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/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

All about ageplay!
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File: 474b54993148d72⋯.jpg (17.75 KB, 236x314, 118:157, f9c72e53dd76f79754607b0ea4….jpg)

ba32a5  No.81863[Last 50 Posts]

If you are smaller than 5 inches it's permanent pamps for you baby boy.

If you are less than 9 you can wear pullups I guess.

I'm gonna giggle at you teeny little weeny.

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240e15  No.81868

I think guys under 8 inches should have to wear diapers.

Or if they are under 6 feet tall.

In a perfect world

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d2c48c  No.81869

>tfw 6ft1 and girthy 6 inch but this is your fetish

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b60016  No.81871


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5115a9  No.81872

permanent pamps for me i guess

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4ae92a  No.81874

money > big dick/abs

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62eb5f  No.81886


Are we talking hard or soft per pees? Because mine can get like nonexistent when it's soft.

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ba32a5  No.81887


If you have to ask you should probably just hop up on the changing table.

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7d29d3  No.81889



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3680c5  No.81893

>oh jeeze, late for school, grab backpack and run with a slice of toast in my mouth

>gotta get to school on time, such an important day!

Penis Inspection Day

>Worried about how I'll 'measure' up to my class.

>Heard all the myths and roumors 'You'll look bigger if you jack it all week!'

>'Touching it will make shrivel every time'

>Not given health class until semester after penis inspection day.

>Report to homeroom, all the guys are at their assigned desks, the girls have grouped up in a corner, whispering and giggling.

"All girls report to the gym"

>They get to take their seats, can't have them going to class when the male half would be missing.


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3680c5  No.81894


"Anon!" Calls my friend.

>I sit next to him, notice he seems uncomfortable, well more uncomfortable than most of us.


"Not really." He explains, "My older sister gave me a secret weapon to look bigger."


>"What, how!? You gotta help me out!"

>He looks pained and shifts

"She gave me her largest buttplug, no where for my dick to hide inside if there is no room."

>Taps the side of his temple.

>I never said he was a smart friend.

"Class <starting range> to <ending range> please line up infront of the auditorium" crackles over the speakers.

>Fuck truth time. Line up with my male classmates, our homeroom teacher leads us down the hall, she has the clipboard with our names and parent's contact information to report the official findings.

>Heard stress makes it shrink, try to think arousing thoughts. A harem of women and traps, each catering to specific fetish, each more depraved than the last

>Alpha girl enjoys handholding

>Pants fall, the whole harem points and laughs


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3680c5  No.81895


>In line, auditorium doors are open, can see the multple nurses and stations

>Each station has a taped off square to stand in, a girl sitting by to record what the nurse reports, and another girl, kneeling by a padded mat on the floor, a case of diapers in easy reach.


>Plus the bleachers full of girls, watching to see results.

>Names are called out, the long line moves, friend has strange gait.

>Friend gets the station near the line. He stand in the square, and drops his pants.

>He has a partial chub, the nurse starts to stroke it with her gloved hands.

"Whats sticking out of your butt?" Says girl of record

>Nurse stops, and inspects, slowly pulls the plug.

>And pulls

>and pulls

>And finally the giant thing is out, how he managed to move with the extra weight is a miracle in and of itself.

>Friend blushes, then nurse makes him hold it, sisterisdevilwoman.gmp

>Nurse goes back to stroking him erect

>Fabric tape measure finds him at 9 and 1/2.

>He lets out the breath he was holding, but now is walking around with a giant butt plug.

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3680c5  No.81897


"Anon Emousse. Station 4."

>Time to face the music.

>Two girls at my station look at me like hungry predarors, vultures ready to strike.

>That makes the busty nurse the lion in this scenario, the one going to attack.

>I drop my pants, the excitement and embarrassment has me at half mast, the most important boner of my life.

>Nurse strokes me, cups my balls, rubs the tip, full swell engaged.

>Tape measure to held to the base, her thumb and index sliding down, revealing each demarcation.

>1 inch, 1 and a half, two….

>The longest eternity of my life

>2 and a half, 3, 3 and a half…


>4, 4 and a-


>Tears well up, can barely hear the nurse give the official number, the scratching of pen to paper as its written, the crinkle of plastic as the first of many pampers is laid out on the changing mat.

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73e0fe  No.81898

>tfw 6'4'' but have a 1 inch micropenis


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7d29d3  No.81903

> I appear

> I am a wizard and I cast a spell transforming you all into frog-human hybrids but everything else is the same

carry on

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240e15  No.81904

File: 101a751653461b6⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


I'm 5'5ft and I'm 7 inches hard, and like 2 inches soft. I've thought about chastity, but I'm afraid of the lasting effects.

I don't wanna lose my dong

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fd1f8b  No.81908

Who's going to take the responsibility of keeping them away from the potty and changing them? You can't expect them to do it to themselves.

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f284a9  No.81909

>hrt making my pp small and rarely get hard anymore

perfect for diapers

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109362  No.81910


Can you not be anymore autistic than you have to be, you're giving me second hand embarrassment that you're one of the people I share this fetish with

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109362  No.81912

I'm 2 inches flaccid and 4 erect but I'm still gonna wear pull-ups and you can't stop me

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a31791  No.81913


Ok but how small for it to be pink diapers?

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ea1956  No.81915

>all of these small pp anons

>no pics

I am disappoint

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357053  No.81916


If you need to ask you might as well grab the pink diaper bag for yourself baby.

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357053  No.81917



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357053  No.81918


No little honey. Those are for big boys not a teeny weeny little baby like you. You'll need a diaper and that's that. Babies don't get to decide.

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fe2920  No.81921



I could post my big pp, but that wouldn't fit this tiny pp hole in this thread, hence the greentext I wrote to at least contribute. Curious if anyone liked it and would want to read more though.

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357053  No.81923


Just put an ice cube on it.

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fe2920  No.81926


Tell you what, when I get home in 10 hours, I'll see what I can do, maybe even give a side by side.

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2e947d  No.81928

File: fff86eb07f07db2⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, IMG_20190419_155738869.jpg)

>honestly thought I was bigger than 5 inches


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b91104  No.81930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Obligatory Thread Theme Song

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4400e7  No.81931


Well guess I already fit the bill given im 5'3 and have a caretaker that keeps me in diapers 24/7

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109362  No.81940

File: f8d11f4d7b4a629⋯.jpg (34.9 KB, 376x400, 47:50, Huggies-Pull-Ups-4T-5T-Tra….jpg)




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858347  No.81941

File: 27cf23957cc6a15⋯.png (41.21 KB, 325x325, 1:1, KonataGiggleLuckyStarcopy.png)


Oh did the poor little babu come up a little short?

Well I hope you like going out in snapcrotch shortalls and smelling of baby powder cause that little thingy is way to small for the big boy potty.

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858347  No.81944

File: 3248e9019429f03⋯.jpg (91.09 KB, 800x429, 800:429, pampers-cruisers.jpg)


I think with such a itty bitty doodle you might not be much help to him. He needs help from big kids not little babies. You should go on some adventures with Elmo and his friends instead baby. It's only diapers for babies like you honeybunch.

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2e947d  No.81953

File: ab6066d99fb61ad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 957.94 KB, 3022x3024, 1511:1512, IMG_20190419_181333021~2.jpg)


A-aww I was so close though! I swear I know how to use the big boy potty!

I guess I shoulda know better…

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1c7c3f  No.81955


SPH was never my thing (why am I in this thread?), but I liked your story. Best friend's trapification by big sis when? >Hey bro, try these on. They don't fit me anymore, but you might look cute in them.

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02621a  No.81959

>when you are 4.9

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fe2920  No.81961


I did a comedy thing that could develop into something similar.

>Be me

>14, male, prefered pronouns: Chad McThundercock

>Reality: Anon O'Shrimpy

>Have 6 year old sister, known bedwetter

>Have 17 year old sister, known thicc

>Have a wet dream, becaus of fucking course, big sis had to post that D.VA ahegao meme bullshit…stupid thotty sister

>Try to discreetly wash my sheets

"Anon? Oh, did you want to learn to help with laundry? Oh finally! Here let me-"

>Mom tries to be a stupid helpful bitch, finds my shame

"Well your little sister has been dry all week, but we still have a bag of goodnights, wear them."

>Fuck no refusal tone.

>Be that night

>Fuck that pink pullup noise

>Playing vidya in livingroom, playing with Thotty, she leans forwards and gets all cleavagy when trying to catch up in mario cart

>little drippy coloring or some shit

>I win race, stand up to gloat

>Fucking mom shows up like an embarrassment ninja and pants me.

>All 4 inches exposed within 6 inches of Thotty's face

>OTK spanking, and little drippy is sent to get a pullup

>Tears in eyes, princesses cover O'Shrimpy

"Wow, drippy's clit is bigger than you!" Helpfully ejaculates Thotty.

"Wow dey fits hims, I don't need dem anymore!" Shouts drippy.

"We all check every night that Anony has his princesses on, no exceptions." Declares Mom

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a31791  No.81981


N…no….I'm sure I dont need pink ones….Im just asking cuz I'm curious….

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bf8961  No.82035

File: 0d32ec055bfad69⋯.png (180.9 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1532001119.pamperpoof_morg….png)

File: 3401392d378dc11⋯.png (99.69 KB, 556x1280, 139:320, 1532013018.pamperpoof_diap….png)

File: 9e468b3b154b575⋯.png (79.75 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, 1532019952.pamperpoof_siss….png)

File: bb25c1fc32f54ad⋯.png (200.39 KB, 1014x1280, 507:640, 1553113462.pamperpoof_whis….png)

File: e248f375b2d56b7⋯.png (243.52 KB, 1198x1280, 599:640, 1532000138.pamperpoof_shee….png)

Thought my autistic ass might contribute.

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a31791  No.82594

But jesus is this troll committed.

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1cbc89  No.83882



Are you the same anon that did the mommy roleplay thing before the new year? If so, how much would it take for you to become someone that does this for a service for people?

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926e0f  No.83883

>have sph fetish

>have a big dick

Why the fuck does life have to suck so much?

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ea1956  No.83903


God, you are made to be babied

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3680c5  No.83906

File: 7ec80d43480166b⋯.jpg (582.06 KB, 1616x1212, 4:3, 20190420_143429.jpg)

File: 83ccba61eaa8eda⋯.jpg (41.89 KB, 606x808, 3:4, 7b5f5eae-b962-442b-b515-fa….jpg)


Did a bowl of icewater, no noticeable difference, so used the camera angle to minimize.

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108164  No.83907


Are your hips really that big or is it the camera angle? I kind of have big hips too

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3680c5  No.83908


I think its a mismatch of a sucked in waist, and slightly elevated thighs, standing up I look like the human equivalent of a dowel rod, uniform width from chest to feet.

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108164  No.83909


>of a sucked in waist, and slightly elevated thighs

Now that I look at it more closely I can see that. I was like damn I thought I had big hips

>I look like the human equivalent of a dowel rod,


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fe2920  No.83915

File: 8cbea0c2c55f3e2⋯.jpg (25.49 KB, 606x808, 3:4, 24e15c8c-ae30-4aa7-bd24-b7….jpg)


Well if I can't look good, I might as well sound funny.

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5ee5ed  No.83918

File: 4aa4b61801e3fc0⋯.jpg (539.92 KB, 1030x900, 103:90, 20190420_165741.jpg)

I tried to insist I had an average sized peepee once. Now I wish I would have just begged for diapers.

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2e947d  No.83920

File: fcfa45334560eaf⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 2615x3352, 2615:3352, IMG_20190420_151311560~2.jpg)

File: 13ab3539f616689⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 2962x3645, 2962:3645, IMG_20190420_151433628~2.jpg)

File: 5c0eb54ff81c1cb⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2024x3074, 1012:1537, IMG_20190420_151551260~2.jpg)

File: d7dd2df0a093c0a⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 2730x4032, 65:96, IMG_20190420_151729521~2.jpg)


That's what this thread seems to be saying!

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fe2920  No.83933


Take two, more in line now that I re-read your prompt.

>Be Anon's friend, Nito, Nito Incog.

>Holding a monster butt plug that my big sister convinced me would help on inspection day.

>All those training sessions preparing my anus, out the window.

>See Anon, tear streaked, now having to hold his pants like the other shrimpies, thick diaper with sesame street monsters on it.

>Honestly he's being cute af

>No Homo though, of course, I'm not gay, you're gay.

"Dude…this doesn't change anything, you're still awesome!" I try to console Anon, absentmindedly gesticulating with a forearm length black rubber butt plug.

>Anon nods, still looks depressed though

>And I look like a jackass waving my dirty plug. Asshole still felt loose, like a damn wind tunnel had been left behind.

>Go to bathroom to A) wash the plug and my hands, and 2) try taking a shit since my insides feel all mixed up.

>Be evening, sitting in the livingroom with now clean plug, waiting for big sis to get home from her part-time job.

>She comes through the door, Raisins uniform tight across her chest.

"How'd it go Nito, get those inches you needed?" She says smugly.

"What I got was shit-stained boxers!" I practically yell at her, standing up to confront her, buttplug waving.

"Yeah, that sometimes happens at these sizes, tell you what, I'll loan you some pullups until you feel like you've recovered."

>tfw I pass inspection but still ended up padded, I guess the princesses are cute though….

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3566b6  No.83934

File: 308d57c6473541d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 474.1 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Foto0448.jpg)

File: 442e30f97eea5bc⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 396.17 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Foto0450.jpg)

File: 27c6cff1535550d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 556.87 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Foto0676.jpg)

I think that I'm save

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b60016  No.83980


Cute story. I like it

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3680c5  No.83996

>alarm goes off

>Getting up early, super important day

>Penis Inspection Day

>Throw my sheets off, give my lilac footie pajamas one last gagged expression

>My mother was one of those new age moms that believed I should be babied until it was proven my peepee big.

>Waddle out of my room in my usual morning messy to go get breakfast.

>Pop my clipped on paci in, mom hates its when she sees my mouth empty 'good boys don't talk'

>Can't wait to get official measure and finally get independent.

>Get morning bottle from fridge, and a jar of pureed fruit.

>That two year struggle to get self-spoonfeeding rights.

>Huff and sit in my highchair, mushing the mess around, but so used to it that it barely phases me. Start digging in.

>Mom walks in, bedhead, teddy gown, no underwear at all

>Not fair

>She kisses my forehead and makes her coffee, starts cooking toast and eggs.

"You're up early, you aren't excited for anything today, right?"

>Suckle bottle and avoid the trick question.

>Little sister skips into the kitchen, skirt flouncing and flashing her panties, she sits at the adult table to wait for the solid food.

"Mom, brother is stinky!"

>Like we all didn't know, can't believe the little bitch gets to have bacon while I had to cry, kick, and scream to get a teething biscuit at her age.

>That will all change today though!

>I have to wait for Mommy to finish breakfast so she can walk me by the hand to the bathroom, to change me, help me shower, rediaper me, brush my teeth, and comb my hair.

>Such a control freak, still makes me use the flouride free toothpaste.

>She pats my butt to give me permission to be out of arm's reach of her.


>Run to bedroom and put on my clothes, the most adult set i have, had to dig pretty far past my dresses and playclothes to get to my only blue onesie.and elastic waist jean shorts.

>Grab book bag, and excitedly run to the livingroom, by this time tomorrow I'll get to have bacon and eggs!

>Mommy waits for goodbye kiss, I take out my pacifier, kiss both her cheeks and curtsey, pinching and raising an imaginary skirt.

>Hold little sister's hand and wait at the bus stop.


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3680c5  No.83998


>Little sister lets go immediately to go sit with her group of friends

>I go to sit with my only 'friend', his mom was in the same facebook group as mine, so he had the same raw deal as I did, our mommies let us have playdates together.

>He had a sour expression on his face, cheeks puffed out and arms crossed.

>Easy to see why, had his ruffliest playdress on and shiny mary janes, even if he had a big peepee, it would be hard to tell.

"Hey! Finally, Inspection! They can't keep us like this any longer!" I try to cheer him up, and just vent my own bubbly excitement.

"Sooner the better." He answers.

>Be at the school, be in the line, see the nurses' measuring stations.

>I'm practically jumping in place, during my changes and showers it seemed like Mommy was getting more and more disappointed or frustrated, really hope that means my treatment will change soon.

>Name is called, station 12.

>Stand in the taped off square, do my best to stand still.

>Nurse pulls the elastic shorts down, they flop unceremoniously to my ankles.

>Like she's teasing me, it takes foever to hear the snaps pop on my onesie.

>She squeezes my diaper, I'm so excited/nervous I didn't realize I was damp.

>She takes it off, get a wipe, and cleans me while stroking me nearly off.

>Finally stiff, those gloved hands stretch the measuring tape that will free me of my mom's smothering prison.

"Three and three-quarters, go lay on the mat."


>No. No please no.

"Do it again!" I plead through tears.

"Get a diaper on before you make a mess little one."

>My heart.

>I get on the mat, classmate girl being too generous with the powder, and tapes me in my prison. Is even 'helpful' and closes my onesie and pulls my shorts up.

>Pats my butt to send me away.

>What is it with women and diapered butts?

>I wait to the side, see my friend coming ftom his station.

>He's skipping

"7 inches! No more dresses!" He says excitedly.

>He stops when he notices my red puffy eyes.

>He hugs me, rubs my back

"I'll still visit, and you can get bites of my lunch. It'll be okay."

>My Mom was going to get an automated call declaring me a baby.

>It was never going to be okay.

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858347  No.84006


Well you don't have a measuring tape out so it's hard to tell. Also the base is covered by your thumb. The human thumb is about 1.5 cm wide and being generous it looks like it's 8 thumb lengths wide. So that's 12cm or 4.72 inches. No remeasures permitted.

So shave off that silly big boy hair and get ready to say bye bye to Mr Potty baby boy.

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858347  No.84007


I might be. You'd have to be more specific. I would never wanna do this kinda thing for a living as I have a job and this kinda thing could ruin that. I just love teasing little boys super much.

Also I'm like a dude and no one pays for a dude to humiliate them.

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ea1956  No.84010


>I just love teasing little boys super much.

>Also I'm like a dude and no one pays for a dude to humiliate them.


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1c7c3f  No.84013



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3680c5  No.84014


If you don't mind elaborating, what did you think was so based, and what could be more based? It wasn't my cup of tea so I was worried it would feel flat.

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858347  No.84015


Sure. Send your KIK address.

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ea1956  No.84016


Here you go: InterestingUserna

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a31791  No.84021


I feel like we need a few other qualifiers. This just feels like too few rules.

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3680c5  No.84022


To be fair, too many rules would confuse the babies.

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2beca6  No.84031

Are we all telling our PID stories in this thread?

>be younger me

>it’s finally Penis Inspection Day

>joke with friends about the nurse needing two measuring tapes, how great it will be to start having sex and other adolescent male brags

>secretly super nervous

>when our grade is called to the gym for Inspections I drift to the very back of the line

>this way no one will be watching when it’s my turn

>get to the gym

>half the gym is taken up my multiple measuring stations, at the other half the bleachers are extended and facing the measuring stations.

>all the girls in our grade that didn’t volunteer to help the nurses are already seated and looking towards the stations.

>after the boys are measured go to sit on the bleachers with the girls.


>suddenly all the girls break into laughter and derisive cheers

“The first baby of the day!”

