even a week older than Moeka.
Or, like… age has no correlation to how thick or tall your body is beyond puberty. There exist 30+ year old women with incredibly tiny bodies, you know.
▶ No.179557
Well, that is true.
▶ No.179675
>Miria is a men hater apparently as well as living in a manor with her family.
so basically she's got elements of
>Mifuyu (wealth, SM)
>Saori (blackmail & secret villainess persona (also wealth), UK)
>Takako (hate and avoidance of men, UK)
Since we know BISHOP will never again do another gang scene, this is absolutely insane. DUUUUUDE this is CRAZY! It's like BISHOP just needed to get KTJK out of their system before getting back to basic.
SnK is gearing up to be literally what we all wanted. There's no way they could ruin this! Right?
>a secretly intensely, severely hypersexual teacher
So she's gonna be Oonari's Aina (SM)? This is gonna be amazing
>Miria and Risako are 25
LITERAL (figurative) CHRISTMAS CAKE rrrriiiiiiiIIIIIIPE!~
>Anna is 24
Just makes the cut. Neat.
>Moeka is 23
My ass she's twenty three, but I'll roll with it
>Kotomi is 22
Wait really? The hyper-slut strawberry is 22? She's younger than the shortstack moe? This is some kind of depraved joke.
Their ages are like the cup sizes ultimately though it doesn't matter much
▶ No.179677
It'd be funny if she had the same VA
>There exist 30+ year old women with incredibly tiny bodies, you know.
Phone numbers or didn't happen
▶ No.179690>>179837
>tfw getting excited for sexy teacher game
>tfw you see their ages
>tfw you realize you're actually a good five years older than the oldest Cake
why do things like this just creep up and slap you sometimes?
▶ No.179837>>179881
I feel that way with schoolgirl heroines now a days unless it's JK gyaru girls getting fucked by oji-sans.
▶ No.179838
▶ No.179881>>179884
I wonder if that's why that trend took off to begin with, because hentai vn players and readers were aging and they wanted to appeal to them
though I hear the school girl x oji-san thing is a legit problem in Japan with the more assertive types making money with the school cunny I'd make a joke about English girls doing the same thing for ages but then I remembered Rotherham and I got sad and couldn't. The real world sucks
Speaking of this, I'd be into it but I bet the appeal for a SnK/UK cross mix of an "adult teacher slaving slutty virgin adult teacher heroines" would have a demographic size you could count on your fingers.
▶ No.179884>>179934 >>179938
Adult on adult isn't exactly a rare scenario, though. I mean, just look at the age group of the entire cast of this new Bishop title. They're all in their twenties, young adults. You can easily have a protagonist who is also in his twenties fucking girls that age group, like the protagonist in CnS. Though I guess if you're talking about mature adults and not young adults then that would be narrowing the audience down a bit.
▶ No.179934
>You can
You can but you don't. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the age play, but you'd never have a 30+ going after 20+ or equally 30+yr olds.
The most I've seen was a 20+ protag with 30+ girls, and that was only with Tinkerbell, too.
Basically I'm saying a UK but with teachers instead of students. Not gonna happen. The market's tiny and mature women are already rare compared to the teenage cutie demographic.
▶ No.179938>>179946
Also though you make a great point you should note that BISHOP hasn't made another title with ages like in CS for…huh. Have they ever, actually? I can't remember.
And would 25 be considered a "young adult" my dude? 25+ is firmly rooted in adulthood I'd think, especially since you only have until 35 or so until the womb ages like milk and you'd only get wonky downs Asperger progeria babies
pic highly unrelated
▶ No.179946
They have made such titles, but usually never with a full cast of such heroines.
As for 'young adult,' as a term I just see it as '20s to around 30s.' Post teen years, but not 'mature adult' like a 40 year-old. The 'young' simply implies that, for an adult, they are in their early years of it.
▶ No.179972>>180076 >>190394
These bonuses makes me mad. I remember the MK3 Touko bonus with her having twin tails and now i see a Cow costume Miria? These would had been ACE on the games but im sure there wont be one in the game.
▶ No.180074
>cow outfit for cow tits
▶ No.180076>>180528
>Touko bonus with her having twin tails
I will never not be mad about that.
Though the last bonus was Anju in the bunny suit and that was actually a big deal in the game. Got a bj scene and two variants of anal and vaginal. There's hope yet.
Though on closer inspection I notice there's a brown bottle with pills spilled out. I wonder what that's about.
▶ No.180528>>180583
>Though on closer inspection I notice there's a brown bottle with pills spilled out. I wonder what that's about.
Fertility drugs
▶ No.181698>>181799 >>181804 >>181908
Re-reading MK3 while paying particular attention to the script and it's actually pretty good, well, good for a nukige anyway. The heroines each deal with the rape and their own feelings in different ways which is actually entertaining. Yukari basically falls in love with the MC and sex but beats herself up over not being able to stop him like a "proper" teacher would be able to, which hurts her because she's always dreamed about being a good teacher. Kurumi is convinced the protagonist is only raping because his memory loss is affecting his common sense and morality (due to forgetting his childhood and how he was raised etc etc). When she ends up super horny all the time the protagonist makes fun of her of her for being wrong (since she never lost her memories) and it's pretty moe/funny. And so on. The heroines each feel really unique and their routes, while all fundamentally the same kind of corruption, are entertaining in their own way thanks to the script. I think it helps a lot that MK3 decided not to be an enslavement game where the MC enslaves the heroines. Usually in a Bishop game the heroines basically have 90% of their personality wiped as they turn completely subservient to the MC. While that's all well and good, hot in own's way for sure, I really appreciate how in MK3 the heroines basically remain the same, only super slutty. For example, Touko is still a turbo-bitch that basically gives our protag the middle finger each time he teases her, but she lovingly spreads her legs for him all the same. Duality! Kurumi actually calls the protagonist to her infirmary while wearing a slutty cosplay outfit (pic) specifically to seduce him because she got horny during the day, whereas in slave games the heroines are usually instructed to sit around and wait for the MC to contact them, which they do. Basically the heroines still feel like they're still themselves even after being corrupted and that allows for the writing to be a lot more entertaining/interesting.
The protagonist is also pretty good. He's a dick just like Ryou in SM, to the point of almost being the same character, but perhaps due to the heroines being afforded more personality he really shines with his dialogue. He as a lot of absolutely gold lines like:
>"Hey, stop with the crying already. The only thing I want wet is your pussy."
I think he works really well in this game, you can't really have a nice guy protagonist go around raping girls so their hands were kind of tied, but I still think he was well-written in this game. Not, like, Shakespeare-genius-character-arc well written, but quality at providing entertaining banter and such. Combined with the solid heroine characterization/writing/etc I honestly think MK3 has the best writing in the entire Bishop catalogue, that I've read at least. Ura Kyoushi is a pretty solid game in terms of art and generically being stupidly fucking hot, but comparing it to this game, I think the script itself is pretty mediocre and all the heroines end up pretty samey post-corruption, not to mention the complete lack of actual banter or really any humor beyond the protagonist being a chuuni fuck.
▶ No.181799>>181816 >>181908
>The heroines each feel really unique and their routes, while all fundamentally the same kind of corruption, are entertaining in their own way thanks to the script. I think it helps a lot that MK3 decided not to be an enslavement game where the MC enslaves the heroines. Usually in a Bishop game the heroines basically have 90% of their personality wiped as they turn completely subservient to the MC. While that's all well and good, hot in own's way for sure, I really appreciate how in MK3 the heroines basically remain the same, only super slutty.
You're somewhat right and definitely on point with MK3 for the most part, except that in BISHOP games like MK4, MK2 and SM they have the same amount of personality, just made super slutty, while keeping the slave motif signature of classic BISHOP (UK to a lesser extent also). The reason MK3 seems to have so much more of it is because of the plot which, while some anons don't like it or think it's very pointless since it doesn't factor in much unlike MK4's plot, does in fact give a sort of common thread the protag and heroine can follow, usually with a common enemy of a kind, wherein their teaming up lends to a different dynamic than we're used to and more personality in interaction.
The big difference is that only MK3 and MK4 have an actual plot and in that plot is where we get to see the interaction between the heroines and protag. The protagonist is very important as his personality dictates the kind of interaction, and thus the kind of conveyance of personality, the girls get to exhibit. Now, you don't need a plot for this, though, as proven by Marika's and the Twins' routes in particular during Sansha Mendan. Every girl, in fact, especially Narumi, has tons of personality (some more than others) and the interactions are all unique with varying levels of wit, humor and characterization.
However, in MK3 you don't particularly see the girls break into sluts so much as slide, being rather the antithesis of KTJK where they never break until the end. The biggest issue with KTJK was the TERRIBLE protag who, due to being a literal idiot and supreme gentleman, had scarcely any meaningful interaction with the girls, leaving most of their routes feeling almost identical outside of the H scenes themselves. It sucks.
MK3 has plenty of character, though, and despite being lighter on the mind break - being more like "slut blossoming" than "mind break" (though really BISHOP's style is that way, real mind break sucks, but MK3 is still very light and doesn't have the fun slave motif) - it just gives the girls so much more room to be themselves. They're able to be more active, even to the point of tracking you down and jumping you in heat, because of the lighter slave-break element.
I hope SnK has that kind of approach, not as light as MK3 but that each girl has plenty of room to be themselves in their route so the writing doesn't blend together because of a garbage protag being literally retarded. So far it's highly promising.
Touko is definitely my fave slavslutfu from MK3, too. Gotta love that expy
her attempts at being tsundere, ignoring the protag and her upset "HMPH!" is so cute, too.
▶ No.181804
>that moment when the protag desperately tries to convince Touko to bring him along to the secret meeting and ends up confessing to her…by saying he's anxious about not being able to rape her freely at school anymore
>that moment when the protag tells a worried and distressed Shino that she doesn't need to be under her evil uncle's control since she can instead just be his thing/possession
Mesu Kyoushi 3 is a romance for the ages
▶ No.181816>>181939 >>182205
I actually just noticed I made a slight typo, writing "after" as "as" by mistake. What a meant to say was
>the heroines basically have 90% of their personality wiped as they turn completely subservient to the MC
Yeah, the characters in Sansha Mendan definitely have tons of personality, but I feel even in that game a large portion of that personality is just gone once they turn into slaves. You could basically swap the characters out for each other following their enslavement and there wouldn't be a huge difference between them. It's basically what you say here:
>MK3 has plenty of character, though, and despite being lighter on the mind break - being more like "slut blossoming" than "mind break" - it just gives the girls so much more room to be themselves. They're able to be more active, even to the point of tracking you down and jumping you in heat, because of the lighter slave-break element
They have their quirks, but their personalities are severely diminished because they're just so completely subservient to the MC that their own selves have little room to show. Touko being a rude bitch to the MK3 MC in her bonus scenes really caught me off guard because she had already been corrupted, but then it hit me: She's a complete cock-addict now, but she's still herself, which is more than I can say for most Bishop heroines.
Now, like I said, a girl getting completely destroyed by pleasure to the point of her mind being enslaved is perfectly hot. I've fapped to Ura Kyoushi countless times, the way super bitchy girls like notAsagi and the man-hating Tsukino get turned into kittens purring for MC's dick is fantastic. But the dialogue also ends up a lot more bland due to that, they just don't have the personality for engaging dialogue anymore. It's basically like pic related I feel. MK3 is entertaining with engaging banter and heroine interaction all the way to the end, whereas most other Bishop games have a sharp decline in quality near the end, with a lot of similar-sounding dialogue (that can still be hot, just fairly generic and by the numbers).
▶ No.181908>>181939
Yeah thats why one of the main reasons that i love MK3. The girls just become slutty instead of getting their personalities wiped out for the most part like in most BISHOP games. Thats why i loved Hina from CnS and Mahiru from KnK, because they still showed their personalities for the most part after mindbroken, specially Hina who doesnt really buy into the whole Master thing fully and will just use it to get sex from MC.
Im probably the only guy that liked that Chisato remained the shy wreck that she is, many time i have read people wanting her to turn into a shameless exhibitionist but i actually prefer her "embarrassed of doing stuff but will do it if it meants getting the MC's chimpo" stick. Its a shame that we wont likely see this again despite MK3 being one of the best selling games but at least it got rid of those one off gangbang, bestiality, being cummed by a group scenes.
A shame she doesnt gets fucked on her maid outfit. Or getting an anal scene at some point.
▶ No.181939
>A shame she doesnt gets fucked on her maid outfit.
Mifuyu(and Marika) really stole the show with the maid outfit theme so I didn't mind, but yeah it would have been neat.
>Or getting an anal scene at some point.
I never liked anal but certain artists can make it look fun. Part of me hopes Rio goes full Anju with Miria and gets the protag to deflower all her holes again.
Honestly I'd probably break my computer in mad heat if we get to steal Cow Queen's first kiss and she makes a big deal about it. I like when those elements are brought up explicitly.
>They have their quirks, but their personalities are severely diminished because they're just so completely subservient to the MC that their own selves have little room to show.
I don't think so, mate. In SM especially it's more about revealing who they really were beneath the self-deception, with Mifuyu being the most obvious because she was so starved and Aina being the most surprising this side of Yuuna. They were always intense sluts but just needed a good man to bring it out of them. The mask comes off and the adorable, huggable Aina reveals the nasty, hungry grin she's always been hiding even from herself.
BISHOP protags are best when their sexual conquest is basically blunt-force therapy hue
No but really, maybe in MK4 I can see how it would be an absolute change in character for someone like Maki but Miyu is also the secret slut, having hidden the sluttiness which is literally in her genetics because she saw how crazed her pregnant sister was while riding on that random guy's (her master's) loins. Sometimes is absolute changes while others it's a revealing and acceptance of their true selves BISHOP x Persona when?
>She's a complete cock-addict now, but she's still herself, which is more than I can say for most Bishop heroines.
I can't argue with this one, though. I can see the appeal in change-types (like in Tsubaki's complete change in UK) but I also see the appeal in the reveal-type, and since MK3 was lighter on the elements and didn't have the slave motif it really lent itself the aspect that these girls were willingly giving in despite their earlier pleas otherwise.
>Touko being a rude bitch to the MK3 MC in her bonus scenes
I don't remember that. I remember her being pretty deredere (which was the natural evolution of breaking through that exterior of "no I don't like cumming this hard it's a lie I hate you"
▶ No.182205
>>>Sexual zones: Pretty much her entire body
she's a fave for sure
can't wait to see her double-peace just from breathing on her
>that graph
maybe if you compare it to ura kyoushi or the earlier gakuen stuff but they have plenty of personality after that
except kutsujoku
i mean do you have examples?
▶ No.182301>>182325 >>182329
Curious what you guys think of that one Princess Knight game Bishop made. After all isnt that the only one not in modern times.
Could very much do without the monsters and animals tho
▶ No.182325>>182329
>Princess Knight game Bishop made
I don't think I'm familiar with it. Are you sure you're not thinking of Lune?
No you're probably thinking of old Bishop but I don't know it. Post a name, my man
▶ No.182329>>182344
Its old BISHOP when they added girl sharing so its shit. Maybe if they are daring enough they will hop on the dark elf craze that has been on the boon as of late.
Hime Dorei.
▶ No.182344>>182370
Thats the one.
Only browsed through the cg, I only saw monsters and animals other than the mc of course, Does the dude there really engage in cuckery? Shame, Id rather not have either.
▶ No.182370>>182572
Welcome to old BISHOP my man, at that point they were just Lilith with a modern setting for the most part.
It wasnt until Mesu Kyoushi 3 that the dropped the girl sharing entirely.
▶ No.182572
>It wasnt until Mesu Kyoushi 3 that the dropped the girl sharing entirely.
Nah MK2 with Sayuri was their big break and they got better each progressive game, first dropping any beast nonsense or monster and then finally removing any gangbang scene by MK3. That was the last to go.
Now BISHOP is aces
▶ No.182594>>182695 >>185720
The game that literally has every girl except the loli and for some reason the nurse get shared with everyone (Though most are from being cummed and having their bodies rubbed by others dicks) and that the Oyakodon route climax was letting some dudes fuck your pregnant MILF slave? Nah.
MK3 started it all, ironically the "worst" BISHOP game.
Though if i want to play by your argument it would probably be Kyouku Shidou since other than the dog scene no one else penetrates the girls (Yuzuki never licks or gets fucked by the many dudes, just cummed on while giving handjobs) which its probably quite the first time there isnt an scene where a girl licks someone other than MC).Then they kept getting those scenes every now and then, SLG 3 was probably the last game to have BISHOP's holy trinity of old: gangbang, Bestiality, edgy endings.
▶ No.182657>>182696
I was thinking that Mesu Kyoushi 3 is probably the worst Bishop game for those who really care about enslavement and mind break, but one of the best for everyone else. The writing is seriously entertaining and although the girls don't turn into uber submissive slaves like most of the other games, the sex is still really hot and the girls do end up being super slutty, so it's really a good game overall.
▶ No.182695
>MK3 started it all, ironically the "worst" BISHOP game.
▶ No.182696>>183063
That's why everyone is hoping that Shihai no Kyoudan brings back that great blend between the two, where you get the good of MK3 without sacrificing the enslavement aspect.
▶ No.183063
i just hope they will add proper lewd slave dialogue and good pregnant end for the harem, maybe some kiss\hold hands at the end.
Also no fucking cuckshit like in UK.
Damn aside from the Marika hobo jizz
SM was a 10\10
Damn Yuuna and Marika best girls, turning that cheeky tsundere into a loving slave was most satisfying.
Mifuyu is just behind
▶ No.183114
Excellent. Saved.
▶ No.183924>>183932
What BISHOP games should I play to avoid cuckshit?
▶ No.183932>>184420 >>197996
Everything from Mesu Kyoushi 3 onwards. You could play Sansha Mendan as long as you avoid Marika'route (At leas avoiding her pregnant ending, you can still go Oyakodon route for some closure), you can avoid it in Kyouku Shidou by ignoring Yuzuki's route (Only her's gets other dudes and a dog involved, you could do her until her last submission scene.), in Gakuen 3 you can avoid it by ignoring the blonde's route. Now at least the Gakuen 3 gal and Marika's scene dont get penetrated, blonde only licks one+handjob and Marika just handjobs (While both getting cummed on). Ura Kyoushi is a real cucking no matter how you see it since the MC lets Makino get fucked in every hole by a bunch of dudes and like a cuck he then fucks her while she gives handjobs, and since only her and Subaki are the hottest girls then game is trash to me.
Avoid the rest like a plague.
▶ No.184188>>184190 >>184216 >>184218
What BISHOP games should I play to maximize cuckshit?
▶ No.184190
You have to go really far to their old games which are pretty bad (meh writing and mediocre at best art). Just enjoy the gangbang in UK and leave it at that.
▶ No.184216>>184244
Better off with a Lilith title for that one, anon. Though the oldest bishops do alright it's not nearly cuck enough for maximizational optimalness
▶ No.184218
MK 2, as i noted above the MC let everyone have a piece of "his" slaves except for the loli and nurse (Though she probably fucks around on the side).
Anything below that its fair game too. Manin Densha series specifically, 2 has the girls ending being fucked while sucking the protag's ugly friend and the harem one has all the girls fucked by many guys in one huge orgy.
▶ No.184244>>184245 >>184420
Pretty sure I wrote avoid. I wonder if it's a filter because of (((optional))) content.
▶ No.184245
So if it isn't clear, I want to avoid it.
▶ No.184420>>184480 >>184530
That was already answered >>183932
MK3, MK4 and onward.
Choosing a girl's route in the previous games that didn't have that is also an option like anon said. But if you just need to avoid a game even for a single girl's absolute trash scene then fair enough, though yeah the older games can be worse than UK and SM.
Now enough of this girl-sharing crap.
Anyone have any hopes for SnK? Any kind of scene specifically?
I'm hoping for a scene where Strawberry gets wrecked ahegao after forced multiple upon multiple orgasms.
also obviously cow outfit for cow tits
▶ No.184480>>184481
I don't particularly expect much. Pink will probably go down the classic road of debauchery and Oonari will probably give his girls some nice frilly clothing, probably a cute babydoll dress too. Rio's girl will be huge titties. Tomoaki has always had a penchant for his expressions. And I don't really have much of an interest in the Uriri's stuff; his style just doesn't match to the other artists as well.
▶ No.184481
I do sort of miss Tomoaki drawing the petite girl in Bishop's stuff. Though Oonari can put out a pretty good petite girl too.
▶ No.184530
>Anyone have any hopes for SnK? Any kind of scene specifically?
Corruption and REAL retraining scenes.
That said i hope there are some nice 3p scenes in the harem route and hopefully not one after another, something like Houkago 3 would be nice.
Character wise im expecting Miria to get fucked in front of her family and possibly kick them out of there. Or maybe a marriage honey moon sex scene in a high class hotel.
Im hopeful for Anna and i look forward for her contrast between broken and her usual self.
All girls are big breasted so give them a paizuri and double paizuri scene, this needs to happen.
I will most likely ignore pink, kinda tired of them at this point, Mahiru and Miho were the last ones i enjoyed.
Since they all have big breast make them all wear cow costumes.
