[–]▶ No.104516>>104545 >>104737 >>119988 >>135133 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Lilith finally gave this a release date, so we might as well have a thread. Feel free to talk about any other Kangoku Senkan related stuff as well, not just the new game.
For those out of the loop, Kangoku Academia is a spin-off of the Kangoku Senkan (Prison Battleship) series, with sian as the artist and focus on all-new characters, to be released September 1st.
Like the other games, it takes place in the far future when mankind has spread into space and broke down into two major factions: the space-based New Sorals, and the Earth sphere-based Neo Terrors, who have been on and off war ever since.
In a New Soral Military Academy, two officers hailed as war heroes have arrived to teach: Colonel Julia Bloodstone and Lieutenant Eliza Perlman. Unbeknownst to them, the Student Council President of the Academy, Albert Payne, is aligned with the Neo Terrors, seeking personal revenge against the New Sorals. With help of an elusive boss (who I’m willing to bet is Bohgan, protagonist of the main series) he will employ the latest technology to modify Julia and Elize’s bodies and brainwash their minds, turning the war heroines into his obedient sluts and pawns.
As usual with the series, there are multiple endings based on which girl you favor, and if you choose to train them personally or have your underlings handle the dirty work.
▶ No.104545>>104547 >>104626 >>104653
>>104516 (OP)
Reminder that after Taba was born all Lilith games flopped (TY 2, Taimanin Kurenai and Elf game), and soon we can add this to the shit pile too.
▶ No.104547>>104548 >>104611
Worst case scenario we get good CGs out of this.
▶ No.104548
Inb4 the good CG's are for TABA
▶ No.104611
This pretty much. Even if the writing is not good it looks nice and will have a decent lenght. It's not like every Lilith game is top tier writing material anyway.
I'll say just from the shit wtitten in the website it's already looking like there's way more effort than in the other post TABA Lilith games.
▶ No.104626>>104640
At least it' clear they have their priorities right this time: you play as an evil guy brainwashing and modificating two enemy officers, it has the same structure as the rest of the series, and clearly similar content (body modification chairs, gangbangs, choice of fucking the girls yourself or giving them to your men, and so on).
Could still disappoint but I doubt the fall will be as abysmal this time as in the games you mentioned.
The fact that instead of having the same one or two base CG for the whole scene and changing it with overlays the CG variations will be more dynamic, with the characters poses changing more often already shows that there's way more effort put into this than in other recent Lilith games, at least in the art department, and while that is far from the ideal scenario, art can carry a game.
▶ No.104640>>104644
So Lilith is now going for the Quantity over Quality route?
▶ No.104644
What? Where did yoy even get that from my post? If anything that's quality over quantity.
If every CG set is like that example, that is. I have my doubts.
▶ No.104653>>104654 >>104655
I read somewhere that Taimanin Kurenai was a succes, but I far more often hear it was actually a flop. Is there a way to check either statement?
I am still optimistic for Kangoku Academia, though. Even if the artstyle has embraced the "thicc" meme a bit more than I would've likef. The characters tend to look fat in a few instances.
▶ No.104654>>104867
The ones who say that Taimanin Kurenai was a success they are blind or retarded.
▶ No.104655>>104867
I don't know if it was a commercial success or not. I've never seen anyone who played and liked it though. Underwhelming at best seem to be the consensus about it.
▶ No.104659>>104662
Any chance of a translation of this one?
▶ No.104662
There's a chance, if Rattanman likes it or gets enough requests.
▶ No.104704
I was hoping someone would make a thread for the Kangoku series. I always considered it my favorite lilith series…and probably wouldn't mind TABA too much if it was based around this series.
Nevertheless. I have high hopes for the new game. The character design are weird, but they work.
▶ No.104737>>104757
>>104516 (OP)
>finally more Kangoku stuff again
>both heroines are Godly
>younger male protagonist(s)
>older female "heroines"
>they look like they will be thoroughly destroyed
I cannot wait. If they played their cards right this once, then it'll be their best game since five years ago.
▶ No.104757
Please don't mention cards…that word in conjunction with Lilith just peeves me off now
▶ No.104847
I don't speak moon so I only really care about the art, unless it gets translated, looks amazing.
▶ No.104867>>104886
So it was meant in a subjective way, not commercial?
Not sure if the words "succes/flopped" are appropriate then, because the initial comment really seemed like it implied TK was a financial flop due to TABA's popularity/influence.
That said, I really enjoyed TK, so I might just be injustly defensive/biased.
▶ No.104886>>104888
The game was just trash in both ways, this game shouldn't even exist.
Lilith created this game so that ZOL had something for TABA since the other 2 main guys from Lilith (Kagami and Aoi Nagisa) already had their Taimanins game.
But the game was a failure and Lilith is pretending like it never existed.
▶ No.104888>>104890
I can completely accept that it was trash as a game itself, but I've never seen definitive confirmation/information on wether or not it was a finacial flop as well. Which was my one and only question.
▶ No.104890
Try asking the Taimanin thread, maybe someone there knows. Or even halfchan's /hgg/ because it has more people.
▶ No.104913>>105043
At first I thought the art for the game looked really bad, but now I just think the art for this game seems inconsistent.
When I first saw the webpage for this game I thought the characters were horribly proportioned and their facial features/placement were super off.
The first two images here however, look alright to me.
Not sure if it's just me, others seem to be okay with it so far based off what I've read in threads.
Would be great if this had animations too.
I'll have to see how it goes when it's released, I did like the KS series quite a bit.
▶ No.105043>>105129
When they first revealed the character designs I wasn't feeling them, though they looked boring and generic, but since the site opening the samples have swayed me hard.
I've seen other people complain about their proportions, you're not alone here, but honestly it didn't bother me. I've never been one to care about proportions or realism, just whther or not it looks sexy to me. And both are looking pretty sexy so far
Eliza's face sometimes looks weird to me (these two shop bonus being examples) but I have no complaints about her body, and no complaints at all about Julia.
▶ No.105054>>105122
I don't know. Some previews look very good.
Others, like this one, just look plain weird. I've never quite been this torn over the artstyle for a game.
▶ No.105122>>105124 >>105129 >>105130
I'm struggling to see what the problem with this is. Looks good to me.
▶ No.105124>>105130
I dunno, her face looks like she's suffering a stroke.
▶ No.105129>>105130 >>105144 >>105298
Well, as >>105043 mentioned, proportions are weird. Compare the thighs and feet. Her feet are almost the sizef of her venus mound. It's not perspective, either.
The leash and tit also look off to me, it doesn't look too tense when going from the collar, but heavily digs into the breast meat. The only way this interaction could happen if her breasts had structure of a plasic bag partially filled with water. They're not supposed to behave this way.
Still looking forwards to the game but I'd take Kagami over Sian any day of the week.
▶ No.105130>>105144
Exactly the thing about her face. Her features look like they just got slapped onto her head.
Kagami is just the best.
I like the slightly different aesthetic we're getting with this game. The suits, tech and overall feel (there's a metal plated horse!! it looks really cool) seems more refined than the darker style in KS but I wish Kagami did the art instead.
▶ No.105144>>105235
Both posts you replied are actually mine. As I said, I've seen people complain about proportions but I don't really care as long as it tickles my fancy.
At most I agree with >>105130 about in some shots the facial features looking slapped on, but every nukige has that to an extent. In most, faces are literally slapped on a faceless base CG.
The thing about the leash honestly sounds just like nitpicking. I'm honestly paying more attention to it digging into her breast than to the fact it doesn't look tense enough. I can understand that some people simply can't ignore that stuff, but I'm left wondering what hentai you guys even consume that is flawless to every detail like that.
▶ No.105221>>105231 >>105233 >>105235
So…now that we have a Kangoku senkan thread, why not talk about it until the game arrives.
It's my favorite Lilith series. It was the first eroge series I ever played, and I still love it a lot.
My favorite game would probably be KS3 since it has my favorite pair. Beatrice and Kira were a pair of arrogant bloodthirsty girls that turning them into horny bitchs felt karmic as opposed to villainous. Not to mention they both have great design, (I love Kira gangoro theme) and they are also an Oyakodon…what's not to like?