>boy from my grade has walked out from behind his measuring station’s privacy curtain redfaced and swaddled in a big crinkly diaper


>slowly the line shrinks and the crowd watching the measuring grows

>I hear all my friends pass their test

>barely any of the boys in my grade are being diapered

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2beca6  No.84032


>the girl kneeling at the changing mat at my inspection station is the cute tomboy Samantha

>we talk about music a lot because we like the same bands

>she smiles at me encouragingly

>I try to ignore the bag of large disposable diapers with cartoon animal prints at her side

>I’m the last boy to be measured

>all of the other nurses are packing up their stations

>one of them takes down the privacy curtain around my station

>400 pairs of eyes on me as I unbuckle my pants

>I freeze, can’t show my peepee with this many people watching

>nurse gets impatient and takes over pulling my pants and undies down for me

>the feel of a woman hand on my peepee for the first time = instant fullmass


“three inches exactly. Looks like we’ve found this year’s littlest baby! step out of your pants and lay on the mat sweetie”

>she says it so loud that the entire gymnasium can hear her

>the whole gym breaks into laughter but I’m so shocked I barely hear

>this can’t be happening

>the nurse takes my hand to lead me over to the mat

>feel tears start to well up

>try not to cry, but can’t hold it in

>I’m diapered by Sam in full view of my entire grade while blubbering like a baby

>Me and the other babies in my grade have stay so the school nurse can explain the new rules

>I’m not allowed in any of the big boy bathrooms around school

>teachers can perform diaper checks at will

> I have to drop out of guitar class and start home economics

>I have to choose home economics as one of my electives every semester until graduation

>The nurse explained

“The girls taking home ec need need to learn infant care. Every semester for one month every girl in your home ec class will have to take charge of you for one day each. You will accompany them to their classes for the day. They will feed you at lunch and change all your diapers. Those who want extra credit can sign up to take you over the weekend to experience what is like to take care of overnight. We used to have electronic baby dolls for this, but everyone agrees that the students learn much more this way.”

>later that night my step dad spanked me for the first time ever

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3680c5  No.84033

>Be me

>Very sensitive mommy's boy.

>Like pressing flowers and musical theatre.

>Mommy finally put her foot down and forbid sleeping in her bed, even during thunderstorms

>PID is coming up, the 'rugged' boys are talking with bluster

>My girlfriends gossip a bit about whose crush might get padded.

>They usually remember mid-pid talk that I'm a boy.

"Oh I'm sure you're huge"

"If you are a baby we'll all love on you"


>I'm not sure I want to measure up, I like the comfort the women in my life give me

>Can't avoid it though

>Penis Inspection Day

>Get in line with the boys that usually bully me

>Anywhere from a third to a half will be diapered and pantsless after today.

>Five minutes, name called, one step closer, five minutes, name called, one step closer

>Boys ahead and behind me are nervous, afraid of falling short

>I'm nervous of measuring big and having all these expectations piled up on me…



>Go to the station

>Annie and Stacy are there to aid the Nurse.

>I blush as my leggings are pulled down.

>All three sets of eyes look like their about to pop.

>Nurse just raises my leggings back up

"You are going to be very popular." Says the nurse, now my friends blush.

>Color drains from my face

>Nurse didn't even bother with the measuring tape, apparently I am so big its not needed….

>All those expectations.

>Girls come to congratulate me

>I hug them both and sob.

>They are confused, but comforting

>I wipe my face and join the other girls

>They ask bluntly how I measured.

"The Nurse looked and put the tape away."

>They look at me differently, like I'm suddenly a 5 star filet mignon.

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a438f8  No.84038

>tfw never had a penis inspection day at school and I've never measured the length of my penis before

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3680c5  No.84039


Probably homeschooled, better get diapered to be on the safe side.

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a438f8  No.84040


But I was never homeschooled.

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3680c5  No.84041


Never schooled? Feral child? Better diaper you in case you aren't at least housebroken.

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67ebb9  No.84042

you have NO penis.

who are you to judge?

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3680c5  No.84044


You sound bitter and tiny, does somebody need a change and a nap?

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3566b6  No.84045


it's not fair. I will measure it and show you that I'm a big boy

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a31791  No.84050

I guess….I mean as long as I get to wear boy diapers, or pull ups, whichever I qualify for, it could be worse.

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05326c  No.84055


>>Nurse didn't even bother with the measuring tape, apparently I am so big its not needed….

fake. If the nurse didn't record the penis length of every boy at your school how would the government know how much money to give your school?

Does telling lies over the internet make your peepee feel bigger mr. pampersbutt?


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3680c5  No.84057


You're right, it was just a lockroom rumor I overheard the real men say while i was with the other baby dicks waiting for my turn on the changing table. I'm sorry for telling a fib, please forgive me and maybe don't use the hand/foot restraints on my crib.

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1c7c3f  No.84065



I feel like we need to lower the lengths a bit. 9 inches seems a bit excessive (and 5 is around average). How are the true babies supposed to know their place when Stacy is at the next changing station over feeding Chad straight from the tap?

>tfw Friendo was forced to take home ec

>tfw I'm to his class

>"It's okay Anon, I don't mind changing you, that's what bros are for.

>tfw I'm slowly falling fall Dadd- my best friend.

>This is gonna be a long semester.

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a438f8  No.84066


But I'm not a feral child…

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ba3985  No.84068


Don't know if you're the author of the larest stories, but if so keep up the good work.


I like the idea that she wants a little sister and nito is unaware that he's getting setup


I'm ashamed to know that reference, but how are these characters supposed to be?

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3680c5  No.84091


>>how are these characters supposed to be?

Like I said, I felt like the story was flat since its not my cup of tea, so I kept it vague, Nito Incog was dimwitted and in the closet, since this is a male-centric topic.

Big sis Incog is an aging loli, hence the raisin's reference, who just lives to lewd herself and others as a way to recapture the attention she once had. Why she wants to trap her brother is muddled.

Any direction you'd like to lend would be appreciated.

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3680c5  No.84155



So question for those of you still hanging around the thread, which style of story was preferred? I wrote the first one as the traditional tropey one, but the second is more domineering women, which personally gets me going. So if I keep gteentexting what would be more attractive to you all?

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ea1956  No.84166


I personally am a fan of domineering women / mommy types.

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fe2920  No.84174

>be 10 year old anon

>be grounded for 'having an attitude' last night.

>Laying in Mommy's lap, getting bottlefed

>6 year old sister is eating dinner, chewing loudly on the bbq ribs.

>I learned stop resenting that a long time ago, those sweet and savory odors weren't for me.

>What I did resent was Mommy giving her a new bed to celebrate how she stopped bedwetting.

>It was lower to the ground, had no bars on the side, she didn't have to sleep fetal to fit, there was no locking top, no D rings to connect wrist and ankle restraints.

"Mommy I don't want my crib either."

>fast forward to now

>Wrists together, ankles together, tight drop seat footie to limit how far my elbows and knees can stretch. Pacifier strapped to my head.

>I could still inch-worm and crawl, but what would be the point.

>Just lay in the livingroom, grounded from movement.

>When little sister gets in trouble she gets grounded from her phone.

>wish I had a small tv that I controlled.

>Wish I had potty-trained when she did.

>Mommy says we'll see what might happen after PID

>PID is three years away. I cry, silenced by the paci-gag.

>Little sister tries to be helpful to see what 'The Baby' is crying about

>Not fair I'm four years older!

>Despite my rage, she just grabs my crotch to check my diaper. Of course she says its soaked.

>I know how it feels right after a change, but then the sweat just makes it seem damp regardless. I do know when its messy though!

>Look at me, proud of knowing when I shit myself.

"Mom, the Baby's wet!" She calls out.

>I don't think she even knows/remembers my name, I'm always 'the Baby' that get talked about like I'm not there.

>Mommy comes, doesn't spank sister for saying 'Mom' and not 'Mommy'.

"What a good big sister, go have a snack for being a good helper."

>Probably going to get something chocolate, and not a paste.

>Mommy opens my dropseat flap, and out on the livingroom floor wipe and change me.

"Whose a cyoot widdle wormy worm?" She cooes babytalk to my peepee.

>Get rediapered, rebuttoned.

>Just waiting for monday to be allowed to walk again. Probably will get stuck with the gag and mittens in class though.

>So jealous of the 5 boys with the cool moms that let them have pullups….

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e3664e  No.84192


I definitely enjoyed the one where they were diapered from the onset. It added a different type and level of humiliation. That said, you should totally do one where the boy has a chastity cage on and the nurse's key won't unlock it, so they just measure the cage (which is too small to pass, obviously). Poor limp-dick diaperboy will never feel what it's like to have an erection! Haha!

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fe2920  No.84203


While enjoy the women punishing the boys, cranked to 11, that act would cast aspersions on the legitimacy of the measuring and the class implications. I would think that the Chad Thundercocks would be concerned about their sons being treated unfairly, so things that could interefer with Inspection Day are cause for either extensions to record later.

Maybe there should be a greentext for a supreme court motion to exam a case of something like that, the 7 women and 2 men on the bench, the attorney presentations, the reason the measuring is made public and transparent, so as to not let matriarchs further skew male representation.

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fe2920  No.84220

>Intense drum beats play as a graphic comes across the TV screen, telling you its Channel 6's Courtwatch!

"We examine the case currently presented, talk with experts on the issues, and give context for viewer's understanding. I'm Garcia Heuvos, and this…is Courtwatch!"

>Dunt dunt

>Screen wipe to Heuvos sitting with a prim woman in a pants suit, the crawl introduces her as Legal Historian: Carolyn Clitoria.

Clitoria: "Since the Measure was insituted, it has acheived many of the functions it had set out to address. Weak-willed men of terrible character no longer influnce our financial and social institutions. Going back before measure, you saw scandals causing recessions, trusted religious figures either embezzling from their congregation, or worse taking advantage of the bodies of people without equal clout to defend themselves. So many of these issues could be directly correlated to overcompensation. Post-Measure, there are no delusions, those ambitions are reigned in, and so much of our society and culture have benefited since."

Heuvos: "So it sounds like Measuring on a whole has been great for everyone involved. But the case presented is about how Measuring is conducted. It used to be 18 year old men reporting to their tax office, where closets are converted to a private exam room. Now we manage smaller testing groups with school managed Penis Inspection days. Many men and women have objected to the process, can you elaborate on their claims?"

Clitoria:"Yes, the early enforcement of measuring was a large bloated endeavor that was a bit unweildy in its implementation. There were cases of doctors getting bribes to overreport, underreport, because we still focused on our older ideas on the value of an individuals privacy over the protection of society. The rampant abuse showed us the great need for transparency. At the time it required the Measurer and two independent witnesses. Now that we've gone through the growing pains of measuring all adult males, the Measure was changed to more adequately target post pubescent males, before they can volunteer for community positions, using the public school system's resources to provide adequate privacy with greater transparency. Auditoriums with the impartial female half of the class and nursing staff that have been trained to get the most accurate measure."

Heuvos:"But the issue in court presently deals with the treatment of boys pre-measure. Like how we believe in Innocent until Proven Guilty, we now live with the assumption of Small until Measured. The chastity industry has boomed, and mothers want to ensure their pre-measured sons can't be a threat, but when its time to Measure, these chastity devices are locked, and can't be opened easily, leading to isolated incidents of boys getting their measure impacted by these devices. So the issue is should they be allowed to be used pre-measure. We take you to our panel of advocates. Thank you for your time Madam Clitoria."

>Screen wipe again, a woman and two men. The woman is chasity industry rep, Sandra Keptite, Men's Measurement Chair, Hung Lo, and the Rights for the Small leader, Willie Big. The last quarter has Garcias Heuvos.

"Chastity cages are vital for the protection of our daughters-"

"The board has always maintained clear standing on obstructive devices."

"My brother has been unfairly pampered because of the Matriarchy!"

>Its a total mess of overtalk, whoever can shout loudest apparently making more of a point. I want to change the channel but can't reach the remote.

>I want to call out and ask for help, but the pacifier strapped to my head allows for very little mouth movement. All I can do is give a muffled cry.

>Big sister comes into the room, bounces the rocking seat I'm strapped into.

"Aww, did someone leave you stuck with that yucky news? Here baby, I'll fix that."

>Changes the channel to the Little network, shows share a theme of acceptance of place, how to better enjoy being helpless, and guidelines for how to be good.

>Big sis kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

>I'll be stuck here until feeding time, when Mommy gives me my bottle.

>Being 12 sucks.

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8d78d8  No.84222

>When you find out there is no penis inspection day

>When you find out your "teacher" who did the measuring and then diapered you isn't a teacher at all

>You're realizing this as you're inside your crib, hands and feet bound to the corners, pacifier gag in your mouth, wearing a bright pink dress and mittens, and a thick diaper underneath. Your penis is safely locked up in a cage and the front of your diaper is already soaked.

>As you feel a familiar pressure in your stomach you start struggling a little knowing what is about to happen in your diaper if you don't get free

>But deep down you know your fate as sissy diaper gurl has been already sealed

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3680c5  No.84241


>tfw third born son

>Mommy files for divorce, because That Bastard couldn't give her a daughter

>Both brothers measured big

>Mommy still wants her daughter

>I get pretty dresses, my hair is never cut

>My brothers support Mommy's choices because I ruined the family

>Do everything I can to be the best baby girl because it pleases Mommy and makes my brothers laugh.

>Love my stuffies and the tea parties we have.

>When I'm allowed to walk I do my best curtseys, Mommy really loves when I do a silly twirl and on-purpose fall on my butt.

>Always sit very still when Mommy has 'dolly time' and does my hair and puts me in super cute outfits that she takes pictures of and shares all over the internet.

>Learned to never use my horrible boy voice and just fuss and cry when I feel discomfort, ex. hungry, dirty, want to be on my back instead of tummy or vis versa.

>Mommy is super helpful and locks up that terrible peepee so it can't hurt me or my family again.

>Brothers will sometimes mention things like 'chinese shoe binding' when they change me.

>It doesn't sound pink or playful, so immediately ignore it.

>On changing mat for PID

>Have the nicest/friendliest peepee in class at an inch. Mommy will be so happy. I clap and giggle at the news.

>Maybe I'll get a new dolly!

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3680c5  No.84266

>Be an 8 inch big-boy

>Finally get to go to big-boy school at 14 and not have to play with those baby-dicks in preschool.

>Learn really weird history

>Apparently a hundred years ago they treated boys like girls, and girls like boys.

>It was fashionable for girls to wear skirts and dresses, even after getting potty trained. Hard to imagine someone wearing a dress and not needing their diaper checked.

>For some reason boys didn't wear dresses, probably because…

>Boys potty trained like girls did, seems absurd/impossible, but must have been why they didn't wear dresses, since they didn't have diapers to check.

>Its hard for me to know when to go potty, thats why our pull-ups are still thick, and there are training potties in every classroom.

>We get stickers on our chart if we stay dry, but thats not realistic until we're 17.

>Mommy got me a new bed after PID, it doesn't have sides like my crib, I'm worried I'll fall off of it.

>Last night I got to have some food off Mommy's plate. Mashed potatoes and chicken breast.

>Potatoes were okay, but I got tired of chewing by the third bite of chicken. Tried to just swallow it but choked. Mommy helped me spit it up, but it was super scary.

>Guess I'll have to learn to chew better.

>She also gave me a funny looking bottle, its this wider bottle with a flat top, but instead of a soft rubber nipple its like this hard plastic spout.

>It still feels weird to suckle, since it keeps wanting to suck air back, so I can only sip the juice.

>JUICE! Its like this milk thats thinner and super yummy and can be all kinds of colors.

>I always want more, but Mommy won't refill that sipping bottle unless I use my words, I guess I can get what I want faster by saying the thing I want, but it was a lot easier to just cry.

>Oh and since I have to talk more, I'm only allowed my paci for bedtime. And naptime at school.

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06330a  No.84341

>Be me

>Actual thundercock

>Inspection day

>Everyone already lined up

>Look around at all my underlings

>Easy to tell who won't make the cut off

>Obvious betas are practically shitting themselves in fear

>Realize they'll actually be shitting themselves by the end of today


>Some of the baby-cocks have already accepted the inevitable

"Baby food is just mashed grownup food if you think about it"

"If we hold it until last period, we only have to be changed once"

"Mommy said if I ever come home dry, she’ll put laxatives in my lunch"

>Some are trying to act casual like they're safe

>See them wince every time a new diapered shrimplet waddles out from the curtains

"Nine and one half"

>Line creeps up

"Seven and one quarter"

>Line creeps up

"3 and three quarters"



>Line creeps up

>playpen in the center of the gym gradually starts filling with students

>Shorts and jeans replaced with Pull-ups and diapers

>No way am I going to end up like that

>Know I can already pass with ease

>Nobody in my family has ever come up short

>Good genes I guess

>Big bro told me the secret to getting even bigger

>Edge myself every night for the last week

>Hard on so intense it's actually sore

>Worth it to see how impressed everyone will be

>Take one more opportunity to stroke myself

>A few girls in the bleachers notice and start pointing

>They know what's good

>I'm going to pound town tonight

>Getting closer to the inspection stations

>Can see behind a few of the privacy curtains now

>See some classmates getting measured

>Clearly big enough to keep their pants

>Nothing compared to me though

>A few are being helped step into Pull-Ups

>Another is laying on a changing mat, sniveling to himself

>Freshman kneeling beside tries to cheer him up by pointing out all the cute animals on his new diapers

"Anonymous, station seven"


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06330a  No.84342


>Step behind the curtain. Puff out chest

>Also puff out pelvis

>One nurse is reading a book by the changing mat

>A package of diapers sits next to her

>Bag is still sealed. Guess this station hasn't had any babydicks yet

>Label reads 'Princess Priscilla's Pretty Pink Party Pampers'

>Pity the poor soul that ends up in them

>focus attention on the person in front

>She's one of those student assistants. Senior, probably

>Looks weirdly familiar

>Wonder if she'll give me her number after I whip out Excalibur

"Oh hi anon! Ready for your inspection?"

>Already knows me. Guess my reputation has spread to the upperclassman

"How have things been? I haven't seen you around since you dumped my little sis"


>Maybe she's not holding a grudge

"Yeah, you really broke her heart. It tore me up to see my Stephanie so sad"


>"Hey, can you just get your ruler or whatever and take my measurement"

"Sorry, Nonny. I gotta follow the routine."

>Theatrically gestures toward her clipboard

"I won’t get any credit if I cut corners. You understand right?

>Screams internally

"Step one: instruct the subject to remove his undergarments. Offer assistance if necessary."

>Yanks pants to the floor, bead of precum drools down with it

>Hope she didn't notice

>She definitely noticed

"Step two: lightly stimulate the subject to ensure accurate measurement"

>Takes my dick in a power grip

"I can see you've worked very hard on this, Nonny. I'm sure you want to get every last millimeter on record."

>Starts pumping my dong like it's a fucking shake weight


>Struggle to stay cool

>Never been fondled like this before

>leaking precum like a busted faucet

>Unwillingly lubricate her gloves with my own juices

>Wonder if this is what sex really feels like

>Hope it is because this is amazing

>On the verge of losing it

>fist piston finally slows down

>Try to catch my breath

>Holy shit that was close

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06330a  No.84343


"I have to admit, Nonny. You're pretty gifted down there"

>Pumping replaced with a slow, rhythmic stroke

>Can’t take this forever

"I can tell you're going to be real popular with the girls here"

>Think of all the puss I'm gonna get

>Wonder if any of the girls will give me a BJ behind the bleachers when this is over

>Start frothing at the thought

>Not from my mouth

"Still, it would have been nice to breastfeed you once in a while"

>Notice her chest has been inches from me this whole time

>Never seen them so up close before

>Much bigger than the girls in my grade

>She notices me staring

>Leans in closer

"Looks like you could still use a little more help."

>Massages my swollen testes

>Gives my head a few more decisive pumps

>Feel familiar warmth building in my groin

>Know what's about to happen

>Wish I could do anything to stop it

>roll for composure

>1/20 critical failure

>Entire week of pent up frustration forces itself out of my dick

>bombard gymnasium floor with volley after volley of seed

>She makes a pretend gasp

"Whoopsie! Looks like I spilled some Nonny-batter!"

>ears are ringing

"You should have told me you were so sensitive! Oh well, let’s move on."

>Can't even register what she's saying

>Dick twitching in her hand

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06330a  No.84344


>Cum still dribbling down my thighs

>Still trying to regain vision while she pulls out tape measure

>Dick feels completely spent

>Totally flaccid

"Uh-oh! Looks like I overcooked your noodle a little bit, huh Nonny?"