I hope i dont see any masochist heroines, masochist heroines do nothing for me, the only one that was good i think was Yume(KnK) but because she didnt had too hardcore scenes like the others.
Dont make the protag so bitter, i hope he is more on the gentler side (Mainly because i dont want him to go sadistic on the girls).
▶ No.184630>>184639 >>184712
My niggas, I don't like when the MC shares his woman as well, but what's wrong with assplay?
Is a woman touching your dick also gay?
▶ No.184639>>184712
You're enjoying a dick being touched, of course it's gay
▶ No.184664>>184682 >>184712
>>170600 (OP)
I wish the noses would be drawn with more detail.
Your autism gave me a chuckle.
▶ No.184682>>184683
>Your autism gave me a chuckle.
It's a meme you dip.
▶ No.184683>>184684
Then it's an autistic meme.
▶ No.184712
In real life, ass stuff is for fecal loving degenerates. In hentai where the girls only poop when convenient, and poop without any mess or residue, and where urination is a sign of affection, it's fine. I never liked it myself but then you get Cakes with proportionally well drawn plump asses and you just gotta. You gotta, anon.
You legitimately have to.
>implying autism can't be fun
What location do you consider this to be?
>I wish the noses would be drawn with more detail.
No you don't. No you absolutely do not want that. You ever see an anime with a drawn nose? Looks ridiculous. There's no way an anime loli or Cake can look good, let alone sexy, with a fully drawn nose bridge.
▶ No.184990>>185098
So Mesu Kyoushi 4 is probably Bishop's title with the most amount of pregnant sex scenes, isn't it? I wager that especially on the harem segment, since most Bishop games just have a single CG for the entire heroine cast being pregnant, but in MK4 it is straight up the harem sex scene with the all of them pregnant. No other Bishop title has done it like so recently.
▶ No.185098
Well the crux of the game was impregnation, which was also part of the whole "family" theme and tied to the protag's lack of a family and secret desire for one. Makes sense you'd have the most pregger. I really liked that but it just feels more satisfying when you're given the choice, whether it effects anything (MK3, KTJK, etc.) or not (SM).
▶ No.185720>>185767
I hope someone is able to mod that shit out
▶ No.185767>>186231 >>186271
>modding a visual novel
▶ No.186231>>186372
As if taking out the cuckshit wouldn't be possible
▶ No.186271>>186372
It wouldnt be hard, just remove the whole scene and change it to MC saying "you know what? Fuck cucks, i will kill myself" and end the game right there.
▶ No.186372>>186374
The point is that it's silly. For that matter just take the assets off panda, run em through renpy and make your own route. Seriously why do all this?
Look, just play through the route until you get near the scene, skip through the scene and make a save right before the pregnancy scene/ending. Then when you replay her route you get up to that point and load the pre-end save you made the first time. Congrats, you just edited the visual novel for yourself.
Or you can move on to another game since, nice as UK and Gauking Too is, they aren't the best of the best anyway. There's more games from BISHOP without that stuff that you can have fun with
>MC saying "you know what? Fuck cucks, i will kill myself"
Now you're just being silly
▶ No.186374>>186395
UK is one of Bishop's best games, it's in the kamige triad of Sansha Mendan, Mesu Kyoushi 3, and Ura Kyoushi
▶ No.186395
Exactly, so if you don't like one you can just move to the next one instead of trying mod a visual novel
▶ No.187799>>187886 >>188628 >>188629 >>189548
Well Bishop uploaded their page. Here are some sample CGs. Definitely loving the look.
The MC doesn't seem to have a special power. Huh…can't remember the last a student hero lacked that
▶ No.187886
It looks pretty good but im still keeping my expectations low until i see some broken CGs, until then im just mildly interested.
Ritsuko is apparently engaged or something? The translation was a mess so i couldnt understand and also wonder why she does a peace sign, seems like she will be rather submissive. Also looks like the hurse wont be another Yume so she will have more reactions during the scenes.
Miria's breasts are beautiful, there better be lots of lactation, love her expressions so far.
▶ No.187958>>187959 >>188144 >>188628 >>190290
At least they have the cast listed on the front page. Which makes me more positive about the upcoming title. Since it seems to me like they mostly hired their veteran cast for this game.
Kotomi Hanamori - Voiced by Kanan (Voiced Kazuha)
Risako Kashima - Voiced by An Kasuga (Voiced Saya, Miyu Tsubaki, Kiyoka and a bunch more.)
Maria Matsubara - Voiced by Ren Haruna
Moeka Takizawa - Voiced Ai Yoshinaka
Anna Tsukioka - Voiced by Ryouko Tezuka (Voiced Yurika, Miki)
▶ No.187959
>An Kasuga
▶ No.188144
>Kasuga An
By design alone I wasn't digging her all that much but this changes everything.
Ditto for Kanan as Kotomi, a big part of why I like Kazuha so much is her voice.
Miria is easily my favorite going by design, the CG samples made me sure of that, and although I'm not that familiar with her VA, I liked her in the few games I played with her (but she played completely different character types in those, so it's hard to judge until voice samples are out).
By design alone my preference would be Miria > Anna > Kotomi > Risako > Moeka
▶ No.188628>>188866
Aw LOOK AT THIS! YES! Cow Tits is delicious! And that scene with the Brown is really good! Look at the detail on Strawberry's leg, too! All of this is looking so nice it's a shame we won't get it until July.
>An Kasuga
Which one is Risako again?
Also I looked into Miria's seiyuu and found that she voiced mostly side-rolls on bigger projects, or at least the ones I would know, and main rolls in smaller stuff. Usually a MILF voice, though so this time we won't have an Anju situation where she's clearly an adult but has a voice that's borderline teen.
Fun fact: Miria's voice actress did a role for Sunrider: Liberation Day. Yeah, that Sunrider.
▶ No.188629
also nice to see Akagi Rio finally learning to put a mouth on the protag
▶ No.188866>>188959
>Which one is Risako again?
▶ No.188959>>188966 >>189282
>it's the one who doesn't know much about sex
Couldn't have been a better girl
▶ No.188966>>189082 >>189282
She is even doing a peace sign already, i hope that when broken she comes up with sexual stuff MC wasnt even aware of.
▶ No.189082
>i hope that when broken she comes up with sexual stuff MC wasnt even aware of.
That would be fantastic! Oh man would that be so fun. But I won't get my hopes up since all we really need is for BISHOP to just return to form properly this time. Even so, that'd be really fun.
▶ No.189083>>189183 >>192160
Oh hey, the Character buttons for the girls on the SnK website smile when your mouse hovers over them. That's cute.
Good sign
▶ No.189183>>189189
Thats what happens in the BISHOP games before being raped (Unless they already dislike MC) or when they are already broken when you select them in the world map. Nothing new.
▶ No.189189
He's talking about the character page, not the actual game itself
▶ No.189282>>189474 >>189548
There was something similar on Hatsune and Narumi's 3P ending.
I don't remember if Ryou didn't think of having the two give him a twin buttjob, but he was surprised it was Hatsune's idea and not Narumi's.
And then she says she'll always come up with lewd things to please him or something along those lines.
Very satisfying and fitting for a girl who literally knew nothing about sex besides what she learned on biology class.
Source on that image?
▶ No.189474
Yeah, that's a real fun type of corruption
>Source on that image?
I saw it on /v/ before. Looks like a sad panda manga, though. Artist seems familiar
▶ No.189548>>189867
Holy fuck, can't wait to fuck those huge udders of the cow tits girl, break her to be a loving sex slave and impregnate her over and over.
I hope 3P action is going to come back in Shihai no Kyoudan. I particularly loved the 3p scenes in SM.
▶ No.189867>>189906 >>190018
Yeah she's my favorite by far.
Her design, her personality, the fact she lactates, ticks every box for me.
Also, I think Akagi Rio's art is looking really good this time around. Really expressive faces, coupled with the "softness" that he was always able to give to the female skin.
Also I think the coloring looks better this time around, they overdid the saturation a bit in Kutsujoku, now it's looking more like Kuro no Kyoushitsu or Chijoku no Seifuku, which is good to me.
▶ No.189905>>189906
You run the BISHOP chess piece icon and either install game or hit run game if already installed.
▶ No.189906
It's a shame she won't be voiced by An Kasuga since she'd make an adorable villain, and Miria is definitely a villainous heroine. Though having her reprise a role like Risako's is pretty sweet regardless.
I really want to hear the seiyuu now, especially for Miria. We know our gal Kasuga will knock it out of the park. It's a given. But I just don't know how to feel about my second favorite pick for SnK being voiced by a seiyuu for Sunrider. That's weird, man. It's really weird.
Read the Read Me next time, anon. Also >>189905
▶ No.190018>>190198
Lactation is one of my biggest fetishes and the "moral" act that she is going to put up makes the breaking all the sweeter, when she will beg to have her tits groped and her pussy filled.
I hope she's going to have a scene where she has her tits groped by the MC in the class, gets an orgasm by it, then fuck her silly in the bathroom and suckle those tits spraying milk all over.
▶ No.190198>>192145
>the "moral" act that she is going to put up
It'll be interesting if she goes down that route, though I think it'll be the more usual brusque attitude mixed with severe breast hatred - which is gonna be great when she starts being brought to severe orgasms from her breasts and she'll be simultaneously hating her tits and the intense pleasure they bring when neatly bullied.
She's a villain character, after all, so it'll probably be less about morality and more about her hatred for her body, the MC and all men altogether.
▶ No.190290
I'm glad Saya's VA didn't get a role in ktjk because I'd have raged to hear her voice in that carrot dork's hands
▶ No.190394>>190719 >>192123
You can usually get a feel for the lay of the land by Miel's works since they shoot them out a dime a dozen featuring themes or outfits which are currently in style, and their latest one has me looking forward to Miria getting the cow outfit from her sofmap tapestry.
▶ No.190719>>191419 >>192123 >>196431
Miel does a lot of stuff that most other companies dont bother to do and thats why despite the low budgets im always up for playing a Miel game.
Who knows, maybe BISHOP will actually use the Cow costume.
▶ No.191419
I hope that's the case, man.
▶ No.191836>>191975 >>192160
欲望のままに、 女教師の熟れた肢体を味わい、穢し、弄べ! 理性を塗り潰す快楽調教に、 獲物達は教師にあるまじき痴態を晒し、 身も心も肉欲の虜へと堕ちていく……! そして、教壇は支配の白濁に染まる……! 女教師多汁凌虐ADV『支配の教壇』 2018年6月29日発売予定
I don't know what the "despair, defile, talk" thing is about, probably just the flavor of the nukige, but I'm guessing that it's exactly what was hoped for since it's all about pleasure training. Confirmed virgins, too, though BISHOP doesn't fail in that regard.
▶ No.191842>>191905 >>192156
Also I think they're gonna make another subpar anime from their last game.
Imagine if the anime turned out to be not only excellently animated, drawn and colored faithful to the game CGs but also was just more fun somehow?
▶ No.191905
Doesn't look like it is by Poro, so that is a plus atleast.
▶ No.191975
Yeah, unless the heroine is an archetype that requires it like a MILF then she will always be a virgin. They know people love cakes as much as schoolgirls.
▶ No.192123>>192146 >>197576
Yeah I always find myself going to Miel from time to time too. Since the games are short even when they turn out disappointed it isn't really that much of a waste and there's always something to fap to.
That said this particular game had some nice moments, especially Hyouka. Besides the cow scene I really like this one. Wish we would see something like this for Miria, but Bishop almost never uses milking machines.
One thing Miel always does well is conveying that sense of the girls becoming sex objects/toys, many of the scenes (and dialogue) are more about them being used than having sex. Also the whole schtick of th the girls renouncing their humanity to become the MC's slaves, pets and etc. I find that pretty hot but there's not that many eroge that focus on that aspect of mindbreak/corruption, so even with Miel's tendency to be samey I'll take it.
As for Miria having a cow costume in the game, I hope so but I'm not holding my breath for it. Bishop has done promo art with the girls in cow costume before but never one in the games themselves
▶ No.192145
I hope something among the likes of Mifuyu, a mid-corruption scene where she can't bear the tits being so full she starts milking herself and masturbating
▶ No.192146
Based Quof, translating both Miel and Bishop.
▶ No.192156>>192474 >>192781
That just a Novelization of the game. Bishop usually make these sometime after the game is released. Though I do remember there was an illustration that was put on of the novels that weren't featured in the actual game. Here's an example, like this side story of Gakuen 2.
▶ No.192160>>192781
Its pretty nice, cant wait to see their happy pleasured expressions.
I could kinda get over no mindbreak before since the only must have heroines for me were blue and purple hair. But damm i love this game cast so this better not dissapoint.
▶ No.192474>>192564
>a novelization of a visual novel game
>a novelization of a nukige
▶ No.192564>>192576
It's pretty common actually
Even very simple and short nukige like Miel get some of these, so it's not even something reserved for more wordy games.
I know they tend to have a lot of changes to the story to make things more linear and so on.
I have a passing curiosity to check out the Sansha Mendan novels if I had the chance. There's two volumes, one with the Hagiura twins and one with Mifuyu and Marika.
▶ No.192576
I always am curious about what changes they made to the plot, or whether or not they add in some new tidbits of info.
▶ No.192780
So does Akagi mean he's in charge of the art or is he also somehow involved in Miria's route?
Here's the twitter for Akagi and Oonari. I think that new face from Oonari, the one we see in Slutty Strawberry in SnK and the other girl from KTJK, is his new waifu.
Also apparently Akagi is a Dizzy fan.
▶ No.192781>>193002
Manga I get. Drama CDs I can even understand. But novels? As in actual novels? I can't imagine what those are like. Nifty light novel illustrations, though.
Agreed on both fronts.
▶ No.193002
>But novels? As in actual novels? I can't imagine what those are like.
I mean… VNs are novels too, y'know? It's basically the same thing, only without voices, and with the CGs as illustrations on pages. Naturally, the lack of voices and the lack of CG variations (plus CGs being cut due to the cost of ink) make the novels objectively worse than the VN, but it's really not that weird to imagine them
▶ No.193478
Pretty nice. Only pink shows signs of losing it to pleasure so far but its an start. As always Anna and Miria steals the show.
Also pretty bold to have sex in front of the art club.
▶ No.193484>>193489 >>193864
Well to sum up the features page;
The protag doesn't have any gimmick, just the standard 'train it till you like it' like in Kyoiku Shidou and the works.
It follow the basic flow, rape, then training, and finally, swearing slavery due to pleasure. And each heroine has a pregnant or not pregnant ending.
I have to say, this pretty much confirms it. It constantly mention the girls are pleasuring from it. And it outright mention corruption and the works. This is a standard BISHOP game through and through, and its just what we needed
▶ No.193489>>193570
>It constantly mention the girls are pleasuring from it. And it outright mention corruption and the works.
I guess BISHOP got the hint after the reception of KTJK
>This is a standard BISHOP game through and through, and its just what we needed
I can't even look at those CGs they're gonna explode my hips.
▶ No.193570>>193657 >>193689
I have not seen much negative reception for Kutsujoku outside of this thread. I hope you don't think our opinions line up too much with the nips.
If you did see some negative reviews or discussions elsewhere feel free to link it though.
Either way, it was obvious the other games wouldn't be like Kutsujoku. That was meant to be something different like Tokubetsu Jugyoy 3SLG, or to a lesser extent Yakata and Shura no Chikandou also are. Different focus, setting, game flow and in the case of KTJK and 3SLG, tone. They may do something similar in the future but it won't be their bread and butter unless the game was a ridiculously huge hit, which it wasn't. And even if it was I doubt they'd drop what has been their signature style for 10+ years.
People in this thread call themselves Bishop fans but keep getting paranoid and obsessively angry over the smallest things, it's hilarious.
▶ No.193657>>193687
>People in this thread call themselves Bishop fans but keep getting paranoid and obsessively angry over the smallest things, it's hilarious.
You just described what a fanbase usually consists of. And its not like companies cant change what they usually develope. Saberfish and Lune used to focus on NTR, gangbangs, monster sex and other stuff that they pretty much dropped. Heck BISHOP was like that too back the, then they reduced it to one scene deal (Makino, Marika, Yuzuki) and then dropped it entirely. We also still have the whole "old guard" vs "the new blood" deal. You seem like the one that isnt a fan actually.
▶ No.193687>>193688 >>193696
>Heck BISHOP was like that too back then
It really wasn't. People greatly exaggerate this to farm outrage in this thread and reinforce this "old vs new" buullshit.
After Bishop moved into their distinctive style with MK1 (and I'm not familiar with pre-MK1 Bishop, so I don't know whether or not it had more gangbangs or not), few games had gangbangs, and it was usually restricted to one heroine per game at most. Mesu Kyoushi 2 being the glaring exception here, with every heroine but one getting gangbanged. Then it was later changed to "soft-gangbang" stuff like with Marika or Shasti where there's only one penetrating parter, the main character.
If I had to guess, I'd say the reason gangbangs were always a very restricted thing in Bishop (again, with the exception of MK2) and were later phased out is because it's not the taste of the main writers and producers. And probably also not Oonari's, as if I recall correctly, no character of his after MK2 was ever involved in a gangbang scene. On the other hand, the only gangbanged character in the other games not drawn by Kagami was Shasti. So yeah I think it has more to do with Kagami and what he was known for at the time than there being this mythical old guard who really loved gangbangs. These guys exist, for sure, but not in a high enough number for them to define what an "oldschool fan" is, because gangbang was never a focus of Bishop. There is a difference in that the older games tended to go a bit more crazy with the fetish play stuff, but that's really it. As far as structure and focus go ithings haven't changed that much.
Also yes, a company can move away from their established market or style, but that tends to happen gradually over time, after several successes with the new thing they are moving on to. For instance, Lune still does NTR with tean bitters every once in a while, it's not completely gone yet. And Bishop doesn't really repeat the new things they try, not often, even when their games are successful. That's why we get so many new gimmicks that slightly change game flow in a lot of these games, but they get dropped in the next one. Despite a lot of people liking to poke fun at how stale and formulaic Bishop is, they do like to experiment. And whenever something too differnet comes out people overreact it will change the company forever or something It won't. I used to get worried and annoyed when I saw games deviating too much from what I like (harem content and pregnancy, basically) but soon enough I saw that they always swing back to their tried and tested stuff. To a regular company it would take a ridiculously big success, that dwarfs their regular stuff's to warrant a big change of focus in a short time. For a Japanese porn game company, that has a niche market and relies heavily in a established fanbase buying things, it would take a string of really big successes. Or insanity.
And I'm sorry if I don't sound like a true fan because I'm not willing to scream in anger for months and think one single game deviating from the norm warrants throwing away all the trust and goodwill a company has built with me for an entire decade. This isn't really exclusive to KTJK, I remember people decrying Bishop when Shura no Chikando was right. Entirely different reasons, but the same case of overreating to an outlier title.
▶ No.193688
> when Shura no Chikando was right.
When Shura no Chikandou came out*
Don't know what happened there.
▶ No.193689>>193695
Who said it was negative? Haven't you been keeping up with the threads? It's not just us but Nip fans were also disappointed with the same issues we had regarding KTJK. The reception was a mixed bag but moreso than usual with the chief complaint (aside from everyone's usual pining for Kagami's return) was the lack of pleasure, the lack of proper slave-break, the protagonist, etc. It was the same deal as us, mostly. The Nips didn't have as much to say about the story as we did, which is kinda funny.
They also really liked Akagi Rio's work so that could be part of the reason why BISHOP brought him back, some theorizing that he might become the next main staple of BISHOP to replace Kagami unless he comes back.
Oonari was getting lonely without a proper co-op. It's like a buddy cop dynamic with Rio being the new recruit that aced his training and got paired up with Oonari, the aged but still verile capable officer whose former partner is trapped one a dead-end case stuck out in gacha hell the boonies.
>the smallest things
No it's that when we wait for a game and it turns out ass it means we have to wait another year for the next one, and if that one's mediocre or sub-par then it's yet another year.
Also, what fanbase doesn't nitpick like obsessive surgeons? What kinda hugbox fan groups you been to? This isn't Pickle & Nihilism, man. No one here is turning on BISHOP because of a subpar game.
▶ No.193695>>193895
>Haven't you been keeping up with the threads?
Not really, got burned out after a while, stopped coming here frenquently until info for the new game started popping up.
>the chief complaint (aside from everyone's usual pining for Kagami's return) was the lack of pleasure, the lack of proper slave-break, the protagonist, etc. It was the same deal as us, mostly.
Same complaints I tend to voice about it, then. But I still have more to like than to dislike in KTJK because I do enjoy some sadism and the art is overall really good. It's just a shame post-mindbreak got the short end of the stick. But since I expected that to be more of an one off thing it didn't bother me that much.
Thanks for the rundown on the nip reception, anyway.
>They also really liked Akagi Rio's work so that could be part of the reason why BISHOP brought him back, some theorizing that he might become the next main staple of BISHOP to replace Kagami unless he comes back.
I fucking hope so. None of these artists they got to cooperate with Oonari in the meantime were able to match him. Akagi Rio is, for the most part. Oonari's skill is more refined.