▶ No.105231>>105257
It is my favorite Lilith series too, Taimanin never had as much appeal to me.
My favorite is KS2, I think it has more variety than the other two, and Alicia is the sexiest heroine in the series for me.
I have to replay KS3 some time, I didn't like it as much but I also don't remember it well. I have since replayed 1 and 2 more than once, but never replayed 3.
▶ No.105233>>105237 >>105257 >>142891
only really liked Naomi from the first one, the other game characters didn't appeal to me design wise so i never played the other two
▶ No.105235>>105236 >>105237 >>105298
I also liked being the bad guy without being the bad guy. Even though Bohgan is ultimately a bad guy no matter how you look at it. Too bad it's not coming back for KA, given from what I could decipher from the story part at least
Also I think I liked KS3 the most too, but KS2 is close
It's not how bodies work, it's not how physics work. Obviously I'm not staring at the leash but there's no way her breast should be dug into the way it does
Proportions irk me more tho
I'd expect lilith to be as good as it gets when it comes to art because who else has this amount of cash to throw around. I wouldn't call Sian bad, but samples so far are somewhat underwhelming
▶ No.105236>>105303 >>123042
Doesn't the protagonist answer to a boss, according to the site? I'm with OP that this guy is probably Bohgan.
▶ No.105237>>105257 >>105303 >>105340
If you get this irked by stylized drawings not matching reality well, how do you even manage to keep consuming hentai? I mean 90% of it is anything but accurate, even when good.
Naomi is great. I started liking Lieri more as Bohgan's helper in KS2, it's nice seeing how permanent her change is, and how evil she can be towards her former allies.
▶ No.105257
Asagi (TA3 version) is my favorite Lilith character so far, but I prefer KS series more because it has much better scenes. Partially because there are no orcs and tentacles and less weird shit.
Naomi took the cake in the first game (check out her IZM for more content, she has one) but Lieri had this really good animated BJ scene in the second game which won me over. Makes me wish TA:0 will have animations.
I get the proportions but I can't for the faces. I get that anime/hentai style faces aren't always accurate, but it's still possible to make them look good. I haven't noticed issues as prominent as this from other h-games, but at least it's just in some of the samples, not all of them.
Everything's almost locked down at this point though so I'm just hoping most of it's good upon release.
▶ No.105298>>105304 >>105308
This kind of thing is not uncommon though. I guess the artists find constricted breasts sexy and don't expect people to sperg on about physics.
It doesn't stop being a valid compaint about the drawing - that's not how it should work, period. But things working as they should takes a backseat in this kind of fetish porn stuff.
▶ No.105303
He's just called "Boss", so yeah, probably him, because who else. Still, it doesn't have the KS3 vibe at all, where Bohgan is comparatively the good guy. It doesn't seem to be even a personal revenge thing. The protag's family just sided with the wrong side of the conflict and the protag generally hates new solar as a result.
Rarely artists fuck with body proportions this much unless they're objectively bad and can't into proportions at all. And I'm not even big on 'realistic' style like the Empress artist.
▶ No.105304
You're right but here the breasts are in motion so it kinda makes sense. And it doesn't dig that deep in so it doesn't look wrong either.
▶ No.105308>>105341
I hope you're not trying to argue that the fabric/leash and breasts in those 2 pictures are behaving in similar ways.
▶ No.105340>>105341
Speaking of Boghan, this has been driving me nuts but wasn't he relatively normal looking in the one CG he's in in the first game? I swear they beefed him up on steroids after that. And I'm disappointed the animation didn't completely follow through the Boghan capture ending, where their brainwashing wasn't undone and he basically just chills in his cell.
▶ No.105341
Not in similar ways, but the strings of her Bikini also don't look tense enough to press the breasts like that.
I always assume he worked out some muscle between the games. Having your two biggest enemies brainwashed into your supportive slaves probably does wonders for a man's motivation. And he needs to be fit to keep up with their libido.
▶ No.106272>>120163
Curious to see which of the girls are more well liked here.
▶ No.108744>>110282 >>110318
So what's your favorite scene from each game? Mine seems to have the common theme of NTR (and of course, the 3p)
KS1: The video chat to Lieri husband
KS2: at the beach with Maya and groping her and Alicia butt in front of Alicia fiancé
KS3: Screwing Kila while she's chatting with her dad
▶ No.109916>>120156
Why does she wear the mask?
▶ No.110282
I don't remember the third game all that well, but for the first two my favorite scenes are those after the brainwashing is complete. Post-brainwashing scenes are always the best for me because that's where the payoff is to me, and scenes with both heroines together tend to highlight their physical and mental remodeling more.
For KS1 I'm on the fence between the ending where they are given to the crew, get fucked while kissing each other, eat semen from a bowl and that kind of stuff, because of how degrading it is, and the ending where they show their piercings and pledge their loyalty to Bohgan before landing on Earth. No sex going in that scene but seeing the extent of their change is so fucking satisfying. Always the last ending I go for.
For the second game my favorite part is the threesome scenes with Alicia and Maya, also after their brainwashing is complete. Similar reasons to the above, but it is also the sexiest sex scenes in the series to me.
▶ No.110309
Damn these are hot! My favorite is the one is the one with Julia squating and showing her ass. Also love the one with both Julia and Eliza collapsed and drooling cum from their womb
▶ No.110318
Naomi's first time.
Maya's fan appreciation day.
Gotta be any of Beatrice's gangbangs.
I'm glad they're seemingly going all the way with these bitches. I can't wait to see them completely destroyed.
▶ No.111509>>142955
CG page updated. This game just keeps getting better and better.
They've also opened up a page detailing the package edition bonuses.
▶ No.111625>>113386 >>120682
>turned into literal sex doll
KS3 did something similar but I find turning them into dolls more appropriate than the robot and statue KS3 had.
▶ No.113386>>117911 >>117942 >>118344
Girl on the right needs her own game.
▶ No.113705
Animation samples.
I never liked these animations Lilith does in their eroge, I prefer just looking at the original CG.
▶ No.113914>>114118
Holy shit, I had no idea this was a thing!
I NEED this in my life… Can't wait.
▶ No.114118
You mean just the new game, or you discovered the series as a whole through this thread?
▶ No.114898>>117905
anyone have links to the first 3 games?
▶ No.117905
I don't, downloaded mine years ago, but they shouldn't be too difficult to find. It's probably all up in Sukebei and since they are popular, probably seeded.
The first one should show up even on a quick google search because it was translated, translated stuff gets shared the most.
▶ No.117911>>117931
>Throwaway character designs are vastly superior compared to the central character designs
Is this a trope? Is there a name for this?
▶ No.117931
it just happens sometimes
▶ No.117942>>118333 >>120162
It would be kinda neat to focus on a character whose arms and legs are the same length.
▶ No.118333>>118625
The artist really fucked up the foreshortening there. Maybe they'll adjust it before release.
▶ No.118344>>118373
>Fuuma Saika as guess cameo
Just play TABA, anon.
▶ No.118373
I happen to have one of her cards in TABA. Didn't relate the two, but Saika's pretty good.
I should look at her scenes in the viewer
▶ No.118625
The artist fucked up a lot of things…
▶ No.118663>>118781
I really can't see all the problems you people have with the art.
Won't go as fucking petty as saying "you are just a bunch of unpleasable autists" or anything of the sort, but I really look at the art keeping your complaints in mind and I just either can't see it at all, or I can see but it isn't something that bothers me.
▶ No.118767>>118818
One more week left…i just can't wait. We've been overdue for another Kangoku Senkan for a long time. (Just another thing I blame TABA for). My biggest hope for this game? A surprise cameo from Bohgan with all the ladies he brainwashed. That would be hot as hell
▶ No.118781>>118815
>I really can't see all the problems you people have with the art.
That's because you're either blind, retarded or both.
▶ No.118815
>If you don't agree with me you're retarded
Real mature there.
Is it so hard for you to understand your tastes aren't objective? To me all the things you have been angrily complaining just sound fucking autistic, like you're getting hung up on pointless details and ignoring all the art does right, but I know it's just that you are bothered by things I am not. When something annoys us in art it's pretty much impossible to see past that.