>She jostles my spent penis in her hands, acting surprised

"Wakey wakey, little guy. You're gonna sleep through your big moment!"


"I suppose we'll just have to size you up like this, then."

>She wrestles with my member, trying to keep it straight long enough to measure

>Wonder if she's really even trying

>Desperately try thinking about anything to get hard again

>Sex, tits, blowjobs, orgies…


>Sudden noise interrupts my fantasies

>Turn head toward source of the distraction

>Nurse is tugging a garishly pink diaper out of its newly opened package

>Lays it out on the changing mat and starts fluffing it

>No way

"Tell you what, Anon. Let's just round you up to a solid four, 'kay?"

>This isn't happening

>She enters my official measurement before leaning into an intercom

"Janitor to station seven. Accidental discharge"

>Hear roaring laughter from the bleachers

>She ushers me to the nurse at the changing station

"This nice lady is going to get you into your diapers before you have another mishap, okay Nonny?"

>Feel completely paralyzed

>Finally confiscates the pants from around my ankles

"Don’t worry about these. We’ll throw them out for you."

>Nurse takes my wrists and lowers me onto the unfolded diaper

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06330a  No.84345


>Full panic mode

>"Wait! Measure me again!"

>No response. Nurse reaches for baby powder.

>Breath starts to quiver

>Eyes getting wet

>"Just one more time! I don't belong in diapers!"

>Still nothing. Nurse spreads my legs

>Practically bawling at this point

>Everyone outside the curtain can definitely hear me but I don't care

>"Please! I swear I'm big enough!"

>Nurse, clearly agitated, plunks a pacifier in my mouth

>Wail into the rubber nipple until I'm out of breath

>Watch through tears as my limp member is buried under a pile of nursery-scented snow

>It's over

>Squeeze my eyes shut. Wish to be anywhere else

>Brace for the diaper to be pulled up and for my newfound babyhood to be sealed against my waist

>Nothing happens

>Suckle pacifier for comfort

>still nothing

>Feel nurse take my penis in her hand

>Something is being fastened to the base of my shaft

>Feel some pressure on my testicles, too

>Holy shit it worked

>Nurse is going to help me get stiff again

>I'm actually going to get a real measurement

>I'm not going to end up as one of those diapered losers

>I'm going to be a big boy

>Snap my eyes open and gleefully look toward nurse

>Just in time to watch her guide my manhood into the plastic sleeve of a chastity cage

"Little boys who have sticky accidents need to wear these for extra protection"


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06330a  No.84346


>My whole body is numb

>Struggling to contemplate what just happened

>Cut short by a sudden prod against my rectum

"Try to stay calm, sweetie. I just need to make sure this fits you before we can continue."

>Finger starts coaxing its way into my backdoor

>Try to squeal, but I'm beyond exhaustion at this point

>Can only manage to suckle and squirm while the nurse rummages around inside me

>I should be in the bleachers with the other big boys right now

>I should be bragging about my size to impress all the girls

>Not laying on a changing mat getting finger fucked by the school nurse

>What used to be my impressive erection has been replaced by a pink bauble dangling on my crotch

>Suckle a little faster as my arousal starts to build against my will

>My penis searches for room to breathe, but is easily subdued by the cage

>Nurse looks satisfied with the results, but continues her torment

>Her motions become more focused and her finger burrows deeper

>Nurse expertly reaches her destination

>Member jolts to life as nurse puts pressure on the special spot within me

>My plastic prison twitches and bobs with every poke and prod she makes against it

>Warm feeling starts to return

>Not the same as before

>Never felt so simultaneously aroused and unstimulated

>Manhood screaming for any kind of contact

>Clench down on my paci as my writhing becomes full blown thrashing

"That's it. Make sure it's on nice and snug"

>Buck hips in the air, desperate for any kind of stimulation

>Cage bucks with me, but doesn't release its clutches on my touch-starved member

>All of my flailing causes the powder on my crotch to scatter everywhere

>Nurse gives me a patronizing look

"Aww. You just make one mess after another, don't you?"

>Changing mat and everything around it is covered in baby powder

>Head resting mere feet from my shameful puddle of spunk

>Wonder if the shrimplets made this much of a mess during their inspections

>Realize they probably didn't

>Realize I didn't care

>Just want to cum

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06330a  No.84347


>Tears rolling down face

"I think it's time to finish up here"

>Hope she means what I think she means

>Finger slowly retreats from my rectum

>Realize she doesn't

>Nurse casually cleans up while I continue to writhe

>Sob in dismay and try to wordlessly beg her to give me release

"Oh don't worry, little one. I'll give you more powder."

>A fresh layer is sprinkled over my smoldering loins

>See the diaper print for the first time as it’s pulled up between my legs

>Princess Priscilla and her Pretty Pastel Pony are doing a playful pose right where my thundercock used to be

>Manage one final whimper as the diaper is taped shut over the throbbing remnants of my manhood

"All set! Let's get you back to the others"

>Get a firm squeeze on the front of my padding

>Feel nothing beneath the cage

>Nurse takes my hand and guides my through the privacy curtain

>Janitor waiting just outside. Glares at me

>Everyone in the bleachers finally gets to see who blew his load on inspection day

>Hysterical laughter fills the gym as the nurse guides me toward the playpen and helps me in

>Look around at others

>A few give me sympathetic looks, others trying to cope themselves

>Some are already wet

>I don't belong here

>a group from the bleachers come down to see me

>They start to mockingly parrot my pleas from earlier

"wAit! I swEAr I'm BiG ENOuGh!"

>One starts groping my padding

"Sure doesn't feel that way! Is anything even under there?"

>My crippled manhood struggles to respond, but can only strain against the rigid walls of its new enclosure

"I can’t believe Stephanie used to date you.”

>Another one chimes in

>"Hey! Aren't you the one that was jerking off in the waiting line?"

>Another wave of laughter

"Oh my god that WAS him! I guess he was eager to get his pampers on!"

"Poor little guy was jealous of all the diaperboys getting to go before him."

"Looks like the wait was worth it. You got the cutest diapers of the bunch!"

>The fondling continues. My mind is too clouded to pull away

>This will be the closest I get to a sexual encounter with a woman now

>Grind my diaper against their groping hands

>Warmth starts building again

>Worm twitches in its cage despite almost total lack of physical stimulation

>Ignore the fact that all my former peers are watching me hump a girl’s palm

>Laughter from the crowd fades to the back of my mind

>Moans slip out from behind my paci

>Push as hard as I can to force myself to a climax

> I’m rewarded with a forceful torrent of urine that sprays through the slit in my cage

>Princess Priscilla and her Party Pals are stained yellow as the wetness spreads through my diaper

"Oh my god! He just pissed himself!"

>Bawl to myself as my last chance of relief climbs back up the bleachers

>The soaked padding clings to my skin as a constant reminder of what I did

>Legacy forever cemented as the babydick diaper pervert

>Everyone starts calling me Squirt

>Parents never treat me like a grownup again

>Say I soiled their family reputation like I soil my Pampers

>College fund gets spent converting my bedroom into a nursery

>This is my new life

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3680c5  No.84350


Excellent story, love how long it was compared to my several bite-sized ones. MC sort of folded over in that last section, but not enough to detract my enjoyment of it overall.

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2f80d5  No.84358


>tfw 3 inch penis

why even live

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fd673e  No.84362


For cuddles and bottle feedings and pats on your comfortably diapered bottom. I suppose for good behavior you may be able to hump a stuffy, but thats just a sometimes reward. And its not like women won't fawn over you, all those cute outfits and primping they could do to you.

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1c7c3f  No.84375

File: bc815afe9e57c11⋯.png (135.56 KB, 363x296, 363:296, 1556128007749.png)








Anon just made me wet myself out all the wrong places

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dbabde  No.84380

Just measured for the first time: 4-1/2 inches. Now gimmie my diapie!

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c7de47  No.84384

File: c96d2f69884322b⋯.jpg (168.33 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2019-04-06-164647.jpg)

Where do I rank in?

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3340c9  No.84385

What if you have an average sized penis?

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2f80d5  No.84388


;_; why did i feel a feel from this

i would very much enjoy that kind of situation FUCK

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fe2920  No.84395


Because its the natural state all you baby dicks are suppose to be in, the Measure wasn't instituted maliciously, its to give you all the best life you should get while letting women know who is actually worth pursuing, letting everyone waste less time, either on inadequate partners or giving responsibility outside of a baby-dick's scope to them.

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fe2920  No.84404

Is your baby-dick son fighting his new status, being fussy at every turn and resisting his treatments? Do they not understand that their loving mother and sisters are only doing whats best for them?

>Teenager is thrashing and kicking, both arms held by his parents, but they ultimately can't restrain him

New from Simulac, a formula booster that can be added to your favorite formulas. Paralac can be used as a formula on its own or mixed with Simulac, it has a low dosage muscle rlaxer, helping you manage your Nubaby, an 8 oz serving can leave them laying awake, unable to resist your love and care, either to dress, change, bathe, or cuddle. As a booster it will impact their coordination, and as part of every meal can help that untraining go by just a little quicker and help them accept their place. It can be mixed with their old favorite drinks, soups, and sauces to be covertly admintered until you can swap them to a proper diet.

>The teen is now laying on a changing mat, drooling, trying to talk "Nuh dippa-"

>Mom is holding up the container of Paralac.

"Thanks Paralac!"

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c7de47  No.84416


Cute. How come this whole thread no one has made a greentext about the re-education consisting of feeding them drugged milk from teacher's titties and classrooms forcing the nubabies to watch spiral cartoons with cute animals how awesome it is to mess themselves and how good it feels to unpotty train?

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2f80d5  No.84417




nice greentext stories by the way anons, i enjoyed reading them

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fe2920  No.84427


>feeding them drugged milk from teacher's titties

Don't get me wrong, love the concept, but the implementation seems difficult. For the breastmilk to be drugged the Lactator would have to either ingest the drug first, or do some kind of local injection. Then the supply and demand of one teacher to several nubabies, which I guess if teachers weren't already asked to do so much in our classrooms, the female instructors could be, once again through drug/hormone therapies/injections could increase their yeild but probably ruin their titties. Plus during the transition there would probably too much of a temptation for a disgruntled nubaby to do something as naughty as bite. Sure, geeth removal surgeries could be done, but like getting reverse braces, shit would be expensive. Plus the vitamins and minerals and calorie needs of an adult male. Granted their diet would probably encourage weight/muscle loss, so that they are easier to manage.

But I had fun writing a commercial, so if people want to pitch products, I wouldn't mind writing them up. It took longer than I care to admit to come up with the name pf a paralytic lactose replacement that could be mixed with a powdered simulated lactose and what existing brand might be best to develop it.

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18d526  No.84428

File: f8811eb3a869753⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 20190424_162653.jpg)

I think it's good i've been kept in diapers 24/7 for months now.

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971cfc  No.84431


That's the first actual baby dick in this thread so far. Congratulations on confirming your need for diapers.

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926e0f  No.84434

File: bd407bf0d610392⋯.png (833.39 KB, 750x696, 125:116, 453CF0A3-6022-42E5-8F59-92….png)

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62eb5f  No.84450


I'm curious, we're you circumcised?

I've been 24/7 A little over a year now and found my cut dick goes inside itself to look like yours quite often.

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77dedd  No.84453


Thx, i guess.


No i'm uncut. Are you trying to untrain yourself?

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3680c5  No.84467

>Several women are sitting in a living room, wine glasses and finger sandwiches set out.

"My Billy has been terrible since becoming a nubaby, just taking his diapers off all the time and undoing his paci-strap!"

"Ronnie was the same way, have you heard of Graco's new Mighty Mitts?"

"Graco? Don't they make playpens and baby-gates for infants?"

"Yes, and now they help you keep your nebaby safe too. Their Mighty Mitts are a tough tear-proof fabric, thats soft enough for a nubaby's delicate skin, with adorable locks to keep them on the wrist. They come in plains and patterns, from utility pink to kitty paws, thumbs optional. They kept your infant safe, and now Graco is ready to keep your Nubaby safe too."

>a Nubaby crawls into the livingroom, wearing Mighty Mitts, he tries to untape his messy diaper but paws uselessly.

"I have a stinky someone that now /needs/ me, thanks Graco!"

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599f6a  No.84485

I have no story to share but I love the idea of coming up juuust short and having the nurse coo teasingly at me

"ooh, so close little guy. Now hop up here and we'll get you padded, cutie."

Also I have never been into SPH and you fucks have forced it on me.

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73e0fe  No.84490

File: db7da0de7f03b87⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20190425_171438.jpg)

baby penis gang lets go

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357053  No.84494


Jesus Christ…. baby penis gang probably won't even let you in. You're more like embryo penis gang….

I bet that thing spurts with a warm breeze.

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73e0fe  No.84499


eh, I've come to terms with it, last I measured Im about 1 inch flaccid and about 3 inches erect. Shame im not really into chastity, but if I ever do, itll be pretty easy

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eaa907  No.84503


I almost sure I've seen this little nubby around a bit. It's so sweet and pretty and harmless. I just love it.

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73e0fe  No.84506


Really? I don't recall posting it to many places, where perhaps have you seen it? And thank you very much! It's quite east to fit into pamps when you don't have anything poking out your front.

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e3664e  No.84511

I'd love a story involving PID, chastity, panties, humiliation, and maybe cuckolding?

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c7de47  No.84512


How can you cuckold when the pathetic limp-dick baby never has a chance to have a girlfriend in the first place?

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fe2920  No.84513


Maybe the Nubabies have a classroom where they have naptime, because a single crib for each one would take up square footage the nubabies have nap-buddies, so its pairs in each crib. Anon's friend Thundercock slips in with Anon's crush Stacy, because it's a dark quiet room in the school, so Stacy teases Anon, panties are shoved into someone's mouth, Stacy is bent over the crib rail while Thundercock rails Stacy.

I think that hits all the bullet points except chastity, so let's say the fresh Nubabies have locking diaper covers, and hopefully that covers everything. I'll take some quality time to flesh a story out, since that other Anon shamed my short greentexts with that long 4 parter.

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fe2920  No.84514

Do you struggle to get your nubaby ready for bed, but hate the look of obnoxious locks and buckles?

>A crying nubaby is struggling against large manacles connected to the corners of a steel crib that's more reminiscent of cage than a crib.

"It makes me feel less like a Mom and more like a warden!"

New from Garanimals, Fussy Footies!

The footed sleeper with closed sleeves and legs, the legs have excess fabric that can be tied together, either the perfect length to allow crawling but not walking.

>Nubaby crawls around, fingers kept from manipulating toys/phones/doorknobs.

>Hard cut to a peacefully sleeping nubaby in an off white wooden crib with mobile.

"Fussy Footies really help me recapture those caring moments from when he matched his peepee size better, and the different prints and fabrics make my nubaby look adorable!"

Join our Facebook page and submit your Nubaby pictures for a chance to win a shopping spree of the Garanimals catalogue.

>Fast narrator and tiny text on screen outlines terms and conditions, void where prohibited.

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3340c9  No.84516



Fuck this shit

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eaa907  No.84517

File: ffa7079bd4d19dd⋯.png (384.14 KB, 920x636, 230:159, 2687055_Kircai_oct_-_mwako.png)

New art that seemed good to place here. No more mister big kitten. 😁

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73e0fe  No.84518


gaaaaaah, this pushes so many buttons!!!

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a438f8  No.84552









I came while fapping to this story. Pretty good despite how fucked the situation got for anon.

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59c721  No.84554

File: b94a71e9c54f71f⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 320x240, 4:3, meme-disgusting-poofery.mp4)

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06330a  No.84569


I'm glad you liked it! I really enjoyed yours as well. Reading through them is what made me want to try making my own.


It's perfectly natural to feel squirmy from these stories, but you should know better than to play with yourself without a grown-up's permission.

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ae75b3  No.84571


Same. That was beautiful.

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a31791  No.84577


God Damn I dont even care that its furry, i would kill to be teased like that.

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3680c5  No.84580


Part one for you.

>Be an undoubtedly big dicked Anon

>Its PID, soon all the girls will know which boy is worth jumping onto.

>I have my eyes set on one in particular.

>Stacy is in cheer, great body, does amazing artwork, just an incredible girl all around.

>Strut into school, most of the boy are nervous, as they should be, since they're going to end up pantsless and padded compared to me.

>Today is the day to call my shot.

>Approach Stacy, who is talking to her girlfriends.

"Oh hi Anon, ready for the big show?"

"Stacy, I could be an Olympic vaulter. Would you want to have lunch me after?"

>Saying the coolest line I could think of last night, internally screaming, it suddenly sounded like total shit and I could feel the rejection coming.

"Well now I know you're balls are big. That sounds nice. Sure, as long you aren't sent to the formula line."


"Ha ha, yeah, cool, see you then."

>Turn the fuck around and get away before I do something to eat my damn foot.

>Get to my locker, Buddy is waiting.

"Anon, ready to show these nubabies how a real man hangs?"

>We keep feeding each other's bravado.

"Fuck yes, and Stacy just agreed to lunch after, I already feel three sizes bigger."

>Buddy holds his hand up for a high five.

"You pulled Stacy? That's awesome!"

>The bro-iest high five is returned, the clap is resounding, somewhere a hat is turned backwards and its wearer knows not why.

>Bell rings to start the day.

>All girls go to sit in the gymnasium.

>All boys stand outside of it, teachers corralling us into a few single file lines.

>Doors open, can see the measuring stations with their 3/4 tall fabric dividers, the state nurses sent in to measure and report. Each station's two volunteers, a girl to record, and one to pamper the nubabies.

>Names start geting called, the crowd of girls emitting raucous laughter for each Nubaby, giving cheers and applause for each man. The clapping is few and far between.

>Suddenly hit with nerves as I get ever so closer to the doors.

>No man, you got Stacy, you got this.

"Anon station 4."


>Greet the nurse and two girls.

"Sorry sweetheart, you'll need a different excuse to touch this peepee." I tell the girl in charge of the diaper changes.

>Stand in the marked square, the Nurse kneels infront of me.

>BJ position already giving me a boner, can't wait.

>Drop trow. Dangle free.

>Nurse firmly grasps it, even with those gloves it feels great.


>That measuring tape is held to the base, and she pulls it taught, sliding her fingers down.

>3 inch

>4 inch

>4 and a quarter….

"Anon Lastname, 4 and 5/8ths. Lay on the mat."




"Wait that's not right, I'm a Man not a Nubaby!"

"Fussy nubabies get paci-gagged. Lie down before you make a mess."

>Seen some cases where a nubaby fights and gets pretty much locked in a straight jacket.

>Reluctantly lay down on the changing mat.

"What peepee was I not going to diaper?" The diapering girl asks, mocking my earlier hubris.

>Diaper is put under, powder is sprinkled, and my apparently less-than-thrilling peepee is sealed away, still stiff, but not impeding the fit of the diaper.

>I want to crawl in a hole and die rather than walk out from the cover of the privacy dividers.

>Record girl and Diapering girl both pull me up and push me out on my way.


>Feels like a thousand eyes are ridiculing me, but there is only one set that matters.

>Face downcast, I don't want to ever have to face her, if I hide my head in the sand this will all disappear.

>Walk to the demarcked area, where the nubabies have to wait, inside a play-fence. There are a couple of blankies and soft toys to comfort the upset nubabies.

>I try to stay away from the pathetic nubabies, but it seems like they are trying to do the same, so end up against the play fence.


>Buddy sees me, stops talking to the two girls that were giggling with him, and approaches.

>I want to run and hide, but there is no where to go. My face is hot with shame.

"Oh wow, Anon is a Nubby…I had an 8 and a half, no surprise. I'm going to bottom out my way through all these girls."

>not fair, I was suppose to be right there, side by side plowing those fields of pubic fuzz.

>Now I'm only going to get my dick touched through a wet wipe.

>Buddy ruffles my hair

"Don't worry, Stacy will still have a lunch buddy. Later squirt."


>Imponently hit the play fence. Impotently will do many things now.