>No it's that when we wait for a game and it turns out ass it means we have to wait another year for the next one, and if that one's mediocre or sub-par then it's yet another year.
Bishop usually does 2 games each year, but point taken. I don't think any of the recent games have been ass though. Maybe Shura no Chikando on the account of it only having one, maybe two worthwile heroines and just being bland overall. But all the others including Kagai Jugyo and Kutsujoku which tend to be rather controversial I overall enjoyed my time with.
I play a lot of nukige outside of Bishop too so maybe it's just that I see actual stale and disappointing stuff way more often than someone who's more focused on Bishop and maybe one or two other companies, as some in these threads seem to be.
▶ No.193696>>193846
>It really wasn't. People greatly exaggerate this to farm outrage in this thread and reinforce this "old vs new" buullshit.
>There's literally a hobo scene in there
▶ No.193730>>193885
If you don't want to see the gangbang, hobo or anything that you hate just skip it. It's only in 1 route and you people are keep sperging out acted all entitled because of that.
▶ No.193846
In there where?
Also read the rest of my post before kneejerking. I was never denying that older Bishop games have stuff new ones do not, just that it's not significant enough to split it in two eras.
▶ No.193855>>193864
I don't keep up with Bishop news in general, but do we know at all if the next game is going to have inflation or not? And if not, do you think there still room for that to be a "surprise"?
The games that have it are all the best to me
▶ No.193864
Nevermind, literally just a few posts up.
▶ No.193885>>193897
>If you don't want to see the gangbang, hobo or anything that you hate just skip it.
I only got UK for Makino and Tsubaki so the gangbang being on one of the only girls i care kills the game and thus will complain.
>It's only in 1 route and you people are keep sperging out acted all entitled because of that.
Glad cucks no longer are appealed to.
▶ No.193895>>193909
>It's just a shame post-mindbreak got the short end of the stick.
Exactly. It felt like we only got half the game (though I know it was the theme).
Also a better protag. I can really dig sadism if you have a good sadist like in UK, but this entitled little kid with the biggest gun is garbage.
>Thanks for the rundown on the nip reception, anyway.
No problem.
>Akagi Rio is, for the most part. Oonari's skill is more refined.
Very true and agreed, though I think it's worth noting that Rio has mostly done much different proportions for his career - mainly moe cute girls if I recall - and he hasn't been around nearly as long as Oonari. If they do keep Rio like they've been doing then I guarantee we can only see even better and better work from him.
>I play a lot of nukige outside of Bishop too so maybe it's just that I see actual stale and disappointing stuff way more often than someone who's more focused on Bishop and maybe one or two other companies, as some in these threads seem to be.
That does change perspective, yeah. Maybe it's just me but I've seen most anons on this board only mainly, if not exclusively, acquainted with Lilith, Lune, Alicesoft and BISHOP. You get some Miel and obviously some Waffle but in terms of nukige those are really the main ones I see a lot. Some anons don't even know what Tinkerbell is.
So when you're used to five star luxury restaurants at its best you can get more irritated when you get a subpar dish served to you, as opposed to someone who eats at way more various restaurants and knows a thing or two about complete garbage.
▶ No.193897>>193909
>I only got UK for Makino and Tsubaki so the gangbang being on one of the only girls i care kills the game and thus will complain.
>going for Makino
>not Saori
Not-Asagi and Golden Smug are the reason for the season man
▶ No.193909>>193949 >>194065 >>219633
Im only familiar with his Breast Milk Island 2 work and he is pretty good, seems like a very versatile artists since Miria almost passes as an Oonari character.
>acquainted with Lilith, Lune, Alicesoft and BISHOP.
I usually only play Atelier Kaguya (Mainly Bare&Bunny and Honky Tonk Pumpking), BISHOP, Lune, Miel stuff since im not really a fan of more fetishistic companies and those i mentioned will mainly focus on one male fucking lots of girls. Doesnt Tinkerbell specializes in futa and tentacles? Not my cup of tea. Im still a fairly vanilla guy, almost anything beyond MC fucking gets no reaction from me.
Other than Lina im not really fond of most blond heroines, its helped by the fact that im not a fan of Saori because of her fetish, the blonde for Gakuen 2, Yuzuki and Marika because they get to be enjoyed by other guys (But to a much lesser extent than Makino). So yeah the whole "lol just ignore it" doesnt works on UK.
▶ No.193949>>194105
>Breast Milk Island 2
That's one of the first nukige I really really liked. You know what's funny though? Back then I didn't pay attention to the fact that it had semen inflation scenes. Only some characters have those scenes and I must've missed them all. Fast forward to a few months ago, I replay the game and nowadays semen inflation is my favourite fetish, and then I find out this fucking game has that too.
It's basically perfect, Milk Island 2.
▶ No.194065>>194105
Saori doesn't have a fetish with other men. What do you mean? She likes to manipulate them and sit on them like furniture but she would never be lewd with any of them. She's an insanely powerful heiress to an influential wealthy politician's fortune. Saori is the perfect villainess character.
Plus she's just so smug it's amazing.
Also she's partly another copy of Kagami's other heroine from Prison Battleship 2, if I recall. She looks like the mature one but is actually voiced by the same seiyuu who voiced the younger one, so that's an odd expy.
>Doesnt Tinkerbell specializes in futa and tentacles?
Not exclusively. Tinkerbell (and its partner studio under the same company) also do morality-based games where you date mature women and can either choose to go down a Romance route or an H route, with the Romance route often having more character development, more vanilla, etc. and the H route ranging from rampant sex to hardcore bondage and degeneration.
Though that's not to say the Romance route doesn't have good H. Pic related is the Romance route's ending for one of the girls. However, the H route obviously has more outlandish H.
>Im still a fairly vanilla guy, almost anything beyond MC fucking gets no reaction from me.
No I get it. It's like what was said earlier that it's a fun bizarre combination of utter domination and breaking while keeping them sweetly as adorable love slave waifu.
Your sarcasm is so thick you're sure to get the thread pregnant. haha
▶ No.194105>>194135
Im a fan of the breast expansion and lactation myself, the game is also pretty funny like how the most fearsome animal is a giant steak or when Angelica trows breast milk at you to steal your fish. The belly inflation happens mostly in the final H-scene which is probably one of the effects of the Island. The animations arent half bad either.
I meant her masochism fetish, those dont really anything for me so they usually become characters not worth to do (Yume wasnt that bad since her's arent as extreme and most still involve normal sex, just a little rough). Almost all blondes have something that makes them worst girls for me: MK1's have scat, KS has the whole many men dicks around her with handjobs and being cummed over, same with SM's, Same with G3's (Another Yuzuki basically), CnS's has the piss and fart scenes, SnC's sex toy fetish gets really boring fast. Only Saeko and Lina seems to be normal with no extreme content as far as blonde's goes but in general they suck. I have high hopes for Miria though.
▶ No.194135>>194165
>in general they suck
>I have high hopes for Miria though.
Same. All the girls look great but Miria and Kasuga's character are my top.
▶ No.194140>>194150
Eh. Personally I think Saori being the M to Reiji's S was rather suiting. It made them the most fitting pair of the entire cast, especially given they had a shred of a history with each before the events of UK. So you have the rich and bratty daughter who grew up to eventually end up being a masochistic cock sleeve for one of Daddy's associates, and it all comes together to be quite hot. The only thing that I didn't enjoy from her route was the electrical torture stuff and the rimming part (though the rest of that scene with that action involved is golden). That and Saori has some of the most intense ahegaos of the cast in that game.
▶ No.194150
My thoughts exactly, but though it didn't do anything for me I could still appreciate the scene of extreme electro-training because of her reaction. Just find it stupid the scene wasted a whole cum-meter despite him not doing anything but watching.
▶ No.194165>>194262
Miria is definitely the character I have the most expectations of, but looking at the CGs in the thread, I get the feeling that Kotomi is just going to straight up slay my dick with her scenes, jesus. Do not underestimate the sexually frustrated strawberry.
▶ No.194262
I liked her design in KTJK but as a Cake she's even better. It's gonna be fun watching that face go full melty mouth in mind-dilapidating pleasure.
>Do not underestimate the sexually frustrated strawberry.
lol A right, man.
▶ No.196362>>196363
Wait…are they pregnant, or has my wish come true and this game has cumflation.
Wait, where did you even get these images?
Also, here's one hundred percent confirmation that this game has mindbreak.
▶ No.196363>>196378
Nevermind, saw the updated features page. Not only is there mindbreak: BUT WE HAVE CUMFLATION!
Oh man it has been too long. And it looks like I was wrong, the MC does have a gimmick for his cock.
Really the only BISHOP MC without a gimmicks are teachers and the MK4 protag (But he was basically an adult). Otherwise, even with blackmail, students don't have the skillset to enslave a girl just be training.
▶ No.196378
AND THE COW OUTFIT IS IN GAME. I was worried it was just for promotional art…but here it is. This is going to be great.
▶ No.196400>>196431
>Cow outfit for Miria is in
▶ No.196427
>Miria cow costume.
NEAT. There is literally no way BISHOP can fuck this up. Maybe in the harem content but i have enjoyed games a lot with little harem (MK3,CnS).
▶ No.196431
>Miria cow costume.
NEAT. There is literally no way BISHOP can fuck this up. Maybe in the harem content but i have enjoyed games a lot with little harem (MK3,CnS).
I did help hope >>190719
▶ No.196486
Is that
Is that
Are those
▶ No.196493
>virgin cakes
>these designs
>Kasuga qt returning
>cow outfit for cow tits
>pleasure mindbreak
▶ No.197576>>197583 >>197590
I entertained the thought of Miria getting a milking machine scene here >>192123 but I didn't think it had a chance of actually happening. Only two or three girls in all of Bishop have this kind of thing.
Also, really good Ahegao in these previews.
By the way, if I understood it correctly, the cum inflation will be present only in post-corruption scenes. Not sure if that includes retraining or not. Before mindbreak they get covered in cum instead. The idea is that the MC produces a lot of cum and ejaculates several times, covering them in cum. However when the girls are his and he wants to impregnate them, he shoots it all at once into the pussy/womb, which causes the cum inflation.
▶ No.197583>>197654
>By the way, if I understood it correctly, the cum inflation will be present only in post-corruption scenes. Not sure if that includes retraining or not. Before mindbreak they get covered in cum instead. The idea is that the MC produces a lot of cum and ejaculates several times, covering them in cum. However when the girls are his and he wants to impregnate them, he shoots it all at once into the pussy/womb, which causes the cum inflation.
That's lame. I thought we'd get the option to bukkake or creampie. I'm glad these elements are in the game, no doubt, but the lack of an option is really annoying.
What was the last BISHOP game that gave us the option, anyway?
▶ No.197590
Yeah it looks like the protagonist is Reiji-teir sperm shooter and the "white cloud conquest" aspect is that he shoots gallons all over the girls and then shoots one last load inside.
Then there's the sensuality training where you do lewd things to them in training scenes and turn them into pleasure slaves (how that differs from the first thing I don't know, mainly that the dicking isn't the central focus I guess).
But then in the retraining scenes "MAX" he just pours everything inside, leading to stomach inflation and crazier ahegao. Or that's what they're going for, at least.
They did it that way to give you a greater experience of the girls being totally destroyed.
The descriptions are hilariously over the top.
▶ No.197654>>197753
Usually the player only chooses if the last shot will be inside or outsise. I don't think that will be gone.
It's just that before mindbreak the scenes will play out like Houkago 3 and after it'll be more like UK or CnS.
▶ No.197753
>before mindbreak the scenes will play out like Houkago 3 and after it'll be more like UK or CnS.
When you put it that way it sounds pretty fun
▶ No.197996
>in Gakuen 3 you can avoid it by ignoring the blonde's route.
Which is pretty easy since best girl is also one of the best Oonari girls ever, and speaking of, >>196357 makes me think we'll be getting more pleasure-mad melty mouth Gakuen 3 style from oonari in the new game.
Some of the best crazy faces ever honestly
▶ No.199180>>199406
Site has been updated with voice samples. All of them sound great, except for Moeka I would say. Miria voice seems fitting.
▶ No.199406>>199421
>Miria voice seems fitting.
Miria's voice is perfect, man, although that orgasm/cumshot reaction sounds like a Dark Souls death cry.
Also I'm so glad to have An's voice in my ears again
CherrySlut sounds exactly like you'd expect, too. It's a different seiyuu from KTJK's Ayana but I could swear it's the same girl just older.
Her orgasm/cumshot scream is kinda funny in that is sounds like she tried to outrun an orgasm and it caught up to her
▶ No.199412
Moeka's orgasm/cumshot scream sounds like she's either choking or constipated
Other than that she sounds fitting.
Anna, the kuudere brown, is also perfect-teir
▶ No.199416>>199421 >>199551 >>199555 >>201226 >>202805
I just checked all of Miria's lines and check it out:
Normal: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/pod/arcs/miria02.mp3
Upset: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/pod/arcs/miria03.mp3
Under Attack: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/pod/arcs/miria04.mp3
And then… http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/pod/arcs/miria06.mp3
You hearing this? She tries to fight back but steadily she regresses into a younger, scared voice.
Reminds me of how Mifuyu speaks like a mature woman but as the game progresses and especially after she submits she takes on a younger and looser tone, even slurring her lines as she wallows in the pleasure.
Though the contrast in Miria's voice is a bit different since Mifuyu didn't regress nearly to this extent and it didn't happen until she started accepting the pleasure. I wonder if we're going to be doing some real mind-breaking on this woman who we already know hates sex and hates her own body (particularly her tits). The pleasure torture might make her vocally regress to a young girl but I wonder what her mental state will be
▶ No.199421
>Cherry slut is practically melting in ecstasy in every one of her lewd voicelines
>All of her lines
▶ No.199551
Can't wait to milk those delicious cow titties and make her cum from that over and over
▶ No.199555
Holy shit. I knew I needed this, but I never knew i needed it THIS MUCH.
▶ No.200324>>200423 >>200994
Some new images added to the blog, giving more info on Kotomi, probably give it a few more days before to cover the rest.
▶ No.200423>>200994
Still kind of annoying they have that U-shaped HUD but at least it's better on the eyes. That edgy dark-on-dark from KTJK was terrible.
And man, look at that pleasure. Look at that art! Look at how there's a bit of dimpling where the cloth presses the outline of the body, especially on the hips! Oonari you know exactly how to do it.
I really like the hands in this shot, too. A good size and stunning coloring on the right hand with nice shading on the left. I thought the left looked flat until I realized that's because it's being eaten by titty fat. If you pay attention you can see how the right breast droops some of its hefty weight down lower than the left because the left (from her perspective) is being held up by the left hand, and so the left hand is sinking deeper into it than the right.
Also, is it just me or are the girls bigger this time around? I know in KTJK Anju was basically a giantess despite her measurements but it seems all the girls aside from Moeka are big girls. Not fat but tall and just big.
Is this soem kinda school of Amazons?
Also - CherrySlut a cute.
▶ No.200994>>201001
Seems like Kotomi is basically Kasumi from CnS.
Her body is very sensitive and she gets aroused very easily, and she also has a masturbation addiction, she masturbates everyday after work. They say she's the heroine in this game who better fits the label of lewd/perverted.
But she has never masturbated at school. As a teacher, she thinks that is going too far, her sense of responsability doesn't allow it.
Of course once the protagonist learns about it he'll make her masturbate and do plenty of other lewd things at school in order to train her.
The post is vague about what exactly "will develop" when she starts getting lewd at school and all but I think that maaaybe they're hinting at her becoming an exhibitionist.
Risako's post was added today. She also sounds like a fun target. Her hairstyle and clothing reminds me of Saya a bit, but her personality is the polar opposite. She is a nice teacher.
She has zero knowledge about sexual stuff (I assume she just knows the pOnOs go into the vagOOO and then babies happen), so the protagonist, who already sounds the kind of bastard I like as protagonists, decides to train her in all kinds of sex both penetrative and non-penetrative (the post mentions blowjobs, boobjobs and anal. Her first scene will have anal, in fact) to try to train her into an expert "service" slave.
Miria's introduction post goes up tomorrow.
>Also, is it just me or are the girls bigger this time around? I know in KTJK Anju was basically a giantess despite her measurements but it seems all the girls aside from Moeka are big girls. Not fat but tall and just big.
I have this feeling too. Maybe it's just because we've gotten student casts for quite a while so now seeing Oonari's new mature women makes them seem very tall and curvy in comparison. And since Oonari and Akagi both draw them big, Tomoaki also did a tall girl to match.
One thing I noticed is how enourmous the breasts are. Everyone is an F-cup or above, even the short girl.
And I'm pretty sure Miria has the biggest breasts in Bishop history with her 101cm I-cup tits.
▶ No.201001
>she has ass
>that second pic with the cutest face in the world
Don't know whether to clutch my groin or my chest. She's such a qt! I also like the attention to detail on the hand and nails once again, plus that great weight distribution on the breasts with how they fall while she's on her side. You can tell she's a grown woman (hand and certain detail around the eye) but she's a youthful adult woman.
Also that thigh-stocking dimpling…
>Of course once the protagonist learns about it he'll make Kasumi masturbate and do plenty of other lewd things at school in order to train her.
Good man.
>Risako has zero knowledge about sexual stuff… Protagonist decides to train her in all kinds of sex both penetrative and non-penetrative
>The post is vague about what exactly "will develop" when she starts getting lewd at school and all but I think that maaaybe they're hinting at her becoming an exhibitionist.
Kasumi was the sign this game was going to be exactly what we hoped for. Everything since has only made it better.
>Risako being the "service" slave
I hope she gets the maid outfit, then. Seems fitting.
This is getting hype, son.
>Maybe it's just because we've gotten student casts for quite a while so now seeing Oonari's new mature women makes them seem very tall and curvy in comparison.
You know that could be it. Maybe that plus the return to this kind of coloring/shading lends to the big girl perspective. I really like it since they're adults.
>the biggest breasts in Bishop history
Her breasts are so big they made me think she had chicken legs until the CG previews showed how much thigh and ass she actually has, so yeah she's absolutely insanely huge.
▶ No.201170>>201225
Saying you have to be masochistic to enjoy netorare is pretty retarded. Do you have to be masochistic to enjoy horror movies?
▶ No.201223>>201226 >>201232 >>201345
No surprises on Miria's page.
She's a proud, haughty, borderline sadistic teacher that has enormous lactating tits. She has a complex about said tits and a dislike towards male in general.
The protagonist wants to crush her pride and make her addicted to the pleasures of both her tits and of subservience to a male. The blog post even mentions that the goal is making her into a "cow slave".
I'm hyped, I hope she doesn't disappoint. Too bad there aren't any new previews in the cow costume.
▶ No.201225
Anons we have had entire threads derail into this subject. It's been established already that there's the Observe type and the Immersive type, and those who like Netorare are usually either Observe types, who like to watch it from an audience perspective and enjoy the degradation from afar, and CUCKOLDS.
Observe types =/= CUCKS
They aren't weak men typically in the sense that they don't want their woman being railed by other guys, monsters, animals etc. They just enjoy the destruction of a heroine like Caeser watching the Colosseum.
Think of most games that star female protagonists. It's their bag.
Cuckolds enjoy watching the girl they like - their choice girl - get railed by other men, monsters, etc. This is what makes gangbangs inherently for queers but Observe types side-step this because they don't want to possess the girl as their slavefu. They just want to see her get wrecked and then move onto the next stalwart heroine to watch get broken. The Cuck, meanwhile, enjoys the idea of being side-lined and watching his waifu/slavefu get raped and/or broken by other men/things. These are weak sissies.
When Immersive types, who are usually the ones to play games starring male protags - the kind of players faceless protagonists are made to immerse themselves into - cross paths with Observe types there can be a misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Immersive types confuse the Observe types as being pathetic weak pansy cuckolds and in turn the Observe types reflexively defend themselves by pretending that male protagonists, especially faceless protagonists, aren't made specifically to be the player's avatar. This is moronic and patently false, as is the stupid notion that it's somehow embarrassing to be the protagonist in your head, to essentially roleplay. However it's equally ridiculous that Observe types somehow latch onto girls the way Immersive types do - because if they did, and they enjoyed the gangbangs etc. they'd be basically cucks.
To the quick: Who's your favorite superhero? Batman? The Shadow? Any given Kamen Rider? Ultraman?
Think of your favorite superhero. Got them in mind? Good. Now tell me if you think of them as your husband/slave.
Exactly, the reaction you just got is the same reaction Observer types have to making a heroine their waifu/slavefu.
A lot of Observe types really enjoy Taimanin and thrill over Asagi especially - but they hate TA3 because of the cuckoldry. They have to skip the intro and all the references to meatball lad to get through. Why? Because they aren't cucks and because they don't want to own Asagi. Even if they did own Asagi they'd never consider her like a waifu or slavefu but like a meat doll to degrade for kicks. She'd be a pet or mere a tool of fun, not someone to treasure (be it as wife or as slave, or in typical BISHOP terms the waifu-slavfu who's both Best Girl and Best Slave).
So now let's never get into this again, alright?
Observe types don't latch onto heroines but enjoy watching their world burn. They are the Galactus of VN players.