▶ No.118818
I really doubt that would happen. At most we'll get a reference to the other girls (most likely Lieri) in text, but actual appearances are very unlikely.
▶ No.118920>>119004 >>119221 >>119694 >>220546
Your favorite finale? Mine would be the third one since seeing Kira and Beatrice desperately try to save their minds to the point of wanting to sacrifice the other was quite satisfying
▶ No.119004
>seeing Kira and Beatrice desperately try to save their minds to the point of wanting to sacrifice the other was quite satisfying
For the exact same reason KS3 is my favorite game in the series.
The characters really feel as if they're brought to their lowest point before being discarded and used simply as toys.
▶ No.119015>>119016 >>120166
Do we still have no English patches for the first two?
▶ No.119016>>119023
I meant the last two
▶ No.119023
Nope, I think Rattan Man said he's considering them, but that's only after he finishes his current project.
▶ No.119221
If you mean the scenes where they original selves are erased, KS3 is my favorite as well.
Endings in general I really like the one in KS1 where Lieri and Naomi report to Bohgan wearing their piercings and with vibrators to keep themselves calm. That scene highlights both how far degraded they are and also how useful they are to furthering Bohgan's plans.
▶ No.119400>>119523 >>119612 >>119929
Despite utterly hating myself for liking this stuff, does anyone know where I can get the third game?
▶ No.119523>>119603 >>119929
>utterly hating myself for liking this stuff,
▶ No.119603>>119605 >>119929
If I tried to explain, we'd get into a philosophical faux-debate of childish yelling which would take space that could be used for others' benefit.
The important thing is DOES ANYONE HAVE IT?!
▶ No.119605>>119703 >>119929
please explain, I'm interested, these threads are not that popular anyway.
▶ No.119612>>119703
▶ No.119694
KS2's where Maya gets drowned by her fans while Bohgan plows Alicia while pregnant.
▶ No.119703>>119733 >>119835 >>119929 >>120372 >>159622
At the risk of being labeled autistic and/or a fag, I'll tell you. The women in this game have lives and families built up from years of independent experiences and choices. They are then turned into something they are not nor ever would want to become and are slaves, spitting upon the basic human freedom of choice that their captors exercise in gross hypocritical fashion. One might argue that such a fate is not as bad as death because there is still a hope they can become normal again, but the pure cruelty towards fellow humans feels unconsciable. I am enraged and hope that everyone involved is killed painfully.
In contrast, this dominion over another human so attractive like these excites and intoxicates me. When it's over, I hate myself because I fear that I am the thing I so oppose.
It's also why I try to avoid Murakami Teruaki's more delicious works, especially Taimanin Asagi, the first H-vid I jacked off to. After I saw Sakura crying and being unable to do anything, I just couldn't go through it again.
Hopefully, you see why I'm so conflicted. If you're wondering, I do have a hero complex. Also a minor God complex, ironically.
▶ No.119733>>119835 >>119929 >>120112
Yeah games like this make you turn off your sense of decency. Too be fair, I think Kira and Beatrice were major assholes so that you don't feel that guilty about doing that to them. BUt I get where your coming from. Nevertheless, games like these are nice for releasing our darker urges. Urges that would put us in jail
▶ No.119835>>119929 >>120112
I agree, every one has a lil rapeyness to them, rape fantasies are incredibly common among men and women so its to be expected when all we've done is rape up until the mid 1800s lol.
And I understand where you're coming from, but like the anon above me and I say, it's a bit natural. Also power is attractive, and given power is arousing.
▶ No.119846
Does anyone know how to beat KS3 and skip stuff?
▶ No.119911
▶ No.119988
>>104516 (OP)
character design is pretty shitty compared to the previous artist
▶ No.120112
Thank you for being civil and listening. I suppose I'll just have to accept this part of me despite my disdain. At least I saved the death scene so I can play it over and over again.
See you when the Academy comes out.
▶ No.120156
Because you stink.
▶ No.120162
Yes please, for the sake of make perfect petgirls. Personally I chose enlarge their arms.
▶ No.120163
Best -Naomi, Alicia, Kilia J, Beatrice, Kila K, Lieri, Maya- Worst.
▶ No.120166>>120200
The second is partially translated.
▶ No.120173>>120201
this will be out in 7 hours
▶ No.120200>>120217
Is the third one translated? The partial translation of the second one gave me blue balls. I fucking love the brainwashing plot.
▶ No.120201
>tfw it will be waiting for me when I get home from work tomorrow
▶ No.120217>>120225 >>120696 >>121024
Use a Machine Translator like VNR or something to get through it, but the 3rd game has about half of its scenes translated secretly via VNRs subtitle system.
A lot of people don't know this, and I'm surprised when everyone says the third game has no translations.
Too bad VNR is dying and people aren't hosting downloads for it much any more.
▶ No.120225
>Too bad VNR is dying and people aren't hosting downloads for it much any more.
Please explain, is it like a server hosting the (community-provided I assume?) subs or is it a p2p thing? Why is it dying? Should I hurry up and get the translation before it gets shut down?
▶ No.120235
>its 12:30am in Japan
>September 1st
>no buying option for Kangoku Academia
▶ No.120239
▶ No.120246>>120249
How come the digital version isn't out for purchase but the hard copy is?
▶ No.120247>>120249
How come the digital version isn't out for purchase but the hard copy orders are?
Kinda shitty.
▶ No.120249
wtf it told me i didn't post this. gay.
▶ No.120250>>120441
▶ No.120254>>120259
Where should I start to get into this series? This game looks sweet.
▶ No.120259
Just start with the first Kangoku senkan and just go from 1-3. And then play the spinoff when it comes out
▶ No.120265
I was hoping it would be uploaded already
▶ No.120289>>120291 >>120363
If you want more brainwashing and hot phat ass'n'tittied bitches be sure to support and purchase this.
Came here from playing about the first half of the game and I've beat my dick to bits. Came like 3 times now.
It's truly a masterpiece!
▶ No.120291>>121026
Is there a horse scene though ?
▶ No.120310>>120312 >>120335 >>121025
I keep getting bugs like what the fucking shit.
This is probably the first game by Lilith that has bugs, like the game stops giving me dialogue and it just sits on the same part even while trying to progress, or when I try to load from the main menu the game takes me to the Quick load menu instead and freezes.
Fucking retarded.
▶ No.120312>>120313 >>120335
another new bug, if you're in the menu for longer than 30 seconds it freezes up.
The content is gold but god damn, how did this make it through play testing.
▶ No.120313>>120335
another new bug, the game no longer has font.
Nothing, literally all words in the game have disappeared from dialogue. Even the "test dialogue box" for seeing settings is gone.
What the fucking shit you stupid devs.
i just want to rub my fucking dick to lilith.
Too bad I don't speak moonrune or I'd bug report this, if they even TAKE bug reports.
▶ No.120333>>120334 >>120335
Any one having a weird issue where you're getting the CGs but not the scenes to fap to later?
I have completed every route and have all CGs but every scene replay says No Data…
▶ No.120334>>120339
Is there any monster / beastiality ?
▶ No.120335
Are you the same person? Because if so could be some weird problem in your end.
Also it's definetly not the first Lilith game with weird bugs. But if grave issues like you describe are happening to a sizable number of people, a patch will probably come.
▶ No.120339
One scene with a robot horse destroying the Blonde girl.
You unlock it by going full brunette route and letting the boys handle blondie-mcCow-tits
▶ No.120363>>120367 >>121028
I would but I'd rather not use my CC to buy a game where two girls get their brain turned into mush through sex machines and pin nano drugs and being raped by a robot horse apparently :(
▶ No.120366>>120367
I would buy it but I kind of don't want my CC associated with a purchase of a game where two girls get their brains turned into mush through sex machines and pink nano drugs, and raped by a robot horse apparently… any help? I want to beat off too :(
▶ No.120367>>120372
Stop being such a faggot. Why would anyone give a shit?
This "oh I'm so ashamed to like this" attitude is retarded and ambarassing, stop this already. Just sounds like you're trying to have some bizarre superior moral ground by hating yourself. Just play what you want to play, damn.
▶ No.120372>>120378
Just one thing, I assumed the anon I was replying to here was the same anon as >>119703
Upon re-reading their post I see it may not be the case.