>Sit on the shiny floor and wait for PID to wrap up. Thankfully don't see Stacy.

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3680c5  No.84581

Sort of realized that my portmanteau of "New Baby", meant to be a sort of new gender term, because you can't call a baby-dick a real boy, can easily be changed to a slur, Nubby, but will look like a spelling mistake since it is just one dropped letter. So this is like an editor's note or something since srs world lore is starting to develop.

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deecde  No.84596

I don't know if placing a request is ok here, especially since this is a one topic thread, but with all the talk of Endgame and diapers, I kind of want to see a story about the big boys who were after wetting there pants on date night.

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deecde  No.84598

If anybody here is interested in hypnosis, what type do you like: Incontinence, Obedience, Regressed/Functional (can still keep a job, etc.), or Full Babby? I have a few ideas i've kicking around

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fe2920  No.84600


With diaper companies all expanding their product ranges, I can see a licensed pull-up tie in, like you get your ticket and it comes with a coupon to get a promo-pack that has two or three. The stones disappear as it gets wet.

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0659f7  No.84650

>be me

>dicklet on PID

>shit shit shit

>weird kid shoots up the school

>PID permanently cancelled

thanks for taking one for the team fellow dicklet

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3680c5  No.84685


>Media about how violent small peepee boys are flood the airways

>parents and concerned citizens rally behind pre-measure infantilization to stop such tragedies.

>one angry dicklett forces a new generation of boys to grow up with constant wrist and ankle cuffs, if not willingly pacified they are strapped.

>congratulations you played yourself.

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275ee6  No.84704

File: 7648515a0da240a⋯.png (2.18 MB, 504x5796, 2:23, WTF.png)

Has anyone ever successfully shrunk their erected penis?

The first time I saw this it freaked me the fuck out, but now I'm wondering it's actually possible to do this. Has this person's dick actually shrunk permanently or does the penis just compressing more after longer chastity usage (eventually to lengthen out over time?

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3680c5  No.84752


Part two, now with 1000% less file name jokes, honestly didn't want to keep remembering more formats and didn't want repetitive extensions.

>The entire shit show draws to a close.

>The girls and the real guys leave, the nubabies and I have to stay for orientation.

>ugh, guess I have to get used to thinking of myself as a nubaby.

>teacher I hadn't seen before comes up, she's probably 35, has brunette hair in a tight bun and the most librarian glasses I have seen outside of a movie centered around a highschool sex-comedy romp.

>And a few either teacher's aides and girls from the measuring stations.

>Actually kind of digging the look of the new teacher, feeling my small friend move against my new padding.

"Nubabies, you're schedules and expectations are changing. You'll have homeroom with me, replacing your first and second period classes. That time will focus on your adjustment and equivalent English classes."

>No more morning history class? That actually doesn't sound half bad.

"Then you'll get your gym-equivalent. You'll be sharing the gymnasium with the cheer class."

>Fuck. Give me crack of dawn History back, Stacy isn't in it.

"Then after hygiene you'll have lunch. I'm sure you're all familiar with the formula line. You will have an assigned seat for lunch now."

>Aw c'mon, that's the only time of day this dumb school even let us have free choice, now you're going to police that time too!?

"After lunch, quiet time, if you have a preference for nap-buddy, you'll be able to tell us who on our way out from here to lunch."

>Nap-buddy? What the hell does that mean, besides the literal meaning of the root words.

"After naptime, you'll be in home room until release. That will be half free-time, half art-equivelant. Any questions?"

>A few hands raise up.

"Can we remeasure?"

>She laughs. Guess that means no.

"Real questions only."

>Most of the hands drop.

>Fuckin' nerd of a nubaby still has a hand raised.

"So that was the schedule change, what's the expectations change?"

>She whispers something to an aide that makes a note.

"Excellent listening nubaby. Your parents will be getting a new student handbook that outlines the new curriculum you'll be engaged in, as well as new behavior and consequences guidelines that will apply to you. Corporal punishment will now be administered, liberally. Your parents will have a school supply list that now involves Nubaby Cuffs, a properly fitting pacifier gag, and locking diaper cover. Along with crayons, nubaby wipes, and either provide changing and washing supplies or pay into the nubaby stock the school can provide."

>Locks, gags, spankings, as if being doomed as a dateless loser wasn't enough.

"Now this is the largest class of the smallest peepees I've had in a few years. Please form two single file lines, and hold th hand of the nubaby infront and behind you. We can make our way towards the cafeteria to set your seating chart."

>We shuffle into lines, but nobody wants to do that hand-holding shit.

>That's a degenerate fetish.

"Get over yourselves or five of you will get your first spankings." She warns.

>Okay, fuck that getting hit noise. I, and several others, link up.

"Follow." She orders, leading the way.

>Like a military formation, pairs of aides and girls dot our flanks, keeping an eye on us.

>We stop at the gym doors, two women with clipboards asking us to name our nap-buddy.


>She seems to just make a tick mark and the line moves on.

>Now we're exposed in the hallways, white fluff on full display, gaily holding hands. Wouldn't be surprised if we had to start skipping merrily-along-our-damn-way.

>At least the other students are in class and not watching our beet-red procession to the cafeteria.

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2169d7  No.84766

File: 39a4f7371cc2df8⋯.jpg (31.35 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 05173703a89f3a575866ddcacc….jpg)


>asexual faggots hating their own dicks

thats what feminism and cuckolds do to you.

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d3ae1a  No.84772


No. After a few days of nightly erections it returns. The penis isn't a muscle, its a sponge.

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1865bb  No.84782

File: b59ea17fa7effaf⋯.jpg (370.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, z-d-2019032801.jpg)

>Tfw will never get changed in a public place like a park with random girls or my mommy gf's friends over, watching and giggling, possibly participating, and telling me I have a cute little bepis

Feels bad lads. I like this thread though.

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7d29d3  No.84797


hating your own dick is not the same as wanting a babydick.

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dd71b4  No.84799


That's so cute, I love it. Another rule we should have is that you're not allowed to have big-boy hair unless you've got a big-boy peepee.

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aa29b3  No.84804

>tfw I'm stuck in pull-ups by the rules of this thread

I always thought I was above average but I'm way below nine inches

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c2c2d6  No.84805


what the FUCK is that abomination, jesus christ.

Spoiler that shit you degenerate cunt, that's a bit much even for this

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fe2920  No.84806


That's why we measure, you silly nubabies always think you're bigger than you are, just be safe you should just be diaped anyway.


Aww, that's so silly to think that anyone diapered would keep naughty hair there to do nothing but make cleaning more difficult.

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aa29b3  No.84809


B-But I'm way over 5 inches! It wouldn't be fair to diaper me like the rest of the dicklets. I c-can wear pull-ups

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1865bb  No.84830


>Anon goes to thread about smol bepis

>Sees bepis for first time

>"what the FUCK"

>Browses /abdl/

>Calls me a degenerate

Suck it, literal retard.

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fe2920  No.84832


Tell you what, we'll compromise, you can wear daytime pullups, but you have to be diapered for sleepy times. Deal? Okay! Oh look its naptime, up on the table mister.

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272734  No.84833


It's still not fair but it's better than wearing them all the time…. I guess. But what if I have to pee, or worse, when I wake up?

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fe2920  No.84844


Well an actual big boy wouldn't have to worry about that, but you know the rules, any boy, regardless of measure, found to have three wettings in a week will get registered as a nubaby. Let me double check your chart…oh two storm clouds, well I'm sure you'll be fine, would you like some warm milk to help you sleep?

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3680c5  No.84849


Part 3, for something that isn't my bag, I am putting in a lot of effort just for a rando request.

>Be in the cafeteria, over on the nubaby end. Never really paid attention to it, mostly ignored the highchairs.

>Standing infront of the fleet of plastic trays, the teacher calls for attention.

"The highchairs have a color coded seam, you may pick any that are pink, you can let go of your hands and stand infront of the seat you want."

>Let go immediately and wipe the nubaby cooties off on my shirt.

>Wait, fuck, I'm a nubaby too.

>Look around at the other shrimpies picking seats, looks like none of my friends were nubabies, so I stand by a chair on the end. To be the most away from these dicklets.

>A girl with a clipboard is going around and marking names, locking the seating chart.

>The bell rings to let the general student population out for lunch.

>I really don't want to be seen with the nubabies, but even if I could be a million miles away the exposed diaper wrapped around my waist screams Nubaby.

"Line up, be good hand holders." Says the teacher.

>Reluctantly line up, look at the floor as we link up again.

>If I can't see the big kids they can't see me.

>Or at least I won't feel the shame of their gaze.

>We are marched infront of the regular lunch line, the giggles and laughs don't escape my hearing. The occasional hand reaches out to slap our padded bottoms.

>If my face was a mercury thermometer, it would have blown the glass tube.

>We line up at a much shorter counter, only two lunch ladies operate it.

"You can let go to take your bottle, hold with both hands, and give the nice lady your student ID number to charge your account."

>Someone let's go early, an aide gives a thigh slap and quickly sorts that shit out.

>Step by step I get closer to my first of a thousand bottles. Its 24oz and slightly off-white.

>Hold with both hands, give ID, pay for the privilege of a liquid lunch.

>Now that we aren't leading each other, I am forced to look forward to see my way back to the highchairs.

>There is a sea of students sitting at various tables, it feels like I am being laughed at by every single one of them. Of course none of them are looking at the nubabies, they're suppose to be in the formula line, I'm the mistake, forced to be around the nubabies and judged for either lacking as a man or, even worse, choosing to be one.

>We waddles across the whole damn cafeteria, bottles in hand, to get back over to the highchair area.

>Could they have been further apart?

>Get to the highchairs, trays lifted up, one side hinged, and after sitting, it goes down with a latching click.

>Set the bottle down, rather go hungry than be seen suckling it like a nubaby.

>With my extreme edge seat, I'm not that far from a big kid table.

>Oh No.

>It's her. Stacy, tray of real food in hand, the most tempting Turkey sandwich and slightly bruised apple.

>Fucking traitor Buddy is walking with her, the two chatting, laughing, and sitting in plain view of me.

>Buddy points, Stacy looks right at me, big smile, and waves. She even goes a step further and plays one-handed peek-a-fucking-boo, covering her eyes, pulling her hand away and giving a 'Shocked' face.

>Turn my face away and cover it up, trying very hard not to cry.

"Good nubabies drink their babas, you don't want to be naughty and caught with a full bottle at the end of lunch."

>Fuck being watched drinking that swill.

>Stacy and Buddy have finished their food, fucking holding hands across the table, Stacy is constantly looking over to see the nubaby show.

>The lunch bell rings. Try to lift the tray.

>Can't lift it.


>See the ones near me also struggle. We are all locked in.

>At least the big kids leave.

"Well now, not every bottle is empty. It's your first day, so you have an extra five minutes to finish on your own and be good nubabies."

>Nope. No no no nope nope no.

>Time passes, I can hear some of the more pathetic nubabies sucking their bottles down.

>Me and a handful don't though.

"Well naughty nubabies, we'll just have to help you."


>In pairs, the aides and girls go to those resisting.

>An aide stands behind my seat, and pins my arms down.

>The volunteer girl picks up the bottle and tries to shove it in my face.

>Clench jaw, no admittance

>She pinches my nose close, my lungs start to burn, edge of vision starts to dim.

>Don't give in.

>Don't give in.

>Gasp for air, taste rubber.

>We are force fed the formula, the bitter taste is awfull, but it's either suck it down or drown.

>Once it's all over, we start getting let down.

>Apparently there are two buttons, one under the seat towards the rear, and one on the free end of the tray.

"Line up, good hand holders, we're going to go to home room."

>What fresh, baby powdered, hell awaits us.

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8d78d8  No.84874


N-No thank you… I think I can sleep without it

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a31791  No.84880

Go ahead and measure. I'm sure I wont be too small. I'm definitely not a nubaby who's gonna end up in diapers.

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0659f7  No.84882


ok lets see…

wow anon lastname, ten inches! guess you weren't bluffing after all

have a nice day

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a31791  No.84884


Cool. Later babies!

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42fbbe  No.84885

File: d365a9aedae396a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.29 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, IMG_20190316_131744924.jpg)

Well,I'll just hop on up to the changing table then.

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ef8bee  No.84887


I'm eight inches myself, so I guess we're in the same boat. At least we have more of a chance at getting potty trained than the other small-peepee babies in this thread, wouldn't you say?

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e60671  No.84895


Oh my, such a little baby you'll probably need double diapers.

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e60671  No.84896

File: 41116e4ab648d9a⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 122244.jpg)

I make the cut r..right…?

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dee7a8  No.84901

File: e0f1971fd9b0beb⋯.png (106.49 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1287311438664.png)


OK I'll bite.

Can ANYONE explain to me why these penises ITT are so weirdly dried out and wrinkly and scarred all over? What the fuck is wrong with them?

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0659f7  No.84903


>what is circumcision

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60728f  No.84910

File: b2eb291f218251b⋯.jpg (89.46 KB, 695x900, 139:180, 1503965588.chewycuticle_ho….jpg)


Keep going, these are great

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60728f  No.84911

File: 5e6a22c6fe95b3f⋯.jpg (97.07 KB, 831x1093, 831:1093, d52235405971bbf65b069942fc….jpg)

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fe2920  No.84912


I'll do my best to follow the outline I set >>84513, just have to find time.

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27b230  No.84953

File: 8bad064df7a24e4⋯.png (953.38 KB, 935x879, 935:879, e588b5353dce58a0e9b9e75bb5….png)

The virgin teeny baby boy vs. the chad big big boy

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2777a8  No.84970


A primary sign of subservience to Islam?

I highly doubt that everyone in this thread is hardcore Muslim

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3680c5  No.84971


I guess since you're begging to be shown you're place.

>Get marched to a hall that I never had any classes in, and greatly avoided, since it usually was plastered with the finger paintings of Nubabies.

>First door on the right, helpfully labeled 'Homeroom' in big primary colored letters. There is a wall of wooden shelves, divided into square units.

>Follow the line to the front of the class to look at the desks, they have a different design to them…

>On the sides of the table tops are metal D rings, and along the forward legs of the desk are a second pair. The tabletop also has a cup holder built into the top and some kind of bracket on the front.

"These are your new seats, please pick one to be yours."

>Groan internally.

>Try to get one in the back, but apparently the other nubabies had the same idea, get stuck with one in the middle, at least it's not the front.

>Teacher gets out long strips of cardstock, and goes down the rows giving two to each of us.

>Aodes are following behind, giving us two crayons, the fat kind, of random colors.

"I want you to all write your first names, these will be put on the front of your desk and also on your cubbies, I want your letters tall to fit the card, but I also want you to decorate the ends, be creative and have fun."

>Oh boy our first assignment!

>If internal sarcasm could cause brain damage I would be in a coma now.

>My crayons are green and purple. I take the green and write 'ANON'.

>I take my accent color and just scribble out some spirals to be done with the menial task.

>They get collected, one inserted to label our desks. She carries the rest to the front.

>She holds up one that has a game controller.

"Dillon, explain yours."

>Nubaby towards the front left answers, looking down at his desk and mumbling about his xbox.

"Louder so we can hear, and when I ask a question I expect eye-contact."

>He turns his head up, "I like playing on my xbox, so I drew a controller."

"Better. Thank you for sharing." She says and hands it to an aide who puts it above a cubby, assigning it.

>She fucking does this for each one.

"Anon, explain."


"I just drew something to fill the space."

>She comes up to my desk and sets the name cards infront of me.

"Since they are round, why don't you add a stem, it could be a lollipop or a flower. You followed the directions of the task, but not the spirit of the assignment. Next Monday that will earn naughty points. Fix them."

>Its green, give it a stem and leaf.

>Happy cunt?

"Much better, now we all know you like flowers."

>Roll my eyes so hard I might have seen my ocular nerve.

>Finish the stupid round of show and tell, everyone has their names displayed.

"Speaking of naughty points, let me show you the Behavior Board."

>She hangs something that looks like either a shoe organizer or the calculator holders we had on the door in math class. Along with two stacks of plastic cards, one red stack, one green.

"Monday each of these will have your name on it. When you're good, like Pet was asking great questions in the gym…"

>That nerd from earlier was in the front row, damn teacher's pet.

"…you'll get a green card, and if you're naughty, like those that didn't finish their lunch on their own, or if you don't do your assignments with appropriate enthusiasm."

>Looks right at me with that last part.

"Friday after naptime, we net your good and naughty points, and then you can spend them on rewards, like being able to bring a toy from home, getting a special dessert for lunch all next week, or spend them on undoing a punishment. Like getting the last half hour of the day out of mittens, taking a paci-gag out, but that also assumes you won't be naughty right after and earn those back on."

>Fucking indulgences, what is this, the Vatican before Martin Luther?

>Also, punished for not being 'enthusiastic'? Seriously!? How are any of us suppose to be happy about being virgin nubabies. As redundant as those two words are.

"Now you're all going to stay quiet and watch the Nubaby Orientation video. No interruptions."

>Pulls a screen down, a projector on the ceiling flicks on to start showing a slightly different video to the pre-measure one we had to watch in history. Blah blah overcompensating boys ruined this and that.

>My stomach is starting to twist and turn, something isn't right.

>A fart escapes. I freeze. The diaper acted like a silencer, but I'm more concerned with the suddenness of it.

>Look side to side, I'm not the only one squirming. Some of the nubabies are holding their abdomen.

>A hand in the back flies up, "Miss!?"

"No. Interruptions."

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3680c5  No.84972


Got my first 'Body was too long', now if only people said that about my peepee.

>Two aides are infront of the door that goes to the hall. Body-blocking it.

>The inane presentation gets drowned out by the pounding of blood in my ears, as I struggle to keep my insides clenched tight.

>In slow motion, like some horror movie about a virus changing people, I can see the nubabies, one by one, leaning forward, grunts signalling what we all knew was happening.

>They spiked those bottles. We were poisoned.

>I was next.


>A hot sticky mass invades my seat, I do my best to lift my bottom to not sit in my filth. White knuckle gripping the front of my desk.

>The position is awkward on my ankles though, I can feel my knees tremble.




>My ankles give out, lactic acid making my calves burn as I land, and spread, the mess in my diaper.

>I just thought of the diaper as mine, I ruined it with my filth, and now was sitting in that foul mess. I couldn't distance myself from it, it wasn't just a costume piece anymore.

>I needed my diaper changed…

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c7de47  No.84976



>Write Anon

Anon, this is 8chan. Anonymous man is Red

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c7de47  No.84977



Just finished reading it. I loved it, but on the part of the Orientation Video I'd love it if it was a hypnosis video. Come on, it was such an easy thing to put in there.

Loved the drugged milk aspect too, but would have been better with psychoactives mixed in and "pleasure pills"

I really am fucked in the head, aren't I?

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3680c5  No.84980


Must be my lack of board culture showing, honestly just picked green and purple because I like them.

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3680c5  No.84983


Baby-dick, I got you covered, but nobody is going to have fun if it just goes straight to 11, no foreplay, no teasing, no lore establishment.

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e40f99  No.84986

File: f23aaf9a8acfad9⋯.jpg (6.09 MB, 5312x2988, 16:9, chubb.jpg)

File: d5debf1fb89d00c⋯.jpg (4.98 MB, 4730x2660, 473:266, padd.jpg)

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ee3555  No.84995


>T-thanks for mutilating my genitals (((Dr. Shekelbergengoldstein)))!

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3dc334  No.84999

File: 2ec25e57c75ff0f⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 728x958, 364:479, FHC9ufm.jpg)

File: b802873e15375a7⋯.jpg (60.21 KB, 728x765, 728:765, lSENMbm.jpg)

Without pushing up to my pelvic bone I get about 5.5ish. But im losing weight so I feel like i'll gain at least half an inch if not a full inch.