Immersive types latch onto their heroine(s), have preferences between which waifu/slavfu they find better than others even between different games, and overall treasure (not literally but in a funny and/or roleplay sense) the heroine of their choice. They are the pan-dimensional Harem King of VN players.
Let's not confuse our understanding and enjoy the games as we choose to enjoy them.
▶ No.201226
>the attention to detail on the size and softness of those enormous tits
>the proper angling of the head and face to match the position
>the way the breasts spill over from every grip and down out of the hands holding them up in the second pic
>She's a proud, haughty, borderline sadistic teacher that has enormous lactating tits. She has a complex about said tits and a dislike towards male in general.
>The protagonist wants to crush her pride and make her addicted to the pleasures of both her tits and of subservience to a male.
<addicted to pleasure of the two things you hate most
>The blog post even mentions that the goal is making her into a "cow slave".
That explains the outfit and milking machine.
>I'm hyped, I hope she doesn't disappoint. Too bad there aren't any new previews in the cow costume.
They know that's gonna be the biggest seller, especially since it's such a rare costume for BISHOP games. I'm fine with it, honestly, but I agree this is ultra HYPE! She's definitely my favorite especially with her being a villianess type. Also that utter breakdown in her voice >>199416 is crazy interesting
▶ No.201232>>201239 >>201240
Big tits like hers look great. But I think my concern now is that this guy's cock looks so tiny sandwiched between them. Coincidentally, Ero Mahou has not had that issue yet even though the game is full of tit-cows.
▶ No.201239>>201241 >>201345
It's a matter of proper proportions and consistency. One of the issues we have is that some artists get anxious that the audience won't be able to enjoy the scene because the penis isn't very visible, if at all. The problem arises where they have a magically expanding dong (not a mechanic like in MK3 but actual anatomical inconsistency) or giving protags horse penises - which looks ridiculous and often takes up half the CG.
The penis is being enveloped in the massive size of the enormous breasts. Akagi Rio is a master of titty consistency and you can see this even in KTJK where he had to be creative in the angle of the scene and how Anju holds her breasts so that the penis is even visible at all - and considering Miria easily has the largest pair in recent Bishop history it's safe to assume he will try to be creative as well, or he might let it ride since seeing only the head of the penis further emphasizes the enormous size of Miria's breast.
Pics related. You can see that Rio chose to pretyt much have a stationary single-image of the penis and to draw Anju around it, that way he can keep perspective in check while drawing her massive chest. When she's mourning the face-shot in the third pic you can easily see how, if she just pressed them together, you'd never be able to see his penis at all.
I don't have an issue since I'm not a girl and I'm here for the boobs not the penis, but I get what you mean. However that's just proper anatomical consistency. It's only strange since so many artists don't do it.
▶ No.201240>>201345
>Ero Mahou
And in the case of that game you also have a lot of creative angles or positions for the paizuri, though when push comes to shove it seems that artist also prefers consistency since right here you can see what happens when you fully press together a pair of consistently large breasts. You can't avoid the penis vanishing unless you get creative or become a hack.
▶ No.201241
My problem isn't so much with the shaft, there. It's more to do with the head of his cock being a tad small. But I guess the head of his cock does match to the size of Miria's mouth properly. Thus the onus really is just on the absurd size of her tits. There's really not much to do about it but bite the bullet at that point and except that huge tits make things look out of proportion (but that's fine).
▶ No.201345>>201463
Damn. I like the first picture a lot.
Now I'm sold, looking forward to Miria in addition to Anna.
Probably just me, but I prefer less 'creative angles' for paizuri. Low angles don't look as nice to me (like with pink haired girl that you posted), and straight-on side shots are a waste.
Mirai and Catherine's (?) angles look great to me. As long as the breasts look nice, there's a clear view of their face and a hint of the penis, I'm golden.
▶ No.201463
>As long as the breasts look nice, there's a clear view of their face and a hint of the penis, I'm golden.
Exact same for me. If the breasts are consistent and well drawn along with the face I'm peaches.
>that pic
>remembering the wasted potential and mess of a coded game
▶ No.201480>>201501 >>201507
Moeka isn't as exciting as the other girls, at least to me.
I like what they said about her personality, doesn't mind the jokes child-like appearance well, goes along with it and laughs it off. It's so common for "adult loli" characters to get angry or offended at being made fun of, it's nice to see someone who knows how to take a joke.
But her appeal seems to be just the fact that her face and some mannerisms are like those of a little girl. They do point out that her body is well developed, just short, and that gap between kid face and woman body is supposed to be the point, but eh. Everyone else seems to have more going for them. It may be cool depending on how she developes. I like a lot of petite Bishop girls due to the clothes they wear or the scenes they have, and that's hard to tell before release.
▶ No.201501
She is not amazing but i was also not really a fan of Kurumi at first glance but she won me over. Like MK3 the loli just pale in comparison to the rest of the girls which are great.
▶ No.201507
Yeah she's not on their level but I will say that it's very rare to see a scene in complete POV like that first pic. It also emphasizes how tiny she is, which makes for some variation from the various big girls we get. She's got cute faces, though that ass really bothers me. Why are her cheeks so spread apart like that if there's nothing there?
Obviously we can see the protag was messing with her hole because of the lube on it, hence it's appearance, but why does it look like an invisible rod was placed there to keep her cheeks apart? This is the first issue real issue I've seen. First pic is nice, though. Her little tiny hands are cute.
>doesn't mind the jokes child-like appearance well, goes along with it and laughs it off.
Yeah that's interesting!
>They do point out that her body is well developed, just short, and that gap between kid face and woman body is supposed to be the point, but eh.
I don't get how she has a "woman's body" with hands of a toddler and legs of a little girl. Maybe they just meant that she has large breasts for her size.
She could be fun for a final playthrough before going for the harem ending.
▶ No.201538>>201540
I think my favorite part of the description is mentioning how her body AKA her T and A, is ready to bare children with ease. I don't know, but description of a girls baby making ability is always hot to me. For the other chicks, it goes without saying, but I like that they explicitly mentions it in hers.
▶ No.201540
That is always fun, yeah, kind of like when they explicitly mention losing their first kiss to the protagonist or getting pregnant. It's obviously there but something about mentioning these things is fun.
▶ No.201681>>201814 >>202176
The Demo Movie is available on Getchu. http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=999662 For those interested.
▶ No.201814
>Demo Movie
Thanks for the updates anon but I personally can't bring myself to look. The anticipation is killing me, man. A video preview will only make me combust.
I like the semen effects in the video, though. Reminds me of what they did with MK3's opening vid and how it looked like a horror movie set but with semen
▶ No.201927>>201928 >>202397 >>211218
Just saw the demo movie (which is also up for download on Bishop's site and there's a censored version on youtube). Looks really good.
Miria and Kotomi still best girls.
▶ No.201928
>that first pic
>that beautiful ahegao
▶ No.201938>>201940 >>211224
The demo is great. And it is nice seeing all those ahegao. Not to mention the slave sprites of the girl (Well only really Moeka and Anna, but the latter is the only one I care about)
Speaking of, here are her preview scenes. Sad that its nothing we didn't see before but the demo makes up for that.
Her description compliments her figure, and that her main appeal is making an emotionless girl submit to her lust. Not to mention her deliciously brown skin, which apparently will contrast with her hair, clothes, and now semen. Which is something I can get behind
▶ No.201940
>her main appeal is making an emotionless girl submit to her lust.
O That being said, I can't get over how her hair
D looks exactly like the alien demon loli from that
one horror visual novel. Song or something.
▶ No.202176>>202397
Breastfeeding handjob from miria, thank you BISHOP
▶ No.202397>>202474 >>202677 >>210231
That was the highlight of the video for me as well. I also love that look of bliss on her face. Can't wait to see the full transition from spiteful domineering teacher to horny cowslut.
Along with the second pic here >>201927, MC cumming on Kotomi in middle of an art class. I presume they are serving as live models for a painting. I'm really thinking they are going exhibitionist route with her now, but even if I'm wrong about her developement, at least some very hot scenes have been confirmed.
▶ No.202474>>202559 >>202586 >>202676 >>202909
And to add on my favorite parts of demo: The Slave Face.
(Risako is the only one without a slave-face solo)
Anna and Moeka are sprites, but I dont't mind.
God damn, Anna's smile. That's the smile I've been wanting to see ever since her design was revealed
▶ No.202559
I want to protect that smile.
▶ No.202586
>That 'fuck me' look on Anna.
Well done, Teruaki. That's one of my favourite thing about the guy - he draws really good expressions.
▶ No.202669>>202671 >>202854
What Bishop game should I start with? Do they vary by fetish or are they all basically the same?
▶ No.202671>>202675
They do generally vary by fetish. As for what you think is a good start, you should consider what sort of scenario you want from Bishop:
Older protagonist on younger females?
Younger protagonist on older females?
Cum inflation? Y/N?
And, if you know English, then Sansha Mendan is as good of a starting point as ever. It has a cast that comprises of both older heroines and younger heroines while also having a unique gimmick to it (womb thrusts).
▶ No.202675>>202695 >>202721 >>202854
Dream game would be with a shota protagonist with a harem ranging from lolis to MILFs and they all get impregnated, so the closest thing to that I guess. Corruption/mind break/enslavement/etc are bonuses.
▶ No.202676
Anna's love-slave smile is looking more like an erotic smug
I never knew this could be possible and now I refuse to continue without it.
▶ No.202677
Every single ahegao of Miria looks intensely silly/erotic and yet stunningly beautiful. I don't know how Rio pulled that off but that is amazing.
▶ No.202695>>202805
Well, Bishop doesn't do shota protagonists. Ura Kyoushi has cum inflation and its ahegaos are probably some of the strongest Bishop has ever made besides Sansha Mendan's. So then picking and choosing what Bishop game you want should come down to what girls appeal to you.
▶ No.202721
>shota protagonist
I will never understand the appeal of shotas, probably a form of coping for the lack of giantess porn.
▶ No.202733>>202769 >>202805
You know what I can't wait for? The sweet, sweet voices of 'Goshujin-Sama' said in pure bliss for an extended period of time. The last time it was done well was in Houkago 3. In Shura No Chikandou, they don't call the MC master at all. Kagai Jugyou, it doesn't nearly last long enough considering the girls don't have retraining or pregnancy scenes. Kutsojoku, it was said with a hint of fear and next to no enthusiasm until the harem pregnant scene.
But in Shihai? The girls will be mindbroken. There will be retraining. There will be pregnant and non pregnant ending. And of course, all said with plenty of enthusiasm…Yeah it's been a while but finally we can have the girls say goshujin-sama as if they're orgasming from saying the very words.
▶ No.202769
I think it's important to note that by "mind break" BISHOP has redefined it to mean "making the secret slut blossom by your power". It's a trip to see the characters try their best to fight it and deny it while having all the evidence in the world that they enjoy it (despite desperately not wanting to). It's like some kinda sexual Mortal Kombat move where you forcefully plunge your hand inside them and pull out what resides deep inside - the heart of a yearning slave.
Even as someone who thoroughly has fun with MK3 I'm right on board with the anticipation of more "Goshujiiiiin~ -sama!"
This game is gonna deliver so hard we'll need health insurance to cover the damages.
▶ No.202805
Dude also it's gonna have Cute Kasuga in a pure-pure role and that Miria girl is gonna sound completely crazy >>199416
This is gonna be the tits
I think Orange Not-Loli fits better as a loli teacher than Moeka but I'm interested to see how she is different.
▶ No.202854>>202858
No shotas in Bishop, the youngest protagonists are high school age, and rather well built for their age.
And most Bishop games follow a similar mold: you don't get locked into a route, you have a time limit and can pursue the heroines' path as you see fit, and can chose an ending as soon as their requeriments are filled. So if you manage your time right or just use a walkthrough, you can get all solo endings and the harem ending in one go.
As for the fetishes, the main fetish for Bishop is mindbreak/corruption. Most of their games go like this: protagonist pursues a group of women in the environment the game takes place (usually a school, but there's a few taking place in different settings), rapes them, makes sure to get some blackmail or some other form of keeping the girl of choice in check (and further driving her into despair, in the first half of their paths), and with the continuing sexual training their bodies become addicted to pleasure (often developing fetishes) to the point they are consumed by lust, developing a craving for the pleasure only the protagonist can give them, at which points their minds/personality also get twisted into that of an adoring and slutty slave of his, which in most games culminates in pregnancy (with some games having an option for a pregnant or non-pregnant ending depending on whether you choose to cum inside or outside the girl).
Some games are harsher than others, with more masochism or humiliation angles, while others focus more on the pleasure aspect, as other anons said it boils down to what has girls who catch your eye or fetishes you like featured alongside the bread and butter described above.
I do have 4 recommendations to a new player. Will do them in their own separated posts so I can post more images with them.
▶ No.202858
Sansha Mendan - https://vndb.org/v6357
Focuses on threesome content more so than other Bishop games. VNDB offers a good summary already, so I’ll talk only about content. The game has 6 heroines broken into 3 pairs, and if you do things in the correct order you unlock a threesome ending for each pair, in addition to the solo ending each girl has and the harem ending with 6. It also strikes a good balance between mature and young heroines (most Bishop games focus on one or the other), with 3 targets being teachers, two being students, and the youngest teacher being your already trained slave who serves as an assistant and accomplice. You seem to be a fellow haremfag so I strongly recommend this one because of its group focus. Another factor that makes this one good for newcomers is that it offers a really long time window for you to pursue the girls, so bar getting locked out of some of the 3P endings, there’s enough time to unlock all possible endings in one go without needing to put any thought into time management.
▶ No.202862
Houkago 3 - https://vndb.org/v18591
Often overlooked game I like a lot. The main character works as administrative staff at a school, because he likes schoolgirls. He doesn’t go after schoolgirls, but he has a “problem” where he cums very easily and in great quantities. So he always smells like semen, and is seen as a creep. Some students make a petition for him to be fired, with support from a teacher who hates him (his fixation with schoolgirls comes from a compensated date he had with a schoolgirl years ago, who is actually this very same woman. It’s obvious to the player but he takes a while to catch on they’re the same person), he rapes the student who started the petition on impulse and from them on he decides to get back to all the girls who “backstabbed” him since he’s screwed anyway.
The fact the protagonist cums a lot is incorporated into the scenes with him literally covering the girls in semen, every sex scene becomes a one-man bukakke. Other than that, there’s no gimmicks to be had here. Each girl has only one ending, and you unlock the harem ending by enslaving all heroines under the time limit. There’s also a couple of optional 3P scenes after you enslave the two heroines that take part in it, but no special endings like in Sansha (that’s the only game with this kind of thing).
▶ No.202864
Ura Kyoushi - https://vndb.org/v7442
I found myself pondering whether or not to recommend this, because it isn’t as beginner friendly. You have a meter you fill up before going into the sex scenes by “interacting” with the girls beforehand (basically the protagonist walks up to them and teases them, evaluating how horny or corrupted they are), and while the mechanic isn’t that bad, the fact some scenes fill the meter more than others mean you either will waste a considerable amount of time (potentially losing the possibility of getting the harem ending) or have to save-scum a lot. But this issue isn’t enough for me to not recommend the game, just use a walkthrough. It’s one of the best looking Bishop games, and the routes are very well executed. Each girl has a fetish that gets explored and developed during her route, something that happens to at least two or three girls in every Bishop game, but only a handful have it as a true core to every character. Easily some of my favorite individual routes are in this game, and the harem endings has a lot of scenes and variety too.
Only warning is, one of the heroines of this game, the school supervisor Makino, gets gangbanged twice. So avoid her route if that’s not your thing.
▶ No.202868>>202923 >>202927
Mesu Kyoushi 4 - https://vndb.org/v16104
One of the most popular Bishop games. While I’m not as fond of it as I am of another games I didn’t list, there’s no denying it is a great entry point. The Mesu Kyoushi series, always featuring a student protagonist and teacher heroines, is the closest thing Bishop has of a flagship series, with MK4 being the best suited for a newcomer (1 is old and thus non-indicative of the quality most Bishop games have, despite I liking it a lot, and MK2 and 3 are actually not good representations of what most Bishop games are like, albeit for different reasons).
The protagonist is an orphan raised by his uncle, who is the principal of a renowned school. He is also a shady and corrupt man who uses underhanded tactics to take out rivals and expand his influence. The protagonist is one of the “pawns” his uncle uses to do his dirty work, and his preferred method is using his sexual skill and wit to blackmail, and eventually seduce and enslave women related to whatever he needs to do. One day, a relative of theirs opens her own school, with a teacher staff formed of other prestigious people (some whose family has been in education for a long time, some graduates of the Uncle’s school, etc), and he sees it as a threat. So the protagonist is sent to destabilize the school, get information and influence to destroy it. Secretly, he plans on using the opportunity to break free from his uncle’s influence. So upon getting to the school he decides for a few targets he wants to enslave and use to escape his uncle and maybe even attack him somehow.
This is another game that has no gimmicks attached to it, each girl has only one ending (because pregnancy is part of the main objective), plus the harem ending if you get everyone enslaved under the time limit. Also the coloring of this game is very beautiful. Only criticism I’d give this game is that the harem ending sex scenes are rather uninspired, it’s just the protagonist taking turns to fuck the girls without much variations in the poses or the girls interacting. This is a reoccurring problem in recent-ish Bishop games but this is the only case among my recommendations. And of course many people don’t mind it because the art and voice acting is still good.
Sorry for this extensive and borderline autistic sequence of posts, I just started typing about what games I'd say are good for newcomers and when I noticed it had gotten a bit out of hand.
▶ No.202909
>God damn, Anna's smile. That's the smile I've been wanting to see ever since her design was revealed
It's a nice smile. Since she seems to be a cold emotionless type I was expecting somethign more subdued like Yume from KnK. Good thing I was wrong.
▶ No.202923>>202947 >>202949 >>202984
No, no this deep autism is good.
Are there any other games besides MK4 where knocking the girls up is the objectives?
▶ No.202927
Would add to your posts in saying that Mesu Kyoushi 4 was the start of Bishop incorporating two different, optional choices of BGM you could go with.
With MK4 you have Hard version, which is has that intense BGM that Bishop games tend to have: http://www.bishop.jp/products/mk4/arcs/bgm08sample.mp3
And Mild version, which, as the name implies, is much more mellow BGM that, in my opinion, makes the rape scenes feel more sinister instead of 'Rape Time!': http://www.bishop.jp/products/mk4/arcs/bgm13sample.mp3
Also reminds me of Bloody Roar's OST for some reason. I think it's the riffs.
▶ No.202947>>202991
In Bishop you have MK3 and almost all of the Bishop have the pregnancy ending for each heroine and for the harem.
If you like other games try Ero Guild from Miel that has the MC rape the beatiful heroines and make them submit to the pleasure (similar to Bishop) and they'll beg to get pregnant.
A lot of Miel games share this and feature mostly man hating beauties that fall for the dick
▶ No.202949>>202991
As the stated main objetive, no, but pregnancy still happens at the end of most Bishop games. In some games it's framed as an accident (the girl finds out she's pregnant), others the protagonist decides to make them pregnant.
It's just not an objective from the start as it is in MK4.
▶ No.202984>>202985
Rereading my post i may have misled you into thinking only MK4 has pregnant scenes for everyone. All these games have arount the same amount of pregnant sex. MK4 has a bit more because the whole harem section is with them pregnant, the other games have the bulk of the harem ending with the girls not pregnant and then an "epilogue" with pregnancy.
To rectify this mistake, here's some CG with pregnancy for the other games.
▶ No.202991
Games where the protagonist decide to make them pregnant are fine too.
▶ No.203045
I prefer Saori in UK but I think Asagi Tsubaki easily has the best UK pregnancy scene, especially considering how huge her tits filled up with milk. If they did more scenes it would have been great.
▶ No.203253>>203671
Still can't get enough of Shizuka's slutty voices.
▶ No.203671
She's great. If I were to make a top 5 favorite Bishop girls, she would certainly figure there somewhere.
▶ No.203766>>203779
Okay, I've been looking at the demo, and seeing what I can translate from the floating texts. I'll differentiate whether or not its said by the demo or by a character:
Demo: Female teacher drown in pleasure and be trained
Kotomi: Such a large and thick thing in my mouth
D: New teacher hiding her nature
Risako: Students and Teachers are not allowed to make children!
D: The teacher admired by all students
Miria: to be degraded by someone with your genes!
D: High class/strict teacher
Moeka; I don't feel good! I don't feel comfortable!
D: Friendly almost fellow student
Anna: My ass is sticking out…it feels hot
D: The nurse that come from overseas
D: Clouding the teachers body and dye them in shame. The female teachers, expose their bitch face. Inflict pleasure torture on female teachers and make them a captive of lust.
D: A vigorous amount of semen dye the female body. All with a the body of a fully matured women. Cum inside to inflate their bellies.
A new podium of education: Podium of domination
And that's all I can decipher. Someone who can read it better probably has a better idea, but that's the basic gist.
▶ No.203779>>203848
That sounds nice.
So what can we expect out of the demos next month? One with story and one with H-scenes or just one with both somewhat?