If you're just worried about your Credit Card, they don't care anon. CC aren't concerned with what products you're purchasing, but from which store you are purchasing things from. And usually stores that sell eroge are pretty trustworthy as far as Credit Card companies are concerned.
You can get into problems physically importing eroge depending on where you live, but unless you live in some orwellian shithole downloading from a store won't get you any trouble. And in the offchance you do, it is not because of your credit card.
If you don't want to buy, just wait for a torrent download to show up.
▶ No.120378>>120380 >>120383 >>120391
Third party data tends to get shared. Like purchase history. Depends on the CC agency.
▶ No.120380>>120382
Yes but you are still being overly paranoid about this.
▶ No.120381
If it was a loli game or something like that then I would understand your worries a bit more, but come on. It's just regular hardcore porn.
▶ No.120382
Not the same anon.
▶ No.120383>>120385
>Third party data tends to get shared. Like purchase history
Yes but that's for other reasons. Mostly to prevent illegal stuff. I bet you can buy this even in the UKistan because it will feature as "adult game download" or some shit. It's not even lolicon.
Most importantly does any place that sell this accept PayPal?
▶ No.120385>>120386 >>120388
Actually not sharing it for to stop illegality is one of the hardest roadblocks for most AML/BSA programs. And paypal is just another CC company working as the processor, it wouldn't change your stuff getting shared. Technically DLsite isn't yet know, as far as I've seen, by lexis nexis at least.
I work settlement at a payment processing company, so I have some experience with the actualities. I even got asked about a dlsite purchase, because they do a weird fucking thing with how they line item it.
▶ No.120386>>120388 >>120396
To be fair though, unless someone is doing an incredibly deep dive on you, that information being out there doesn't mean anything at all. Something like that gets lost in the junk data invariably, so I was just addressing a technicality. In addition, your privacy is far more under threat by google, ISPs, and third party cookie tracker, so I wouldn't concern myself about something like this unless you have someone looking over your bank statements.
▶ No.120388>>120396
Whoa an anon that knows this stuff! Thanks for your input.
>Actually not sharing it for to stop illegality is one of the hardest roadblocks for most AML/BSA programs.
What do you mean by this? That these sites don't even share what the purchase was?
>I even got asked about a dlsite purchase
Why, by who? It's just a few dollars. Can't be anti money laundering I imagine.
▶ No.120391>>120396 >>120404
AFAIK, credit card processors don't get any information about what exactly is being sold, all they get is the monetary value to be charged and the merchant doing the charging. The only parties who know what you've bought are the merchant and you.
▶ No.120396>>120399 >>120408
CC processors get information on what is being sold, and they in turn sell that information to marketing firms. It's one of the many ways they supplement their income.
If you're going through a nasty divorce, the last thing you want to come out in court is "so-so, what is this game called Kangoku acadamia that you purchased, can you explain?"
▶ No.120398>>120402 >>120416
▶ No.120399
Do they bother getting information that detailed? I thought it would just be listed as adult game or something.
Also, what even is that scenario? Doesn't have to do with the data selling, and if you are going through a shitstorm so bad people are digging out your purchases, you're fucked anyway.
▶ No.120402>>120416
Probably only after a download link shows up..
▶ No.120404>>120408
How do you think dispute claims are handled if they don't have any identifying line items?
▶ No.120408>>120415
But why do people say otherwise?
In the case of a divorce wouldn't it just be summed up as "you have $xK worth of assets"?
And more importantly, do sellers even declare more than the bare minimum? Why? If I was making a site like DLSite, why would I bother with generating descriptions more detailed than "adult game download"?
▶ No.120415>>120424
Okay, this gets a bit more complicated than I previously wanted to get into but oh well, but a processor, like paypal, receives the information for purchases through rails, the biggest of which are Visa and Mastercard, in the U.S. at least, which is all I have experience with. Now, with any seller you generally have a generic product database and a generic order database that generates unique ids for each purchase and the product being ordered. The order information, which is likely just order ID, small description, MCC codes, and such. Sometimes they offer ancillary information when it's useful for them, but Walmart, being a giant piece of shit, is the biggest bitch about this every, which is aggravating as fuck in an AML (Anti-Money Laundering) or troubleshooting sense (which is my job). So, in the basic version, the exact product is not transmitted to the processor.
However, where this gets tricky is the need to track this for disputes. I can't tell you exactly what data the rails like MC or Visa get, but it's often the case that the exact purchase can be tracked down if the store isn't security conscious or if you can browbeat the processor into disputing the transaction, which would get you the exact line items.
All that is a niche problem though, I serious advocate not worrying much about it.
▶ No.120416>>120424
It's been released for over 12 hours in japan with no upload. I remember the last game was uploaded within hours… fml
▶ No.120424>>120429 >>120430 >>120431 >>120574
Thanks a lot for your input anon.
Pretty confused why would Walmart purchases be relevant for money laundering (too many laundry detergent purchases maybe?) but I bet it's a long story.
>It's been released for over 12 hours in japan with no upload.
Yes, not even a whole day, calm your dick. Go play something else for this week or shell out the $30
▶ No.120429>>120432
Not him, but the last games I wanted to play all were up for download in less than 12 hours.
And given Lilith's popularity, it is weird it isn't even on Mikocon by now. They might be going for the physical version and that's taking a while.
It's apparently selling well.
▶ No.120430
>Paying $30 on a extremelly buggy game
If they patch this shit maybe.
▶ No.120431
Walmart has cash out activities which are difficult to see from a processor's perspective. In money laundering, you need to get the dirty money into the system in the first place without it being blocked, and then you need to get it out of the system without it getting frozen. Afterwords its "clean" and is much harder to trace.
▶ No.120432>>120434
>have a girl over
>she finds a physical copy of this game, flips through it
>"what the fuck is this?"
▶ No.120434
>Japanese men
>casually having a girl over like that
>letting an outsider go through their things
As long as they keep your collection inside a cabinet or something chances someone will find it are very low.
And that's not taking in consideration the people who have just given up entirely on social life and just revel on their anime and eroge merch.
▶ No.120435>>120437
Usually physical copies sell more than digital ones in Japan.
Both because the Japanese actually like physically owning things, and because there's usually some added bonus to the package version. Kangoku Academia has several, there's no real reason to buy the download version if you can find and afford the physical one.
▶ No.120437>>120443
>Kangoku Academia has several
What, is there a figurine or something?
If it's a poster… lol that would be a Japan exclusive for sure.
▶ No.120438>>120441
WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GAME????????????????????????????????????????????????/
▶ No.120441>>120442
Here anon. You're welcome.
▶ No.120442>>120444
I heard the download version was really buggy otherwise I probably would have.
▶ No.120443
Besides the usual shop-specific store bonus illustrations (as a card, mousepad and similar), there's a CD with the opening song (and I think the BGMs in general too, not sure), tachie gallery (which is retarded, but still) and I think the TABA tie-in cards are also exclusive to buyers of the package edition
▶ No.120444>>120447
There's no guarantee the package edition also isn't. People just want to believe Lilith broke something when making a download version because they wouldn't be retarded enough to send the CD for printing without proper testing.
▶ No.120447>>120448
Trips confirm Lilith is not that retarded. Plus, isn't all their shit the same engine?
▶ No.120448
They changed engines last game, that's why they're having trouble probably,
▶ No.120449>>120450
The game is too short and beastiality content is very half-ass desu.
▶ No.120450
Haven't played yet, but from the CG gallery it looks like it's the same lenght as the other games in the series (and Lilith games in general).
As for bestiality, yeah. Horse-kun only got one scene and it's meh at best. Good thing I'm not that interested in bestiality though. I appreciate the amount of boob crushing/slapping this game has.
▶ No.120456
Still only up on anime-sharing huh?
▶ No.120457>>120459
the CG is not very good, it's just a bunch of boob squeezing a blowjobs, no crazy machine fucking or drug use. GOD DAMNIT.
▶ No.120458>>120460 >>121031
it's up on exhentai by the way.
▶ No.120459>>120473
There's plenty of machines. Or isn't this kind of scene that you meant? Because this is the kind of machine stuff KS usually has, and thus what I expected.