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212a56  No.85000

File: 03082fdf8a19763⋯.jpg (370.69 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, d4_1.jpg)

File: ffe7068741d5dbe⋯.jpg (230.34 KB, 1032x2560, 129:320, d5~2.jpg)

File: bc85d29d8ec9e8e⋯.jpg (646.2 KB, 4160x3120, 4:3, d4_2.jpg)

File: bc85d29d8ec9e8e⋯.jpg (646.2 KB, 4160x3120, 4:3, d4_2.jpg)


It's not our fault we were snipped

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b457c5  No.85008

File: 0b3283a97cabfe5⋯.jpg (90.37 KB, 1292x969, 4:3, 0.jpg)

>I'm not a baby!

>I'm a big boy!

>I don't need diapers!

>And I don't need a Mommy or Daddy to look after me!

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3680c5  No.85009


>Presentation is cut short.

>The room smells like a sewer system.

>Teacher gets up and goes to a door that leads off the side.

"Well I think everyone has had their inaugural nubaby mess. I will call names and you will line up by this door, which leads to the playroom. Pet, Dillon, Etc."

>Four nubabies are called up and lead to the next room.

>Hallway still body blocked.

>Not sure I would even want to move, focus on sitting absolutely still.

>My bottom is warm, its clinging, its impossible to ignore.

>I can hear the other nubabies sniffle and cry from the indignity.

>The teacher steps back through, calls four more names.

>She is deliberately leaving the ones that didn't finish their bottles.

>As the minutes crawl by, can feel my own shameful tears welling up.

>Nope, not giving the satisfaction.

>Stay silent.

>Seats are emptied around me as each nubaby awkwardly waddles.


>Time to face the music.

>Turn to stand up.

>Contents may have shifted.

>The smell is awful, every move is a fresh hell.

>Stand up, the seat of my diaper awkwardly clings to my intimate parts, keep my legs wide to not disturb the sticky mass.

>Pivot from foot to foot.

"Hurry Anon or there won't be a change."

>Drop all pretense, start walking.

>Get through the threshold.

>There are four changing tables, they have those stirrups on the end of them. Each station has an aide, disinfectant spray, a lidded can, wipes, powder, and under the table is a shelf with the school's plain diapers.

>The rest of the room has a shag carpet with a generic village road map, cartoony buildings, smiling animals going about their day to day.

>The whole class is sitting cross legged and staring at the changing tables.

"As I told your better behaved classmates, the playroom has a strict no walking/standing rules, in here you crawl. So go to the changing table, hop up now."

>Walk to the closest table.

"Ah, come back and do it correctly."

>Why!? I'm at the table, just get clean me!

>Walk back to the doorway.

>When I turn around I can feel the stares of the whole class.

>Slowly lower to my hands and knees.

>My diaper will be an unholy mess, can feel it on my balls, going up the back.

>Stare at the floor and crawl to the table.

>Aide grabs my hand, 'helps' me stand up.

>Pushes me on the table, like mess, if not already mashed slime, it was now.

>Aide puts my feet in the stirrups, stands between my legs, at least blocking the class's view.

>She pulls the tapes, letting the front flop open.

>Want to throw up from my odor.

>She moves from between to get a new diaper out from under.

>Whole class can see my baby-dick, and stare at the eldritch horror my anus had become.

>Aide is back between my legs, wiping the mess off, it is taking forever.

"Don't worry sweetheart, this will go quicker after hair removal." She cooes 'helpfully'.

>My big boy hair….

>Try not to cry

>Cry a lot.

>Tears stream down my face, but refuse to sob audibly.

"Aww, we'll get you in a clean diaper honey, you'll feel better soon."

>Exactly the opposite of what will make me feel better.

A clean diaper put under me anyway, powder is ssprinkled on my tiny dick and rubbed in.

>I'm taped in a prison, hand held, I'm helped off the table and get back on my hands and knees.

"Okay, after today I expect each of you to hug your changer and thank them. Repeat after me. 'Thank you for my new clean diapee.'"

>There is a half-hearted repetition.

"We can always not change you."

>Once more with feeling.

>"Thank you for my new clean diapee!"

>Die inside bit by bit.

"We will also start and end our day positively. Hug the nubaby to your left and right, good points if you kiss each other's cheek."

>There is no end to this humiliation.

>See others actually kiss, already trying to game the good point system.

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212a56  No.85010


Whoah I've never seen one like that

Are you really that small?

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3680c5  No.85013


Aww! That's adorable! And nice and clean and smooth unlike the other baby-dicks. Whose got a cyoot squirmy wormy? You do! Yes you do! And that tum-tum poking out with with baby fat, just want to rub it when it's full of formula.

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321f7d  No.85014


is greentext red on 8chan?? i'm colorblind so I legit have no idea…

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c7de47  No.85016


No, it's a reference to the character anonymous. You know, the faceless man in a buisness suit with a question mark for a face? After the first or second exodus, 8Chan made him red

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321f7d  No.85018

File: 8401a5f5c582b2e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1300x1716, 25:33, 1555542701165.png)


Ah ok. That makes sense. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a total retard by not realising it's a different color.

Thanks anon!

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c7de47  No.85020


<this is pink though

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b457c5  No.85023


I am. But when erect, I'm 5 inches.


Thanks. I keep my entire body pubeless, including my bum.

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3680c5  No.85024


You are a great example of what nubabies should be, your exuberance and embrace of your station should reward you with feel good rubbings before bedtime, before your mommy takes a real man.

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b457c5  No.85026


I'm bisexual. So, if there's ever a woman who wants to be my mommy and have a man to fuck her, that's fine by me. Then again, I'm happy to have a Daddy as well :)

In my book; all Ageplayers/AB's should be pubeless; no big boy hair and no pussy hair. If they role-play as an Adult Baby, Little or Middle, then they should be pubeless, regardless. That's my opinion.

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3680c5  No.85033


>The end bell is ringing.

>We had to stand in line, back packs open, returning our school books, and in their place take home two diapers. And our new handbooks to get signed.

>Then a good bye hug and kiss for our new friends, well, I hug at least.

>The whole day has emotionally exhausting, it actually felt nice to get a hug.

>Miss me with that gay kissing though.

>Still have link hands in our two lines and march to the bus pick-up.

>So many former peers, laughing at our inadequacy.

>I just want it all to stop.

>Instead I have to face my parents, and my little sister.

>Busses pull in, get onto mine. The driver stops me from going towards the back to my usual seat.

"Nubabies up front. You'll get your new bus monday."

>Right, the nubaby bus. Guess it's better than facing the big kids.

>Oh hell, I'm starting to talk about my friends like they're better than me…

>Well, the guys are real men…

>My musings occupy the best ride home. I get off and trudge to the front door.

>The last thing I want to do is knock, admit my failings to my family.

>I breathe deeply and carefully grab the doorknob, like it was made of live snakes.


>My mother squeals like a damn schoolgirl, wrapping me up in a hug, grabbing my bottom.

"Oh I got the call, you're going to be so adorable, my book club will love you!"

>A doll to be shown off.

>That's the only way a woman would love me now.

>Mom takes me by the hand to lead into the kitchen. What I saw hit me like a cement truck.

>A fucking highchair.

"Oh you'll feel so much more comfortable now, not competing with those real boys. I have your hair appointment book for tomorrow. Oh you'll just be so darling!"

>Mom is squeezing me tight and blistering on about all these horrid things like they're the best thing ever.

>I can't do this anymore, I was strong at school, still hoping someone would recognize the mistake. I wasn't a nubaby. I wasn't! I wasn't wasn't wasn't!

"Shh, I know, its overwhelming, Mommy's here though!"

>She directs my head to her bosom, wiping tears as I now finally openly cried.

>She was holding me so tight, promising it will all be okay.

>I hug my mother back, "I don't want tobe a nubaby. It's not fair…"

>She just rubs my back and pats my head, shushing and alternatively humming.

"You would never gave been happy pretending to be a real man, it's better this way honey. You're going to be taken care of, not a nubaby, Mommy's nubaby, who I love very much!"


Oh, comfort and care is my jam, but I'm so worn out, my dick is about to fall off from all the 'research' that I've had to do and scenarios that have spun off.

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dd4b06  No.85037


is it normal to have blue areas like that anon on your glans?

I have those too and always assumed it was some result of getting cut, but I'm from europe so I honestly have no idea.

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dbabde  No.85092

In this universe, what's the average mommy's stance on nubabies making cummies?

I know I can be a pretty fussy baby when I don't get to make cummies at least once a day

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3680c5  No.85094


Depends household to household, the nubaby reward point system is a chaotic field that requires studies, but I would think it would be (1+Point Value/week)*(0 if naughty, 1 if good).

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a31791  No.85115

I guess this might not be so bad. My sister said she might give me some "Hand Me Downs" but I doubt mom and dad will go that far with this.

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3680c5  No.85151


Okay, nubabies, help me out. I'm a little stuck, the goal is for Buddy and Stacy to fuck over the rail of Anon's crib, but Anon just got home, got some comfort from mommy, do we all need to see the shopping spree for paci-gag, mittens, and cuffs, or is it okay to jump to monday?

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26b1ec  No.85157


I think it'd be better to jump. If you were writing a more traditional story, it'd be better to cover the weekend, but for a greentext? It's better to jump to the good parts.

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e3664e  No.85182


Be sure to include something about her sexy cute panties (I have a huge panty fetish) and how much it's making him throb in his chastity cage.

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3680c5  No.85211


Part "I'm not even into SPH" out of "Then why do you have a boner?"

>Be Monday Morning.

>My cuffs are locked to the corners of my crib.

>My messy diaper is locked to my hairless body.

>My father, or rather Daddy, has made it clear that 'fussiness' results in spankings.

>Much to my little sister's amusement.

>Being locked in my highchair and forced to watch her eat pizza while I had bland paste was torture.

>But not as much torture as waiting in my crib, needing a change, and not being able to do anything until someone else let's me out.

>Mommy opens my door, dear christ it's all going to be babytalk.

"Aww, is Snuggems all poopy, Mommy will make it better!"

>She unlatches one hand, joins it to the other. I feel like a prisoner.

>She undoes the ankle cuffs, and takes my hands to waddle to my changing table.

>Feet in stirrups, my sleeper onesie gets unbuttoned, and my white diaper, emblazoned with happy clouds and rainbows is put on full display.

>If I didn't have a massive rubber teat in my mouth I would have groaned.

>Three days of getting changed makes me rather resigned at this point. At least I'm not the one wiping butts.

"So smooth and cute now! Hey little guy!"

>Mommy tickles the tip of my sorrow, the shame of it, and repulsion to incest, leaves it limp, while I blush and try to cover my face.

>An avalanche of powder later, I am taped in a new diaper. Mommy leaves me on the table while she picks out my school outfit.

>Dress code requires the diapers be accessible, so either a shirt or short dress.

>If it's cold I can get thigh-high socks.

>Mommy got the ones with little bows. I hope it's hot forever.

>She undoes my hands, takes the sleeper off and put a shirt on.

>Mommy's Stinker

>Fuck me.

>I thought I saw my optic nerve during my last eye roll, this time I think I saw a memory of last week, maybe a distant memory of what being happy was like.

>Hand held, she leads me to the bathroom, to brush my teeth, comb my hair, give me light foundation and blush.

>She really likes having a damn doll.

>Get lead to the kitchen, smell my sister having bacon and eggs.

>I get a bland paste labeled "Nubaby Mornings!" with some cherry cherub on the label, followed with a bottle of formula, "Para-Lac"?

>Feel uncoordinated and relaxed when the bus horn beeps.

>Nubaby Bus.

>Mommy gets my crocs on, and leads me right out.

>Its a short bus, each seat is this five point harness thing, my school bag, or rather, diaper bag, goes right under.

>Get to school.

>We are let out, but have to get in our hand holding lines, before the Teacher leads us through the school to Home Room.

>Why are the nubaby classes on the opposite end from the student drop off?

>Stumble and waddle my way through the halls, thankful to be holding hands to keep balance.

>What is in that formula?

>See Stacy talking with Buddy by her locker. She stops to smile and wave at me. Buddy gets her attention again.

>Finally get lead into home room.

>Teacher turns around to address the class.

"Good Morning Little Ones."

"Good morning Miss."

"Greet each other and take your seats."

>Ugh, the hugging thing.

>Ignore it and just go to my seat.

>Teacher puts a couple red and green cards in the clear pockets hung behind her desk, all have names on them.

>I have a red card. Of course. I'm being treated like a sexless baby, what punishment could possibly make that worse?

>We take our seats. The aides walk up and down the lines, collecting our signed student handbooks, and latching our hands and feet to the desks.

>They drop the handbooks at the desk. Teacher puts on a pair of overear headphones.

>The aides leave as speakers start to play white noise.

"Today's adjustment lesson will be the most intense, and least effective, but will give us a good base to build on later."

>Teacher clicks herremote, the projector plays a series of random colors and patterns, it doesn't make any sense.

>If I wasn't paci-gagged I would ask "What the shit is this?"

>Instead I zone out, not caring.

"And now it's time for English."

>What? How long did I fall asleep, did that get me another naughty point?

"Relax, I'm going to read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and you only need to listen."

>This is such bullpoop.

>I knew nubabies didn't get to have sex, but I didn't know they got bored to death.

>The aides had slipped in during 'English', and at the end of the story were freeing us from our desks.

>So we could line up to go to gym.

>With the cheer squad…

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2f80d5  No.85214



oh fug

>adjustment lesson


>what look to be first person slow MR


im really likin this anon good stuff

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68dcf3  No.85216

One question though.

Should there be a female size equivalent? Do A cups get a life in Pampers as well? I really thing they should.

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c7de47  No.85217


That is a topic for a different thread, anon

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3680c5  No.85218


Thank you, that feedback is very motivating.


Oh I would love to write a gender neutral/equitable version, one where it's a week long slough of tests, both physical and psychological, that selects 60% of people to the position of nubaby/cutie, while the top 10 go on to be big shots, the other 30% being caretakers/enablers, but >>85217 is correct, its just not the right thread for it.

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3680c5  No.85221


>Be in the gym locker room.

>Would be able to enjoy dressing myself, but the darn Mighty Mitts are very much in the way of that.

>At least I have an enthusiastic volunteer taking my graphic tee off, 'Mommy's Stinker' in favor for a gray '8th District Middle School' shirt, with blue kneepads for some reason.

>Line up, holding hands, to leave the locker room and go into the gymnasium.

>Poopyhead, don't want to do this. Stacy will see me!

>Wait, poopyhead?

>The line marches and pulls me with it, errant thought shaken.

>We stand before the overweight definition of a dyk-girl that likes girls.

>Belly, kankles, short terrible haircut. And shiny whistle. All wrapped in a grey hoodie and blue shorts that should qualify as a warm crime.

>See the girls practice hand stands, flips, finger baskets and tosses.

>Those skirts flapping to show the 'skort' cover.

>Maybe this won't be so bad…

>two cheerleaders on the side point and giggle.

>Yes it is that bad, nothing about being a nubaby is good.

>Whistle draws my attention.

"If we had let you precious angel's stay with the big boys, they would have ground you into paste, on the football field, in the basketball courts, on Dodgeball fridays."

>Getting full metal jacket vibes, feel tempted to ask if coach is John Wayne.

>Pacifier-gag robs everyone of a timely reference.

"You are now in the nubaby cross-country crawling class. At the end of the year while all the big kids who amount to something are relaxing from coming back from district competition, you lot will perform relay races, obstacle courses, and a 100 meter crawl."

>Now the kneepads make sense.

"15 laps, hands and knees, this line to the bleachers, last 10 get Friday's formula. Go!"

>Whistle blows.

>Laxative formula.

>Forget that, I crawl like my life depends on it.

>Very much ignore that the cheer squad is taking a break at the halfcourt line to watch.

>The Mitts are slippery though, I find my chin on the floor more than I would care for.

>The gag makes it hard to breathe though, as I pant to keep the pace up. I eventually have to acquiesce to my burning lungs and stop, tears in my eyes as others pass me.

"You can do it Anon!"

>My heart freezes.

>Actually my heart keeps going a mile a minute, but my blood turns cold when I hear Stacy's voice.

>She's WATCHING me. Diapered butt in the air, pacifier strapped in my face, a former shadow of the confident guy that tried to court her.

>I stop to turn away, hide my face, hide my shame, hide my tears.

"Anon, face forward and finish the lap!"

>Coach Carpet Muncher bellows. Afraid of the repercussions, I turn and crawl.

>Stacy is jumping and clapping.

"You did it!"

>Does this mean she still likes me?

>Maybe I won't be a perma-virgin if I can show off my athleticism in gym?

"Take a breather, bottles of water if you need it."

>Shoot my hand right up.

>An aide brings a baby bottle of water. Son of a biscuit-eater.

>She takes the gag off though, finally able to pant.


>Start to plead 'wait' when a nipple is shoved in my mouth.

>Don't care, water, need, cooling, helpful.

>Drain that sucker.

"Slow down you'll get a tummy-"

>Stomach lurches, grab and curl.

>Why the pain.

"Cramp. Shh, relax."

>Aide holds me and rubs my stomach for a bit.

>Belch like it was Oktoberfest.

"There you go, better?"

"I gues-"

>Gag is strapped back in.

>of course.

>Gym proceeds as a bunch of crawling laps, back and forth. Until.

>Need to pee, need to pee. Need. To. Pee.

>All that sweating, feel damp anyway, but years of potty training roots me to my spot.

>Sit up on my knees, look to the side, Stacyand the cheer squad is there, shouldn't they be doing drills too!?

>My indignity is not a good enough dam to stem the tide.

>I know my happy clouds are turning gray.

>Raise my hand to ask for a change.

"Yes Anon?"

"Ah nee chay"

"Come again?"

>The darn pacifier. I point at my crotch.

"You'll get changed with everone else right before shower time. Now get to crawling!"

>I crawl with an extra soggy weight, swinging side to side.

>Class mercifully ends, but the cheerleaders are lined up at our door, wearing swimsuits…

"With so many of you, the girls have helpfully volunteered to change who needs changing and help rinse you off."

>Oh so darn helpful, they're just going to laugh at us.

>They intersperse among us, picking who they change.

>Please don't, plsplspls

"Take me hand, you can walk now!"

>Cheerfully says Stacy.

>I take her hand, but let everyone know I'm not happy about it.

>Unfortunately by crying.

>Stacy pats my back.

"Oh Nonny it's okay, you'll be dry soon, promise."

>So not the point!

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2f80d5  No.85223


hoping for somehow non ntr forever sph stacy mommy end because i'm personally not a super fan of cuck stuff but it is nice in certain circumstances like girls kissing girls and not kissing you

i'm really feeling it, can't wait to see more of anon's progress

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3680c5  No.85230


>Get stern warning from the coach to not make shower time difficult for our helpful volunteers.

>Be on my back in a row of Nubabies, Stacy's head between my legs in the worst way.

>She's wiping the sweat and urine off my no-no parts.

>Balls. What the fudging-monkey is going on with my word choice?

"And wittle Nonny is all cleaned up. To think, I finally got to see what you were working with. It's actually really cute."

>Cute, non-threatening, non-exciting, non-starter.

>Sit up bottomless like everyone else. Stacy gets the gym uniform off.

>She takes my hand to lead me into the warm running showers.

>If I didn't have this paci-gag, the things I would do to her.

>She's in a pink two piece, bold white heart accenting. She gets a loofa with a little terry cloth duck on it. Starts lathering No-Tears Nubaby wash.

>She scrubs my head, running her hands down my back, soaping up my body.

>I am excited. A whole four inches of excitement.

"Oh that is not appropriate. Yo stop that right now."

>I give a muffled moan, shaking my head.

>No please, I'm finally so close to you…

>She backs up, reviled by my offerings.

>Such direct rejection, while I'm so exposed.

>Thank God I'm under running water, hiding my tears, as I wilt away.

"There, better."

>Better for you at any rate.

>The soap gets rinsed off. Towels are distributed, she goes right back to touching me all over.

>The caress is so delicous.

>That excitement builds again.

"Miss, he keeps being naughty!"

>Coach Munch comes by.

"Twice? That's three too many. We can get him under control."