▶ No.203848
Just the game prologue, like usual.
▶ No.203924
▶ No.204136>>204498
I'm so glad this is the tapestry you have no idea. Now I just hope they keep the logo in the upper left and not slap it RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF TH ART like last time. That's gotta stop.
▶ No.204498>>204626
>Now I just hope they keep the logo in the upper left and not slap it RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ART
▶ No.204500>>204626 >>204730
LOOK! I FIXED IT! It's that easy. It's exactly that easy not to be a jackass!
You could even have their heads over the title logo like they do with the TIME magazine when they want to present someone as evil and have the M look like horns. It's that easy.
I want to punch BISHOP so hard in the collective face.
▶ No.204626>>205262
Those are bonus stuff you obtain from preordering at certain retailers, why would they give away their bonus for free? It would defeat the point, plus they would be censored anyways.
Your best bet is for them to be available at the artbooks.
▶ No.204730>>205262 >>205348
All image from the Bishop website will have the logo on the center. Retailer version will show the same image with the word sample on it. You can try to photoshop the two samples and merge together one without the title blocking your view. Like this. Or you have to get the bonus itself and scan it.
▶ No.205204>>205262 >>205348
Try my best to get rid of the watermark for the Miria bonus. but this is all i can do, since the watermark was right on the center.
▶ No.205262
>why would they give away their bonus for free?
No, anon it's a tapestry, as in a hanging wallpaper scroll. An actual physical object. The problem is that the logo is EXACTLY in the same spot in the actual physical wall scroll as it is in the bonus pic. It's infuriating.
That being said, >>204730 & >>205105 & >>205204
Are absolutely magical. Nicely done, bro!
We could use these for the next Bishop thread op
▶ No.205280>>205351 >>205432 >>205465 >>206049
Browsing the japanese forums, apparently someone preordered a copy and uploaded some of the benefits. So here they are: Schoolgirl Kotomi, Maid Risako, and sexy nurse Anna.
My guess is that this is the slavery costume. The one where they fully admit the protaganist is their master.
▶ No.205351>>205465
>Anna Nurse
That makes the most sense.
>Kasuga cutie in the maid outfit again
I would have preferred the puppy outfit but this definitely works too
>Kotomi schoolgirl
Nothing hotter (except for cow outfit) than a grown woman in a young girl outfit, especially a schoogirl outfit. If/When I ever get a wife I'm gonna embarrass her in all kinds of schoolgirl.
▶ No.205432
I hope not, I hate schoolgirl outfits on teachers
▶ No.205465>>205578 >>205642
Kotomi is the best. I love how she's not only giving a blowjob, but also humping the desk. Her outfit is also way small, I tend to find a bit boring when they just have the teachers dressed as students, but this is a very short uniform.
So you have the teacher who didn't want to masturbate at school because of her sense of duty masturbating at school while giving a blowjob, dressed in a bastardization of a school uniform. Great stuff.
Maid outfit works for Risako due to how the protagonist wants specifically to train her to serve. Though I would preffer if it was a sluttier maid uniform, like Ayana's.
▶ No.205556>>205642
I like that the "lifting skirt" poses are back.
It's the only one of these undressing options I actually use. I leave it as "upskirt + panties" if the girl and the MC are interacting with no other people around between first rape and mindbreak. With the girl looking way reluctant to do that. Then after enslavement I leave the "upskirt + no panties" option on. As if there was a rule that a slave needs to always show her panties/pussy to her master.
▶ No.205578
▶ No.205642>>205678
I'm glad we're getting an adult, slutty Ayana in this new game because I liked her design but hated the protagonist of that title and his faggotry.
Ayana deserves better, and in Kyoudan she'll finally get it.
I never cared about that stuff since it never impacted the scene and ruined my immersion when they never mentioned being exposed while talking. But I guess a bit of imagination goes a long way
>As if there was a rule that a slave needs to always show her panties/pussy to her master.
That's pretty fun.
▶ No.205678>>205883 >>206429
I think Kotomi looks more like Kasumi's long lost sister than like an adult Ayana.
>I never cared about that stuff since it never impacted the scene and ruined my immersion
I have this problem with the regular stripping options, like having the girl down to underwear and so on. More "subtle" stuff like upskirts or exposing the breasts like in MK4 don't break my immersion.
▶ No.205883>>205910
Well that particular kind of girl seems like Oonari's art waifu, kind of like that one artist for Lune's Island and Spooky School always drawing that one blond chick.
Either way, she will surely be the good successor to the pink crown.
▶ No.205910>>206049
"Pink crown" sounds like a nickname for her pubic hair.
▶ No.206049
Looking at >>205280 I'd say it fits.
Man, I enjoy pronounced yet trimmed pubes on the girls.
▶ No.206429>>206495
I'll never get over what a pathetic looking idiot the protagonist of this title was and yet how good he turned out to be.
This was Oonari's time to shine over anything else and MAN did he add a brick to his legacy here. What a game, dude. What a game… The image gallery rip on panda doesn't remotely do it justice
▶ No.206495
Yeah the panda gallery is missing most face variations. I hope someone does a newer more complete one like they did with MK4.
▶ No.206608>>206708
Look I know the coloring is crap and the shading needs to be significantly better and overall it's just visually not as good as previous entries, but I really like the humor in this one. I never touched it before since it looked so boring with all the pastel (though that artist they had here is huge for making incredibly soft girls, I know those eyelashes) but I can't get over how we have a legit adult chuuni as the protag
>I'm gonna be a conqueror! BWAA HA HA HA HA
<It's very loud and everyone knows your distinct laugh. They say you have a very loud laugh whenever you're alone.
>I'm laughing like a conqueror! That's why I tilt my head back and laugh to the sky.
<You also threw your gym jersey back like a cloak.
<And when you sit down you look like a king…
>I'm studying how to sit in the chair like a ruler. Haven't you seen movies or manga? There's nothing wrong with it.
<Like a ruler… Ah, then that's why everyone says about Master that he's "a weird teacher"!
>…They think I'm a weird teacher? …Oh well, that's because a ruler's thoughts are incomprehensible to ordinary people!
<Yes, but you seem a bit hurt…
>Shut up.
▶ No.206708>>206717 >>206727
>though that artist they had here is huge for making incredibly soft girls, I know those eyelashes
I found his work on Kagai Jugyou very underwhelming. I was expecting much more softness, if that makes sense. He seemed… Restrained in this game.
As for the coloring, yeah it is pretty bad. This style of coloring can work well, it does on Houkago 3, but in this game it just makes everything look washed out. I think it worked in HKG 3, for example. Probably has to do with the colors they picked, the hair and eye colors, as well as the clothing still have stronger tones that contrast the super pale skin (and the clothes with lighter coloring).
▶ No.206717
Yeah Houkago 3's cast of heroine have probably the most muted hair colors. Brunette white blonde pink and black. Even the one that are usually bright like Miho's pink worked in the context of the game. The white uniforms helped as well. Kagai just has too much places where it should have been more colorful then it was
▶ No.206724>>206750 >>206865 >>217295
>bully a defenseless kid as a youth
>grow up
>see the kid became a stuttering severely socially retarded mess of a man
>this is very much partly if not mostly your fault
What do you do?
A) Say nothing and hopes he doesn't recognize you
B) Pretend the evil you did never happened
C) Apologize and hope he could forgive you as if ANY of them ever do this
- D) Throw spare change on the floor and tell him to pick it up with his teeth like the useless dog he is
Considering SnK will bring back the villainess (which, funny enough, seems to almost always be blond), what other Bishop titles have vicious bitches deserving of womb destruction?
Which are your favorites, anons?
▶ No.206727
>found his work on Kagai Jugyou very underwhelming
It's the coloring and proportions. Remember, anon, we actually haven't gotten girls like Miria before. Bishop usually has a certain level to which their heroines go in terms of vava-voom. His artwork is best when he's able to just let his girls explode out of control and thus give them plenty of grabbable, grippable softness. It says a lot that the qt sister in the game who's supposed to be cute but getting plump from overeating is actually not too different from the other girls. Only her cheeks and tits are plump.
Maybe he was trying to fit it according to the other characters to keep size consistency, since it'd be odd to see those crazy sizes next to Oonari's girls -
or so I would say until Bishop let Rio go full MEGA DECA MILK.
▶ No.206750>>206758 >>206762 >>206865
If I was her, option A would probably sound the most reasonable.
As for villainous heroine, Saori and Shizuka come to mind.
Saori is a spoiled brat who grew up raised by her politician father (which already tells you how moral he is). And thus, grew up to be a manipulative, controlling bitch. She also has a taste for man-servants, to the point of sitting on them, and wants to do the same to the MC. Reiji shows her that there is always a bigger fish, and raped and trained her into being his slave. (And womb destruction is apt given the gimmick of her game)
Honestly though, Saori had few antogonistic interaction with the MC. Sure there was the man-servant thing and the blackmail him about the past, but she never struck me as the worst, probably due to after being raped, she become scared of Reiji. Not to mention, she was kinda inconsequential since Reiji would've tried to make a slave even if she wasn't around
As for Shizuka on the other hand, that's a different story.
If Saori never bothered with Reiji, I doubt that would have changed anything in his journey for a slave, but it was Shizuka who caused the petition that would kick Ryuzo out of the school. That kickstarted the entire plot of the game. And it happened because she thought he was weird.
Now Hiromi was similairly a bitch to him, but considering he was the guy who took her virginity, she has a more reasonable reason to be wary. But Shizuka knows nothing about Ryuzo. And she wants him gone for something that isn't his fault. Not to mention, if she just let him be, he wouldn't have started his rape spree in the first place.
And that why, her fate as his slave was a well-deserved one, since unlike Saori, it was something she brought upon herself.
▶ No.206758>>206865 >>210789
Saori was more Reiji's foil than a villain against him. She was is counterpart, practically a female Reiji but not sexual. The way she used everything in her power - including blackmail - to force him to become hers is great.
Best part was that she actually discovered the sex slave thing he had been doing and didn't think of doing anything just with it. No police, no information - nothing. She felt absolutely nothing for those girls and only wanted to press him into a corner with them, until he showed her the fun of masochism.
If there was ever a villainess who deserved her womb getting swollen it's her. Oh man
▶ No.206760>>206767
Speaking of womb swelling, I was scouring the Japanese thread, and here's someone uploading a new piece of art from the pamphlet. AKA, here are the girls with more cumflation!
▶ No.206762>>206865 >>207084
I'd argue UK doesn't have a villainous heroine. Saori is the one with the most twisted personality but the major antagonistic role is fulfilled by Makino. Which is unaguarbly the antagonist of the scenario, and would only be a "villain" because the protagonist himself is evil. And that's the case with most Bishop games.
I can't really think of any other girls who are both morally corrupt and in an antagonistic position besides Serika, Shizuka and Asuza (from MK2).
And while I like Shizuka better in most aspects, I think Serika is better as a villainous heroine. While both are directly responsible for the protagonist's state of mind, Serika had lasting impacts on his life while Shizuka is responsible for the predicment at hand only. And I think what happens with her is more satisfying. Both get deliciously degraded but there's a stronger sense of aggression and vengeance with Serika. Especially in her non-pregnant ending where she even gets used as a literal cum toilet, but my favorite ending for her is the pregnant one. The way the protagonist fucks her in front of their old classmates in the school reunion, with Serika proudly announcing the woman she once was doesn't exist anymore and that she now is a proper well-trained sex slave. Shizuka does have a similar scene with the protagonist fucking her in front of her friends who helped her articulate the whole petition thing, but Serika just feels more satisfying because it's been a long time coming,and becase she isn't just some highschool bitch, she's an adult woman who was domineering and in control for much longer. She was stronger in every sense, so conquering her to the extent that she basically destroys her own life by parading her pregnant belly and talking about her slavery feels more satisfying.
▶ No.206767
Oonari has gotten a lot better since the last inflation, though I suppose we'll never go absolutely insane with the ahegao-inflation like in UK again. That's fine since Reiji was a sadist anyway.
Also man, that coloring is so good you could almost feel the texture on everything even the skin.
▶ No.206865>>207082 >>207432
I love how different their pre-enslavement and slave mode expressions.
▶ No.206947>>206965 >>207012
Bishop upload this video apparently. Anyone can speak japanese and translate it?
▶ No.206965>>206975 >>207012
The audio balancing is so poor the BGM drowns out the voice acting near the end, but I could catch the first half. Basically, Risako there is teasing Kotomi (pink-haired sloot) about how she got distracted by the nude photos in a physical health textbook when trying to teach, to such an extent that her class grinded to a halt as she became absorbed in the photos.
▶ No.206975>>207012
Okay that is just sad Kotomi. It's not even the confiscated porno mag! It's a freaking health textbook. For gods sake, they may have nude pics, but I don't think anyone gets off on it.
Now I have this mental image of her turning to the male reproductive structure and getting off on the diagram of dicks.
▶ No.207012
Already the writing looks like it's gonna be fun. I've never heard of sloots so in heat they shutdown at the sight of health textbook pics.
>"And here is the female anatomy"
>lightly taps picture as it's displayed on the projector
>"And this is the male"
>pats the next image
>"…Th-this is…the male…an-anat…"
>begins carressing the image in her hand
<"Sensei? I have a question!"
>"Right, let's move onto the next image! …I-In a minute."
This is pretty ripe for puns and jokes, though.
▶ No.207082
Oonari is an artist that has aged amazingly in his work. Each new installment brought only better from him and it's great. What a fantastic pic that is and it's merely promo-art.
Exactly, easily one of the best types to see become enslaved to pleasure. Sarika was fun in how she progressed, too. I'm sometimes surprised these seiyuu don't have roles in bigger mainstream anime project because that post-decimation fit she threw in her room after she was deflowered in every hole was chilling. The growl in her voice as she ranted, the pitch of her shrill screams as she seethed murderous hatred - all the voice actors have their strong points but Minami Imaya took it out of the park with that one.
▶ No.207084
Well put. I think Shizuka is cuter (Serika is more sexy than cute) but Serika's character is the superior enemy. It's like the Bishop equivalent of Maleficent of something.
▶ No.207147>>207171
Well here are a few sample from Amazon japan. I figure I censor these since we're so close to the release date.
▶ No.207171
>Kasumi mk.2
>Kasuga's character in dog costume.
>Tezuka's teacher character in schoolgirl outfit.
My dick just become Solid Snake.
▶ No.207227
Those massive tits pushing against the gym shirt is genuinely amazing
▶ No.207296>>207299 >>207309
I love body control with the strength of a thousand sun. Is Kutsujoku for me? I hear many criticism because it's more dark than other bishop games and less "women becoming willing sluts", but that is exactly what I like.
▶ No.207299>>207358
Then you will like it a lot.
▶ No.207309>>207358
Go for it. It is good, it just isn't what most Bishop fans are looking for. I don't care about body control and thr corruption aspect is why I like this company, but even still I liked it because the art and sound are really good.
▶ No.207358>>207544
I'm playing it right now.
Damn, the very first scene with the forced desk masturbation managed to hit every single on of my buttons. I hope it will keep being that fucking awesome.
▶ No.207386>>207388
>Kasuga's character got the puppy costume
>that bulge of Miria's cheeks as she drinks it down
>that lingerie on Akemi
These costumes and scenes are looking so good I'll need to be careful or else I'll need emergency care for an exploded dick
If I'm
▶ No.207388>>207678
>that lingerie on Akemi
I think you mean Kotomi.
▶ No.207432
I fucking love Shizuka's bondage costume.
The way it digs into her tits is just so good.
▶ No.207544>>207572
>The MC casually takes control of the girl's bodies to make a point.
>Summon the teacher by taking control of her body and then leaving her in place.
Holy shit.
Is there a way to have a full-body during the scenes instead of a torso? A zoom out option?
▶ No.207572
Not all the time. When there's a close up, you can use one of the menus to slide the "camera" up and down a see the rest of the body.
▶ No.207678>>207708
Right yeah, heh Been playing this one and got the Nip names confused.
But honestly this game made me realize how much I might have liked KTJK if the girls were villains and the protagonist wasn't a brat.
▶ No.207708>>207733 >>210789
>I might have liked KTJK if the girls were villains and the protagonist wasn't a brat.
Honestly I don't particularly see the brattinness. He's just an isolated youth with a lot of pent-up rage. He's far from being on the level of the protag of Liquid's Dai Saimin, by instance, which is insufferably cowardly, stupid, and perverted. "I want to rape the cute loli next door and make her suffer because she was the only one nice to me" level of sociopathic perversion.
KTJK's MC feels more like your average shunned student that suddenly got superpowers. His first thoughts when you meet him was not to rape everything that move, which is refreshing. He even got his own arc with Pink hair to explain why he resents her.
I like him more than many protag of equivalent works. Silky's Saimin Gakuen Reido is a masterpiece, but the protag is a shitstain. With KTJK I can actually identify with an angry teen getting superpowers and goofing around, even when it gets quite dark.
I absolutely agree that more villainous heroines would have been great. Even blue hair is only vaguely threatening by the virtue of being best at everything. Only the sister is a villain, and even then not really. I'd have liked a bully, or an outright murderous teacher.
▶ No.207733
I would have liked KTJK if the protagonist wasn't a self centered idiot and didn't ruin the swearing scenes with the girls still going ":__( I don't like it" that was concerned with his own pleasure only and ruining the pregnancy confessions.
While in the other Bishop games the protagonists were concerned to make the girls drown in pleasure first and make them addicted to the intense pleasure of getting fucked and filled to the point of orgasming multiple times, begging to be impregnated.
▶ No.207806>>207842 >>208204
Seriously, its a bit concerning the rate that the CGs are being previewed. Obviously, the game itself with the dialogue, music, and voice is the best, but it feels like 50 percent of the CGs have been spoiled. At least a relief, is that its only one cgs per scene so far, and as long as they don't spoil any pregnancy scenes or any more harem scenes, I am golden. They should really cut it down next time though
▶ No.207830>>207842
Anyone think this game is going the HOukago 3 route in terms of scenes? As in, each standard scene has 3 cgs as opposed to 2. I say this since we saw 2 cigs of Risako getting screwed in the maid outfit, and no scenes like that is without one more cg where the MC arouses the girls and the work.
▶ No.207842>>207857
Amazon having entirely different previews is not that uncommon. For older games I always kept tabs of the Amazon.jp page as well because different CG popped up. I stopped because that stopped hapening in the last couple years.
3-step scenes have been confirmed for a while.
At least the scenes that involve cumming a lot of times, probably the rest (including the cumflation ones) won't be 3-parters.
▶ No.207857>>207859
Yes but those were for the first rape scene and those are always 3 chs
▶ No.207859>>207866
Is it? I don't see any blood.
Also it doesn't seem like the cum thing will be for just one scene, from how they talk about it on the feature page.
▶ No.207866
Look a bit closely. Kotomi may be a hyper slut but she has chastity intact. And Bishop has been downgrading the virgin blood for the last few games so it's not a surprise.
In any case, I guess your right. Hell Anna has two cgs where she's screwed in the nude, and if you look closely, the cum stains line up
▶ No.207918>>207948 >>209380 >>210231
I read the text on the new sample images, a few really caught my eye. I'll try roughly translating it. Just the lines, no narration or sex noise.
From near the end of Kotomi's new scene:
“So, Kotomi. Have you finally became a complete cockslave, who can feel good even from having a dick in your ass?”
“Yes, I’m so happy… Making me feel good from my ass… Making me into a proper slave…Doing this for my sake… Aah, Master, thank you so much! Thanks to you, even my anus became a fuckhole! To think it could feel this good… As thanks for making me into a perfect slave, I’ll make you feel good with my ass.”
At the start of Miria's scene:
“Kuku, as expected from the tits of a perverted cowslave. It’s enveloping my dick like a pussy!”
“Go ahead and use them as a pussy. My boobs are master’s belongings.”
Then near the end of it:
“Haha, they got this excited from being treated as a pussy… Your tits really do exist to be fucked by a cock!”
“If it means getting fucked by master, my whole body can become a pussy. Getting my tits milked, and even fucked like a pussy… Is bliss.”
I s i t t h e 2 9 t h y e t ?
▶ No.207948
Jesus, Miria is too strong. At this point, Bishop literally can't fuck this up.
▶ No.208162
Well going by the previews, here are the costumes of the girls
Kotomi: bikini, student clothes, lingerie
Risako: bloomer, swimsuit, maid
Miria: bloomers, gymnastic uniform, cow suit
Moeka: swimsuit, bunny costume
Anna: schoolgirl uniform, see-through swimsuit, erotic nurse costume
All solid of course
▶ No.208164
…and less add the red lingerie to Anna
▶ No.208170>>208173 >>208204 >>208296 >>208401
If there is one thing I'd like Bishop to do more of, it's settings outside of schools, simply so characters aren't fucking in classrooms as often. Bedrooms, bathrooms, love hotels and such are just so much more superior than classrooms for the millionth time. Yakata in particular had some really comfy places that would look great to be having sex in. Shame their Royal branch didn't really work out too well. More titles with settings like CnS or Yakata, essentially. Though I guess the major problem is that then they have to depict a protagonist that isn't a student, which means he would have to be a man around his twenties. And apparently that doesn't mix too well for some since they like the younger man on older women approach that is teacher on student. Maybe they could opt for a student protagonist in a way that he engages heroines off campus instead of on campus, the same way the protagonist of CnS never engages Hina at her school. He's able to catch her in her uniform on her way to and from school, but when she's off school he fucks her in more casual clothing and that's refreshing.