▶ No.120460
Link? I cant find it
▶ No.120461>>120462 >>120483 >>120748
Has anyone been able to hook this? I cannot get anything with VNR or ITH.
▶ No.120462>>120465 >>120466
Did all of you just buy the game?
▶ No.120465>>120480 >>120483
▶ No.120466
▶ No.120473
there are literally those 3 scenes
▶ No.120474
Couple of people where disappointed by the bestiality scene but i fucking loved it, really whish there was more of it.
My hopes are for the TABA card/ pobaby future event, but i highly doubt it that there will be more bestiality since TABA is soft hentai.
▶ No.120475>>120479
holy fuck how do you skip scenes I've been pressing enter for literally 20 minutes to get through all the dialogue. cant read any of it obviously
▶ No.120479
>how do you skip scenes
Can't you just keep enter pressed? Also that text you're skipping is part of the reason why people play these games. It's literary erotica with pictures and sound, not a game.
(how many choices there are btw?).
▶ No.120480>>120482
How do you get this to work?
▶ No.120481
>it's mediocre at best
▶ No.120482>>120484
You're running it an an English Unicode environment, either change your settings or run applocal.
▶ No.120483
>>120461 It hooks with new versions of ITHVRN. Try downloading the latest version.
The game if not bad, high expectation are bad for you.
>>120465 Are you sure you have all the files from the archive, check.
▶ No.120484>>120490
How do I do that? Sorry I'm new to this.
▶ No.120490
Pick any
>Change OS to Japanese
>Run VM with OS in Japanese
>search for "AppLocale". It's a program.
▶ No.120492
Can someone post those pics where it shows all the game scenes??
▶ No.120493>>121034
I wonder if we'll get a live action out of it too.
▶ No.120500
anyone want to share their savedata?
▶ No.120507>>120513 >>120524
Unfortunately this game feels like a few Pin-Point games loosely based on Prison Battleship stitched together, directed by Illusion and voiced by VAs specialized in school romantic comedies. With an engine made by Ubai Soft to test for Taimanin Zero.
And I actually bought this, jokes on me.
▶ No.120511>>120516
▶ No.120513
I guess you can't please faggots these days.
▶ No.120516>>120517 >>120615
there is this one https://e-hentai.org/g/1108755/3e160744ef/
but the guy who uploaded forgot 1 or 2 scenes so i'm hoping for a complete CG set.
▶ No.120517>>120519
>forbidden content tag
>Visible: No (Expunged)
▶ No.120524>>120537
And it will still be defended, even if it is nothing more than a objective downgrade for the KS franchise in every concievable way, because it's still a passable game that ticks enough fetish-boxes to appeal to a decently sized audience.
▶ No.120537>>120544
Thing is, at this point, older LIlith fans will take anything that isn't ZiZ's JAV/tiny budget animation OVAs, or vanillified card game garbage. Especially after that embarassing Kurenai game, everyone is basically thirsty for something that is at least somewhat simiilar to their older games.
At the very least, this game is selling well, and so if Lilith takes the hint, they might just start putting out more games like they used to before. But that would be giving them way too much credit.
▶ No.120544>>120559
>implying ZiZ's JAV were bad
Better than most JAVs in fact (unfortunately)
>tiny budget animation OVAs
They were worse than the games but at least it's something. Hentai OVAs aren't generally well made.
Card games are and will always be absolute garbage however.
▶ No.120559>>120567 >>120994 >>121364 >>121407
>Better than most JAVs in fact (unfortunately)
That's not saying much, considering JAVs are uniformly garbage. Also
>good in any form
>Hentai OVAs aren't generally well made.
But Pixy had sent a precedent of doing higher-than-average quality OVAs. Even their lower-budget stuff like Armored Knight Iris is infinitely superior to anything ZiZ has done.
▶ No.120567>>120651 >>120693
>>good in any form
This is what a 21st century prude looks like.
Come out of the closet and enjoy the beauty of non-fiction anon.
▶ No.120574>>120591
I don't even give a fuck about this new lilith game until it's translated but holy shit this webm is already making my dick harder than any degenerate visual novel ever could
▶ No.120591>>120613
He's clearly mashing buttons meaninglessly, his character is only fidgeting wildly. I can't get off to this fake acting.
▶ No.120605>>120668 >>120804
how long if ever does Lilith game usually take to have an english translated version
▶ No.120613
the point is the presentation and the message
▶ No.120615
Which scenes were forgotten?
▶ No.120651>>120994
With actors that fugly? No thanks.
▶ No.120668
Dark Translations used to be the one doing them. I think their called Sanity Ends! now. Only the first two Kangoku games have been translated. And with Mangagamer picking up Lilith games now, I'd say its unlikely these will be translated.
▶ No.120682>>120807
I think it was TA3 that started introducing more variety in the body shapes. Yukikaze hand it but other than the petite girl the other bodies looked similar. This has a nice selection of cute little bellies.
▶ No.120693>>120994
>people unironically posting 3DPD garbage in a hentai board
The current state of /hgg/.
▶ No.120696
Does anyone know how to get this working? I have KS3 downloaded, but VNR isn't recognizing it?
▶ No.120721>>120806
>itt a bunch of unpleasable faggots bitch about something they didn't pay for while a few anons quietly enjoy what they got
▶ No.120729
I bought this game from Lilith store so I could get the wallscroll to hang up in my man cave, now I just have to wait for the long shipping.
▶ No.120748
When I open the game in my normal version of ITHVNR it doesn't work but if I open it in the alpha 1 pre-release found on github it does. I can then switch back to the regular one so that the UI is in english.
▶ No.120781
Did someone upload the CG set, animated CG and full body character renders?
▶ No.120804
▶ No.120806>>120857 >>121813
>did pay
>didn't like
>opinion not allowed
▶ No.120807
I cannot unsee the fucked up perspective and length of the right chick's legs.
▶ No.120857
If you paid, I obviously wasn't talking about you, guy. Plus, you don't seem to be an obnoxious faggot about it. It's fine to dislike or be disappointed with something, but a lot of the posts here have just been pointless bitching by people about the cgs.
▶ No.120887>>120963
Ok, finally managed to play the game and here are my thoughts.
It was pretty good. But sadly, the only game inferior to it was the first one. I may not like the lack of Kagami, but Sian does a decent job, even if the proportions are often off.
The art was hot enough, and seeing the familiar Kangoku Senkan tropes put a warm and fuzzy feeling. (My personal favorite scene was Julia's anal scene)
Though there are its fair share of weak points. First of all, the fact that the male characters lack sprites become really distracting in this game. It was an issue in the previous games, and it is especially gregious here given how much they talk to one another.
The plot is a retread of the first Kangoku Senkan. Only taking place in a school instead of a spaceship.
Julia and Eliza…yeah I can't say I can call them my favorites. Especially after Kira and Beatrice, who I consider to be the best of the duos of Kangoku Senkan. Neither of them are really are that interesting to me, and Eliza is probably my least favorite heroine in the series by reasons of her way too big tits.
I guess my expectation were a bit high to to the long wait for this game to come out. Nevertheless its a solid game in its own right, and I wouldnt mind seeing Albert and his crew in a sequal…let's hope it wouldn't take long
▶ No.120918>>120919 >>120938 >>120939
Could someone give me a tutorial on running these games on my PC? I've got Win10, if that helps.
▶ No.120919>>120920 >>120938 >>120939
lol good luck with that
▶ No.120920
Don't be that way, man, come on.
▶ No.120938
Usually, Lilith games don't install. There should be a folder with the .exe file (usually, it has the face of the main heroine). Just look for that.
Considering that Japanese eroge seem to be almost Windows-exclusive, I'd save that for all the Apple/Linux users instead.
▶ No.120939>>120944
It's not that hard to run it on Win10. I've got it running fine on Win10, including with ITHVNR.
There aren't any particular special steps for running it on Win10 so far as I know, you just need to ensure it has a Japanese locale, either by setting your computer to it entirely, or by running AppLocale. And you should have the Japanese language pack installed, too.
▶ No.120944>>120947 >>120952
What is ITHVNR?
And I'm reading that AppLocale doesn't work with Windows 10.