>Get a hand on my shoulder forcing me down.

>Something round is pulled out of bag. And clicked around my pee-pee. Some white plastic cage. It hurts as it restricts my parts.

>Coach Munch tapes my diaper on and pats it.

"There, no more naughty behavior. You can go Stacy."

>The only slightly positive part of this poopy day walks away to the girl's room.

>I get that shirt back put back on and my wrists bound.

>I have to hold the shoulder of the nubaby ahead of me, a hand on my shoulder from the nubaby behind.

>Teacher joins us and leads us to lunch.

>Coach whispers to her. She looks right at me with a scowl.

>We get lead across the whole darn school to get to the formula line.

>Me and eight others get a bottle from a seperate cooler to the rest.

>Hold it and waddle across the cafeteria. Eyes on the collective 'us' but only feel them on me.

>Stacy and Buddy are near my chair, again. I can see her giggle and hold her thumb and forefinger together much to Buddy's amusement.

>Cheeks burn as the tray is latched by an aide.

>Gag finally unwrapped. Can feel it get hung on the back of the chair.

>I know the drill, drink the darn bottle.

>The first mouthful is that bitter taste from friday.

>Throw that far away.

"No, no poop milk!"

>Big kids stare.

>Immediate regret.

>Aide latches cuffs to the tray top. Nose is held, bottle is forced down.

>Stacy and Buddy watch bemused.

>Really not looking forward to naptime if my parent's cribbing techniques are anything to go by.

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1cbc89  No.85240

Hey OP, how much do I have to pay you to roleplay with me?

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68dcf3  No.85253

File: 265d43e67f857a0⋯.jpg (21.44 KB, 360x334, 180:167, 1556988683987.jpg)


I'm OP and I'll fuck up the thread I made it I want to mister teeny peeny piddle pants.

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68dcf3  No.85254


I answered this before. Maybe post your Kik and I might wanna do something like this.

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1cbc89  No.85255


binkbottom1 is my kik. Thanks for the reply. Hope to talk to you soon.

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dd312c  No.85264


What about just roleplaying without the pay stuff? Would you be open to that? Being teased sounds fun but I'm not about that paying life…

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3680c5  No.85289


Part: it's probably obvious I don't write much smut.

>Be released from the chairs, but link hands.

>The big kids are making a show of waving "Ni-night" to the nubabies.

>We are lead across the school, but instead of going to homeroom, we are diverted to a new room, it's fairly large, but the windows are nearly blacked out.

>Rows of cribs, slightly bigger than my home crib, and with twice the D-rings.

>Teacher addresses us.

"This is the quiet room. If anyone not paci-gagged says anything to disrupt the silence, will get strapped, regardless of good points."

>Already gagged, blah blah blah.

"Your pairs have been approved, obviously a crib for each of you would take up too much space. And until you're further adjusted, you will be latched, snuggled with your nap-buddy. Now to your assigned crib."

>We get directed by the aides to our cribs. They also undress us. "No sense overheating."

>I'm stuck with Pet. Forced to face him, him me, wrists and ankles latched to the rail behind him, his behind me, a tangle of limbs and skin to skin contact, a thin cotton sheet draped over us.

>Its so weird feeling another heartbeat.

"If you are good, you can bring comfort toys to your crib, as long as your nap-buddy is also well-behaved. We'll be back after an hour, have a restful nap."

>They leave. Still face to awkward face with Pet.

>Of course he has his eyes closed, mouth free of obstruction. Obviously not asleep but not wanting to 'break a rule'.

>Oh God my stomach.

>Please not while I'm tied to someone.

>Strike me dead before doing /that/, praying for a heart attack.

>A fart escapes. Pet's eyes open wide with surprise.

>He tries to wiggle away. No such luck.

>Involuntarily curl into him as I try to clench my abdomen.

>Tears come down as the mess inches out.

>The door opens.

>Eyes shut tight, pretending to be anywhere else and doing anything else.

"Psst, Anon." Whispers a familiar voice.


>I turn my head to try to look at him.

"Oh he can't face this way." A different voice chimes in hushed tones.

>Stacy! No the smell….

>They come around to where Pet can't see, but are square in my view.

"Nonny, I told Buddy about your naughty showers. It gave him an idea that I'm super excited about."

>Buddy undoes his fly and shows off his growing manhood.

>My eyes widen in shock, yes I aware he was bigger, but it was practically monsterous.

"This is what Stacy wants, not pants shitting peenies. Get that hope out of your head."

>Stacy kneels and holds it in her hands, showing it off proudly. Her eyes were hungry. She gives it a kiss and a lick.

>I shut my eyes and shake my head. My dreams being actively molested in front of me.

"Aww he's not looking….Hmm, he can wear this if it helps drive the point home."

>Stacy reaches under her skirt to slide a pair of panties off, pink with a little white bow at the front. It has a damp spot in the center. It gets put over my face, nose covered in her musk.

>Peepee gets big, despite the messy diaper.

>Stacy leans over the rail, Buddy behind her, hands gripping the rail.

>Her skirt is flipped up.

>The crib rocks as she gives littles moans.

>Buddy is grunting as he picks up the pacing.

"Ah, oh real cock feels so great, not pathetic like Nonny." She says, desperately trying to keep her tone low.

>My crush is getting fucked in ways I could only dream of now, musty panties on my face. Locked in a dirty diaper, shamefully hard.

>Practically humping Pet.

>It slightly hurts how pinched I feel in the cage.

>Stacy is huffing and panting as Buddy takes her.

>A small leak adds slime to an already ruined diaper.

>Buddy grunts as he climaxes, Stacy out of breath.

>She takes her panties off my face, free to breath fresh air again.

"Geez, I'm going to walk funny, after being with a real man."

"See Anon? Get the silly notion out of your head that someone would want your stinky butt."

>They hurry out to avoid trouble.

>Pet is actually squeezing his arms in a sort of hug.

>I just cry, spirit broken.

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68dcf3  No.85290


You have to give a kik for contact.

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b60016  No.85294


You'd get a really different dynamic out of that. No one call tell which boys have small dicks before PID, but everyone will have some idea which girls have small tits.

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68dcf3  No.85295


What if a bratty girl that made fun of all the others girls for size was found out to have a heavily overstuffed bra? Might have a cute story.

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e40f99  No.85300


>Mommy gets my crocs on, and leads me right out.

Hey my dick might be small and I might wear wet and messy diapers all day, but how dare you shame me wearing Crocs.

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e3664e  No.85302

So, what happens if a man becomes injured and loses penis length or his penis all together? Does he become a nubaby?

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70dba8  No.85306


>The year is 2034

>Phone companies sell out to the Party

>Millions of dick pics are linked with personal data

>Results of previous Penis Inspection Days are updated with the new information

>Men with injured or otherwise undesirable dicks are forced into diapers like a helpless twink

>Social network profiles are scanned for political commentary

>Potential critics of the Party are targeted and given hormonal therapy

>They claim it's to reduce aggressive impulses to curb mass shootings, but the most obvious result is the loss of a few inches.

>The State sends pampervans through neighborhoods to ensure everyone's PID results are "corrected" in a quick and efficient manner

>Nubaby undesirables are unable to taken seriously in politics

>With their small dicks, political enemies are effectively removed from the dating pool, and by that measure, the gene pool as well

>Only those the Party deems worthy get to fuck

>The pornographic propaganda is everywhere. The Party says it's part of a new, sexually liberated future

>But you know it's to remind the nubabies of what they can't have

>If only they were more loyal….

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5e7183  No.85308


Welp my kik is tinythrowaway

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3dc334  No.85310


Ah yes. I do love a bit of dick related eugenics in my porn. Thanks!

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b60016  No.85323


She would surely know that she was bullshitting and didn't stand a chance compared to her big titted classmates, unlike Anon in the greentext who assumed he was safe because he didn't know how big a penis was meant to be.

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3340c9  No.85330


>Implying the goverment doesn't have a dick database already

Cringe and bluepilled

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dd71b4  No.85363

File: 6d7578ab728ea14⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 5344x3006, 16:9, 1.jpg)

File: 0ab008c553014a8⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 5344x3006, 16:9, 2.jpg)

File: 418c087d51084e6⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 5344x3006, 16:9, 3.jpg)

I'm bad at pictures, and I need to shave my legs, but here's me.

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85de27  No.85382


Hm, your dick looks very similar to mine, particularly the head. How do you not have hair follicles turning red around the base of your dick? Mine tend to get very red even though I keep them short enough not to itch.

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881b72  No.85415

Slightly related, how do I shrink my dick? I'm not all that impressive already, only 6" hard, but I want a teeny tiny tictac dick.

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4bb020  No.85419


I've been wondering if there's anything that will do it temporarily…..something type of OTC medication or something that does it as a side effect.

I know back in my partying days adderall, coke, or ecstasy use to make my dick and balls look like a 5 year olds, especially during the come down.

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299e89  No.85420

I love all of this but it is kinda hard to self-insert when you're slightly above average, so I love stories where the main character is actually big enough but gets fucked over by a nurse who just doesn't particularly like him.

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dd71b4  No.85438

File: 04f75375c9d6d50⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 5344x3006, 16:9, 4.jpg)


I only shave about once a week. I can't get it nice and smooth otherwise. It's like the hairs are too short to actually get caught by the razor unless I wait.

Just got home from work. I wore my big-boy undies today.

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3680c5  No.85441


Ew! That's so gross and repulsive, we all know you're going to uncontrollably pee everywhere with those on.

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dd71b4  No.85442

File: 523a9d3bf74408e⋯.jpg (4.75 MB, 1458x2592, 9:16, 5.jpg)


Don't worry, I got changed soon afterwards.

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df5546  No.85449


I personally think your belly and thighs with fuzzies is really cute, anon

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dd71b4  No.85452


Well I'm glad some people seem to like it. I always wanted to be smol and cute, but instead I'm all big and hairy.

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df5546  No.85454


You know, as I got older, I realized sweet and cute slightly fuzzy tummies were truly the best thing out there.

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e40f99  No.85468


Keeping your average wonder locked in chastity and hemorrhoid cream slathered on your peepee every day.

Only reason to take the cage off is for cleaning and putting the cream on. Also invest in a prostate massager since that should be the only way you make stickies in your pamps.

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881b72  No.85480


Hemorrhoid cream helps shrink? I didn't know.

Also, is holy trainer a good cage for extended wear?

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610f6d  No.85497


Hard truth is that everyone's different when it comes to extended wear, so you might need to shop around a little. If you intend to wear it under diapers though, the HT is probably the best imo. Only one that's designed to keep the dick tucked down instead of protruding out. Protruding ones can be really uncomfortable with a tightly taped diaper, especially when an attempted erection is getting stifled.

That being said, if you're small enough to fit in something like the HT nano, any chastity cage should work well enough for you under diapers. Stainless steel cages are a pretty common choice for extended-wear diaperbutts, but I've found they're about equally comfy with good plastic ones like the HT and some obscure 3d-printed options.

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218b03  No.85634


I also want to know if the hemorroid cream helps it shrink, I'm getting to the age that its clear I'm going to end up alone for the rest of my life so I might as well enjoy it somehow

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b457c5  No.85640


What a depressing thing to say. You can't give up seeking a Mummy or Daddy no matter what your age is.

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b457c5  No.85693


This is my ABDL Link account


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bdd474  No.85711

>being laughed at by Aqua

This is a new low

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bdd474  No.85724


This is ridiculous.

I'm not wearing such a stupid, childish garment because of something genetically predetermined, that I have no control of myself

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3680c5  No.85727


What's that? You have no control of yourself? Well we need to diaper you quick before an accident happens.

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e40f99  No.85736


Yes if you are a beginner. Once you get used to that, switch to metal.


Hemmorrhoid cream provides relief by shrinking the veins around the anus and tightening the skin; older women put it around their eyes for wrinkles, bodybuilders slather it on their bodies and wrap themselves with saran wrap to make their skin tight before a competition.

So, the tightening effect must work on other parts of your skin too. Like your soon to be widdle winkie.

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5015a8  No.85757


That's actually great advice, thanks!

Also, you say to switch to metal once I'm used to my trainer, are metal ones just more comfortable, or is there something about them that shrinks peens better? I'm super new to this, so forgive my ignorance.

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03d3c8  No.85759


tfw you will never be laughed at by megumin

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a3c18f  No.85810

Jokes on you, I'm already in a wet diaper.

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1eaeae  No.85871

Semi-serious question here.

Is it possible that being on the smaller end of things (especially when soft) but with a comparatively larger sack could be causing issues with leaking out the top/more often the sides and wings when wetting while laying down? This is happening even with pointing down and all that, and I'm just unsure if it's me not knowing how to position things/my body shape, or just a smol pp problem.

To be honest, I've been debating trying taping and tucking things down there to see if clearing the path a bit would solve or help things at all.

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e40f99  No.85875

File: d7c53f4457e8f58⋯.png (465.5 KB, 1231x608, 1231:608, RM_ExtraHelp.png)


It depends on comfort. Some find metal to be more comfortable than plastic or silicone.

It doesn't shrink winkies any more than plastic/silicone.


If you're locked up like a good little nubaby, then you'll always be pointing down.

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3680c5  No.85887


Back by nobody's demand.

>A light disturbs my sleep.

>When did I fall asleep?

>Explains the Stacy nightmare.

"Mmph?" I grunt around the paci-gag.

"Shh." Pet responds.

>Of course he wants good points, probably would poop himself if he got an A minus.

>Oh wait, Nubaby, poops himself anyway.

>Oh the smell hit me.

>Oh my diaper feels slimy and gross too.

>So I did poop myself.

>And Buddy naughty touched Stacy.

>Naughty touch? He smashed no-no parts.

>I can't think the words I want to think.

>The Teacher and her assistants go around, uncuffing nubabies from cribs, changing them, re-dress them, and make them wait by the door, good hand holding line.

"You must have been very popular Nonny, but naptime isn't the place to catch up with your better-equipped superiors."

"Ma'am I could tell them the rules." Squeals Pet.

"You did good not talking, nobody is blaming you dearie."

>Get uncuffed from around Pet, really not looking forward to that tomorrow.

>He and I get our messy diapers changed, and helped into our clothes.

>We join the line and are marched into homeroom, and directed to our seats.

"This is Art Time. Your assignment is to draw what is the best part about being a Nubaby."

>Teacher's Aides pass out paper and our marked crayon boxes.

>The best part of a rashy deal?

>Can see the teacher put another red card in my slot.

>I am so tired of the laxative bottles, not being able to talk, the constant latching of my cuffs to pin me to where I don't want to be.

>I need to draw something good, and she's probably going to make us present, or at least for those of gagged, as much of a presentation as we can muster.

>In gym Stacy cheered me on…I guess that wasn't terrible, getting her attention in a strange positive way.

>Draw us crawling and some stick figure cheerleaders with massive yum-yums.

>Yum-yums? What does that even mean?

>oh potential milk….but I can't think of them as yum-yums!?

>I put my crayon down in frustration, what was suppose to be two circles ended up being a triangle dress.

>I whine in frustration, the only noise I can still make.

>An aide comes up and grabs my diaper area, the front part.

"No fussy false alarms, only cry if you need help."

>Just nod. Cheeks burning with blood.

"Okay Nubaboes, starting from the back, please stand and show your favorite part of being a Nubaby." The teacher says, she has a clipboard and seems ready to write things down.

>'I like no schoolwork' 'I like being bathed' 'I like the no pants'

>My turn. I stand and hold up my drawing.

"Dsh guuur-" I manage, but any variant of support/cheer/motivate is too complicated to mumble out. I set the page down and clap, then point at me.

>Hope the charades qualify as a good presentation.

>No obvious response, so I just sit down and people keep presenting.

"Very good. We'll put those in your cubbies for you to take home. Now next would be freetime, you'd normall get to go to the playroom and just…well play. But today we're doing another adjustment lesson." The teacher informs us as one by one we get latched to the desks.

>Aides leave, Teacher's headphones on. Cue projector and white noise audio.

>Ending bell rings.

>Wait did I go nap-nap?

>We are getting released from our chairs to collect our diaper bags from the cubbies, to line up and hold hands to walk to the Nubaby bus.

>I think I might be wet…makes sense if I go ni-ni.

>I am in a great mood though. I feel like showing it off with by skipping to the bus.

>A lot of us are. Must have been a good movie. Almost sorry I missed it.

>Everyone gives the driver a hug before getting to their seat to be buckled in.

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a1f4f0  No.85888

im not seeing the correlation between dick size and ethical obligation to wear diapers, pls explain


always tuck in diapers, it just makes the whole thing work better

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3680c5  No.85889


I find if you're laying, it's just tempting a leak, best think is to just control the rate of flow so that it can get wicked quicker than you're flooding it. That and plastic/rubber panties. The cuter the print the better, that's just science.

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1eaeae  No.85895


I should clarify, when I'm talking about tucking, I'm not talking about just pointing things down and such. I mean the whole process of slipping things up inside and taping so things are practically flat down there, sans baby dick in this case.


That would probably work if I didn't have sizable issues going laying down at all; If I ever managed to actually go without needing to focus on doing so in that position, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

As for plastic pants n such, any decent but cheap suggestions?

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c7de47  No.85896


Moat. Also, please have him remember a hypnosis session and describe it.

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3680c5  No.85901


>Remembering hypnosis

>Sounds like a failed hypnotist.

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506a51  No.85910

Stop this! I'm not a baby and I'm definitely not going to wear diapers!

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c7de47  No.85912


That may be true, but think about it. It's very unpleasant to just be "Ok, here's the hypnosis brainwashing" [scene missing] "Ok, here's the school bell".

The people I hypnotize don't have any first-hand memory of it unless I tell them to. They do have the ability, I just need to prime them for it.

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e3664e  No.85919

I was really loving these PID/SPH stories until they started to make the nubabies' minds melt and become actually infantalized. The appeal of all this to me is the humiliation of being forced to become a nubaby, and if you're actually stripped of your mental faculties then there's no more humiliation in it. Sorry, but I guess that's just the DL in me talking (not an AB).

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a438f8  No.85922


I'm liking where this is going. keep it up.


anon, please calm down. all we need is a measurement of your penis. Once we get that, and you're big enough, you're free to go.


I know what you mean. I like mental regression where they lose control of their bladder/bowels or start doing more babyish things, but they act like it's a perfectly normal thing for them and are constantly confused as to why others give them weird looks when they suck their thumb or piss their pants in public.

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f1a1a7  No.85926


No! That's dumb! What does my penis size have to do with me having to wear diapers!

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a438f8  No.85927


if you have a small penis, you could risk leaks and ruin your clothes. You don't want that, do you? We're not going to hurt you, but please lie down so we may measure your penis. Alternatively if you know your measurement, you can tell us.

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f1a1a7  No.85928


My bladder control is perfectly fine, I'm sure my clothes are gonna be as well, and I'm certainly not going to lie down. Well if you really wanna know, it's 7.5 inches. That's surely large enough. Are you happy now?

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a438f8  No.85929


Yep, that passes our test. You're free to go now. Thank you for your cooperation, anon.

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f1a1a7  No.85930


Well, that was easier than I thought. Anyway, good day anon

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735f5e  No.85931

What if you are like 2 inches flaccid but 7 erect asking for a friend……

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990aab  No.85932

File: 3841d462b4e4544⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 940x940, 1:1, 1763-03.jpg)

File: c7e41fffc22a630⋯.jpg (14.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dr50.jpg)

Can someone recommend me a good prostate massager wich will finally give me the orgasm im looking for ? I've tried many vibrators and toys but i never got the relief i was looking for… I was thinking about buying something like this (see picture)

I tried one already (the black one it also vibrates but its kinda to thick for me and it doesnt pleasure me actually…)

Also wich diapers can you recommend ? :)

To give some advice back - If you love the feeling of a messy diaper but hate the smell try the following:

Put oatmeal into a glass soak it with water and let it stand for about 10 mins then heat it up for a 30secs/1min and put it into a small plastic bag - wrap it into a noodle and put it back in your diaper… i guarantee you, you won't feel like a big kid anymore :D

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a31791  No.85935

Look, I know I'll probably end up in diapers but…..can I at least have some boyish looking ones? Please?