▶ No.208173
That or the game has two maps, one on campus and then one off campus when it isn't school hours. With enough snooping around the protagonist is able to find out information on the heroines such that he can find them off campus and that leads to further events. Like for example, he could find a student heroine works at some restaurant, so he stalks the girl after she leaves her job to find out where she lives. This then adds two locales you can then find her at and have sex scenes with her in: one at her own house or one at her job site. And then, after some progression, things can escalate to love hotels. If the heroine is a teacher, he could sneak around the teacher's office to find out information or stalk said heroine until they end up at their home. And that adds additional places they can be confronted at off campus.
▶ No.208194>>208204 >>208296
How do you anons play with the moonrunes?
Or is there a translation program that is not the awfully slow vn reader?
▶ No.208204
I guess they are that confident in it selling - or that concerned about it selling that they put all this out to ensure pre-orders.
That's a good point but note that CnS's protag is actually an adult. He's a youthful adult but an adult so that's why he doesn't go to her school because that'd be sketchy as crazy. But variant locations would be great. Man CnS turned out so much better than I expected…
>Or is there a translation program that is not the awfully slow vn reader?
I prefer VNR but also https://amaenboda.wordpress.com/2012/03/26/an-aero-gamers-guide-to-using-atlas/6/#AGTH
▶ No.208296>>208446
Hina got corrupted at her school btw.
I'm using Chiitrans Lite. It's good enough if you know the contexts.
▶ No.208401
Another way of getting around this is what Ura Kyoushi and Gakuen 3 do, a boarding school. In UK's case even the teaching staff sleeps in a building on campus if I recall correctly.
▶ No.208446
>Hina got corrupted at her school btw.
The one where she's wearing her bloomers on the rooftop? Pretty sure that rooftop was their apartment building rooftop, though I played her route over two years ago.
▶ No.209380
I'm liable to shred my monitor in half just reading this. Man, this is gonna be fun!
>fishnets on chocolate
▶ No.210196>>210257
What are you guys using to hack bishop scripts?
I wanted to play MK4 but GARbro is not getting the job done.
▶ No.210231
Miria is too good holy fuck. From these previews you can already see how much of an adoring and horny slave she'll become which is the best ending for a woman with her great body and her twisted personality.
▶ No.210257>>210280
We just use VNR or AGTH. Search it in the thread: >>173186 & >>173418 etc.
▶ No.210280
▶ No.210789
Agreed though to be fair there is ONE other villainess or counterpart which fits the bill, though with her it's more revenge on her part than simple maliciousness (not that she isn't malicious in that revenge).
>He's just an isolated youth with a lot of pent-up rage
He's just an entitled crap who blames everyone else for his own problems and doesn't challenge the one man who actually is at fault. Also he's trash because thanks to his garbage personality every girl's route feels almost identical since "muh terror lol". Drown him in a paper bag - he's legit dumb enough for it.
▶ No.210919>>210958 >>211019
▶ No.210937>>210953
I do a bit char ripping from that trial dayum
▶ No.210953>>210954
What program did you use to extract these?
▶ No.210954>>210958 >>210960
I use GarBro and merge the face file and the body using pic composite. It's kinda pain in the ass since I have to adjust the coordinate unlike some games that I just can put it without any adjustment
▶ No.210958
Well nicely done either way, man. This is great! Never knew they had stuff like that hidden in the trial dls
▶ No.210960>>210968
What specific files did you pick? I want to extract some of their games but I don't know how to do it? Can you give me a rundown on the basics?
▶ No.210968
just choose those 3 file with Graphics(Usually have big sizes) on its name. extract by making it to Bmp or png.
▶ No.210992>>211019
I think I'm gonna enjoy Moe Moeka more than I expected. Her voice is exactly like a lolibaba character. It makes her sound adorable but adult at the same time, like she's an anime proportioned midget.
▶ No.211019>>211024
Well that was fun. Nothing really all that new, but its nice hearing the voices and the works.
The MC is a retraux of the Mesu Kyoushi MCs. He's a delinquent who gets into trouble, but he's also capable of fighting. Not to mention he's an orphan which contributes to his delinquency.
The interactions was great, and their generally was some humorous banter like the part where the MC drew Kotomi naked, much to her frustration.
As for the girls themselves: Kotomi: Apparently, the fact that she's a new teacher that gets flustered makes the MC lovingly bully her a lot, much to her frustration. Their is no overt hint yet of her perverted nature, and in her rape scene, the only hint that she was into it far more then expected. The game proper will showcase her perverted nature.
Risako: The info says she was dense about sex, but she really showcased it here. The MC started ogling her tits, and even after Kotomi scolded him for doing so, she wasn't offended at all. In fact, she even asked him to guess her cup size. Which he did, as well as Kotomi. Risako took this in stride while Kotomi is a bit disturbed by his accuracy.
Miria: Nothing unexpected. She was exactly as described, and even seems to have a sixth sense whenever someone is staring too much at her chest. And she's a prick that constantly bully the male student so nothing surprising.
You said it. And Moeka herself is a pretty fun to be around. And like Risako, she took her chest staring in stride, though having the decency to scold the MC for it.
Anna: And here's my favorite. The scene was that the MC deliver some document to her, While beforehand, the previews focus on her emotionless nature, the prologue showcased her kind nature, by having her make a bird feeder by hand. Apparently, it was actually kinda nice, and made the MC comments how funny a women that stone-faced can be so kind.
And that's what I enjoy about the prologue. The game is coming in two weeks, and I can't wait
▶ No.211024
>The interactions was great, and their generally was some humorous banter like the part where the MC drew Kotomi naked, much to her frustration.
This genuinely cracked me up. Good summary all around, anon.
The writing, the protag and the girls all feel like exactly what we hoped for and in a few cases even more than what we expected. This game is gonna be off the bra hook.
▶ No.211101>>211123 >>211126 >>211174 >>211228
That statement's gonna come back and bite her on the ass.
Anyway, Kotomi really is so perverted it's hilarious. I don't know why that other anon said "their is no overt hint yet of her perverted nature", because there were more hints than I could count. For instance, she knows a ton of dirty sex-related words - like the protagonist would say "Alright, use your boobs on my dick" and she would say "Y-You want me to give you a titjob?!", revealing that she knows a lot about porn.
But the H-scenes are really where they slam you wish how horny she is. I remember some people calling Aina in Sansha Mendan slutty for having hearts in her first blowjob scene, but this is on an entirely different level. The first thing the protagonist does with her is force her to give a blowjob, and she basically ends up admitting that she loves how his dick tastes (though she just says "I-I don't dislike the taste", the narration describes her desperately wiggling her tongue taste it as much as possible).
The titjob is hilarious too, her nipples get rock-hard with arousal nigh-instantly from the mere smell of his dick and her tits are so sensitive that she basically feels as much pleasure from his dick rubbing her tits as a normal girl would feel from a dick in her actual pussy. She even starts losing control of herself and can't help but squish her tits against his cock as hard as she can, because she just gets uncontrollably horny. After he cums on her face, she can't help but moan about how amazing his semen smells.
The sex itself is similar. Even though usually losing your virginity hurts, it doesn't take long for sex to make her feel amazing. She kept saying "why?! why does this feel so…?! It's my first time, this isn't right!" etc. The protagonist bullies her for being a slut, and she can't really argue with him (he starts calling her a perverted slut (淫乱) pretty much constantly, referring to her pussy as a "perverted pussy" each time he references it). During the second round of pounding, she's basically losing her mind, saying that his cock is making her and her pussy go crazy. She starts orgasming from sex with him even before he ejaculates, which actually isn't that common in Bishop games - in fact, in some games like Ura Kyoushi, the heroines don't really start orgasming until the second time they get raped, but here we have Kotomi orgasming from her first blowjob, orgasming while getting pounded before the protagonist even cums, etc. She even says she's orgasming so hard it hurts. Naturally, the protagonist keeps thrusting into her WHILE she's orgasming ridiculously hard non-stop. Comically enough, her non-stop orgasm intensifies further after the protagonist actually does cum inside of her, and perhaps the only thing saving Kotomi from being a slutty laughingstock is that she does resist him to try and escape the nakadashi and she does cry after he finishes (though the main thing she seemed unhappy about was the possibility that she couldd get pregnant).
Anyway, that ended up being more longwinded than I expected, but long story short Kotomi is easily the most perverted Bishop heroine yet. The smell of cock alone is enough to get her uncontrollably horny and during her very first blowjob she's sucking on the protagonist's dick like it's the most delicious ice cream popsicle in the world. I honestly am fascinated to see how the rest of her route will play out. It almost feels like they went too hard too fast - how can you top her orgasming constantly halfway through her FIRST sex scene? I can't wait to find out. I love how much the protagonist bullies her too, he makes fun of her endlessly for being slutty. Can't wait to see what he says to her the next day.
▶ No.211123>>211124 >>211174
>supposedly knows a lot about sex and is incredible slutty
>is still a virgin before the protag fucks her
yeah, I'm not buying it buddy…
▶ No.211124
I know you're just joking around, but her hymen was indeed broken by the protagonist, and all her sex knowledge is second hand from all the porn she watches (her hobby is basically masturbating all the time).
▶ No.211126>>211140
When I meant no overt, I meant something really obvious in public. I should have clarified, sex scenes excluded.
▶ No.211140>>211218
Well, I doubt she's gonna start walking around in a bikini and masturbating in front of her class. But that would be funny.
▶ No.211174
>I love how much the protagonist bullies her too, he makes fun of her endlessly for being slutty.
Yeah I really like how this guy does it, and Kotomi really did blow it out of the park. I'm gunning for Miria so I didn't think her scene would be as interesting to me but WOW was it just more fun and well executed than I anticipated. The writing for the game is top notch so far. Hopefully it will keep on this style.
She's intensely hyper-sexual which results in being intensely hyper-embarassed and shy. It's not uncommon, actually, considering basic psychology.
If most of your time is spent thinking about sex and dicks then you will invariably be more guarded around people and bear an innate sense of shame regarding yourself. You might become introverted or, at the very least, you will be overly reticent to communicate with the opposite sex on that level because you are so hyper-sexual.
It's an issue of a "pure slut" in the sense of not being a slut who is nothing but a slut, rather being a woman who genuinely cares for propriety and chastity while secretly coddling a pet passion. The longer you spend in this dichotomy the more difficult it will be for you to interact with others, hence why plenty of anons, otakus, fujoshi etc. become Hikki - because they never learned to/never cared to learn to balance themselves out.
The healthiest thing in Kotomi's case would be to get married, but how can she do this if she's so sensitive and constantly thinking about sex? That's where her character resides, in that dichotomy.
To add to that - it's fun so shut up.
▶ No.211218>>211220
Going by the second image here >>201927, I wouldn't completely rule out that possibility just yet.
Though the students probably don't notice.
▶ No.211220
I think that was the joke
▶ No.211224
Reminds me of Kominami Yume from Kuro no Kyoushitsu, she's also an emotionless girl (though flat chest) that eventually loses it and falls for the lust badly and her ending is basically completely drowning in pleasure as she begs to be impregnated over and over (also she gets horny when she lactates due of baby making sex for the second time).
▶ No.211225>>211229 >>211586
So I too looked into the files to see if they forgot to scrub something out of the demo. Not the case, except for some small images of the costumes that are part of the UI for the strip menu.
I pasted them them together because I was bored. They're small but still give a good idea of what the clothes will look like, except for the legs. There actually are some we didn't see yet in the previews.
In case you don't want to see the images but don't mind knowing what kinds of outfits they are:
Kotomi: School uniform, bikini, bondage harness, sexy (see through) lingerie, open-cup babydoll (pregnant).
Risako: Swimsuit, bloomers, maid uniform, dog costume, sling bikini (pregnant)
Miria: Latex suit, bloomers, cow costume, harem girl costume, bondage harness (pregnant)
Moeka: tracksuit, swimsuit, bunny girl costume, open-cup lingerie, bloomers (pregnant)
Anna: Transparent swimsuit, school uniform, sexy nurse costume, sling lingerie with fishnets, naked labcoat (pregnant)
▶ No.211228
We need more of Kotomi lewd slut
▶ No.211229>>211230 >>211231
Nice. So if I have to guess the theme of the 3 primary scenes, the first 3 are their event clothes. the fourth is their corruption clothes. fifth is non-pregnant ending. sixth is pregnant ending. and seventh is harem ending, where they all have collars.
▶ No.211230
Fifth is probably the final scene, when you pick the ending. Not a nonpreg ending. If there is a nonpregnant ending at all, it will either have no sprite or reuse an outfit, as I really doubt the final choice scene will have a reused outfit.
You're probably right about the rest.
▶ No.211231>>211233
Or I could be wrong. Maybe its like Kutsojoku. 3 event scenes, and then a single CG scene where they declare slavery.
▶ No.211233
From the preview pics and some text in the official site, I really doubt Miria, Risako and Kotomi aren't already broken by their fourth (not counting the default) outfit.
▶ No.211586>>211846
>All of Anna's outfits
I keep gaining appreciation for the other girls with each passing day. Also Miria's chest seems to go even more supermassive when she's pregnant, jesus fuck although that may just be the outfit highlighting her glorious breasts.
I want to impregnate everyone in this roster, and that's a pretty great thing, man. I'm pretty damn stoked, there's not much longer left now.
▶ No.211670>>211674
坂下 吉之
This is the MC's name, how do you read it?
▶ No.211674
Yoshiyuki something. His last name is just as much of a vowel jumble from what I remember.
Sotoshihada or something like that.
But I remember his name "Yoshiyuki" because it's such an odd name and one I thought was kinda fruity since it had "Yuki" or "snow/white" in it.
Apparently the name actually means "Happy Way/Going" which might be a pun on him breaking the girls with pleasure.
▶ No.211846>>211942
I think the outfit is just pulling her boobs up slightly.
Akagi has done pregnant tachies in which the breasts become bigger before, though.
▶ No.211942>>212117
>Akagi has done pregnant tachies in which the breasts become bigger before, though.
Not exactly pregnancy but breast expansion was the gimmick of his Pregnancy Island 2 game.
▶ No.212117>>212549
>second girl
She already has a monumental rack. Doubling the size of that is madness! MADNESS!
▶ No.212414
Well they started releasing countdown videos. Can anyone translate Anna's?
▶ No.212533>>212542
>There is no revenge plot.
Phew, im actually glad since it means a more happy game overall.
▶ No.212542>>212547
Yeah he's pretty chill about it. Hell it wasn't even that long a suspension. Since he's a delinquent he's mostly apathetic to getting framed since it's not like his reputation could get lower. (And he has no parents to protest it)
▶ No.212547
Yeah other than being indignated at first he basically shrugged it off until he talked with pink hair and she asked something for getting him expelled since much before that he was already expressing his desires to make his teachers his women. Other than Anna and Miria he has pretty good chemistry with the cast so i hope there is some nice banter here and there.
▶ No.212549>>212739
>She already has a monumental rack. Doubling the size of that is madness!
But that's the best kind of breast expansion,
▶ No.212739
I'll admit that does look fun
▶ No.213326>>213327
Better look at the costumes from the updated features page.
▶ No.213327>>216531
I like the attention to detail Akagi had, with every costume bending Miria's breasts a different way. All the other girls just look like the standard "clothes placed on naked overlay" look tachies usually have, but every single Miria one is slightly different.
▶ No.213396
I want this game already.
▶ No.214335>>214355 >>215079 >>216084 >>226711
Well looks like they're releasing preview picture like last time. Here's Kotomi, and I love the fact her hands are in her stocking
▶ No.214355>>214364 >>214469
A shame they dont use chibi gifs anymore, it was pretty cute and usually showed their normal expressions first and then their corrupted ones later which was strangely arousing.
These ones makes me believe that they could have squeezed more art into the proper game.
▶ No.214364
Those ones just like Kutsujoku's, each artist drawing other artist girls
▶ No.214469>>215079
The best countdown pics were for Chijoku no Seifuku.
▶ No.215047>>215060
Thanks, can you upload the old one from Kutsujoku? I can't find it
▶ No.215060
I don't have them downloaded. Pretty sure it's still on their blog though.
▶ No.215079>>215176
HOOF! Nice! Though Miria's face us too cute and Kotomi's eyes are…off, though obviously because the artist tried to match the art style. It's a decent effort and the stockings make up for it.
Well that's because they were Oonari's work so it got you extra hype. This artist is great with certain details, like the hands and stockings and skin texture, but it can't beat the original since he can't 1-1 match their art style. That's how I see it anyway. I thought KTJK had better pics overall despite them going for the tan look for whatever reason. That was silly to me.
▶ No.215101>>215175
Redone some of the Bonus special so that the water mark don't appear.
▶ No.215176>>215754
The pics I posted are countdown pics. I wasn't talking about the extra illustrations Tomoaki likes doing for new games.
The equivalent of those CnS pics would be the Chibis MK4 or Kagai Jugyou have, or the short videos Kutsujoku and the new game have. CnS was the only one with original pictures drawn on model and all that. First 5 days showing the girls being reluctant and last 5 days having them mindbroken.
▶ No.215560>>215733 >>215749 >>215751 >>215851 >>216084 >>226711
Here's Moeka! And I just love the details highlighting her curves
▶ No.215733>>215751 >>216348
Super cute, and reminds me of Kurumi from Mesu Kyoushi 3. Makes me wish Tomoaki would be in charge of both Moeka and Anna. It's also a surprise how much detail he puts into hair. It makes you realize just how flat the detail is on hair in Bishop titles (and in a lot of other 'anime-style' artwork in general). For as nice as Kanami's colouring is, she doesn't really do highlights for individual strands of hair like Tomoaki's doing on his own colouring. One can also guess that doing so would take a shit ton more time, though, which is why such hair detail isn't done more commonly. Still, I think there is some merit in drawing in a couple of stray highlight hairs to show that a character's hair isn't perfectly coiffed.
▶ No.215751
The upside is facial consistency. The downside is the usual anime flat-hair, for the most part, since anime usually puts aside smaller details like that in favor of a different style of ideal.
Her eyebrows bother me and make her look alien but YES he did amazing with her body, particularly the belly. Also sweet detail on the gym shorts.
▶ No.215754
Fair point, then. Man CnS really did have a lot of content and style going for it. It really showed how Oonari could still handle doing an entire project on his own - not one of the girls looked visually off or tired in design and CGs.
▶ No.215851
I want to kiss her belly.
▶ No.215938
Absolutely love this one, goodness
▶ No.216084>>216371
These drawings look bad.
▶ No.216348
I love Kurumi so much
▶ No.216371>>216386 >>216561 >>216660 >>226711
The faces look a bit weird, especially the eyes, but the bodies look nice.
And it's nice to see an artist getting out of his comfort zone a bit.
▶ No.216386>>216397 >>216662
Just one more day and we can see this beautiful nurse mind-broken…can't wait
▶ No.216397>>216660
I can't wait. Miria in particular has me hyped. Everything about her hits the right buttons for me, from her design and outfits to the focus on her tits and lactation to her mean sadistic personality being broken down.
Also I hope the cow costume scene has she mooing at some point. That would be perfect.
▶ No.216531>>216660
To me it seems whenever Akagi Rio draws curvy women, he likes to really pay attention to how the breasts behave. I realized this after playing Hitozuma Senshi Pure Maiden, from Miel, which has similarly proportioned women to his work in Bishop, while other stuff I've played from him have more modestly proportioned girls.
Almost every scene in this game has something happening to the breasts, even if it's not the main focus, like domething grabbing or bending them, or simply they dropping accordingly with gravity. Seems like nothing but it's surprising how often artists treat breasts as two balloons attached to the torso and that's it, especially when we're talking about really big breasts.
I can't say they behave realistically, because breasts this big would drop way more, but they do look like they are reacting accordingly to what is happening to them
So as a tits man I always notice when an artist puts care into it and I'm really looking forward to see how Miria's scenes will play out.
▶ No.216561
Thats a gigantic ass. I love it! But also sad since it wont be as big ingame. And damm her hair ears looks cute!
▶ No.216654>>216660
Seems like Risako has one scene more than the rest of the cast.
▶ No.216660
Like was said before, it's a matter of breast consistency and Akagi Rio is a master of it. I also like the navel on his pregnant bellies.
I'll say the foreshortening is off and the pussy needs to be a bit in more, but other than that I think this is the best one yet. Her face most closely resembles the original art.
Evidently you, too, are highly cultured, my fine gentleman.
I can live with this. An Kasuga is a BISHOP staple and very fun. I'm okay with her character getting an extra scene.
Let's see, wait a minute
>16 scenes
>15 scenes every other girl
>1 scene for introduction
>1 scene non-preg end
>1 scene preg, 1 scene preg end
So does that mean we might have roughly 5 scenes to return to post-break? That seems legit. Looking at the blank boxes makes it seem like this game has more scenes than last time, though. I wonder how it will actually play out. Hopefully there aren't any more cases where we get two different scenes which each are nothing more than nipple bullying (like Anju in KTJK).