▶ No.120947>>120949
▶ No.120949>>120951 >>120952
Is this safe? It says you can't move the files after installation. Can it be uninstalled?
▶ No.120951
use a virtual machine if your that scared
▶ No.120952>>120972 >>120976 >>121523
ITHVNR is a text-hooking program that extracts the text from the dialogue box, allowing other programs like Translation Aggregator to run them through machine translators like Google Translate to get at least some idea of what's being said.
AFAIK, it's the only text-hooking program that's still being reasonably updated. Older ones like AGTH and the original ITH are dead and out of date, and VNR's cloud servers are gone so new installations are kind of borked.
AFAIK you don't need it if you just switch your locale in Windows. You can keep your display language in English so nothing actually changes, the locale just switches to Japan.
▶ No.120963
Pretty fair and balanced after accounting for taste. I think I'm liking it a bit more so far, but I haven't finished it yet and could change my mind a bit one way or another.
>and seeing the familiar Kangoku Senkan tropes put a warm and fuzzy feeling
Definitely this. I wish we had more companies doing similar things for variety's sake. The only thing close is hypnosis and that's just not the same.
>First of all, the fact that the male characters lack sprites become really distracting in this game. It was an issue in the previous games, and it is especially gregious here given how much they talk to one another.
This is interesting to hear because it sounds like your Japanese is far enough along. I hadn't really noticed it at all until you brought it up. They often tend to directly mention who they are talking to as they speak when the group is together i.e. 'Okay, please proceed, Otto.', 'I'll leave it to you, Karl,' etc.
I wouldn't complain if they wanted to do headboxes, but I never felt a particular need for them, either, and they do appear in the beginning so you get to see what each looks like.
▶ No.120972>>121173
How does one switch their PC's locale?
▶ No.120976>>121173
How does one switch their PC's locale?
▶ No.120994>>120995 >>121001
You're pathetic. It's no wonder you're still a virgin.
▶ No.120995
To be fair, Ai Uehara looks like shit. She's like a skinny, asian Momokun.
▶ No.121001>>121163
Says the cuck still wanking it to fleshbags. Now kill yourself, you cancerous newfag.
▶ No.121002>>121032
Hurr durr muh GodEmperor who grabs pussy whenever he pleases.
▶ No.121024
Even VNDB>>120217
>3rd game has about half of its scenes translated secretly via VNRs subtitle system.
Even the VNDB KS3 file mention this fact.
▶ No.121025
Are you sure you aren't using Win10?
▶ No.121026
I'm pretty sure it are the 6 legged hell horses from TA2 CE.
▶ No.121028
Hentai is Love.
Hentai is Life.
▶ No.121031>>121041
Lilith isn't forbidden content?
▶ No.121032>>121039
And nothing you can do about it.
▶ No.121034
Miki Sunohara is my waifu.
▶ No.121039
But… but… I'm a good christian sanctimonious drone and I'm so conflicted now.
▶ No.121041
It is. There was gallery, but it was nuked quick.
▶ No.121053>>121060
How do I get these last few scenes?
▶ No.121060>>121064 >>121173
You can't. There is a bug with V1.0 of the game, blocking access to some scenes.
You can download the official patch here :
And here is the walkthrough :
▶ No.121064
▶ No.121066>>121076
Have the CG's been ripped yet.
▶ No.121076>>121079 >>121176 >>122317
Nope there is a gallery on ex but it's missing some scenes.
▶ No.121079>>121081
I don't have enough forum posts/power or whatever the bizarre system is to see all the prohibited content on ex.
▶ No.121081>>121176
It's not worth it since it's missing a couple of scenes, i'm really hoping that someone can rip the CG set and animated CG.
▶ No.121088
Why is it taking so long for the CG's?
I remember when KS3 came out there where already 3 or 4 galleries.
▶ No.121100>>121103
Where do i put the saveg.dat file ?
▶ No.121103
Press F1 when you are in the game.
▶ No.121158
Still Waiting for the Crack in Anime-Sharing~
▶ No.121163>>121165
Says the cuck who can't get off to nothing but big black dicks. Now kill yourself, you cancerous newfag.
▶ No.121165
The only ones who get off to black dicks are the ones that watch 3DPD garbage, like you.
▶ No.121173>>121268
I've found it. I admit that I'm probably retarded.
Where do I install this patch?
▶ No.121176>>121184 >>121195
Is it really missing some scenes? Looks complete to me..
▶ No.121184
Could you download the CG and upload it to Mega for me, pal?
▶ No.121195
this scene is missing
▶ No.121234
▶ No.121241
Already put the save.dat in the save folder but it doesnt do anything. Is there some sterp or file that im missing?
▶ No.121268>>121372
Where do I install the patch?
▶ No.121364
>JAVs are uniformly garbage
▶ No.121372
Lilith official page
Btw if i want to play this game do i need to change my PC language to japanese?
▶ No.121377
I feel like my fucking finger's going to fall off, it takes so many clicks to advance the scene.
Do these motherfuckers ever just shut up and get to fucking?
▶ No.121386>>121398
Just click shift and the it would fast forward by itself.
▶ No.121398
I've hit shift; it makes a ping noise but doesn't move the scene.
▶ No.121407
>JAVs are uniformly garbage
▶ No.121446
▶ No.121523
Didn't VNR have a new server somewhere? Heard people talking about it a few months ago, someone else took it over when the original was abandoned. But since I never had problems hooking stuff with it (and I don't use the translation, I just need to copy text so I can search some words) I never bothered looking into that.
▶ No.121525>>121531
Haven't had the time to sit down and play it yet, but I've seen the CG gallery. Really like it. I can see why some people wouldn't, but whatever shortcomings Sian's art has doesn't bother me enough to detract the enjoyment from the things I like about it.
And good to know there's a patch out already, this game's release was particularly broken from what I've seen. Fucking Lilith can't update to a new engine without failing at the most basic shit it seems.
▶ No.121531>>121545 >>121593
I see where you download the patch, but where do I put it in the game once I have it?
▶ No.121532>>121593
Would someone be willing to guide me through the process of getting an automatic translator hooked up?
I'm completely ignorant of the subject and would appreciate a more knowledgeable person showing me the ropes.
▶ No.121545
I don't know, haven't even downloaded the game yet. Doesn't it come with a readme file or something?
▶ No.121593>>121674
You have to unzip it and run the EXE, it's not meant to be dropped into the game folder like a TL patch.
Have you already downloaded the newest versions of ITHVNR and Translation Aggregator?
The hooking process isn't that hard, although the newest ITHVNR builds make it more complicated for those who haven't done it before because they're in Korean.
The basic process is that you have ITHVNR, TA, and the game you want to translate all running at the same time. You use ITHVNR to latch on to the game's process using the process viewer, then select the correct text output. KA is really easy in this regard because it has only a single text output channel so you don't have to try a bunch to find the correct one like some older games.
Then you just need to make sure ITHVNR is set to automatically copy the hooked text to the clipboard so TA can take it and pass it through a translator.
You should also be sure to bump the text speed up in game to ensure that longer dialogue passages don't get cut off.
▶ No.121674>>121717
So using VNR by itself doesn't work anymore?
I used to do that and it worked fine for me but one day it suddenly stopped working - text box doesn't show up anymore and when it does it only repeats the Japanese text in game. When I try connecting a new game it also requires I have a hook code for it but I don't know where to find one
▶ No.121717>>122196
The VNR cloud servers are dead and there aren't any more updates. This is why if you try running VNR, it always says you're the only person online and dictionary/library updates will always fail.
It should continue working on any games that have already been added to its library, at least until Google or whoever you're using changes their translation API. It might also work on games that use the same engine as games that it is already compatible with.
But Lilith switched to a new engine recently, and it doesn't seem like it works with my VNR installation.
New installations are also non-functional since the application can't download the additional files it needs to process the various engines out there. But old installations that have already downloaded these files and can access them locally should be OK, for now at least.
▶ No.121798
anybody knows if the crack has been uploaded or not?
▶ No.121813>>121985
>did pay
Cool story, bro.