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0b70d7  No.85937


Well it depends on how well you behave. If you're a good, obedient boy they might even let you pull-ups, but if you're gonna be bratty and throw tantrums all the time, it's the feminization treatment for you

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a31791  No.85938


Feminization Treatment!? I never heard about this!

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0b70d7  No.85939

Depending on how compliant nubabies like you are, or sometimes if their dicklet is even way smaller than the requirement for diapers they might scrap them as boys all together and reraise them as girls. You know, with all the pink stuff and clitty cages and such. So I'd suggest you be good if you don't wanna find out

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09ce16  No.85940


What if I want to be an obedient girl though?

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0b70d7  No.85941


You want to be an obedient girl? So you want to go through all of the program? Having your clitty locked up and teased, having it shrink from being force-fed hormones, learning to cum from prostate orgasms only. Well I guess you could request it, though it surely would be a weird request. But maybe it won't matter after we see how small you really are…

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a31791  No.85942


N…No I'm good. I know I'm small but I doubt I'm that small….honest…

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0b70d7  No.85943


As I thought. Well you better do what they tell you then. And remember, at least one messy and wet diaper per day is required~

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a31791  No.85944


Yeah……I promise to be good…..so um….is it time for the measurements?

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0b70d7  No.85945

Pretty eager huh? Well Let's get you up on the measuring table then. Don't worry, the cuffs are just security measures. Just put your hands there, I'll have to lock them up.

Alright now let's get those pants of and see what you're packing

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a31791  No.85946


O..ok….Like this? Just tell me I'm big enough for boy diapers….

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0b70d7  No.85947


All nice and secure, just like this. Alright let me get my ruler and remove your underwear. Well with that thing your underwear can go straight into trash. Now let's see, you have to be over 2 inches to be in boy diapers. Uh-oh, it looks like you're exactly 2 inches, girly diapers it is for you then. Just give me a minute to gather all the supplies

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a31791  No.85948


Nooooooo I dont want one!

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0b70d7  No.85949


The rules are the rules. You wanted this measurement anyway, now let's get this cute pink cage on your clitty. It the last one we had for your size, aren't you lucky? I surely wouldn't have wanted to put you in a bigger one. There we go nice and snug, no way you'll be touching that naughty thing anymore.

Alrighty, now only one thing is left, lift up your bum for me so I can put you into this pretty diaper, will you?

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abae14  No.85951


Nooooo! I'm not a girl. I'm a boy! A big boy! I deserve better than this!

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0b70d7  No.85952


Alright, if you want it the hard way, we'll do it the hard way. I can't just secure your feet in this cuffs above so you cause me no trouble. Also let's put this cute pacifier in your mouth and secure it as well, after all baby girls don't know how to speak yet.

Now you know what this is? It's a suppository. And you'll find out what it does soon enough, right after I push it into your girly butt. There we go, I made sure it goes in all the way so you don't push it out again.

Now all I have to do is tape up that diaper on your cute bum and you're finished. You look just lovely, all helpless like that.

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ea50e7  No.85953


Some like cuckhold, some don't.

Some like all/some males diapers, some prefer women.

If I tried to write a story that pleased every taste it would end up going no where. You want more direct humiliation? Add more stories! I wrote that mega story from just one Anon's request, I don't even like SPH that much, but a prompt for globalization gets my juices going and I wanted to contribute. I didn't sit and plan/research and above all it's obvious I didn't proofread. Its smut, it's not Hemingway, I love seeing other contributors and their takes on the theme.

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abae14  No.85954


Mmmmmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph!

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0b70d7  No.85955


>globalization prompt

Like a Thanos snap, but instead of turning to dust, half the population is diapered

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0b70d7  No.85956


Cute little baby girl. And before you make a poopy for me, take a look at this. Do you like how my nurse uniform sits tight around my round ass. Does it make your clitty strain in your cage? Pathetic

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abae14  No.85957


Mmmmmmph….*whimpers and cries*

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0b70d7  No.85959


I'm sure you're going to be a good girl now, aren't you? Now let's get you ready for transit to the next sissy girl school. I'm going to unlock you from the cuffs now. Don't do anything naughty, ok? Here we go.

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abae14  No.85960


*nods and whimpers as I take the pacifier out after being unlocked* will I get to grow up into a big girl?

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3680c5  No.85971



Part Pandering : The Attentionwhoring

>Get Home

>Mommy checks me, little sister checks me, eventually Daddy checks me.

>Be in various states of dry and wet at each check, so frustrating that I can barely tell.

>Absolutely hate that for 'convenience sake' I have a diaper bag with a changing mat in the livingroom so that my family doesn't have to drop everything to change me in the privacy of my nursery, er bedroom.

>Guess it's more a 'Crib'room now, not that cribs aren't beds, but squares and rectangles.

>Dinner is spaghetti and meatballs with a side salad.

>Well dinner for everyone else, I just have to smell it while dinner is a bland formula bottle again.

"Please can I have-"

>I am cut off with a bottle in my mouth, just when the paci-gag gets taken out.

"We went over this honey, solid food was for when we worried about you growing big and strong. It didn't help, and non-solids makes your poopies easier to deal with." Says Mommy.

>Little sister laughs at the word poopies. Not nearly as funny when you're the one having to sit in it.

>Yet she gets to slurp down noodles on her own while I'm bibbed and bottlefed.

"Its just so bor-" I try to complain.

>Paci-gag is in.

"Nubabies have nothing worthwhile to say. You failed this family and yourself. Just be good and stay quiet." Says my Daddy.

>He isn't wrong. I am still so mad at my peepee for being so pathetic.

>Stay locked in highchair while kitchen is cleaned around me. There isn't enough spaghetti left for a meaningful serving, so it just gets thrown away.

>Consider career in dumpster diving.

>After I learn to be an escape artist.

>The only things I'm taught now are how to hug and share, so slim chance of either of those happening.

>Mommy unlatches cuffs from highchair and leads by the hand to the bathroom.

>Get my teeth brushed for me.

>She strips me down to just my cuffs. I hate the next part.

>Sit in my new 'shower chair' and she sponge bathes me.

>Towelled off, overnight diaper on.

>Its not even 8:30…

"Tell your nubaby brother goodnight."

"Goodnight nubaby. " my little sister cheerfully wishes, apparently enjoying her much later curfew.

>Get lead to my crib.

"Its too warm for jammies."

>Latched in just my diaper, thin cotton sheet tucked around me. Mommy kisses forehead and turn off the light and shuts the door.

>So bored. Counted the spikes of my textured ceiling all weekend. So that pastime is used up.

>Think about my day. My thoughts have been funny since adjustment.

>"Mommy" "Daddy" "Yum-yums"

>Trying to draw yum-yums but only being able to draw the stereotypical triangular dress.

>Why is that happening?

>Plus the skipping!

>That happened right after the adjustment video.

>But I sleep through those.

>But now I'm not sure of that. I try to think about what I see in the videos.

>Images of Nubabies getting fed, changed, playing, flashes of words with those like 'happy' 'comfort', 'secure'

>Images like topless women, 'Yum yum!' Vaginas, 'fear', and full sized peepee, 'serve'

>And the audio, I swear I hear a voice through the noise, 'Unlearn, submit, pathetic, weak'

>Get drowsy just thinking about it.

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3f85d9  No.85972


>Vaginas, 'fear'

Wew, that is pathetic. And he forgot that he was wrongfully accused. Total nubaby

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3680c5  No.85986


No, PID Saga's MC is only 4 and 5/8ths of an inch. Close but fairly discriminated.

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e40f99  No.85990


If you're a bit limber, you already have the best prostate massager. Your fingers.

Otherwise, get a basic Aneros like the MGX or the Helix Syn if you prefer silicone to plastic.

I recommended ABU Simple Ultra/PeekABU but those are sold out atm, so go with Simple/Space/LittlePawz or if you perfer Tykeables, Overnights.

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8624b6  No.85998


>Dad thinks his son is failure for having a small cock. Either it's his failed genetics not passing it on or…mommy over there is fucking someone who has a smaller peepee and barely passed.

Btw guys I passed PID if you dont want your kids to be nubabbys make sure they take a rhino pill before school that day. That fucker added on an extra inch and a half I swear. Only downside it made me super sick afterwards.

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fdd509  No.86015

but… but… I wanna wear diapers… I'm 8" but I guess I'm ok with pullups…

honestly I didn't realise how small everyone's dicks were here but I'm not that surprised

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1410cf  No.86017


Because you're not 8 inches. You're lying or measuring wrong. The latest metastudy on penis sizes with a sample size of in the tens of thousands has shown the average erect penis length to be 5.1 inches. Over severn is rare and over eight is exceedingly rare - one in several thousand.




So either you're truly a freak of nature or you're not measuring right.

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fdd509  No.86019


what point would you measure it from? I measure from the base which I feel is wrong bc I'm never sure it's 8 inches, but people who've seen it say it's definitely around that

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298a76  No.86027


>an average that includes Asians dragging down the number

Bad news dicklette, when adjusted for asians eye the TRUE average is 9". Anything less deserves diapers.

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33a1a4  No.86029

File: c5f28e8ac1bfd48⋯.gif (74.33 KB, 278x340, 139:170, 1446080803775.gif)


okay first of all

>the TRUE average is 9". Anything less deserves diapers.

shameless LARP no effort, not believable enough



>not a dicklet


hilarious and arousing, requesting some dicklette art pls

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e3664e  No.86031

Any chance we could find out what happens to someone who passed PID with a large penis, but he secretly has a diaper, chastity, and feminization fetish that's eventually discovered? I can only imagine what would happen…

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1410cf  No.86040


Measuring from the base gives you at LEAST an extra 1.5 inches if not even more.

The results from the meta study all use the same method, which is measurement along the top of the penis to the pelvic bone. The results are accurate due to the method being the same across all studies, and it doesn't matter if you're fat or can't get an erection - they will push the fat back to the pelvic bone and stretch the penis to it's maximum length to ensure accurate measurement.

tl;dr - the largest and most advanced study on dick size to date puts 90% of all men between 4 - 6 inches with 5.1 being average. Anything over 7 is very rare, and finding someone with a true 8 inch cock is like finding a person 7 feet tall. It happens, but not nearly as often as faggots on 4chan would have you believe.

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1410cf  No.86041



The mesta study included subjects from all over the world, and there was absolutely no correlation between race and penis size. Nor was there any significant correlation to foot size, hand size, or height. Anyone can have any sized dick no matter where they're from or what they look like.

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1410cf  No.86042

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7ee054  No.86066

Can't imagine I'll add much original to all the other stories, but wanted to chip in anyway:

>Penis Inspection Day

>already measured myself, a fine 7"

>been locked in gym all day so no one can take viagra and cheat

>need to pee pretty bad

>senior girls helping nurses in inspection stations, senior guys watching for the hell of it

>finally, inspections starts

>not many nubabies, but every one is laughed at as they walk out wearing nothing but a diaper

>get called up, walk in to curtain-surrounded station

>hot senior Jessica who I have a crush on is there

>nurse holding tape measure

>pack of syringes filled with something on the desk

>fear of needles


>what are they going to do to me?!

>no need to worry, have 7" dick

>worry anyway

>can't even imagine getting hard now

>Jessica pulls down my pants, cradles my dick and balls

>nurse reaches for syringe


>Jessica fondles me, but I'm limp as a worm

>"You've had an erection before, haven't you, Anon?"


>"Can you get one now."

>"Y-yes, just give me a minute. W-what are those needles for."

>"Only for very unruly babies," Nurse replies. "Co-operate and you don't have to worry about that."

>Jessica keeps rubbing. "Come on, anon."

>I can't

>Nurse says, "if the boy can't maintain an erection, we'll just have to measure as-is"

>"Wait, please!" I cry

>"We don't have all day. I'm measuring."

>"No! I can get hard! Just wait a minute!"

>Nurse's glance shoots daggers at me. "Don't be unruly, baby."

>2 inches. I can't help but start crying.

>Jessica puts her arm around me as nurse enters my measurement in the computer

>my fate is sealed

>Jessica pulls off the rest of my clothes

>shoves me down on to the changing mat

>Nurse says she's popping out to get more supplies, if Jessica will be OK alone

>Jessica unfolds a diaper

>it's all white except for some cartoony teddy bear designs on the front

>slides it under me

>opens a tub of rich-smelling cream

>begins to rub it on me as I quietly cry on the mat

>rubs it into my sides, the small of my back, my butt

>her finger slides into my crack and teases around my asshole

>I finally start to get hard

>she rubs it up my taint, over my balls, massaging them in her hand

>I'm at full mast

>"Please, measure me now"

>"I'm sorry, Anon, you had your chance"

>She wraps her hand around my throbbing cock, and rubs the cream up and down it

>"Wow, Anon, this is actually pretty big!"

>"Please, you've got to tell the nurse that. I'm not a baby!"

>"The only thing I'll be telling the nurse is that you were talking back to me, and then you know what she'll do, so you'd better shut up."

>I do

>she keeps stroking

>it feels almost unbearably good

>"It's a shame, I could have had so much fun with this"

>really close to cumming

>"Oh well, guess it belongs in diapers now"

>she lets go

>I whine and stare at her pleadingly through teary eyes

>Dare not speak

>She sprinkles powder all over me and the diaper

>my cock throbs, my hips rock, begging for more

>"Aww, did I get little Anon too excited?"

>Pulls the diaper up and tapes it, sealing my aching cock in

>it strains, bulging the front of the diaper

>Jessica looks at me for a moment

>"Well, people aren't going to want to see that when you walk out. Maybe I should do something to help…"

>starts rubbing the front of the diaper

>within seconds I cum, my whole body buckling, moan escaping my lips

>hope no one heard

>jizz into the very top of my diaper, feel it spreading over my pubes and stomach

>Jessica pulls me up into a hug. "I hope you enjoyed that, Anon. It's the last orgasm you'll ever have."

>I start crying again, hating myself, hating everything

>Jessica shoves me out, and the crowd of seniors and those who passed the test all laugh at the latest nubaby

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7ee054  No.86070


>hang my head, face red, ears burning, nothing but shame

>at least I'm not pitching a tent any more

>but I do really need to pee. Always need to go after cumming

>haven't been all day. Sudden intolerable pressure in my bladder

>walk to the other nubabies. Don't look any in the eye

>find the kindergarten teacher watching over them

>"Miss, I really need to go to the bathroom."

>"You don't have to ask permission any more, just go."

>"What, I can just go to any bathroom? I've never seen a nubaby in one…"

>Teacher chuckles. "No, silly boy. I meant you can just go in your diaper. That's your bathroom now."

>face gets even redder

>of course, why did I think I wouldn't have to use the diaper?

>"Um, I'll wait."

>"For what? The only way that diaper's coming off is if it's full and needs changing. So just use it when you need to. Holding it in is only going to hurt you."

>Fuck that. I bunch my fists up, glare at the teacher.

>"Whatever plan you're thinking up, it's not going to work. Just use the diaper, or I'll get the nurses to come and restrain you. You don't want to make a bad impression on your first day as a baby, do you?"

>Fuck her. But… there was nothing I could do. The thought of the nurse poking me with a needle terrifies me

>I sigh. "OK, fine. I don't."

>"Good boy," she coos. "What's your name?"


>"Well, you go and stand with the other nubabies, Anon, while the last of the inspections happen. Get to know them. And remember to just let go!"

> I sigh again and stomp away

>bladder is killing me

>stand behind the other nubabies, hiding from the crowd as much as possible

>can't believe what I'm about to do

>try to let just a trickle of pee out to relieve the pressure

>the floodgates open, can't control it

>diaper filling up with piss

>feel the warmth spreading front and back

>feel its padding bulk up, pushing my legs apart

>feel it get heavier and heavier

>see teacher watching me approvingly. Never felt so embarrassed in my life

>Inspections are done, only me and five other nubabies this year

>and I shouldn't even be one of them

>surely there's got to be a way I can be measured again

>teacher calls out, "We're all done here. Nubabies, stay with me. The rest of you boys, well done, you're free to go home."

>"Junior and senior girls, you're all expected to help out with baby care if needed, so please stay here for care lessons"

>girls begin to gather round

>"First, we'll start with how to change a diaper. We already have one nubaby in need of changing."


>teacher walks over to me

>takes me by the hand, pulls me to the front of the group

>"As you can see, this baby is very wet already"

>I want to die

>Other boys haven't even finished leaving the gym, yet

>everyone bursts out laughing

>"It's nothing to laugh at," teacher continues, "nubabies can't help that they have to go in their diapers."

>"When their diaper's on show, you can see if it's wet enough to be sagging, then it needs changing. But if the baby's wearing a onesie or something else, it's good to know the feel of a wet diaper."

>"So girls, line up, then compare Tom's dry diaper to Anon's wet one."

>One by one, 40 girls come up to feel our diapers

>they pat my butt, run their finger around the leg and waist bands, grab the front

>some rub the front, some give it a squeeze

>cock begins to get hard again

>but now it's pointing down, and straining in a painful position

>"Now, who volunteers to do the first diaper change? Someone who wasn't helping out in the inspection stations? Yes, Hannah, you can do it. Can someone else grab the supplies from a station?"

>girl fetches diapers, wipes, power, cream and diaper sacks, as well as the rolled-up changing mat

>puts mat on the floor

>teacher gives my hand to Hannah's. "Make him lie down on the mat, then untape his diaper. And be prepared - it might be very smelly inside"


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7ee054  No.86072


>Hannah is in my year. Gorgeous, petite, with long raven hair

>We get on well. Not quite friends, but she always stuck up for me

>Now she just looks at me with pity as she gently guides me on to the mat

>One good thing is that with nearly 50 eyes on me, my erection has gone

>Wait, is that good? If teacher sees how big I am, surely she'll realise how stupid this all is

>Try to get hard again. Hannah leans over me, untaping the diaper. Stare down her top

>Feel the cold as my soaking wet pecker is exposed to everyone

>Dick so shrivelled and small, it's like it's trying to hide

>Teacher starts to instruct. "Now, slide that diaper out from under him and put it aside."

>"Get a few wipes out, and clean him thoroughly. Make sure you get into every crevasse. We don't want our nubabies getting a rash! You can put those dirty wipes in the diaper."

>"Now, open up a new diaper, then fold it lengthways down the middle. This will get rid of the original creases, and put a new one in for better fit"

(this is an actual top tip from Abena packaging)

>"Sprinkle power over him, and rub it in to any damp skin, getting it all completely dry"

>Can't bear to look at Hannah as her hands are caressing my most intimate area

>Can't bear to look at the other girls, watching intently

>Can't bear to look at the nubabies, who I think are all still dry

>Close my eyes and try to hold back my sobs and tears

>Try to channel everything into getting hard

>"Next is the cream. This prevents rashes, so make sure every bit of skin is covered with it, even around his sides and the small of his back - these places can get sweaty and nasty. Roll him onto his side, if you need to."

>Hannah does

>Feel her hands all over me again

>"Make sure his privates are well-covered, too."

>Keep my eyes closed as she slathers the cream all over my balls and cock

>"Sprinkle some more power over everything, then make sure his little penis is pointing down. Otherwise, he might pee right out of the top of the diaper!"

>This gets a laugh from all of the girls

>"Pull the front of the diaper up, making sure the front and back halves come to the same height. Adjust if you have to. Then, pull out the tapes, pull them round nice and tight, and stick them to the cute teddy bear landing area."

>Finally, my shame is hidden, still as soft as a well-cooked noodle.

>"The legbands and waistbands should be snug to the skin to prevent leaks, but not so tight as to leave marks. Too tight is better than too loose, though"

>This is definitely tighter than the last diaper. Feel like everything is being squeezed

>Hannah pats the front of it, hurting my balls

>I open my eyes. Looking down, I can't stand the sight of myself

>Nothing but a cartoony diaper on, residue of fresh talcum powder around my waist and legs

>Loads of girls looking down at me

>Can almost see up the skirts of those closest by

>Feel my cock twinge

>Why now, and not five minutes ago?