▶ No.216662
>can't wait
Well get used to it lad cuz the torrent wont be up until Saturday probably. just remember not to wait on Miko and instead search straight for "girlcelly".
▶ No.216714>>216772 >>216797
OH btw Quof perfected Sansha Mendan! That's a swanky bonus right there https://dekirutranslations.wordpress.com/2018/01/31/sansha-mendan-patch-v1-2-images-galore/
also nifty fan art. Decent guy.
▶ No.216772>>216794 >>216824 >>216856
Welp, decided to just buy it. Supporting the industry and Bishop! Feels good man.
Yeah, I really appreciate whoever drew that for me. Very nice of them.
▶ No.216786>>216788 >>216794 >>216824
Local Man Proved Wrong By Slut
▶ No.216788>>216794
>download link when?
▶ No.216794
>decided to just buy it.
lol I knew someone wouldn't be able to wait I'm tempted to do that, too, but screw currency exchange nonsense. Considering all your effort you earned first dibs here, man.
Well at least you get to have fun sooner. I'm surprised there hasn't been a torrent for it yet considering how it took not even a day or so for KTJK to come out and it's already midday in Jap.
And yeah that was nifty. Guy did a great job on her proportions, too.
It's rather funny how the artist drew her with a sweetly kind smile and not the sweetly lustful one you see in the game. Makes you wonder how people view Mifuyu, or what kind of things they'd imagine of her after the game. I like to imagine a decade on she and the protag living in an estate filled with kids running around, being all smug at the servants, and she's still able to switch from tender mother to insanely voracious slut.
LOL Kotomi is super-nova slut teir.
Us plebs have to wait all day, anon. Maybe even into tomorrow (30th). It's gonna be a while.
▶ No.216824>>216837
>Having the money to buy overpriced taiwanese porn games on a whim.
Is this the power of MangaGamer?
That body, fug. I want to fondle those breasts and feel the weight of titty mean being pulled up by the fabric.
▶ No.216831>>216841 >>216890
Review from usual blog, spoiler ahead ofc so be warned
▶ No.216837>>216856
>Is this the power of MangaGamer?
Not that guy but this is a good product. I would buy it too if I had the money to spare. Certainly a better purchase than the latest overpriced EA non-sense or better yet, fucking lootboxes.
▶ No.216841>>216889
Why is it in japanese?
▶ No.216856
until it comes out for the freemen I'm gonna duck out the thread
I bought the game physical off White Rabbit and now I'm waiting on them to shoot me an email telling me they'll be holding it ransom until I pay them shipping. I'm probably not the only sofmapper here considering how hard anons have been gunning for Miria too. But that'd take forever and I want to play it now.
Freakin taking forever man
▶ No.216889
because it japanese blog. If you want the eng version probably ask the one who play in here. I apologize for not stating it is japanese
▶ No.216890>>216929
>That Miria pregnant scene
I hope this game turns up in the torrents until tomorrow.
▶ No.216929>>217048
Or do you wish for more cgs since s1 just upload the cg to sad panda. I'm impressed
▶ No.216976>>217017
▶ No.217048
Just a heads up, the gallery on sadpanda is missing several CG.
▶ No.217067
>Last edited by girlcelly; Today at 07:10 PM.
>Reason: ^_^
normally i get annoyed when people spam smiley faces, but girlcelly takes it so far it becomes funny again
▶ No.217118
Kotomi and Miria here i come
▶ No.217121
▶ No.217225>>217295
So I was thinking of extracting the CG for this game. First time I do that. In case anyone here does that, is there any application to help assembling it? Because aligning every single overlay to the basic CG is way too much of a pain and the speed people do this to upload CG sets on the internet suggests there is some program to make it a bit easier, I'm just not aware of it.
▶ No.217295>>217584 >>217989 >>218238 >>220287 >>222392
Also so is the protag. He's not near the ultra bantz levels of SM's protag (I think Kotomi and Ryouko get more banter but I haven't gone full through with them yet). Still he is eons superior to CarrotBrat. For starters, he actually utilizes his cunning (and genuine ingenuity) in the girls' routes, particularly against the villainous Miria. When Yoshiyuki/SnK's protag succeeds it feels like a victory, not some idiot using CheatEngine
>great slave declaration scene
>GREAT pregnancy confession
>protag actually cares about baby (mostly)
>Miria's life isn't ruined
>she moves in with the protag, with their "beautiful" baby girl
>he compliments her throughout even at the final scene
>she melts at the touch of her Master and can't stop her hips
BISHOP is back, and it feels so good.
Another great thing is how Rio brought out a new kind of ahegao for me. It's a mix-up between Oonari's melty-mouth squiggle-brow and Kagami's gaping-mouth lolling tongue. Maybe this is the middle ground in the long fued. Of course he's got amazing breast consistency, too, which is good since those tits would look ridiculous if they inflated and deflated per scene. And anon was right - her tits DO grow after pregnancy, though only in the portrait. I think this is as big Rio can go and he didn't want to push it too much.
Hey Quof! QUOF! I know you're there, bro. Back me up on this - did you or did you not get a lot of allusions to previous heroines from Miria's route?
I got a few hints of Mifuyu here and there, particularly with the lactation being foreshadowed by how "hot" her breasts were getting and the shocked face she had when she felt the sensation and definitely with nurse room secret pregnant sex, but the outfit in the preg room reminded me a LOT of Saori's final outfit in UK her dad being best friends with the principal and thus her getting away with so much also reminded me of Saori. However, her hardcore villainess personality, especially in the beginning with the mockery, reminded me of >>206724
She was like an amalgum of the best aspects of previous evil + mega milk heroines. She's like…the Omega Milk.
Other points:
- One of the scenes is just character interaction, which annoys me since there's already that nifty addition since KTJK where they have a dedicated interaction collection. I noticed this with Kotomi.
For Miria:
- 2 scenes with only titty-bullying (there is a reason, they're different in context, but I still think it's too much)
- 1 scene of only oral sex which really busted my brick since it's almost shot-for-shot the classroom scene with Anju in KTJK and there they turned it into a full sex scene. MK4 did this too, and to be fair it's fun to see the protag of SnK practically taking a page from MK4's protag in attack the clit for massive damage when overcoming that midway hump in turning his woman into a slave, but still disappointed.
+ Major variations in each scene, and where there is no creampie you return for the breeding scenes which are nothing but total fun (and add new variations, so it's all good)
+ Music is killer
+ Characters have personality throughout, it's not only "uguu mashta", which is good (though it's predominantly that, which is good).
+ two different endings, with the superior one obviously being preg end.
+ Faces of the girls go full blowout when they get blown in post-enslavement, however don't expect Kagami-teir facial and belly distortion. UK will be a one-off in how Ryuji took it to the girls. Still, the cum inflation is great (Rio makes it look so soft and Oonari is still really good) and the faces are just as good.
It occurs to me after I write this how old Bishop would likely have had a gangbang scene for Miria, especially considering her prestige and long term literal torture by cattleprod of male students while even cowing male teachers due to her connections. I know some anons would have preferred it at least as an option but I'm glad it wasn't or else we would have lost one of the scenes we got.
Gonna raid Kotomi next.
Not a bad idea. I have no clue how to do it so I'll leave it to you or someone else.
▶ No.217584>>217589
> did you or did you not get a lot of allusions to previous heroines from Miria's route?
I think that's less "allusions to previous heroines" and more the writers just not being very original.
▶ No.217589
>I think that's less "allusions to previous heroines" and more the writers just not being very original.
Though they wouldn't be the first, you've got a point. I'm just glad to see this game hit every note I hoped it would. I wish there was more banter and writing like in the SM days but to be fair not even UK or most of the other works had similar writing, and really only Miyu's route was close to being like that in MK4. Maybe it's just the secret quality of that game, like MK3's own secret quality which isn't shared by other titles.
Either way, this game's goodman. It doesn't surpass but does hits the mark.
▶ No.217597>>218236
Anyone know how to hide the UI in SnK? like the days passed indicator?
▶ No.217607
I only displeased with only 2 scene of 1 corruption(which still better than Ura Kyoushi which is 1). I also like they using the corruption scene in similar manner to MK1. Pretty much I really like it. Feels like a while since Houkago 3. I already 100% it, including the optional green scene by skipping it. Now I can enjoy it thanks to their current scene view system
▶ No.217989>>218233
Welp finally finished the game…well I didn't do the harem yet, but that can wait.
The art was fantastic! All four artist gave us plenty of good angles and faces, and so there is no complaints here. Just wished there was cumflation throughout the game instead of the retraining scenes.
Sadly, there is a few problems, primarily in the corruption. I personally think it went by too fast. And not by the girls becoming sluts instantly, as in more they went from hating sex to loving it a bit too fast. I blame the lack of non-sex interactions between scenes. It made the game feel a bit on the short side.
Kotomi: Well she was everything we expected. I think my favorite part was when she thought masturbating three times a day wasn't enough. That cracked me up.
Risako: Wow…the info said she was dense, but I didn't think she was this dense. Even the other dense BISHOP girls knew that after the first rape scene, the MC was bad news, here she didn't even realized she was raped until the second main scene. And that's after doing research on the subject. Nevertheless, still good art.
Miria: >>217295, this anon summed it up quite well. Hot in lots of places and making the empress of the school your bitch is always worth it.
Moeka: I enjoyed her quite a lot. Her personality made for some fun interactions with the MC and she was quite hot in a lot of scenes.
Anna: Still my favorite girl, designs, and scenes. But I wish her corruption was better. She seemed like an amalgation of various corrution gimmicks. Filming, urination, punishment. I wish they just stuck to one and it might have been better. Hell you know her smiling slave-face, she only did that in the pregnant scene (Though not so sure about the harem since I didn't play it) A bit disapointed, but satisfied overall.
Which sums up how I feel the game overall. This was meant to be a reform for Kutsojoku, and it did that well. But I really wish it went just a tiniest bit above. Oh well, we'll see when the next game comes out
(Fix your formatting next time,8hrs.)Post last edited at
▶ No.218233>>222392
I want to protect that smile
I still can't stop thinking about Saya no Uta with that hair of hers
>And not by the girls becoming sluts instantly, as in more they went from hating sex to loving it a bit too fast. I blame the lack of non-sex interactions between scenes. It made the game feel a bit on the short side.
Excellently stated. Game is phenomenal, no lie, but this should have been beefed up far more to let the scenes and characters have breathing room. I find it odd since even KTJK had this to an extent - it's just that it had nothing to say for the scenes except for variations of "eek!".
My favorites will be Miria and Risako though honestly the whole cast was fun. Moeka did bring the bantz and Risako was so dense I nearly Hisao'd at points. Too cute for a titty monster. Didn't help that I have a thing for An Kasuga's voice in characters.
>She seemed like an amalgation of various corrution gimmicks.
That's a bit of a trend with this one. Not a bad thing since variance is fun but definitely not the best when it comes to not having a steady theme for a route like the other girls do.
>I didn't do the harem yet
You're in for a treat.
▶ No.218236>>218321
On the left of the UI there are three buttons next to the text box (not beneath it). The bottom of those three is HOLD. Just hit that button and the UI will disappear so only the text shows until you hover your arrow over it.
As for the days passed indicator I don't think that vanishes. Might be somewhere in the menu but I doubt it.
▶ No.218238
Best part is we get a little Ryugi in him where he's happy for the free money from his slave's job but plans to actually get a job to be a proper Master. Yoshiyuki is pretty cool. The lolibaba wouldn't be as fun if she didn't have him as a bounce board.
▶ No.218249>>218283 >>218477
>awful writing and poor corruption
>local autist is happy just because the girls end up blissful rather than sad like Kutsujoku
Hmm, really makes you think…
▶ No.218283
>awful writing
Factually false.
>poor corruption
Yeah it's lacking compared to the classics but the process is still there and doesn't happen in a single scene or off-screen.
>local autist is happy
>autist is
Do you think the thread is filled with only a single poster, Baitman?
▶ No.218321
▶ No.218477>>222690
I'm still in the beginning of the game, but I just want to say that I really love Risako's voice. It has a different ring to it than other Kasuga An characters I have heard, probably because her personality is also a lot different than what I heard her voice before.
It's not badly written by any means, at least in the beginning. Can't judge the corruption aspect yet.
Also while I can sympathize with your sentiment about a few anons here going beyond autistic with their anger over Kutsujoku, the heroines becoming happy over the fact they got raped and sexually trained is the main draw of most Bishop games. Even most older ones the vanilla faggots in this thread don't like always have the girls hyper happy to be sex slaves and all that. That's always what I liked about it (and mindbreak in general), the girls getting so changed by the training that in the end they see getting raped and trained into sex slaves as the greatest, happiest things in their lives.
▶ No.218558>>218704 >>218805 >>222394
Well now that I finished all the routes. In non-pregnant end, the heroine and the MC continue their life of debauchery, so nothing has changed.
But here's what happened in the pregnant end:
Kotomi: She's the first BISHOP heroine since Maki who is seen pregnant with her second child. She decided to retire from teaching to take care of her kids (and the MC of course). Her parents disown her for not only getting pregnant, but for refusing to tell who the father was.
Risako and Anna: They both did something similar. They took their pregnancy in stride with both the school and their jobs and they even told their parents who the father was. They gave the story about a young teacher who sympathizes with a poor orphan boy, their closeness eventually turning into something more…and something cheesy like that. Thankfully, their parents inherited Risako's denseness and Anna's kindness respectively and even decided to let the MC marry in the family.
Miria: You think that being a rich family girl, she would have trouble. But apparently Miria is as big as a tyrant to her family as she is to the students, so they pretty much gave into her decision on who she should marry and have children with. The only condition is that Miria and the MC can't live in her home until the MC becomes of the proper age. So they moved into the MC home and proceed to wait until the time of birth and his graduation.
Moeka: Her family isn't mentioned, so its just the standard teacher moves into MC's home and they decide to live together.
One thing I like is that Yoshiji decides to start working hard. Primarily out of pride with a hint of fatherly affection for the sake of his child and his slave. He has it a bit easier in Miria, Risako, and Anna's route since he has not only the family's support, but also allow him to start working in their businesses. Ironically Kotomi has the most hardship attached, since she lacks the family approval and that she quit her job after the second pregnancy.
▶ No.218704>>218805
>One thing I like is that Yoshiji decides to start working hard. Primarily out of pride with a hint of fatherly affection for the sake of his child and his slave.
I'm pretty numb to that because like 80% of Bishop protagonists do that.
▶ No.218805>>218998
>80% of Bishop protagonists do that.
True, and I do understand why some anons wouldn't be as excited as others over this title, but it's more a celebration of the return to form we expected KTJK to be.
We wanted a sound home-down BISHOP title and the boys did not remotely disappoint (much) with SnK. Now that it's back we have that good-game-buffer needed to take a hit if the next title is lackluster or wildly tonally different.
The problem from the get-go was the tone and protag of KTJK despite it being the first return to proper shading and coloring after the blurry light-tone of recent titles which seemed like it was only going higher in contrast until a new game would come out as nothing but blank white CGs. I mean look back at how it just kept getting lighter and lighter from Shura no Chikandou to Houkago 3 and then to the infamously light Kagai Jugyou. Really they were pushing it at that point.
KTJK brought back the visual feast, even amped it up from recent titles! But the writing was significantly different than what we had hoped. It did not feel like a Bishop title, either in humor or in character. This is why the protag of SnK is so great, not because he's anything particularly special but because he hearkens back to the protags we liked.
Between him, the girls and their routes and even the return of cum inflation, it rather feels like SnK was a love letter to long time fans.
That's why it's amazing for us anons who waited since KTJK but also why we can't say it's the best. Heck, despite SnK's visuals being superior in every regard, I still think I had more fun with Chijoku no Seifuku simply because it was more game-like, having both story choices and orgasm choices.
I wonder if Bishop will ever go back to the style of gameplay they had before, where the protag collects items and they inspire ideas/unlock new scenes, etc.
Either way, SnK hits that special spot for most of us, especially those anons who are very new and got onto the BISHOP ship thanks to Quof & Co.'s excellent work with Sansha Mendan.
Is SnK poorly written? Maybe if you're retarded.
Is SnK a failure? Maybe if you shot vaccines into your temples.
Is SnK a masterpiece? Not by any stretch, but it is the love letter that makes us enslaving fans go doki doki
▶ No.218998>>219051
>Is SnK poorly written? Maybe if you're retarded.
Uh… That's a pretty bad take, considering how poor the characterization was for several of the heroines and how many dumb writing choices were made. I think you're just really overhyping it and ignoring its many flaws because you absolutely hated KTJK's tone and are relieved SnK is brighter. You do you, man, but it's pretty cringey to see someone hating way too hard on a game due to its tone and then swap to loving a game way too much due to its tone. You probably don't even know Japanese that well either, if at all, so…
▶ No.219051>>219092 >>219094
>how poor the characterization
Do you know what you're talking about? The girls are exactly what it says on the tin for each of them. They each hit the mark for what their character is supposed to be.
Now if by "characterization" you mean that they have any development or depth, outside of MK3 (and Nemu in SM) I can't think of a single Bishop title with more fleshed out heroines than in SnK - not because they have any real depth to them but because all nukige heroines are basically that way. They don't have a lot of depth to them ever. They don't need to. All they need to do is succeed at being the character they are written to be which is quite hard to bungle. Even KTJK had proper characterization, it's just that some anons felt they all went the same route since the protag had the same kind of approach and interactions with most of them, hence the complaints.
But the characterization is just fine in every Bishop title. MK3 had the most of it since the theme of that title was giving the girls more freedom (hence the lack of outright enslavement…despite enslavement) which even led to them jumping you sexually at one point.
>how many dumb writing choices were made
Like what?
>ignoring its many flaws because you absolutely hated KTJK's tone and are relieved SnK is brighter.
Did you read my post starting from the bottom up? I thoroughly explained this already.
Besides, I could turn that back to you: you're just salty so few anons liked KTJK enough to ignore its many flaws and how many are more happy with SnK. Were you the anon who whined about being made to feel bad for liking KTJK, like you were standing around being bullied by other people just voicing their opinions?
>You do you, man, but it's pretty cringey to see someone hating way too hard on a game due to its tone
If you think the tone was the only issue (or even the main issue at all) you either weren't here for the previous threads or you just refuse to acknowledge what was said. And again, the post you replied to explicitly explained the reaction difference in terms of expectations being met.
>and then swap to loving a game way too much due to its tone.
Again with the tone thing…
I was just joking about the "salty" accusation I just said but now I'm almost convinced you didn't read anything anons wrote on either game and you're just salty.
>You probably don't even know Japanese that well either, if at all, so…
Yep. Definitely salty.
▶ No.219092>>219094 >>219169
>The girls are exactly what it says on the tin for each of them.
That's the problem. There's no fun in corrupting a character that's a cardboard cut out with a personality complex enough to be summarized in a single line. The real problem, though, isn't a lack of "depth" or anything like that. The problem is that their personality is very flat and doesn't change with their corruption. They remain exactly the same until their climatic corruption scene, and then they dramatically shift into another character. There's no fun in that. In most prior games, mainly the good ones like UK SM MK4 MK 3 etc you can see the characters personality change and morph as they get corrupted. You can see them become more accepting of the protagonist, battling with their prior held world view, etc. That's what makes the corruption so delicious, and it just isn't present with Shihai. They remain exactly the same, and their corruption doesn't even come close to their personality being morphed and molded by sexual desire over time. It's just them resisting like normal until one day they shrug and say "Okay I'm your slave now." This is reflected both inside and outside of the H-scenes.
First image is inside the H-scenes. The Shihai heroines tend to be far more resilient, defiant, and uncorrupted in their scenes. Pictured are scenes from right before the climatic corruption. In better corruption games (using UK as an example here), they're already ahegaoing breaking down into heart dialogue from the pleasure. This reflects how they're on the verge of falling into the protagonist's grasp, but are still just barely holding onto themselves, which is good for someone 1 scene away from submitting and becoming the protagonist's sex slave. Meanwhile, Shihai heroines aren't ahegaoing and are still completely defiant without a heart in their text to be scene. Of course, there's some variation here (after all, each route has a different writer). Kotomi, being super slutty, goes a lot more wild. But even still, it barely feels as if any of them have been corrupted at all. Whereas an Ura Kyoush heroine would be begging the protagonist to be cumming inside of her after snapping mid-sex, a Shihai heroine would be at most saying "this feels good even though it shouldn't!", a state usually reached much earlier. This really hurts because it feels unrealistic when they subsequently submit to the protagonist as his sex slave. Why would they do that when they're being so defiant and barely enjoying it in comparison to heroines from other games?