▶ No.121985
>we discredit every opinion we don't like with shit assumptions
▶ No.122171
Okay, I'm not picky, but the art in the game is REALLY fucked up in certain scenes. The first animated scene, the blowjob with the blonde, KILLED my boner. Her face just looked incredibly fucked up, her eyes were approximately half the size of her face……I was trying to figure out exactly WTF I was really looking at.
▶ No.122196>>122207
Anyway then to play with machine translate?
I actually bought it hoping would work with VNR as other recent games had been working fine.
ITH doesn't seem to be able to hook the text either. Is there a better method to be using?
▶ No.122207>>122231
Use ITHVNR, which is a fork/update of the original VNR. It's a bit of a pain since it seems the recent builds are all in Korean, but it has the same layout as the old ITH so if you know what the buttons and check boxes do there, you can operate ITHVNR fine.
Then just combine it with Translation Aggregator.
It might not be as elegant as VNR, but it's more or less the same thing.
▶ No.122231>>122238
I found a megalink to a version of ITHVNR that doesn't seem to work either. But this version is in english which would make be think it's just outdated.
Where can I find the most recent builds of ITHVNR. All of the google results are from 2015 or earlier.
▶ No.122238>>122240
Literally the first thing that comes up when I search "ITHVNR" in Google is a link to the project's Github page, where you can download the most recent version. Which is from December 2016. It should be version 3.5641.0-alpha.1.
▶ No.122240
Thanks this one is working. The one I had found earlier was 5.53 or something.
Time to figure out Translation Aggregator.
▶ No.122317
Is there any new Rip with the missing scenes ?
▶ No.122442>>122447
What would be the best free online (no download) translator to use? I tried Google and Bling but both don't really give good translations.
▶ No.122447
IMO, those are probably the two best. Which is unsurprising, because Google and Microsoft have an enormous pool of resources (both financial and intellectual) available compared to other third parties.
I don't think you'll find anything better, although "better" is a matter of taste anyway.
▶ No.123042
A Sith type relationship? I have a bad feeling about this.
▶ No.123177>>123471
Any idea where can i view or download the cgs?
▶ No.123471
▶ No.123631>>123937
▶ No.123870
Anyone knows the hotkey to skip in this game? I cant seem to hold enter to skip like previous lilith games and i cant read japanese on the hotkey menu
▶ No.123876>>123953
Anyone knows the hotkey to skip in this game? I cant seem to hold enter to skip like previous lilith games and i cant read japanese on the hotkey menu
▶ No.123878>>123933
Do i need to install the patch after i finish game or i can install when im halfway through the game?
▶ No.123933
Preferably you should install the patch before you begin.
▶ No.123937>>124087
What's the cracked version do differently, and how do I install the patch?
▶ No.123953
▶ No.124087
You just doesn't need to buy the game, you download, install, and then play thats it.
▶ No.124292>>124476 >>125101
I had a look on Sadpanda, I couldn't find any CG galleries for the game, any links or keywords?
▶ No.124476
▶ No.124589>>125082
This is probably a long-shot, but could someone give me a synopsis of what's being said during the scene where Eliza and Julia are bound up and being force-fed what I assume is a ton of jizz?
They each freak out a few times and I'm really curious about how things are escalating.
Heck, if you have one of those auto-translators and would be willing to post the English text, I'd appreciate that.
▶ No.125082
▶ No.125101>>125313 >>127564 >>146464
>fapping to only the CG and not getting that hot&dirty dialogue and story
Must be a sad life anon.
▶ No.125298
Anybody know why the choices aren't showing up for me? I've never seen this problem before.
▶ No.125313>>125336
the dialogue and writing in lilith games is a boner-destroyer though
▶ No.125336>>125589
Do you actually understand Japanese or are you talking based on translations? Because while I agree a lot of the dialogue and narration doesn't work translated (it's not a matter of accuracy, it's a matter of shit just not sounding good in English) but that's a far lesser problem in Japanese. Basically a lot of terms and phrasing that sound more or less commonplace in Japanese gets translated into shit that sound way too awkward and technical in English. A lot of Japanese media suffers from this when being translated into English.
▶ No.125589>>146464
>Basically a lot of terms and phrasing that sound more or less commonplace in Japanese gets translated into shit that sound way too awkward and technical in English. A lot of Japanese media suffers from this when being translated into English.
And yet retards will continue to say it's just bad writing…
▶ No.127564>>127623
>fapping to drawings instead of actually having sex with women
Must be a sad life anon.
▶ No.127623>>127988
>He fell for the 3DPD meme
Must be a sad life anon. Polite sage.
▶ No.127988
▶ No.128355>>135304
So just finished playing through this game. Got some mixed feelings so I will summarize… The game is amazing thematically, as much as I loved KS1/2/3 they were a bit lacking in external themes, here the whole world felt like it was living and breathing with the school, club scenes etc. while in KS1/2/3 it was usually on a ship or in one instance on a beach. The art style is vibrant and nicely done, much better than either of the previous games. My only gripe is I wish Kagami had come for character designs or atleast some of the facial features direction. The smiles that Julia and Eliza do when ejaculating are hilarious and just break the illusion for me in some scenes. The Eliza anal scene is what I want more from the game, or Julia's glory hole blowjob scene and her spitroast/facefucking scene. These three scenes were memorable but the others…not so much sadly. Overall a very decent addition to the Lilith collection, but some things could definitely have been improved. 8/10 for me
▶ No.130299>>133213 >>134655
I have fallen in love to sian's Lieutenant Eliza Perlman, her armpits, pussy and costume are so gorgeous
i love the part where
Lieutenant Eliza Perlman still wearing her bike suit and the naked part was only her asshole
and the horse was boning the shit out of her intestines through the asshole-holed bike suit , her tomboyish angry voice "I'm going to kill you all!" "uuurrrgghh!!!" "UUUURRRRRRRRRGGGHHH!!" so far i have ejaculated to this 5 times and i still will fucking ejaculate again i'm aiming for 100 ejaculations to that bestiality scene
so fuck you all guys. sian's Lieutenant Eliza Perlman is my waifu now and her armpits, asshole are only mine to enjoy forever, and would any of you dare to even take a peek of any of her art/drawing i will personally come to your house and fistfucking your eyesockets
thats all, In the name of Lilith, i weaboo rant these Amen.
▶ No.130364>>138205
first of all thanks for anonymous for sharing the walkthrough site: (couldnt have done it without you, and the website page of the walkthrough)
sorry for my shit post above saying that eliza is my waifu
So you're a new horny player and don't want to get tired of holding keyboard keys and waste a bit of time to unlock the cg's and
scene replays?, well say no more
here's a complete 100% save data / save file:
-unlocks 45 types event cgs, all scene replays(the bestiality one, my favorite)
Instructions on how to install the save data / save file:
in my case i use a shitty 10 year old acer laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium, a shitty ancient 2.00GHz Pentium T240 Dual CPU, dedicated mobile intel graphics965 (yes, i never thought it'd work on this old, but bloody hell it did)(the compatible versions only listed on dlsite are Win7/8.1/10 so i was kind of depressed that vista isnt even included there)
it doesnt even lag for solely fapping purposes just on in game without any background applications running, of course it lags a lot when i video capture it full-size with fraps so its sad that i cant make gifs of the animations
Windows Vista Home premium:
First of all completely exit the game then,
1. Extract all files from the lilith kangoku academia.zip to another folder
2. Open the folder in which the contents of the zip has been extracted
4. crtl+A / select all items and ctrl+C / copy all of those selected items inside that folder e.g.(prisonacademia01, prisonacademia01_l, prisonacademia02_l)
5. go to
C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\ANIME LILITH\監獄アカデミアDL
* = your local account name in windows
(if you have not set, Japan/Japanese as your sytem locale the last folder maybe looking this this(fucking unkown characters or some shit)
C:\Users\*\AppData\Roaming\ANIME LILITH\ŒƒƒLƒƒƒšæ”y‚ƃŒƒbƒXƒ“I
6. paste those selected items in the "監獄アカデミアDL" folder or in the "ƒƒLƒƒƒ" folder if you havent set your system locale to japanese
then Start/ Run the game / PRISON_ACADEMIA.exe
as for windows 7/8.1/10 just repeat all of the above
alternative: you can try to unlock the game replays yourself by following this guide:
if you need any further help to install the save data, feel free to post your question in this thread, and ill do what i can
▶ No.133262
Can someone video capture the animated cgs for those who dont have PC's thanks
▶ No.133357
▶ No.134655>>138199 >>192369
That must be one the most embarrassing rants in the history of the internet…
▶ No.135133
>>104516 (OP)
I wonder if you guys know anything (novel, vn, doujin) that has body modification on this level but done on the girl's perspective. I just want to know what's happening a girls mind as her body is being tinkered with.