>"OK everyone," teacher calls, "nubabies, it's time to take you to the kindergarten for your initiation. Girls, you'll be in the main hall learning about nubaby care for the rest of the afternoon, starting with videos on diaper changing, and different types of diapers. There'll be practical demonstrations whenever more babies need changing!"

>shuffle out of room with the other 5 unfortunate souls, to learn what kind of hell we're going to be put through

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3680c5  No.86088


A new Anon writes a story!

Felt like I was autistically bumping this thread with PID saga, my back is happy to share the load. Can't wait to see how your kindergarten differs from my adjustment classes.

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a438f8  No.86095

>tfw no story where both guys and girls get diapered for having a small penis or small breasts.

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9b4715  No.86097


really wanna know the answer to this (not so much the chastity but yes to everything else)

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3680c5  No.86104


Nubaby Equality

>Be Femnon

>Be current year

>Don't know how it passed but it did.

>The definition of Nubaby was expanded because of dumb equality precedence.

>My grade will be the first generation of girls also judged on PID!

>Being treated equal to a nubaby!

>Well…only if you don't have the cup size of a real woman.

>I've been 'lithe' my whole life and was really looking forward to a real man picking me up to rail me against a wall.

>But my A cups….

>Its not fair or equal!

>Be PID.

>See the boys line up all nervous, at least they still go first.

>Talk with my girlfriends in the bleachers.

"Its not fair!" I complain

"Well…it saves the real men for the real women, who don't stuff like that bitch Stacy."

"Inorite? The skank probably tried blowing the principle to get out of 'Puberty Inspection Day'."

>Can't laugh in delight at the dumb nubabies that once thought they were real men.

>There are traditions! What happened to respecting history!?

>The boys are finished, only 15 nubabies are crying and trying to hide in the play-fenced section of the gym they have to wait in for their re-orientation.

>Whistle sounds.

>Coach Munch calls our attention and has us line up.

"I'm as disappointed by this chauvinistic practice as the rest of you, but as the law requires…you will get your name called, the real men that passed have volunteered to record the findings and diaper you accordingly. You will take your top fully off, the Nurse will measure your cup size with calipers. I think everyone here knows the cut-off."

>Wait in line, arms crossed to hide my shame.

"Femnon, station 6."

>Shit on a shingle, its Tucker recording and Samuel diapering.

>Why couldn't it be other way around, Sam has always been a creep.

>At least there is an adult to keep him in line.

>Fucking he'll, she's flat too. Old hag would have been a nubaby if they inspected girls back in her day.

>Insult to injury.

>Instructed to take top and bra off.

>Hold my hands behind my back to 'cleanly present'

>Calipers must have been stored in a damn cooler before getting used.

>Nips are hard as diamonds. Sam is leering. Ugh fucking Sam.

"A range. Pants dear, lay on the mat."

>Only wearing my shoes at this point.

>Knew this was going to be outcome, just have to face this with more maturity and dignity than the pathetic nubabies.

>Sam is taking his time rubbing powder on.

"Miss!?" I object to the Nurse.

"Don't be fussy or you'll get the paci-gag."

>Fucking helpful.

>Sam gets the hint though and tapes me up.

>Don't get clothes back, nubabies can't cover their diapers, and it was just proved that *I* don't have anything sexy to cover.

>Have to sit with those pathetic nubabies for re-orientation now.

>Dawn's on me as I walk over in only a diaper and my flats that nubaby means *me* now too.

>Try not to cry.


>Silently weep.

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a438f8  No.86115


cute. Now I wanted what the girls re-orientation will be like? Will they share a re-orientation with the boys?

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643c18  No.86169


This is both cute and hot at the same time

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3680c5  No.86191


I wish I had the drive and inspiration to fully flesh out Femnon's day, but yes, it would just be a rehash, reeducation, 'English' followed with gym shared with the cheer squad, where not-so-bra-stuffing Stacy could tease Femnon, help bathe/change her, the walk of shame to the formula line and back to the high chairs. For the first year girl nubabies are still kept separate from the regular nubabies (because nubaby is still short hand for failed boy), so they can't cuff-hump at naptime. Then 'Art' where they have to positively affirm their treatment. Then second adjustment, or later in the year, free time, with building blocks and cars and dolls and dress up clothes.

The hypnosis files would need to be fiddled with, but I mostly did fade to black, so it's not like I would need to elaborate on the differences.

Yes, I am as disappointed in myself as you are in me.

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3627bd  No.86205

File: b219c4d21372a3d⋯.jpeg (2.16 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 6525CA55-4C59-42AE-B55C-C….jpeg)

What do you guys think can I still use the big boy potty :3 I think I should be fine right ^•^

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771eee  No.86207


Get that tiny thing into some padding little boy.

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3627bd  No.86209


But what if I don’t wanna :3 I mean I have to get a tattoo tomorrow and I’m getting a mani pedi :3 I don’t want someone to see or much less hear 😱😱

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3627bd  No.86211

File: 2601879c4996268⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 03D58129-9366-4598-A97E-C….jpeg)


Fine >~< I’m padded hmpf but I can still use the potty right!!!

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893911  No.86216

File: 6a951d3918f7ca9⋯.png (201.71 KB, 500x494, 250:247, thanos.png)


I should be studying what am I even doing.

>Be femanon

>Sitting on the bleachers surrounded by other students, the sounds of joyful conversation fill the gym.

>It’s PID

>We see one of the tent’s privacy curtains begin to move.

>Everyone goes silent, eager to find out if we have a new nubaby.

>A short unassuming, glassed wearing boy nervously exits the tent, wearing nothing by a childish tee shirt and a blue, baby print diaper.

>Everyone erupts into laughter, everyone that is, except for me.

>The girl in front of me dressed in her cheerleader’s outfit turns around, whipping the tears of laughter from her eyes.

“I always knew he wouldn’t make it!” She says with a beaming smile.

>I nervously play with my tee-shirt, hoping that this day would just be over already.

“Hey what’s wrong, you worried? There’s nothing for you to worry about, you’ll clearly make the cut! I mean come on, we’ve known each other since kindergarten!”

>I chuckle nervously. I’ve hidden it well, none of the other girls expect.

>A few more boys exit the tents, all of them puffing out their chests, looking proud.

>The crowd is almost disappointed.

>A long black haired lady wearing a lab coat comes out of one of the tents holding a clipboard. She adjusts her glasses and begins to speak.

“That’s it for the boys, could the girls of class 2-A please line up for inspection.”

>We start to move, most of the girls chatting away as if it was nothing out the ordinary.

>The jock sitting next to the cheerleader girl stands up and starts to leave.

“Alright babe, I know for sure you’ll be fine so I’ll meet later. Maybe then I can give you some of my “remarkably above average size” that shocked the nurse so much!”

>He leaves laughing with a few of his friends in tow.

>Stacy tugs at my hand.

“Come on!” She insists.

>We line up. My heart sinks further and further as time passes and the line gets shorter.

>Until, finally, I’m up next.

>The black haired lady from earlier comes up to and tells me to follow her into one of the available rooms.

>She tells me to sit on the bed and remove my shirt. It’s not even a comfortable bed, just an average school sick bay bed.

>I can feel my hands tremble as I unbutton my shirt. The woman closes the curtain behind us and pulls her clipboard out from under her arm.

>I can’t help but notice how well-endowed she is as she writes down notes on it.

>I’ve taken my shirt off by the time she’s finished. She looks over at me.

“Bra too hun’.”

>I fumble with the clasp on the back of my bra, my hands to shaky to get a good grip.

“Performance anxiety, dear? You’re not the first. Let me give you a hand.”

>She pushes my torso to the side and reaches for the clip.

“You don’t have anything to worry about, you’re clearly big eno-“

>My now unhooked bra drops down my arms taking a handful of tissues with it.


>She glances down at my breasts, or should I say, lack of, and then back up at my face. I turn my head away to try and hide my now reddening face from her judgemental gaze.

>She quickly jots something down on her clipboard before reaching for a tape measure.

“Arms up.” She says coldly.

“I’m sorry.” I whisper as I raise my arms, feeling my lower lip tremble. “I wasn’t trying to trick anyone I just…”

>I trail of as she glares back at me.

>She wraps the cold tape measure around my chest for a moment before she checks it and removes it just as quickly as she had put it there.

>She places the tape measure back and notes another thing down.

“D-did I make it? Am I big enough?”

>I try to convince myself that I’ve passed but I know, I’ve known for a long time.

>She looks back at me, almost sneering as she turns her nose up at me.

“No dear.”

>My heart skips a beat. I feel the room go cold.

“A-cups are not ‘big enough’”.

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893911  No.86217


>She places the clipboard down on one of the counters and opens a box placed nearby.

>I cross my arms across my chest, almost as if to hide my shame.

“No, I mean come on- I, I can just keep pretending right? No-one has to know? Can’t you just-“

>She cuts me off with a stern “No.”

>I stand up from the bed.

“No- no, please!”

>My home body is trembling, the lump in my throat making it hard to say anything at all.

>The lady stands in from of me holding ‘it’.

>My whole body goes cold when I see it, the soft white adult diaper she’s holding.

>I grab at her lab coat, pulling on it like a child trying to get their parents attention.

“No, please, please, please…”

“Please lay down on the bed little one.”

>She starts to lay the diaper out on the bed.

“No, no! I won’t!” I stammer as the tears start to well up.

>She places a hand on my shoulder and pushes me down onto the bed with a strength I didn’t expect she had.

>In one quick motion she pulls my socks and shoes off, my pants and panties were next.

>I push back at her, trying to get her off me.

“NO!” I scream.

>Everyone outside definitely heard that but at this point I don’t care, my mind was only on one thing.

“I’m NOT a baby!”

>The tears probably aren’t helping my case.

>A tall, plainly dressed bearded man enters the room. I’d seen him before; he is one of the teachers that handles the nubabies.

“Sounds like you need some help.” He says jovially.

“Yes, please, they’ve got it all wrong! I’m not flat! Please!” I stammer while flailing on the edge of the bed, trying to resist being pushed down.

>He gives a deep belly laugh and walks over to us.

>He grabs my thin legs and pulls them over the diaper.

“No! NO! NO!!” I start flailing around, desperate to do anything to get free from the grasp of the two adults.

>This can’t be happening. I’m a big girl.

“Hold onto her for a moment please.” She lady says as she leaves the bedside.

>I can feel the snot flowing from my nose and my eyes stinging from crying. I must have looked pathetic, flailing around naked on the bed but I didn’t care, I only wanted it to stop.

“Come-on love.” The man says almost reassuringly as he holds my flailing from down. “You want to be a big girl don’t you?”

>He holds both my arms and legs with only a single hand each but even then I couldn’t free myself.

>He was a big muscly guy after all, just like my dad.

>The lady returned back and gestured to the man. He lifted my legs up in a single motion.

>I felt something plastic-y slide underneath my butt. My legs were then lowered back down onto it.

>The black haired lady then grabs a bottle and liberally applies powder to my crotch.

>I crane my neck forward to try and see more of what’s happening to me but the man’s body blocked most of my view as he held me down.

>I hear crinkling as the diaper wraps around my shaking body and ripping as the tape is applied.

>I close my eyes and try to pretend that this isn’t happening. I feel the pressure on my arms and legs release.

“There we go little one” The man happily remarks “All done, not so bad was it?”

>I open my eyes and look down. In the place where my panties should be is the brightest pink diaper I’ve ever seen. Covered in cartoon print and at least one size too big so that it looks like I’m swimming in it.

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893911  No.86218


>The man grabs a tissue and wipes my face.

“There we go, how’s that?” He smiles at me reassuringly.

>I can’t even respond.

“It’s cute, isn’t it?” The woman remarks “If you had acted more grown up, you would have gotten the standard one but instead you get the princess diaper.”

“Some little ones are fussier than others; you have to just give them time and they’ll come around.”

>The man lifts me up and holds me against his chest. He continues talking to me in his deep baritone voice as if to sooth me but I just sob quietly with my face pressed into his shirt.

“There, there.” He softly rubs my back.

>We continue like this for a while before I settle down and he puts me back down onto my feet.

>I give another sob as I look down and see the diaper again.

“Alright all done.” The woman says as she leans down slightly and grabs my hand.

>She pulls on my hand and I’m too emotionally exhausted to resist. I tug on the diaper to keep it from falling down.

>Before I even notice, we’ve exited the tent and I’m standing in front of Stacy.

>I look up at her, she’s smirking sadistically.

“On wow, I knew all of that yelling was you” She looks at my chest. “Mosquito bites after all, I always knew you were a faker.”

>She covers her mouth slightly with one hand and chuckles; I can hear other students in the background laughing along.

“We’re going to have so much fun with you”.

>I feel my face flush red as I feel all of the eyes staring at my body that would be naked if not for the fluffy, childish diaper. My eyes still red and stinging from crying.

“Enjoy your new life!” She shouts back at me as she and a few of her friends walk off with the occasional backwards look laughing each time they do.

>The man holds out his hand to me.

“Don’t mind them” He says, “Seems I’m your new daddy.”

>I wipe my nose and then sniff before glaring at him.

“Or just Dad, Dad is fine too.”

>He leads me to a makeshift playpen with large foam jigsaw pieces as its base and sweeps me of my feet to put me in.

“Now just stay here, your parents will be here to pick you up soon. And then tomorrow, you’ll get to meet your second mummy, won’t that be nice?”

>The railing shakes slightly as I lean back on it, still in shock as to what’s happen. It doesn’t even feel real yet.

>One of the other nubabies comes over to be, it’s the boy that everyone was laughing at earlier.

“It’s not so bad, really, they said we don’t have to take normal cases anymore so there’s that.”

>I look at him, defeated.

>He nudges his glasses with his finger and sits beside me.

“And I mean, diapers aren’t so bad, right? It’s like having a cushion to sit on wherever you go.”

>I look around; there are a few girls and a few boys, none of them wearing a brightly coloured baby diaper like me.

>I place my hand on my diaper, it crinkles under my touch. The cartoon unicorns on it seem to almost mock me for having a flat chest.

>We sit in sentence for the rest of the time. In the end, only one girl failed after me, making a total of 7 boys and 4 girls.

>When my parents arrive, they coo words of comfort to me as I sit there depressed. During the ride home I sit in the back silently as I listen to my parents talk about how it’s all okay, that’s they’re not angry and that they will be able to buy the things that we’re going to need for my new life.

>I scratch my face idly as I stare out the car window, still feeling the wet spots from where I was crying earlier. Before I’d even realised it, I’d drifted off.

Sorry if this is completely terrible, my writing style is probably weird. I may or may not finish this.

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3680c5  No.86231


It was fine, not like my works were 'good', and you did a whole 3 parts all by yourself! Whose a tough little worker bee? You are! And no potty breaks, what an iron blad- oh the smell just hit me, wow.

Interesting to have 2 teachers and have them take such an intimate title of mom and dad, now I'm curious what your classes look like.

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dd7623  No.86243

This isn't sph related, but it's related enough to the stories here that I'm not making another thread for it.

I had this crazy dream where I was still in high school and my parents found my diaper stuff. Their response was to force me to be a baby girl to humiliate me out of enjoying that stuff, and part of this involved enrolling me in a special class in school for other kids like me. In this class, I did nothing but use my diapers and jerk off in them all the time, and my parents wouldn't let me do my homework for my other classes so I would fail, and my status as a baby would be further reinforced. After being taken to a formal dinner as baby and not being allowed to talk any time without facing threats of a locking gag, I decided fuck it and just went to the store to get some regular clothes. Later, I wanted to be a baby again so I crawled back into the special classroom, loaded my undies, and sat down until someone took care of me.

On a side note, does the "pee dream" stop working after a certain age? I remember it being the bane of my dry sheets as a little kid, but even after my dream last night, I woke up totally clean and dry. Even when I purposely try for it and chug water and slam 3 shots before bed, I always wake up before I leak.

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ffd512  No.86290

File: 3196bf606bb65e4⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 4160x3120, 4:3, IMG_20190516_202348.jpg)

Guys im at work i can be a big boy at work right :3 i mean that should be okays :3

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3680c5  No.86297


Oh God no! You'll ruin their furniture by either peeing or cumming on everything! You need a diaper asap, and wear clothes that allow your supervisor to check you easily!

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a438f8  No.86300

File: 08bc6ee653929d9⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, __igarashi_futaba_senpai_g….jpg)


anon, see me in my office. We need to talk about that thing.

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ffd512  No.86308


*knock knock* you umm asked to see me

What is this umm about

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a438f8  No.86311

File: d392e1b76292c51⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 865x1649, 865:1649, __takizawa_kyouko_bijin_on….jpg)


anon, other employees have been telling me that you've been showing your penis to them. Not only that, but we've also been told that you were seen not wearing a diaper as well. You know the rule, employees with penises that are 4 inches or shorter must be diapered at all times. For these offenses, I should fire you. However company policy means you get to be given one more chance. From now on, you will be on probation for the next year, and you will be monitored to make sure your penis stays in diapers, and that you do not cause trouble for other employees. Your bathroom privileges will also be revoked as well, and we will have someone assigned to you to change your diapers. Do I make myself clear?

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ffd512  No.86314


Thats completely unfair is this really what this company is all!! I will not stand for it you cant make!! *pouts*

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a438f8  No.86315

File: 2c6a57463b77dae⋯.jpg (770.15 KB, 1365x2002, 15:22, __takizawa_kyouko_bijin_on….jpg)


anon, calm down. Your temper tantrums is one of the reasons you're in here right now. Now, you can either put the diaper on and we'll assign you to a new sector, or I'll have to let you go here. Now, it's time for you to decide. Would you like to be let go today, or would you like to continue being a part of our team?

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ffd512  No.86316


Fine youre right ill out on the diaper, jeez this is so humiliating and i have to actually use it >•>!

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a438f8  No.86317

File: 7deb5319ded60ff⋯.jpg (230.55 KB, 2059x2912, 2059:2912, __takizawa_kyouko_bijin_on….jpg)


That's more like it. Don't worry, you'll get used to wearing these, and it looks like your pants cover them up pretty well. You'll get to be a part of our special sector, where all the diaper wearing employees go. It's not that much different than before, but you get to wear diapers when you work, and you'll someone to take care of you and change you, feed you, and keep you on task. Now, do you need me to show you where you'll be working from now on?

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ffd512  No.86318


*looks down towards my tiny shame* yes ma'am

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a438f8  No.86319

File: 67467d41ca0ffa0⋯.jpg (339.2 KB, 2150x3357, 2150:3357, __takizawa_kyouko_bijin_on….jpg)


very well, I'll show you to your new work station. it's just up the stairs, and around the corner on the fifth floor. You might recognize some of the people there. The boys and girls there also didn't meet the required penis or breast size for the job, so we put them in diapers, just like you. That way nobody can make fun or demoralize them. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask the nice ladies. They'll answer any questions you have. Good luck in your new position, anon.

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26c91e  No.86320


Are you gonna wanna see an update the next time i am work ma'am

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526c03  No.86562

File: a85f044da537321⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 709E50A8-844C-4E5B-A424-C….jpeg)

File: 86251bbd0b5acd4⋯.jpeg (2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ABD02BF1-86BE-4F8A-A30E-4….jpeg)

All locked and padded, looks like I won't be passing on PID! But that's okay, I love my diapers and pretty dresses!

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326b0d  No.86566

lets get some more PID stories, from boy's perspective if you please

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526c03  No.86608


Bump for more teeny tiny nubaby stories!

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dafe5b  No.86610

As long as the pampers are girly, I'm fine

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08dd71  No.89064

File: 6f3156d2dee5b42⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 1080x1845, 24:41, 1458713396641.jpg)

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ca04e8  No.89336

Why are you all complaining? Being a nubaby is super fun! The nice ladies put me in the cutest little dresses.

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