▶ No.219094
Second image is outside of the H-scenes, which has the same problem. Here is text from before the text scene directly leading up to the H-scene wherein the heroines submit to the protagonist (plus a bonus Makino). The Shihai heroines are hesitant and nervous, whereas the UK heroines are smiling lustfully and basically barely able to stop themselves from jumping onto the MC's cock immediately. They're still *barely* resisting through dialogue, stammering out excuses as they stare at the MC's bulge, but the narration makes it clear how thoroughly they've been corrupted. Basically, their corruption is shown visually through their sprites and through the text describing their mental state. Meanwhile, Shihai heroines never smile before their final corruption. They're always hesitant, always nervous. The text does mention that they're lewder and hornier before, but not nearly on the level as UK, and the narration's focus is much more restrained in tone, reflecting how anxious and yet unhappy the heroines are. It's only deep into the very scene of their corruption that heroines finally show decent signs of corruption, but by then it's already over. They're the protagonist's sex slave. It's always a sudden jerk from unhappy/reluctant dialogue to heart-filled, completely subservient dialogue. It's really unsatisfying. It's even worse if we go outside of the text right before H-scenes and go to a pure dialogue scene. The heroines are hostile and there are little to no signs of their corruption. They're just still their single-line personality, with nothing being changed or twisted to reflect their increased sluttiness or submissiveness or anything. They're just still themselves, angry at the protagonist with absolutely no intention of becoming his sex slave, which makes it even LESS satisfying when they swear their loyalty to him. It comes out of seemingly nowhere.
In short. Inside of H-scenes, the heroines don't go nearly wild enough and there isn't much effort put into showing how they're getting corrupted by sex. They just basically just say "nooo", then orgasm, then it's done. Outside of H-scenes, their flat personality stays the same (which is what I mean by bad characterization) and corruption isn't reflected in their actions or dialogue at all. There's some variance among routes, but in general, Shihai's writing just does a really piss poor job of reflecting the corruption of the heroines, and I think it's more than fair to say it has bad writing as a result, especially compared to former games in the series which got everything right.
As for dumb writing choices, there are a lot I can think up of off the top of my head (Miria's stungun adventurers, Anna not even swearing loyalty to the protagonist during the H-scene and just waiting until the next day to awkwardly give up, etc) but I'll just say the entire suspension setup was fucking dumb. The protagonist whines that his three day suspension or whatever will echo throughout his life while guilt-tripping the heroi, which is just comically overexaggerated. This isn't a major detriment to the game of course, dumb setups for rape are classic hentai, but it's hard to say a game has good writing when the core setup is so fundamentally stupid.
▶ No.219169>>219201 >>220280
>The problem is that their personality is very flat and doesn't change with their corruption. They remain exactly the same until their climatic corruption scene, and then they dramatically shift into another character.
That's the corruptions scene, it's always like that but before that it shows the girls getting increasingly warm to it. Even in Miria's route which you reference you see and hear (great seiyuu work) her becoming more submissive during the H scenes. The problem is you think the girls not ahegaoing before their corruption equates to them only just getting corrupted suddenly without gradual process, but that's ridiculous. KTJK didn't have that either, and neither did CnS which is definitely a good corruption game.
The gradual process is there just like in the other games - actually better than in KTJK because that game didn't even have a proper corruption process but everything took place in the next-to-last scene of each girl's route.
>inb4 muh hearts
Mean nothing when the narration explicitly states otherwise.
>In most prior games, mainly the good ones like UK SM MK4 MK3
I specifically said that SnK doesn't compare to MK3 or SM in terms of writing, and UK definitely is not what you describe it to be either. UK's characters were just as "cardboard cut out" as SnK, as CnS or MK4. It's nukige, and so long as the characters are solid and enjoyable they don't need depth. Saori and Tsubaki are examples of corruption but they also have the same process as the girls in SnK, the difference being the RAW destruction of the girls in that game by Ryuji's explosions - which you don't see in any other game.
▶ No.219190
Should we start a new thread or wait until this one reaches pg 13?
Here's a pic for the next op, whoever wants to do it. Don't forget to link Quof's last update to SM's translation as well as the SnK official site (and torrent link for the game)
▶ No.219201>>219210
>it's always like that but before that it shows the girls getting increasingly warm to it
>literally just showed how it isn't always like that
Most of your post is just denying objective truths without any evidence or misunderstanding my clearly stated points so I don't see the point in arguing with you further.
▶ No.219210>>219223
>literally just showed that it is always like that and uses the one game where sexual obliteration is amplified due to the theme and protag's sadistic power as if it's exemplary of what is common
>Most of your post is just denying objective truths without any evidence
I just posted evidence. Your nonsense in comparing the ahegao or destruction process in UK to SnK doesn't hold up when not even other good corruption games do it like UK did. MK4 didn't either as I recall, and for that matter MK3 didn't either for the most part. The extreme ahegao and the immediate application of them was to show how fiercely they were being wrecked.
>or misunderstanding my clearly stated points
You mean like how you compared SnK to MK3 and SM when I said from the first post that it's not comparable?
And again, this spun out of your (or another anon's) complaint that SnK was only liked and/or forgiven its "poor writing" because anons liked the lighter (see: proper, not lighter; it's not MK3) tone of SnK to KTJK, when everything SnK might and does fumble is significantly worse in KTJK by a huge margin.
I won't even reply to your next post because it, again, utilizes UK as the example. If you really want to compare this game then do it to at least MK4 and onward since that's what we're working with and the theme and design of UK won't get in the way not to mention the personal preference that no game with gangbangs is an overall good corruption game no matter the design, but that's just saying.
▶ No.219223>>219240
>not to mention the personal preference that no game with gangbangs is an overall good corruption game no matter the design, but that's just saying.
I captured your favorite trick!
▶ No.219240
Not that anon who kept banging on about it and neither did I say it was cuckge, let alone as an excuse as to why it's not comparable. Try again.
▶ No.219633>>219664 >>220218 >>220280
I don't think that last image there is from Breast Millk Island 2 somehow. I've been trying to find the source of that image, but no luck. What game is that from?
▶ No.219664
Harem Dungeon Master by Miel.
▶ No.220218
Anytime you see that artist you know it's Miel.
He has distinct faces.
>Kotomi: She's the first BISHOP heroine since Maki who is seen pregnant with her second child. She decided to retire from teaching to take care of her kids (and the MC of course). Her parents disown her for not only getting pregnant, but for refusing to tell who the father was.
Oof that's a mixed bag. I really liked Maki's ending in MK4 though Kagami being a bit lazy about not drawing a wedding ring on her finger was silly but I suppose Kotomi is happy enough without her parents. She gets to be the breeding slave of the guy who finally tended to her secret super-slut. What more could she ask for?
▶ No.220280>>220331
True that, just finished Kotomi's route and the final pledge doesn't do much, it hypes it then drops it.
Just a cunningulus and she gives up when Maki in MK4 was pure gold, tease her and force her to swear loyalty to him, then force her to choose between the D or her friend and she happily jumps on the MC's dick hahaha
I would have preferred Kotomi with Bloomers for her corruption scene or a skimpy swimsuit.
▶ No.220287>>220331
She really was amazing. One of my favorite girls in Bishop games now.
▶ No.220331>>220359
Maki was by first Bishop favorite (this was before I got to SM of course) and that scene of making her choose D or her sister was priceless. Also one of my favorite endings. Something about going off to be married in a rural Japanese town while secretly still being Master and Slave/Breeding Pet is great. Didn't MK4 have all marriage endings? I know it was preg-only due to the plot.
MK4 had a lot of problems and it was definitely when Kagami was starting to wane perhaps due to encroaching TABA hell, but it's still entirely worthwhile. Yeah the bullying in Maki's route was fun. Most of it was, really. Plus it gave us a superior Saya.
>I would have preferred Kotomi with Bloomers for her corruption scene or a skimpy swimsuit.
Agreed, though I would have preferred the lolibaba in the bunny suit and Miria in her Holstein suit as well for their final scenes, but it's alright. I can see how a totally nude Kotomi makes sense considering she's just lust to the wall animal-wild about breeding and sex at that point. Reminds me of how Tsubaki in UK walked around the protag's house naked all day.
Definitely. Don't forget Best Brown, though.
Actually I can't remember the last Bishop brown before Anna
▶ No.220359>>220433
>Actually I can't remember the last Bishop brown before Anna
Chisato. In fact there are only 3 BISHOP browns: some knight from Hime Dorei, Chisato from MK3 and Anna from SNK. Treasure Anna because we wont have another brown any time soon.
▶ No.220432>>220736
No, you can't just do that. You can't just make the stoic kuudere turn so intensely cute the minute I'm gonna H her for the first time and have her stare directly at me like "Please don't rape my face".
It's too cute. I can't do it. But I have to do it. I want to do it. But she's so cute so suddenly! It's like raping a kitten! I can't do this
but that just makes it better
Ah man what's wrong with me? I have never before had such a conflicted erection.
▶ No.220433
>I forgot Chisato
For some reason I thought she was just tanned. Now I feel like a fool.
▶ No.220443
It almost looks like she's flinching away from the arrow whenever it hovers near her.
▶ No.220736>>223318
But I want to! I want to stop making you live a lonely life and show you the joy of being a slave and motherhood
▶ No.221838
So who was your favorite and why?
▶ No.222093>>222691
I got the special sofmap drama CD for Miria: https://mega.nz/#!zjQznCZR!GRI_eQwlgHMkUgUekiJAISwEgZyRQ4S6v4mvjGgIdrs
Also posting the wall scroll. This time around they gave her some distance so it's not attempting some 1-1 proportions and I think it looks better.
▶ No.222384>>222412 >>222749
>ywn have Miria cosplaying cowgirl for you.
▶ No.222392>>222412 >>222749
i agree that Kutsujoku had wasted potential (especially the teacher who is still my fav) but it was still one of the best VNs of its year
As for Shihai no Kyoudan, Its a vast improvement and has everything that drew me to bishop in the first place. My favorites are Matsubara Miria (blonde) and Tsukioka Anna (White), and just love the harem end where all the teachers quit the school to protect their Master and buy a house where they and their Master live together. Would of liked if the Protag mentioned if they got other jobs such as teacher Councillors like its mentioned in Matsubara Miria (blonde) and Hanamori Kotomi (red/pink) Pregnant endings. Also would of liked them to be shown in their new house together.
As for the solo ends, i cant decide between Miria and Anna for best? in each of the pregnant endings The Protag ends up living with his slave with Matsubara Miria (blonde) and Hanamori Kotomi (red/pink) happily leaving their families behind since they wont reveal who the father of their children are to them, and to commit to their master. They stay in the school to cater to their Master but are shown to be considering other jobs when he graduates.
the families of the other three are accepting of the protag as the father and stay in the school to fulfill their masters desires.
With Anna though, Her endings more different from the rest as she ends up convincing her Master to properly better himself as a man and father with full employment with her parents, improving his studies and developing his maturity. Although it does make me wonder if she's not as mind broken as the rest.
My only question is was Tsukioka Anna (White) child a boy or a girl in the solo end? I dont think its mentioned even though its stated what the others where: 3 girls (Matsubara Miria (blonde), Hanamori Kotomi (red/pink), Takizawa Moeka (brown)) and a boy (Kashima Risako, blue). At least all of them intend to be pregnant again
Seeing Matsubara Miria (blonde) be her old self to other people and a slave to the protag is pretty awesome. I only wished that her cold nature is lessened more through dialogues and charm that even she notices how different she gets around the protag instead of being stubborn until she concedes. But i still love her regardless.
Harem is best after all. Still wished they showed them in their new house.
▶ No.222394
i thought Mirai left her family because they were upset? I must of missed the protag being accepted by them and having opputunities with them. If so i love her route even more! maybe i was too tired when i was going through it.
▶ No.222412
>>ywn have Miria cosplaying cowgirl for you.
First I couldn't have
>puts her in a cow cowgirl outfit
Rio knows how it is. Excellent taste, though it would've been fun to see her holding a milk squirtgun as well. Still she looks ready for a JRPG party.
Miria's is my favorite but Anna is a tight close next fave. I need to do Ryouko's still, though.
As for the family situation, Miria is alright. It's sort of reminds me of Mifuyu's ending, only you have a room of your own instead of living in the big mansion estate.
▶ No.222690>>222715
But is it still rape at the end? because it seems that it becomes consensual as and after they become slaves
▶ No.222691>>222715
so anything special in the drama cd? whats it about?
▶ No.222715>>222913
"Consensual" doesn't begin to describe the raw desire and adoration of bishop slaves for their Masters, but yeah you can say it's consensual. By the end of SnK the girls definitely want it of their own volition and sincerely enjoy both their Master and their newfound addiction to his touch.
It's more along the lines of classic bishop in that sense where they resist until you bring the inner slut to bloom. KTJK worked differently (mostly) in that the girls eventually did want it but it's obvious Stockholm Syndrome (KTJK is a horror title after all) until the absolute very end I think it's still Stockholm Syndrome even then but other anons disagree. SnK is different.
Basically yet another alternate take on things, but unlike with KTJK's Anju CD where you get to see the character in a different light (she's all Ara Ara~ and basically sexually grooming you to be hers on your graduation day) Miria is mostly the same. That's fine by me since it'd be hard to see Miria in a different light considering
The content itself is almost entirely incomprehensible as it's top-to-bottom extreme titty bullying and Miria milking, replete with all the sweet erratic noises, complains and pleas similar to what she does in the game.
It's a fun addition but not exactly what I expected. Then again I can hardly understand Japanese so maybe another anon could tell you more.
I'd post the sofmap description but I can't find it.
▶ No.222718>>222913
They're making an Anna daki
▶ No.222749>>222913
Fuck, I just realized that Miria's nipples are wet.
▶ No.222913>>222999
>"Consensual" doesn't begin to describe the raw desire and adoration of bishop slaves for their Masters, but yeah you can say it's consensual.
Thats why i feel that the slaves needed more dialogue with the protag or by themselves that shows them softening up more often before they become slaves so that its more obvious that it becomes consensual or if they just gave up. Even having small parts of their own inner dialogue that shows them gradually changing like
A) I cant believe he did that, he is the worst! I need to stay away!
B) Not Again! Why is he doing this? why won't i stop him?
C) he's so bad… Yet so good
D) He's not really a bad person after all. He makes me feel good
E) When did i start feeling so happy and hot just by seeing him?
F) I now realize that i need to be with him forever. I must do everything to make him stay with me!
Stuff like that just to give us an idea of how they actually change. In SnK, while i did like Miria on par with Anna, it felt like her submission was a bit sudden compared to how she was resisting until that point, it seemed a bit sudden since i had no idea just how much she was ready to be a slave at that moment. hard to argue with the results though.
>KTJK worked differently (mostly) in that the girls eventually did want it but it's obvious Stockholm Syndrome
personally, i agree. One of the reasons i loved bishop games is how submissive and lusting the slaves become that it brings them pure joy just being close to their master that you could mistake it for genuine love at times. In KTJK, they just kept crying and hesitating too much, both after they submit and especially when they're pregnant, since they're not exactly happy about it. I just needed more happiness from them instead of the last scenes where they no longer resist and compleltly submit. if KTJK had more scenes like that it could of been MUCH better.
Now they need to make a Mirai one.
guess she has more than enough for her master and child. I remember in her pregnancy end, her only real concern is having to share her milk with her child and her master, and before they decide for another kid, she says her child can have powder milk if she runs out since the masters desires come first.
▶ No.222999
>it felt like her submission was a bit sudden compared to how she was resisting until that point
If you go back to the first time he makes her wear an outfit the latex body suit she's already struggling and confused with how it feels good and has this peculiar numb (sexy) expression on her face. It was certainly gradual and equivalent to what Bishop usually does with girls, but I think most of us anons here are mainly acquainted with classic Bishop titles like UK, MK3 and of course SM. Even MK4. All of which each have different game mechanics or unique writing themes which lend to what feels like (and sometimes is) more interaction between the girls.
There's really not much difference in SnK to H3 or CnS in terms of the length of time in progression and number of interactions. I do see where you're coming from with how it feels shorter, though. SnK is fun but more would have been superior best.
>if KTJK had more scenes like that it could of been MUCH better.
Well remember KTJK was meant to be a dark horror title, the first in a long while for Bishop (since previous darker themes involved gangbangs and dog-rape but those days are long gone), so they wanted everything to conform to that theme, even in the ahegao looking like frightened or pained faces. The problem is that none of us wanted that, and judging by some of the Nip reception they didn't want it either (though everyone agrees on the art). I have a feeling that's why they straight gunned it for a game like SnK, a love letter to the fans.
If they had more scenes where the girls gradually liked it then it would not have been so dark and horrible as they intended, or it would have involved the girls breaking unlike other bishop heroines, likely with a lot of broken laughter and distorted smiles.
▶ No.223234>>223315 >>223322
Please next game be an isekai game with fantasy heroines, or at least a game with current setting but fantasy heroines. That way you keep their usual setting while introducing magic to the mix.
I dont really want another schoolgirl themed game so soon and there is a severe lack of fantasy heroine corruption games that arent just generic gangbangs and monster sex so BISHOP could actually contribute to something unique that way.
▶ No.223315
>Bishop doing isekai
An anon can dream, I suppose. They have done Victorian era work before but only twice. It'd be interesting to see the Bishop formula in a different setting like that, but considering the poorer sales of their period pieces I doubt it will happen.
Course you never know. I never expected Clock-Up to do a waifu Oni game either.
▶ No.223317
'Anna is a cute! A CUTE!!
>protag waltzes into the nurse's office after taking her virginity
>starts to get all Chad thundercock about it
>Anna starts pushing him
>he's flabergasted
>keeps pushing
>door shuts
>awkward moment of silence as he realizes she just silently shoved him out of the room
I expected a brown Rei (Eva) from her description but instead got an ultra cute extreme pacifist. She's too much.
▶ No.223318
Considering she's a runner for buddha her falling into the protag's hands probably saved her from a life of hardship.
▶ No.223322>>223389
All these waifu, all the same bodies.
Even the dark elf has those same pink faded nips.
▶ No.223389>>223400 >>226115
>>223322 (fantastic check)
>Even the dark elf has those same pink faded nips.
Well to be fair only the only good browns have pink nips. No one wants brown/black nipples. It's a rule of aesthetic.
▶ No.223400>>223498 >>223566
>No one wants brown/black nipples.
I kinda like them actually, personally im fine with both but black nipples are rare enough to have appeal.
Kinda funny how in some materials that rent from the game themselves you can find stuff like Pic were the nipples are different from the base game.
▶ No.223498
once you go black you just want to go back
▶ No.223566>>223723
I understand the appeal of rarity but if you have brown/black nipples then you're likely to have brown/black labia and clitoris, which is just utterly unappealing. Might as well give her brown hair and brown eyes at that point. Anime is freedom from these constraints.
But still, I get it. As long as it's rare then it can be fun I suppose. I just like more color variation if there was a rainbow colored girl, boy you know…
>Kinda funny how in some materials that rent from the game themselves you can find stuff like Pic were the nipples are different from the base game.
True, it is interesting how they do that. Thankfully proper pink is in-game, though.
▶ No.223723>>223774
>brown/black nipples then you're likely to have brown/black labia and clitoris
Lips too. Lips, nips, pussy and asshole should be the same color.
Everyone has their personal tastes. I'm not even into the brown girls, but it triggers my autism seeing darkies like they stole some gingers nipples.
Although I do find it funny that brown nipples aren't uncommon in japan and they still refuse to put them on brown girls.
▶ No.223774
You call my delicious anime browns by that irl term again ill cut you m8
>Although I do find it funny that brown nipples aren't uncommon in japan and they still refuse to put them on brown girls.
Because the Nips know what's up
▶ No.223777>>223788 >>226713
No one told me this would happen. I knew Moeka was gonna be cute and fun, and I knew Ryouko would be cute. After seeing the intense sexy-cute Miria brings I was surprised, but literally every scene or another has some utterly astonishing CUTE coming from Anna. This is the second best surprise I've had with this game.
▶ No.223788
Cute eyes, as is one of my favourite parts about that artist.
▶ No.226115>>226230
demonion had a unique take on it
▶ No.226230
>gold/light orange
Not quite dark but not quite light. That is interesting.
▶ No.226711>>226714
I actually love this pics.
To me, it shows what the characters would actully look like in a 3d reality where anime/manga/VNs and the like are actually real, with the colors and features and everything.
▶ No.226713
Even when she was pushed to the limit and slapped the Master, she instantly became all dere dere and even freakin apologized multiple times. She is so pure.
▶ No.226714
▶ No.229515>>229713 >>229715
A new game just came out and we're already dead already.
No need to make a new thread I guess. Bishop fanfare is dead now.
▶ No.229713
>No need to make a new thread I guess. Bishop fanfare is dead now.
Part of the problem with a good game is it doesn't generate a lot of back-and-forth, but aside from that KTJK also left us a bit dead for a long while. That's just how it goes. We get hyped, get the game, post some screens and make some jokes, and then go silent for a while.
Bishop fanfare isn't dead, it's just we don't have a lot to talk about or speculate on.
▶ No.229715
What I mean is, maybe wait a little while before making a new thread. This one's only at page 2 so when this is near pg10 or so a new one can be made and maybe we'll get more posting going.
It's like asking a bunch of satisfied fatasses at Thanksgiving to start talking after they've filled up on Turkey gravy and biscuits so they can hardly move they're so full.