▶ No.135162>>135166 >>135329
Anybody know if there's a chance of this being translated to English at some point?
Or is this yet another VN where I'll just sigh and put it on the list, just in case I have enough time in the future to learn moonrune.
▶ No.135166>>135329
Well quite the handful of Lilith games have been translated.
So it's safe to say there's a chance atleast.
I for one would fucking kill for a translation of this amazing faptastic game.
▶ No.135304
>The art style is much better than either of the previous games.
▶ No.135329
I'm dying to know what's being said during the forced-feeding gokkun scene.
▶ No.135479>>135629
anyone got the animated cgs files uploaded i can only find the image ones online and cant fap to still images.
▶ No.135629
>cant fap to still images
Sucks to be you…
▶ No.136323
▶ No.137510>>138205
Scene cannot be replayed here? only CGs O_O
▶ No.138199>>138709
Don't make me tongue punch your fart box.
▶ No.138205>>152475
use my save file here:
and then you can now fap to the replay scenes
▶ No.138455
So i downloaded the game unlocked everything now how the fuck can i rip/record the animated scenes wit sound
▶ No.138709
Well, come at me, bro.
▶ No.142891
so much superior than the games…
▶ No.143000
This has potential for a banner.
▶ No.146464>>147316 >>150969
Japanese is a garbage language and there is literally zero reason to devote any time to it whatsoever
▶ No.147187
Still waiting for the animated cgs to be ripped.
▶ No.147316>>150969
they produce great fap material
▶ No.149531>>149538
Where is the masked milking scene in-game?
Any news on a translation?
▶ No.149538
The milking scene depicted in this pic isn't in the game. It's a promotional card from ordering the game from a specific website.
As for a translation. Nothing is in the works and probably won't be for a few years. There still isn't any translations for Kangoku Senkan 2/3. So don't get your hopes up.
▶ No.152475>>152574
I've unlocked all scenes, they are just doesn't appear on replay mode.
tnx anyway i'll try whats in your post
▶ No.152574
if they don't appear in replay mode, sounds like you need the 1.1 patch which can be downloaded from their website.
▶ No.153014
what machina translator can i use for ka? vnr is dead
▶ No.153279>>158699
Have to say, I love TABA new art for Alicia and Maya. Just the mindbroken love, their pregnant belly, and the saliva connecting their lips…oh that is good.
▶ No.158699>>161147 >>165100 >>165253
Speaking of them, why do they ever decide to kill off Maya? It made no sense because she was the ruler of Cordelia, not Alicia.
▶ No.159616
i love the hentai series, is the game worth it? and where is a safe way to download it
▶ No.159622>>165098
do you feel bad when you shoot characters with backstories in video games too?
▶ No.161147>>161458 >>162108
wait, when did they kill off maya?
▶ No.161458>>162108
They drown her with cum after she's left in the brothel and Bohgan decides to keep Alicia.
▶ No.162108>>163019
IT's just one of the bad endings, Alicia has one too
▶ No.162113
Which two games have been translated and where can I find them?
▶ No.163019>>164469
She only ends up as a prostitute, though. Maya gets offed and I think it's canon, considering the Irenka shorts show Maya in the brothel and the title says "Bonus".
▶ No.164189
Where can I download the CG with animations or how can I extract them myself?
▶ No.164469
>She only ends up as a prostitute, though
Are you implying it's any better?
▶ No.165098
Only if I empathize with them. If they're assholes like the MC here, I will gladly send them to hell with an honest-to-God smile on my face.
▶ No.165100>>165253
Because the main character is an idiot. Boghan has the tactical prowess of a slug and the planning skills of a roach. We've seen his men get needlessly killed thanks to his leadership at the beginning of KS2 and 3 and he constantly uses the gas as a cheap win. It's only with the help of the player's decisions that he succeeds. And yet even then he may decide to throw a perfectly good asset under the bus, completely ignoring the potential.
▶ No.165253>>165565 >>165621
Bohgan isn't the one who kills Maya. She's not even related to him by that point: if you focus on Alicia, Bohgan decides to do some power play with Alicia to take over Cordelia, while Maya is just forgotten and left in the brothel she's sent that one time before. Her death is implied to happen months and months after she was left there: she is apparently incredibly popular, and so the brothel makes a "fan dedication day", in which they get to coat her in cum. Turns out, she just had lots of fans, that's all. So really, it's her fault for being so hot and best girl, not really much else.
▶ No.165565>>165589 >>165621 >>166204
And nobody at that brothel went "wait a minute" and realized they were about to lose one of their prime assets when it started filling up the room up past her head?
▶ No.165589>>165621
She's just expendable merchandise for everyone involved, a commodity that everyone can dispose of as easily as a needle and that at worst, what will happen is one of her more hardcore fans missing her before going for whatever new piece of fuckmeat they have available around. It's part of the objectification fetish, basically - just taken to a pretty hilariously sexy extreme.
▶ No.165621>>165653 >>166204
Are we sure that those are canon and not bonuses??
Because killing off Maya would be a waste
▶ No.165653
>Are we sure that those are canon and not bonuses??
I think we won't know until (if it ever is) the Complete Edition is translated. That said, judging from the Irenka short (the only one she gets, sadly), Maya most definitely ended up in that brothel, at least.
▶ No.166204
How is Maya supposed to be a good asset, exactly?
▶ No.172213
Can't find this patch there. Could you please specify where I can download? Thank you
▶ No.178037>>178268 >>178294
Is it true that you have to hand the girls to your underlings at some point to progress as in you can't just keep them to yourself throughout the entire game? I like the character designs and don't mind corruption, but gangbang isn't up my alley (like recent Bishop titles).
▶ No.178268
That's always been a Kangoku tradition. This game actually downscales that a lot.
▶ No.178294
Why would you play a hardcore Lilith game if not for gangbangs and monster sex?
▶ No.191971>>193525
▶ No.192369
I hope you don't genuinely think that. There are FAR, far worse rants on the net. This is like, a 4 on the scale of embarassment.
▶ No.193525>>193527 >>202379
I had no idea this was happening, my heart literally skipped a beat and I don't know how to process this. But thank you anon.
▶ No.193527
Yeah, it was a great fap. This translator is doing God’s work and he’s not even being a Jew about it.
▶ No.194147
Does any one elses screen flicker when they enter fullscreen with these games?
▶ No.194688>>213952
Sometimes I see The ripped pic in full from head to toe, is there any source for rip or maybe specific keyword?
▶ No.194916
▶ No.195379
Anybody have the Stand gallery(from the package edition) of the 2nd game and third? I have been trying to find and only able to find the incomplete one
▶ No.202379
You should thank the translator, fucktard, not the anon who spoonfed you.
▶ No.204228
Anyone have a 100% save for PB2?
For some reason, some of the scene replays aren't unlocking.
▶ No.205352
I'm just gonna pretend they pulled the plug just in time, okay?
I'm gonna pretend that happened.
▶ No.205512
How do I delete unneeded saves?
▶ No.213952
Some are in the official website, while others are from the packaged versions of the games (at least from what I've been told).
▶ No.214217
Found a Video that has all the Animated cutscenes….
▶ No.220546
I never got the ending to the third one. they look like they are acting all fiesty after the gangbang, then Boghan shows them some video of their father or husband? And they immediately turn on each other? It s weird.
▶ No.224667
Anyone have a walk-through for the 3rd game?
▶ No.234081>>259514
So now that the translation is out, what's the general opinion of Kangoku Senkan 2?
▶ No.259514>>259638
It's awesome, just like every Kangoku Senkan type game.
I wish there was more of these instead of Taimanin, but both are good.
▶ No.259638
>It's awesome, just like every Kangoku Senkan type game.
Except Academia, which is shit.